path: root/afe_lock_machine.py
diff options
authorcmtice <cmtice@google.com>2015-05-27 16:59:37 -0700
committerChromeOS Commit Bot <chromeos-commit-bot@chromium.org>2015-06-10 06:17:17 +0000
commite5bc63bbed4e001b080c4ce0b18c5c78900d4786 (patch)
treed9b603a7bbe68ece5ffcd5d312d73a34e48f4704 /afe_lock_machine.py
parent0495c7175f1160877f121872241f44386705f667 (diff)
Implement new global locking scheme for machines.
This CL implements a new machine locking mechanism using Autotest Front End servers. When locking/unlocking a lab machine, it uses the ChromeOS HW lab server; when locking/unlocking a local machine, it uses a local AFE server on chrotomation2. BUG=None TEST=Tested the script manually to lock/unlock machines and query status. Also tested with image_chromeos and with crosperf scripts. Change-Id: I2793bc1f7dc056e725694e81ded656d9f49d227b Reviewed-on: https://chrome-internal-review.googlesource.com/217560 Reviewed-by: Luis Lozano <llozano@chromium.org> Reviewed-by: David Sharp <dhsharp@google.com> Tested-by: Caroline Tice <cmtice@google.com> Commit-Queue: Caroline Tice <cmtice@google.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'afe_lock_machine.py')
1 files changed, 581 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/afe_lock_machine.py b/afe_lock_machine.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..bb4eb725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afe_lock_machine.py
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google INc. All Rights Reserved.
+import argparse
+import getpass
+import os
+import sys
+import traceback
+from utils import logger
+from utils import machines
+from utils import misc
+class AFELockException(Exception):
+ """Base class for exceptions in this module."""
+class MachineNotPingable(AFELockException):
+ """Raised when machine does not respond to ping."""
+class MissingHostInfo(AFELockException):
+ """Raised when cannot find info about machine on machine servers."""
+class UpdateNonLocalMachine(AFELockException):
+ """Raised when user requests to add/remove a ChromeOS HW Lab machine.."""
+class DuplicateAdd(AFELockException):
+ """Raised when user requests to add a machine that's already on the server."""
+class UpdateServerError(AFELockException):
+ """Raised when attempt to add/remove a machine from local server fails."""
+class LockingError(AFELockException):
+ """Raised when server fails to lock/unlock machine as requested."""
+class DuplicateLock(AFELockException):
+ """Raised when user attempts to lock an already locked machine."""
+class DuplicateUnlock(AFELockException):
+ """Raised when user attempts to unlock an already unlocked machine."""
+class DontOwnLock(AFELockException):
+ """Raised when user attmepts to unlock machine locked by someone else."""
+ # This should not be raised if the user specified '--force'
+class NoAFEServer(AFELockException):
+ """Raised when cannot find/access the autotest server."""
+class AFEAccessError(AFELockException):
+ """Raised when cannot get information about lab machine from lab server."""
+class AFELockManager(object):
+ """Class for locking/unlocking machines vie Autotest Front End servers.
+ This class contains methods for checking the locked status of machines
+ on both the ChromeOS HW Lab AFE server and a local AFE server. It also
+ has methods for adding/removing machines from the local server, and for
+ changing the lock status of machines on either server. For the ChromeOS
+ HW Lab, it only allows access to the toolchain team lab machines, as
+ defined in toolchain-utils/crosperf/default_remotes. By default it will
+ look for a local server on chrotomation2.mtv.corp.google.com, but an
+ alternative local AFE server can be supplied, if desired.
+ !!!IMPORTANT NOTE!!! The AFE server can only be called from the main
+ thread/process of a program. If you launch threads and try to call it
+ from a thread, you will get an error. This has to do with restrictions
+ in the Python virtual machine (and signal handling) and cannot be changed.
+ """
+ LOCAL_SERVER = 'chrotomation2.mtv.corp.google.com'
+ def __init__(self, remotes, force_option, chromeos_root, local_server,
+ local=True, log=None):
+ """Initializes an AFELockManager object.
+ Args:
+ remotes: A list of machine names or ip addresses to be managed. Names
+ and ip addresses should be represented as strings. If the list is empty,
+ the lock manager will get all known machines.
