{ "鲁林地区": { "name": "鲁林地区" }, "查马普地区": { "name": "查马普地区" }, "基伍地区": { "name": "基伍地区" }, "Acre": { "ISO3166-2": "BR-AC" }, "Adair County, KY": { "name": "Adair County", "nist:state_fips": "21" }, "Afghanistan": { "ISO3166-1": "AF" }, "Aktobe": { "ISO3166-2": "KZ-AKT" }, "Alabama": { "ISO3166-2": "US-AL" }, "Alagoas": { "ISO3166-2": "BR-AL" }, "Albania": { "ISO3166-1": "AL" }, "Algeria": { "ISO3166-1": "DZ" }, "Altai Krai": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-ALT" }, "Altai Republic": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-AL" }, "Amur": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-AMU" }, "Andorra": { "ISO3166-1": "AD" }, "Angola": { "ISO3166-1": "AO" }, "Anguilla": { "ISO3166-1": "AI" }, "Antigua and Barbuda": { "ISO3166-1": "AG" }, "Argentina": { "ISO3166-1": "AR" }, "Armenia": { "ISO3166-1": "AM" }, "Arthur County, NE": { "name": "Arthur County", "nist:state_fips": "31" }, "Aruba": { "ISO3166-1": "AW" }, "Astrakhan": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-AST" }, "Atyrau Region": { "ISO3166-2": "KZ-ATY" }, "Australia": { "ISO3166-1": "AU" }, "Australian Capital Territory": { "ISO3166-2": "AU-ACT" }, "Austria": { "ISO3166-1": "AT" }, "Autonomous Region of Bougainville": { "ISO3166-2": "PG-NSB" }, "Atikokan-tz": { "timezone": "America/Atikokan" }, "Azerbaijan": { "ISO3166-1": "AZ" }, "Åland Islands": { "ISO3166-2": "FI-01" }, "Bahia": { "ISO3166-2": "BR-BA" }, "Bahía de Banderas": { "name": "Bahía de Banderas" }, "Bahrain": { "ISO3166-1": "BH" }, "Bangladesh": { "ISO3166-1": "BD" }, "Barbados": { "ISO3166-1": "BB" }, "Bas-Uele": { "name": "Bas-Uele", "admin_level": "4" }, "Bay County, FL": { "name": "Bay County", "nist:state_fips": "12" }, "Belarus": { "ISO3166-1": "BY" }, "Belem-tz": { "timezone": "America/Belem" }, "Belgium": { "ISO3166-1": "BE" }, "Belize": { "ISO3166-1": "BZ" }, "Benin": { "ISO3166-1": "BJ" }, "Bermuda": { "ISO3166-1": "BM" }, "Bledsoe County, TN": { "name": "Bledsoe County", "nist:state_fips": "47" }, "Buenos Aires": { "ISO3166-2": "AR-B" }, "Bhutan": { "ISO3166-1": "BT" }, "Boise-tz": { "timezone": "America/Boise" }, "Bolivia": { "ISO3166-1": "BO" }, "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba": { "ISO3166-1": "BQ" }, "Bosnia and Herzegovina": { "ISO3166-1": "BA" }, "Botswana": { "ISO3166-1": "BW" }, "Brazil": { "ISO3166-1": "BR" }, "Breckinridge County, KY": { "name": "Breckinridge County", "nist:state_fips": "21" }, "British Indian Ocean Territory": { "ISO3166-1": "IO" }, "British Sovereign Base Areas": { "name": "British Sovereign Base Areas" }, "British Virgin Islands": { "ISO3166-1": "VG" }, "Broken_Hill-tz": { "timezone": "Australia/Broken_Hill" }, "Brunei": { "ISO3166-1": "BN" }, "Bulgaria": { "ISO3166-1": "BG" }, "Burkina Faso": { "ISO3166-1": "BF" }, "Burundi": { "ISO3166-1": "BI" }, "Buryatia": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-BU" }, "Calhoun County, FL": { "name": "Calhoun County", "nist:state_fips": "12" }, "Cambridge Bay-tz": { "timezone": "America/Cambridge_Bay" }, "Cambodia": { "ISO3166-1": "KH" }, "Cameroon": { "ISO3166-1": "CM" }, "Canada": { "ISO3166-1": "CA" }, "Cancun-tz": { "timezone": "America/Cancun" }, "Cape