path: root/java_src/src/test
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-07-10Aeads: Replace the validation tests with tests checking if the key generation...tholenst
2023-07-10Add "KeysetHandle#equalsKeyset".tholenst
2023-07-10Macs: Replace the validation tests with tests checking if the key generation ...tholenst
2023-07-07Register the PrfBasedDeriver protoserialization.tholenst
2023-07-07Add Parser and Serializer for EciesParameters.ioannanedelcu
2023-07-06Remove usages of Registry.getKeyManager and Registry.getUntypedKeyManager in ...juerg
2023-07-06Avoid KeyTemplate.getTypeUrl().tholenst
2023-07-05Add a static factory method createFrom to "KeyTemplate.java".tholenst
2023-07-05Check that X25519 only accepts compressed elliptic curve points.ioannanedelcu
2023-07-05Remove the remaining usages outside the package of KeyTemplate.getValue().tholenst
2023-07-05Add EciesParameters class in Java.ioannanedelcu
2023-07-05If available, use Conscrypt generate randomness.juerg
2023-07-04Avoid KeyTemplate#getValue in the Jwt tests.tholenst
2023-07-03Move the PrfBasedKeyDerivationKeyProtoSerialization to Internal.tholenst
2023-07-03Add serialization and parsing for PrfBasedKeyDerivationKey objects.tholenst
2023-07-03Use testKeyTemplateCompatible where appropriate in the JwtRsaSsaPkcs1SignKeyM...tholenst
2023-07-03Avoid KeyTemplate.java methods in some tests.tholenst
2023-06-29Add a parser and serializer for PrfBasedKeyDerivationParameters.tholenst
2023-06-29Add support for full Mac primitive creation to AesCmacKeyManager. Remove now-...lizatretyakova
2023-06-28Don't parse RSA keys when using TSAN.juerg
2023-06-28Introduce a way to create a PrfMac using the new HmacKey.lizatretyakova
2023-06-28Add an internal method checkedToBytesFromPrintableAscii which can be called i...tholenst
2023-06-28Extract test utilities into a separate class to enable reusing them.lizatretyakova
2023-06-28Remove unused KeyManagerRegistry.parseKeyData.juerg
2023-06-28Migrate parseBinaryProtoKeyset to use TinkProtoKeysetFormat instead of Cleart...tholenst
2023-06-27Remove parseKeyData from PrivilegedRegistry.juerg
2023-06-27Check the versions of the inner keys when parsing a AesCtrHmacAead key.tholenst
2023-06-27Deprecate unused and unnecessary methods in the KeyManager interface.juerg
2023-06-27Add PrfBasedKeyDerivationKey.tholenst
2023-06-26Use testKeyTemplateCompatible instead of manual tests in some key managers wh...tholenst
2023-06-26Fix a bug in "equals":tholenst
2023-06-26Remove some usages of KeyTemplate.getValue() and others. We will remove this.tholenst
2023-06-26Test translations for Signature parameters.tholenst
2023-06-26Use Parameters object to test correctness of methods in the RsaSsaPssSignKeyM...tholenst
2023-06-23Add PredefinedSignatureParameters.tholenst
2023-06-23Add PrfBasedKeyDerivationParameters.javatholenst
2023-06-22Register RSA SSA PSS key serialization.ioannanedelcu
2023-06-22Add test with envelope key template as dek template.juerg
2023-06-21Add a way to construct a PrfHmacJce from an HmacPrfKey.lizatretyakova
2023-06-21Add parsers and serializers for RSA SSA PSS key and parameters objects.ioannanedelcu
2023-06-21Avoid more KeyTemplate in KeysetManagerTest.tholenst
2023-06-21Restrict KMS envelope AEAD to only use Tink AEAD key types as DEK.juerg
2023-06-19Avoid "KeyTemplate.getTypeUrl" in two tests.tholenst
2023-06-19Add a way to create PrfMac from AesCmacKey with necessary tests.lizatretyakova
2023-06-19Add RsaSsaPssPrivateKey class in Java.ioannanedelcu
2023-06-19Cleanups in KeysetManagerTest.tholenst
2023-06-19Remove redundant test caseioannanedelcu
2023-06-19Always first set up conscrypt, and then register.tholenst
2023-06-16Use Parameters object to test correctness of methods in Signature KeyManagers...tholenst
2023-06-16Add RsaSsaPssPublicKey class.ioannanedelcu