path: root/portable/src/pmemory_ext.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'portable/src/pmemory_ext.c')
1 files changed, 369 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/portable/src/pmemory_ext.c b/portable/src/pmemory_ext.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a30a6cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/portable/src/pmemory_ext.c
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+ * pmemory_ext.c *
+ * *
+ * Copyright 2007, 2008 Nuance Communciations, Inc. *
+ * *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); *
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. *
+ * *
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at *
+ * *
+ * *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software *
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, *
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. *
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and *
+ * limitations under the License. *
+ * *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "pmemory.h"
+#include "ptrd.h"
+#include "pmutex.h"
+#include "passert.h"
+#include "pmemory_ext.h"
+#include "pmalloc.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+#if defined(USE_THREAD) && defined(USE_DINKUM_LIB_DIRECT)
+ static MUTEX memextMutex;
+#ifdef RTXC
+ void* operator new(size_t size)
+ {
+ return (PortNew(size));
+ }
+ void operator delete(void* ptr)
+ {
+ PortDelete(ptr);
+ }
+ /* to assist with leak checking */
+static int portNewCount = 0;
+static int portDeleteCount = 0;
+ /* enable writing and checking of guard words if debugging is enabled */
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ /* crash on Xanavi's board with this option on, do not know why */
+ /* #define DBG_GUARD_WORDS */
+#endif /* _DEBUG */
+ /* ************************************************************************************
+ * ************************************************************************************/
+ /* data ******************************************************************************/
+ static BOOL gMemoryInitted = FALSE; /* TODO: Temporary fix to PortTerm failure */
+#define MEM_MGR_GetPoolSize() PortMallocGetPoolSize()
+#define MEM_MGR_SetPoolSize(sizeInBytes) PortMallocSetPoolSize(sizeInBytes)
+#define MEM_MGR_Init() PortMallocInit()
+#define MEM_MGR_Term() PortMallocTerm()
+#define MEM_MGR_Allocate(sizeInBytes) PortMalloc(sizeInBytes)
+#define MEM_MGR_Free(objectPtr) PortFree(objectPtr)
+#define MEM_MGR_Dump()
+#define MEM_MGR_GetMaxMemUsed() PortMallocGetMaxMemUsed()
+ /* guard word data ********************************************************/
+#define GUARD_BEGIN 0xbbbbbbbb
+#define GUARD_END 0xeeeeeeee
+#define GUARD_OFF_START sizeof(unsigned int)
+#define GUARD_OFF_PTR (sizeof(unsigned int) + sizeof(unsigned int))
+#define GUARD_EXTRA (sizeof(unsigned int) + sizeof(unsigned int) + sizeof(unsigned int))
+#define GUARD_OFF_END(allocSize) ((allocSize) - sizeof(unsigned int))
+#define GUARD_ALLOC_SIZE(reqSize) ((reqSize)+GUARD_EXTRA)
+#define GUARD_PTR_FIELD(ptr,off) (unsigned int *)((char *)(ptr) + (off))
+#define GUARD_ALLOC_PTR(ptr) (void*) ((char *)(ptr) - GUARD_OFF_PTR)
+ /* scan guard words data **************************************************/
+ /* maintain a static list of allocated blocks (didn't want to perform any dynamic allocation).
+ * This list can be scanned by PortMemScan() to determine if any allocated blocks
+ * have overwritten their guard words.
+ * Calling PortDelete() will check guard words upon de-allocation, but many
+ * allocated blocks are only freed at program termination, which sometimes doesn't happen.
+ *
+ * This software is enabled separately with DBG_SCAN_GUARD_WORDS, because the performance
+ * overhead is severe.
+ */
+ static void *allocArray[MAX_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS+1];
+ static int allocArrayCount = 0;
+ void AddToAllocList(void *memPtr);
+ void RemoveFromAllocList(void *memPtr);
+#define ADD_TO_ALLOC_LIST(ptr) AddToAllocList(ptr)
+#define REMOVE_FROM_ALLOC_LIST(ptr) RemoveFromAllocList(ptr)
+#define ADD_TO_ALLOC_LIST(ptr)
+ /* Guard Functions ********************************************************/
+ /* AddToAllocList() : maintain an array of allocated blocks that can be
+ * used by PortMemScan() to check for overwritten guard words.
