const osmBoundarySources = require('./osmBoundarySources.json') const zoneCfg = require('./timezones.json') let numErrors = 0 const sourcesUsage = {} Object.keys(osmBoundarySources).forEach(source => { sourcesUsage[source] = false }) Object.keys(zoneCfg).forEach(zone => { zoneCfg[zone].forEach((operation, idx) => { if (operation.source === 'overpass') { // check if source is defined if (!osmBoundarySources[]) { numErrors++ console.error(`No osmBoundarySources config found for entry: ${}`) } else { sourcesUsage[] = true } } else if (operation.source.indexOf('manual') > -1 && (!operation.description || operation.description.length < 3)) { numErrors++ console.error(`No description of ${operation.source} for operation ${idx} of zone: ${zone}`) } }) }) // check for sources not used in timezone building Object.keys(sourcesUsage).forEach(source => { if (!sourcesUsage[source]) { numErrors++ console.error(`osmBoundarySources config "${source}" is never used in timezone boundary building`) } }) if (numErrors > 0) { console.error(`${numErrors} errors found`) process.exit(1) } else { console.log('No linting errors!') }