diff options
13 files changed, 2690 insertions, 1040 deletions
diff --git a/eval.go b/eval.go
index 403501e..1575279 100644
--- a/eval.go
+++ b/eval.go
@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ package skylark
import (
- "log"
+ "io"
- "math/big"
+ "github.com/google/skylark/internal/compile"
@@ -105,14 +105,10 @@ func (d StringDict) Has(key string) bool { _, ok := d[key]; return ok }
// A Frame holds the execution state of a single Skylark function call
// or module toplevel.
type Frame struct {
- thread *Thread // thread-associated state
- parent *Frame // caller's frame (or nil)
- posn syntax.Position // source position of PC (set during call and error)
- fn *Function // current function (nil at toplevel)
- predeclared StringDict // names predeclared for this module
- globals []Value // global variables of enclosing module
- locals []Value // local variables, starting with parameters
- result Value // operand of current function's return statement
+ parent *Frame // caller's frame (or nil)
+ posn syntax.Position // source position of PC, set during error
+ callpc uint32 // PC of position of active call, set during call
+ fn *Function // current function (or toplevel)
func (fr *Frame) errorf(posn syntax.Position, format string, args ...interface{}) *EvalError {
@@ -122,7 +118,12 @@ func (fr *Frame) errorf(posn syntax.Position, format string, args ...interface{}
// Position returns the source position of the current point of execution in this frame.
-func (fr *Frame) Position() syntax.Position { return fr.posn }
+func (fr *Frame) Position() syntax.Position {
+ if fr.posn.IsValid() {
+ return fr.posn // leaf frame only (the error)
+ }
+ return fr.fn.funcode.Position(fr.callpc) // position of active call
// Function returns the frame's function, or nil for the top-level of a module.
func (fr *Frame) Function() *Function { return fr.fn }
@@ -130,50 +131,6 @@ func (fr *Frame) Function() *Function { return fr.fn }
// Parent returns the frame of the enclosing function call, if any.
func (fr *Frame) Parent() *Frame { return fr.parent }
-// set updates the environment binding for name to value.
-func (fr *Frame) set(id *syntax.Ident, v Value) {
- switch resolve.Scope(id.Scope) {
- case resolve.Local:
- fr.locals[id.Index] = v
- case resolve.Global:
- fr.globals[id.Index] = v
- default:
- log.Fatalf("%s: set(%s): neither global nor local (%d)", id.NamePos, id.Name, id.Scope)
- }
-// lookup returns the value of name in the environment.
-func (fr *Frame) lookup(id *syntax.Ident) (Value, error) {
- switch resolve.Scope(id.Scope) {
- case resolve.Local:
- if v := fr.locals[id.Index]; v != nil {
- return v, nil
- }
- case resolve.Free:
- return fr.fn.freevars[id.Index], nil
- case resolve.Global:
- if v := fr.globals[id.Index]; v != nil {
- return v, nil
- }
- case resolve.Predeclared:
- if v := fr.predeclared[id.Name]; v != nil {
- return v, nil
- }
- if id.Name == "PACKAGE_NAME" {
- // Gross spec, gross hack.
- // Users should just call package_name() function.
- if v, ok := fr.predeclared["package_name"].(*Builtin); ok {
- return v.fn(fr.thread, v, nil, nil)
- }
- }
- return nil, fr.errorf(id.NamePos, "internal error: predeclared variable %s is uninitialized", id.Name)
- case resolve.Universal:
- return Universe[id.Name], nil
- }
- return nil, fr.errorf(id.NamePos, "%s variable %s referenced before assignment",
- resolve.Scope(id.Scope), id.Name)
// An EvalError is a Skylark evaluation error and its associated call stack.
type EvalError struct {
Msg string
@@ -198,16 +155,7 @@ func (fr *Frame) WriteBacktrace(out *bytes.Buffer) {
print = func(fr *Frame) {
if fr != nil {
- name := "<toplevel>"
- if fr.fn != nil {
- name = fr.fn.Name()
- }
- fmt.Fprintf(out, " %s:%d:%d: in %s\n",
- fr.posn.Filename(),
- fr.posn.Line,
- fr.posn.Col,
- name)
+ fmt.Fprintf(out, " %s: in %s\n", fr.Position(), fr.fn.Name())
@@ -222,109 +170,113 @@ func (e *EvalError) Stack() []*Frame {
return stack
+// A Program is a compiled Skylark program.
+// Programs are immutable, and contain no Values.
+// A Program may be created by parsing a source file (see SourceProgram)
+// or by loading a previously saved compiled program (see CompiledProgram).
+type Program struct {
+ compiled *compile.Program
+// CompilerVersion is the version number of the protocol for compiled
+// files. Applications must not run programs compiled by one version
+// with an interpreter at another version, and should thus incorporate
+// the compiler version into the cache key when reusing compiled code.
+const CompilerVersion = compile.Version
+// NumLoads returns the number of load statements in the compiled program.
+func (prog *Program) NumLoads() int { return len(prog.compiled.Loads) }
+// Load(i) returns the name and position of the i'th module directly
+// loaded by this one, where 0 <= i < NumLoads().
+// The name is unresolved---exactly as it appears in the source.
+func (prog *Program) Load(i int) (string, syntax.Position) {
+ id := prog.compiled.Loads[i]
+ return id.Name, id.Pos
+// WriteTo writes the compiled module to the specified output stream.
+func (prog *Program) Write(out io.Writer) error { return prog.compiled.Write(out) }
// ExecFile parses, resolves, and executes a Skylark file in the
// specified global environment, which may be modified during execution.
-// The filename and src parameters are as for syntax.Parse.
+// Thread is the state associated with the Skylark thread.
+// The filename and src parameters are as for syntax.Parse:
+// filename is the name of the file to execute,
+// and the name that appears in error messages;
+// src is an optional source of bytes to use
+// instead of filename.
+// predeclared defines the predeclared names specific to this module.
+// Execution does not modify this dictionary, though it may mutate
+// its values.
// If ExecFile fails during evaluation, it returns an *EvalError
// containing a backtrace.
func ExecFile(thread *Thread, filename string, src interface{}, predeclared StringDict) (StringDict, error) {
- return Exec(ExecOptions{
- Thread: thread,
- Filename: filename,
- Source: src,
- Predeclared: predeclared,
- })
-// ExecOptions specifies the arguments to Exec.
-type ExecOptions struct {
- // Thread is the state associated with the Skylark thread.
- Thread *Thread
- // Filename is the name of the file to execute,
- // and the name that appears in error messages.
- Filename string
- // Source is an optional source of bytes to use
- // instead of Filename. See syntax.Parse for details.
- Source interface{}
- // Predeclared defines the predeclared names specific to this module.
- // Execution does not modify this dictionary.
- Predeclared StringDict
+ // Parse, resolve, and compile a Skylark source file.
+ _, mod, err := SourceProgram(filename, src, predeclared.Has)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
- // BeforeExec is an optional function that is called after the
- // syntax tree has been resolved but before execution. If it
- // returns an error, execution is not attempted.
- BeforeExec func(*Thread, syntax.Node) error
+ g, err := mod.Init(thread, predeclared)
+ g.Freeze()
+ return g, err
-// Exec is a variant of ExecFile that gives the client greater control
-// over optional features.
-func Exec(opts ExecOptions) (StringDict, error) {
- if debug {
- fmt.Printf("ExecFile %s\n", opts.Filename)
- defer fmt.Printf("ExecFile %s done\n", opts.Filename)
- }
- f, err := syntax.Parse(opts.Filename, opts.Source, 0)
+// SourceProgram produces a new program by parsing, resolving,
+// and compiling a Skylark source file.
+// On success, it returns the parsed file and the compiled program.
+// The filename and src parameters are as for syntax.Parse.
+// The isPredeclared predicate reports whether a name is
+// a pre-declared identifier of the current module.
+// Its typical value is predeclared.Has,
+// where predeclared is a StringDict of pre-declared values.
+func SourceProgram(filename string, src interface{}, isPredeclared func(string) bool) (*syntax.File, *Program, error) {
+ f, err := syntax.Parse(filename, src, 0)
if err != nil {
- return nil, err
+ return nil, nil, err
- predeclared := opts.Predeclared
- if err := resolve.File(f, predeclared.Has, Universe.Has); err != nil {
- return nil, err
+ if err := resolve.File(f, isPredeclared, Universe.Has); err != nil {
+ return f, nil, err
- thread := opts.Thread
- if opts.BeforeExec != nil {
- if err := opts.BeforeExec(thread, f); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
+ compiled := compile.File(f.Stmts, f.Locals, f.Globals)
- globals := make([]Value, len(f.Globals))
- fr := thread.Push(predeclared, globals, len(f.Locals))
- err = fr.ExecStmts(f.Stmts)
- thread.Pop()
+ return f, &Program{compiled}, nil
- // Convert the global environment to a map, and freeze it.
- // We return a (partial) map even in case of error.
- globalsMap := make(StringDict, len(f.Globals))
- for i, id := range f.Globals {
- if v := globals[i]; v != nil {
- v.Freeze()
- globalsMap[id.Name] = v
- }
+// CompiledProgram produces a new program from the representation
+// of a compiled program previously saved by Program.Write.
+func CompiledProgram(in io.Reader) (*Program, error) {
+ prog, err := compile.ReadProgram(in)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
- return globalsMap, err
+ return &Program{prog}, nil
-// Push pushes a new Frame on the specified thread's stack, and returns it.
-// It must be followed by a call to Pop when the frame is no longer needed.
-// Most clients do not need this low-level function; use ExecFile or Eval instead.
-func (thread *Thread) Push(predeclared StringDict, globals []Value, nlocals int) *Frame {
- fr := &Frame{
- thread: thread,
- parent: thread.frame,
+// Init creates a set of global variables for the program,
+// executes the toplevel code of the specified program,
+// and returns a new, unfrozen dictionary of the globals.
+func (prog *Program) Init(thread *Thread, predeclared StringDict) (StringDict, error) {
+ toplevel := &Function{
+ funcode: prog.compiled.Toplevel,
predeclared: predeclared,
- globals: globals,
- locals: make([]Value, nlocals),
+ globals: make([]Value, len(prog.compiled.Globals)),
- thread.frame = fr
- return fr
-// Pop removes the topmost frame from the thread's stack.
-// Most clients do not need this low-level function; use ExecFile or Eval instead.
-func (thread *Thread) Pop() {
- thread.frame = thread.frame.parent
+ _, err := toplevel.Call(thread, nil, nil)
+ // Convert the global environment to a map and freeze it.
+ // We return a (partial) map even in case of error.
+ return toplevel.Globals(), err
// Eval parses, resolves, and evaluates an expression within the
@@ -348,229 +300,15 @@ func Eval(thread *Thread, filename string, src interface{}, env StringDict) (Val
return nil, err
- // There are no globals.
- fr := thread.Push(env, nil, len(locals))
- v, err := eval(fr, expr)
- thread.Pop()
- return v, err
-// Sentinel values used for control flow. Internal use only.
-var (
- errContinue = fmt.Errorf("continue")
- errBreak = fmt.Errorf("break")
- errReturn = fmt.Errorf("return")
-// ExecStmts executes the statements in the context of the specified
-// frame, which must provide sufficient local slots.
-// Most clients do not need this function; use Exec or Eval instead.
-func (fr *Frame) ExecStmts(stmts []syntax.Stmt) error {
- for _, stmt := range stmts {
- if err := exec(fr, stmt); err != nil {
- return err
- }
+ f := &Function{
+ funcode: compile.Expr(expr, locals),
+ predeclared: env,
+ globals: nil,
- return nil
+ return f.Call(thread, nil, nil)
-func exec(fr *Frame, stmt syntax.Stmt) error {
- switch stmt := stmt.(type) {
- case *syntax.ExprStmt:
- _, err := eval(fr, stmt.X)
- return err
- case *syntax.BranchStmt:
- switch stmt.Token {
- case syntax.PASS:
- return nil // no-op
- case syntax.BREAK:
- return errBreak
- case syntax.CONTINUE:
- return errContinue
- }
- case *syntax.IfStmt:
- cond, err := eval(fr, stmt.Cond)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if cond.Truth() {
- return fr.ExecStmts(stmt.True)
- } else {
- return fr.ExecStmts(stmt.False)
- }
- case *syntax.AssignStmt:
- switch stmt.Op {
- case syntax.EQ:
- // simple assignment: x = y
- y, err := eval(fr, stmt.RHS)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return assign(fr, stmt.OpPos, stmt.LHS, y)
- case syntax.PLUS_EQ,
- syntax.MINUS_EQ,
- syntax.STAR_EQ,
- syntax.SLASH_EQ,
- syntax.PERCENT_EQ:
- // augmented assignment: x += y
- var old Value // old value loaded from "address" x
- var set func(fr *Frame, new Value) error
- // Evaluate "address" of x exactly once to avoid duplicate side-effects.
- switch lhs := stmt.LHS.(type) {
- case *syntax.Ident:
- // x += ...
- x, err := fr.lookup(lhs)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- old = x
- set = func(fr *Frame, new Value) error {
- fr.set(lhs, new)
- return nil
- }
- case *syntax.IndexExpr:
- // x[y] += ...
- x, err := eval(fr, lhs.X)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- y, err := eval(fr, lhs.Y)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- old, err = getIndex(fr, lhs.Lbrack, x, y)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- set = func(fr *Frame, new Value) error {
- return setIndex(fr, lhs.Lbrack, x, y, new)
- }
- case *syntax.DotExpr:
- // x.f += ...
- x, err := eval(fr, lhs.X)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- old, err = getAttr(fr, x, lhs)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- set = func(fr *Frame, new Value) error {
- return setField(fr, x, lhs, new)
- }
- }
- y, err := eval(fr, stmt.RHS)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // Special case, following Python:
- // If x is a list, x += y is sugar for x.extend(y).
- if xlist, ok := old.(*List); ok && stmt.Op == syntax.PLUS_EQ {
- // It's possible that y is not Iterable but
- // nonetheless defines x+y, in which case we
- // should fall back to the general case.
- if yiter, ok := y.(Iterable); ok {
- if err := xlist.checkMutable("apply += to", true); err != nil {
- return fr.errorf(stmt.OpPos, "%v", err)
- }
- listExtend(xlist, yiter)
- return nil
- }
- }
- new, err := Binary(stmt.Op-syntax.PLUS_EQ+syntax.PLUS, old, y)
- if err != nil {
- return fr.errorf(stmt.OpPos, "%v", err)
- }
- return set(fr, new)
- default:
- log.Fatalf("%s: unexpected assignment operator: %s", stmt.OpPos, stmt.Op)
- }
- case *syntax.DefStmt:
- f, err := evalFunction(fr, stmt.Def, stmt.Name.Name, &stmt.Function)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- fr.set(stmt.Name, f)
- return nil
- case *syntax.ForStmt:
- x, err := eval(fr, stmt.X)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- iter := Iterate(x)
- if iter == nil {
- return fr.errorf(stmt.For, "%s value is not iterable", x.Type())
- }
- defer iter.Done()
- var elem Value
- for iter.Next(&elem) {
- if err := assign(fr, stmt.For, stmt.Vars, elem); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if err := fr.ExecStmts(stmt.Body); err != nil {
- if err == errBreak {
- break
- } else if err == errContinue {
- continue
- } else {
- return err
- }
- }
- }
- return nil
- case *syntax.ReturnStmt:
- if stmt.Result != nil {
- x, err := eval(fr, stmt.Result)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- fr.result = x
- } else {
- fr.result = None
- }
- return errReturn
- case *syntax.LoadStmt:
- module := stmt.ModuleName()
- if fr.thread.Load == nil {
- return fr.errorf(stmt.Load, "load not implemented by this application")
- }
- fr.posn = stmt.Load
- dict, err := fr.thread.Load(fr.thread, module)
- if err != nil {
- return fr.errorf(stmt.Load, "cannot load %s: %v", module, err)
- }
- for i, from := range stmt.From {
- v, ok := dict[from.Name]
- if !ok {
- return fr.errorf(stmt.From[i].NamePos, "load: name %s not found in module %s", from.Name, module)
- }
- fr.set(stmt.To[i], v)
- }
- return nil
- }
- start, _ := stmt.Span()
- log.Fatalf("%s: exec: unexpected statement %T", start, stmt)
- panic("unreachable")
+// The following functions are primitive operations of the byte code interpreter.
