path: root/src/org/ccil/cowan/tagsoup/Parser.java
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1 files changed, 1114 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/org/ccil/cowan/tagsoup/Parser.java b/src/org/ccil/cowan/tagsoup/Parser.java
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index 0000000..0997f23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/ccil/cowan/tagsoup/Parser.java
@@ -0,0 +1,1114 @@
+// This file is part of TagSoup and is Copyright 2002-2008 by John Cowan.
+// TagSoup is licensed under the Apache License,
+// Version 2.0. You may obtain a copy of this license at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . You may also have
+// additional legal rights not granted by this license.
+// TagSoup is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+// unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, TagSoup
+// OF ANY KIND, either express or implied; not even the implied warranty
+// The TagSoup parser
+package org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.net.URL;
+import java.net.URLConnection;
+import org.xml.sax.*;
+import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
+import org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler;
+The SAX parser class.
+public class Parser extends DefaultHandler implements ScanHandler, XMLReader, LexicalHandler {
+ // XMLReader implementation
+ private ContentHandler theContentHandler = this;
+ private LexicalHandler theLexicalHandler = this;
+ private DTDHandler theDTDHandler = this;
+ private ErrorHandler theErrorHandler = this;
+ private EntityResolver theEntityResolver = this;
+ private Schema theSchema;
+ private Scanner theScanner;
+ private AutoDetector theAutoDetector;
+ // Default values for feature flags
+ private static boolean DEFAULT_NAMESPACES = true;
+ private static boolean DEFAULT_IGNORE_BOGONS = false;
+ private static boolean DEFAULT_BOGONS_EMPTY = false;
+ private static boolean DEFAULT_ROOT_BOGONS = true;
+ private static boolean DEFAULT_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES = true;
+ private static boolean DEFAULT_TRANSLATE_COLONS = false;
+ private static boolean DEFAULT_RESTART_ELEMENTS = true;
+ private static boolean DEFAULT_IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE = false;
+ private static boolean DEFAULT_CDATA_ELEMENTS = true;
+ // Feature flags.
+ private boolean namespaces = DEFAULT_NAMESPACES;
+ private boolean ignoreBogons = DEFAULT_IGNORE_BOGONS;
+ private boolean bogonsEmpty = DEFAULT_BOGONS_EMPTY;
+ private boolean rootBogons = DEFAULT_ROOT_BOGONS;
+ private boolean defaultAttributes = DEFAULT_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES;
+ private boolean translateColons = DEFAULT_TRANSLATE_COLONS;
+ private boolean restartElements = DEFAULT_RESTART_ELEMENTS;
+ private boolean ignorableWhitespace = DEFAULT_IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE;
+ private boolean CDATAElements = DEFAULT_CDATA_ELEMENTS;
+ /**
+ A value of "true" indicates namespace URIs and unprefixed local
+ names for element and attribute names will be available.
+ **/
+ public final static String namespacesFeature =
+ "http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces";
+ /**
+ A value of "true" indicates that XML qualified names (with prefixes)
+ and attributes (including xmlns* attributes) will be available.
+ We don't support this value.
+ **/
+ public final static String namespacePrefixesFeature =
+ "http://xml.org/sax/features/namespace-prefixes";
+ /**
+ Reports whether this parser processes external general entities
+ (it doesn't).
+ **/
+ public final static String externalGeneralEntitiesFeature =
+ "http://xml.org/sax/features/external-general-entities";
+ /**
+ Reports whether this parser processes external parameter entities
+ (it doesn't).
+ **/
+ public final static String externalParameterEntitiesFeature =
+ "http://xml.org/sax/features/external-parameter-entities";
+ /**
+ May be examined only during a parse, after the startDocument()
+ callback has been completed; read-only. The value is true if
+ the document specified standalone="yes" in its XML declaration,
+ and otherwise is false. (It's always false.)
+ **/
+ public final static String isStandaloneFeature =
+ "http://xml.org/sax/features/is-standalone";
+ /**
+ A value of "true" indicates that the LexicalHandler will report
+ the beginning and end of parameter entities (it won't).
+ **/
+ public final static String lexicalHandlerParameterEntitiesFeature =
+ "http://xml.org/sax/features/lexical-handler/parameter-entities";
+ /**
+ A value of "true" indicates that system IDs in declarations will
+ be absolutized (relative to their base URIs) before reporting.
+ (This returns true but doesn't actually do anything.)
+ **/
+ public final static String resolveDTDURIsFeature =
+ "http://xml.org/sax/features/resolve-dtd-uris";
+ /**
+ Has a value of "true" if all XML names (for elements,
+ prefixes, attributes, entities, notations, and local
+ names), as well as Namespace URIs, will have been interned
+ using java.lang.String.intern. This supports fast testing of
+ equality/inequality against string constants, rather than forcing
+ slower calls to String.equals(). (We always intern.)
+ **/
+ public final static String stringInterningFeature =
+ "http://xml.org/sax/features/string-interning";
+ /**
+ Returns "true" if the Attributes objects passed by this
+ parser in ContentHandler.startElement() implement the
+ org.xml.sax.ext.Attributes2 interface. (They don't.)
