´ This file is part of TagSoup and is Copyright 2002‐2008 by John Cowan. ´ ´ TagSoup is licensed under the Apache License, ´ Ver‐ sion 2.0. You may obtain a copy of this license at ´ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE‐2.0 . You may also have ´ additional legal rights not granted by this license. ´ ´ TagSoup is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ´ unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, TagSoup ´ is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS ´ OF ANY KIND, either express or implied; not even the implied warranty ´ of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR‐ TAGSOUP(1) User Commands TAGSOUP(1) POSE. ´ NAME tagsoup - convert nasty, ugly HTML to clean XHTML SYNOPSIS java -jar tagsoup-1.2 [ options ] [ files ] DESCRIPTION Rectify arbitrary HTML into clean XHTML, using a tailored description of HTML. The output will be well-formed XML, but not necessarily valid XHTML. --files multiple input files should be processed into corresponding out‐ put files --encoding=encoding specifies the encoding of input files --output-encoding=encoding specifies the encoding of the output (if the encoding name begins with ‘‘utf’’, the output will not contain character enti‐ ties; otherwise, all non-ASCII characters are represented as entities) --html output rectified HTML rather than XML, omitting the XML declara‐ tion and any namespace declarations --method=html output rectified HTML rather than XML (end-tags are omitted for empty elements, and no character escaping is done in script and style elements) --omit-xml-declaration omit the XML declaration --lexical output lexical features (specifically comments and any DOCTYPE declaration) --nons suppress namespaces in output --nobogons suppress unknown non-HTML elements in output --nodefaults suppress default attribute values --nocolons change explicit colons in element and attribute names to under‐ scores --norestart don’t restart any restartable elements --ignorable pass through ignorable whitespace (whitespace in element-only content) via SAX method handler ignorableWhitespace --any treat unknown non-HTML elements as allowing any content (default) --emptybogons treat unknown non-HTML elements as empty elements --norootbogons don’t allow unknown non-HTML elements to be root elements --doctype-system=system-id force DOCTYPE declaration to be output with specified system identifier --doctype-public=public-id force DOCTYPE declaration to be output with specified public identifier --standalone=[yes|no] specify standalone pseudo-attribute in output XML declaration --version=version specify version pseudo-attribute in output XML declaration (does not affect actual version of XML output) --nocdata treat the CDATA-content elements script and style as ordinary elements (mostly for testing) --pyx output PYX format rather than XML (mostly for testing) --pyxin input is PYX-format HTML (mostly for testing) --reuse reuse the same Parser object internally (for testing only) --help output basic help --version output version number TagSoup is a parser and reformatter for nasty, ugly HTML. Its normal processing mode is to accept HTML files on the command line, or from the standard input if none are given, and output them as clean XML to the standard output. The encoding is assumed to be the platform-local encoding on input, and is always UTF-8 on output. When the --files option is given, each input file is processed into an output file of the corresponding name, with the extension changed to xhtml. If the extension is already xhtml, it is changed to xhtml_. TagSoup will repair, by whatever means necessary, violations of XML well-formedness. In particular, it will fix up malformed attribute names and supply missing attribute-value quotation marks. More signif‐ icantly, it supplies end-tags where HTML allows them to be omitted, and sometimes where it doesn’t. It will even supply start-tags where nec‐ essary; for example, if a document begins with a
  • tag, TagSoup will automatically prefix it with