var exec = require('child_process').exec var fs = require('fs') var area = require('@mapbox/geojson-area') var helpers = require('@turf/helpers') var multiPolygon = helpers.multiPolygon var polygon = helpers.polygon var asynclib = require('async') var jsts = require('jsts') var rimraf = require('rimraf') var overpass = require('query-overpass') var osmBoundarySources = require('./osmBoundarySources.json') var zoneCfg = require('./timezones.json') // allow building of only a specified zones var filteredIndex = process.argv.indexOf('--filtered-zones') if (filteredIndex > -1 && process.argv[filteredIndex + 1]) { filteredZones = process.argv[filteredIndex + 1].split(',') var newZoneCfg = {} filteredZones.forEach((zoneName) => { newZoneCfg[zoneName] = zoneCfg[zoneName] }) zoneCfg = newZoneCfg // filter out unneccessary downloads var newOsmBoundarySources = {} Object.keys(zoneCfg).forEach((zoneName) => { zoneCfg[zoneName].forEach((op) => { if (op.source === 'overpass') { newOsmBoundarySources[] = osmBoundarySources[] } }) }) osmBoundarySources = newOsmBoundarySources } var geoJsonReader = new var geoJsonWriter = new var precisionModel = new jsts.geom.PrecisionModel(1000000) var precisionReducer = new jsts.precision.GeometryPrecisionReducer(precisionModel) var distZones = {} var minRequestGap = 4 var curRequestGap = 4 var safeMkdir = function (dirname, callback) { fs.mkdir(dirname, function (err) { if (err && err.code === 'EEXIST') { callback() } else { callback(err) } }) } var debugGeo = function (op, a, b, reducePrecision) { var result if (reducePrecision) { a = precisionReducer.reduce(a) b = precisionReducer.reduce(b) } try { switch (op) { case 'union': result = a.union(b) break case 'intersection': result = a.intersection(b) break case 'intersects': result = a.intersects(b) break case 'diff': result = a.difference(b) break default: var err = new Error('invalid op: ' + op) throw err } } catch (e) { if ( === 'TopologyException') { console.log('Encountered TopologyException, retry with GeometryPrecisionReducer') return debugGeo(op, a, b, true) } console.log('op err') console.log(e) console.log(e.stack) fs.writeFileSync('debug_' + op + '_a.json', JSON.stringify(geoJsonWriter.write(a))) fs.writeFileSync('debug_' + op + '_b.json', JSON.stringify(geoJsonWriter.write(b))) throw e } return result } var fetchIfNeeded = function (file, superCallback, downloadCallback, fetchFn) { // check for file that got downloaded fs.stat(file, function (err) { if (!err) { // file found, skip download steps return superCallback() } // check for manual file that got fixed and needs validation var fixedFile = file.replace('.json', '_fixed.json') fs.stat(fixedFile, function (err) { if (!err) { // file found, return fixed file return downloadCallback(null, require(fixedFile)) } // no manual fixed file found, download from overpass fetchFn() }) }) } var geoJsonToGeom = function (geoJson) { try { return } catch (e) { console.error('error converting geojson to geometry') fs.writeFileSync('debug_geojson_read_error.json', JSON.stringify(geoJson)) throw e } } var geomToGeoJson = function (geom) { return geoJsonWriter.write(geom) } var geomToGeoJsonString = function (geom) { return JSON.stringify(geoJsonWriter.write(geom)) } var downloadOsmBoundary = function (boundaryId, boundaryCallback) { var cfg = osmBoundarySources[boundaryId] var query = '[out:json][timeout:60];(' if (cfg.way) { query += 'way' } else { query += 'relation' } var boundaryFilename = './downloads/' + boundaryId + '.json' var debug = 'getting data for ' + boundaryId var queryKeys = Object.keys(cfg) for (var i = queryKeys.