+ force_option: A Boolean indicating whether or not to force an unlock of
+ a machine that was locked by someone else.
+ chromeos_root: The ChromeOS chroot to use for the autotest scripts.
+ local_server: A string containing the name or ip address of the machine
+ that is running an AFE server, which is to be used for managing
+ machines that are not in the ChromeOS HW lab.
+ local: A Boolean indicating whether or not to use/allow a local AFE
+ server to be used (see local_server argument).
+ log: If not None, this is the logger object to be used for writing out
+ informational output messages. It is expected to be an instance of
+ Logger class from utils/logger.py.
+ """
+ self.chromeos_root = chromeos_root
+ self.user = getpass.getuser()
+ self.logger = log or logger.GetLogger()
+ autotest_path = os.path.join(chromeos_root,
+ 'src/third_party/autotest/files')
+ sys.path.append(autotest_path)
+ sys.path.append(os.path.join(autotest_path, 'server', 'cros'))
+ # We have to wait to do these imports until the paths above have
+ # been fixed.
+ from client import setup_modules
+ setup_modules.setup(base_path=autotest_path,
+ root_module_name='autotest_lib')
+ from dynamic_suite import frontend_wrappers
+ self.afe = frontend_wrappers.RetryingAFE(timeout_min=30,
+ delay_sec=10,
+ debug=False)
+ if not local:
+ self.local_afe = None
+ else:
+ dargs = {}
+ dargs['server'] = local_server or AFELockManager.LOCAL_SERVER
+ # Make sure local server is pingable.
+ error_msg = ('Local autotest server machine %s not responding to ping.'
+ % dargs['server'])
+ self.CheckMachine(dargs['server'], error_msg)
+ self.local_afe = frontend_wrappers.RetryingAFE(timeout_min=30,
+ delay_sec=10,
+ debug=False,
+ **dargs)
+ self.local = local
+ self.machines = list(set(remotes)) or []
+ self.force = force_option
+ self.toolchain_lab_machines = self.GetAllToolchainLabMachines()
+ if not self.machines:
+ self.machines = self.toolchain_lab_machines + self.GetAllNonlabMachines()
+ def CheckMachine(self, machine, error_msg):
+ """Verifies that machine is responding to ping.
+ Args:
+ machine: String containing the name or ip address of machine to check.
+ error_msg: Message to print if ping fails.
+ Raises:
+ MachineNotPingable: If machine is not responding to 'ping'
+ """
+ if not machines.MachineIsPingable(machine, logging_level='none'):
+ raise MachineNotPingable(error_msg)
+ def MachineIsKnown(self, machine):
+ """Checks to see if either AFE server knows the given machine.
+ Args:
+ machine: String containing name or ip address of machine to check.
+ Returns:
+ Boolean indicating if the machine is in the list of known machines for
+ either AFE server.
+ """
+ if machine in self.toolchain_lab_machines:
+ return True
+ elif self.local_afe and machine in self.GetAllNonlabMachines():
+ return True
+ return False
+ def GetAllToolchainLabMachines(self):
+ """Gets a list of all the toolchain machines in the ChromeOS HW lab.
+ Returns:
+ A list of names of the toolchain machines in the ChromeOS HW lab.
+ """
+ machines_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'crosperf', 'default_remotes')
+ machine_list = []
+ with open(machines_file, 'r') as input_file:
+ lines = input_file.readlines()
+ for line in lines:
+ board, remotes = line.split(':')
+ remotes = remotes.strip()
+ for r in remotes.split():
+ machine_list.append(r.strip())
+ return machine_list
+ def GetAllNonlabMachines(self):
+ """Gets a list of all known machines on the local AFE server.
+ Returns:
+ A list of the names of the machines on the local AFE server.
+ """
+ non_lab_machines = []
+ if self.local_afe:
+ non_lab_machines = self.local_afe.get_hostnames()
+ return non_lab_machines
+ def PrintStatusHeader(self, is_lab_machine):
+ """Prints the status header lines for machines.
+ Args: Boolean indicating whether to print HW Lab header or local
+ machine header (different spacing).
+ """
+ if is_lab_machine:
+ print '\nMachine (Board)\t\t\t\tStatus'
+ print '---------------\t\t\t\t------\n'
+ else:
+ print '\nMachine (Board)\t\tStatus'
+ print '---------------\t\t------\n'
+ def RemoveLocalMachine(self, m):
+ """Removes a machine from the local AFE server.