// list += iterable
func listExtend(x *List, y Iterable) {
@@ -588,38 +326,36 @@ func listExtend(x *List, y Iterable) {
// getAttr implements x.dot.
-func getAttr(fr *Frame, x Value, dot *syntax.DotExpr) (Value, error) {
- name := dot.Name.Name
+func getAttr(fr *Frame, x Value, name string) (Value, error) {
// field or method?
if x, ok := x.(HasAttrs); ok {
if v, err := x.Attr(name); v != nil || err != nil {
- return v, wrapError(fr, dot.Dot, err)
+ return v, err
- return nil, fr.errorf(dot.Dot, "%s has no .%s field or method", x.Type(), name)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s has no .%s field or method", x.Type(), name)
// setField implements x.name = y.
-func setField(fr *Frame, x Value, dot *syntax.DotExpr, y Value) error {
+func setField(fr *Frame, x Value, name string, y Value) error {
if x, ok := x.(HasSetField); ok {
- err := x.SetField(dot.Name.Name, y)
- return wrapError(fr, dot.Dot, err)
+ err := x.SetField(name, y)
+ return err
- return fr.errorf(dot.Dot, "can't assign to .%s field of %s", dot.Name.Name, x.Type())
+ return fmt.Errorf("can't assign to .%s field of %s", name, x.Type())
// getIndex implements x[y].
-func getIndex(fr *Frame, lbrack syntax.Position, x, y Value) (Value, error) {
+func getIndex(fr *Frame, x, y Value) (Value, error) {
switch x := x.(type) {
case Mapping: // dict
z, found, err := x.Get(y)
if err != nil {
- return nil, fr.errorf(lbrack, "%v", err)
+ return nil, err
if !found {
- return nil, fr.errorf(lbrack, "key %v not in %s", y, x.Type())
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("key %v not in %s", y, x.Type())
return z, nil
@@ -627,299 +363,47 @@ func getIndex(fr *Frame, lbrack syntax.Position, x, y Value) (Value, error) {
n := x.Len()
i, err := AsInt32(y)
if err != nil {
- return nil, fr.errorf(lbrack, "%s index: %s", x.Type(), err)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s index: %s", x.Type(), err)
if i < 0 {
i += n
if i < 0 || i >= n {
- return nil, fr.errorf(lbrack, "%s index %d out of range [0:%d]",
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s index %d out of range [0:%d]",
x.Type(), i, n)
return x.Index(i), nil
- return nil, fr.errorf(lbrack, "unhandled index operation %s[%s]", x.Type(), y.Type())
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("unhandled index operation %s[%s]", x.Type(), y.Type())
// setIndex implements x[y] = z.
-func setIndex(fr *Frame, lbrack syntax.Position, x, y, z Value) error {
+func setIndex(fr *Frame, x, y, z Value) error {
switch x := x.(type) {
case *Dict:
if err := x.Set(y, z); err != nil {
- return fr.errorf(lbrack, "%v", err)
+ return err
case HasSetIndex:
i, err := AsInt32(y)
if err != nil {
- return wrapError(fr, lbrack, err)
+ return err
if i < 0 {
i += x.Len()
if i < 0 || i >= x.Len() {
- return fr.errorf(lbrack, "%s index %d out of range [0:%d]", x.Type(), i, x.Len())
+ return fmt.Errorf("%s index %d out of range [0:%d]", x.Type(), i, x.Len())
- return wrapError(fr, lbrack, x.SetIndex(i, z))
+ return x.SetIndex(i, z)
- return fr.errorf(lbrack, "%s value does not support item assignment", x.Type())
+ return fmt.Errorf("%s value does not support item assignment", x.Type())
return nil
-// assign implements lhs = rhs for arbitrary expressions lhs.
-func assign(fr *Frame, pos syntax.Position, lhs syntax.Expr, rhs Value) error {
- switch lhs := lhs.(type) {
- case *syntax.Ident:
- // x = rhs
- fr.set(lhs, rhs)
- case *syntax.TupleExpr:
- // (x, y) = rhs
- return assignSequence(fr, pos, lhs.List, rhs)
- case *syntax.ListExpr:
- // [x, y] = rhs
- return assignSequence(fr, pos, lhs.List, rhs)
- case *syntax.IndexExpr:
- // x[y] = rhs
- x, err := eval(fr, lhs.X)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- y, err := eval(fr, lhs.Y)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return setIndex(fr, lhs.Lbrack, x, y, rhs)
- case *syntax.DotExpr:
- // x.f = rhs
- x, err := eval(fr, lhs.X)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return setField(fr, x, lhs, rhs)
- case *syntax.ParenExpr:
- return assign(fr, pos, lhs.X, rhs)
- default:
- return fr.errorf(pos, "ill-formed assignment: %T", lhs)
- }
- return nil
-func assignSequence(fr *Frame, pos syntax.Position, lhs []syntax.Expr, rhs Value) error {
- nlhs := len(lhs)
- n := Len(rhs)
- if n < 0 {
- return fr.errorf(pos, "got %s in sequence assignment", rhs.Type())
- } else if n > nlhs {
- return fr.errorf(pos, "too many values to unpack (got %d, want %d)", n, nlhs)
- } else if n < nlhs {
- return fr.errorf(pos, "too few values to unpack (got %d, want %d)", n, nlhs)
- }
- // If the rhs is not indexable, extract its elements into a
- // temporary tuple before doing the assignment.
- ix, ok := rhs.(Indexable)
- if !ok {
- tuple := make(Tuple, n)
- iter := Iterate(rhs)
- if iter == nil {
- return fr.errorf(pos, "non-iterable sequence: %s", rhs.Type())
- }
- for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
- iter.Next(&tuple[i])
- }
- iter.Done()
- ix = tuple
- }
- for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
- if err := assign(fr, pos, lhs[i], ix.Index(i)); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- return nil
-func eval(fr *Frame, e syntax.Expr) (Value, error) {
- switch e := e.(type) {
- case *syntax.Ident:
- return fr.lookup(e)
- case *syntax.Literal:
- switch e.Token {
- case syntax.INT:
- switch e.Value.(type) {
- case int64:
- return MakeInt64(e.Value.(int64)), nil
- case *big.Int:
- return Int{e.Value.(*big.Int)}, nil
- }
- case syntax.FLOAT:
- return Float(e.Value.(float64)), nil
- case syntax.STRING:
- return String(e.Value.(string)), nil
- }
- case *syntax.ListExpr:
- vals := make([]Value, len(e.List))
- for i, x := range e.List {
- v, err := eval(fr, x)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- vals[i] = v
- }
- return NewList(vals), nil
- case *syntax.CondExpr:
- cond, err := eval(fr, e.Cond)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- if cond.Truth() {
- return eval(fr, e.True)
- } else {
- return eval(fr, e.False)
- }
- case *syntax.IndexExpr:
- x, err := eval(fr, e.X)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- y, err := eval(fr, e.Y)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return getIndex(fr, e.Lbrack, x, y)
- case *syntax.SliceExpr:
- return evalSliceExpr(fr, e)
- case *syntax.Comprehension:
- var result Value
- if e.Curly {
- result = new(Dict)
- } else {
- result = new(List)
- }
- return result, evalComprehension(fr, e, result, 0)
- case *syntax.TupleExpr:
- n := len(e.List)
- tuple := make(Tuple, n)
- for i, x := range e.List {
- v, err := eval(fr, x)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- tuple[i] = v
- }
- return tuple, nil
- case *syntax.DictExpr:
- dict := new(Dict)
- for i, entry := range e.List {
- entry := entry.(*syntax.DictEntry)
- k, err := eval(fr, entry.Key)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- v, err := eval(fr, entry.Value)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- if err := dict.Set(k, v); err != nil {
- return nil, fr.errorf(e.Lbrace, "%v", err)
- }
- if dict.Len() != i+1 {
- return nil, fr.errorf(e.Lbrace, "duplicate key: %v", k)
- }
- }
- return dict, nil
- case *syntax.UnaryExpr:
- x, err := eval(fr, e.X)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- y, err := Unary(e.Op, x)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fr.errorf(e.OpPos, "%s", err)
- }
- return y, nil
- case *syntax.BinaryExpr:
- x, err := eval(fr, e.X)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- // short-circuit operators
- switch e.Op {
- case syntax.OR:
- if x.Truth() {
- return x, nil
- }
- return eval(fr, e.Y)
- case syntax.AND:
- if !x.Truth() {
- return x, nil
- }
- return eval(fr, e.Y)
- }
- y, err := eval(fr, e.Y)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- // comparisons
- switch e.Op {
- case syntax.EQL, syntax.NEQ, syntax.GT, syntax.LT, syntax.LE, syntax.GE:
- ok, err := Compare(e.Op, x, y)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fr.errorf(e.OpPos, "%s", err)
- }
- return Bool(ok), nil
- }
- // binary operators
- z, err := Binary(e.Op, x, y)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fr.errorf(e.OpPos, "%s", err)
- }
- return z, nil
- case *syntax.DotExpr:
- x, err := eval(fr, e.X)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return getAttr(fr, x, e)
- case *syntax.CallExpr:
- return evalCall(fr, e)
- case *syntax.LambdaExpr:
- return evalFunction(fr, e.Lambda, "lambda", &e.Function)
- case *syntax.ParenExpr:
- return eval(fr, e.X)
- }
- start, _ := e.Span()
- log.Fatalf("%s: unexpected expr %T", start, e)
- panic("unreachable")
// Unary applies a unary operator (+, -, not) to its operand.
func Unary(op syntax.Token, x Value) (Value, error) {
switch op {
@@ -1283,139 +767,6 @@ func repeat(elems []Value, n int) (res []Value) {
return res
-func evalCall(fr *Frame, call *syntax.CallExpr) (Value, error) {
- var fn Value
- // Use optimized path for calling methods of built-ins: x.f(...)
- if dot, ok := call.Fn.(*syntax.DotExpr); ok {
- recv, err := eval(fr, dot.X)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- name := dot.Name.Name
- if method := builtinMethodOf(recv, name); method != nil {
- args, kwargs, err := evalArgs(fr, call)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- // Make the call.
- res, err := method(name, recv, args, kwargs)
- return res, wrapError(fr, call.Lparen, err)
- }
- // Fall back to usual path.
- fn, err = getAttr(fr, recv, dot)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- } else {
- var err error
- fn, err = eval(fr, call.Fn)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- args, kwargs, err := evalArgs(fr, call)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- // Make the call.
- fr.posn = call.Lparen
- res, err := Call(fr.thread, fn, args, kwargs)
- return res, wrapError(fr, call.Lparen, err)
-// wrapError wraps the error in a skylark.EvalError only if needed.
-func wrapError(fr *Frame, posn syntax.Position, err error) error {
- switch err := err.(type) {
- case nil, *EvalError:
- return err
- }
- return fr.errorf(posn, "%s", err.Error())
-func evalArgs(fr *Frame, call *syntax.CallExpr) (args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple, err error) {
- // evaluate arguments.
- var kwargsAlloc Tuple // allocate a single backing array
- for i, arg := range call.Args {
- // keyword argument, k=v
- if binop, ok := arg.(*syntax.BinaryExpr); ok && binop.Op == syntax.EQ {
- k := binop.X.(*syntax.Ident).Name
- v, err := eval(fr, binop.Y)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, nil, err
- }
- if kwargs == nil {
- nkwargs := len(call.Args) - i // more than enough
- kwargsAlloc = make(Tuple, 2*nkwargs)
- kwargs = make([]Tuple, 0, nkwargs)
- }
- pair := kwargsAlloc[:2:2]
- kwargsAlloc = kwargsAlloc[2:]
- pair[0], pair[1] = String(k), v
- kwargs = append(kwargs, pair)
- continue
- }
- // *args and **kwargs arguments
- if unop, ok := arg.(*syntax.UnaryExpr); ok {
- if unop.Op == syntax.STAR {
- // *args
- x, err := eval(fr, unop.X)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, nil, err
- }
- iter := Iterate(x)
- if iter == nil {
- return nil, nil, fr.errorf(unop.OpPos, "argument after * must be iterable, not %s", x.Type())
- }
- defer iter.Done()
- var elem Value
- for iter.Next(&elem) {
- args = append(args, elem)
- }
- continue
- }
- if unop.Op == syntax.STARSTAR {
- // **kwargs
- x, err := eval(fr, unop.X)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, nil, err
- }
- xdict, ok := x.(*Dict)
- if !ok {
- return nil, nil, fr.errorf(unop.OpPos, "argument after ** must be a mapping, not %s", x.Type())
- }
- items := xdict.Items()
- for _, item := range items {
- if _, ok := item[0].(String); !ok {
- return nil, nil, fr.errorf(unop.OpPos, "keywords must be strings, not %s", item[0].Type())
- }
- }
- if kwargs == nil {
- kwargs = items
- } else {
- kwargs = append(kwargs, items...)
- }
- continue
- }
- }
- // ordinary argument
- v, err := eval(fr, arg)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, nil, err
- }
- args = append(args, v)
- }
- return args, kwargs, err
// Call calls the function fn with the specified positional and keyword arguments.
func Call(thread *Thread, fn Value, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) {
c, ok := fn.(Callable)
@@ -1430,41 +781,6 @@ func Call(thread *Thread, fn Value, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) {
return res, err
-func evalSliceExpr(fr *Frame, e *syntax.SliceExpr) (Value, error) {
- // Unlike Python, Skylark does not allow a slice on the LHS of
- // an assignment statement.
- x, err := eval(fr, e.X)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- var lo, hi, step Value = None, None, None
- if e.Lo != nil {
- lo, err = eval(fr, e.Lo)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- if e.Hi != nil {
- hi, err = eval(fr, e.Hi)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- if e.Step != nil {
- step, err = eval(fr, e.Step)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- res, err := slice(x, lo, hi, step)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fr.errorf(e.Lbrack, "%s", err)
- }
- return res, nil
func slice(x, lo, hi, step_ Value) (Value, error) {
n := Len(x)
if n < 0 {
@@ -1615,150 +931,9 @@ func asIndex(v Value, len int, result *int) error {
return nil
-func evalComprehension(fr *Frame, comp *syntax.Comprehension, result Value, clauseIndex int) error {
- if clauseIndex == len(comp.Clauses) {
- if comp.Curly {
- // dict: {k:v for ...}
- // Parser ensures that body is of form k:v.
- // Python-style set comprehensions {body for vars in x}
- // are not supported.