Breton County": { "name": "Cape Breton County" }, "Cape Verde": { "ISO3166-1": "CV" }, "Catamarca": { "ISO3166-2": "AR-K" }, "Cayman Islands": { "ISO3166-1": "KY" }, "Central African Republic": { "ISO3166-1": "CF" }, "Central Kalimantan": { "name:en": "Central Kalimantan" }, "Chaco": { "ISO3166-2": "AR-H" }, "Chad": { "ISO3166-1": "TD" }, "Chase County, NE": { "name": "Chase County", "nist:state_fips": "31" }, "Chihuahua": { "ISO3166-2": "MX-CHH" }, "Chile": { "ISO3166-1": "CL" }, "China": { "ISO3166-1": "CN" }, "Chubut": { "ISO3166-2": "AR-U" }, "Chukotka": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-CHU" }, "Chuuk": { "ISO3166-2": "FM-TRK" }, "Clark County, IN": { "name": "Clark County", "nist:state_fips": "18" }, "Colombia": { "ISO3166-1": "CO" }, "Colorado": { "ISO3166-2": "US-CO" }, "Comoros": { "ISO3166-1": "KM" }, "Congo-Brazzaville": { "ISO3166-1": "CG" }, "Congo-Kinshasa": { "ISO3166-1": "CD" }, "Cook Islands": { "ISO3166-1": "CK" }, "Corrientes": { "ISO3166-2": "AR-W" }, "Coral Harbour-tz": { "timezone": "America/Coral_Harbour" }, "Corson County, SD": { "name": "Corson County", "nist:state_fips": "46" }, "Costa Rica": { "ISO3166-1": "CR" }, "Córdoba": { "ISO3166-2": "AR-X" }, "Côte d'Ivoire": { "ISO3166-1": "CI" }, "Crawford County, IN": { "name": "Crawford County", "nist:state_fips": "18" }, "Creston-tz": { "timezone": "America/Creston" }, "Crimea": { "name:en": "Republic of Crimea" }, "Croatia": { "ISO3166-1": "HR" }, "Cuba": { "ISO3166-1": "CU" }, "Curaçao": { "ISO3166-1": "CW" }, "Cumberland County, TN": { "name": "Cumberland County", "nist:state_fips": "47" }, "Cyprus": { "ISO3166-1": "CY" }, "Czech Republic": { "ISO3166-1": "CZ" }, "Dawson Creek-tz": { "timezone": "America/Dawson_Creek" }, "Dearborn County, IN": { "name": "Dearborn County", "nist:state_fips": "18" }, "Denver-tz": { "timezone": "America/Denver" }, "Departamento Atlántico": { "name": "Departamento Atlántico" }, "Denmark": { "ISO3166-1": "DK" }, "Dewey County, SD": { "name": "Dewey County", "nist:state_fips": "46" }, "Dickinson County, MI": { "name": "Dickinson County", "nist:state_fips": "26" }, "Djibouti": { "ISO3166-1": "DJ" }, "Doklam 洞郎地区": { "name": "Doklam 洞郎地区" }, "Dominica": { "ISO3166-1": "DM" }, "Dominican Republic": { "ISO3166-1": "DO" }, "Dornod": { "ISO3166-2": "MN-061" }, "Dubois County, IN": { "name": "Dubois County", "nist:state_fips": "18" }, "Dundy County, NE": { "name": "Dundy County", "nist:state_fips": "31" }, "East Java": { "name:en": "East Java" }, "East Timor": { "ISO3166-1": "TL" }, "Ecuador": { "ISO3166-1": "EC" }, "Edmonton-tz": { "timezone": "America/Edmonton" }, "Egypt": { "ISO3166-1": "EG" }, "Eirunepe-tz": { "timezone": "America/Eirunepe" }, "El Salvador": { "ISO3166-1": "SV" }, "Entre Ríos": { "ISO3166-2": "AR-E" }, "Equatorial Guinea": { "ISO3166-1": "GQ" }, "Eritrea": { "ISO3166-1": "ER" }, "Estonia": { "ISO3166-1": "EE" }, "Ethiopia": { "ISO3166-1": "ET" }, "Falkland Islands": { "ISO3166-1": "FK" }, "Faroe