+ **/
+ public final static String useAttributes2Feature =
+ "http://xml.org/sax/features/use-attributes2";
+ /**
+ Returns "true" if the Locator objects passed by this parser
+ in ContentHandler.setDocumentLocator() implement the
+ org.xml.sax.ext.Locator2 interface. (They don't.)
+ **/
+ public final static String useLocator2Feature =
+ "http://xml.org/sax/features/use-locator2";
+ /**
+ Returns "true" if, when setEntityResolver is given an object
+ implementing the org.xml.sax.ext.EntityResolver2 interface,
+ those new methods will be used. (They won't be.)
+ **/
+ public final static String useEntityResolver2Feature =
+ "http://xml.org/sax/features/use-entity-resolver2";
+ /**
+ Controls whether the parser is reporting all validity errors
+ (We don't report any validity errors.)
+ **/
+ public final static String validationFeature =
+ "http://xml.org/sax/features/validation";
+ /**
+ Controls whether the parser reports Unicode normalization
+ errors as described in section 2.13 and Appendix B of the XML
+ 1.1 Recommendation. (We don't normalize.)
+ **/
+ public final static String unicodeNormalizationCheckingFeature =
+ /**
+ Controls whether, when the namespace-prefixes feature is set,
+ the parser treats namespace declaration attributes as being in
+ the http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/ namespace. (It doesn't.)
+ **/
+ public final static String xmlnsURIsFeature =
+ "http://xml.org/sax/features/xmlns-uris";
+ /**
+ Returns "true" if the parser supports both XML 1.1 and XML 1.0.
+ (Always false.)
+ **/
+ public final static String XML11Feature =
+ "http://xml.org/sax/features/xml-1.1";
+ /**
+ A value of "true" indicates that the parser will ignore
+ unknown elements.
+ **/
+ public final static String ignoreBogonsFeature =
+ "http://www.ccil.org/~cowan/tagsoup/features/ignore-bogons";
+ /**
+ A value of "true" indicates that the parser will give unknown
+ elements a content model of EMPTY; a value of "false", a
+ content model of ANY.
+ **/
+ public final static String bogonsEmptyFeature =
+ "http://www.ccil.org/~cowan/tagsoup/features/bogons-empty";
+ /**
+ A value of "true" indicates that the parser will allow unknown
+ elements to be the root element.
+ **/
+ public final static String rootBogonsFeature =
+ "http://www.ccil.org/~cowan/tagsoup/features/root-bogons";
+ /**
+ A value of "true" indicates that the parser will return default
+ attribute values for missing attributes that have default values.
+ **/
+ public final static String defaultAttributesFeature =
+ "http://www.ccil.org/~cowan/tagsoup/features/default-attributes";
+ /**
+ A value of "true" indicates that the parser will
+ translate colons into underscores in names.
+ **/
+ public final static String translateColonsFeature =
+ "http://www.ccil.org/~cowan/tagsoup/features/translate-colons";
+ /**
+ A value of "true" indicates that the parser will
+ attempt to restart the restartable elements.
+ **/
+ public final static String restartElementsFeature =
+ "http://www.ccil.org/~cowan/tagsoup/features/restart-elements";
+ /**
+ A value of "true" indicates that the parser will
+ transmit whitespace in element-only content via the SAX
+ ignorableWhitespace callback. Normally this is not done,
+ because HTML is an SGML application and SGML suppresses
+ such whitespace.
+ **/
+ public final static String ignorableWhitespaceFeature =
+ "http://www.ccil.org/~cowan/tagsoup/features/ignorable-whitespace";
+ /**
+ A value of "true" indicates that the parser will treat CDATA
+ elements specially. Normally true, since the input is by
+ default HTML.
+ **/
+ public final static String CDATAElementsFeature =
+ "http://www.ccil.org/~cowan/tagsoup/features/cdata-elements";
+ /**
+ Used to see some syntax events that are essential in some
+ applications: comments, CDATA delimiters, selected general
+ entity inclusions, and the start and end of the DTD (and
+ declaration of document element name). The Object must implement
+ org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler.
+ **/
+ public final static String lexicalHandlerProperty =
+ "http://xml.org/sax/properties/lexical-handler";
+ /**
+ Specifies the Scanner object this Parser uses.
+ **/
+ public final static String scannerProperty =
+ "http://www.ccil.org/~cowan/tagsoup/properties/scanner";
+ /**
+ Specifies the Schema object this Parser uses.
+ **/
+ public final static String schemaProperty =
+ "http://www.ccil.org/~cowan/tagsoup/properties/schema";
+ /**
+ Specifies the AutoDetector (for encoding detection) this Parser uses.
+ **/
+ public final static String autoDetectorProperty =
+ "http://www.ccil.org/~cowan/tagsoup/properties/auto-detector";
+ // Due to sucky Java order of initialization issues, these
+ // entries are maintained separately from the initial values of
+ // the corresponding instance variables, but care must be taken
+ // to keep them in sync.