- entry := comp.Body.(*syntax.DictEntry)
- k, err := eval(fr, entry.Key)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- v, err := eval(fr, entry.Value)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if err := result.(*Dict).Set(k, v); err != nil {
- return fr.errorf(entry.Colon, "%v", err)
- }
- } else {
- // list: [body for vars in x]
- x, err := eval(fr, comp.Body)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- list := result.(*List)
- list.elems = append(list.elems, x)
- }
- return nil
- }
- clause := comp.Clauses[clauseIndex]
- switch clause := clause.(type) {
- case *syntax.IfClause:
- cond, err := eval(fr, clause.Cond)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if cond.Truth() {
- return evalComprehension(fr, comp, result, clauseIndex+1)
- }
- return nil
- case *syntax.ForClause:
- x, err := eval(fr, clause.X)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- iter := Iterate(x)
- if iter == nil {
- return fr.errorf(clause.For, "%s value is not iterable", x.Type())
- }
- defer iter.Done()
- var elem Value
- for iter.Next(&elem) {
- if err := assign(fr, clause.For, clause.Vars, elem); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if err := evalComprehension(fr, comp, result, clauseIndex+1); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- return nil
- }
- start, _ := clause.Span()
- log.Fatalf("%s: unexpected comprehension clause %T", start, clause)
- panic("unreachable")
-func evalFunction(fr *Frame, pos syntax.Position, name string, function *syntax.Function) (Value, error) {
- // Example: f(x, y=dflt, *args, **kwargs)
- // Evaluate parameter defaults.
- var defaults Tuple // parameter default values
- for _, param := range function.Params {
- if binary, ok := param.(*syntax.BinaryExpr); ok {
- // e.g. y=dflt
- dflt, err := eval(fr, binary.Y)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- defaults = append(defaults, dflt)
- }
- }
- // Capture the values of the function's
- // free variables from the lexical environment.
- freevars := make([]Value, len(function.FreeVars))
- for i, freevar := range function.FreeVars {
- v, err := fr.lookup(freevar)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fr.errorf(pos, "%s", err)
- }
- freevars[i] = v
- }
- return &Function{
- name: name,
- position: pos,
- syntax: function,
- predeclared: fr.predeclared,
- globals: fr.globals,
- defaults: defaults,
- freevars: freevars,
- }, nil
-func (fn *Function) Call(thread *Thread, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) {
- if debug {
- fmt.Printf("call of %s %v %v\n", fn.Name(), args, kwargs)
- }
- // detect recursion
- for fr := thread.frame; fr != nil; fr = fr.parent {
- // We look for the same syntactic function,
- // not function value, otherwise the user could
- // defeat the check by writing the Y combinator.
- if fr.fn != nil && fr.fn.syntax == fn.syntax {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("function %s called recursively", fn.Name())
- }
- }
- fr := thread.Push(fn.predeclared, fn.globals, len(fn.syntax.Locals))
- fr.fn = fn
- err := fn.setArgs(fr, args, kwargs)
- if err == nil {
- err = fr.ExecStmts(fn.syntax.Body)
- }
- thread.Pop()
- if err != nil {
- if err == errReturn {
- return fr.result, nil
- }
- return nil, err
- }
- return None, nil
// setArgs sets the values of the formal parameters of function fn in
-// frame fr based on the actual parameter values in args and kwargs.
-func (fn *Function) setArgs(fr *Frame, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) error {
+// based on the actual parameter values in args and kwargs.
+func setArgs(locals []Value, fn *Function, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) error {
cond := func(x bool, y, z interface{}) interface{} {
if x {
return y
@@ -1767,27 +942,27 @@ func (fn *Function) setArgs(fr *Frame, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) error {
// nparams is the number of ordinary parameters (sans * or **).
- nparams := len(fn.syntax.Params)
- if fn.syntax.HasVarargs {
+ nparams := fn.NumParams()
+ if fn.HasVarargs() {
- if fn.syntax.HasKwargs {
+ if fn.HasKwargs() {
// This is the algorithm from PyEval_EvalCodeEx.
var kwdict *Dict
n := len(args)
- if nparams > 0 || fn.syntax.HasVarargs || fn.syntax.HasKwargs {
- if fn.syntax.HasKwargs {
+ if nparams > 0 || fn.HasVarargs() || fn.HasKwargs() {
+ if fn.HasKwargs() {
kwdict = new(Dict)
- fr.locals[len(fn.syntax.Params)-1] = kwdict
+ locals[fn.NumParams()-1] = kwdict
// too many args?
if len(args) > nparams {
- if !fn.syntax.HasVarargs {
- return fr.errorf(fn.position, "function %s takes %s %d argument%s (%d given)",
+ if !fn.HasVarargs() {
+ return fmt.Errorf("function %s takes %s %d argument%s (%d given)",
cond(len(fn.defaults) > 0, "at most", "exactly"),
@@ -1803,32 +978,32 @@ func (fn *Function) setArgs(fr *Frame, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) error {
// ordinary parameters
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
- fr.locals[i] = args[i]
+ locals[i] = args[i]
// variadic arguments
- if fn.syntax.HasVarargs {
+ if fn.HasVarargs() {
tuple := make(Tuple, len(args)-n)
for i := n; i < len(args); i++ {
tuple[i-n] = args[i]
- fr.locals[nparams] = tuple
+ locals[nparams] = tuple
// keyword arguments
- paramIdents := fn.syntax.Locals[:nparams]
+ paramIdents := fn.funcode.Locals[:nparams]
for _, pair := range kwargs {
k, v := pair[0].(String), pair[1]
if i := findParam(paramIdents, string(k)); i >= 0 {
if defined.set(i) {
- return fr.errorf(fn.position, "function %s got multiple values for keyword argument %s", fn.Name(), k)
+ return fmt.Errorf("function %s got multiple values for keyword argument %s", fn.Name(), k)
- fr.locals[i] = v
+ locals[i] = v
if kwdict == nil {
- return fr.errorf(fn.position, "function %s got an unexpected keyword argument %s", fn.Name(), k)
+ return fmt.Errorf("function %s got an unexpected keyword argument %s", fn.Name(), k)
kwdict.Set(k, v)
@@ -1841,9 +1016,9 @@ func (fn *Function) setArgs(fr *Frame, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) error {
i := len(args)
for ; i < m; i++ {
if !defined.get(i) {
- return fr.errorf(fn.position, "function %s takes %s %d argument%s (%d given)",
+ return fmt.Errorf("function %s takes %s %d argument%s (%d given)",
- cond(fn.syntax.HasVarargs || len(fn.defaults) > 0, "at least", "exactly"),
+ cond(fn.HasVarargs() || len(fn.defaults) > 0, "at least", "exactly"),
cond(m == 1, "", "s"),
@@ -1853,17 +1028,17 @@ func (fn *Function) setArgs(fr *Frame, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) error {
// set default values
for ; i < nparams; i++ {
if !defined.get(i) {
- fr.locals[i] = fn.defaults[i-m]
+ locals[i] = fn.defaults[i-m]
} else if nactual := len(args) + len(kwargs); nactual > 0 {
- return fr.errorf(fn.position, "function %s takes no arguments (%d given)", fn.Name(), nactual)
+ return fmt.Errorf("function %s takes no arguments (%d given)", fn.Name(), nactual)
return nil
-func findParam(params []*syntax.Ident, name string) int {
+func findParam(params []compile.Ident, name string) int {
for i, param := range params {
if param.Name == name {
return i
diff --git a/eval_test.go b/eval_test.go
index 359739b..500c77d 100644
--- a/eval_test.go
+++ b/eval_test.go
@@ -321,18 +321,15 @@ f()
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
print := func(thread *skylark.Thread, msg string) {
caller := thread.Caller()
- name := "<module>"
- if caller.Function() != nil {
- name = caller.Function().Name()
- }
- fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%s: %s: %s\n", caller.Position(), name, msg)
+ fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%s: %s: %s\n",
+ caller.Position(), caller.Function().Name(), msg)
thread := &skylark.Thread{Print: print}
if _, err := skylark.ExecFile(thread, "foo.go", src, nil); err != nil {
- want := "foo.go:2:6: <module>: hello\n" +
- "foo.go:3:15: f: world\n"
+ want := "foo.go:2: <toplevel>: hello\n" +
+ "foo.go:3: f: world\n"
if got := buf.String(); got != want {
t.Errorf("output was %s, want %s", got, want)
@@ -427,12 +424,13 @@ i()
switch err := err.(type) {
case *skylark.EvalError:
got := err.Backtrace()
+ // Compiled code currently has no column information.
const want = `Traceback (most recent call last):
- crash.go:6:2: in <toplevel>
- crash.go:5:18: in i
- crash.go:4:20: in h
- crash.go:3:12: in g
- crash.go:2:19: in f
+ crash.go:6: in <toplevel>
+ crash.go:5: in i
+ crash.go:4: in h
+ crash.go:3: in g
+ crash.go:2: in f
Error: floored division by zero`
if got != want {
t.Errorf("error was %s, want %s", got, want)
@@ -447,23 +445,12 @@ Error: floored division by zero`
// TestRepeatedExec parses and resolves a file syntax tree once then
// executes it repeatedly with different values of its predeclared variables.
func TestRepeatedExec(t *testing.T) {
- f, err := syntax.Parse("repeat.sky", "y = 2 * x", 0)
+ predeclared := skylark.StringDict{"x": skylark.None}
+ _, prog, err := skylark.SourceProgram("repeat.sky", "y = 2 * x", predeclared.Has)
if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(f) // parse error
- }
- isPredeclared := func(name string) bool { return name == "x" } // x, but not y
- if err := resolve.File(f, isPredeclared, skylark.Universe.Has); err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err) // resolve error
- }
- const yIndex = 0
- if yName := f.Globals[yIndex].Name; yName != "y" {
- t.Fatalf("global[%d] = %s, want y", yIndex, yName)
+ t.Fatal(err)
- thread := new(skylark.Thread)
for _, test := range []struct {
x, want skylark.Value
@@ -471,17 +458,15 @@ func TestRepeatedExec(t *testing.T) {
{x: skylark.String("mur"), want: skylark.String("murmur")},
{x: skylark.Tuple{skylark.None}, want: skylark.Tuple{skylark.None, skylark.None}},
} {
- predeclared := skylark.StringDict{"x": test.x}
- globals := make([]skylark.Value, len(f.Globals))
- fr := thread.Push(predeclared, globals, len(f.Locals))
- if err := fr.ExecStmts(f.Stmts); err != nil {
+ predeclared["x"] = test.x // update the values in dictionary
+ thread := new(skylark.Thread)
+ if globals, err := prog.Init(thread, predeclared); err != nil {
t.Errorf("x=%v: %v", test.x, err) // exec error
- } else if eq, err := skylark.Equal(globals[yIndex], test.want); err != nil {
+ } else if eq, err := skylark.Equal(globals["y"], test.want); err != nil {
t.Errorf("x=%v: %v", test.x, err) // comparison error
} else if !eq {
- t.Errorf("x=%v: got y=%v, want %v", test.x, globals[yIndex], test.want)
+ t.Errorf("x=%v: got y=%v, want %v", test.x, globals["y"], test.want)
- thread.Pop()
diff --git a/internal/compile/compile.go b/internal/compile/compile.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd00e62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/compile/compile.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1599 @@
+// The compile package defines the Skylark bytecode compiler.
+// It is an internal package of the Skylark interpreter and is not directly accessible to clients.
+// The compiler generates byte code with optional uint32 operands for a
+// virtual machine with the following components:
+// - a program counter, which is an index into the byte code array.
+// - an operand stack, whose maximum size is computed for each function by the compiler.
+// - an stack of active iterators.
+// - an array of local variables.
+// The number of local variables and their indices are computed by the resolver.
+// - an array of free variables, for nested functions.
+// As with locals, these are computed by the resolver.
+// - an array of global variables, shared among all functions in the same module.
+// All elements are initially nil.
+// - two maps of predeclared and universal identifiers.
+// A line number table maps each program counter value to a source position;
+// these source positions do not currently record column information.
+// Operands, logically uint32s, are encoded using little-endian 7-bit
+// varints, the top bit indicating that more bytes follow.
+package compile
+// TODO(adonovan):
+// Optimizations:
+// - add dynamic checks for missing opcodes in the various tables.
+// - optimize the + operator, which is often applied to many strings or lists
+// in sequence, leading to quadratic behavior:
+// 1) simplify a left tree of plusses ((a+b)+c) into a sequence [a, +b, +c].
+// We need to keep each + that could fail, to report the correct position.
+// 2) in the sequence, combine adjacent list/tuple/string literals:
+// [a...]+[b...] -> [a... b...]
+// (a...)+(b...) -> (a... b...)
+// "a..."+"b..." -> "a... b..."
+// 3) in the sequence, implement a + op of a literal and following
+// non-literals by a buffer:
+// e.g. "a..." + x + y
+// => s=stringbuf(); s.append("a..."); s.append(x); s.append(y); s.string()
+// e.g. [a...] + x + y
+// => z=list(); z.append(each of a...); z.extend(x); z.extend(y); z
+// The apparent position of each append op is that of the '+' token.
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "log"
+ "math/big"
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "github.com/google/skylark/resolve"
+ "github.com/google/skylark/syntax"
+const debug = false // TODO(adonovan): use a bitmap of options; and regexp to match files
+// Increment this to force recompilation of saved bytecode files.
+const Version = 1
+type Opcode uint8
+// "x DUP x x" is a "stack picture" that describes the state of the
+// stack before and after execution of the instruction.
+// OP<index> indicates an immediate operand that is an index into the
+// specified table: locals, names, freevars, constants.
+const (
+ NOP Opcode = iota // - NOP -
+ // stack operations
+ DUP // x DUP x x
+ DUP2 // x y DUP2 x y x y
+ POP // x POP -
+ EXCH // x y EXCH y x
+ // binary comparisons
+ // (order must match Token)
+ LT
+ GT
+ GE
+ LE
+ // binary arithmetic
+ // (order must match Token)
+ IN
+ // unary operators
+ UPLUS // x UPLUS x
+ NONE // - NONE None
+ TRUE // - TRUE True
+ FALSE // - FALSE False
+ ITERPUSH // iterable ITERPUSH - [pushes the iterator stack]
+ ITERPOP // - ITERPOP - [pops the iterator stack]
+ NOT // value NOT bool
+ RETURN // value RETURN -
+ SETINDEX // a i new SETINDEX -
+ INDEX // a i INDEX elem
+ SETDICT // dict key value SETDICT -
+ SETDICTUNIQ // dict key value SETDICTUNIQ -
+ APPEND // list elem APPEND -
+ SLICE // x lo hi step SLICE slice
+ INPLACE_ADD // x y INPLACE_ADD z where z is x+y or x.extend(y)
+ // --- opcodes with an argument must go below this line ---
+ // control flow
+ JMP // - JMP<addr> -
+ CJMP // cond CJMP<addr> -
+ ITERJMP // - ITERJMP<addr> elem (and fall through) [acts on topmost iterator]
+ // or: - ITERJMP<addr> - (and jump)
+ INT // - INT<constant> value
+ FLOAT // - FLOAT<constant> value
+ BIGINT // - BIGINT<constant> value
+ STRING // - STRING<constant> value
+ MAKETUPLE // x1 ... xn MAKETUPLE<n> tuple
+ MAKELIST // x1 ... xn MAKELIST<n> list
+ MAKEFUNC // args kwargs MAKEFUNC<func> fn
+ LOAD // from1 ... fromN module LOAD<n> v1 ... vN
+ SETLOCAL // value SETLOCAL<local> -
+ SETGLOBAL // value SETGLOBAL<global> -
+ LOCAL // - LOCAL<local> value
+ FREE // - FREE<freevar> value
+ GLOBAL // - GLOBAL<global> value
+ UNIVERSAL // - UNIVERSAL<name> value
+ ATTR // x ATTR<name> y y = x.name
+ SETFIELD // x y SETFIELD<name> - x.name = y
+ UNPACK // iterable UNPACK<n> vn ... v1
+ // n>>8 is #positional args and n&0xff is #named args (pairs).
