path: root/binary_search_tool
diff options
authorHan Shen <shenhan@google.com>2013-12-13 14:40:39 -0800
committerchrome-internal-fetch <chrome-internal-fetch@google.com>2014-11-27 03:22:48 +0000
commit71f94b8a1c852aed792abfdb4f276dc904047fdd (patch)
tree4c2cdab0957a9d300eb011cb6eefe96e75d63b97 /binary_search_tool
parent8d77427d365e315c3694eebc520e6c454ed3f1d3 (diff)
Move binary search tool to toolchain-utils with a comprehensive test suite.
We now can test the binary search tool with - ./binary_search_tool_tester.py This will generate a set of object files with some bad ones, and call the binary search tool to find them out. TEST=gpylint and passed my test suite BUG=None Change-Id: I56fbda7f75fe3bc239e456161c48b7611c3a315d Reviewed-on: https://chrome-internal-review.googlesource.com/150255 Reviewed-by: Luis Lozano <llozano@chromium.org> Commit-Queue: Han Shen <shenhan@google.com> Tested-by: Han Shen <shenhan@google.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'binary_search_tool')
12 files changed, 1026 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/binary_search_tool/.gitignore b/binary_search_tool/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e4b79a81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binary_search_tool/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/binary_search_tool/__init__.py b/binary_search_tool/__init__.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binary_search_tool/__init__.py
diff --git a/binary_search_tool/binary_search_perforce.py b/binary_search_tool/binary_search_perforce.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3bfa2b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binary_search_tool/binary_search_perforce.py
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+import math
+import optparse
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+from utils import command_executer
+from utils import logger
+from utils import misc
+def _GetP4ClientSpec(client_name, p4_paths):
+ p4_string = ""
+ for p4_path in p4_paths:
+ if " " not in p4_path:
+ p4_string += " -a %s" % p4_path
+ else:
+ p4_string += " -a \"" + (" //" + client_name + "/").join(p4_path) + "\""
+ return p4_string
+def GetP4Command(client_name, p4_port, p4_paths, revision, checkoutdir, p4_snapshot=""):
+ command = ""
+ if p4_snapshot:
+ command += "mkdir -p " + checkoutdir
+ for p4_path in p4_paths:
+ real_path = p4_path[1]
+ if real_path.endswith("..."):
+ real_path = real_path.replace("/...", "")
+ command += ("; mkdir -p " + checkoutdir + "/" +
+ os.path.dirname(real_path))
+ command += ("&& rsync -lr " + p4_snapshot + "/" + real_path +
+ " " + checkoutdir + "/" + os.path.dirname(real_path))
+ return command
+ command += " export P4CONFIG=.p4config"
+ command += " && mkdir -p " + checkoutdir
+ command += " && cd " + checkoutdir
+ command += " && cp ${HOME}/.p4config ."
+ command += " && chmod u+w .p4config"
+ command += " && echo \"P4PORT=" + p4_port + "\" >> .p4config"
+ command += " && echo \"P4CLIENT=" + client_name + "\" >> .p4config"
+ command += (" && g4 client " +
+ _GetP4ClientSpec(client_name, p4_paths))
+ command += " && g4 sync "
+ command += " && cd -"
+ return command
+class BinarySearchPoint:
+ def __init__(self, revision, status, tag=None):
+ self.revision = revision
+ self.status = status
+ self.tag = tag
+class BinarySearcher:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.sorted_list = []
+ self.index_log = []
+ self.status_log = []
+ self.skipped_indices = []
+ self.current = 0
+ self.points = {}
+ pass
+ def SetSortedList(self, sorted_list):
+ assert(len(sorted_list) > 0)
+ self.sorted_list = sorted_list
+ self.index_log = []
+ self.hi = len(sorted_list) - 1
+ self.lo = 0
+ self.points = {}
+ for i in range(len(self.sorted_list)):
+ bsp = BinarySearchPoint(self.sorted_list[i], -1, "Not yet done.")
