path: root/asmack-master/README.markdown
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Diffstat (limited to 'asmack-master/README.markdown')
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/asmack-master/README.markdown b/asmack-master/README.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..751291b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asmack-master/README.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+aSmack - buildsystem for Smack on Android
+*This repository doesn't contain much code, it's a build environment!*
+Tracking trunk can be hard. Doing massive changes on top of trunk can
+be near impossible. We are mixing 6 open source projects to provide a
+working xmpp library for Android. All trunk-based.
+This repository contains a source fetching, patching and building
+script. As well as all the minor changes to make an Android version
+fly. See the patches/ folder for a detailed list of changes and
+Compiled JARs
+Can be found @ http://asmack.freakempire.de/
+Make sure to [*read the
+for every release.
+[![Flattr this git repo](http://api.flattr.com/button/flattr-badge-large.png)](https://flattr.com/submit/auto?user_id=Flowdalic&url=https://github.com/flowdalic/asmack&title=asmack&language=&tags=github&category=software)
+Compiling aSmack
+1. copy local.properties.example to local.properties and set the
+Android SDK path (e.g. sdk-location=/opt/android-sdk-update-manager/
+on a gentoo system)
+2. Run build.bash
+aSmack uses a [special fork of
+smack](https://github.com/Flowdalic/smack). You can read about the
+results you will get when using one of the various branches provides
+in the
+Apps that use this fork of aSmack
+- [GTalkSMS](http://code.google.com/p/gtalksms/) uses many features of Smack and XMPP on Android:
+ - File Transfer
+ - MUC
+ - Entity Caps
+ - and many more
+- [yaxim](https://github.com/ge0rg/yaxim)
+- your app?
+If possible, please base patches on smack, not on aSmack. You can use
+the 'upstream' branch from [smack @
+github](https://github.com/Flowdalic/smack). Only in some cases the
+'master' branch should be used.
+If your code follows [Smack's contributor guidelines](
+http://community.igniterealtime.org/docs/DOC-1984), is good documented
+and comes with some testcases, then it's possible to commit it
+upstream. Simply join ##smack @ freenode and ask for a code review.
+We do not keep a seperate CONTRIBUTORS file, and we discourage @author
+tags. However you're free to add your full name to every git commit,
+and we will preserver this. Let us know if you've helped on
+non-technical stuff and we'll find a way to give you the deserved
+Join ##smack @ freenode
+Licences / Used libraries
+We only accept Apache and BSD-like licences.
+We are currently using code from
+ * Apache Harmony (sasl/xml) (Apache Licence)
+ * smack (xmpp) (Apache Licence)
+ * novell-openldap-jldap (sasl) ([OpenLDAP Licence][1])
+ * Apache qpid (sasl) (Apache Licence)
+ * jbosh (BOSH) (Apache Licence)
+ * dnsjava (dns srv lookups) (BSD)
+ * custom code (various glue stuff) (WTFPL | BSD | Apache)
+This should work for just about every project. Contact us if you have
+problems with the licence.
+ [1]: http://www.openldap.org/devel/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/LICENSE?rev= "OpenLDAP Licence"