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var k = queryKeys[i] if (k === 'way') continue var v = cfg[k] query += '["' + k + '"="' + v + '"]' } query += ');out body;>;out meta qt;' console.log(debug){ downloadFromOverpass: function (cb) { console.log('downloading from overpass') fetchIfNeeded(boundaryFilename, boundaryCallback, cb, function () { var overpassResponseHandler = function (err, data) { if (err) { console.log(err) console.log('Increasing overpass request gap') curRequestGap *= 2 makeQuery() } else { console.log('Success, decreasing overpass request gap') curRequestGap = Math.max(minRequestGap, curRequestGap / 2) cb(null, data) } } var makeQuery = function () { console.log('waiting ' + curRequestGap + ' seconds') setTimeout(function () { overpass(query, overpassResponseHandler, { flatProperties: true }) }, curRequestGap * 1000) } makeQuery() }) }, validateOverpassResult: ['downloadFromOverpass', function (results, cb) { var data = results.downloadFromOverpass if (!data.features || data.features.length === 0) { var err = new Error('Invalid geojson for boundary: ' + boundaryId) return cb(err) } cb() }], saveSingleMultiPolygon: ['validateOverpassResult', function (results, cb) { var data = results.downloadFromOverpass var combined // union all multi-polygons / polygons into one for (var i = data.features.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var curOsmGeom = data.features[i].geometry if (curOsmGeom.type === 'Polygon' || curOsmGeom.type === 'MultiPolygon') { console.log('combining border') try { var curGeom = geoJsonToGeom(curOsmGeom) } catch (e) { console.error('error converting overpass result to geojson') console.error(e) fs.writeFileSync(boundaryId + '_convert_to_geom_error.json', JSON.stringify(curOsmGeom)) fs.writeFileSync(boundaryId + '_convert_to_geom_error-all-features.json', JSON.stringify(data)) throw e } if (!combined) { combined = curGeom } else { combined = debugGeo('union', curGeom, combined) } } } try { fs.writeFile(boundaryFilename, geomToGeoJsonString(combined), cb) } catch (e) { console.error('error writing combined border to geojson') fs.writeFileSync(boundaryId + '_combined_border_convert_to_geom_error.json', JSON.stringify(data)) throw e } }] }, boundaryCallback) } var getTzDistFilename = function (tzid) { return './dist/' + tzid.replace(/\//g, '__') + '.json' } /** * Get the geometry of the requested source data * * @return {Object} geom The geometry of the source * @param {Object} source An object representing the data source * must have `source` key and then either: * - `id` if from a file * - `id` if from a file */ var getDataSource = function (source) { var geoJson if (source.source === 'overpass') { geoJson = require('./downloads/' + + '.json') } else if (source.source === 'manual-polygon') { geoJson = polygon( } else if (source.source === 'manual-multipolygon') { geoJson = multiPolygon( } else if (source.source === 'dist') { geoJson = require(getTzDistFilename( } else { var err = new Error('unknown source: ' + source.source) throw err } return geoJsonToGeom(geoJson) } /** * Post process created timezone boundary. * - remove small holes and exclaves * - reduce geometry precision * * @param {Geometry} geom The jsts geometry of the timezone * @return {String} Stringified geojson */ var postProcessZone = function (geom) { // reduce precision of geometry const geojson = geomToGeoJson(precisionReducer.reduce(geom)) // iterate through all polygons const filteredPolygons = [] let allPolygons = geojson.coordinates if (geojson.type === 'Polygon') { allPolygons = [geojson.coordinates] } allPolygons.forEach((curPolygon, idx) => { // remove any polygon with very small area const polygonFeature = polygon(curPolygon) const polygonArea = area.geometry(polygonFeature.geometry) if (polygonArea < 1) return // find all holes const filteredLinearRings = [] curPolygon.forEach((curLinearRing, lrIdx) => { if (lrIdx === 0) { // always keep first linearRing filteredLinearRings.push(curLinearRing) } else { const polygonFromLinearRing = polygon([curLinearRing]) const linearRingArea = area.geometry(polygonFromLinearRing.geometry) // only include holes with relevant area if (linearRingArea > 1) { filteredLinearRings.push(curLinearRing) } } }) filteredPolygons.push(filteredLinearRings) }) // recompile to geojson string const newGeojson = { type: geojson.type } if (geojson.type === 'Polygon') { newGeojson.coordinates = filteredPolygons[0] } else { newGeojson.coordinates = filteredPolygons } return JSON.stringify(newGeojson) } var