+ CALL // fn positional named CALL<n> result
+ CALL_VAR // fn positional named *args CALL_VAR<n> result
+ CALL_KW // fn positional named **kwargs CALL_KW<n> result
+ CALL_VAR_KW // fn positional named *args **kwargs CALL_VAR_KW<n> result
+ OpcodeArgMin = JMP
+ OpcodeMax = CALL_VAR_KW
+var opcodeNames = [...]string{
+ AMP: "amp",
+ APPEND: "append",
+ ATTR: "attr",
+ BIGINT: "bigint",
+ CALL: "call",
+ CALL_KW: "call_kw ",
+ CALL_VAR: "call_var",
+ CALL_VAR_KW: "call_var_kw",
+ CJMP: "cjmp",
+ DUP: "dup",
+ DUP2: "dup2",
+ EQL: "eql",
+ FALSE: "false",
+ FLOAT: "float",
+ FREE: "free",
+ GE: "ge",
+ GLOBAL: "global",
+ GT: "gt",
+ IN: "in",
+ INDEX: "index",
+ INPLACE_ADD: "inplace_add",
+ INT: "int",
+ ITERJMP: "iterjmp",
+ ITERPUSH: "iterpush",
+ ITERPOP: "iterpop",
+ JMP: "jmp",
+ LE: "le",
+ LOAD: "load",
+ LOCAL: "local",
+ LT: "lt",
+ MAKEDICT: "makedict",
+ MAKEFUNC: "makefunc",
+ MAKELIST: "makelist",
+ MAKETUPLE: "maketuple",
+ MINUS: "minus",
+ NEQ: "neq",
+ NONE: "none",
+ NOP: "nop",
+ NOT: "not",
+ PERCENT: "percent",
+ PIPE: "pipe",
+ PLUS: "plus",
+ POP: "pop",
+ PREDECLARED: "predeclared",
+ RETURN: "return",
+ SETDICT: "setdict",
+ SETDICTUNIQ: "setdictuniq",
+ SETFIELD: "setfield",
+ SETGLOBAL: "setglobal",
+ SETINDEX: "setindex",
+ SETLOCAL: "setlocal",
+ SLASH: "slash",
+ SLASHSLASH: "slashslash",
+ SLICE: "slice",
+ STAR: "star",
+ STRING: "string",
+ TRUE: "true",
+ UMINUS: "uminus",
+ UNIVERSAL: "universal",
+ UNPACK: "unpack",
+ UPLUS: "uplus",
+const variableStackEffect = 0x7f
+// stackEffect records the effect on the size of the operand stack of
+// each kind of instruction. For some instructions this requires computation.
+var stackEffect = [...]int8{
+ AMP: -1,
+ APPEND: -2,
+ ATTR: 0,
+ BIGINT: +1,
+ CALL: variableStackEffect,
+ CALL_KW: variableStackEffect,
+ CALL_VAR: variableStackEffect,
+ CALL_VAR_KW: variableStackEffect,
+ CJMP: -1,
+ DUP: +1,
+ DUP2: +2,
+ EQL: -1,
+ FALSE: +1,
+ FLOAT: +1,
+ FREE: +1,
+ GE: -1,
+ GLOBAL: +1,
+ GT: -1,
+ IN: -1,
+ INDEX: -1,
+ INT: +1,
+ ITERJMP: variableStackEffect,
+ JMP: 0,
+ LE: -1,
+ LOAD: -1,
+ LOCAL: +1,
+ LT: -1,
+ MAKELIST: variableStackEffect,
+ MAKETUPLE: variableStackEffect,
+ MINUS: -1,
+ NEQ: -1,
+ NONE: +1,
+ NOP: 0,
+ NOT: 0,
+ PERCENT: -1,
+ PIPE: -1,
+ PLUS: -1,
+ POP: -1,
+ RETURN: -1,
+ SETDICT: -3,
+ SLASH: -1,
+ SLICE: -3,
+ STAR: -1,
+ STRING: +1,
+ TRUE: +1,
+ UNPACK: variableStackEffect,
+func (op Opcode) String() string {
+ if op < OpcodeMax {
+ return opcodeNames[op]
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("illegal op (%d)", op)
+// A Program is a Skylark file in executable form.
+// Programs are serialized by the gobProgram function,
+// which must be updated whenever this declaration is changed.
+type Program struct {
+ Loads []Ident // name (really, string) and position of each load stmt
+ Names []string // names of attributes and predeclared variables
+ Constants []interface{} // = string | int64 | float64
+ Functions []*Funcode
+ Globals []Ident // for error messages and tracing
+ Toplevel *Funcode // module initialization function
+// A Funcode is the code of a compiled Skylark function.
+// Funcodes are serialized by the gobFunc function,
+// which must be updated whenever this declaration is changed.
+type Funcode struct {
+ Prog *Program
+ Pos syntax.Position // position of def or lambda token
+ Name string // name of this function
+ Code []byte // the byte code
+ pclinetab []uint16 // mapping from pc to linenum
+ Locals []Ident // for error messages and tracing
+ Freevars []Ident // for tracing
+ MaxStack int
+ NumParams int
+ HasVarargs, HasKwargs bool
+// An Ident is the name and position of an identifier.
+type Ident struct {
+ Name string
+ Pos syntax.Position
+// A pcomp holds the compiler state for a Program.
+type pcomp struct {
+ prog *Program // what we're building
+ names map[string]uint32
+ constants map[interface{}]uint32
+ functions map[*Funcode]uint32
+// An fcomp holds the compiler state for a Funcode.
+type fcomp struct {
+ fn *Funcode // what we're building
+ pcomp *pcomp
+ pos syntax.Position // current position of generated code
+ loops []loop
+ block *block
+type loop struct {
+ break_, continue_ *block
+type block struct {
+ insns []insn
+ // If the last insn is a RETURN, jmp and cjmp are nil.
+ // If the last insn is a CJMP or ITERJMP,
+ // cjmp and jmp are the "true" and "false" successors.
+ // Otherwise, jmp is the sole successor.
+ jmp, cjmp *block
+ initialstack int // for stack depth computation
+ // Used during encoding
+ index int // -1 => not encoded yet
+ addr uint32
+type insn struct {
+ op Opcode
+ arg uint32
+ line int32
+func (fn *Funcode) Position(pc uint32) syntax.Position {
+ // Conceptually the table contains rows of the form (pc uint32,
+ // line int32). Since the pc always increases, usually by a
+ // small amount, and the line number typically also does too
+ // although it may decrease, again typically by a small amount,
+ // we use delta encoding, starting from {pc: 0, line: 0}.
+ //
+ // Each entry is encoded in 16 bits.
+ // The top 8 bits are the unsigned delta pc; the next 7 bits are
+ // the signed line number delta; and the bottom bit indicates
+ // that more rows follow because one of the deltas was maxed out.
+ //
+ // TODO(adonovan): opt: improve the encoding; include the column.
+ pos := fn.Pos // copy the (annoyingly inaccessible) filename
+ pos.Line = 0
+ pos.Col = 0
+ // Position returns the record for the
+ // largest PC value not greater than 'pc'.
+ var prevpc uint32
+ complete := true
+ for _, x := range fn.pclinetab {
+ nextpc := prevpc + uint32(x>>8)
+ if complete && nextpc > pc {
+ return pos
+ }
+ prevpc = nextpc
+ pos.Line += int32(int8(x) >> 1) // sign extend Δline from 7 to 32 bits
+ complete = (x & 1) == 0
+ }
+ return pos
+// idents convert syntactic identifiers to compiled form.
+func idents(ids []*syntax.Ident) []Ident {
+ res := make([]Ident, len(ids))
+ for i, id := range ids {
+ res[i].Name = id.Name
+ res[i].Pos = id.NamePos
+ }
+ return res
+// Expr compiles an expression to a program consisting of a single toplevel function.
+func Expr(expr syntax.Expr, locals []*syntax.Ident) *Funcode {
+ stmts := []syntax.Stmt{&syntax.ReturnStmt{Result: expr}}
+ return File(stmts, locals, nil).Toplevel
+// File compiles the statements of a file into a program.
+func File(stmts []syntax.Stmt, locals, globals []*syntax.Ident) *Program {
+ pcomp := &pcomp{
+ prog: &Program{
+ Globals: idents(globals),
+ },
+ names: make(map[string]uint32),
+ constants: make(map[interface{}]uint32),
+ functions: make(map[*Funcode]uint32),
+ }
+ var pos syntax.Position
+ if len(stmts) > 0 {
+ pos = syntax.Start(stmts[0])
+ }
+ pcomp.prog.Toplevel = pcomp.function("<toplevel>", pos, stmts, locals, nil)
+ return pcomp.prog
+func (pcomp *pcomp) function(name string, pos syntax.Position, stmts []syntax.Stmt, locals, freevars []*syntax.Ident) *Funcode {
+ fcomp := &fcomp{
+ pcomp: pcomp,
+ pos: pos,
+ fn: &Funcode{
+ Prog: pcomp.prog,
+ Pos: pos,
+ Name: name,
+ Locals: idents(locals),
+ Freevars: idents(freevars),
+ },
+ }
+ if debug {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "start function(%s @ %s)\n", name, pos)
+ }
+ // Convert AST to a CFG of instructions.
+ entry := fcomp.newBlock()
+ fcomp.block = entry
+ fcomp.stmts(stmts)
+ if fcomp.block != nil {
+ fcomp.emit(NONE)
+ fcomp.emit(RETURN)
+ }
+ var oops bool // something bad happened
+ setinitialstack := func(b *block, depth int) {
+ if b.initialstack == -1 {
+ b.initialstack = depth
+ } else if b.initialstack != depth {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%d: setinitialstack: depth mismatch: %d vs %d\n",
+ b.index, b.initialstack, depth)
+ oops = true
+ }
+ }
+ // Linearize the CFG:
+ // compute order, address, and initial
+ // stack depth of each reachable block.
+ var pc uint32
+ var blocks []*block
+ var maxstack int
+ var visit func(b *block)
+ visit = func(b *block) {
+ if b.index >= 0 {
+ return // already visited
+ }
+ b.index = len(blocks)
+ b.addr = pc
+ blocks = append(blocks, b)
+ stack := b.initialstack
+ if debug {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s block %d: (stack = %d)\n", name, b.index, stack)
+ }
+ var cjmpAddr *uint32
+ var isiterjmp int
+ for i, insn := range b.insns {
+ pc++
+ // Compute size of argument.
+ if insn.op >= OpcodeArgMin {
+ switch insn.op {
+ case ITERJMP:
+ isiterjmp = 1
+ fallthrough
+ case CJMP:
+ cjmpAddr = &b.insns[i].arg
+ pc += 4
+ default:
+ pc += uint32(argLen(insn.arg))
+ }
+ }
+ // Compute effect on stack.
+ se := insn.stackeffect()
+ if debug {
+ fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "\t", insn.op, stack, stack+se)
+ }
+ stack += se
+ if stack < 0 {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "After pc=%d: stack underflow\n", pc)
+ oops = true
+ }
+ if stack+isiterjmp > maxstack {
+ maxstack = stack + isiterjmp
+ }
+ }
+ if debug {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "successors of block %d (start=%d):\n",
+ b.addr, b.index)
+ if b.jmp != nil {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "jmp to %d\n", b.jmp.index)
+ }
+ if b.cjmp != nil {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "cjmp to %d\n", b.cjmp.index)
+ }
+ }
+ // Place the jmp block next.
+ if b.jmp != nil {
+ // jump threading (empty cycles are impossible)
+ for b.jmp.insns == nil {
+ b.jmp = b.jmp.jmp
+ }
+ setinitialstack(b.jmp, stack+isiterjmp)
+ if b.jmp.index < 0 {
+ // Successor is not yet visited:
+ // place it next and fall through.
+ visit(b.jmp)
+ } else {
+ // Successor already visited;
+ // explicit backward jump required.
+ pc += 5
+ }
+ }
+ // Then the cjmp block.
+ if b.cjmp != nil {
+ // jump threading (empty cycles are impossible)
+ for b.cjmp.insns == nil {
+ b.cjmp = b.cjmp.jmp
+ }
+ setinitialstack(b.cjmp, stack)
+ visit(b.cjmp)
+ // Patch the CJMP/ITERJMP, if present.
+ if cjmpAddr != nil {
+ *cjmpAddr = b.cjmp.addr
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ setinitialstack(entry, 0)
+ visit(entry)
+ fn := fcomp.fn
+ fn.MaxStack = maxstack
+ // Emit bytecode (and position table).
+ if debug {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Function %s: (%d blocks, %d bytes)\n", name, len(blocks), pc)
+ }
+ fcomp.generate(blocks, pc)
+ if debug {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "code=%d maxstack=%d\n", fn.Code, fn.MaxStack)
+ }
+ // Don't panic until we've completed printing of the function.
+ if oops {
+ panic("internal error")
+ }
+ if debug {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "end function(%s @ %s)\n", name, pos)
+ }
+ return fn
+func (insn *insn) stackeffect() int {
+ se := int(stackEffect[insn.op])
+ if se == variableStackEffect {
+ arg := int(insn.arg)
+ switch insn.op {
+ se = -int(2*(insn.arg&0xff) + insn.arg>>8)
+ if insn.op != CALL {
+ se--
+ }
+ if insn.op == CALL_VAR_KW {
+ se--
+ }
+ case ITERJMP:
+ // Stack effect differs by successor:
+ // +1 for jmp/false/ok
+ // 0 for cjmp/true/exhausted
+ // Handled specially in caller.
+ se = 0
+ se = 1 - arg
+ case UNPACK:
+ se = arg - 1
+ default:
+ panic(insn.op)
+ }
+ }
+ return se
+// generate emits the linear instruction stream from the CFG,
+// and builds the PC-to-line number table.
+func (fcomp *fcomp) generate(blocks []*block, codelen uint32) {
+ code := make([]byte, 0, codelen)
+ var pclinetab []uint16
+ var prev struct {
+ pc uint32
+ line int32
+ }
+ for _, b := range blocks {
+ if debug {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%d:\n", b.index)
+ }
+ pc := b.addr
+ for _, insn := range b.insns {
+ if insn.line != 0 {
+ // Instruction has a source position. Delta-encode it.
+ // See Funcode.Position for the encoding.