+ self.points[i] = bsp
+ def SetStatus(self, status, tag=None):
+ message = ("Revision: %s index: %d returned: %d" %
+ (self.sorted_list[self.current],
+ self.current,
+ status))
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput(message)
+ assert(status == 0 or status == 1 or status == 2)
+ self.index_log.append(self.current)
+ self.status_log.append(status)
+ bsp = BinarySearchPoint(self.sorted_list[self.current], status, tag)
+ self.points[self.current] = bsp
+ if status == 2:
+ self.skipped_indices.append(self.current)
+ if status == 0 or status == 1:
+ if status == 0:
+ self.lo = self.current + 1
+ elif status == 1:
+ self.hi = self.current
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput("lo: %d hi: %d\n" % (self.lo, self.hi))
+ self.current = (self.lo + self.hi)/2
+ if self.lo == self.hi:
+ message = ("Search complete. First bad version: %s"
+ " at index: %d" %
+ (self.sorted_list[self.current],
+ self.lo))
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput(message)
+ return True
+ for index in range(self.lo, self.hi):
+ if index not in self.skipped_indices:
+ return False
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput(
+ "All skipped indices between: %d and %d\n" % (self.lo, self.hi))
+ return True
+ # Does a better job with chromeos flakiness.
+ def GetNextFlakyBinary(self):
+ t = (self.lo, self.current, self.hi)
+ q = [t]
+ while len(q):
+ element = q.pop(0)
+ if element[1] in self.skipped_indices:
+ # Go top
+ to_add = (element[0], (element[0] + element[1]) / 2, element[1])
+ q.append(to_add)
+ # Go bottom
+ to_add = (element[1], (element[1] + element[2]) / 2, element[2])
+ q.append(to_add)
+ else:
+ self.current = element[1]
+ return
+ assert len(q), "Queue should never be 0-size!"
+ def GetNextFlakyLinear(self):
+ current_hi = self.current
+ current_lo = self.current
+ while True:
+ if current_hi < self.hi and current_hi not in self.skipped_indices:
+ self.current = current_hi
+ break
+ if current_lo >= self.lo and current_lo not in self.skipped_indices:
+ self.current = current_lo
+ break
+ if current_lo < self.lo and current_hi >= self.hi:
+ break
+ current_hi += 1
+ current_lo -= 1
+ def GetNext(self):
+ self.current = (self.hi + self.lo) / 2
+ # Try going forward if current is skipped.
+ if self.current in self.skipped_indices:
+ self.GetNextFlakyBinary()
+ # TODO: Add an estimated time remaining as well.
+ message = ("Estimated tries: min: %d max: %d\n" %
+ (1 + math.log(self.hi - self.lo, 2),
+ self.hi - self.lo - len(self.skipped_indices)))
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput(message)
+ message = ("lo: %d hi: %d current: %d version: %s\n" %
+ (self.lo, self.hi, self.current,
+ self.sorted_list[self.current]))
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput(message)
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput(str(self))
+ return self.sorted_list[self.current]
+ def SetLoRevision(self, lo_revision):
+ self.lo = self.sorted_list.index(lo_revision)
+ def SetHiRevision(self, hi_revision):
+ self.hi = self.sorted_list.index(hi_revision)
+ def GetAllPoints(self):
+ to_return = ""
+ for i in range(len(self.sorted_list)):
+ to_return += ("%d %d %s\n" %
+ (self.points[i].status,
+ i,
+ self.points[i].revision))
+ return to_return
+ def __str__(self):
+ to_return = ""
+ to_return += "Current: %d\n" % self.current
+ to_return += str(self.index_log) + "\n"
+ revision_log = []
+ for index in self.index_log:
+ revision_log.append(self.sorted_list[index])
+ to_return += str(revision_log) + "\n"
+ to_return += str(self.status_log) + "\n"
+ to_return += "Skipped indices:\n"
+ to_return += str(self.skipped_indices) + "\n"
+ to_return += self.GetAllPoints()
+ return to_return
+class RevisionInfo:
+ def __init__(self, date, client, description):
+ self.date = date
+ self.client = client
+ self.description = description
+ self.status = -1
+class VCSBinarySearcher:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.bs = BinarySearcher()
+ self.rim = {}
+ self.current_ce = None
+ self.checkout_dir = None
+ self.current_revision = None
+ pass
+ def Initialize(self):
+ pass
+ def GetNextRevision(self):
+ pass
+ def CheckoutRevision(self, revision):
+ pass
+ def SetStatus(self, status):