+ */
+ void AddToAllocList(void *memPtr)
+ {
+ allocArray[allocArrayCount] = memPtr;
+ allocArrayCount++;
+ if (allocArrayCount >= MAX_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS)
+ {
+ char buf[256];
+ sprintf(buf, "AddToAllocList ERROR : MAX_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS is too small (%d)", allocArrayCount);
+ }
+ }
+ /* RemoveFromAllocList() : maintain an array of allocated blocks that can be
+ * used by PortMemScan() to check for overwritten guard words.
+ */
+ void RemoveFromAllocList(void *memPtr)
+ {
+ int i; /* loop index */
+ int j; /* loop index */
+ int inList = FALSE; /* TRUE when found in list */
+ for (i = 0; i < allocArrayCount; i++)
+ {
+ if (allocArray[i] == memPtr)
+ {
+ inList = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ PORT_ASSERT(inList == TRUE); /* MUST be in list */
+ /* remove by sliding down all following entries */
+ for (j = i + 1; j < allocArrayCount; j++)
+ allocArray[j-1] = allocArray[j];
+ allocArrayCount--;
+ allocArray[allocArrayCount] = NULL; /* clear out end of list */
+ }
+ /* PortMemScan() : scan the array of allocated blocks, confirming that no
+ * allocated block has overwritten its guard words.
+ */
+ void PortMemScan(void)
+ {
+ int i;
+ PortCriticalSectionEnter(&PortMemoryCriticalSection);
+ /* scan the allocated memory list */
+ for (i = 0; i < allocArrayCount; i++)
+ {
+ /* verify that guard words have not been corrupted */
+ void *memPtr = allocArray[i];
+ void *allocPtr = GUARD_ALLOC_PTR(memPtr);
+ unsigned int *requestedSizePtr = GUARD_PTR_FIELD(allocPtr, GUARD_OFF_REQ_SIZE);
+ unsigned int *guardStartPtr = GUARD_PTR_FIELD(allocPtr, GUARD_OFF_START);
+ unsigned int *guardEndPtr = GUARD_PTR_FIELD(allocPtr, GUARD_OFF_END(GUARD_ALLOC_SIZE(*requestedSizePtr)));
+ if ((*guardStartPtr) != GUARD_BEGIN)
+ {
+ PLogError("PortMemScan : corrupted start guard from block 0x%08x \n", (int)memPtr);
+ }
+ if ((*guardEndPtr) != GUARD_END)
+ {
+ PLogError("PortMemScan : corrupted end guard from block 0x%08x \n", (int)memPtr);
+ }
+ }
+ PortCriticalSectionLeave(&PortMemoryCriticalSection);
+ }
+#endif /* DBG_SCAN_GUARD_WORDS */
+ /* Port Memory Functions ******************************************************/
+ /* PortMemGetPoolSize() : return size of portable memory pool, or 0 if
+ * unknown.
+ */
+ int PortMemGetPoolSize(void)
+ {
+ return MEM_MGR_GetPoolSize();
+ }
+ /* PortMemSetPoolSize() : set size of portable memory pool on PSOS.
+ * This must be called before PortMemoryInit(), which is called by PortInit().
+ */
+ void PortMemSetPoolSize(size_t sizeInBytes)
+ {
+ MEM_MGR_SetPoolSize(sizeInBytes);
+ }
+ /* PortMemoryInit() :
+ */
+ int PortMemoryInit(void)
+ {
+#if defined(USE_THREAD) && defined(USE_DINKUM_LIB_DIRECT)
+ if (createMutex(&memextMutex) == ESR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ if (!gMemoryInitted)
+ {
+ MEM_MGR_Init();
+ gMemoryInitted = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return gMemoryInitted;
+ }
+ /* PortMemoryTerm() :
+ */
+ void PortMemoryTerm(void)
+ {
+ * Figure out why free memory causes rn#0 is get messed up! */
+ MEM_MGR_Term();
+#if defined(USE_THREAD) && defined(USE_DINKUM_LIB_DIRECT)
+ deleteMutex(&memextMutex);
+ gMemoryInitted = FALSE;
+ }
+ /* PortNew() :
+ */
+ void* PortNew(size_t sizeInBytes)
+ {
+ if (gMemoryInitted)
+ {
+ void *pMemory = NULL;
+#if defined(USE_THREAD) && defined(USE_DINKUM_LIB_DIRECT)
+ lockMutex(&memextMutex);
+ portNewCount++;
+ sizeInBytes += GUARD_EXTRA; /* space for: requestedSize,guardStart,guardEnd */
+ pMemory = MEM_MGR_Allocate(sizeInBytes);
+ if (NULL != pMemory)
+ {
+ /* at the beginning of the buffer, store the requested size and a guard word.