Islands": { "ISO3166-1": "FO" }, "Fiji": { "ISO3166-1": "FJ" }, "Finland": { "ISO3166-1": "FI" }, "Floyd County, IN": { "name": "Floyd County", "nist:state_fips": "18" }, "Formosa": { "ISO3166-2": "AR-P" }, "France": { "ISO3166-1:alpha2": "FR" }, "Franklin County, FL": { "name": "Franklin County", "nist:state_fips": "12" }, "Gabon": { "ISO3166-1": "GA" }, "Georgia": { "ISO3166-1": "GE" }, "Germany": { "ISO3166-1": "DE" }, "Ghana": { "ISO3166-1": "GH" }, "Gibraltar": { "ISO3166-1": "GI" }, "Gibson County, IN": { "name": "Gibson County", "nist:state_fips": "18" }, "Gogebic County": { "name": "Gogebic County" }, "Govi-Altai": { "ISO3166-2": "MN-065" }, "Grant County, ND": { "name": "Grant County", "nist:state_fips": "38" }, "Grayson County, KY": { "name": "Grayson County", "nist:state_fips": "21" }, "Greece": { "ISO3166-1": "GR" }, "Greeley County, KS": { "name": "Greeley County", "nist:state_fips": "20" }, "Green County, KY": { "name": "Green County", "nist:state_fips": "21" }, "Greenland": { "ISO3166-1": "GL" }, "Grenada": { "ISO3166-1": "GD" }, "Guadeloupe": { "ISO3166-1": "GP" }, "Guatemala": { "ISO3166-1": "GT" }, "Guernsey": { "ISO3166-1": "GG" }, "Guinea": { "ISO3166-1": "GN" }, "Guinea-Bissau": { "ISO3166-1": "GW" }, "Guyana": { "ISO3166-1": "GY" }, "Haiti": { "ISO3166-1": "HT" }, "Hamilton County, KS": { "name": "Hamilton County", "nist:state_fips": "20" }, "Hart County, KY": { "name": "Hart County", "nist:state_fips": "21" }, "Harrison County, IN": { "name": "Harrison County", "nist:state_fips": "18" }, "Honduras": { "ISO3166-1": "HN" }, "Hong Kong": { "ISO3166-1": "HK" }, "Hooker County, NE": { "name": "Hooker County", "nist:state_fips": "31" }, "Hoonah-Angoon": { "name": "Hoonah-Angoon" }, "Hudspeth County, TX": { "name": "Hudspeth County", "nist:state_fips": "48" }, "Hughes County, SD": { "name": "Hughes County", "nist:state_fips": "46" }, "Hungary": { "ISO3166-1": "HU" }, "Iceland": { "ISO3166-1": "IS" }, "Illinois": { "ISO3166-2": "US-IL" }, "India": { "ISO3166-1": "IN" }, "Indiana": { "ISO3166-2": "US-IN" }, "Indianapolis-tz": { "timezone": "America/Indiana/Indianapolis" }, "Indonesia": { "name": "Indonesia" }, "Iran": { "ISO3166-1": "IR" }, "Iraq": { "ISO3166-1": "IQ" }, "Ireland": { "ISO3166-1": "IE" }, "Irkutsk": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-IRK" }, "Iron County, MI": { "name": "Iron County", "nist:state_fips": "26" }, "Iqaluit-tz": { "timezone": "America/Iqaluit" }, "Isle of Man": { "ISO3166-1": "IM" }, "Israel": { "ISO3166-1": "IL" }, "Italy": { "ISO3166-1": "IT" }, "Jackson County, FL": { "name": "Jackson County", "nist:state_fips": "12" }, "Jalisco": { "ISO3166-2": "MX-JAL" }, "Jamaica": { "ISO3166-1": "JM" }, "Japan": { "ISO3166-1": "JP" }, "Jasper County, IN": { "name": "Jasper County", "nist:state_fips": "18" }, "Jefferson County, KY": { "name": "Jefferson County", "nist:state_fips": "21" }, "Jersey": { "ISO3166-1": "JE" }, "Jones County, SD": { "name": "Jones County", "nist:state_fips": "46" }, "Jordan": { "ISO3166-1": "JO" }, "Jujuy": { "ISO3166-2": "AR-Y" }, "Kaliningrad": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-KGD" }, "Kamchatka": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-KAM" }, "Kasai": { "name:en": "Kasai", "admin_level": "4" }, "Kazakhstan": { "ISO3166-1": "KZ" }, "Keith