// Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Brian Wellington (bwelling@xbill.org) // // Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Nominum, Inc. // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND NOMINUM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL NOMINUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY // SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES // WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT // OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. // package org.xbill.DNS; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import org.xbill.DNS.utils.*; /** * Tokenizer is used to parse DNS records and zones from text format, * * @author Brian Wellington * @author Bob Halley */ public class Tokenizer { private static String delim = " \t\n;()\""; private static String quotes = "\""; /** End of file */ public static final int EOF = 0; /** End of line */ public static final int EOL = 1; /** Whitespace; only returned when wantWhitespace is set */ public static final int WHITESPACE = 2; /** An identifier (unquoted string) */ public static final int IDENTIFIER = 3; /** A quoted string */ public static final int QUOTED_STRING = 4; /** A comment; only returned when wantComment is set */ public static final int COMMENT = 5; private PushbackInputStream is; private boolean ungottenToken; private int multiline; private boolean quoting; private String delimiters; private Token current; private StringBuffer sb; private boolean wantClose; private String filename; private int line; public static class Token { /** The type of token. */ public int type; /** The value of the token, or null for tokens without values. */ public String value; private Token() { type = -1; value = null; } private Token set(int type, StringBuffer value) { if (type < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); this.type = type; this.value = value == null ? null : value.toString(); return this; } /** * Converts the token to a string containing a representation useful * for debugging. */ public String toString() { switch (type) { case EOF: return ""; case EOL: return ""; case WHITESPACE: return ""; case IDENTIFIER: return ""; case QUOTED_STRING: return ""; case COMMENT: return ""; default: return ""; } } /** Indicates whether this token contains a string. */ public boolean isString() { return (type == IDENTIFIER || type == QUOTED_STRING); } /** Indicates whether this token contains an EOL or EOF. */ public boolean isEOL() { return (type == EOL || type == EOF); } } static class TokenizerException extends TextParseException { String message; public TokenizerException(String filename, int line, String message) { super(filename + ":" + line + ": " + message); this.message = message; } public String getBaseMessage() { return message; } } /** * Creates a Tokenizer from an arbitrary input stream. * @param is The InputStream to tokenize. */ public Tokenizer(InputStream is) { if (!(is instanceof BufferedInputStream)) is = new BufferedInputStream(is); this.is = new PushbackInputStream(is, 2); ungottenToken = false; multiline = 0; quoting = false; delimiters = delim; current = new Token(); sb = new StringBuffer(); filename = ""; line = 1; } /** * Creates a Tokenizer from a string. * @param s The String to tokenize. */ public Tokenizer(String s) { this(new ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes())); } /** * Creates a Tokenizer from a file. * @param f The File to tokenize. */ public Tokenizer(File f) throws FileNotFoundException { this(new FileInputStream(f)); wantClose = true; filename = f.getName(); } private int getChar() throws IOException { int c = is.read(); if (c == '\r') { int next = is.read(); if (next != '\n') is.unread(next); c = '\n'; } if (c == '\n') line++; return c; } private void ungetChar(int c) throws IOException { if (c == -1) return; is.unread(c); if (c == '\n') line--; } private int skipWhitespace() throws IOException { int skipped = 0; while (true) { int c = getChar(); if (c != ' ' && c != '\t') { if (!(c == '\n' && multiline > 0)) { ungetChar(c); return skipped; } } skipped++; } } private void checkUnbalancedParens() throws TextParseException { if (multiline > 0) throw exception("unbalanced parentheses"); } /** * Gets the next token from a tokenizer. * @param wantWhitespace If true, leading whitespace will be returned as a * token. * @param wantComment If true, comments are returned as tokens. * @return The next token in the stream. * @throws TextParseException The input was invalid. * @throws IOException An I/O error occurred. */ public Token get(boolean wantWhitespace, boolean wantComment) throws IOException { int type; int c; if (ungottenToken) { ungottenToken = false; if (current.type == WHITESPACE) { if (wantWhitespace) return current; } else if (current.type == COMMENT) { if (wantComment) return current; } else { if (current.type == EOL) line++; return current; } } int skipped = skipWhitespace(); if (skipped > 0 && wantWhitespace) return current.set(WHITESPACE, null); type = IDENTIFIER; sb.setLength(0); while (true) { c = getChar(); if (c == -1 || delimiters.indexOf(c) != -1) { if (c == -1) { if (quoting) throw exception("EOF in " + "quoted string"); else if (sb.length() == 0) return current.set(EOF, null); else return current.set(type, sb); } if (sb.length() == 0 && type != QUOTED_STRING) { if (c == '(') { multiline++; skipWhitespace(); continue; } else if (c == ')') { if (multiline <= 0) throw exception("invalid " + "close " + "parenthesis"); multiline--; skipWhitespace(); continue; } else if (c == '"') { if (!quoting) { quoting = true; delimiters = quotes; type = QUOTED_STRING; } else { quoting = false; delimiters = delim; skipWhitespace(); } continue; } else if (c == '\n') { return current.set(EOL, null); } else if (c == ';') { while (true) { c = getChar(); if (c == '\n' || c == -1) break; sb.append((char)c); } if (wantComment) { ungetChar(c); return current.set(COMMENT, sb); } else if (c == -1 && type != QUOTED_STRING) { checkUnbalancedParens(); return current.set(EOF, null); } else if (multiline > 0) { skipWhitespace(); sb.setLength(0); continue; } else return current.set(EOL, null); } else throw new IllegalStateException(); } else ungetChar(c); break; } else if (c == '\\') { c = getChar(); if (c == -1) throw exception("unterminated escape sequence"); sb.append('\\'); } else if (quoting && c == '\n') { throw exception("newline in quoted string"); } sb.append((char)c); } if (sb.length() == 0 && type != QUOTED_STRING) { checkUnbalancedParens(); return current.set(EOF, null); } return current.set(type, sb); } /** * Gets the next token from a tokenizer, ignoring whitespace and comments. * @return The next token in the stream. * @throws TextParseException The input was invalid. * @throws IOException An I/O error occurred. */ public Token get() throws IOException { return get(false, false); } /** * Returns a token to the stream, so that it will be returned by the next call * to get(). * @throws IllegalStateException There are already ungotten tokens. */ public void unget() { if (ungottenToken) throw new IllegalStateException ("Cannot unget multiple tokens"); if (current.type == EOL) line--; ungottenToken = true; } /** * Gets the next token from a tokenizer and converts it to a string. * @return The next token in the stream, as a string. * @throws TextParseException The input was invalid or not a string. * @throws IOException An I/O error occurred. */ public String getString() throws IOException { Token next = get(); if (!next.isString()) { throw exception("expected a string"); } return next.value; } private String _getIdentifier(String expected) throws IOException { Token next = get(); if (next.type != IDENTIFIER) throw exception("expected " + expected); return next.value; } /** * Gets the next token from a tokenizer, ensures it is an unquoted string, * and converts it to a string. * @return The next token in the stream, as a string. * @throws TextParseException The input was invalid or not an unquoted string. * @throws IOException An I/O error occurred. */ public String getIdentifier() throws IOException { return _getIdentifier("an identifier"); } /** * Gets the next token from a tokenizer and converts it to a long. * @return The next token in the stream, as a long. * @throws TextParseException The input was invalid or not a long. * @throws IOException An I/O error occurred. */ public long getLong() throws IOException { String next = _getIdentifier("an integer"); if (!Character.isDigit(next.charAt(0))) throw exception("expected an integer"); try { return Long.parseLong(next); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw exception("expected an integer"); } } /** * Gets the next token from a tokenizer and converts it to an unsigned 32 bit * integer. * @return The next token in the stream, as an unsigned 32 bit integer. * @throws TextParseException The input was invalid or not an unsigned 32 * bit integer. * @throws IOException An I/O error occurred. */ public long getUInt32() throws IOException { long l = getLong(); if (l < 0 || l > 0xFFFFFFFFL) throw exception("expected an 32 bit unsigned integer"); return l; } /** * Gets the next token from a tokenizer and converts it to an unsigned 16 bit * integer. * @return The next token in the stream, as an unsigned 16 bit integer. * @throws TextParseException The input was invalid or not an unsigned 16 * bit integer. * @throws IOException An I/O error occurred. */ public int getUInt16() throws IOException { long l = getLong(); if (l < 0 || l > 0xFFFFL) throw exception("expected an 16 bit unsigned integer"); return (int) l; } /** * Gets the next token from a tokenizer and converts it to an unsigned 8 bit * integer. * @return The next token in the stream, as an unsigned 8 bit integer. * @throws TextParseException The input was invalid or not an unsigned 8 * bit integer. * @throws IOException An I/O error occurred. */ public int getUInt8() throws IOException { long l = getLong(); if (l < 0 || l > 0xFFL) throw exception("expected an 8 bit unsigned integer"); return (int) l; } /** * Gets the next token from a tokenizer and parses it as a TTL. * @return The next token in the stream, as an unsigned 32 bit integer. * @throws TextParseException The input was not valid. * @throws IOException An I/O error occurred. * @see TTL */ public long getTTL() throws IOException { String next = _getIdentifier("a TTL value"); try { return TTL.parseTTL(next); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw exception("expected a TTL value"); } } /** * Gets the next token from a tokenizer and parses it as if it were a TTL. * @return The next token in the stream, as an unsigned 32 bit integer. * @throws TextParseException The input was not valid. * @throws IOException An I/O error occurred. * @see TTL */ public long getTTLLike() throws IOException { String next = _getIdentifier("a TTL-like value"); try { return TTL.parse(next, false); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw exception("expected a TTL-like value"); } } /** * Gets the next token from a tokenizer and converts it to a name. * @param origin The origin to append to relative names. * @return The next token in the stream, as a name. * @throws