import doxygen_parsing.*; import java.util.HashMap; public class doxygen_parsing_runme { static { try { System.loadLibrary("doxygen_parsing"); } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) { System.err.println("Native code library failed to load. See the chapter on Dynamic Linking Problems in the SWIG Java documentation for help.\n" + e); System.exit(1); } } public static void main(String argv[]) { CommentParser.parse("doxygen_parsing"); HashMap wantedComments = new HashMap(); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeAnotherClass", " SomeAnotherClass description"); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeAnotherClass(int)", " First overloaded constructor."); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeAnotherClass(java.lang.String)", " Second overloaded constructor."); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeAnotherClass.getClassAttr()", " The class attribute comment \n" + " \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeAnotherClass.setClassAttr3(int)", "The class attribute post-comment with details \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeAnotherStruct.setStructAttr3(int)", "The struct attribute post-comment with details \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeAnotherClass.classMethodExtended2(int, int)", " The class method with parameter \n" + " \n" + " @param a Parameter a \n" + " @param b Parameter b \n" + " \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeStruct", " The struct comment \n" + " \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeStruct.setWidth(int)", "**immutable** image width in pixels \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeStruct.getWidth()", "**immutable** image width in pixels \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.doxygen_parsing.setSomeVar(int)", " The var comment \n" + " \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeAnotherStruct.structMethod()", " The struct method comment \n" + " \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.doxygen_parsing.someFunction()", " The function comment \n" + " \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeAnotherClass.classMethodExtended(int, int)", " The class method with parameter \n" + " \n" + " @param a Parameter a \n" + " @param b Parameter b \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeAnotherClass.setClassAttr(int)", " The class attribute comment \n" + " \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeAnotherStruct.structMethodExtended(int, int)", " The struct method with parameter \n" + " \n" + " @param a Parameter a \n" + " @param b Parameter b \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeAnotherStruct.getStructAttr()", " The struct attribute comment \n" + " \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeClass", " The class comment \n" + " \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeAnotherStruct.getStructAttr3()", "The struct attribute post-comment with details \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.doxygen_parsing.getSomeVar()", " The var comment \n" + " \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeAnotherStruct.setStructAttr2(int)", "The struct attribute post-comment \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeAnotherClass.getClassAttr2()", "The class attribute post-comment \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeAnotherStruct.getStructAttr2()", "The struct attribute post-comment \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeAnotherStruct.setStructAttr(int)", " The struct attribute comment \n" + " \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeEnum", " The enum comment \n" + " \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeAnotherClass.getClassAttr3()", "The class attribute post-comment with details \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeAnotherClass.classMethod()", " The class method comment.
\n" + "
\n" + " {@link SomeAnotherClass#classMethodExtended(int,int) a link text }\n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeAnotherStruct.structMethodExtended2(int, int)", " The struct method with parameter \n" + " \n" + " @param a Parameter a \n" + " @param b Parameter b \n" + " \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.SomeAnotherClass.setClassAttr2(int)", "The class attribute post-comment \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.doxygen_parsingConstants.CONSTANT_VALUE", "The constant comment \n" + ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.Foo1636.getGroupmember1()", "groupmember1 description"); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.Foo1636.setGroupmember1(int)", "groupmember1 description"); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.Foo1636.getGroupmember2()", "groupmember2 description"); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.Foo1636.setGroupmember2(int)", "groupmember2 description"); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.Foo1750.getA()", ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.Foo1750.getB()", ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.Foo1750.setA(int)", ""); wantedComments.put("doxygen_parsing.Foo1750.setB(int)", ""); // and ask the parser to check comments for us System.exit(CommentParser.check(wantedComments)); } }