path: root/helium/imageenhancer.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'helium/imageenhancer.cpp')
1 files changed, 385 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/helium/imageenhancer.cpp b/helium/imageenhancer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43b8833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helium/imageenhancer.cpp
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+// Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Author: <renn@google.com> (Marius Renn)
+// Author: <dsl@google.com> (Dar-Shyang Lee) Basically completely rewritten
+// Local includes
+#include <math.h>
+#include "debugging.h"
+#include "histogram.h"
+#include "image.h"
+#include "graymap.h"
+#include "imageenhancer.h"
+#include "leptonica.h"
+using namespace helium;
+class IntegralMatrix {
+ public:
+ IntegralMatrix() : acc_(NULL), sqr_(NULL), width_(0), height_(0) {}
+ explicit IntegralMatrix(const GrayMap& img)
+ : acc_(NULL), sqr_(NULL), width_(0), height_(0) {
+ Init(img);
+ }
+ // Prepares integral matrix for a gray image. Must be called for each image.
+ void Init(const GrayMap& img) {
+ Release();
+ width_ = img.width();
+ height_ = img.height();
+ uint8 *data = img.data();
+ acc_ = new double[width_*height_];
+ sqr_ = new double[width_*height_];
+ double *accpt = acc_;
+ double *sqrpt = sqr_;
+ for (int i = 0; i < height_; ++i) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < width_; ++j) {
+ double sum = static_cast<double>(*data++); // img[i,j];
+ double sqr = sum*sum; // img[i,j]^2
+ if (i > 0) sum += *(accpt-width_); // +acc[i-1,j]
+ if (j > 0) sum += *(accpt-1); // +acc[i,j-1]
+ if (i > 0 && j > 0) sum -= *(accpt-width_-1); // -acc[i-1,j-1]
+ *accpt++ = sum;
+ // acc[i,j] = img[i,j]+acc[i-1,j]+acc[i,j-1]-acc[i-1,j-1]
+ if (i > 0) sqr += *(sqrpt-width_); // sqr[i-1,j]
+ if (j > 0) sqr += *(sqrpt-1); // sqr[i,j-1]
+ if (i > 0 && j > 0) sqr -= *(sqrpt-width_-1); // -sqr[i-1,j-1]
+ *sqrpt++ = sqr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void Release() {
+ delete [] acc_;
+ delete [] sqr_;
+ acc_ = NULL;
+ sqr_ = NULL;
+ width_ = 0;
+ height_ = 0;
+ }
+ ~IntegralMatrix() {
+ Release();
+ }
+ // return a[i,j] with special handle for out-of-range points.
+ double GetValue(const double* a, int x, int y) {
+ if (x < 0 || y < 0) return 0; // negative coordinates are filled with 0
+ if (y >= height_) y = height_ - 1;
+ if (x >= width_) x = width_ - 1; // clip to image on oversized regions
+ return a[y*width_+x];
+ }
+ // Returns the sum of pixels in window [x1,y1] to [x2,y2], inclusive.
+ // and the size of the clipped window.
+ double GetWindow(const double* a, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int *size) {
+ double sum = GetValue(a, x2, y2) + GetValue(a, x1-1, y1-1)
+ - GetValue(a, x1-1, y2) - GetValue(a, x2, y1-1);
+ if (x1 < 0) x1 = 0;
+ if (y1 < 0) y1 = 0;
+ if (x2 >= width_) x2 = width_ - 1;
+ if (y2 >= height_) y2 = height_ - 1;
+ *size = (x2 - x1 + 1) * (y2 - y1 + 1);
+ return sum;
+ }
+ // Returns the sum of pixel values in the window, and the actual area size
+ // taking boundary situation into consideration.
+ double GetWindowSum(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int *size) {
+ return GetWindow(acc_, x1, y1, x2, y2, size);
+ }
+ // Returns the sum of square of pixel values in the window, and window size.
