path: root/syntax/syntax.go
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authorAlan Donovan <adonovan@google.com>2017-10-02 10:10:28 -0400
committerAlan Donovan <adonovan@google.com>2017-10-02 10:10:28 -0400
commit312d1a5b5a9c50204aee186aeca0b7dbbd3eaaa0 (patch)
treeb766f2d515a7a3abcb0ebc6da796e04ab9739a97 /syntax/syntax.go
skylark: create GitHub repository from google3@170697745
Diffstat (limited to 'syntax/syntax.go')
1 files changed, 436 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/syntax/syntax.go b/syntax/syntax.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7850a41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/syntax.go
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package syntax provides a Skylark parser and abstract syntax tree.
+package syntax
+// A Node is a node in a Skylark syntax tree.
+type Node interface {
+ // Span returns the start and end position of the expression.
+ Span() (start, end Position)
+// Start returns the start position of the expression.
+func Start(n Node) Position {
+ start, _ := n.Span()
+ return start
+// End returns the end position of the expression.
+func End(n Node) Position {
+ _, end := n.Span()
+ return end
+// A File represents a Skylark file.
+type File struct {
+ Path string
+ Stmts []Stmt
+ // set by resolver:
+ Locals []*Ident // this file's (comprehension-)local variables
+func (x *File) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ if len(x.Stmts) == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ start, _ = x.Stmts[0].Span()
+ _, end = x.Stmts[len(x.Stmts)-1].Span()
+ return start, end
+// A Stmt is a Skylark statement.
+type Stmt interface {
+ Node
+ stmt()
+func (*AssignStmt) stmt() {}
+func (*BranchStmt) stmt() {}
+func (*DefStmt) stmt() {}
+func (*ExprStmt) stmt() {}
+func (*ForStmt) stmt() {}
+func (*IfStmt) stmt() {}
+func (*LoadStmt) stmt() {}
+func (*ReturnStmt) stmt() {}
+// An AssignStmt represents an assignment:
+// x = 0
+// x, y = y, x
+// x += 1
+type AssignStmt struct {
+ OpPos Position
+ LHS Expr
+ RHS Expr
+func (x *AssignStmt) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ start, _ = x.LHS.Span()
+ _, end = x.RHS.Span()
+ return
+// A Function represents the common parts of LambdaExpr and DefStmt.
+type Function struct {
+ StartPos Position // position of DEF or LAMBDA token
+ Params []Expr // param = ident | ident=expr | *ident | **ident
+ Body []Stmt
+ // set by resolver:
+ HasVarargs bool // whether params includes *args (convenience)
+ HasKwargs bool // whether params includes **kwargs (convenience)
+ Locals []*Ident // this function's local variables, parameters first
+ FreeVars []*Ident // enclosing local variables to capture in closure
+func (x *Function) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ _, end = x.Body[len(x.Body)-1].Span()
+ return x.StartPos, end
+// A DefStmt represents a function definition.
+type DefStmt struct {
+ Def Position
+ Name *Ident
+ Function
+func (x *DefStmt) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ _, end = x.Function.Body[len(x.Body)-1].Span()
+ return x.Def, end
+// An ExprStmt is an expression evaluated for side effects.
+type ExprStmt struct {
+ X Expr
+func (x *ExprStmt) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ return x.X.Span()
+// An IfStmt is a conditional: If Cond: True; else: False.
+// 'elseif' is desugared into a chain of IfStmts.
+type IfStmt struct {
+ If Position // IF or ELIF
+ Cond Expr
+ True []Stmt
+ ElsePos Position // ELSE or ELIF
+ False []Stmt // optional
+func (x *IfStmt) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ body := x.False
+ if body == nil {
+ body = x.True
+ }
+ _, end = body[len(body)-1].Span()
+ return x.If, end
+// A LoadStmt loads another module and binds names from it:
+// load(Module, "x", y="foo").
+// The AST is slightly unfaithful to the concrete syntax here because
+// Skylark's load statement, so that it can be implemented in Python,
+// binds some names (like y above) with an identifier and some (like x)
+// without. For consistency we create fake identifiers for all the
+// strings.
+type LoadStmt struct {
+ Load Position
+ Module *Literal // a string
+ From []*Ident // name defined in loading module
+ To []*Ident // name in loaded module
+ Rparen Position
+func (x *LoadStmt) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ return x.Load, x.Rparen
+// A BranchStmt changes the flow of control: break, continue, pass.
+type BranchStmt struct {
+ Token Token // = BREAK | CONTINUE | PASS
+ TokenPos Position
+func (x *BranchStmt) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ return x.TokenPos, x.TokenPos.add(x.Token.String())
+// A ReturnStmt returns from a function.
+type ReturnStmt struct {
+ Return Position
+ Result Expr // may be nil
+func (x *ReturnStmt) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ if x.Result == nil {
+ return x.Return, x.Return.add("return")
+ }
+ _, end = x.Result.Span()
+ return x.Return, end
+// An Expr is a Skylark expression.
+type Expr interface {
+ Node
+ expr()
+func (*BinaryExpr) expr() {}
+func (*CallExpr) expr() {}
+func (*Comprehension) expr() {}
+func (*CondExpr) expr() {}
+func (*DictEntry) expr() {}
+func (*DictExpr) expr() {}
+func (*DotExpr) expr() {}
+func (*Ident) expr() {}
+func (*IndexExpr) expr() {}
+func (*LambdaExpr) expr() {}
+func (*ListExpr) expr() {}
+func (*Literal) expr() {}
+func (*SliceExpr) expr() {}
+func (*TupleExpr) expr() {}
+func (*UnaryExpr) expr() {}
+// An Ident represents an identifier.