+ private HashMap theFeatures = new HashMap();
+ {
+ theFeatures.put(namespacesFeature, truthValue(DEFAULT_NAMESPACES));
+ theFeatures.put(namespacePrefixesFeature, Boolean.FALSE);
+ theFeatures.put(externalGeneralEntitiesFeature, Boolean.FALSE);
+ theFeatures.put(externalParameterEntitiesFeature, Boolean.FALSE);
+ theFeatures.put(isStandaloneFeature, Boolean.FALSE);
+ theFeatures.put(lexicalHandlerParameterEntitiesFeature,
+ Boolean.FALSE);
+ theFeatures.put(resolveDTDURIsFeature, Boolean.TRUE);
+ theFeatures.put(stringInterningFeature, Boolean.TRUE);
+ theFeatures.put(useAttributes2Feature, Boolean.FALSE);
+ theFeatures.put(useLocator2Feature, Boolean.FALSE);
+ theFeatures.put(useEntityResolver2Feature, Boolean.FALSE);
+ theFeatures.put(validationFeature, Boolean.FALSE);
+ theFeatures.put(xmlnsURIsFeature, Boolean.FALSE);
+ theFeatures.put(xmlnsURIsFeature, Boolean.FALSE);
+ theFeatures.put(XML11Feature, Boolean.FALSE);
+ theFeatures.put(ignoreBogonsFeature, truthValue(DEFAULT_IGNORE_BOGONS));
+ theFeatures.put(bogonsEmptyFeature, truthValue(DEFAULT_BOGONS_EMPTY));
+ theFeatures.put(rootBogonsFeature, truthValue(DEFAULT_ROOT_BOGONS));
+ theFeatures.put(defaultAttributesFeature, truthValue(DEFAULT_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES));
+ theFeatures.put(translateColonsFeature, truthValue(DEFAULT_TRANSLATE_COLONS));
+ theFeatures.put(restartElementsFeature, truthValue(DEFAULT_RESTART_ELEMENTS));
+ theFeatures.put(ignorableWhitespaceFeature, truthValue(DEFAULT_IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE));
+ theFeatures.put(CDATAElementsFeature, truthValue(DEFAULT_CDATA_ELEMENTS));
+ }
+ // Private clone of Boolean.valueOf that is guaranteed to return
+ // Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE
+ private static Boolean truthValue(boolean b) {
+ return b ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
+ }
+ public boolean getFeature (String name)
+ throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException {
+ Boolean b = (Boolean)theFeatures.get(name);
+ if (b == null) {
+ throw new SAXNotRecognizedException("Unknown feature " + name);
+ }
+ return b.booleanValue();
+ }
+ public void setFeature (String name, boolean value)
+ throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException {
+ Boolean b = (Boolean)theFeatures.get(name);
+ if (b == null) {
+ throw new SAXNotRecognizedException("Unknown feature " + name);
+ }
+ if (value) theFeatures.put(name, Boolean.TRUE);
+ else theFeatures.put(name, Boolean.FALSE);
+ if (name.equals(namespacesFeature)) namespaces = value;
+ else if (name.equals(ignoreBogonsFeature)) ignoreBogons = value;
+ else if (name.equals(bogonsEmptyFeature)) bogonsEmpty = value;
+ else if (name.equals(rootBogonsFeature)) rootBogons = value;
+ else if (name.equals(defaultAttributesFeature)) defaultAttributes = value;
+ else if (name.equals(translateColonsFeature)) translateColons = value;
+ else if (name.equals(restartElementsFeature)) restartElements = value;
+ else if (name.equals(ignorableWhitespaceFeature)) ignorableWhitespace = value;
+ else if (name.equals(CDATAElementsFeature)) CDATAElements = value;
+ }
+ public Object getProperty (String name)
+ throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException {
+ if (name.equals(lexicalHandlerProperty)) {
+ return theLexicalHandler == this ? null : theLexicalHandler;
+ }
+ else if (name.equals(scannerProperty)) {
+ return theScanner;
+ }
+ else if (name.equals(schemaProperty)) {
+ return theSchema;
+ }
+ else if (name.equals(autoDetectorProperty)) {
+ return theAutoDetector;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new SAXNotRecognizedException("Unknown property " + name);
+ }
+ }
+ public void setProperty (String name, Object value)
+ throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException {
+ if (name.equals(lexicalHandlerProperty)) {
+ if (value == null) {
+ theLexicalHandler = this;
+ }
+ else if (value instanceof LexicalHandler) {
+ theLexicalHandler = (LexicalHandler)value;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new SAXNotSupportedException("Your lexical handler is not a LexicalHandler");
+ }
+ }
+ else if (name.equals(scannerProperty)) {
+ if (value instanceof Scanner) {
+ theScanner = (Scanner)value;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new SAXNotSupportedException("Your scanner is not a Scanner");
+ }
+ }
+ else if (name.equals(schemaProperty)) {
+ if (value instanceof Schema) {
+ theSchema = (Schema)value;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new SAXNotSupportedException("Your schema is not a Schema");
+ }
+ }
+ else if (name.equals(autoDetectorProperty)) {
+ if (value instanceof AutoDetector) {
