/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * phashtable.c * * * * Copyright 2007, 2008 Nuance Communciations, Inc. * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include "phashtable.h" #include "plog.h" #include "pmemory.h" #include "pstdio.h" //extern int strcmp(const char * s1, const char * s2); #define ALLOC_SIZE 16 struct PHashTableEntry_t { const void *key; const void *value; PHashTable *table; unsigned int idx; PHashTableEntry *next; PHashTableEntry *prev; unsigned int hashCode; }; typedef struct PHashTableEntryBlock_t { PHashTableEntry entries[ALLOC_SIZE]; struct PHashTableEntryBlock_t *next; } PHashTableEntryBlock; struct PHashTable_t { PHashTableArgs args; const LCHAR *memoryTag; unsigned int size; float maxLoadFactor; PHashTableEntry **entries; unsigned int threshold; PHashTableEntry *freeList; PHashTableEntryBlock *entryBlock; }; #include "pcrc.h" static unsigned int hashString(const void *key) { return ~pcrcComputeString(key); } ESR_ReturnCode PHashTableCreate(PHashTableArgs *args, const LCHAR *memTag, PHashTable **table) { PHashTable *tmp; unsigned int i; if (table == NULL || (args != NULL && args->maxLoadFactor <= 0.0)) return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; if ((tmp = NEW(PHashTable, memTag)) == NULL) return ESR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if (args == NULL) { tmp->args.capacity = PHASH_TABLE_DEFAULT_CAPACITY; tmp->args.maxLoadFactor = PHASH_TABLE_DEFAULT_MAX_LOAD_FACTOR; tmp->args.hashFunction = PHASH_TABLE_DEFAULT_HASH_FUNCTION; tmp->args.compFunction = PHASH_TABLE_DEFAULT_COMP_FUNCTION; } else { memcpy(&tmp->args, args, sizeof(PHashTableArgs)); } if (tmp->args.hashFunction == PHASH_TABLE_DEFAULT_HASH_FUNCTION) tmp->args.hashFunction = hashString; if (tmp->args.compFunction == PHASH_TABLE_DEFAULT_COMP_FUNCTION) tmp->args.compFunction = LSTRCMP; tmp->entries = NEW_ARRAY(PHashTableEntry *, tmp->args.capacity, memTag); if (tmp->entries == NULL) { FREE(tmp); return ESR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } for (i = tmp->args.capacity; i > 0;) { tmp->entries[--i] = NULL; } tmp->memoryTag = memTag; tmp->size = 0; tmp->threshold = (unsigned int)(tmp->args.capacity * tmp->args.maxLoadFactor); tmp->freeList = NULL; tmp->entryBlock = NULL; *table = tmp; return ESR_SUCCESS; } ESR_ReturnCode PHashTableDestroy(PHashTable *table) { PHashTableEntryBlock *tmp, *block; if (table == NULL) return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; block = table->entryBlock; while (block != NULL) { tmp = block->next; FREE(block); block = tmp; } FREE(table->entries); FREE(table); return ESR_SUCCESS; } ESR_ReturnCode PHashTableGetSize(PHashTable *table, size_t *size) { if (table == NULL || size == NULL) return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; *size = table->size; return ESR_SUCCESS; } static PHashTableEntry *getEntry(PHashTable *table, const void *key, unsigned int hashCode, unsigned int idx) { PHashTableEntry *entry = table->entries[idx]; if (key == NULL) { while (entry != NULL) { if (entry->key == NULL) return entry; entry = entry->next; } } else { while (entry != NULL) { if (entry->hashCode == hashCode && table->args.compFunction(key, entry->key) == 0) return entry; entry = entry->next; } } return NULL; } static void removeEntry(PHashTableEntry *entry) { if (entry->prev == NULL) entry->table->entries[entry->idx] = entry->next; else entry->prev->next = entry->next; if (entry->next != NULL) entry->next->prev = entry->prev; entry->table->size--; entry->next = entry->table->freeList; entry->table->freeList = entry; /* clean up entry for re-use. */ entry->key = entry->value = NULL; } ESR_ReturnCode PHashTableGetValue(PHashTable *table, const void *key, void **value) { PHashTableEntry *entry; unsigned int hashCode; unsigned