+ * Store another guard word at the end of the buffer.
+ */
+ /* set guard words at either end of allocated buffer; will be checked at delete time */
+ unsigned int * requestedSizePtr = GUARD_PTR_FIELD(pMemory, GUARD_OFF_REQ_SIZE);
+ unsigned int * guardStartPtr = GUARD_PTR_FIELD(pMemory, GUARD_OFF_START);
+ unsigned int * guardEndPtr = GUARD_PTR_FIELD(pMemory, GUARD_OFF_END(sizeInBytes));
+ *requestedSizePtr = sizeInBytes - GUARD_EXTRA;
+ *guardStartPtr = GUARD_BEGIN;
+ *guardEndPtr = GUARD_END;
+ pMemory = (void *) GUARD_PTR_FIELD(pMemory, GUARD_OFF_PTR);
+ }
+#endif /* DBG_GUARD_WORDS */
+#if defined(USE_THREAD) && defined(USE_DINKUM_LIB_DIRECT)
+ unlockMutex(&memextMutex);
+ return pMemory;
+ }
+#ifdef PSOSIM
+ /* PSOSIM's license manager calls new() before PSOS is running */
+ else
+ {
+ return(malloc(sizeInBytes));
+ }
+#else /* PSOSIM */
+ /* Memory allocator not initialized when request for memory was made */
+ passert(FALSE && "Call PortInit() before calling any portable functions\r\n");
+ return NULL;
+#endif /* PSOSIM */
+ }
+ void PortDelete(void* objectPtr)
+ {
+#if defined(USE_THREAD) && defined(USE_DINKUM_LIB_DIRECT)
+ lockMutex(&memextMutex);
+ portDeleteCount++;
+ {
+ /* verify that guard words have not been corrupted */
+ void *allocPtr = GUARD_ALLOC_PTR(objectPtr);
+ unsigned int *requestedSizePtr = GUARD_PTR_FIELD(allocPtr, GUARD_OFF_REQ_SIZE);
+ unsigned int *guardStartPtr = GUARD_PTR_FIELD(allocPtr, GUARD_OFF_START);
+ unsigned int *guardEndPtr = GUARD_PTR_FIELD(allocPtr, GUARD_OFF_END(GUARD_ALLOC_SIZE(*requestedSizePtr)));
+ passert((*guardStartPtr) == GUARD_BEGIN);
+ passert((*guardEndPtr) == GUARD_END);
+ objectPtr = allocPtr;
+ }
+ MEM_MGR_Free(objectPtr);
+#if defined(USE_THREAD) && defined(USE_DINKUM_LIB_DIRECT)
+ unlockMutex(&memextMutex);
+ }
+ void PortMemTrackDump(void)
+ {
+ MEM_MGR_Dump();
+ }
+ /* PortGetMaxMemUsed() : return the maximum real memory allocated.
+ * There is another function of the same name in pmalloc.c, for tracking
+ * non-psos block memory. It uses #ifndef MEM_PSOS_BLOCK_SCHEME to enable.
+ */
+ int PortGetMaxMemUsed(void)
+ {
+ return MEM_MGR_GetMaxMemUsed();
+ }
+ /* PortMemCntReset() : reset the New/Delete count.
+ * This is useful for checking that each new has a corresponding delete once
+ * the system gets into a steady state.
+ */
+ void PortMemCntReset()
+ {
+ portNewCount = 0;
+ portDeleteCount = 0;
+ }
+ /* PortMemGetCount() : return the accumulated new & delete counts */
+ void PortMemGetCount(int *newCount, int *deleteCount)
+ {
+ *newCount = portNewCount;
+ *deleteCount = portDeleteCount;
+ }
+#ifdef __cplusplus