# Javadoc #JDK8 - mvn site:site #rscpSLF4J apidocs/ # JDK 11+ # adding the following #mvn -Ddoclint=none -Dadditionalparam=-Xdoclint:none javadoc:aggregate #mvn versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=${VERSION_NUMBER} MVN='/java/maven-3.5.2//bin/mvn' function checkExit(){ if test "$?" != "0"; then echo Command $1 exited with abnormal status exit 1; else echo $? fi } function echoRunAndCheck () { # echo and then run the command echo $1 $1 ret=$? if test "$ret" != "0"; then echo Failed command: $1 exit 1; else echo Successful run: $1 fi } echoRunAndCheck "$MVN clean" echoRunAndCheck "$MVN install" #echoRunAndCheck "$MVN site:site" #echoRunAndCheck "$MVN javadoc:aggregate" #echoRunAndCheck "$MVN jxr:aggregate" if [ ! -z "$PASS" ] then export GPG_TTY=$(tty) echoRunAndCheck "$MVN deploy -P javadocjar,sign-artifacts" fi git tag -m "tagging" -a v_${VERSION_NUMBER} git push --tags #Update release version and add next version on jira echo Full Success