+ double GetWindowSumSqr(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int *size) {
+ return GetWindow(sqr_, x1, y1, x2, y2, size);
+ }
+ // Returns the mean and variance of pixel values for the window.
+ int GetWindowMeanVar(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
+ double *mean, double *var) {
+ int area, area2;
+ double sumx = GetWindowSum(x1, y1, x2, y2, &area);
+ double sumx2 = GetWindowSumSqr(x1, y1, x2, y2, &area2);
+ ASSERT(area == area2);
+ double u = 0.0;
+ double v = 0.0;
+ if (area > 0) {
+ u = sumx/static_cast<double>(area);
+ v = sumx2/static_cast<double>(area) - u*u;
+ ASSERT(v >= 0);
+ }
+ *mean = u;
+ *var = v;
+ return area;
+ }
+ const double* acc() { return acc_; }
+ const double* sqr() { return sqr_; }
+ GrayMap GetImage(const double* buf) {
+ const double *pt = buf;
+ double max = -1;
+ double min = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < height_; ++i) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < width_; ++j, ++pt) {
+ if (*pt > max) max = *pt;
+ if (min < 0 || *pt < min) min = *pt;
+ }
+ }
+ double s = (max - min)/256;
+ if (s < 1) s = 1.0;
+ pt = buf;
+ GrayMap img(width_, height_);
+ uint8 *data = img.data();
+ for (int i = 0; i < img.height(); ++i) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < img.width(); ++j) {
+ *data++ = static_cast<uint8>((*pt++ - min) / s);
+ }
+ }
+ return img;
+ }
+ private:
+ double *acc_; // acc(i,j) = sum I(y,x) for y<=i, x<=j, row-major stored
+ double *sqr_; // sqr(i,j) = sum I(y,x)^2 for y<=i, x<=j
+ int width_;
+ int height_;
+// Return mean as is
+uint8 ImageEnhancer::Func_Mean(uint8 p, double mean, double stddev) {
+ return static_cast<uint8>(mean);
+// Return std, slightly scaled back so they fit in range
+uint8 ImageEnhancer::Func_StdDev(uint8 p, double mean, double stddev) {
+ stddev *= 0.5;
+ if (stddev > 255) stddev = 255;
+ return static_cast<uint8>(stddev);
+// threshold base on mean
+uint8 ImageEnhancer::Func_ThreshOnMean(uint8 p, double mean, double stddev) {
+ return (p > mean) ? 255 : 0;
+// conservative thresholding, elevates FG while preserving BG
+uint8 ImageEnhancer::Func_EnhanceFG(uint8 p, double mean, double stddev) {
+ return (p > mean + 0.5*stddev) ? 255 : p;
+// conservative binarization, try to capture 95% of BG
+uint8 ImageEnhancer::Func_BinarizeFG(uint8 p, double mean, double stddev) {
+ return (p > mean + 3*stddev) ? 255 : 0;
+// Try to zero-out 95% of BG, but keeps FG value for tracing
+uint8 ImageEnhancer::Func_SuppressBG(uint8 p, double mean, double stddev) {
+ if (p < mean + 3*stddev) return 0;
+ double x = (256/8) * (p - mean)/stddev; // stretch 3..8 stddev over 0..255
+ if (x > 255) x = 255;
+ return static_cast<uint8>(x);
+void ImageEnhancer::ApplyMask(const GrayMap& mask, GrayMap& src) {
+ uint8 *p1 = src.data();
+ uint8 *p2 = mask.data();
+ for (int y = 0; y < src.height(); ++y) {
+ for (int x = 0; x < src.width(); ++x) {
+ int value = *p1 * *p2;
+ if (value > 255) value = 255;
+ *p1++ = static_cast<uint8>(value);
+ p2++;
+ }
+ }
+// Apply local contrast enhancement using a window size whose half-width is
+// defined by ws and hs. The modification is done in-place on input image.