County, NE": { "name": "Keith County", "nist:state_fips": "31" }, "Kemerovo": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-KEM" }, "Kenya": { "ISO3166-1": "KE" }, "Khakassia": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-KK" }, "Kiribati": { "ISO3166-1": "KI" }, "Kirov": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-KIR" }, "Kosrae": { "ISO3166-2": "FM-KSA" }, "Kostanay": { "ISO3166-2": "KZ-KUS" }, "Krasnoyarsk": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-KYA" }, "Kuwait": { "ISO3166-1": "KW" }, "Kyrgyzstan": { "ISO3166-1": "KG" }, "Kyzylorda": { "ISO3166-2": "KZ-KZY" }, "La Pampa": { "ISO3166-2": "AR-L" }, "La Rioja": { "ISO3166-2": "AR-F" }, "Laos": { "ISO3166-1": "LA" }, "LaPorte County, IN": { "name": "LaPorte County", "nist:state_fips": "18" }, "Latvia": { "ISO3166-1": "LV" }, "Lebanon": { "ISO3166-1": "LB" }, "Lesotho": { "ISO3166-1": "LS" }, "Liberia": { "ISO3166-1": "LR" }, "Liberty County, FL": { "name": "Liberty County", "nist:state_fips": "12" }, "Libya": { "ISO3166-1": "LY" }, "Liechtenstein": { "ISO3166-1": "LI" }, "Lithuania": { "ISO3166-1": "LT" }, "Los Angeles-tz": { "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "Luxemburg": { "ISO3166-1": "LU" }, "Macau": { "ISO3166-1": "MO" }, "Macedonia": { "ISO3166-1": "MK" }, "Madagascar": { "ISO3166-1": "MG" }, "Magadan": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-MAG" }, "Magallanes Region": { "ISO3166-2": "CL-MA" }, "Malawi": { "ISO3166-1": "MW" }, "Malaysia": { "ISO3166-1": "MY" }, "Maldives": { "ISO3166-1": "MV" }, "Mali": { "ISO3166-1": "ML" }, "Malta": { "ISO3166-1": "MT" }, "Maluku": { "ISO3166-2": "ID-MA" }, "Manaus-tz": { "timezone": "America/Manaus" }, "Mangystau Region": { "ISO3166-2": "KZ-MAN" }, "Marion County, TN": { "name": "Marion County", "nist:state_fips": "47" }, "Marshall Islands": { "ISO3166-1": "MH" }, "Martinique": { "ISO3166-1": "MQ" }, "Mauritania": { "ISO3166-1": "MR" }, "Mauritius": { "ISO3166-1": "MU" }, "Matamoros-tz": { "timezone": "America/Matamoros" }, "Mato Grosso": { "ISO3166-2": "BR-MT" }, "Mato Grosso do Sul": { "ISO3166-2": "BR-MS" }, "McLean County, ND": { "name": "McLean County", "nist:state_fips": "38" }, "Mendoza": { "ISO3166-2": "AR-M" }, "Menominee County, MI": { "name": "Menominee County", "nist:state_fips": "26" }, "Mercer County, ND": { "name": "Mercer County", "nist:state_fips": "38" }, "Mellette County, SD": { "name": "Mellette County", "nist:state_fips": "46" }, "Merida-tz": { "timezone": "America/Merida" }, "Mexico": { "ISO3166-1": "MX" }, "Michigan": { "ISO3166-2": "US-MI" }, "Misiones": { "ISO3166-2": "AR-N" }, "Moldova": { "ISO3166-1": "MD" }, "Monaco": { "ISO3166-1": "MC" }, "Mongolia": { "ISO3166-1": "MN" }, "Montana": { "ISO3166-2": "US-MT" }, "Montenegro": { "ISO3166-1": "ME" }, "Monterrey-tz": { "timezone": "America/Monterrey" }, "Montserrat": { "ISO3166-1": "MS" }, "Morocco": { "ISO3166-1": "MA" }, "Morton County, ND": { "name": "Morton