+ theAutoDetector = (AutoDetector)value;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new SAXNotSupportedException("Your auto-detector is not an AutoDetector");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new SAXNotRecognizedException("Unknown property " + name);
+ }
+ }
+ public void setEntityResolver (EntityResolver resolver) {
+ theEntityResolver = (resolver == null) ? this : resolver;
+ }
+ public EntityResolver getEntityResolver () {
+ return (theEntityResolver == this) ? null : theEntityResolver;
+ }
+ public void setDTDHandler (DTDHandler handler) {
+ theDTDHandler = (handler == null) ? this : handler;
+ }
+ public DTDHandler getDTDHandler () {
+ return (theDTDHandler == this) ? null : theDTDHandler;
+ }
+ public void setContentHandler (ContentHandler handler) {
+ theContentHandler = (handler == null) ? this : handler;
+ }
+ public ContentHandler getContentHandler () {
+ return (theContentHandler == this) ? null : theContentHandler;
+ }
+ public void setErrorHandler (ErrorHandler handler) {
+ theErrorHandler = (handler == null) ? this : handler;
+ }
+ public ErrorHandler getErrorHandler () {
+ return (theErrorHandler == this) ? null : theErrorHandler;
+ }
+ public void parse (InputSource input) throws IOException, SAXException {
+ setup();
+ Reader r = getReader(input);
+ theContentHandler.startDocument();
+ theScanner.resetDocumentLocator(input.getPublicId(), input.getSystemId());
+ if (theScanner instanceof Locator) {
+ theContentHandler.setDocumentLocator((Locator)theScanner);
+ }
+ if (!(theSchema.getURI().equals("")))
+ theContentHandler.startPrefixMapping(theSchema.getPrefix(),
+ theSchema.getURI());
+ theScanner.scan(r, this);
+ }
+ public void parse (String systemid) throws IOException, SAXException {
+ parse(new InputSource(systemid));
+ }
+ // Sets up instance variables that haven't been set by setFeature
+ private void setup() {
+ if (theSchema == null) theSchema = new HTMLSchema();
+ if (theScanner == null) theScanner = new HTMLScanner();
+ if (theAutoDetector == null) {
+ theAutoDetector = new AutoDetector() {
+ public Reader autoDetectingReader(InputStream i) {
+ return new InputStreamReader(i);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ theStack = new Element(theSchema.getElementType("<root>"), defaultAttributes);
+ thePCDATA = new Element(theSchema.getElementType("<pcdata>"), defaultAttributes);
+ theNewElement = null;
+ theAttributeName = null;
+ thePITarget = null;
+ theSaved = null;
+ theEntity = 0;
+ virginStack = true;
+ theDoctypeName = theDoctypePublicId = theDoctypeSystemId = null;
+ }
+ // Return a Reader based on the contents of an InputSource
+ // Buffer both the InputStream and the Reader
+ private Reader getReader(InputSource s) throws SAXException, IOException {
+ Reader r = s.getCharacterStream();
+ InputStream i = s.getByteStream();
+ String encoding = s.getEncoding();
+ String publicid = s.getPublicId();
+ String systemid = s.getSystemId();
+ if (r == null) {
+ if (i == null) i = getInputStream(publicid, systemid);
+// i = new BufferedInputStream(i);
+ if (encoding == null) {
+ r = theAutoDetector.autoDetectingReader(i);
+ }
+ else {
+ try {
+ r = new InputStreamReader(i, encoding);
+ }
+ catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
+ r = new InputStreamReader(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// r = new BufferedReader(r);
+ return r;
+ }
+ // Get an InputStream based on a publicid and a systemid
+ private InputStream getInputStream(String publicid, String systemid) throws IOException, SAXException {
+ URL basis = new URL("file", "", System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/.");
+ URL url = new URL(basis, systemid);
+ URLConnection c = url.openConnection();
+ return c.getInputStream();
+ }
+ // We don't process publicids (who uses them anyhow?)
+ // ScanHandler implementation
+ private Element theNewElement = null;
+ private String theAttributeName = null;
+ private boolean theDoctypeIsPresent = false;
+ private String theDoctypePublicId = null;
+ private String theDoctypeSystemId = null;
+ private String theDoctypeName = null;
+ private String thePITarget = null;
+ private Element theStack = null;
+ private Element theSaved = null;
+ private Element thePCDATA = null;
+ private int theEntity = 0; // needs to support chars past U+FFFF
+ public void adup(char[] buff, int offset, int length) throws SAXException {
+ if (theNewElement == null || theAttributeName == null) return;
+ theNewElement.setAttribute(theAttributeName, null, theAttributeName);
+ theAttributeName = null;
+ }
+ public void aname(char[] buff, int offset, int length) throws SAXException {
+ if (theNewElement == null) return;
+ // Currently we don't rely on Schema to canonicalize
+ // attribute names.