+type Ident struct {
+ NamePos Position
+ Name string
+ // set by resolver:
+ Scope uint8 // one of resolve.{Undefined,Local,Free,Global,Builtin}
+ Index int // index into enclosing {DefStmt,File}.Locals (if scope==Local) or DefStmt.FreeVars (if scope==Free)
+func (x *Ident) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ return x.NamePos, x.NamePos.add(x.Name)
+// A Literal represents a literal string or number.
+type Literal struct {
+ Token Token // = STRING | INT
+ TokenPos Position
+ Raw string // uninterpreted text
+ Value interface{} // = string | int
+func (x *Literal) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ return x.TokenPos, x.TokenPos.add(x.Raw)
+// A CallExpr represents a function call expression: Fn(Args).
+type CallExpr struct {
+ Fn Expr
+ Lparen Position
+ Args []Expr
+ Rparen Position
+func (x *CallExpr) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ start, _ = x.Fn.Span()
+ return start, x.Rparen.add(")")
+// A DotExpr represents a field or method selector: X.Name.
+type DotExpr struct {
+ X Expr
+ Dot Position
+ NamePos Position
+ Name *Ident
+func (x *DotExpr) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ start, _ = x.X.Span()
+ _, end = x.Name.Span()
+ return
+// A Comprehension represents a list or dict comprehension:
+// [Body for ... if ...] or {Body for ... if ...}
+type Comprehension struct {
+ Curly bool // {x:y for ...} or {x for ...}, not [x for ...]
+ Lbrack Position
+ Body Expr
+ Clauses []Node // = *ForClause | *IfClause
+ Rbrack Position
+func (x *Comprehension) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ return x.Lbrack, x.Rbrack.add("]")
+// A ForStmt represents a loop: for Vars in X: Body.
+type ForStmt struct {
+ For Position
+ Vars Expr // name, or tuple of names
+ X Expr
+ Body []Stmt
+func (x *ForStmt) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ _, end = x.Body[len(x.Body)-1].Span()
+ return x.For, end
+// A ForClause represents a for clause in a list comprehension: for Vars in X.
+type ForClause struct {
+ For Position
+ Vars Expr // name, or tuple of names
+ In Position
+ X Expr
+func (x *ForClause) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ _, end = x.X.Span()
+ return x.For, end
+// An IfClause represents an if clause in a list comprehension: if Cond.
+type IfClause struct {
+ If Position
+ Cond Expr
+func (x *IfClause) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ _, end = x.Cond.Span()
+ return x.If, end
+// A DictExpr represents a dictionary literal: { List }.
+type DictExpr struct {
+ Lbrace Position
+ List []Expr // all *DictEntrys
+ Rbrace Position
+func (x *DictExpr) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ return x.Lbrace, x.Rbrace.add("}")
+// A DictEntry represents a dictionary entry: Key: Value.
+// Used only within a DictExpr.
+type DictEntry struct {
+ Key Expr
+ Colon Position
+ Value Expr
+func (x *DictEntry) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ start, _ = x.Key.Span()
+ _, end = x.Value.Span()
+ return start, end
+// A LambdaExpr represents an inline function abstraction.
+// Although they may be added in future, lambda expressions are not
+// currently part of the Skylark spec, so their use is controlled by the
+// resolver.AllowLambda flag.
+type LambdaExpr struct {
+ Lambda Position
+ Function
+func (x *LambdaExpr) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ _, end = x.Function.Body[len(x.Body)-1].Span()
+ return x.Lambda, end
+// A ListExpr represents a list literal: [ List ].
+type ListExpr struct {
+ Lbrack Position
+ List []Expr
+ Rbrack Position
+func (x *ListExpr) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ return x.Lbrack, x.Rbrack.add("]")
+// CondExpr represents the conditional: X if COND else ELSE.
+type CondExpr struct {
+ If Position
+ Cond Expr
+ True Expr
+ ElsePos Position
+ False Expr
+func (x *CondExpr) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ start, _ = x.True.Span()
+ _, end = x.False.Span()
+ return start, end
+// A TupleExpr represents a tuple literal: (List).
+type TupleExpr struct {
+ Lparen Position // optional (e.g. in x, y = 0, 1), but required if List is empty
+ List []Expr
+ Rparen Position
+func (x *TupleExpr) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ if x.Lparen.IsValid() {
+ return x.Lparen, x.Rparen
+ } else {
+ return Start(x.List[0]), End(x.List[len(x.List)-1])
+ }
+// A UnaryExpr represents a unary expression: Op X.
+type UnaryExpr struct {
+ OpPos Position
+ Op Token
+ X Expr
+func (x *UnaryExpr) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ _, end = x.X.Span()
+ return x.OpPos, end
+// A BinaryExpr represents a binary expression: X Op Y.
+type BinaryExpr struct {
+ X Expr
+ OpPos Position
+ Op Token
+ Y Expr
+func (x *BinaryExpr) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ start, _ = x.X.Span()
+ _, end = x.Y.Span()
+ return start, end
+// A SliceExpr represents a slice or substring expression: X[Lo:Hi:Step].
+type SliceExpr struct {
+ X Expr
+ Lbrack Position
+ Lo, Hi, Step Expr // all optional
+ Rbrack Position
+func (x *SliceExpr) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ start, _ = x.X.Span()
+ return start, x.Rbrack
+// An IndexExpr represents an index expression: X[Y].
+type IndexExpr struct {
+ X Expr
+ Lbrack Position
+ Y Expr
+ Rbrack Position
+func (x *IndexExpr) Span() (start, end Position) {
+ start, _ = x.X.Span()
+ return start, x.Rbrack