modelVersion: 4.0.0 groupId: org.yaml artifactId: snakeyaml version: 1.17-SNAPSHOT packaging: jar # TODO must be bundle properties: { bitbucket, UTF-8} name: SnakeYAML description: YAML 1.1 parser and emitter for Java inceptionYear: '2008' url: issueManagement: {system: Bitbucket, url: ''} mailingLists: - {name: SnakeYAML developers and users List, post:} scm: {connection: 'scm:hg:', developerConnection: 'scm:hg:', tag: HEAD, url: ''} licenses: - {distribution: repo, name: 'Apache License, Version 2.0', url: ''} developers: - {email:, id: asomov, name: Andrey Somov} - {email:, id: maslovalex, name: Alexander Maslov} - {email:, id: Jordan, name: Jordan Angold} prerequisites: {maven: 3.3.1} dependencies: - {artifactId: junit, groupId: junit, optional: false, scope: test, type: jar, version: '4.12'} - {artifactId: spring, groupId: org.springframework, optional: false, scope: test, type: jar, version: 2.5.6} - {artifactId: velocity, groupId: org.apache.velocity, optional: false, scope: test, type: jar, version: 1.6.2} - {artifactId: joda-time, groupId: joda-time, optional: false, scope: test, type: jar, version: '1.6'} distributionManagement: repository: {id: sonatype-nexus-staging, layout: default, name: Nexus Release Repository, uniqueVersion: true, url: ''} snapshotRepository: {id: sonatype-nexus-snapshots, layout: default, name: Sonatype Nexus Snapshots, uniqueVersion: false, url: ''} build: pluginManagement: plugins: - {artifactId: maven-site-plugin, extensions: false, groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins, inherited: true, version: '3.4'} plugins: - artifactId: maven-compiler-plugin configuration: {source: '1.5', target: '1.5', encoding: '${}'} extensions: false groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins inherited: true version: '3.3' - artifactId: maven-surefire-plugin configuration: argLine: -Xmx512m includes: {include: '**/*'} excludes: {exclude: '**/'} extensions: false groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins inherited: true version: 2.18.1 - artifactId: maven-eclipse-plugin configuration: {buildOutputDirectory: bin} extensions: false groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins inherited: true version: '2.10' - artifactId: cobertura-maven-plugin configuration: check: {totalBranchRate: '80', totalLineRate: '95'} formats: {format: xml} instrumentation: excludes: {exclude: org/yaml/snakeyaml/external/**} executions: - goals: [clean, check] id: default inherited: true priority: 0 extensions: false groupId: org.codehaus.mojo inherited: true version: '2.7' - artifactId: maven-changes-plugin executions: - configuration: {failOnError: 'true'} goals: [changes-validate] id: validate-changes inherited: true phase: pre-site priority: 0 extensions: false groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins inherited: true version: '2.11' - artifactId: maven-source-plugin executions: - goals: [jar] id: default inherited: true priority: 0 extensions: false groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins inherited: true version: '2.4' - artifactId: maven-javadoc-plugin configuration: links: {link: ''} executions: - goals: [jar] id: attach-javadocs inherited: true priority: 0 extensions: false groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins inherited: true version: 2.10.3 - artifactId: maven-license-plugin configuration: header: src/etc/header.txt quiet: 'false' failIfMissing: 'true' aggregate: 'false' includes: {include: src/**/*.java} excludes: {exclude: src/main/java/org/yaml/snakeyaml/external/**} useDefaultExcludes: 'true' useDefaultMapping: 'true' strictCheck: 'true' encoding: UTF-8 executions: - goals: [format] id: default inherited: true phase: site priority: 0 extensions: false groupId: com.mycila.maven-license-plugin inherited: true version: 1.10.b1 - artifactId: maven-bundle-plugin configuration: instructions: {_nouses: 'true', Export-Package: "!org.yaml.snakeyaml.external*,\n\ \ org.yaml.snakeyaml.*;version=${project.version}", Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.5} extensions: true groupId: org.apache.felix inherited: true version: 2.5.4 - artifactId: maven-site-plugin executions: - goals: [attach-descriptor] id: attach-descriptor inherited: true priority: 0 extensions: false groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins inherited: true version: '3.4' profiles: - activation: {activeByDefault: false, jdk: '[1.8,)'} build: plugins: - artifactId: maven-javadoc-plugin configuration: {additionalparam: '-Xdoclint:none'} extensions: false groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins inherited: true - artifactId: maven-site-plugin configuration: reportPlugins: plugin: groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins artifactId: maven-javadoc-plugin configuration: {additionalparam: '-Xdoclint:none'} extensions: false groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins inherited: true id: jdk8 source: pom - build: plugins: - artifactId: maven-compiler-plugin configuration: {source: '1.8', target: '1.8'} extensions: false groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins inherited: true - artifactId: build-helper-maven-plugin executions: - configuration: sources: {source: '${basedir}/src/test/java8/'} goals: [add-test-source] id: add-java8-test-source inherited: true phase: generate-test-sources priority: 0 extensions: false groupId: org.codehaus.mojo inherited: true version: '1.10' id: with-java8-tests source: pom - activation: activeByDefault: false property: {name: performRelease, value: 'true'} build: plugins: - artifactId: maven-gpg-plugin executions: - goals: [sign] id: sign-artifacts inherited: true phase: verify priority: 0 extensions: false groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins inherited: true version: '1.6' id: release source: pom - build: plugins: - {artifactId: findbugs-maven-plugin, extensions: false, groupId: org.codehaus.mojo, inherited: true, version: 3.0.2} - {artifactId: maven-pmd-plugin, extensions: false, groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins, inherited: true, version: '3.5'} id: findbugs reporting: excludeDefaults: false plugins: - {artifactId: maven-jxr-plugin, groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins, inherited: true, version: '2.5'} - {artifactId: findbugs-maven-plugin, groupId: org.codehaus.mojo, inherited: true, version: 3.0.0} - artifactId: maven-pmd-plugin configuration: linkXref: 'true' sourceEncoding: utf-8 minimumTokens: '100' targetJdk: '1.5' excludes: {exclude: '**/external/*.java'} groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins inherited: true version: '3.4' source: pom - build: plugins: - artifactId: maven-resources-plugin executions: - configuration: outputDirectory: ${android.src} resources: resource: directory: ${basedir}/src/main/java filtering: 'false' excludes: {exclude: org/yaml/snakeyaml/introspector/} goals: [copy-resources] id: copy-src-for-android inherited: true phase: generate-sources priority: 0 - configuration: outputDirectory: ${android.test.classes} resources: resource: {directory: '${basedir}/src/test/resources'} goals: [copy-resources] id: copy-test-resources-for-android inherited: true phase: process-test-resources priority: 0 extensions: false groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins inherited: true version: '2.7' - artifactId: maven-patch-plugin configuration: {patchDirectory: '${basedir}/src/patches/android/', targetDirectory: '${android.src}', skipApplication: 'false', strip: '4'} executions: - configuration: {patchTrackingFile: '${}/android/patches-applied.txt', naturalOrderProcessing: 'true'} goals: [apply] id: android-patches inherited: true phase: process-sources priority: 0 extensions: false groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins inherited: true version: '1.2' - artifactId: maven-antrun-plugin executions: - configuration: target: javac: {} goals: [run] id: build-for-android inherited: true phase: compile priority: 0 extensions: false groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins inherited: true version: '1.8' - artifactId: maven-surefire-plugin executions: - configuration: {classesDirectory: '${android.classes}', reportsDirectory: '${}/android/surefire-reports', testClassesDirectory: '${android.test.classes}', testFailureIgnore: 'true'} goals: [test] id: test-android inherited: true phase: test priority: 0 extensions: false groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins inherited: true - artifactId: maven-jar-plugin executions: - configuration: {classesDirectory: '${android.classes}', classifier: android} goals: [jar] id: package-android-jar inherited: true phase: package priority: 0 extensions: false groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins inherited: true id: android properties: {android.test.classes: '${}/android/test-classes/', android.classes: '${}/android/classes/', android.src: '${}/android/src/'} source: pom reporting: excludeDefaults: false plugins: - artifactId: maven-changes-plugin configuration: {issueLinkTemplate: ''} groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins inherited: true reportSets: - id: default inherited: true reports: [changes-report] version: '2.11' - artifactId: maven-surefire-report-plugin configuration: {showSuccess: 'true'} groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins inherited: true version: 2.18.1 - artifactId: cobertura-maven-plugin configuration: formats: {format: xml} groupId: org.codehaus.mojo inherited: true version: '2.6' - artifactId: maven-javadoc-plugin groupId: org.apache.maven.plugins inherited: true reportSets: - configuration: {doctitle: 'API for ${} ${project.version}', windowtitle: 'API for ${} ${project.version}', testDoctitle: 'Test API for ${} ${project.version}', testWindowtitle: 'Test API for ${} ${project.version}'} id: html inherited: true reports: [javadoc] version: 2.10.1