+ theAttributeName = makeName(buff, offset, length).toLowerCase();
+// System.err.println("%% Attribute name " + theAttributeName);
+ }
+ public void aval(char[] buff, int offset, int length) throws SAXException {
+ if (theNewElement == null || theAttributeName == null) return;
+ String value = new String(buff, offset, length);
+// System.err.println("%% Attribute value [" + value + "]");
+ value = expandEntities(value);
+ theNewElement.setAttribute(theAttributeName, null, value);
+ theAttributeName = null;
+// System.err.println("%% Aval done");
+ }
+ // Expand entity references in attribute values selectively.
+ // Currently we expand a reference iff it is properly terminated
+ // with a semicolon.
+ private String expandEntities(String src) {
+ int refStart = -1;
+ int len = src.length();
+ char[] dst = new char[len];
+ int dstlen = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ char ch = src.charAt(i);
+ dst[dstlen++] = ch;
+// System.err.print("i = " + i + ", d = " + dstlen + ", ch = [" + ch + "] ");
+ if (ch == '&' && refStart == -1) {
+ // start of a ref excluding &
+ refStart = dstlen;
+// System.err.println("start of ref");
+ }
+ else if (refStart == -1) {
+ // not in a ref
+// System.err.println("not in ref");
+ }
+ else if (Character.isLetter(ch) ||
+ Character.isDigit(ch) ||
+ ch == '#') {
+ // valid entity char
+// System.err.println("valid");
+ }
+ else if (ch == ';') {
+ // properly terminated ref
+// System.err.print("got [" + new String(dst, refStart, dstlen-refStart-1) + "]");
+ int ent = lookupEntity(dst, refStart, dstlen - refStart - 1);
+// System.err.println(" = " + ent);
+ if (ent > 0xFFFF) {
+ ent -= 0x10000;
+ dst[refStart - 1] = (char)((ent>>10) + 0xD800);
+ dst[refStart] = (char)((ent&0x3FF) + 0xDC00);
+ dstlen = refStart + 1;
+ }
+ else if (ent != 0) {
+ dst[refStart - 1] = (char)ent;
+ dstlen = refStart;
+ }
+ refStart = -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ // improperly terminated ref
+// System.err.println("end of ref");
+ refStart = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return new String(dst, 0, dstlen);
+ }
+ public void entity(char[] buff, int offset, int length) throws SAXException {
+ theEntity = lookupEntity(buff, offset, length);
+ }
+ // Process numeric character references,
+ // deferring to the schema for named ones.
+ private int lookupEntity(char[] buff, int offset, int length) {
+ int result = 0;
+ if (length < 1) return result;
+// System.err.println("%% Entity at " + offset + " " + length);
+// System.err.println("%% Got entity [" + new String(buff, offset, length) + "]");
+ if (buff[offset] == '#') {
+ if (length > 1 && (buff[offset+1] == 'x'
+ || buff[offset+1] == 'X')) {
+ try {
+ return Integer.parseInt(new String(buff, offset + 2, length - 2), 16);
+ }
+ catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 0; }
+ }
+ try {
+ return Integer.parseInt(new String(buff, offset + 1, length - 1), 10);
+ }
+ catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 0; }
+ }
+ return theSchema.getEntity(new String(buff, offset, length));
+ }
+ public void eof(char[] buff, int offset, int length) throws SAXException {
+ if (virginStack) rectify(thePCDATA);
+ while (theStack.next() != null) {
+ pop();
+ }
+ if (!(theSchema.getURI().equals("")))
+ theContentHandler.endPrefixMapping(theSchema.getPrefix());
+ theContentHandler.endDocument();
+ }
+ public void etag(char[] buff, int offset, int length) throws SAXException {
+ if (etag_cdata(buff, offset, length)) return;
+ etag_basic(buff, offset, length);
+ }
+ private static char[] etagchars = {'<', '/', '>'};
+ public boolean etag_cdata(char[] buff, int offset, int length) throws SAXException {
+ String currentName = theStack.name();
+ // If this is a CDATA element and the tag doesn't match,
+ // or isn't properly formed (junk after the name),
+ // restart CDATA mode and process the tag as characters.
+ if (CDATAElements && (theStack.flags() & Schema.F_CDATA) != 0) {
+ boolean realTag = (length == currentName.length());
+ if (realTag) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ if (Character.toLowerCase(buff[offset + i]) != Character.toLowerCase(currentName.charAt(i))) {
+ realTag = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!realTag) {
+ theContentHandler.characters(etagchars, 0, 2);
+ theContentHandler.characters(buff, offset, length);
+ theContentHandler.characters(etagchars, 2, 1);
+ theScanner.startCDATA();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public void etag_basic(char[] buff, int offset, int length) throws SAXException {
+ theNewElement = null;
+ String name;
+ if (length != 0) {
+ // Canonicalize case of name
+ name = makeName(buff, offset, length);
+// System.err.println("got etag [" + name + "]");
+ ElementType type = theSchema.getElementType(name);
+ if (type == null) return; // mysterious end-tag
+ name = type.name();
+ }
+ else {
+ name = theStack.name();
+ }
+// System.err.println("%% Got end of " + name);
+ Element sp;
+ boolean inNoforce = false;
+ for (sp = theStack; sp != null; sp = sp.next()) {
+ if (sp.name().equals(name)) break;
+ if ((sp.flags() & Schema.F_NOFORCE) != 0) inNoforce = true;
+ }
+ if (sp == null) return; // Ignore unknown etags
+ if (sp.next() == null || sp.next().next() == null) return;
+ if (inNoforce) { // inside an F_NOFORCE element?