+ for {
+ var incomplete uint16
+ deltapc := pc - prev.pc
+ if deltapc > 0xff {
+ deltapc = 0xff
+ incomplete = 1
+ }
+ prev.pc += deltapc
+ deltaline := insn.line - prev.line
+ if deltaline > 0x3f {
+ deltaline = 0x3f
+ incomplete = 1
+ } else if deltaline < -0x40 {
+ deltaline = -0x40
+ incomplete = 1
+ }
+ prev.line += deltaline
+ entry := uint16(deltapc<<8) | uint16(uint8(deltaline<<1)) | incomplete
+ pclinetab = append(pclinetab, entry)
+ if incomplete == 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if debug {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\t\t\t\t\t; %s %d\n",
+ filepath.Base(fcomp.fn.Pos.Filename()), insn.line)
+ }
+ }
+ if debug {
+ PrintOp(fcomp.fn, pc, insn.op, insn.arg)
+ }
+ code = append(code, byte(insn.op))
+ pc++
+ if insn.op >= OpcodeArgMin {
+ if insn.op == CJMP || insn.op == ITERJMP {
+ code = addUint32(code, insn.arg, 4) // pad arg to 4 bytes
+ } else {
+ code = addUint32(code, insn.arg, 0)
+ }
+ pc = uint32(len(code))
+ }
+ }
+ if b.jmp != nil && b.jmp.index != b.index+1 {
+ addr := b.jmp.addr
+ if debug {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\t%d\tjmp\t\t%d\t; block %d\n",
+ pc, addr, b.jmp.index)
+ }
+ code = append(code, byte(JMP))
+ code = addUint32(code, addr, 4)
+ }
+ }
+ if len(code) != int(codelen) {
+ panic("internal error: wrong code length")
+ }
+ fcomp.fn.pclinetab = pclinetab
+ fcomp.fn.Code = code
+// addUint32 encodes x as 7-bit little-endian varint.
+// TODO(adonovan): opt: steal top two bits of opcode
+// to encode the number of complete bytes that follow.
+func addUint32(code []byte, x uint32, min int) []byte {
+ end := len(code) + min
+ for x >= 0x80 {
+ code = append(code, byte(x)|0x80)
+ x >>= 7
+ }
+ code = append(code, byte(x))
+ // Pad the operand with NOPs to exactly min bytes.
+ for len(code) < end {
+ code = append(code, byte(NOP))
+ }
+ return code
+func argLen(x uint32) int {
+ n := 0
+ for x >= 0x80 {
+ n++
+ x >>= 7
+ }
+ return n + 1
+// PrintOp prints an instruction.
+// It is provided for debugging.
+func PrintOp(fn *Funcode, pc uint32, op Opcode, arg uint32) {
+ if op < OpcodeArgMin {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\t%d\t%s\n", pc, op)
+ return
+ }
+ var comment string
+ switch op {
+ comment = fmt.Sprint(fn.Prog.Constants[arg])
+ case STRING:
+ comment = fmt.Sprintf("%q", fn.Prog.Constants[arg])
+ case MAKEFUNC:
+ comment = fn.Prog.Functions[arg].Name
+ comment = fn.Locals[arg].Name
+ comment = fn.Prog.Globals[arg].Name
+ comment = fn.Prog.Names[arg]
+ case FREE:
+ comment = fn.Freevars[arg].Name
+ comment = fmt.Sprintf("%d pos, %d named", arg>>8, arg&0xff)
+ default:
+ // arg is just a number
+ }
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t%d\t%-10s\t%d", pc, op, arg)
+ if comment != "" {
+ fmt.Fprint(&buf, "\t; ", comment)
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintln(&buf)
+ os.Stderr.Write(buf.Bytes())
+// newBlock returns a new block.
+func (fcomp) newBlock() *block {
+ return &block{index: -1, initialstack: -1}
+// emit emits an instruction to the current block.
+func (fcomp *fcomp) emit(op Opcode) {
+ if op >= OpcodeArgMin {
+ panic("missing arg: " + op.String())
+ }
+ insn := insn{op: op, line: fcomp.pos.Line}
+ fcomp.block.insns = append(fcomp.block.insns, insn)
+ fcomp.pos.Line = 0
+// emit1 emits an instruction with an immediate operand.
+func (fcomp *fcomp) emit1(op Opcode, arg uint32) {
+ if op < OpcodeArgMin {
+ panic("unwanted arg: " + op.String())
+ }
+ insn := insn{op: op, arg: arg, line: fcomp.pos.Line}
+ fcomp.block.insns = append(fcomp.block.insns, insn)
+ fcomp.pos.Line = 0
+// jump emits a jump to the specified block.
+// On return, the current block is unset.
+func (fcomp *fcomp) jump(b *block) {
+ if b == fcomp.block {
+ panic("self-jump") // unreachable: Skylark has no arbitrary looping constructs
+ }
+ fcomp.block.jmp = b
+ fcomp.block = nil
+// condjump emits a conditional jump (CJMP or ITERJMP)
+// to the specified true/false blocks.
+// (For ITERJMP, the cases are jmp/f/ok and cjmp/t/exhausted.)
+// On return, the current block is unset.
+func (fcomp *fcomp) condjump(op Opcode, t, f *block) {
+ if !(op == CJMP || op == ITERJMP) {
+ panic("not a conditional jump: " + op.String())
+ }
+ fcomp.emit1(op, 0) // fill in address later
+ fcomp.block.cjmp = t
+ fcomp.jump(f)
+// nameIndex returns the index of the specified name
+// within the name pool, adding it if necessary.
+func (pcomp *pcomp) nameIndex(name string) uint32 {
+ index, ok := pcomp.names[name]
+ if !ok {
+ index = uint32(len(pcomp.prog.Names))
+ pcomp.names[name] = index
+ pcomp.prog.Names = append(pcomp.prog.Names, name)
+ }
+ return index
+// constantIndex returns the index of the specified constant
+// within the constant pool, adding it if necessary.
+func (pcomp *pcomp) constantIndex(v interface{}) uint32 {
+ index, ok := pcomp.constants[v]
+ if !ok {
+ index = uint32(len(pcomp.prog.Constants))
+ pcomp.constants[v] = index
+ pcomp.prog.Constants = append(pcomp.prog.Constants, v)
+ }
+ return index
+// functionIndex returns the index of the specified function
+// AST the nestedfun pool, adding it if necessary.
+func (pcomp *pcomp) functionIndex(fn *Funcode) uint32 {
+ index, ok := pcomp.functions[fn]
+ if !ok {
+ index = uint32(len(pcomp.prog.Functions))
+ pcomp.functions[fn] = index
+ pcomp.prog.Functions = append(pcomp.prog.Functions, fn)
+ }
+ return index
+// string emits code to push the specified string.
+func (fcomp *fcomp) string(s string) {
+ fcomp.emit1(STRING, fcomp.pcomp.constantIndex(s))
+// int64 emits code to push the specified integer.
+func (fcomp *fcomp) int64(i int64) {
+ fcomp.emit1(INT, fcomp.pcomp.constantIndex(i))
+// setPos sets the current source position.
+// It should be called prior to any operation that can fail dynamically.
+// All positions are assumed to belong to the same file.
+func (fcomp *fcomp) setPos(pos syntax.Position) {
+ fcomp.pos = pos
+// set emits code to store the top-of-stack value
+// to the specified local or global variable.
+func (fcomp *fcomp) set(id *syntax.Ident) {
+ switch resolve.Scope(id.Scope) {
+ case resolve.Local:
+ fcomp.emit1(SETLOCAL, uint32(id.Index))
+ case resolve.Global:
+ fcomp.emit1(SETGLOBAL, uint32(id.Index))
+ default:
+ log.Fatalf("%s: set(%s): neither global nor local (%d)", id.NamePos, id.Name, id.Scope)
+ }
+// lookup emits code to push the value of the specified variable.
+func (fcomp *fcomp) lookup(id *syntax.Ident) {
+ switch resolve.Scope(id.Scope) {
+ case resolve.Local:
+ fcomp.setPos(id.NamePos)
+ fcomp.emit1(LOCAL, uint32(id.Index))
+ case resolve.Free:
+ fcomp.emit1(FREE, uint32(id.Index))
+ case resolve.Global:
+ fcomp.setPos(id.NamePos)
+ fcomp.emit1(GLOBAL, uint32(id.Index))
+ case resolve.Predeclared:
+ fcomp.setPos(id.NamePos)
+ fcomp.emit1(PREDECLARED, fcomp.pcomp.nameIndex(id.Name))
+ case resolve.Universal:
+ fcomp.emit1(UNIVERSAL, fcomp.pcomp.nameIndex(id.Name))
+ default:
+ log.Fatalf("%s: compiler.lookup(%s): scope = %d", id.NamePos, id.Name, id.Scope)
+ }
+func (fcomp *fcomp) stmts(stmts []syntax.Stmt) {
+ for _, stmt := range stmts {
+ fcomp.stmt(stmt)
+ }
+func (fcomp *fcomp) stmt(stmt syntax.Stmt) {
+ switch stmt := stmt.(type) {
+ case *syntax.ExprStmt:
+ if _, ok := stmt.X.(*syntax.Literal); ok {
+ // Opt: don't compile doc comments only to pop them.
+ return
+ }
+ fcomp.expr(stmt.X)
+ fcomp.emit(POP)
+ case *syntax.BranchStmt:
+ // Resolver invariant: break/continue appear only within loops.
+ switch stmt.Token {
+ case syntax.PASS:
+ // no-op
+ case syntax.BREAK:
+ b := fcomp.loops[len(fcomp.loops)-1].break_
+ fcomp.jump(b)
+ fcomp.block = fcomp.newBlock() // dead code
+ case syntax.CONTINUE:
+ b := fcomp.loops[len(fcomp.loops)-1].continue_
+ fcomp.jump(b)
+ fcomp.block = fcomp.newBlock() // dead code
+ }
+ case *syntax.IfStmt:
+ // Keep consistent with CondExpr.
+ t := fcomp.newBlock()
+ f := fcomp.newBlock()
+ done := fcomp.newBlock()
+ fcomp.ifelse(stmt.Cond, t, f)
+ fcomp.block = t
+ fcomp.stmts(stmt.True)
+ fcomp.jump(done)
+ fcomp.block = f
+ fcomp.stmts(stmt.False)
+ fcomp.jump(done)
+ fcomp.block = done
+ case *syntax.AssignStmt:
+ switch stmt.Op {
+ case syntax.EQ:
+ // simple assignment: x = y
+ fcomp.expr(stmt.RHS)
+ fcomp.assign(stmt.OpPos, stmt.LHS)
+ case syntax.PLUS_EQ,
+ syntax.MINUS_EQ,
+ syntax.STAR_EQ,
+ syntax.SLASH_EQ,
+ syntax.PERCENT_EQ:
+ // augmented assignment: x += y
+ var set func()
+ // Evaluate "address" of x exactly once to avoid duplicate side-effects.
+ switch lhs := stmt.LHS.(type) {
+ case *syntax.Ident:
+ // x = ...
+ fcomp.lookup(lhs)
+ set = func() {
+ fcomp.set(lhs)
+ }
+ case *syntax.IndexExpr:
+ // x[y] = ...
+ fcomp.expr(lhs.X)
+ fcomp.expr(lhs.Y)
+ fcomp.emit(DUP2)
+ fcomp.setPos(lhs.Lbrack)
+ fcomp.emit(INDEX)
+ set = func() {
+ fcomp.setPos(lhs.Lbrack)
+ fcomp.emit(SETINDEX)
+ }
+ case *syntax.DotExpr:
+ // x.f = ...
+ fcomp.expr(lhs.X)
+ fcomp.emit(DUP)
+ name := fcomp.pcomp.nameIndex(lhs.Name.Name)
+ fcomp.setPos(lhs.Dot)
+ fcomp.emit1(ATTR, name)
+ set = func() {
+ fcomp.setPos(lhs.Dot)
+ fcomp.emit1(SETFIELD, name)
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(lhs)
+ }
+ fcomp.expr(stmt.RHS)
+ if stmt.Op == syntax.PLUS_EQ {
+ // Allow the runtime to optimize list += iterable.
+ fcomp.setPos(stmt.OpPos)
+ fcomp.emit(INPLACE_ADD)
+ } else {
+ fcomp.binop(stmt.OpPos, stmt.Op-syntax.PLUS_EQ+syntax.PLUS)
+ }
+ set()
+ }
+ case *syntax.DefStmt:
+ fcomp.function(stmt.Def, stmt.Name.Name, &stmt.Function)
+ fcomp.set(stmt.Name)
+ case *syntax.ForStmt:
+ // Keep consistent with ForClause.
+ head := fcomp.newBlock()
+ body := fcomp.newBlock()
+ tail := fcomp.newBlock()
+ fcomp.expr(stmt.X)
+ fcomp.setPos(stmt.For)
+ fcomp.emit(ITERPUSH)
+ fcomp.jump(head)
+ fcomp.block = head
+ fcomp.condjump(ITERJMP, tail, body)
+ fcomp.block = body
+ fcomp.assign(stmt.For, stmt.Vars)
+ fcomp.loops = append(fcomp.loops, loop{break_: tail, continue_: head})
+ fcomp.stmts(stmt.Body)
+ fcomp.loops = fcomp.loops[:len(fcomp.loops)-1]
+ fcomp.jump(head)
+ fcomp.block = tail
+ fcomp.emit(ITERPOP)
+ case *syntax.ReturnStmt:
+ if stmt.Result != nil {
+ fcomp.expr(stmt.Result)
+ } else {
+ fcomp.emit(NONE)
+ }
+ fcomp.emit(RETURN)
+ fcomp.block = fcomp.newBlock() // dead code
+ case *syntax.LoadStmt:
+ for i := range stmt.From {
+ fcomp.string(stmt.From[i].Name)
+ }
+ module := stmt.Module.Value.(string)
+ fcomp.pcomp.prog.Loads = append(fcomp.pcomp.prog.Loads, Ident{
+ Name: module,
+ Pos: stmt.Module.TokenPos,
+ })
+ fcomp.string(module)
+ fcomp.setPos(stmt.Load)
+ fcomp.emit1(LOAD, uint32(len(stmt.From)))
+ for i := range stmt.To {
+ fcomp.emit1(SETGLOBAL, uint32(stmt.To[len(stmt.To)-1-i].Index))
+ }
+ default:
+ start, _ := stmt.Span()
+ log.Fatalf("%s: exec: unexpected statement %T", start, stmt)
+ }
+// assign implements lhs = rhs for arbitrary expressions lhs.
+// RHS is on top of stack, consumed.