+ pass
+ def Cleanup(self):
+ pass
+ def SetGoodRevision(self, revision):
+ if revision is None:
+ return
+ assert(revision in self.bs.sorted_list)
+ self.bs.SetLoRevision(revision)
+ def SetBadRevision(self, revision):
+ if revision is None:
+ return
+ assert(revision in self.bs.sorted_list)
+ self.bs.SetHiRevision(revision)
+class P4BinarySearcher(VCSBinarySearcher):
+ def __init__(self, p4_port, p4_paths, test_command):
+ VCSBinarySearcher.__init__(self)
+ self.p4_port = p4_port
+ self.p4_paths = p4_paths
+ self.test_command = test_command
+ self.checkout_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ self.ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
+ self.client_name = "binary-searcher-$HOSTNAME-$USER"
+ self.job_log_root = "/home/asharif/www/coreboot_triage/"
+ def Initialize(self, good_revision=None, bad_revision=None):
+ self.Cleanup()
+ command = GetP4Command(self.client_name, self.p4_port, self.p4_paths, 1, self.checkout_dir)
+ self.ce.RunCommand(command)
+ command = "cd %s && g4 changes ..." % self.checkout_dir
+ [retval, out, err] = self.ce.RunCommand(command, True)
+ self.changes = re.findall("Change (\d+)", out)
+ change_infos = re.findall("Change (\d+) on ([\d/]+) by ([^\s]+) ('[^']*')", out)
+ for change_info in change_infos:
+ ri = RevisionInfo(change_info[1], change_info[2], change_info[3])
+ self.rim[change_info[0]] = ri
+ # g4 gives changes in reverse chronological order.
+ self.changes.reverse()
+ self.bs.SetSortedList(self.changes)
+ def SetStatus(self, status):
+ self.rim[self.current_revision].status = status
+ return self.bs.SetStatus(status)
+ def GetNextRevision(self):
+ next_revision = self.bs.GetNext()
+ self.current_revision = next_revision
+ return next_revision
+ def CleanupCLs(self):
+ if not os.path.isfile(self.checkout_dir + "/.p4config"):
+ command = "cd %s" % self.checkout_dir
+ command += " && cp ${HOME}/.p4config ."
+ command += " && echo \"P4PORT=" + self.p4_port + "\" >> .p4config"
+ command += " && echo \"P4CLIENT=" + self.client_name + "\" >> .p4config"
+ self.ce.RunCommand(command)
+ command = "cd %s" % self.checkout_dir
+ command += "; g4 changes -c %s" % self.client_name
+ [retval, out, err] = self.ce.RunCommand(command, True)
+ changes = re.findall("Change (\d+)", out)
+ if len(changes) != 0:
+ command = "cd %s" % self.checkout_dir
+ for change in changes:
+ command += "; g4 revert -c %s" % change
+ self.ce.RunCommand(command)
+ def CleanupClient(self):
+ command = "cd %s" % self.checkout_dir
+ command += "; g4 revert ..."
+ command += "; g4 client -d %s" % self.client_name
+ self.ce.RunCommand(command)
+ def Cleanup(self):
+ self.CleanupCLs()
+ self.CleanupClient()
+ def __str__(self):
+ to_return = ""
+ for change in self.changes:
+ ri = self.rim[change]
+ if ri.status == -1:
+ to_return = "%s\t%d\n" % (change, ri.status)
+ else:
+ to_return += ("%s\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" %
+ (change,
+ ri.status,
+ ri.date,
+ ri.client,
+ ri.description,
+ self.job_log_root + change + ".cmd",
+ self.job_log_root + change + ".out",
+ self.job_log_root + change + ".err"))
+ return to_return
+class P4GCCBinarySearcher(P4BinarySearcher):
+ # TODO: eventually get these patches from g4 instead of creating them manually
+ def HandleBrokenCLs(self, current_revision):
+ cr = int(current_revision)
+ problematic_ranges = []
+ problematic_ranges.append([44528, 44539])
+ problematic_ranges.append([44528, 44760])
+ problematic_ranges.append([44335, 44882])
+ command = "pwd"
+ for pr in problematic_ranges:
+ if cr in range(pr[0], pr[1]):
+ patch_file = "/home/asharif/triage_tool/%d-%d.patch" % (pr[0], pr[1])
+ f = open(patch_file)
+ patch = f.read()
+ f.close()
+ files = re.findall("--- (//.*)", patch)
+ command += "; cd %s" % self.checkout_dir
+ for f in files:
+ command += "; g4 open %s" % f
+ command += "; patch -p2 < %s" % patch_file
+ self.current_ce.RunCommand(command)
+ def CheckoutRevision(self, current_revision):
+ job_logger = logger.Logger(self.job_log_root,
+ current_revision,
+ True, subdir="")
+ self.current_ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(job_logger)
+ self.CleanupCLs()
+ # Change the revision of only the gcc part of the toolchain.