+ Args:
+ m: The machine to remove.
+ Raises:
+ MissingHostInfo: Can't find machine to be removed.
+ """
+ if self.local_afe:
+ host_info = self.local_afe.get_hosts(hostname=m)
+ if host_info:
+ host_info = host_info[0]
+ host_info.delete()
+ else:
+ raise MissingHostInfo('Cannot find/delete machine %s.' % m)
+ def AddLocalMachine(self, m):
+ """Adds a machine to the local AFE server.
+ Args:
+ m: The machine to be added.
+ """
+ if self.local_afe:
+ error_msg = 'Machine %s is not responding to ping.' % m
+ self.CheckMachine(m, error_msg)
+ host = self.local_afe.create_host(m)
+ def AddMachinesToLocalServer(self):
+ """Adds one or more machines to the local AFE server.
+ Verify that the requested machines are legal to add to the local server,
+ i.e. that they are not ChromeOS HW lab machines, and they are not already
+ on the local server. Call AddLocalMachine for each valid machine.
+ Raises:
+ DuplicateAdd: Attempt to add a machine that is already on the server.
+ UpdateNonLocalMachine: Attempt to add a ChromeOS HW lab machine.
+ UpdateServerError: Something went wrong while attempting to add a
+ machine.
+ """
+ for m in self.machines:
+ if m in self.toolchain_lab_machines:
+ raise UpdateNonLocalMachine('Machine %s is already in the ChromeOS HW '
+ 'Lab. Cannot add it to local server.' % m)
+ host_info = self.local_afe.get_hosts(hostname=m)
+ if host_info:
+ raise DuplicateAdd('Machine %s is already on the local server.' % m)
+ try:
+ self.AddLocalMachine(m)
+ self.logger.LogOutput('Successfully added %s to local server.' % m)
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ raise UpdateServerError('Error occurred while attempting to add %s. %s'
+ % (m, str(e)))
+ def RemoveMachinesFromLocalServer(self):
+ """Removes one or more machines from the local AFE server.
+ Verify that the requested machines are legal to remove from the local
+ server, i.e. that they are not ChromeOS HW lab machines. Call
+ RemoveLocalMachine for each valid machine.
+ Raises:
+ UpdateServerError: Something went wrong while attempting to remove a
+ machine.
+ """
+ for m in self.machines:
+ if m in self.toolchain_lab_machines:
+ raise UpdateNonLocalMachine('Machine %s is in the ChromeOS HW Lab. '
+ 'This script cannot remove lab machines.'
+ % m)
+ try:
+ self.RemoveLocalMachine(m)
+ self.logger.LogOutput('Successfully removed %s from local server.' % m)
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ raise UpdateServerError('Error occurred while attempting to remove %s '
+ '(%s).' % (m, str(e)))
+ def ListMachineStates(self, machine_states):
+ """Gets and prints the current status for a list of machines.
+ Prints out the current status for all of the machines in the current
+ AFELockManager's list of machines (set when the object is initialized).
+ Args:
+ machine_states: A dictionary of the current state of every machine in
+ the current AFELockManager's list of machines. Normally obtained by
+ calling AFELockManager::GetMachineStates.
+ """
+ local_machines = []
+ printed_hdr = False
+ for m in machine_states:
+ cros_name = m + '.cros'
+ if (m in self.toolchain_lab_machines or
+ cros_name in self.toolchain_lab_machines):
+ if not printed_hdr:
+ self.PrintStatusHeader(True)
+ printed_hdr = True
+ state = machine_states[m]
+ if state['locked']:
+ print ('%s (%s)\tlocked by %s since %s' %
+ (m, state['board'], state['locked_by'], state['lock_time']))
+ else:
+ print '%s (%s)\tunlocked' % (m, state['board'])
+ else:
+ local_machines.append(m)
+ if local_machines:
+ self.PrintStatusHeader(False)
+ for m in local_machines:
+ state = machine_states[m]
+ if state['locked']:
+ print ('%s (%s)\tlocked by %s since %s' %
+ (m, state['board'], state['locked_by'], state['lock_time']))
+ else:
+ print '%s (%s)\tunlocked' % (m, state['board'])
+ def UpdateLockInAFE(self, should_lock_machine, machine):
+ """Calls an AFE server to lock/unlock a machine.