+func (fcomp *fcomp) assign(pos syntax.Position, lhs syntax.Expr) {
+ switch lhs := lhs.(type) {
+ case *syntax.ParenExpr:
+ // (lhs) = rhs
+ fcomp.assign(pos, lhs.X)
+ case *syntax.Ident:
+ // x = rhs
+ fcomp.set(lhs)
+ case *syntax.TupleExpr:
+ // x, y = rhs
+ fcomp.assignSequence(pos, lhs.List)
+ case *syntax.ListExpr:
+ // [x, y] = rhs
+ fcomp.assignSequence(pos, lhs.List)
+ case *syntax.IndexExpr:
+ // x[y] = rhs
+ fcomp.expr(lhs.X)
+ fcomp.emit(EXCH)
+ fcomp.expr(lhs.Y)
+ fcomp.emit(EXCH)
+ fcomp.setPos(lhs.Lbrack)
+ fcomp.emit(SETINDEX)
+ case *syntax.DotExpr:
+ // x.f = rhs
+ fcomp.expr(lhs.X)
+ fcomp.emit(EXCH)
+ fcomp.setPos(lhs.Dot)
+ fcomp.emit1(SETFIELD, fcomp.pcomp.nameIndex(lhs.Name.Name))
+ default:
+ panic(lhs)
+ }
+func (fcomp *fcomp) assignSequence(pos syntax.Position, lhs []syntax.Expr) {
+ fcomp.setPos(pos)
+ fcomp.emit1(UNPACK, uint32(len(lhs)))
+ for i := range lhs {
+ fcomp.assign(pos, lhs[i])
+ }
+func (fcomp *fcomp) expr(e syntax.Expr) {
+ switch e := e.(type) {
+ case *syntax.ParenExpr:
+ fcomp.expr(e.X)
+ case *syntax.Ident:
+ fcomp.lookup(e)
+ case *syntax.Literal:
+ switch e.Token {
+ case syntax.INT:
+ switch e.Value.(type) {
+ case int64:
+ fcomp.int64(e.Value.(int64))
+ case *big.Int:
+ fcomp.emit1(BIGINT, fcomp.pcomp.constantIndex(e.Value.(*big.Int).String()))
+ }
+ case syntax.FLOAT:
+ fcomp.emit1(FLOAT, fcomp.pcomp.constantIndex(e.Value.(float64)))
+ case syntax.STRING:
+ fcomp.string(e.Value.(string))
+ }
+ case *syntax.ListExpr:
+ for _, x := range e.List {
+ fcomp.expr(x)
+ }
+ fcomp.emit1(MAKELIST, uint32(len(e.List)))
+ case *syntax.CondExpr:
+ // Keep consistent with IfStmt.
+ t := fcomp.newBlock()
+ f := fcomp.newBlock()
+ done := fcomp.newBlock()
+ fcomp.ifelse(e.Cond, t, f)
+ fcomp.block = t
+ fcomp.expr(e.True)
+ fcomp.jump(done)
+ fcomp.block = f
+ fcomp.expr(e.False)
+ fcomp.jump(done)
+ fcomp.block = done
+ case *syntax.IndexExpr:
+ fcomp.expr(e.X)
+ fcomp.expr(e.Y)
+ fcomp.setPos(e.Lbrack)
+ fcomp.emit(INDEX)
+ case *syntax.SliceExpr:
+ fcomp.setPos(e.Lbrack)
+ fcomp.expr(e.X)
+ if e.Lo != nil {
+ fcomp.expr(e.Lo)
+ } else {
+ fcomp.emit(NONE)
+ }
+ if e.Hi != nil {
+ fcomp.expr(e.Hi)
+ } else {
+ fcomp.emit(NONE)
+ }
+ if e.Step != nil {
+ fcomp.expr(e.Step)
+ } else {
+ fcomp.emit(NONE)
+ }
+ fcomp.emit(SLICE)
+ case *syntax.Comprehension:
+ if e.Curly {
+ fcomp.emit(MAKEDICT)
+ } else {
+ fcomp.emit1(MAKELIST, 0)
+ }
+ fcomp.comprehension(e, 0)
+ case *syntax.TupleExpr:
+ fcomp.tuple(e.List)
+ case *syntax.DictExpr:
+ fcomp.emit(MAKEDICT)
+ for _, entry := range e.List {
+ entry := entry.(*syntax.DictEntry)
+ fcomp.emit(DUP)
+ fcomp.expr(entry.Key)
+ fcomp.expr(entry.Value)
+ fcomp.setPos(entry.Colon)
+ fcomp.emit(SETDICTUNIQ)
+ }
+ case *syntax.UnaryExpr:
+ fcomp.expr(e.X)
+ fcomp.setPos(e.OpPos)
+ switch e.Op {
+ case syntax.MINUS:
+ fcomp.emit(UMINUS)
+ case syntax.PLUS:
+ fcomp.emit(UPLUS)
+ case syntax.NOT:
+ fcomp.emit(NOT)
+ default:
+ log.Fatalf("%s: unexpected unary op: %s", e.OpPos, e.Op)
+ }
+ case *syntax.BinaryExpr:
+ // short-circuit operators
+ // TODO(adonovan): use ifelse to simplify conditions.
+ switch e.Op {
+ case syntax.OR:
+ // x or y => if x then x else y
+ done := fcomp.newBlock()
+ y := fcomp.newBlock()
+ fcomp.expr(e.X)
+ fcomp.emit(DUP)
+ fcomp.condjump(CJMP, done, y)
+ fcomp.block = y
+ fcomp.emit(POP) // discard X
+ fcomp.expr(e.Y)
+ fcomp.jump(done)
+ fcomp.block = done
+ return
+ case syntax.AND:
+ // x and y => if x then y else x
+ done := fcomp.newBlock()
+ y := fcomp.newBlock()
+ fcomp.expr(e.X)
+ fcomp.emit(DUP)
+ fcomp.condjump(CJMP, y, done)
+ fcomp.block = y
+ fcomp.emit(POP) // discard X
+ fcomp.expr(e.Y)
+ fcomp.jump(done)
+ fcomp.block = done
+ return
+ }
+ // strict binary operator (includes comparisons)
+ fcomp.expr(e.X)
+ fcomp.expr(e.Y)
+ fcomp.binop(e.OpPos, e.Op)
+ case *syntax.DotExpr:
+ fcomp.expr(e.X)
+ fcomp.setPos(e.Dot)
+ fcomp.emit1(ATTR, fcomp.pcomp.nameIndex(e.Name.Name))
+ case *syntax.CallExpr:
+ fcomp.call(e)
+ case *syntax.LambdaExpr:
+ fcomp.function(e.Lambda, "lambda", &e.Function)
+ default:
+ start, _ := e.Span()
+ log.Fatalf("%s: unexpected expr %T", start, e)
+ }
+func (fcomp *fcomp) binop(pos syntax.Position, op syntax.Token) {
+ // TODO(adonovan): opt: simplify constant expressions, especially string+string.
+ // See comment at top.
+ // TODO(adonovan): simplify by assuming syntax and compiler constants align.
+ fcomp.setPos(pos)
+ switch op {
+ // arithmetic
+ case syntax.PLUS:
+ fcomp.emit(PLUS)
+ case syntax.MINUS:
+ fcomp.emit(MINUS)
+ case syntax.STAR:
+ fcomp.emit(STAR)
+ case syntax.SLASH:
+ fcomp.emit(SLASH)
+ case syntax.SLASHSLASH:
+ fcomp.emit(SLASHSLASH)
+ case syntax.PERCENT:
+ fcomp.emit(PERCENT)
+ case syntax.AMP:
+ fcomp.emit(AMP)
+ case syntax.PIPE:
+ fcomp.emit(PIPE)
+ case syntax.IN:
+ fcomp.emit(IN)
+ case syntax.NOT_IN:
+ fcomp.emit(IN)
+ fcomp.emit(NOT)
+ // comparisons
+ case syntax.EQL,
+ syntax.NEQ,
+ syntax.GT,
+ syntax.LT,
+ syntax.LE,
+ syntax.GE:
+ fcomp.emit(Opcode(op-syntax.EQL) + EQL)
+ default:
+ log.Fatalf("%s: unexpected binary op: %s", pos, op)
+ }
+func (fcomp *fcomp) call(call *syntax.CallExpr) {
+ // TODO(adonovan): opt: Use optimized path for calling methods
+ // of built-ins: x.f(...).
+ // if dot, ok := call.Fcomp.(*syntax.DotExpr); ok {
+ // fcomp.expr(dot.X)
+ // fcomp.args(call)
+ // fcomp.emit1(CALL_ATTR, fcomp.name(dot.Name.Name))
+ // return
+ // }
+ // usual case
+ fcomp.expr(call.Fn)
+ op, arg := fcomp.args(call)
+ fcomp.setPos(call.Lparen)
+ fcomp.emit1(op, arg)
+// args emits code to push a tuple of positional arguments
+// and a tuple of named arguments containing alternating keys and values.
+// Either or both tuples may be empty (TODO(adonovan): optimize).
+func (fcomp *fcomp) args(call *syntax.CallExpr) (op Opcode, arg uint32) {
+ var callmode int
+ // Compute the number of each kind of parameter.
+ // TODO(adonovan): do this in resolver.
+ var p, n int // number of positional, named arguments
+ var varargs, kwargs syntax.Expr
+ for _, arg := range call.Args {
+ if binary, ok := arg.(*syntax.BinaryExpr); ok && binary.Op == syntax.EQ {
+ n++
+ continue
+ }
+ if unary, ok := arg.(*syntax.UnaryExpr); ok {
+ if unary.Op == syntax.STAR {
+ callmode |= 1
+ varargs = unary.X
+ continue
+ } else if unary.Op == syntax.STARSTAR {
+ callmode |= 2
+ kwargs = unary.X
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ p++
+ }
+ // positional arguments
+ for _, elem := range call.Args[:p] {
+ fcomp.expr(elem)
+ }
+ // named argument pairs (name, value, ..., name, value)
+ named := call.Args[p : p+n]
+ for _, arg := range named {
+ binary := arg.(*syntax.BinaryExpr)
+ fcomp.string(binary.X.(*syntax.Ident).Name)
+ fcomp.expr(binary.Y)
+ }
+ // *args
+ if varargs != nil {
+ fcomp.expr(varargs)
+ }
+ // **kwargs
+ if kwargs != nil {
+ fcomp.expr(kwargs)
+ }
+ // TODO(adonovan): don't do this.
+ if p >= 256 || n >= 256 {
+ log.Fatalf("%s: compiler error: too many arguments in call", call.Lparen)
+ }
+ return CALL + Opcode(callmode), uint32(p<<8 | n)
+func (fcomp *fcomp) tuple(elems []syntax.Expr) {
+ for _, elem := range elems {
+ fcomp.expr(elem)
+ }
+ fcomp.emit1(MAKETUPLE, uint32(len(elems)))
+func (fcomp *fcomp) comprehension(comp *syntax.Comprehension, clauseIndex int) {
+ if clauseIndex == len(comp.Clauses) {
+ fcomp.emit(DUP) // accumulator
+ if comp.Curly {
+ // dict: {k:v for ...}
+ // Parser ensures that body is of form k:v.
+ // Python-style set comprehensions {body for vars in x}
+ // are not supported.
+ entry := comp.Body.(*syntax.DictEntry)
+ fcomp.expr(entry.Key)
+ fcomp.expr(entry.Value)
+ fcomp.setPos(entry.Colon)
+ fcomp.emit(SETDICT)
+ } else {
+ // list: [body for vars in x]
+ fcomp.expr(comp.Body)
+ fcomp.emit(APPEND)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ clause := comp.Clauses[clauseIndex]
+ switch clause := clause.(type) {
+ case *syntax.IfClause:
+ t := fcomp.newBlock()
+ done := fcomp.newBlock()
+ fcomp.ifelse(clause.Cond, t, done)
+ fcomp.block = t
+ fcomp.comprehension(comp, clauseIndex+1)
+ fcomp.jump(done)
+ fcomp.block = done
+ return
+ case *syntax.ForClause:
+ // Keep consistent with ForStmt.
+ head := fcomp.newBlock()
+ body := fcomp.newBlock()
+ tail := fcomp.newBlock()
+ fcomp.expr(clause.X)
+ fcomp.setPos(clause.For)
+ fcomp.emit(ITERPUSH)
+ fcomp.jump(head)
+ fcomp.block = head
+ fcomp.condjump(ITERJMP, tail, body)
+ fcomp.block = body
+ fcomp.assign(clause.For, clause.Vars)
+ fcomp.comprehension(comp, clauseIndex+1)
+ fcomp.jump(head)
+ fcomp.block = tail
+ fcomp.emit(ITERPOP)
+ return
+ }
+ start, _ := clause.Span()
+ log.Fatalf("%s: unexpected comprehension clause %T", start, clause)
+func (fcomp *fcomp) function(pos syntax.Position, name string, f *syntax.Function) {
+ // Evalution of the elements of both MAKETUPLEs may fail,
+ // so record the position.
+ fcomp.setPos(pos)
+ // Generate tuple of parameter defaults.
+ n := 0
+ for _, param := range f.Params {
+ if binary, ok := param.(*syntax.BinaryExpr); ok {
+ fcomp.expr(binary.Y)
+ n++
+ }
+ }
+ fcomp.emit1(MAKETUPLE, uint32(n))
+ // Capture the values of the function's
+ // free variables from the lexical environment.
+ for _, freevar := range f.FreeVars {
+ fcomp.lookup(freevar)
+ }
+ fcomp.emit1(MAKETUPLE, uint32(len(f.FreeVars)))
+ funcode := fcomp.pcomp.function(name, pos, f.Body, f.Locals, f.FreeVars)
+ if debug {
+ // TODO(adonovan): do compilations sequentially not as a tree,
+ // to make the log easier to read.
+ // Simplify by identifying Toplevel and functionIndex 0.
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "resuming %s @ %s\n", fcomp.fn.Name, fcomp.pos)
+ }
+ funcode.NumParams = len(f.Params)
+ funcode.HasVarargs = f.HasVarargs
+ funcode.HasKwargs = f.HasKwargs
+ fcomp.emit1(MAKEFUNC, fcomp.pcomp.functionIndex(funcode))
+// ifelse emits a Boolean control flow decision.
+// On return, the current block is unset.
+func (fcomp *fcomp) ifelse(cond syntax.Expr, t, f *block) {
+ switch cond := cond.(type) {
+ case *syntax.UnaryExpr:
+ if cond.Op == syntax.NOT {
+ // if not x then goto t else goto f
+ // =>
+ // if x then goto f else goto t
+ fcomp.ifelse(cond.X, f, t)
+ return
+ }
+ case *syntax.BinaryExpr:
+ switch cond.Op {
+ case syntax.AND:
+ // if x and y then goto t else goto f
+ // =>
+ // if x then ifelse(y, t, f) else goto f
+ fcomp.expr(cond.X)
+ y := fcomp.newBlock()
+ fcomp.condjump(CJMP, y, f)
+ fcomp.block = y
+ fcomp.ifelse(cond.Y, t, f)
+ return
+ case syntax.OR:
+ // if x or y then goto t else goto f
+ // =>
+ // if x then goto t else ifelse(y, t, f)
+ fcomp.expr(cond.X)
+ y := fcomp.newBlock()
+ fcomp.condjump(CJMP, t, y)
+ fcomp.block = y
+ fcomp.ifelse(cond.Y, t, f)
+ return
+ case syntax.NOT_IN:
+ // if x not in y then goto t else goto f
+ // =>
+ // if x in y then goto f else goto t
+ copy := *cond
+ copy.Op = syntax.IN
+ fcomp.expr(&copy)
+ fcomp.condjump(CJMP, f, t)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // general case
+ fcomp.expr(cond)
+ fcomp.condjump(CJMP, t, f)
diff --git a/internal/compile/compile_test.go b/internal/compile/compile_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a545817
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/compile/compile_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+package compile_test
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+ "github.com/google/skylark"
+// TestSerialization verifies that a serialized program can be loaded,
+// deserialized, and executed.
+func TestSerialization(t *testing.T) {
+ predeclared := skylark.StringDict{
+ "x": skylark.String("mur"),
+ "n": skylark.MakeInt(2),
+ }
+ const src = `
+def mul(a, b):
+ return a * b
+y = mul(x, n)
+ _, oldProg, err := skylark.SourceProgram("mul.sky", src, predeclared.Has)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
+ if err := oldProg.Write(buf); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("oldProg.WriteTo: %v", err)
+ }
+ newProg, err := skylark.CompiledProgram(buf)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CompiledProgram: %v", err)
+ }
+ thread := new(skylark.Thread)
+ globals, err := newProg.Init(thread, predeclared)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("newProg.Init: %v", err)
+ }
+ if got, want := globals["y"], skylark.String("murmur"); got != want {
+ t.Errorf("Value of global was %s, want %s", got, want)
+ t.Logf("globals: %v", globals)
+ }
+ // Verify stack frame.