+ command = ("cd %s/gcctools/google_vendor_src_branch/gcc && g4 revert ...; g4 sync @%s" %
+ (self.checkout_dir, current_revision))
+ self.current_ce.RunCommand(command)
+ self.HandleBrokenCLs(current_revision)
+def Main(argv):
+ """The main function."""
+ # Common initializations
+### command_executer.InitCommandExecuter(True)
+ ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
+ rootdir = misc.GetRoot(sys.argv[0])[0]
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option("-n", "--num_tries", dest="num_tries",
+ default="100",
+ help="Number of tries.")
+ parser.add_option("-g", "--good_revision", dest="good_revision",
+ help="Last known good revision.")
+ parser.add_option("-b", "--bad_revision", dest="bad_revision",
+ help="Last known bad revision.")
+ parser.add_option("-s",
+ "--script",
+ dest="script",
+ help="Script to run for every version.")
+ [options, args] = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ # First get all revisions
+### p4_paths = ["//depot2/gcctools/google_vendor_src_branch/gcc/gcc-4.4.3/README.google"]
+ p4_paths = ["//depot2/gcctools/google_vendor_src_branch/gcc/gcc-4.4.3/...",
+ "//depot2/gcctools/google_vendor_src_branch/binutils/binutils-2.20.1-mobile/...",
+ "//depot2/gcctools/google_vendor_src_branch/binutils/binutils-20100303/..."]
+ p4gccbs = P4GCCBinarySearcher("perforce2:2666", p4_paths, "")
+ # Main loop:
+ terminated = False
+ num_tries = int(options.num_tries)
+ test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ script = os.path.expanduser(options.script)
+ try:
+ p4gccbs.Initialize()
+ p4gccbs.SetGoodRevision(options.good_revision)
+ p4gccbs.SetBadRevision(options.bad_revision)
+ while not terminated and num_tries > 0:
+ current_revision = p4gccbs.GetNextRevision()
+ # Now run command to get the status
+ ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
+ command = "%s %s" % (script, p4gccbs.checkout_dir)
+ status = ce.RunCommand(command)
+ message = ("Revision: %s produced: %d status\n" %
+ (current_revision, status))
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput(message)
+ terminated = p4gccbs.SetStatus(status)
+ num_tries -= 1
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput(str(p4gccbs))
+ if not terminated:
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput("Tries: %d expired." % num_tries)
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput(str(p4gccbs.bs))
+ except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput("Cleaning up...")
+ finally:
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput(str(p4gccbs.bs))
+ status = p4gccbs.Cleanup()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ Main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/binary_search_tool/binary_search_state.py b/binary_search_tool/binary_search_state.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7c85b975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binary_search_tool/binary_search_state.py
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+import optparse
+import os
+import pickle
+import sys
+import tempfile
+# Programtically adding utils python path to PYTHONPATH
+if os.path.isabs(sys.argv[0]):
+ utils_pythonpath = os.path.abspath(
+ '{0}/..'.format(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))
+ wdir = os.getcwd()
+ utils_pythonpath = os.path.abspath(
+ '{0}/{1}/..'.format(wdir, os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))
+# Now we do import from utils
+from utils import command_executer
+from utils import logger
+import binary_search_perforce
+STATE_FILE = "%s.state" % sys.argv[0]
+class BinarySearchState(object):
+ def __init__(self, get_initial_items, switch_to_good, switch_to_bad,
+ test_script, incremental, prune, iterations, prune_iterations,
+ verify_level, file_args):
+ self.get_initial_items = get_initial_items
+ self.switch_to_good = switch_to_good
+ self.switch_to_bad = switch_to_bad
+ self.test_script = test_script
+ self.incremental = incremental
+ self.prune = prune
+ self.iterations = iterations
+ self.prune_iterations = prune_iterations
+ self.verify_level = verify_level