+ sp.preclose(); // preclose the matching element
+ }
+ else { // restartably pop everything above us
+ while (theStack != sp) {
+ restartablyPop();
+ }
+ pop();
+ }
+ // pop any preclosed elements now at the top
+ while (theStack.isPreclosed()) {
+ pop();
+ }
+ restart(null);
+ }
+ // Push restartables on the stack if possible
+ // e is the next element to be started, if we know what it is
+ private void restart(Element e) throws SAXException {
+ while (theSaved != null && theStack.canContain(theSaved) &&
+ (e == null || theSaved.canContain(e))) {
+ Element next = theSaved.next();
+ push(theSaved);
+ theSaved = next;
+ }
+ }
+ // Pop the stack irrevocably
+ private void pop() throws SAXException {
+ if (theStack == null) return; // empty stack
+ String name = theStack.name();
+ String localName = theStack.localName();
+ String namespace = theStack.namespace();
+ String prefix = prefixOf(name);
+// System.err.println("%% Popping " + name);
+ if (!namespaces) namespace = localName = "";
+ theContentHandler.endElement(namespace, localName, name);
+ if (foreign(prefix, namespace)) {
+ theContentHandler.endPrefixMapping(prefix);
+// System.err.println("%% Unmapping [" + prefix + "] for elements to " + namespace);
+ }
+ Attributes atts = theStack.atts();
+ for (int i = atts.getLength() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ String attNamespace = atts.getURI(i);
+ String attPrefix = prefixOf(atts.getQName(i));
+ if (foreign(attPrefix, attNamespace)) {
+ theContentHandler.endPrefixMapping(attPrefix);
+// System.err.println("%% Unmapping [" + attPrefix + "] for attributes to " + attNamespace);
+ }
+ }
+ theStack = theStack.next();
+ }
+ // Pop the stack restartably
+ private void restartablyPop() throws SAXException {
+ Element popped = theStack;
+ pop();
+ if (restartElements && (popped.flags() & Schema.F_RESTART) != 0) {
+ popped.anonymize();
+ popped.setNext(theSaved);
+ theSaved = popped;
+ }
+ }
+ // Push element onto stack
+ private boolean virginStack = true;
+ private void push(Element e) throws SAXException {
+ String name = e.name();
+ String localName = e.localName();
+ String namespace = e.namespace();
+ String prefix = prefixOf(name);
+// System.err.println("%% Pushing " + name);
+ e.clean();
+ if (!namespaces) namespace = localName = "";
+ if (virginStack && localName.equalsIgnoreCase(theDoctypeName)) {
+ try {
+ theEntityResolver.resolveEntity(theDoctypePublicId, theDoctypeSystemId);
+ } catch (IOException ew) { } // Can't be thrown for root I believe.
+ }
+ if (foreign(prefix, namespace)) {
+ theContentHandler.startPrefixMapping(prefix, namespace);
+// System.err.println("%% Mapping [" + prefix + "] for elements to " + namespace);
+ }
+ Attributes atts = e.atts();
+ int len = atts.getLength();
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ String attNamespace = atts.getURI(i);
+ String attPrefix = prefixOf(atts.getQName(i));
+ if (foreign(attPrefix, attNamespace)) {
+ theContentHandler.startPrefixMapping(attPrefix, attNamespace);
+// System.err.println("%% Mapping [" + attPrefix + "] for attributes to " + attNamespace);
+ }
+ }
+ theContentHandler.startElement(namespace, localName, name, e.atts());
+ e.setNext(theStack);
+ theStack = e;
+ virginStack = false;
+ if (CDATAElements && (theStack.flags() & Schema.F_CDATA) != 0) {
+ theScanner.startCDATA();
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the prefix from a QName
+ private String prefixOf(String name) {
+ int i = name.indexOf(':');
+ String prefix = "";
+ if (i != -1) prefix = name.substring(0, i);
+// System.err.println("%% " + prefix + " is prefix of " + name);
+ return prefix;
+ }
+ // Return true if we have a foreign name
+ private boolean foreign(String prefix, String namespace) {
+// System.err.print("%% Testing " + prefix + " and " + namespace + " for foreignness -- ");
+ boolean foreign = !(prefix.equals("") || namespace.equals("") ||
+ namespace.equals(theSchema.getURI()));
+// System.err.println(foreign);
+ return foreign;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parsing the complete XML Document Type Definition is way too complex,
+ * but for many simple cases we can extract something useful from it.