makeTimezoneBoundary = function (tzid, callback) { console.log('makeTimezoneBoundary for', tzid) var ops = zoneCfg[tzid] var geom asynclib.eachSeries(ops, function (task, cb) { var taskData = getDataSource(task) console.log('-', task.op, if (task.op === 'init') { geom = taskData } else if (task.op === 'intersect') { geom = debugGeo('intersection', geom, taskData) } else if (task.op === 'difference') { geom = debugGeo('diff', geom, taskData) } else if (task.op === 'difference-reverse-order') { geom = debugGeo('diff', taskData, geom) } else if (task.op === 'union') { geom = debugGeo('union', geom, taskData) } else { var err = new Error('unknown op: ' + task.op) return cb(err) } cb() }, function (err) { if (err) { return callback(err) } fs.writeFile(getTzDistFilename(tzid), postProcessZone(geom), callback) }) } var loadDistZonesIntoMemory = function () { console.log('load zones into memory') var zones = Object.keys(zoneCfg) var tzid for (var i = 0; i < zones.length; i++) { tzid = zones[i] distZones[tzid] = getDataSource({ source: 'dist', id: tzid }) } } var getDistZoneGeom = function (tzid) { return distZones[tzid] } var validateTimezoneBoundaries = function () { console.log('do validation') var allZonesOk = true var zones = Object.keys(zoneCfg) var compareTzid, tzid, zoneGeom for (var i = 0; i < zones.length; i++) { tzid = zones[i] zoneGeom = getDistZoneGeom(tzid) for (var j = i + 1; j < zones.length; j++) { compareTzid = zones[j] var compareZoneGeom = getDistZoneGeom(compareTzid) var intersects = false try { intersects = debugGeo('intersects', zoneGeom, compareZoneGeom) } catch (e) { console.warn('warning, encountered intersection error with zone ' + tzid + ' and ' + compareTzid) } if (intersects) { var intersectedGeom = debugGeo('intersection', zoneGeom, compareZoneGeom) var intersectedArea = intersectedGeom.getArea() if (intersectedArea > 0.0001) { console.log('Validation error: ' + tzid + ' intersects ' + compareTzid + ' area: ' + intersectedArea) allZonesOk = false } } } } return allZonesOk ? null : 'Zone validation unsuccessful' } var combineAndWriteZones = function (callback) { var stream = fs.createWriteStream('./dist/combined.json') var zones = Object.keys(zoneCfg) stream.write('{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[') for (var i = 0; i < zones.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { stream.write(',') } var feature = { type: 'Feature', properties: { tzid: zones[i] }, geometry: geomToGeoJson(getDistZoneGeom(zones[i])) } stream.write(JSON.stringify(feature)) } stream.end(']}', callback) }{ makeDownloadsDir: function (cb) { console.log('creating downloads dir') safeMkdir('./downloads', cb) }, makeDistDir: function (cb) { console.log('createing dist dir') safeMkdir('./dist', cb) }, getOsmBoundaries: ['makeDownloadsDir', function (results, cb) { console.log('downloading osm boundaries') asynclib.eachSeries(Object.keys(osmBoundarySources), downloadOsmBoundary, cb) }], createZones: ['makeDistDir', 'getOsmBoundaries', function (results, cb) { console.log('createZones') asynclib.each(Object.keys(zoneCfg), makeTimezoneBoundary, cb) }], validateZones: ['createZones', function (results, cb) { console.log('validating zones') loadDistZonesIntoMemory() if (process.argv.indexOf('no-validation') > -1) { console.warn('WARNING: Skipping validation!') cb() } else { cb(validateTimezoneBoundaries()) } }], mergeZones: ['validateZones', function (results, cb) { console.log('merge zones') combineAndWriteZones(cb) }], zipGeoJson: ['mergeZones', function (results, cb) { console.log('zip geojson') exec('zip dist/ dist/combined.json', cb) }], makeShapefile: ['mergeZones', function (results, cb) { console.log('convert from geojson to shapefile') rimraf.sync('dist/dist') rimraf.sync('dist/combined_shapefile.*') exec('ogr2ogr -nlt MULTIPOLYGON dist/combined_shapefile.shp dist/combined.json OGRGeoJSON', function (err, stdout, stderr) { if (err) { return cb(err) } exec('zip dist/ dist/combined_shapefile.*', cb) }) }] }, function (err, results) { console.log('done') if (err) { console.log('error!', err) return } })