+ self.file_args = file_args
+ self.l = logger.GetLogger()
+ self.ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
+ self.bs = None
+ self.PopulateItemsUsingCommand(self.get_initial_items)
+ self.currently_good_items = set([])
+ self.currently_bad_items = set([])
+ def SwitchToGood(self, item_list):
+ if self.incremental:
+ self.l.LogOutput(
+ "Incremental set. Wanted to switch %s to good" % str(item_list))
+ incremental_items = [
+ item for item in item_list if item not in self.currently_good_items]
+ item_list = incremental_items
+ self.l.LogOutput(
+ "Incremental set. Actually switching %s to good" % str(item_list))
+ if not item_list:
+ return
+ self.l.LogOutput("Switching %s to good" % str(item_list))
+ self.RunSwitchScript(self.switch_to_good, item_list)
+ self.currently_good_items = self.currently_good_items.union(set(item_list))
+ self.currently_bad_items.difference_update(set(item_list))
+ def SwitchToBad(self, item_list):
+ if self.incremental:
+ self.l.LogOutput(
+ "Incremental set. Wanted to switch %s to bad" % str(item_list))
+ incremental_items = [
+ item for item in item_list if item not in self.currently_bad_items]
+ item_list = incremental_items
+ self.l.LogOutput(
+ "Incremental set. Actually switching %s to bad" % str(item_list))
+ if not item_list:
+ return
+ self.l.LogOutput("Switching %s to bad" % str(item_list))
+ self.RunSwitchScript(self.switch_to_bad, item_list)
+ self.currently_bad_items = self.currently_bad_items.union(set(item_list))
+ self.currently_good_items.difference_update(set(item_list))
+ def RunSwitchScript(self, switch_script, item_list):
+ if self.file_args:
+ temp_file = tempfile.mktemp()
+ f = open(temp_file, "wb")
+ f.write("\n".join(item_list))
+ f.close()
+ command = "%s %s" % (switch_script, temp_file)
+ else:
+ command = "%s %s" % (switch_script, " ".join(item_list))
+ ret = self.ce.RunCommand(command)
+ assert ret == 0, "Switch script %s returned %d" % (switch_script, ret)
+ def TestScript(self):
+ command = self.test_script
+ return self.ce.RunCommand(command)
+ def DoVerify(self):
+ for _ in range(int(self.verify_level)):
+ self.l.LogOutput("Resetting all items to good to verify.")
+ self.SwitchToGood(self.all_items)
+ status = self.TestScript()
+ assert status == 0, "When reset_to_good, status should be 0."
+ self.l.LogOutput("Resetting all items to bad to verify.")
+ self.SwitchToBad(self.all_items)
+ status = self.TestScript()
+ assert status == 1, "When reset_to_bad, status should be 1."
+ def DoSearch(self):
+ num_bad_items_history = []
+ i = 0
+ while True and len(self.all_items) > 1 and i < self.prune_iterations:
+ i += 1
+ terminated = self.DoBinarySearch()
+ if not terminated:
+ break
+ if not self.prune:
+ self.l.LogOutput("Not continuning further, --prune is not set")
+ break
+ # Prune is set.
+ prune_index = self.bs.current
+ if prune_index == len(self.all_items) - 1:
+ self.l.LogOutput("First bad item is the last item. Breaking.")
+ self.l.LogOutput("Only bad item is: %s" % self.all_items[-1])
+ break
+ num_bad_items = len(self.all_items) - prune_index
+ num_bad_items_history.append(num_bad_items)
+ if (num_bad_items_history[-num_bad_items:] ==
+ [num_bad_items for _ in range(num_bad_items)]):
+ self.l.LogOutput("num_bad_items_history: %s for past %d iterations. "
+ "Breaking." %
+ (str(num_bad_items_history),
+ num_bad_items))
+ self.l.LogOutput(
+ "Bad items are: %s" % " ".join(self.all_items[prune_index:]))
+ break
+ new_all_items = list(self.all_items)
+ # Move prune item to the end of the list.
+ new_all_items.append(new_all_items.pop(prune_index))
+ if prune_index:
+ new_all_items = new_all_items[prune_index - 1:]
+ self.l.LogOutput("Old list: %s. New list: %s" %
+ (str(self.all_items),
+ str(new_all_items)))
+ # FIXME: Do we need to Convert the currently good items to bad
+ self.PopulateItemsUsingList(new_all_items)
+ def DoBinarySearch(self):
+ i = 0
+ terminated = False
+ while i < self.iterations and not terminated:
+ i += 1
+ [bad_items, good_items] = self.GetNextItems(self.incremental)
+ # TODO: bad_items should come first.