County", "nist:state_fips": "38" }, "Moscow-tz": { "timezone": "Europe/Moscow" }, "Mozambique": { "ISO3166-1": "MZ" }, "Myanmar": { "ISO3166-1": "MM" }, "Namibia": { "ISO3166-1": "NA" }, "Nauru": { "ISO3166-1": "NR" }, "Nayarit": { "ISO3166-2": "MX-NAY" }, "Nepal": { "ISO3166-1": "NP" }, "Neuquén": { "ISO3166-2": "AR-Q" }, "New Brunswick": { "ISO3166-2": "CA-NB" }, "New Mexico": { "ISO3166-2": "US-NM" }, "New South Wales": { "ISO3166-2": "AU-NSW" }, "New Zealand": { "ISO3166-1": "NZ" }, "Newton County, IN": { "name": "Newton County", "nist:state_fips": "18" }, "Nicaragua": { "ISO3166-1": "NI" }, "Niger": { "ISO3166-1": "NE" }, "Nigeria": { "ISO3166-1": "NG" }, "Nipigon-tz": { "timezone": "America/Nipigon" }, "Niue": { "ISO3166-1": "NU" }, "North Korea": { "ISO3166-1": "KP" }, "North Maluku": { "name:en": "North Maluku" }, "Northern Rockies Regional Municipality": { "name": "Northern Rockies Regional Municipality" }, "Northern Territory": { "ISO3166-2": "AU-NT" }, "Northwest Territories": { "ISO3166-2": "CA-NT" }, "Norway": { "ISO3166-1": "NO" }, "Novosibirsk": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-NVS" }, "Ohio County, IN": { "name": "Ohio County", "nist:state_fips": "18" }, "Ojinaga-tz": { "timezone": "America/Ojinaga" }, "Oliver County, ND": { "name": "Oliver County", "nist:state_fips": "38" }, "Oman": { "ISO3166-1": "OM" }, "Omsk": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-OMS" }, "Overton County, TN": { "name": "Overton County", "nist:state_fips": "47" }, "Oymyakonsky": { "name:en": "Oymyakonsky Ulus" }, "Page": { "name": "Page", "is_in:state_code": "AZ" }, "Pakistan": { "ISO3166-1": "PK" }, "Palau": { "ISO3166-1": "PW" }, "Palestinian Territories": { "ISO3166-1": "PS" }, "Panama": { "ISO3166-1": "PA" }, "Pangnirtung-tz": { "timezone": "America/Pangnirtung" }, "Papua New Guinea": { "ISO3166-1": "PG" }, "Paraguay": { "ISO3166-1": "PY" }, "Pernambuco": { "ISO3166-2": "BR-PE" }, "Peru": { "ISO3166-1:alpha2": "PE" }, "Perkins County, NE": { "name": "Perkins County", "nist:state_fips": "31" }, "Perry County, IN": { "name": "Perry County", "nist:state_fips": "18" }, "Philippines": { "ISO3166-1": "PH" }, "Phoenix-tz": { "timezone": "America/Phoenix" }, "Pickett County, TN": { "name": "Pickett County", "nist:state_fips": "47" }, "Pitcairn Islands": { "ISO3166-1": "PN" }, "Pike County, IN": { "name": "Pike County", "nist:state_fips": "18" }, "Pohnpei": { "ISO3166-2": "FM-PNI" }, "Poland": { "ISO3166-1": "PL" }, "Porter County, IN": { "name": "Porter County", "nist:state_fips": "18" }, "Portugal": { "ISO3166-1": "PT" }, "Prince of Wales-Hyder": { "name": "Prince of Wales-Hyder" }, "Pulaski County, IN": { "name": "Pulaski County", "nist:state_fips": "18" }, "Qatar": { "ISO3166-1": "QA" }, "Quebec": { "ISO3166-2": "CA-QC" }, "Queensland": { "ISO3166-2": "AU-QLD" }, "Rankin Inlet-tz": { "timezone": "America/Rankin_Inlet" }, "Regina-tz": { "timezone": "America/Regina" }, "Republic of China": { "ISO3166-1": "TW" }, "Republic of Kosovo": { "ISO3166-1": "XK" }, "Resolute-tz": { "timezone": "America/Resolute" }, "Rio