path: root/test_cases/diff_tests/function/expected/methods_cc.o_o_viz
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test_cases/diff_tests/function/expected/methods_cc.o_o_viz')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/test_cases/diff_tests/function/expected/methods_cc.o_o_viz b/test_cases/diff_tests/function/expected/methods_cc.o_o_viz
index 44f2158..4204760 100644
--- a/test_cases/diff_tests/function/expected/methods_cc.o_o_viz
+++ b/test_cases/diff_tests/function/expected/methods_cc.o_o_viz
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
digraph "ABI diff" {
"0" [shape=rectangle, label="'interface'"]
- "1" [color=red, label="removed(int Func::remove_par(struct Func*, int) {_ZN4Func10remove_parEi})"]
+ "1" [color=red, label="removed(int Func::rename_old(struct Func*) {_ZN4Func10rename_oldEv})"]
"0" -> "1" [label=""]
- "2" [color=red, label="removed(int Func::rename_old(struct Func*) {_ZN4Func10rename_oldEv})"]
+ "2" [color=red, label="removed(int Func::add_parameter(struct Func*) {_ZN4Func13add_parameterEv})"]
"0" -> "2" [label=""]
- "3" [color=red, label="removed(int Func::change_par_type(struct Func*, int) {_ZN4Func15change_par_typeEi})"]
+ "3" [color=red, label="removed(int Func::remove_parameter(struct Func*, int) {_ZN4Func16remove_parameterEi})"]
"0" -> "3" [label=""]
- "4" [color=red, label="removed(int Func::add_par(struct Func*) {_ZN4Func7add_parEv})"]
+ "4" [color=red, label="removed(int Func::change_parameter_type(struct Func*, int) {_ZN4Func21change_parameter_typeEi})"]
"0" -> "4" [label=""]
- "5" [color=red, label="added(int Func::remove_par(struct Func*) {_ZN4Func10remove_parEv})"]
+ "5" [color=red, label="added(int Func::rename_new(struct Func*) {_ZN4Func10rename_newEv})"]
"0" -> "5" [label=""]
- "6" [color=red, label="added(int Func::rename_new(struct Func*) {_ZN4Func10rename_newEv})"]
+ "6" [color=red, label="added(int Func::add_parameter(struct Func*, int) {_ZN4Func13add_parameterEi})"]
"0" -> "6" [label=""]
- "7" [color=red, label="added(int Func::change_par_type(struct Func*, long) {_ZN4Func15change_par_typeEl})"]
+ "7" [color=red, label="added(int Func::remove_parameter(struct Func*) {_ZN4Func16remove_parameterEv})"]
"0" -> "7" [label=""]
- "8" [color=red, label="added(int Func::add_par(struct Func*, int) {_ZN4Func7add_parEi})"]
+ "8" [color=red, label="added(int Func::change_parameter_type(struct Func*, long) {_ZN4Func21change_parameter_typeEl})"]
"0" -> "8" [label=""]
- "9" [label="'int Func::change_par_name(struct Func*, int)' {_ZN4Func15change_par_nameEi}"]
- "10" [label="'int(struct Func*, int)'"]
- "11" [label="'struct Func*'"]
- "12" [color=red, shape=rectangle, label="'struct Func'"]
- "12" -> "12:0"
- "12:0" [color=red, label="byte size changed from 4 to 8"]
- "13" [label="'int x' -> 'long x'"]
- "14" [color=red, label="'int' -> 'long'"]
+ "9" [label="'int Func::change_return_type(struct Func*)' {_ZN4Func18change_return_typeEv} -> 'long Func::change_return_type(struct Func*)' {_ZN4Func18change_return_typeEv}"]
+ "10" [label="'int(struct Func*)' -> 'long(struct Func*)'"]
+ "11" [color=red, label="'int' -> 'long'"]
+ "10" -> "11" [label="return"]
+ "12" [label="'struct Func*'"]
+ "13" [color=red, shape=rectangle, label="'struct Func'"]
+ "13" -> "13:0"
+ "13:0" [color=red, label="byte size changed from 4 to 8"]
+ "14" [label="'int x' -> 'long x'"]
+ "14" -> "11" [label=""]
"13" -> "14" [label=""]
- "12" -> "13" [label=""]
- "11" -> "12" [label="pointed-to"]
- "10" -> "11" [label="parameter 1"]
+ "12" -> "13" [label="pointed-to"]
+ "10" -> "12" [label="parameter 1"]
"9" -> "10" [label=""]
"0" -> "9" [label=""]
- "15" [label="'int Func::change_return_type(struct Func*)' {_ZN4Func18change_return_typeEv} -> 'long Func::change_return_type(struct Func*)' {_ZN4Func18change_return_typeEv}"]
- "16" [label="'int(struct Func*)' -> 'long(struct Func*)'"]
- "16" -> "14" [label="return"]
- "16" -> "11" [label="parameter 1"]
+ "15" [label="'int Func::change_parameter_name(struct Func*, int)' {_ZN4Func21change_parameter_nameEi}"]
+ "16" [label="'int(struct Func*, int)'"]
+ "16" -> "12" [label="parameter 1"]
"15" -> "16" [label=""]
"0" -> "15" [label=""]
"17" [label="'struct Func var'"]
- "17" -> "12" [label=""]
+ "17" -> "13" [label=""]
"0" -> "17" [label=""]