int idx; if (table == NULL || value == NULL) return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; hashCode = table->args.hashFunction(key); idx = hashCode % table->args.capacity; if ((entry = getEntry(table, key, hashCode, idx)) != NULL) { *value = (void *) entry->value; return ESR_SUCCESS; } else { *value = NULL; return ESR_NO_MATCH_ERROR; } } ESR_ReturnCode PHashTableContainsKey(PHashTable *table, const void *key, ESR_BOOL* exists) { ESR_ReturnCode rc; PHashTableEntry* entry; if (table == NULL || exists == NULL) { rc = ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; PLogError(ESR_rc2str(rc)); goto CLEANUP; } rc = PHashTableGetEntry(table, key, &entry); if (rc == ESR_SUCCESS) *exists = ESR_TRUE; else if (rc == ESR_NO_MATCH_ERROR) *exists = ESR_FALSE; else goto CLEANUP; return ESR_SUCCESS; CLEANUP: return rc; } ESR_ReturnCode PHashTableGetEntry(PHashTable *table, const void *key, PHashTableEntry **entry) { unsigned int hashCode; unsigned int idx; PHashTableEntry* result; if (table == NULL || entry == NULL) return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; hashCode = table->args.hashFunction(key); idx = hashCode % table->args.capacity; result = getEntry(table, key, hashCode, idx); if (result == NULL) return ESR_NO_MATCH_ERROR; *entry = result; return ESR_SUCCESS; } static ESR_ReturnCode PHashTableRehash(PHashTable *table) { unsigned int i, idx; unsigned int oldCapacity = table->args.capacity; unsigned int newCapacity = ((oldCapacity << 1) | 0x01); PHashTableEntry *entry, *tmp, *next; PHashTableEntry **newEntries = (PHashTableEntry **) REALLOC(table->entries, sizeof(PHashTableEntry *) * newCapacity); if (newEntries == NULL) return ESR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; table->entries = newEntries; table->args.capacity = newCapacity; table->threshold = (unsigned int)(newCapacity * table->args.maxLoadFactor); for (i = oldCapacity; i < newCapacity; ++i) { table->entries[i] = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < oldCapacity; i++) { for (entry = table->entries[i]; entry != NULL;) { idx = entry->hashCode % newCapacity; if (idx != i) { /* Need to change location. */ entry->idx = idx; next = entry->next; if (entry->prev != NULL) entry->prev->next = next; else table->entries[i] = next; if (next != NULL) next->prev = entry->prev; tmp = table->entries[idx]; entry->next = tmp; entry->prev = NULL; if (tmp != NULL) tmp->prev = entry; table->entries[idx] = entry; entry = next; } else { /* Already in the right slot. */ entry = entry->next; } } } return ESR_SUCCESS; } ESR_ReturnCode PHashTablePutValue(PHashTable *table, const void *key, const void *value, void **oldValue) { ESR_ReturnCode rc = ESR_SUCCESS; unsigned int hashCode, idx; PHashTableEntry *entry; if (table == NULL) return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; hashCode = table->args.hashFunction(key); idx = hashCode % table->args.capacity; entry = getEntry(table, key, hashCode, idx); if (entry != NULL) { if (oldValue != NULL) *oldValue = (void *) entry->value; entry->value = value; return ESR_SUCCESS; } /* If we get here, we need to add a new entry. But first, verify if we need to rehash. */ if (table->size >= table->threshold) { if ((rc = PHashTableRehash(table)) != ESR_SUCCESS) return rc; idx = hashCode % table->args.capacity; } if (table->freeList == NULL) { /* Allocate a new block and put all entries on the free list. */ PHashTableEntryBlock *block; int i; block = NEW(PHashTableEntryBlock, table->memoryTag); if (block == NULL) return ESR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; block->next = table->entryBlock; table->entryBlock = block; for (i = 0; i < ALLOC_SIZE - 1; ++i) { block->entries[i].next = &block->entries[i+1]; } block->entries[ALLOC_SIZE-1].next = NULL; /* do