TextParseException The input was invalid or not a valid name. * @throws IOException An I/O error occurred. * @throws RelativeNameException The parsed name was relative, even with the * origin. * @see Name */ public Name getName(Name origin) throws IOException { String next = _getIdentifier("a name"); try { Name name = Name.fromString(next, origin); if (!name.isAbsolute()) throw new RelativeNameException(name); return name; } catch (TextParseException e) { throw exception(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Gets the next token from a tokenizer and converts it to an IP Address. * @param family The address family. * @return The next token in the stream, as an InetAddress * @throws TextParseException The input was invalid or not a valid address. * @throws IOException An I/O error occurred. * @see Address */ public InetAddress getAddress(int family) throws IOException { String next = _getIdentifier("an address"); try { return Address.getByAddress(next, family); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw exception(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Gets the next token from a tokenizer, which must be an EOL or EOF. * @throws TextParseException The input was invalid or not an EOL or EOF token. * @throws IOException An I/O error occurred. */ public void getEOL() throws IOException { Token next = get(); if (next.type != EOL && next.type != EOF) { throw exception("expected EOL or EOF"); } } /** * Returns a concatenation of the remaining strings from a Tokenizer. */ private String remainingStrings() throws IOException { StringBuffer buffer = null; while (true) { Tokenizer.Token t = get(); if (!t.isString()) break; if (buffer == null) buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append(t.value); } unget(); if (buffer == null) return null; return buffer.toString(); } /** * Gets the remaining string tokens until an EOL/EOF is seen, concatenates * them together, and converts the base64 encoded data to a byte array. * @param required If true, an exception will be thrown if no strings remain; * otherwise null be be returned. * @return The byte array containing the decoded strings, or null if there * were no strings to decode. * @throws TextParseException The input was invalid. * @throws IOException An I/O error occurred. */ public byte [] getBase64(boolean required) throws IOException { String s = remainingStrings(); if (s == null) { if (required) throw exception("expected base64 encoded string"); else return null; } byte [] array = base64.fromString(s); if (array == null) throw exception("invalid base64 encoding"); return array; } /** * Gets the remaining string tokens until an EOL/EOF is seen, concatenates * them together, and converts the base64 encoded data to a byte array. * @return The byte array containing the decoded strings, or null if there * were no strings to decode. * @throws TextParseException The input was invalid. * @throws IOException An I/O error occurred. */ public byte [] getBase64() throws IOException { return getBase64(false); } /** * Gets the remaining string tokens until an EOL/EOF is seen, concatenates * them together, and converts the hex encoded data to a byte array. * @param required If true, an exception will be thrown if no strings remain; * otherwise null be be returned. * @return The byte array containing the decoded strings, or null if there * were no strings to decode. * @throws TextParseException The input was invalid. * @throws IOException An I/O error occurred. */ public byte [] getHex(boolean required) throws IOException { String s = remainingStrings(); if (s == null) { if (required) throw exception("expected hex encoded string"); else return null; } byte [] array = base16.fromString(s); if (array == null) throw exception("invalid hex encoding"); return array; } /** * Gets the remaining string tokens until an EOL/EOF is seen, concatenates * them together, and converts the hex encoded data to a byte array. * @return The byte array containing the decoded strings, or null if there * were no strings to decode. * @throws TextParseException The input was invalid. * @throws IOException An I/O error occurred. */ public byte [] getHex() throws IOException { return getHex(false); } /** * Gets the next token from a tokenizer and decodes it as hex. * @return The byte array containing the decoded string. * @throws TextParseException The input was invalid. * @throws IOException An I/O error occurred. */ public byte [] getHexString() throws IOException { String next = _getIdentifier("a hex string"); byte [] array = base16.fromString(next); if (array == null) throw exception("invalid hex encoding"); return array; } /** * Gets the next token from a tokenizer and decodes it as base32. * @param b32 The base32 context to decode with. * @return The byte array containing the decoded string. * @throws TextParseException The input was invalid. * @throws IOException An I/O error occurred. */ public byte [] getBase32String(base32 b32) throws IOException { String next = _getIdentifier("a base32 string"); byte [] array = b32.fromString(next); if (array == null) throw exception("invalid base32 encoding"); return array; } /** * Creates an exception which includes the current state in the error message * @param s The error message to include. * @return The exception to be thrown */ public TextParseException exception(String s) { return new TokenizerException(filename, line, s); } /** * Closes any files opened by this tokenizer. */ public void close() { if (wantClose) { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } protected void finalize() { close(); } }