+ Args:
+ should_lock_machine: Boolean indicating whether to lock the machine (True)
+ or unlock the machine (False).
+ machine: The machine to update.
+ Raises:
+ LockingError: An error occurred while attempting to update the machine
+ state.
+ """
+ action = 'lock'
+ if not should_lock_machine:
+ action = 'unlock'
+ kwargs = {'locked': should_lock_machine}
+ if machine in self.toolchain_lab_machines:
+ m = machine.split('.')[0]
+ kwargs['lock_reason'] = 'toolchain user request (%s)' % self.user
+ afe_server = self.afe
+ else:
+ m = machine
+ afe_server = self.local_afe
+ try:
+ afe_server.run('modify_hosts',
+ host_filter_data={'hostname__in': [m]},
+ update_data=kwargs)
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ raise LockingError('Unable to %s machine %s. %s' % (action, m, str(e)))
+ def UpdateMachines(self, lock_machines):
+ """Sets the locked state of the machines to the requested value.
+ The machines updated are the ones in self.machines (specified when the
+ class object was intialized).
+ Args:
+ lock_machines: Boolean indicating whether to lock the machines (True) or
+ unlock the machines (False).
+ """
+ for m in self.machines:
+ self.UpdateLockInAFE(lock_machines, m)
+ # Since we returned from self.UpdateLockInAFE we assume the request
+ # succeeded.
+ if lock_machines:
+ self.logger.LogOutput('Locked machine(s) %s.' % m)
+ else:
+ self.logger.LogOutput('Unlocked machine(s) %s.' % m)
+ def CheckMachineLocks(self, machine_states, cmd):
+ """Check that every machine in requested list is in the proper state.
+ If the cmd is 'unlock' verify that every machine is locked by requestor.
+ If the cmd is 'lock' verify that every machine is currently unlocked.
+ Args:
+ machine_states: A dictionary of the current state of every machine in
+ the current AFELockManager's list of machines. Normally obtained by
+ calling AFELockManager::GetMachineStates.
+ cmd: 'lock' or 'unlock'. The user-requested action for the machines.
+ Raises:
+ DuplicateLock: A machine requested to be locked is already locked.
+ DuplicateUnlock: A machine requested to be unlocked is already unlocked.
+ DontOwnLock: The lock on a requested machine is owned by someone else.
+ """
+ for k, state in machine_states.iteritems():
+ if cmd == 'unlock':
+ if not state['locked']:
+ raise DuplicateUnlock('Attempt to unlock already unlocked machine '
+ '(%s).' % k)
+ if state['locked_by'] != self.user:
+ raise DontOwnLock('Attempt to unlock machine (%s) locked by someone '
+ 'else (%s).' % (k, state['locked_by']))
+ elif cmd == 'lock':
+ if state['locked']:
+ raise DuplicateLock('Attempt to lock already locked machine (%s)' % k)
+ def HasAFEServer(self, local):
+ """Verifies that the AFELockManager has appropriate AFE server.
+ Args:
+ local: Boolean indicating whether we are checking for the local server
+ (True) or for the global server (False).
+ Returns:
+ A boolean indicating if the AFELockManager has the requested AFE server.
+ """
+ if local:
+ return self.local_afe is not None
+ else:
+ return self.afe is not None
+ def GetMachineStates(self, cmd=''):
+ """Gets the current state of all the requested machines.
+ Gets the current state of all the requested machines, both from the HW lab
+ sever and from the local server. Stores the data in a dictionary keyed
+ by machine name.
+ Args:
+ cmd: The command for which we are getting the machine states. This is
+ important because if one of the requested machines is missing we raise
+ an exception, unless the requested command is 'add'.
+ Returns:
+ A dictionary of machine states for all the machines in the AFELockManager
+ object.
+ Raises:
+ NoAFEServer: Cannot find the HW Lab or local AFE server.
+ AFEAccessError: An error occurred when querying the server about a
+ machine.
+ """
+ if not self.HasAFEServer(False):
+ raise NoAFEServer('Error: Cannot connect to main AFE server.')
