digraph "ABI diff" { "0" [shape=rectangle, label="'interface'"] "1" [label="'struct { int one; int two; int three; int four; int five; int six; } v' -> 'struct { int zero; int one; int two; double e; int three; double pi; int four; int five; int six; double tau; } v'"] "2" [color=red, label="'struct { int one; int two; int three; int four; int five; int six; }' -> 'struct { int zero; int one; int two; double e; int three; double pi; int four; int five; int six; double tau; }'"] "2" -> "2:0" "2:0" [color=red, label="byte size changed from 24 to 64"] "3" [color=red, label="added(int zero)"] "2" -> "3" [label=""] "4" [color=red, label="'int one'"] "4" -> "4:0" "4:0" [color=red, label="offset changed from 0 to 32"] "2" -> "4" [label=""] "5" [color=red, label="'int two'"] "5" -> "5:0" "5:0" [color=red, label="offset changed from 32 to 64"] "2" -> "5" [label=""] "6" [color=red, label="added(double e)"] "2" -> "6" [label=""] "7" [color=red, label="'int three'"] "7" -> "7:0" "7:0" [color=red, label="offset changed from 64 to 192"] "2" -> "7" [label=""] "8" [color=red, label="added(double pi)"] "2" -> "8" [label=""] "9" [color=red, label="'int four'"] "9" -> "9:0" "9:0" [color=red, label="offset changed from 96 to 320"] "2" -> "9" [label=""] "10" [color=red, label="'int five'"] "10" -> "10:0" "10:0" [color=red, label="offset changed from 128 to 352"] "2" -> "10" [label=""] "11" [color=red, label="'int six'"] "11" -> "11:0" "11:0" [color=red, label="offset changed from 160 to 384"] "2" -> "11" [label=""] "12" [color=red, label="added(double tau)"] "2" -> "12" [label=""] "1" -> "2" [label=""] "0" -> "1" [label=""] }