+ self.SwitchToGood(good_items)
+ self.SwitchToBad(bad_items)
+ status = self.TestScript()
+ terminated = self.bs.SetStatus(status)
+ if terminated:
+ self.l.LogOutput("Terminated!")
+ if not terminated:
+ self.l.LogOutput("Ran out of iterations searching...")
+ self.l.LogOutput(str(self))
+ return terminated
+ def PopulateItemsUsingCommand(self, command):
+ ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
+ [_, out, _] = ce.RunCommand(command, return_output=True)
+ all_items = out.split()
+ self.PopulateItemsUsingList(all_items)
+ def PopulateItemsUsingList(self, all_items):
+ self.all_items = all_items
+ self.bs = binary_search_perforce.BinarySearcher()
+ self.bs.SetSortedList(self.all_items)
+ def SaveState(self):
+ self.l = None
+ self.ce = None
+ # TODO Implement save/restore
+### return
+ f = open(STATE_FILE, "wb")
+ pickle.dump(self, f)
+ f.close()
+ @classmethod
+ def LoadState(cls):
+ if not os.path.isfile(STATE_FILE):
+ return None
+ return pickle.load(file(STATE_FILE))
+ @classmethod
+ def GetInstance(cls, command):
+ # Disable state loading for now.
+ # obj = cls.LoadState()
+ obj = None
+ if not obj:
+ obj = cls()
+ return obj
+ return obj
+ def GetNextItems(self, incremental=True):
+ border_item = self.bs.GetNext()
+ index = self.all_items.index(border_item)
+ next_bad_items = self.all_items[:index+1]
+ next_good_items = self.all_items[index+1:]
+ return [next_bad_items, next_good_items]
+ def __str__(self):
+ ret = ""
+ ret += "all: %s\n" % str(self.all_items)
+ ret += "currently_good: %s\n" % str(self.currently_good_items)
+ ret += "currently_bad: %s\n" % str(self.currently_bad_items)
+ ret += str(self.bs)
+ return ret
+def _CanonicalizeScript(script_name):
+ script_name = os.path.expanduser(script_name)
+ if not script_name.startswith("/"):
+ return os.path.join(".", script_name)
+def Main(argv):
+ """The main function."""
+ # Common initializations
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option("-n",
+ "--iterations",
+ dest="iterations",
+ help="Number of iterations to try in the search.",
+ default="50")
+ parser.add_option("-i",
+ "--get_initial_items",
+ dest="get_initial_items",
+ help="Script to run to get the initial objects.")
+ parser.add_option("-g",
+ "--switch_to_good",
+ dest="switch_to_good",
+ help="Script to run to switch to good.")
+ parser.add_option("-b",
+ "--switch_to_bad",
+ dest="switch_to_bad",
+ help="Script to run to switch to bad.")
+ parser.add_option("-t",
+ "--test_script",
+ dest="test_script",
+ help=("Script to run to test the "
+ "output after packages are built."))
+ parser.add_option("-p",
+ "--prune",
+ dest="prune",
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help=("Script to run to test the output after "
+ "packages are built."))
+ parser.add_option("-c",
+ "--noincremental",
+ dest="noincremental",
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="Do not propagate good/bad changes incrementally.")
+ parser.add_option("-f",
+ "--file_args",
+ dest="file_args",
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="Use a file to pass arguments to scripts.")
+ parser.add_option("-v",
+ "--verify_level",
+ dest="verify_level",
+ default="1",
+ help=("Check binary search assumptions N times "
+ "before starting."))
