tlsdate: secure parasitic rdate replacement tlsdate sets the local clock by securely connecting with TLS to remote servers and extracting the remote time out of the secure handshake. Unlike ntpdate, tlsdate uses TCP, for instance connecting to a remote HTTPS or TLS enabled service, and provides some protection against adversaries that try to feed you malicious time information. Here is an example an unprivileged user fetching the remote time: % tlsdate -v -V -n V: tlsdate version 0.0.1 V: We were called with the following arguments: V: validate SSL certificates host = V: time is currently 1342197117.577381 V: using TLSv1_client_method() V: SSL certificate verification passed V: server time 1342197117 (difference is about 0 s) was fetched in 705 ms Fri Jul 13 18:31:57 CEST 2012 This is an example run - starting as root and dropping to nobody: % sudo ./tlsdate -v V: tlsdate version 0.0.1 V: We were called with the following arguments: V: validate SSL certificates host = V: time is currently 1342197222.273552 V: using TLSv1_client_method() V: SSL certificate verification passed V: server time 1342197222 (difference is about 0 s) was fetched in 520 ms V: setting time succeeded Here is an example with a custom host and custom port without verification: % sudo tlsdate -v --skip-verification -p 80 -H V: tlsdate version 0.0.1 V: We were called with the following arguments: V: disable SSL certificate check host = WARNING: Skipping certificate verification! V: time is currently 1342197285.298607 V: using TLSv1_client_method() V: Certificate verification skipped! V: server time 1342197286 (difference is about -1 s) was fetched in 765 ms V: setting time succeeded Here is an example of a false ticker that is detected and rejected: % sudo tlsdate -v -H V: tlsdate version 0.0.1 V: We were called with the following arguments: V: validate SSL certificates host = V: time is currently 1342197379.931852 V: using TLSv1_client_method() V: SSL certificate verification passed V: server time 2693501503 (difference is about -1351304124 s) was fetched in 724 ms remote server is a false ticker from the future!