+ *
+ * doctypedecl ::= '<!DOCTYPE' S Name (S ExternalID)? S? ('[' intSubset ']' S?)? '>'
+ * DeclSep ::= PEReference | S
+ * intSubset ::= (markupdecl | DeclSep)*
+ * markupdecl ::= elementdecl | AttlistDecl | EntityDecl | NotationDecl | PI | Comment
+ * ExternalID ::= 'SYSTEM' S SystemLiteral | 'PUBLIC' S PubidLiteral S SystemLiteral
+ */
+ public void decl(char[] buff, int offset, int length) throws SAXException {
+ String s = new String(buff, offset, length);
+ String name = null;
+ String systemid = null;
+ String publicid = null;
+ String[] v = split(s);
+ if (v.length > 0 && "DOCTYPE".equals(v[0])) {
+ if (theDoctypeIsPresent) return; // one doctype only!
+ theDoctypeIsPresent = true;
+ if (v.length > 1) {
+ name = v[1];
+ if (v.length>3 && "SYSTEM".equals(v[2])) {
+ systemid = v[3];
+ }
+ else if (v.length > 3 && "PUBLIC".equals(v[2])) {
+ publicid = v[3];
+ if (v.length > 4) {
+ systemid = v[4];
+ }
+ else {
+ systemid = "";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ publicid = trimquotes(publicid);
+ systemid = trimquotes(systemid);
+ if (name != null) {
+ publicid = cleanPublicid(publicid);
+ theLexicalHandler.startDTD(name, publicid, systemid);
+ theLexicalHandler.endDTD();
+ theDoctypeName = name;
+ theDoctypePublicId = publicid;
+ if (theScanner instanceof Locator) { // Must resolve systemid
+ theDoctypeSystemId = ((Locator)theScanner).getSystemId();
+ try {
+ theDoctypeSystemId = new URL(new URL(theDoctypeSystemId), systemid).toString();
+ } catch (Exception e) {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If the String is quoted, trim the quotes.
+ private static String trimquotes(String in) {
+ if (in == null) return in;
+ int length = in.length();
+ if (length == 0) return in;
+ char s = in.charAt(0);
+ char e = in.charAt(length - 1);
+ if (s == e && (s == '\'' || s == '"')) {
+ in = in.substring(1, in.length() - 1);
+ }
+ return in;
+ }
+ // Split the supplied String into words or phrases seperated by spaces.
+ // Recognises quotes around a phrase and doesn't split it.
+ private static String[] split(String val) throws IllegalArgumentException {
+ val = val.trim();
+ if (val.length() == 0) {
+ return new String[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ ArrayList l = new ArrayList();
+ int s = 0;
+ int e = 0;
+ boolean sq = false; // single quote
+ boolean dq = false; // double quote
+ char lastc = 0;
+ int len = val.length();
+ for (e=0; e < len; e++) {
+ char c = val.charAt(e);
+ if (!dq && c == '\'' && lastc != '\\') {
+ sq = !sq;
+ if (s < 0) s = e;
+ }
+ else if (!sq && c == '\"' && lastc != '\\') {
+ dq = !dq;
+ if (s < 0) s = e;
+ }
+ else if (!sq && !dq) {
+ if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
+ if (s >= 0) l.add(val.substring(s, e));
+ s = -1;
+ }
+ else if (s < 0 && c != ' ') {
+ s = e;
+ }
+ }
+ lastc = c;
+ }
+ l.add(val.substring(s, e));
+ return (String[])l.toArray(new String[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Replace junk in publicids with spaces
+ private static String legal =
+ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%";
+ private String cleanPublicid(String src) {
+ if (src == null) return null;
+ int len = src.length();
+ StringBuffer dst = new StringBuffer(len);
+ boolean suppressSpace = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ char ch = src.charAt(i);
+ if (legal.indexOf(ch) != -1) { // legal but not whitespace
+ dst.append(ch);
+ suppressSpace = false;
+ }
+ else if (suppressSpace) { // normalizable whitespace or junk
+ ;
+ }
+ else {
+ dst.append(' ');
+ suppressSpace = true;
+ }
+ }
+// System.err.println("%% Publicid [" + dst.toString().trim() + "]");
+ return dst.toString().trim(); // trim any final junk whitespace
+ }
+ public void gi(char[] buff, int offset, int length) throws SAXException {
+ if (theNewElement != null) return;
+ String name = makeName(buff, offset, length);
+ if (name == null) return;
+ ElementType type = theSchema.getElementType(name);
+ if (type == null) {
+ // Suppress unknown elements if ignore-bogons is on
+ if (ignoreBogons) return;
+ int bogonModel = bogonsEmpty ? Schema.M_EMPTY : Schema.M_ANY;
+ int bogonMemberOf = rootBogons ? Schema.M_ANY : (Schema.M_ANY & ~ Schema.M_ROOT);
+ theSchema.elementType(name, bogonModel, bogonMemberOf, 0);
+ if (!rootBogons) theSchema.parent(name, theSchema.rootElementType().name());
+ type = theSchema.getElementType(name);
+ }
+ theNewElement = new Element(type, defaultAttributes);
+// System.err.println("%% Got GI " + theNewElement.name());
+ }
+ public void cdsect(char[] buff, int offset, int length) throws SAXException {
+ theLexicalHandler.startCDATA();
+ pcdata(buff, offset, length);
+ theLexicalHandler.endCDATA();
+ }
+ public void pcdata(char[] buff, int offset, int length) throws SAXException {
+ if (length == 0) return;
+ boolean allWhite = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ if (!Character.isWhitespace(buff[offset+i])) {
+ allWhite = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (allWhite && !theStack.canContain(thePCDATA)) {
+ if (ignorableWhitespace) {
+ theContentHandler.ignorableWhitespace(buff, offset, length);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ rectify(thePCDATA);
+ theContentHandler.characters(buff, offset, length);
+ }
+ }
+ public void pitarget(char[] buff, int offset, int length) throws SAXException {
+ if (theNewElement != null) return;
+ thePITarget = makeName(buff, offset, length).replace(':', '_');
+ }
+ public void pi(char[] buff, int offset, int length) throws SAXException {
+ if (theNewElement != null || thePITarget == null) return;
+ if ("xml".equalsIgnoreCase(thePITarget)) return;
+// if (length > 0 && buff[length - 1] == '?') System.err.println("%% Removing ? from PI");
+ if (length > 0 && buff[length - 1] == '?') length--; // remove trailing ?
