workspace(name = "tink_cc_examples") # The local_repository() rule is used below because the workspaces referenced # are all located within the Tink git repository. # # To replicate this setup in a workspace located in a separate repository, you # can: # # 1. Load the http_archive() rule by using: # # load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") # # 2. Use the equivalent, commented-out http_archive() rules below as a starting # point. # # See the Tink C++ HOW-TO for more details: # local_repository( name = "tink_cc", path = "../", ) # http_archive( # name = "tink_cc", # urls = [""], # strip_prefix = "tink-master/cc", # ) # Load Tink dependencies. load("@tink_cc//:tink_cc_deps.bzl", "tink_cc_deps") tink_cc_deps() load("@tink_cc//:tink_cc_deps_init.bzl", "tink_cc_deps_init") tink_cc_deps_init()