+ parser.add_option("-N",
+ "--prune_iterations",
+ dest="prune_iterations",
+ help="Number of prune iterations to try in the search.",
+ default="100")
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput(" ".join(argv))
+ [options, _] = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ if not (options.get_initial_items and options.switch_to_good and
+ options.switch_to_bad and options.test_script):
+ parser.print_help()
+ return 1
+ iterations = int(options.iterations)
+ switch_to_good = _CanonicalizeScript(options.switch_to_good)
+ switch_to_bad = _CanonicalizeScript(options.switch_to_bad)
+ test_script = _CanonicalizeScript(options.test_script)
+ get_initial_items = _CanonicalizeScript(options.get_initial_items)
+ prune = options.prune
+ prune_iterations = options.prune_iterations
+ verify_level = options.verify_level
+ file_args = options.file_args
+ if options.noincremental:
+ incremental = False
+ else:
+ incremental = True
+ try:
+ bss = BinarySearchState(get_initial_items, switch_to_good, switch_to_bad,
+ test_script, incremental, prune, iterations,
+ prune_iterations, verify_level, file_args)
+ bss.DoVerify()
+ bss.DoSearch()
+ except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+ print "C-c pressed"
+ bss.SaveState()
+ return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(Main(sys.argv))
diff --git a/binary_search_tool/test/__init__.py b/binary_search_tool/test/__init__.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binary_search_tool/test/__init__.py
diff --git a/binary_search_tool/test/binary_search_tool_tester.py b/binary_search_tool/test/binary_search_tool_tester.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..211c16f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binary_search_tool/test/binary_search_tool_tester.py
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+"""Tests for bisecting tool."""
+__author__ = 'shenhan@google.com (Han Shen)'
+import os
+import random
+import sys
+import unittest
+from utils import command_executer
+from binary_search_tool import binary_search_state
+import common
+import gen_obj
+class BisectingUtilsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Generate [100-1000] object files, and 1-5% of which are bad ones."""
+ obj_num = random.randint(100, 1000)
+ bad_obj_num = random.randint(obj_num / 100, obj_num / 20)
+ if bad_obj_num == 0:
+ bad_obj_num = 1
+ gen_obj.Main(['--obj_num', str(obj_num), '--bad_obj_num', str(bad_obj_num)])
+ def tearDown(self):
+ """Cleanup temp files."""
+ os.remove(common.OBJECTS_FILE)
+ os.remove(common.WORKING_SET_FILE)
+ print 'Deleted "{0}" and "{1}"'.format(
+ def runTest(self):
+ args = ['--get_initial_items', './gen_init_list.py',
+ '--switch_to_good', './switch_to_good.py',
+ '--switch_to_bad', './switch_to_bad.py',
+ '--test_script', './is_good.py',
+ '--prune', '--file_args']
+ binary_search_state.Main(args)
+ _, out, _ = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter().RunCommand(
+ 'tail -n 10 logs/binary_search_state.py.out', return_output=True)
+ ls = out.splitlines()
+ for l in ls:
+ t = l.find('Bad items are: ')
+ if t > 0:
+ bad_ones = l[(t + len('Bad items are: ')):].split()
+ objects_file = common.ReadObjectsFile()
+ for b in bad_ones:
+ self.assertEqual(objects_file[int(b)], 1)
+def Main(argv):
+ num_tests = 2
+ if len(argv) > 1:
+ num_tests = int(argv[1])
+ suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+ for _ in range(0, num_tests):
+ suite.addTest(BisectingUtilsTest())
+ runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
+ runner.run(suite)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ Main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/binary_search_tool/test/common.py b/binary_search_tool/test/common.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..c0e1a3b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binary_search_tool/test/common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+OBJECTS_FILE = 'objects.txt'
+WORKING_SET_FILE = 'working_set.txt'
+def ReadWorkingSet():
+ working_set = []
+ f = open(WORKING_SET_FILE, 'r')
+ for l in f:
+ working_set.append(int(l))
+ f.close()
+ return working_set
+def WriteWorkingSet(working_set):
+ f = open(WORKING_SET_FILE, 'w')
+ for o in working_set:
+ f.write('{0}\n'.format(o))
+ f.close()
+def ReadObjectsFile():
+ objects_file = []
+ f = open(OBJECTS_FILE, 'r')
+ for l in f:
+ objects_file.append(int(l))
+ f.close()
+ return objects_file
+def ReadObjectIndex(filename):
+ object_index = []
+ f = open(filename, 'r')
+ for o in f:
+ object_index.append(int(o))
+ f.close()
+ return object_index
diff --git a/binary_search_tool/test/gen_init_list.py b/binary_search_tool/test/gen_init_list.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ce72d632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binary_search_tool/test/gen_init_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+"""Prints out index for every object file, starting from 0."""