Negro": { "ISO3166-2": "AR-R" }, "Romania": { "ISO3166-1": "RO" }, "Rondônia": { "ISO3166-2": "BR-RO" }, "Roraima": { "ISO3166-2": "BR-RR" }, "Russell County, KY": { "name": "Russell County", "nist:state_fips": "21" }, "Rwanda": { "ISO3166-1": "RW" }, "Saint-Barthélemy": { "ISO3166-1": "BL" }, "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha": { "ISO3166-1": "SH" }, "Saint Kitts and Nevis": { "ISO3166-1": "KN" }, "Saint Lucia": { "ISO3166-1": "LC" }, "Saint Maarten": { "ISO3166-1": "MF" }, "Saint Pierre and Miquelon": { "ISO3166-1": "PM" }, "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": { "ISO3166-1": "VC" }, "Salta": { "ISO3166-2": "AR-A" }, "Sakha Republic": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-SA" }, "Sakhalin": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-SAK" }, "Samara": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-SAM" }, "Samarkand": { "timezone": "Asia/Samarkand" }, "Samoa": { "ISO3166-1": "WS" }, "San Juan": { "ISO3166-2": "AR-J" }, "San Luis": { "ISO3166-2": "AR-D" }, "San Luis Potosí": { "ISO3166-2": "MX-SLP" }, "San Marino": { "ISO3166-1": "SM" }, "Sankuru": { "name": "Sankuru", "admin_level": "4" }, "Santa Fe": { "ISO3166-2": "AR-S" }, "Santarem-tz": { "timezone": "America/Santarem" }, "Santiago del Estero": { "ISO3166-2": "AR-G" }, "Saratov": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-SAR" }, "Saudi Arabia": { "ISO3166-1": "SA" }, "São Tomé and Príncipe": { "ISO3166-1": "ST" }, "Senegal": { "ISO3166-1": "SN" }, "Serbia": { "ISO3166-1": "RS" }, "Sergipe": { "ISO3166-2": "BR-SE" }, "Sequatchie County, TN": { "name": "Sequatchie County", "nist:state_fips": "47" }, "Sevastopol": { "name:en": "Sevastopol" }, "Seychelles": { "ISO3166-1": "SC" }, "Sherman County, KS": { "name": "Sherman County", "nist:state_fips": "20" }, "Sierra Leone": { "ISO3166-1": "SL" }, "Sinaloa": { "ISO3166-2": "MX-SIN" }, "Singapore": { "ISO3166-1": "SG" }, "Sint Maarten": { "ISO3166-1": "SX" }, "Sioux County, ND": { "name": "Sioux County", "nist:state_fips": "38" }, "Slovakia": { "ISO3166-1": "SK" }, "Slovenia": { "ISO3166-1": "SI" }, "Solomon Islands": { "ISO3166-1": "SB" }, "Somalia": { "ISO3166-1": "SO" }, "Sonora": { "ISO3166-2": "MX-SON" }, "South Africa": { "ISO3166-1": "ZA", "admin_level": "2" }, "South Australia": { "ISO3166-2": "AU-SA" }, "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands": { "ISO3166-1": "GS" }, "South Korea": { "ISO3166-1": "KR" }, "South Sudan": { "ISO3166-1": "SS" }, "Spain": { "ISO3166-1:alpha2": "ES" }, "Srednekolymsk-tz": { "timezone": "Asia/Srednekolymsk" }, "Sri Lanka": { "ISO3166-1": "LK" }, "Starke County, IN": { "name": "Starke County", "nist:state_fips": "18" }, "Sudan": { "ISO3166-1": "SD" }, "Sully County, SD": { "name": "Sully County", "nist:state_fips": "46" }, "Suriname": { "ISO3166-1": "SR" }, "Sühbaatar": { "ISO3166-2": "MN-051" }, "Swaziland": { "ISO3166-1": "SZ" }, "Sweden": { "ISO3166-1": "SE" }, "Swift Current": { "name": "Swift Current" }, "Switzerland": { "ISO3166-1": "CH" }, "Switzerland County, IN": { "name": "Switzerland