class ProgressStats { constructor(trackerName, totalTasks) { this.trackerName = trackerName this.totalTasks = totalTasks this.taskCounter = 0 this.referenceLength = 5 this.timestamps = [] } logNext() { this.taskCounter++ this.timestamps.push({ "index": this.taskCounter, "timestamp": }) } /** * Begin a new task. Print the current progress and then increment the number of tasks. * @param {string} A short message about the current task progress * @param {[boolean]} logTimeLeft whether or not to log the time left. */ beginTask (message, logTimeLeft) { this.printStats(message, logTimeLeft) this.logNext() } /** * Print the current progress. * @param {string} A short message about the current task progress * @param {[boolean]} logTimeLeft whether or not to log the time left. */ printStats (message, logTimeLeft) { message = `${message}; ${this.trackerName} progress: ${this.getPercentage()}% done` if (logTimeLeft) { message = `${message} - ${this.getTimeLeft()} left` } console.log(message) } /** * calculates the percentage of finished downloads * @returns {string} */ getPercentage() { var current = (this.taskCounter / this.totalTasks) return Math.round(current * 1000.0) / 10.0 } /** * calculates the time left and outputs it in human readable format * calculation is based on a reference length, that can be defined. * * @returns {string} */ getTimeLeft () { if(this.taskCounter <= this.referenceLength) { //number of reference downloads must exist before left time can be predicted return "? minutes" } var processDurationInSeconds = ( - this.timestamps[0].timestamp) / 1000 if(processDurationInSeconds < 60){ //process must run longer than 60seconds before left time can be predicted return "? minutes" } var indexOfStepsBefore = this.timestamps.findIndex((t) => { return t.index === (this.taskCounter - this.referenceLength) }) var lastSteps = this.timestamps[indexOfStepsBefore]; var millisOflastSteps = - lastSteps.timestamp var downloadsLeft = this.totalTasks - this.taskCounter var millisecondsLeft = (millisOflastSteps / this.referenceLength) * downloadsLeft return this.formatMilliseconds(millisecondsLeft) } /** * inspired from * @param millisec * @returns {string} */ formatMilliseconds(millisec) { var seconds = (millisec / 1000).toFixed(1); var minutes = (millisec / (1000 * 60)).toFixed(1); var hours = (millisec / (1000 * 60 * 60)).toFixed(1); var days = (millisec / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)).toFixed(1); if (seconds < 60) { return seconds + " seconds"; } else if (minutes < 60) { return minutes + " minutes"; } else if (hours < 24) { return hours + " hours"; } else { return days + " days" } } } module.exports = ProgressStats