+void ImageEnhancer::LocalContrast(GrayMap& src, int ws, int hs,
+ int fg_thresh, FuncPMV funcpt) {
+ IntegralMatrix im;
+ if (fg_thresh > 0) {
+ // Use fg_thresh to mask out strong FG regions, and compute mean/var
+ // over only the BG region. For simplicity, we "zero-out" those FG
+ // pixels instead of marking them as "don't-care" state. So there
+ // is a bias towards 0 when computing the mean/var.
+ GrayMap mask;
+ mask.Copy(src);
+ Binarize(mask, fg_thresh, -1, 0); // keep BG values, zero out FG
+ // Leptonica::DisplayGrayMap(mask);
+ im.Init(mask); // compute mean/var over background
+ } else {
+ im.Init(src);
+ }
+ uint8 *data = src.data();
+ for (int y = 0; y < src.height(); ++y) {
+ for (int x = 0; x < src.width(); ++x) {
+ double mean, var;
+ int area = im.GetWindowMeanVar(x-ws, y-hs, x+ws, y+hs, &mean, &var);
+ ASSERT(area > 0); // should never get 0 area by our usage
+ double stddev = (var <= 1.0) ? 1.0 : sqrt(var);
+ *data = (*funcpt)(*data, mean, stddev);
+ data++;
+ }
+ }
+GrayMap ImageEnhancer::RankFilterGray(GrayMap& map, int fwidth, int fheight,
+ float rank_ratio) {
+ Pix* pix = Leptonica::GrayMapToPix(map);
+ int width = 2 * fwidth + 1; // full window width around a pixel
+ int height = 2 * fheight + 1;
+ Pix* filtered_pix = pixRankFilterGray(pix, width, height, rank_ratio);
+ GrayMap filtered_map = Leptonica::PixToGrayMap(filtered_pix);
+ pixDestroy(&pix);
+ pixDestroy(&filtered_pix);
+ return filtered_map;
+// Implements the Non-linear Niblack decomposition algorithm described in
+// Kaihua Zhu's (khz@google.com) CBDAR05 paper with slight tweaking.
+void ImageEnhancer::NLNiblack(GrayMap& src, int bg_width, int bg_height,
+ int bgfg_ratio, int min_fg_sdev_value,
+ float fg_sdev_range, float fg_sdev_rank) {
+ int Wbg = bg_width; // window half-width for computing background
+ int Wfg = bg_width / bgfg_ratio;
+ int Hbg = bg_height;
+ int Hfg = bg_height / bgfg_ratio;
+ IntegralMatrix im;
+ im.Init(src);
+ GrayMap bg_mean(src.width(), src.height());
+ GrayMap fg_sdev(src.width(), src.height());
+ uint8 *bg_u = bg_mean.data();
+ uint8 *fg_v = fg_sdev.data();
+ for (int y = 0; y < src.height(); ++y) {
+ for (int x = 0; x < src.width(); ++x) {
+ double bg_mean, bg_var;
+ double fg_mean, fg_var;
+ im.GetWindowMeanVar(x-Wbg, y-Hbg, x+Wbg, y+Hbg, &bg_mean, &bg_var);
+ im.GetWindowMeanVar(x-Wfg, y-Hfg, x+Wfg, y+Hfg, &fg_mean, &fg_var);
+ *bg_u++ = static_cast<uint8>(bg_mean);
+ *fg_v++ = static_cast<uint8>(sqrt(fg_var));
+ }
+ }
+ // Get 50-percentile (median filter) of the average background map,
+ // and use the top 20% largest variance in the foreground window
+ // to determine a threshold.