County", "nist:state_fips": "18" }, "Syria": { "ISO3166-1": "SY" }, "Tabasco": { "ISO3166-2": "MX-TAB" }, "Tajikistan": { "ISO3166-1": "TJ" }, "Tanzania": { "name:en": "Tanzania" }, "Tasmania": { "ISO3166-2": "AU-TAS" }, "Thailand": { "ISO3166-1": "TH", "admin_level": "2" }, "The Bahamas": { "ISO3166-1": "BS" }, "The Gambia": { "ISO3166-1": "GM" }, "The Netherlands": { "ISO3166-1": "NL" }, "Thomas County, NE": { "name": "Thomas County", "nist:state_fips": "31" }, "Thunder Bay-tz": { "timezone": "America/Thunder_Bay" }, "Tocantins": { "ISO3166-2": "BR-TO" }, "Todd County, SD": { "name": "Todd County", "nist:state_fips": "46" }, "Togo": { "ISO3166-1": "TG" }, "Tokelau": { "ISO3166-1": "TK" }, "Tomponsky": { "name:en": "Tomponsky Ulus" }, "Tomsk": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-TOM" }, "Tonga": { "ISO3166-1": "TO" }, "Toronto-tz": { "timezone": "America/Toronto" }, "Trinidad and Tobago": { "ISO3166-1": "TT" }, "Tshopo": { "name": "Tshopo", "admin_level": "4" }, "Tucumán": { "ISO3166-2": "AR-T" }, "Tunisia": { "ISO3166-1": "TN" }, "Turkey": { "ISO3166-1": "TR" }, "Turkmenistan": { "ISO3166-1": "TM" }, "Turks and Caicos Islands": { "ISO3166-1": "TC" }, "Tuva": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-TY" }, "Tuvalu": { "ISO3166-1": "TV" }, "Udmurtia": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-UD" }, "Uganda": { "ISO3166-1": "UG" }, "Ulyanovsk": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-ULY" }, "Ukraine": { "ISO3166-1": "UA" }, "United Arab Emirates": { "ISO3166-1": "AE" }, "United Kingdom": { "ISO3166-1": "GB" }, "United Nations Buffer Zone": { "name": "United Nations Buffer Zone" }, "United States of America": { "ISO3166-1": "US" }, "Uruguay": { "ISO3166-1": "UY" }, "Ust-Maysky": { "name:en": "Ust-Maysky Ulus" }, "Uzbekistan": { "ISO3166-1": "UZ" }, "Vancouver-tz": { "timezone": "America/Vancouver" }, "Vanuatu": { "ISO3166-1": "VU" }, "Vatican City": { "ISO3166-1": "VA" }, "Venezuela": { "ISO3166-1": "VE" }, "Veracruz": { "ISO3166-2": "MX-VER" }, "Victoria": { "ISO3166-2": "AU-VIC" }, "Vietnam": { "ISO3166-1": "VN" }, "Vincennes-tz": { "timezone": "America/Indiana/Vincennes" }, "Vladivostok-tz": { "timezone": "Asia/Vladivostok" }, "Volgograd": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-VGG" }, "Wallace County, KS": { "name": "Wallace County", "nist:state_fips": "20" }, "Wayne County, KY": { "name": "Wayne County", "nist:state_fips": "21" }, "West Kalimantan": { "name:en": "West Kalimantan" }, "West Kazakhstan": { "ISO3166-2": "KZ-ZAP" }, "West Wendover": { "name": "West Wendover" }, "Western Australia": { "ISO3166-2": "AU-WA" }, "Western Sahara": { "ISO3166-1": "EH" }, "Winnipeg-tz": { "timezone": "America/Winnipeg" }, "Xinjiang": { "ISO3166-2": "CN-65" }, "Yap": { "ISO3166-2": "FM-YAP" }, "Yekaterinburg-tz": { "timezone": "Asia/Yekaterinburg" }, "Yemen": { "ISO3166-1": "YE" }, "Yukon": { "ISO3166-2": "CA-YT" }, "Zabaykalsk": { "ISO3166-2": "RU-ZAB" }, "Zacatecas": { "ISO3166-2": "MX-ZAC" }, "Zakarpattia": { "ISO3166-2": "UA-21" }, "Zambia": { "ISO3166-1": "ZM" }, "Zaporizhzhia": { "ISO3166-2": "UA-23" }, "Zavkhan": { "ISO3166-2": "MN-057" }, "Zimbabwe": { "ISO3166-1": "ZW" } }