+ predeclared["n"] = skylark.None
+ _, err = newProg.Init(thread, predeclared)
+ evalErr, ok := err.(*skylark.EvalError)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("newProg.Init call returned err %v, want *EvalError", err)
+ }
+ const want = `Traceback (most recent call last):
+ mul.sky:5: in <toplevel>
+ mul.sky:3: in mul
+Error: unknown binary op: string * NoneType`
+ if got := evalErr.Backtrace(); got != want {
+ t.Fatalf("got <<%s>>, want <<%s>>", got, want)
+ }
+func TestGarbage(t *testing.T) {
+ const garbage = "This is not a compiled Skylark program."
+ _, err := skylark.CompiledProgram(strings.NewReader(garbage))
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CompiledProgram did not report an error when decoding garbage")
+ }
+ if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "not a compiled module") {
+ t.Fatalf("CompiledProgram reported the wrong error when decoding garbage: %v", err)
+ }
diff --git a/internal/compile/serial.go b/internal/compile/serial.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..706456f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/compile/serial.go
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+package compile
+// This files defines functions to read and write a compile.Program to a file.
+// Currently we use gob encoding because it is convenient.
+// It is the client's responsibility to manage version skew between the
+// compiler used to produce a file and the interpreter that consumes it.
+// The version number is provided as a constant. Incompatible protocol
+// changes should also increment the version number.
+import (
+ "encoding/gob"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "github.com/google/skylark/syntax"
+const magic = "!sky"
+type gobProgram struct {
+ Version int
+ Filename string
+ Loads []gobIdent
+ Names []string
+ Constants []interface{}
+ Functions []gobFunction
+ Globals []gobIdent
+ Toplevel gobFunction
+type gobFunction struct {
+ Id gobIdent // hack: name and pos
+ Code []byte
+ Pclinetab []uint16
+ Locals []gobIdent
+ Freevars []gobIdent
+ MaxStack int
+ NumParams int
+ HasVarargs, HasKwargs bool
+type gobIdent struct {
+ Name string
+ Line, Col int32 // the filename is gobProgram.Filename
+// Write writes a compiled Skylark program to out.
+func (prog *Program) Write(out io.Writer) error {
+ out.Write([]byte(magic))
+ gobIdents := func(idents []Ident) []gobIdent {
+ res := make([]gobIdent, len(idents))
+ for i, id := range idents {
+ res[i].Name = id.Name
+ res[i].Line = id.Pos.Line
+ res[i].Col = id.Pos.Col
+ }
+ return res
+ }
+ gobFunc := func(fn *Funcode) gobFunction {
+ return gobFunction{
+ Id: gobIdent{
+ Name: fn.Name,
+ Line: fn.Pos.Line,
+ Col: fn.Pos.Col,
+ },
+ Code: fn.Code,
+ Pclinetab: fn.pclinetab,
+ Locals: gobIdents(fn.Locals),
+ Freevars: gobIdents(fn.Freevars),
+ MaxStack: fn.MaxStack,
+ NumParams: fn.NumParams,
+ HasVarargs: fn.HasVarargs,
+ HasKwargs: fn.HasKwargs,
+ }
+ }
+ gp := &gobProgram{
+ Version: Version,
+ Filename: prog.Toplevel.Pos.Filename(),
+ Loads: gobIdents(prog.Loads),
+ Names: prog.Names,
+ Constants: prog.Constants,
+ Functions: make([]gobFunction, len(prog.Functions)),
+ Globals: gobIdents(prog.Globals),
+ Toplevel: gobFunc(prog.Toplevel),
+ }
+ for i, f := range prog.Functions {
+ gp.Functions[i] = gobFunc(f)
+ }
+ return gob.NewEncoder(out).Encode(gp)
+// ReadProgram reads a compiled Skylark program from in.
+func ReadProgram(in io.Reader) (*Program, error) {
+ magicBuf := []byte(magic)
+ n, err := in.Read(magicBuf)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if n != len(magic) {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("not a compiled module: no magic number")
+ }
+ if string(magicBuf) != magic {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("not a compiled module: got magic number %q, want %q",
+ magicBuf, magic)
+ }
+ dec := gob.NewDecoder(in)
+ var gp gobProgram
+ if err := dec.Decode(&gp); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("decoding program: %v", err)
+ }
+ if gp.Version != Version {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("version mismatch: read %d, want %d",
+ gp.Version, Version)
+ }
+ file := gp.Filename // copy, to avoid keeping gp live
+ ungobIdents := func(idents []gobIdent) []Ident {
+ res := make([]Ident, len(idents))
+ for i, id := range idents {
+ res[i].Name = id.Name
+ res[i].Pos = syntax.MakePosition(&file, id.Line, id.Col)
+ }
+ return res
+ }
+ prog := &Program{
+ Loads: ungobIdents(gp.Loads),
+ Names: gp.Names,
+ Constants: gp.Constants,
+ Globals: ungobIdents(gp.Globals),
+ Functions: make([]*Funcode, len(gp.Functions)),
+ }
+ ungobFunc := func(gf *gobFunction) *Funcode {
+ pos := syntax.MakePosition(&file, gf.Id.Line, gf.Id.Col)
+ return &Funcode{
+ Prog: prog,
+ Pos: pos,
+ Name: gf.Id.Name,
+ Code: gf.Code,
+ pclinetab: gf.Pclinetab,
+ Locals: ungobIdents(gf.Locals),
+ Freevars: ungobIdents(gf.Freevars),
+ MaxStack: gf.MaxStack,
+ NumParams: gf.NumParams,
+ HasVarargs: gf.HasVarargs,
+ HasKwargs: gf.HasKwargs,
+ }
+ }
+ for i := range gp.Functions {
+ prog.Functions[i] = ungobFunc(&gp.Functions[i])
+ }
+ prog.Toplevel = ungobFunc(&gp.Toplevel)
+ return prog, nil
diff --git a/interp.go b/interp.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6854ebe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp.go
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+package skylark
+// This file defines the bytecode interpreter.
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "math/big"
+ "os"
+ "unsafe"
+ "github.com/google/skylark/internal/compile"
+ "github.com/google/skylark/syntax"
+const vmdebug = false // TODO(adonovan): use a bitfield of specific kinds of error.
+// TODO(adonovan):
+// - optimize position table.
+// - opt: reduce allocations by preallocating a large stack, saving it
+// in the thread, and slicing it.
+// - opt: record MaxIterStack during compilation and preallocate the stack.
+func (fn *Function) Call(thread *Thread, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) {
+ if debug {
+ fmt.Printf("call of %s %v %v\n", fn.Name(), args, kwargs)
+ }
+ // detect recursion
+ for fr := thread.frame; fr != nil; fr = fr.parent {
+ // We look for the same function code,
+ // not function value, otherwise the user could
+ // defeat the check by writing the Y combinator.
+ if fr.fn != nil && fr.fn.funcode == fn.funcode {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("function %s called recursively", fn.Name())
+ }
+ }
+ thread.frame = &Frame{parent: thread.frame, fn: fn}
+ result, err := call(thread, args, kwargs)
+ thread.frame = thread.frame.parent
+ return result, err
+func call(thread *Thread, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) {
+ fr := thread.frame
+ f := fr.fn.funcode
+ nlocals := len(f.Locals)
+ stack := make([]Value, nlocals+f.MaxStack)
+ locals := stack[:nlocals:nlocals] // local variables, starting with parameters
+ stack = stack[nlocals:]
+ err := setArgs(locals, fr.fn, args, kwargs)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fr.errorf(fr.fn.Position(), "%v", err)
+ }
+ if vmdebug {
+ fmt.Printf("Entering %s @ %s\n", f.Name, f.Position(0))
+ fmt.Printf("%d stack, %d locals\n", len(stack), len(locals))
+ defer fmt.Println("Leaving ", f.Name)
+ }
+ // TODO(adonovan): add static check that beneath this point
+ // - there is exactly one return statement
+ // - there is no redefinition of 'err'.
+ var iterstack []Iterator // stack of active iterators
+ sp := 0
+ var pc, savedpc uint32
+ var result Value
+ code := f.Code
+ for {
+ savedpc = pc
+ op := compile.Opcode(code[pc])
+ pc++
+ var arg uint32
+ if op >= compile.OpcodeArgMin {
+ // TODO(adonovan): opt: profile this.
+ // Perhaps compiling big endian would be less work to decode?
+ for s := uint(0); ; s += 7 {
+ b := code[pc]
+ pc++
+ arg |= uint32(b&0x7f) << s
+ if b < 0x80 {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if vmdebug {
+ fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, stack[:sp]) // very verbose!
+ compile.PrintOp(f, savedpc, op, arg)
+ }
+ switch op {
+ case compile.NOP:
+ // nop
+ case compile.DUP:
+ stack[sp] = stack[sp-1]
+ sp++
+ case compile.DUP2:
+ stack[sp] = stack[sp-2]
+ stack[sp+1] = stack[sp-1]
+ sp += 2
+ case compile.POP:
+ sp--
+ case compile.EXCH:
+ stack[sp-2], stack[sp-1] = stack[sp-1], stack[sp-2]
+ case compile.EQL, compile.NEQ, compile.GT, compile.LT, compile.LE, compile.GE:
+ op := syntax.Token(op-compile.EQL) + syntax.EQL
+ y := stack[sp-1]
+ x := stack[sp-2]
+ sp -= 2
+ ok, err2 := Compare(op, x, y)
+ if err2 != nil {
+ err = err2
+ break loop
+ }
+ stack[sp] = Bool(ok)
+ sp++
+ case compile.PLUS,
+ compile.MINUS,
+ compile.STAR,
+ compile.SLASH,
+ compile.SLASHSLASH,
+ compile.PERCENT,
+ compile.PIPE,
+ compile.AMP,
+ compile.IN:
+ binop := syntax.Token(op-compile.PLUS) + syntax.PLUS
+ if op == compile.IN {
+ binop = syntax.IN // IN token is out of order
+ }
+ y := stack[sp-1]
+ x := stack[sp-2]
+ sp -= 2
+ z, err2 := Binary(binop, x, y)
+ if err2 != nil {
+ err = err2
+ break loop
+ }
+ stack[sp] = z
+ sp++
+ case compile.UPLUS, compile.UMINUS:
+ unop := syntax.Token(op-compile.UPLUS) + syntax.PLUS
+ x := stack[sp-1]
+ y, err2 := Unary(unop, x)
+ if err2 != nil {
+ err = err2
+ break loop
+ }
+ stack[sp-1] = y
+ case compile.INPLACE_ADD:
+ y := stack[sp-1]
+ x := stack[sp-2]
+ sp -= 2
+ // It's possible that y is not Iterable but
+ // nonetheless defines x+y, in which case we
+ // should fall back to the general case.
+ var z Value
+ if xlist, ok := x.(*List); ok {
+ if yiter, ok := y.(Iterable); ok {
+ if err = xlist.checkMutable("apply += to", true); err != nil {
+ break loop
+ }
+ listExtend(xlist, yiter)
+ z = xlist
+ }
+ }
+ if z == nil {
+ z, err = Binary(syntax.PLUS, x, y)
+ if err != nil {
+ break loop
+ }
+ }
+ stack[sp] = z
+ sp++
+ case compile.NONE:
+ stack[sp] = None
+ sp++
+ case compile.TRUE:
+ stack[sp] = True
+ sp++
+ case compile.FALSE:
+ stack[sp] = False
+ sp++
+ case compile.JMP:
+ pc = arg
+ case compile.CALL, compile.CALL_VAR, compile.CALL_KW, compile.CALL_VAR_KW:
+ var kwargs Value
+ if op == compile.CALL_KW || op == compile.CALL_VAR_KW {
+ kwargs = stack[sp-1]
+ sp--
+ }
+ var args Value
+ if op == compile.CALL_VAR || op == compile.CALL_VAR_KW {
+ args = stack[sp-1]
+ sp--
+ }
+ // named args (pairs)
+ var kvpairs []Tuple
+ if nkvpairs := int(arg & 0xff); nkvpairs > 0 {
+ kvpairs = make([]Tuple, 0, nkvpairs)
+ kvpairsAlloc := make(Tuple, 2*nkvpairs) // allocate a single backing array
+ sp -= 2 * nkvpairs
+ for i := 0; i < nkvpairs; i++ {
+ pair := kvpairsAlloc[:2:2]
+ kvpairsAlloc = kvpairsAlloc[2:]
+ pair[0] = stack[sp+2*i] // name
+ pair[1] = stack[sp+2*i+1] // value
+ kvpairs = append(kvpairs, pair)
+ }
+ }
+ if kwargs != nil {
+ // Add key/value items from **kwargs dictionary.
+ dict, ok := kwargs.(*Dict)
+ if !ok {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("argument after ** must be a mapping, not %s", kwargs.Type())
+ break loop
+ }
+ items := dict.Items()
+ for _, item := range items {
+ if _, ok := item[0].(String); !ok {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("keywords must be strings, not %s", item[0].Type())
+ break loop
+ }
+ }
+ if len(kvpairs) == 0 {
+ kvpairs = items
+ } else {
+ kvpairs = append(kvpairs, items...)
+ }
+ }
+ // positional args
+ var positional Tuple
+ if npos := int(arg >> 8); npos > 0 {
+ positional = make(Tuple, npos)
+ sp -= npos
+ copy(positional, stack[sp:])
+ }
+ if args != nil {
+ // Add elements from *args sequence.
