/* ------------------------------------------------------------ * goruntime.swg * * Go runtime code for the various generated files. * ------------------------------------------------------------ */ %insert(runtime) %{ #include #include #include #include #include %} #if SWIGGO_INTGO_SIZE == 32 %insert(runtime) %{ typedef int intgo; typedef unsigned int uintgo; %} #elif SWIGGO_INTGO_SIZE == 64 %insert(runtime) %{ typedef long long intgo; typedef unsigned long long uintgo; %} #else %insert(runtime) %{ typedef ptrdiff_t intgo; typedef size_t uintgo; %} #endif %insert(runtime) %{ typedef struct { char *p; intgo n; } _gostring_; typedef struct { void* array; intgo len; intgo cap; } _goslice_; %} #ifndef SWIGGO_GCCGO /* Boilerplate for C/C++ code when using 6g/8g. This code is compiled with gcc. */ %insert(runtime) %{ #define swiggo_size_assert_eq(x, y, name) typedef char name[(x-y)*(x-y)*-2+1]; #define swiggo_size_assert(t, n) swiggo_size_assert_eq(sizeof(t), n, swiggo_sizeof_##t##_is_not_##n) swiggo_size_assert(char, 1) swiggo_size_assert(short, 2) swiggo_size_assert(int, 4) typedef long long swiggo_long_long; swiggo_size_assert(swiggo_long_long, 8) swiggo_size_assert(float, 4) swiggo_size_assert(double, 8) #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif extern void crosscall2(void (*fn)(void *, int), void *, int); extern void _cgo_allocate(void *, int); extern void _cgo_panic(void *, int); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif static void *_swig_goallocate(size_t len) { struct { size_t len; void *ret; } a; a.len = len; crosscall2(_cgo_allocate, &a, (int) sizeof a); return a.ret; } static void _swig_gopanic(const char *p) { struct { const char *p; } a; a.p = p; crosscall2(_cgo_panic, &a, (int) sizeof a); } %} /* Boilerplate for C code when using 6g/8g. This code is compiled with 6c/8c. */ %insert(gc_header) %{ #include "runtime.h" #include "cgocall.h" #ifdef _64BIT #define SWIG_PARM_SIZE 8 #else #define SWIG_PARM_SIZE 4 #endif %} #else /* Boilerplate for C/C++ code when using gccgo. */ %insert(runtime) %{ #define SWIGGO_GCCGO #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif extern void *_cgo_allocate(size_t); extern void _cgo_panic(const char *); /* Implementations of SwigCgocall and friends for different versions of gccgo. The Go code will call these functions using C names with a prefix of the module name. The implementations here call the routine in libgo. The routines to call vary depending on the gccgo version. We assume that the version of gcc used to compile this file is the same as the version of gccgo. */ #define SWIGCONCAT2(s1, s2) s1 ## s2 #define SWIGCONCAT1(s1, s2) SWIGCONCAT2(s1, s2) #define SwigCgocall SWIGCONCAT1(SWIGMODULE, SwigCgocall) #define SwigCgocallDone SWIGCONCAT1(SWIGMODULE, SwigCgocallDone) #define SwigCgocallBack SWIGCONCAT1(SWIGMODULE, SwigCgocallBack) #define SwigCgocallBackDone SWIGCONCAT1(SWIGMODULE, SwigCgocallBackDone) #define SWIG_GCC_VERSION \ (__GNUC__ * 10000 + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 100 + __GNUC__PATH_LEVEL__) #if SWIG_GCC_VERSION < 40700 #define SwigDoCgocall() #define SwigDoCgocallDone() #define SwigDoCgocallBack() #define SwigDoCgocallBackDone() #elif SWIG_GCC_VERSION == 40700 void SwigDoCgocall(void) __asm__("libgo_syscall.syscall.Entersyscall"); void SwigDoCgocallDone(void) __asm__("libgo_syscall.syscall.Exitsyscall"); void SwigDoCgocallBack(void) __asm__("libgo_syscall.syscall.Exitsyscall"); void SwigDoCgocallBackDone(void) __asm__("libgo_syscall.syscall.Entersyscall"); #else void SwigDoCgocall(void) __asm__("syscall.Cgocall"); void SwigDoCgocallDone(void) __asm__("syscall.CgocallDone"); void SwigDoCgocallBack(void) __asm__("syscall.CgocallBack"); void SwigDoCgocallBackDone(void) __asm__("syscall.CgocallBackDone"); #endif void SwigCgocall() { SwigDoCgocall(); } void SwigCgocallDone() { SwigDoCgocallDone(); } void SwigCgocallBack() { SwigDoCgocallBack(); } void SwigCgocallBackDone() { SwigDoCgocallBackDone(); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #define _swig_goallocate _cgo_allocate #define _swig_gopanic _cgo_panic %} #endif %insert(runtime) %{ static _gostring_ _swig_makegostring(const char *p, size_t l) { _gostring_ ret; ret.p = (char*)_swig_goallocate(l + 1); memcpy(ret.p, p, l); ret.n = l; return ret; } #define SWIG_contract_assert(expr, msg) \ if (!(expr)) { _swig_gopanic(msg); } else %} #ifndef SWIGGO_GCCGO %insert(go_header) %{ import _ "runtime/cgo" import "unsafe" type _ unsafe.Pointer %} #else %insert(go_header) %{ import "syscall" import "unsafe" type _ syscall.Sockaddr type _ unsafe.Pointer %} #endif /* Function pointers are translated by the code in go.cxx into _swig_fnptr. Member pointers are translated to _swig_memberptr. */ %insert(go_header) %{ type _swig_fnptr *byte type _swig_memberptr *byte %}