+ GrayMap bg_filtered_mean = RankFilterGray(bg_mean, Wbg, Hbg, 0.5);
+ GrayMap fg_filtered_sdev = RankFilterGray(fg_sdev, Wfg, Hfg, fg_sdev_rank);
+ uint8 *data = src.data();
+ bg_u = bg_filtered_mean.data();
+ fg_v = fg_filtered_sdev.data();
+ for (int y = 0; y < src.height(); ++y) {
+ for (int x = 0; x < src.width(); ++x) {
+ uint8 value = 128; // don't care state
+ if (*fg_v > min_fg_sdev_value) {
+ uint8 range = fg_sdev_range * *fg_v;
+ if (*data > *bg_u + range) value = 255;
+ if (*data < *bg_u - range) value = 0;
+ }
+ *data++ = value;
+ bg_u++;
+ fg_v++;
+ }
+ }
+// Performs independent pixel operation in-place using given threshold.
+// For pixels whose value is below the threshold, the minvalue is used.
+// If minvalue==-1, the original value is used. Similarly for maxvalue.
+void ImageEnhancer::Binarize(GrayMap& src,
+ int threshold,
+ int minvalue,
+ int maxvalue) {
+ uint8 *data = src.data();
+ for (int y = 0; y < src.height(); ++y) {
+ for (int x = 0; x < src.width(); ++x) {
+ uint8 value;
+ if (*data < threshold) { // use minvalue rule
+ value = (minvalue < 0) ? *data : minvalue;
+ } else { // use maxvalue rule
+ value = (maxvalue < 0) ? *data : maxvalue;
+ }
+ *data++ = value;
+ }
+ }
+void ImageEnhancer::GetRange(const GrayMap& img, uint8 *min_v, uint8 *max_v) {
+ uint8 *data = img.data();
+ *min_v = 255;
+ *max_v = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < img.height(); ++i) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < img.width(); ++j) {
+ if (*data > *max_v) *max_v = *data;
+ if (*data < *min_v) *min_v = *data;
+ data++;
+ }
+ }
+void ImageEnhancer::EnhanceGray(GrayMap& src, int min_gray_range) {
+ uint8 min_v, max_v;
+ GetRange(src, &min_v, &max_v);
+ int range = max_v - min_v + 1;
+ if (range > min_gray_range) return;
+ uint8 *src_ptr = src.data();
+ int img_size = src.width() * src.height();
+ for (int i = 0; i < img_size; ++i) {
+ int gray = ((*src_ptr - min_v) << 8) / range;
+ if (gray > 255) gray = 255;
+ *src_ptr++ = static_cast<uint8>(gray);
+ }
+void ImageEnhancer::EnhanceColors(Image& img, int min_color_range) {
+ Color min_color, max_color; // at lower/upper 5% of channel histogram
+ Scan(img, min_color, max_color);
+ if (Average(ColorDifference(max_color, min_color)) > min_color_range) return;
+ // Calculate how far to offset the colors (black-point)
+ int offset_r = -Red(min_color);
+ int offset_g = -Green(min_color);
+ int offset_b = -Blue(min_color);
+ // Calculate how much to stretch the colors (white-point)
+ int range_r = Red(max_color) - Red(min_color) + 1;
+ int range_g = Green(max_color) - Green(min_color) + 1;
+ int range_b = Blue(max_color) - Blue(min_color) + 1;
+ ASSERT(range_r > 0 && range_g > 0 && range_b > 0);
+ Color* img_ptr = img.data();
+ int img_size = img.width() * img.height();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < img_size; i++) {
+ int r, g, b;
+ ColorSeparate(*img_ptr, r, g, b);
+ r += offset_r;
+ g += offset_g;
+ b += offset_b;
+ r = (r << 8) / range_r;
+ g = (g << 8) / range_g;
+ b = (b << 8) / range_b;
+ ChannelLimit(r, g, b);
+ *img_ptr++ = MakeColor(r, g, b);
+ }
+void ImageEnhancer::Scan(const Image& image, Color& minc, Color& maxc) {
+ // Create Histogram
+ Histogram histogram;
+ histogram.AddImage(image);
+ // Get 5% and 95% percentile
+ minc = histogram.Percentile(5);
+ maxc = histogram.Percentile(95);
+ // Don't need this anymore
+ histogram.Done();