+import sys
+from utils import command_executer
+import common
+def Main():
+ ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
+ _, l, _ = ce.RunCommand('cat {0} | wc -l'.format(common.OBJECTS_FILE),
+ return_output=True, print_to_console=False)
+ for i in range(0, int(l)):
+ print i
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ Main()
+ sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/binary_search_tool/test/gen_obj.py b/binary_search_tool/test/gen_obj.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3d1e32f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binary_search_tool/test/gen_obj.py
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+"""Script to generate a list of object files.
+0 represents a good object file.
+1 represents a bad object file.
+import optparse
+import os
+import random
+import sys
+import common
+def Main(argv):
+ """Generates a list, the value of each element is 0 or 1.
+ The number of 1s in the list is specified by bad_obj_num.
+ The others are all 0s. The total number of 0s and 1s is specified by obj_num.
+ Args:
+ argv: argument from command line
+ Returns:
+ 0 always.
+ """
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option('-n', '--obj_num', dest='obj_num',
+ default=common.DEFAULT_OBJECT_NUMBER,
+ help=('Number of total objects.'))
+ parser.add_option('-b', '--bad_obj_num', dest='bad_obj_num',
+ help=('Number of bad objects. Must be great than or equal '
+ 'to zero and less than total object number.'))
+ options = parser.parse_args(argv)[0]
+ obj_num = int(options.obj_num)
+ bad_obj_num = int(options.bad_obj_num)
+ bad_to_gen = int(options.bad_obj_num)
+ obj_list = []
+ for i in range(obj_num):
+ if (bad_to_gen > 0 and
+ random.randint(1, obj_num) <= bad_obj_num):
+ obj_list.append(1)
+ bad_to_gen -= 1
+ else:
+ obj_list.append(0)
+ while bad_to_gen > 0:
+ t = random.randint(0, obj_num - 1)
+ if obj_list[t] == 0:
+ obj_list[t] = 1
+ bad_to_gen -= 1
+ if os.path.isfile(common.OBJECTS_FILE):
+ os.remove(common.OBJECTS_FILE)
+ if os.path.isfile(common.WORKING_SET_FILE):
+ os.remove(common.WORKING_SET_FILE)
+ f = open(common.OBJECTS_FILE, 'w')
+ w = open(common.WORKING_SET_FILE, 'w')
+ for i in obj_list:
+ f.write('{0}\n'.format(i))
+ w.write('{0}\n'.format(i))
+ f.close()
+ print 'Generated {0} object files, with {1} bad ones.'.format(
+ options.obj_num, options.bad_obj_num)
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ retval = Main(sys.argv)
+ sys.exit(retval)
diff --git a/binary_search_tool/test/is_good.py b/binary_search_tool/test/is_good.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..60b2b50d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binary_search_tool/test/is_good.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+"""Check to see if the working set produces a good executable."""
+import sys
+import common
+def Main():
+ working_set = common.ReadWorkingSet()
+ for w in working_set:
+ if w == 1:
+ return 1 ## False, linking failure
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ retval = Main()
+ sys.exit(retval)
diff --git a/binary_search_tool/test/switch_to_bad.py b/binary_search_tool/test/switch_to_bad.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b253eb87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binary_search_tool/test/switch_to_bad.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+"""Switch part of the objects file in working set to (possible) bad ones."""
+import sys
+import common
+def Main(argv):
+ """Switch part of the objects file in working set to (possible) bad ones."""
+ working_set = common.ReadWorkingSet()
+ objects_file = common.ReadObjectsFile()
+ object_index = common.ReadObjectIndex(argv[1])
+ for oi in object_index:
+ working_set[oi] = objects_file[oi]
+ common.WriteWorkingSet(working_set)
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ retval = Main(sys.argv)
+ sys.exit(retval)
diff --git a/binary_search_tool/test/switch_to_good.py b/binary_search_tool/test/switch_to_good.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..71180e1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binary_search_tool/test/switch_to_good.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+"""Change portions of the object files to good.
+The "portion" is defined by the file (which is passed as the only argument to
+this script) content. Every line in the file is an object index, which will be
+set to good (mark as 0).
+import sys
+import common
+def Main(argv):
+ working_set = common.ReadWorkingSet()
+ object_index = common.ReadObjectIndex(argv[1])
+ for oi in object_index:
+ working_set[int(oi)] = 0
+ common.WriteWorkingSet(working_set)
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ retval = Main(sys.argv)
+ sys.exit(retval)