not see any bug in following code. But on the VxWorks with optimization option -O3 it produces wrong result: block->entries[0].next is correct but block->entries[1].next = NULL it causes lot of memory wastes. for (i = 0, entry = block->entries; i < ALLOC_SIZE - 1; ++i, ++entry) { entry->next = entry+1; } entry->next = table->freeList; */ table->freeList = block->entries; } /* Get an entry from the freeList. */ entry = table->freeList; table->freeList = entry->next; /* Initialize entry data structure. */ entry->table = table; entry->idx = idx; entry->key = key; entry->value = value; entry->hashCode = hashCode; entry->next = table->entries[idx]; entry->prev = NULL; if (entry->next != NULL) entry->next->prev = entry; table->entries[idx] = entry; table->size++; if (oldValue != NULL) *oldValue = NULL; return ESR_SUCCESS; } ESR_ReturnCode PHashTableRemoveValue(PHashTable *table, const void *key, void **oldValue) { unsigned int hashCode, idx; PHashTableEntry *entry; ESR_ReturnCode rc; if (table == NULL) { rc = ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; PLogError(ESR_rc2str(rc)); goto CLEANUP; } hashCode = table->args.hashFunction(key); idx = hashCode % table->args.capacity; entry = getEntry(table, key, hashCode, idx); if (entry != NULL) { if (oldValue != NULL) *oldValue = (void*) entry->value; removeEntry(entry); } else { if (oldValue != NULL) *oldValue = NULL; } return ESR_SUCCESS; CLEANUP: return rc; } ESR_ReturnCode PHashTableEntryGetKeyValue(PHashTableEntry *entry, void **key, void **value) { if (entry == NULL) return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; if (key != NULL) *key = (void *) entry->key; if (value != NULL) *value = (void *) entry->value; return ESR_SUCCESS; } /** * Sets the value associated with this entry. * @param entry The hashtable entry. * @param value The value to associate with the entry. * @param oldvalue If this pointer is non-NULL, it will be set to the previous value associated with this entry. **/ ESR_ReturnCode PHashTableEntrySetValue(PHashTableEntry *entry, const void *value, void **oldValue) { if (entry == NULL) return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; if (oldValue != NULL) *oldValue = (void *) entry->value; entry->value = value; return ESR_SUCCESS; } /** * Removes the entry from its hash table. * * @param entry The hashtable entry. **/ ESR_ReturnCode PHashTableEntryRemove(PHashTableEntry *entry) { if (entry == NULL) return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; removeEntry(entry); return ESR_SUCCESS; } static PHashTableEntry* iteratorAdvance(PHashTable *table, PHashTableEntry *entry) { unsigned int idx; if (entry != NULL) { idx = entry->idx; entry = entry->next; if (entry == NULL) { while (++idx < table->args.capacity) { if (table->entries[idx] != NULL) { entry = table->entries[idx]; break; } } } } else { for (idx = 0; idx < table->args.capacity; ++idx) { if (table->entries[idx] != NULL) { entry = table->entries[idx]; break; } } } return entry; } ESR_ReturnCode PHashTableEntryGetFirst(PHashTable *table, PHashTableEntry **entry) { if (table == NULL || entry == NULL) return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; *entry = iteratorAdvance(table, NULL); return ESR_SUCCESS; } /** * Iterates on the next key and value. Returns a NULL key when at the end of the hash table. * * @param iter The iterator on which the iteration is performed. * @param key Returns the key associated with the entry, cannot be NULL. * @param value If non-NULL, returns the value associated with the entry. **/ ESR_ReturnCode PHashTableEntryAdvance(PHashTableEntry **entry) { if (entry == NULL || *entry == NULL) return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; *entry = iteratorAdvance((*entry)->table, *entry); return ESR_SUCCESS; }