+ if self.local and not self.HasAFEServer(True):
+ raise NoAFEServer('Error: Cannot connect to local AFE server.')
+ machines = {}
+ for m in self.machines:
+ host_info = None
+ if m in self.toolchain_lab_machines:
+ mod_host = m.split('.')[0]
+ host_info = self.afe.get_hosts(hostname=mod_host)
+ if not host_info:
+ raise AFEAccessError('Unable to get information about %s from main'
+ ' autotest server.' % m)
+ else:
+ host_info = self.local_afe.get_hosts(hostname=m)
+ if not host_info and cmd != 'add':
+ raise AFEAccessError('Unable to get information about %s from '
+ 'local autotest server.' % m)
+ if host_info:
+ host_info = host_info[0]
+ name = host_info.hostname
+ values = {}
+ values['board'] = host_info.platform if host_info.platform else '??'
+ values['locked'] = host_info.locked
+ if host_info.locked:
+ values['locked_by'] = host_info.locked_by
+ values['lock_time'] = host_info.lock_time
+ else:
+ values['locked_by'] = ''
+ values['lock_time'] = ''
+ machines[name] = values
+ else:
+ machines[m] = {}
+ return machines
+def Main(argv):
+ """
+ Parse the options, initialize lock manager and dispatch proper method.
+ Args:
+ argv: The options with which this script was invoked.
+ Returns:
+ 0 unless an exception is raised.
+ """
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('--list', dest='cmd', action='store_const',
+ const='status',
+ help='List current status of all known machines.')
+ parser.add_argument('--lock', dest='cmd', action='store_const',
+ const='lock', help='Lock given machine(s).')
+ parser.add_argument('--unlock', dest='cmd', action='store_const',
+ const='unlock', help='Unlock given machine(s).')
+ parser.add_argument('--status', dest='cmd', action='store_const',
+ const='status',
+ help='List current status of given machine(s).')
+ parser.add_argument('--add_machine', dest='cmd', action='store_const',
+ const='add',
+ help='Add machine to local machine server.')
+ parser.add_argument('--remove_machine', dest='cmd',
+ action='store_const', const='remove',
+ help='Remove machine from the local machine server.')
+ parser.add_argument('--nolocal', dest='local',
+ action='store_false', default=True,
+ help='Do not try to use local machine server.')
+ parser.add_argument('--remote', dest='remote',
+ help='machines on which to operate')
+ parser.add_argument('--chromeos_root', dest='chromeos_root', required=True,
+ help='ChromeOS root to use for autotest scripts.')
+ parser.add_argument('--local_server', dest='local_server', default=None,
+ help='Alternate local autotest server to use.')
+ parser.add_argument('--force', dest='force', action='store_true',
+ default=False,
+ help='Force lock/unlock of machines, even if not'
+ ' current lock owner.')
+ options = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ if not options.remote and options.cmd != 'status':
+ parser.error('No machines specified for operation.')
+ if not os.path.isdir(options.chromeos_root):
+ parser.error('Cannot find chromeos_root: %s.' % options.chromeos_root)
+ if not options.cmd:
+ parser.error('No operation selected (--list, --status, --lock, --unlock,'
+ ' --add_machine, --remove_machine).')
+ machine_list = []
+ if options.remote:
+ machine_list = options.remote.split()
+ lock_manager = AFELockManager(machine_list, options.force,
+ options.chromeos_root, options.local_server,
+ options.local)
+ machine_states = lock_manager.GetMachineStates(cmd=options.cmd)
+ cmd = options.cmd
+ if cmd == 'status':
+ lock_manager.ListMachineStates(machine_states)
+ elif cmd == 'lock':
+ if not lock_manager.force:
+ lock_manager.CheckMachineLocks(machine_states, cmd)
+ lock_manager.UpdateMachines(True)
+ elif cmd == 'unlock':
+ if not lock_manager.force:
+ lock_manager.CheckMachineLocks(machine_states, cmd)
+ lock_manager.UpdateMachines(False)
+ elif cmd == 'add':
+ lock_manager.AddMachinesToLocalServer()
+ elif cmd == 'remove':
+ lock_manager.RemoveMachinesFromLocalServer()
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(Main(sys.argv[1:]))