/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * li_std_map_runme.cs * * SWIG C# tester for std_map.i * This class tests all the functionality of the std_map.i wrapper. * Upon successful testing, the main function doesn't print out anything. * If any error is found - it will be printed on the screen. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using li_std_mapNamespace; public class li_std_map_runme { private static readonly int collectionSize = 20; private static readonly int midCollection = collectionSize / 2; public static void Main() { // Set up an string to int map StringIntMap simap = new StringIntMap(); for (int i = 0; i < collectionSize; i++) { int val = i * 18; simap.Add(i.ToString(), val); } // Count property test if (simap.Count != collectionSize) throw new Exception("Count test failed"); // IsReadOnly property test if (simap.IsReadOnly) throw new Exception("IsReadOnly test failed"); // Item indexing test simap["0"] = 200; if (simap["0"] != 200) throw new Exception("Item property test failed"); simap["0"] = 0 * 18; // ContainsKey() test for (int i = 0; i < collectionSize; i++) { if (!simap.ContainsKey(i.ToString())) throw new Exception("ContainsKey test " + i + " failed"); } // ContainsKey() test for (int i = 0; i < collectionSize; i++) { if (!simap.Contains(new KeyValuePair(i.ToString(), i * 18))) throw new Exception("Contains test " + i + " failed"); } // TryGetValue() test int value; bool rc = simap.TryGetValue("3", out value); if (rc != true || value != (3 * 18)) throw new Exception("TryGetValue test 1 failed"); rc = simap.TryGetValue("-1", out value); if (rc != false) throw new Exception("TryGetValue test 2 failed"); // Keys and Values test { IList keys = new List(simap.Keys); IList values = new List(simap.Values); Dictionary check = new Dictionary(); if (keys.Count != collectionSize) throw new Exception("Keys count test failed"); if (values.Count != collectionSize) throw new Exception("Values count test failed"); for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++) { if (simap[keys[i]] != values[i]) throw new Exception("Keys and values test failed for index " + i); check.Add(keys[i], values[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < collectionSize; i++) { if (!check.ContainsKey(i.ToString())) throw new Exception("Keys and Values ContainsKey test " + i + " failed"); } } // Add and Remove test for (int i = 100; i < 103; i++) { simap.Add(i.ToString(), i * 18); if (!simap.ContainsKey(i.ToString()) || simap[i.ToString()] != (i * 18)) throw new Exception("Add test failed for index " + i); simap.Remove(i.ToString()); if (simap.ContainsKey(i.ToString())) throw new Exception("Remove test failed for index " + i); } for (int i = 200; i < 203; i++) { simap.Add(new KeyValuePair(i.ToString(), i * 18)); if (!simap.ContainsKey(i.ToString()) || simap[i.ToString()] != (i * 18)) throw new Exception("Add explicit test failed for index " + i); simap.Remove(new KeyValuePair(i.ToString(), i * 18)); if (simap.ContainsKey(i.ToString())) throw new Exception("Remove explicit test failed for index " + i); } // Duplicate key test try { simap.Add("3", 0); throw new Exception("Adding duplicate key test failed"); } catch (ArgumentException) { } // CopyTo() test { KeyValuePair[] outputarray = new KeyValuePair[collectionSize]; simap.CopyTo(outputarray); foreach (KeyValuePair val in outputarray) { if (simap[val.Key] != val.Value) throw new Exception("CopyTo (1) test failed, index:" + val.Key); } } { KeyValuePair[] outputarray = new KeyValuePair[midCollection + collectionSize]; simap.CopyTo(outputarray, midCollection); for (int i = midCollection; i < midCollection + collectionSize; i++) { KeyValuePair val = outputarray[i]; if (simap[val.Key] != val.Value) throw new Exception("CopyTo (2) test failed, index:" + val.Key); } } { KeyValuePair[] outputarray = new KeyValuePair[collectionSize - 1]; try { simap.CopyTo(outputarray); throw new Exception("CopyTo (4) test failed"); } catch (ArgumentException) { } } // Clear test simap.Clear(); if (simap.Count != 0) throw new Exception("Clear test failed"); // Test wrapped methods for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { simap[i.ToString()] = i; } double avg = li_std_map.valueAverage(simap); if (avg != 3.0) throw new Exception("Wrapped method valueAverage test failed. Got " + avg); string keyStringified = li_std_map.stringifyKeys(simap); if (keyStringified != " 1 2 3 4 5") throw new Exception("Wrapped method stringifyKeys test failed. Got " + keyStringified); // Test a map with a new complex type (Struct) { IntStructMap ismap = new IntStructMap(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ismap.Add(i, new Struct(i * 10.1)); } if (ismap.Count != 10) throw new Exception("Count test on complex type map failed"); foreach (KeyValuePair p in ismap) { if ((p.Key * 10.1) != p.Value.num) throw new Exception("Iteration test on complex type map failed for index " + p.Key); } } // Test a map of pointers { IntStructPtrMap ispmap = new IntStructPtrMap(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ispmap.Add(i, new Struct(i * 10.1)); } if (ispmap.Count != 10) throw new Exception("Count test on complex type pointer map failed"); foreach (KeyValuePair p in ispmap) { if ((p.Key * 10.1) != p.Value.num) throw new Exception("Iteration test on complex type pointer map failed for index " + p.Key); } } { IntStructConstPtrMap iscpmap = new IntStructConstPtrMap(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { iscpmap.Add(i, new Struct(i * 10.1)); } if (iscpmap.Count != 10) throw new Exception("Count test on complex type const pointer map failed"); foreach (KeyValuePair p in iscpmap) { if ((p.Key * 10.1) != p.Value.num) throw new Exception("Iteration test on complex type const pointer map failed for index " + p.Key); } } // Test complex type as key (Struct) { StructIntMap limap = new StructIntMap(); Struct s7 = new Struct(7); Struct s8 = new Struct(8); limap[s7] = 8; if (limap[s7] != 8) throw new Exception("Assignment test on complex key map failed"); if (!limap.ContainsKey(s7)) throw new Exception("Key test (1) on complex key map failed"); if (limap.ContainsKey(s8)) throw new Exception("Key test (2) on complex key map failed"); } // Custom compare function { StringLengthNumberMap slmap = new StringLengthNumberMap(); li_std_map.populate(slmap); string keys = string.Join(" ", new List(slmap.Keys)); if (keys != "a aa zzz xxxx aaaaa") throw new Exception("Keys are wrong or in wrong order: " + keys); string values = string.Join(" ", new List(slmap.Values)); if (values != "1 2 3 4 5") throw new Exception("Values are wrong or in wrong order: " + values); } // All done } }