+ iter := Iterate(args)
+ if iter == nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("argument after * must be iterable, not %s", args.Type())
+ break loop
+ }
+ var elem Value
+ for iter.Next(&elem) {
+ positional = append(positional, elem)
+ }
+ iter.Done()
+ }
+ function := stack[sp-1]
+ if vmdebug {
+ fmt.Printf("VM call %s args=%s kwargs=%s @%s\n",
+ function, positional, kvpairs, f.Position(fr.callpc))
+ }
+ fr.callpc = savedpc
+ z, err2 := Call(thread, function, positional, kvpairs)
+ if err2 != nil {
+ err = err2
+ break loop
+ }
+ if vmdebug {
+ fmt.Printf("Resuming %s @ %s\n", f.Name, f.Position(0))
+ }
+ stack[sp-1] = z
+ case compile.ITERPUSH:
+ x := stack[sp-1]
+ sp--
+ iter := Iterate(x)
+ if iter == nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("%s value is not iterable", x.Type())
+ break loop
+ }
+ iterstack = append(iterstack, iter)
+ case compile.ITERJMP:
+ iter := iterstack[len(iterstack)-1]
+ if iter.Next(&stack[sp]) {
+ sp++
+ } else {
+ pc = arg
+ }
+ case compile.ITERPOP:
+ n := len(iterstack) - 1
+ iterstack[n].Done()
+ iterstack = iterstack[:n]
+ case compile.NOT:
+ stack[sp-1] = !stack[sp-1].Truth()
+ case compile.RETURN:
+ result = stack[sp-1]
+ break loop
+ case compile.SETINDEX:
+ z := stack[sp-1]
+ y := stack[sp-2]
+ x := stack[sp-3]
+ sp -= 3
+ err = setIndex(fr, x, y, z)
+ if err != nil {
+ break loop
+ }
+ case compile.INDEX:
+ y := stack[sp-1]
+ x := stack[sp-2]
+ sp -= 2
+ z, err2 := getIndex(fr, x, y)
+ if err2 != nil {
+ err = err2
+ break loop
+ }
+ stack[sp] = z
+ sp++
+ case compile.ATTR:
+ x := stack[sp-1]
+ name := f.Prog.Names[arg]
+ y, err2 := getAttr(fr, x, name)
+ if err2 != nil {
+ err = err2
+ break loop
+ }
+ stack[sp-1] = y
+ case compile.SETFIELD:
+ y := stack[sp-1]
+ x := stack[sp-2]
+ sp -= 2
+ name := f.Prog.Names[arg]
+ if err2 := setField(fr, x, name, y); err2 != nil {
+ err = err2
+ break loop
+ }
+ case compile.MAKEDICT:
+ stack[sp] = new(Dict)
+ sp++
+ case compile.SETDICT, compile.SETDICTUNIQ:
+ dict := stack[sp-3].(*Dict)
+ k := stack[sp-2]
+ v := stack[sp-1]
+ sp -= 3
+ oldlen := dict.Len()
+ if err2 := dict.Set(k, v); err2 != nil {
+ err = err2
+ break loop
+ }
+ if op == compile.SETDICTUNIQ && dict.Len() == oldlen {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("duplicate key: %v", k)
+ break loop
+ }
+ case compile.APPEND:
+ elem := stack[sp-1]
+ list := stack[sp-2].(*List)
+ sp -= 2
+ list.elems = append(list.elems, elem)
+ case compile.SLICE:
+ x := stack[sp-4]
+ lo := stack[sp-3]
+ hi := stack[sp-2]
+ step := stack[sp-1]
+ sp -= 4
+ res, err2 := slice(x, lo, hi, step)
+ if err2 != nil {
+ err = err2
+ break loop
+ }
+ stack[sp] = res
+ sp++
+ case compile.UNPACK:
+ n := int(arg)
+ iterable := stack[sp-1]
+ sp--
+ iter := Iterate(iterable)
+ if iter == nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("got %s in sequence assignment", iterable.Type())
+ break loop
+ }
+ i := 0
+ sp += n
+ for i < n && iter.Next(&stack[sp-1-i]) {
+ i++
+ }
+ var dummy Value
+ if iter.Next(&dummy) {
+ // NB: Len may return -1 here in obscure cases.
+ err = fmt.Errorf("too many values to unpack (got %d, want %d)", Len(iterable), n)
+ break loop
+ }
+ iter.Done()
+ if i < n {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("too few values to unpack (got %d, want %d)", i, n)
+ break loop
+ }
+ case compile.CJMP:
+ if stack[sp-1].Truth() {
+ pc = arg
+ }
+ sp--
+ case compile.INT:
+ stack[sp] = MakeInt64(f.Prog.Constants[arg].(int64))
+ sp++
+ case compile.BIGINT:
+ s := f.Prog.Constants[arg].(string)
+ bigint := new(big.Int)
+ if _, ok := bigint.SetString(s, 10); !ok {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("internal error: failed to parse compiled large integer constant")
+ break loop
+ }
+ stack[sp] = Int{bigint}
+ sp++
+ case compile.FLOAT:
+ stack[sp] = Float(f.Prog.Constants[arg].(float64))
+ sp++
+ case compile.STRING:
+ // TODO(adonovan): opt: avoid allocation here
+ // by prematerializing String values.
+ // stack[sp] = String(f.Prog.Constants[arg].(string))
+ stack[sp] = string2String(f.Prog.Constants[arg])
+ sp++
+ case compile.MAKETUPLE:
+ n := int(arg)
+ tuple := make(Tuple, n)
+ sp -= n
+ copy(tuple, stack[sp:])
+ stack[sp] = tuple
+ sp++
+ case compile.MAKELIST:
+ n := int(arg)
+ elems := make([]Value, n)
+ sp -= n
+ copy(elems, stack[sp:])
+ stack[sp] = NewList(elems)
+ sp++
+ case compile.MAKEFUNC:
+ funcode := f.Prog.Functions[arg]
+ freevars := stack[sp-1].(Tuple)
+ defaults := stack[sp-2].(Tuple)
+ sp -= 2
+ stack[sp] = &Function{
+ funcode: funcode,
+ predeclared: fr.fn.predeclared,
+ globals: fr.fn.globals,
+ defaults: defaults,
+ freevars: freevars,
+ }
+ sp++
+ case compile.LOAD:
+ n := int(arg)
+ module := string(stack[sp-1].(String))
+ sp--
+ if thread.Load == nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("load not implemented by this application")
+ break loop
+ }
+ dict, err2 := thread.Load(thread, module)
+ if err2 != nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("cannot load %s: %v", module, err2)
+ break loop
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
+ from := string(stack[sp-1-i].(String))
+ v, ok := dict[from]
+ if !ok {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("load: name %s not found in module %s", from, module)
+ break loop
+ }
+ stack[sp-1-i] = v
+ }
+ case compile.SETLOCAL:
+ locals[arg] = stack[sp-1]
+ sp--
+ case compile.SETGLOBAL:
+ fr.fn.globals[arg] = stack[sp-1]
+ sp--
+ case compile.LOCAL:
+ x := locals[arg]
+ if x == nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("local variable %s referenced before assignment", f.Locals[arg].Name)
+ break loop
+ }
+ stack[sp] = x
+ sp++
+ case compile.FREE:
+ stack[sp] = fr.fn.freevars[arg]
+ sp++
+ case compile.GLOBAL:
+ x := fr.fn.globals[arg]
+ if x == nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("global variable %s referenced before assignment", f.Prog.Globals[arg].Name)
+ break loop
+ }
+ stack[sp] = x
+ sp++
+ case compile.PREDECLARED:
+ name := f.Prog.Names[arg]
+ x := fr.fn.predeclared[name]
+ if x == nil {
+ if name == "PACKAGE_NAME" {
+ // Gross spec, gross hack.
+ // Users should just call package_name() function.
+ if v, ok := fr.fn.predeclared["package_name"].(*Builtin); ok {
+ x, _ = v.fn(thread, v, nil, nil)
+ }
+ }
+ if x == nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("internal error: predeclared variable %s is uninitialized", name)
+ break loop
+ }
+ }
+ stack[sp] = x
+ sp++
+ case compile.UNIVERSAL:
+ stack[sp] = Universe[f.Prog.Names[arg]]
+ sp++
+ default:
+ err = fmt.Errorf("unimplemented: %s", op)
+ break loop
+ }
+ }
+ // ITERPOP the rest of the iterator stack.
+ for _, iter := range iterstack {
+ iter.Done()
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ if _, ok := err.(*EvalError); !ok {
+ err = fr.errorf(f.Position(savedpc), "%s", err.Error())
+ }
+ }
+ return result, err
+// string2String converts an empty interface containing a string into a
+// Value containing a String, without allocating a new string header;
+// see github.com/golang/go/issues/24582.
+// TODO(adonovan): do this safely by preconverting constants a priori.
+// This requires that Program provide a field for use by the interpreter.
+func string2String(x interface{}) (y Value) {
+ // Equivalent to:
+ // return String(x.(string))
+ // but avoids allocation.
+ _ = x.(string)
+ type iface struct {
+ typ, data unsafe.Pointer
+ }
+ xi := (*iface)((unsafe.Pointer)(&x))
+ yi := (*iface)((unsafe.Pointer)(&y))
+ si := (*iface)((unsafe.Pointer)(&dummystr))
+ yi.typ = si.typ
+ yi.data = xi.data
+ return y
+var dummystr Value = String("")
diff --git a/repl/repl.go b/repl/repl.go
index caf8d8d..f6f5a90 100644
--- a/repl/repl.go
+++ b/repl/repl.go
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ import (
- "github.com/google/skylark/resolve"
@@ -164,30 +163,20 @@ func rep(rl *readline.Instance, thread *skylark.Thread, globals skylark.StringDi
// execFileNoFreeze is skylark.ExecFile without globals.Freeze().
func execFileNoFreeze(thread *skylark.Thread, src interface{}, globals skylark.StringDict) error {
- // parse
- f, err := syntax.Parse("<stdin>", src, 0)
+ _, prog, err := skylark.SourceProgram("<stdin>", src, globals.Has)
if err != nil {
return err
- // resolve
- if err := resolve.File(f, globals.Has, skylark.Universe.Has); err != nil {
- return err
- }
+ res, err := prog.Init(thread, globals)
- // execute
- // The global names from the previous call become the predeclared names of this call.
- globalsArray := make([]skylark.Value, len(f.Globals))
- fr := thread.Push(globals, globalsArray, len(f.Locals))
- err = fr.ExecStmts(f.Stmts)
- thread.Pop()
+ // The global names from the previous call become
+ // the predeclared names of this call.
// Copy globals back to the caller's map.
// If execution failed, some globals may be undefined.
- for i, id := range f.Globals {
- if v := globalsArray[i]; v != nil {
- globals[id.Name] = v
- }
+ for k, v := range res {
+ globals[k] = v
return err
diff --git a/syntax/scan.go b/syntax/scan.go
index 76f2b4b..57ca5ed 100644
--- a/syntax/scan.go
+++ b/syntax/scan.go
@@ -181,6 +181,9 @@ func (p Position) Filename() string {
return "<unknown>"
+// MakePosition returns position with the specified components.
+func MakePosition(file *string, line, col int32) Position { return Position{file, line, col} }
// add returns the position at the end of s, assuming it starts at p.
func (p Position) add(s string) Position {
if n := strings.Count(s, "\n"); n > 0 {
@@ -193,7 +196,10 @@ func (p Position) add(s string) Position {
func (p Position) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%d", p.Filename(), p.Line, p.Col)
+ if p.Col > 0 {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%d", p.Filename(), p.Line, p.Col)
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", p.Filename(), p.Line)
func (p Position) isBefore(q Position) bool {
diff --git a/syntax/syntax.go b/syntax/syntax.go
index 3480c66..99548b1 100644
--- a/syntax/syntax.go
+++ b/syntax/syntax.go
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ type CallExpr struct {
Fn Expr
Lparen Position
- Args []Expr
+ Args []Expr // arg = expr | ident=expr | *expr | **expr
Rparen Position
diff --git a/testdata/assign.sky b/testdata/assign.sky
index b209d26..ca6b3c5 100644
--- a/testdata/assign.sky
+++ b/testdata/assign.sky
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ assert.fails(lambda: setX(hf), "cannot set field on a frozen hasfields")
assert.fails(lambda: setY(hf), "cannot set field on a frozen hasfields")
-# destucturing assigmnent in a for loop.
+# destucturing assignment in a for loop.
load("assert.sky", "assert")
def f():
diff --git a/testdata/dict.sky b/testdata/dict.sky
index e948e72..e6ec762 100644
--- a/testdata/dict.sky
+++ b/testdata/dict.sky
@@ -165,10 +165,8 @@ assert.fails(iterator3, "insert.*during iteration")
def f():
x = {1:2, 2:4}
a, x[0] = x
- # There are two possible outcomes, depending on iteration order:
- if not (a == 1 and x == {0: 2, 1: 2, 2: 4} or
- a == 2 and x == {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 4}):
- assert.fail("unexpected results: a=%s x=%s" % (a, x))
+ assert.eq(a, 1)
+ assert.eq(x, {1: 2, 2: 4, 0: 2})
# Regression test for a bug in hashtable.delete
@@ -206,3 +204,33 @@ def test_delete():
assert.eq(str(d), '{}')
+# Verify position of an "unhashable key" error in a dict literal.
+_ = {
+ "one": 1,
+ ["two"]: 2, ### "unhashable type: list"
+ "three": 3,
+# Verify position of a "duplicate key" error in a dict literal.
+_ = {
+ "one": 1,
+ "one": 1, ### `duplicate key: "one"`
+ "three": 3,
+# Verify position of an "unhashable key" error in a dict comprehension.
+_ = {
+ k: v ### "unhashable type: list"
+ for k, v in [
+ ("one", 1),
+ (["two"], 2),
+ ("three", 3),
+ ]
diff --git a/testdata/function.sky b/testdata/function.sky
index a86c703..5bc0d2b 100644
--- a/testdata/function.sky
+++ b/testdata/function.sky
@@ -173,3 +173,14 @@ assert.fails(lambda: f(
49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65,
mm = 100), 'multiple values for keyword argument "mm"')
+# Regression test for a bug in CALL_VAR_KW.
+load("assert.sky", "assert")
+def f(a, b, x, y):
+ return a+b+x+y
+assert.eq(f(*("a", "b"), **dict(y="y", x="x")) + ".", 'abxy.')
diff --git a/value.go b/value.go
index 123df84..25a0dbe 100644
--- a/value.go
+++ b/value.go
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ import (
+ "github.com/google/skylark/internal/compile"
@@ -465,34 +466,40 @@ func (*stringIterator) Done() {}
// A Function is a function defined by a Skylark def statement.
type Function struct {
- name string // "lambda" for anonymous functions
- position syntax.Position // position of def or lambda token
- syntax *syntax.Function
+ funcode *compile.Funcode
predeclared StringDict // names predeclared in the current module
globals []Value // globals of the current module
defaults Tuple
freevars Tuple
-func (fn *Function) Name() string { return fn.name }
-func (fn *Function) Hash() (uint32, error) { return hashString(fn.name), nil }
+func (fn *Function) Name() string { return fn.funcode.Name } // "lambda" for anonymous functions
+func (fn *Function) Hash() (uint32, error) { return hashString(fn.funcode.Name), nil }
func (fn *Function) Freeze() { fn.defaults.Freeze(); fn.freevars.Freeze() }
func (fn *Function) String() string { return toString(fn) }
func (fn *Function) Type() string { return "function" }
func (fn *Function) Truth() Bool { return true }
-// syntax accessors
-// We do not expose the syntax tree; future versions of Function may dispense with it.
+// Globals returns a new, unfrozen StringDict containing all global
+// variables so far defined in the function's module.
+func (fn *Function) Globals() StringDict {
+ m := make(StringDict, len(fn.funcode.Prog.Globals))
+ for i, id := range fn.funcode.Prog.Globals {
+ if v := fn.globals[i]; v != nil {
+ m[id.Name] = v
+ }
+ }
+ return m
-func (fn *Function) Position() syntax.Position { return fn.position }
-func (fn *Function) NumParams() int { return len(fn.syntax.Params) }
+func (fn *Function) Position() syntax.Position { return fn.funcode.Pos }
+func (fn *Function) NumParams() int { return fn.funcode.NumParams }
func (fn *Function) Param(i int) (string, syntax.Position) {
- id := fn.syntax.Locals[i]
- return id.Name, id.NamePos
+ id := fn.funcode.Locals[i]
+ return id.Name, id.Pos
-func (fn *Function) HasVarargs() bool { return fn.syntax.HasVarargs }
-func (fn *Function) HasKwargs() bool { return fn.syntax.HasKwargs }
+func (fn *Function) HasVarargs() bool { return fn.funcode.HasVarargs }
+func (fn *Function) HasKwargs() bool { return fn.funcode.HasKwargs }
// A Builtin is a function implemented in Go.
type Builtin struct {