lines(0); ilib_verbose(0); ierr = exec('loader.sce', 'errcatch'); if ierr <> 0 then disp(lasterror()); exit(ierr); end example_Init(); // This example shows how to use C++ fonctions with STL lists arguments // Here, STL lists are converted from/to Scilab matrices (SWIG_SCILAB_EXTRA_NATIVE_CONTAINERS is not defined) // integer lists disp("Example of passing matrices of int as list arguments of C++ functions."); disp("get a list of int {1...4} from create_integer_list():"); is = create_integer_list(1, 4); disp(is); disp("get the sum of this list elements with sum_integer_list():") sum = sum_integer_list(is); disp(is); is2 = create_integer_list(3, 6); disp("concat this list with the list of int {3...6} with concat_integer_list():"); is3 = concat_integer_list(is, is2); disp(is3); // string lists disp("Example of passing matrices of string as list arguments of C++ functions."); disp("get a list of string {''aa'', ''bb'', ''cc'', ''dd''} with create_string_list():"); ss = create_string_list("aa bb cc dd"); disp(ss); ss2 = create_string_list("cc dd ee ff"); disp("concat this list with the list of string {''cc'', ''dd'', ''ee'', ''ff''} with concat_string_list():"); ss3 = concat_string_list(ss, ss2); disp(ss3); exit