+ theContentHandler.processingInstruction(thePITarget,
+ new String(buff, offset, length));
+ thePITarget = null;
+ }
+ public void stagc(char[] buff, int offset, int length) throws SAXException {
+// System.err.println("%% Start-tag");
+ if (theNewElement == null) return;
+ rectify(theNewElement);
+ if (theStack.model() == Schema.M_EMPTY) {
+ // Force an immediate end tag
+ etag_basic(buff, offset, length);
+ }
+ }
+ public void stage(char[] buff, int offset, int length) throws SAXException {
+// System.err.println("%% Empty-tag");
+ if (theNewElement == null) return;
+ rectify(theNewElement);
+ // Force an immediate end tag
+ etag_basic(buff, offset, length);
+ }
+ // Comment buffer is twice the size of the output buffer
+ private char[] theCommentBuffer = new char[2000];
+ public void cmnt(char[] buff, int offset, int length) throws SAXException {
+ theLexicalHandler.comment(buff, offset, length);
+ }
+ // Rectify the stack, pushing and popping as needed
+ // so that the argument can be safely pushed
+ private void rectify(Element e) throws SAXException {
+ Element sp;
+ while (true) {
+ for (sp = theStack; sp != null; sp = sp.next()) {
+ if (sp.canContain(e)) break;
+ }
+ if (sp != null) break;
+ ElementType parentType = e.parent();
+ if (parentType == null) break;
+ Element parent = new Element(parentType, defaultAttributes);
+// System.err.println("%% Ascending from " + e.name() + " to " + parent.name());
+ parent.setNext(e);
+ e = parent;
+ }
+ if (sp == null) return; // don't know what to do
+ while (theStack != sp) {
+ if (theStack == null || theStack.next() == null ||
+ theStack.next().next() == null) break;
+ restartablyPop();
+ }
+ while (e != null) {
+ Element nexte = e.next();
+ if (!e.name().equals("<pcdata>")) push(e);
+ e = nexte;
+ restart(e);
+ }
+ theNewElement = null;
+ }
+ public int getEntity() {
+ return theEntity;
+ }
+ // Return the argument as a valid XML name
+ // This no longer lowercases the result: we depend on Schema to
+ // canonicalize case.
+ private String makeName(char[] buff, int offset, int length) {
+ StringBuffer dst = new StringBuffer(length + 2);
+ boolean seenColon = false;
+ boolean start = true;
+// String src = new String(buff, offset, length); // DEBUG
+ for (; length-- > 0; offset++) {
+ char ch = buff[offset];
+ if (Character.isLetter(ch) || ch == '_') {
+ start = false;
+ dst.append(ch);
+ }
+ else if (Character.isDigit(ch) || ch == '-' || ch == '.') {
+ if (start) dst.append('_');
+ start = false;
+ dst.append(ch);
+ }
+ else if (ch == ':' && !seenColon) {
+ seenColon = true;
+ if (start) dst.append('_');
+ start = true;
+ dst.append(translateColons ? '_' : ch);
+ }
+ }
+ int dstLength = dst.length();
+ if (dstLength == 0 || dst.charAt(dstLength - 1) == ':') dst.append('_');
+// System.err.println("Made name \"" + dst + "\" from \"" + src + "\"");
+ return dst.toString().intern();
+ }
+ // Default LexicalHandler implementation
+ public void comment(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { }
+ public void endCDATA() throws SAXException { }
+ public void endDTD() throws SAXException { }
+ public void endEntity(String name) throws SAXException { }
+ public void startCDATA() throws SAXException { }
+ public void startDTD(String name, String publicid, String systemid) throws SAXException { }
+ public void startEntity(String name) throws SAXException { }
+ }