cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) project(Tink VERSION 1.7.0 LANGUAGES CXX) list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake") option(TINK_BUILD_TESTS "Build Tink tests" OFF) option(TINK_USE_SYSTEM_OPENSSL "Build Tink linking to OpenSSL installed in the system" OFF) option(TINK_USE_INSTALLED_ABSEIL "Build Tink linking to Abseil installed in the system" OFF) option(TINK_USE_INSTALLED_GOOGLETEST "Build Tink linking to GTest installed in the system" OFF) option(TINK_USE_ABSL_STATUS "Compile Tink with absl::Status" OFF) option(TINK_USE_ABSL_STATUSOR "Compile Tink with absl::StatusOr" OFF) option(USE_ONLY_FIPS "Enables the FIPS only mode in Tink" OFF) set(CPACK_GENERATOR TGZ) set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION}) include(CPack) include(TinkWorkspace) include(TinkBuildRules) include(TinkUtil) # Bazel rewrites import paths so that "cc/example/foo.h" can be included as # "tink/example/foo.h". The following lines simulate this behaviour by creating # a symlink to cc/ called tink/, and placing it in a separate subdirectory, # which is then specified as a global include path. # # It's important to create a separate directory and not just drop the link in # CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR, since adding that to the include paths will # make the whole contents of that directory visible to the compiled files, # which may result in undeclared dependencies that nevertheless happen to work. # set(TINK_INCLUDE_ALIAS_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/__include_alias") add_directory_alias( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cc" "${TINK_INCLUDE_ALIAS_DIR}/tink") list(APPEND TINK_INCLUDE_DIRS "${TINK_INCLUDE_ALIAS_DIR}") add_subdirectory(cc) add_subdirectory(proto)