path: root/clang_tidy
diff options
authorGeorge Burgess IV <gbiv@google.com>2019-05-07 16:21:08 -0700
committerGeorge Burgess <gbiv@chromium.org>2019-05-08 05:32:01 +0000
commit61ce52c349e0c75d0628d0b72b5f5b81a1caa58e (patch)
tree0dad54e883ddb032adf2eba8ab1bff578e0b68fc /clang_tidy
parent9506af1a8a166e4076db501e1b475a55b86a35e7 (diff)
clang_tidy: move scripts from sys-devel/llvm
This copies the scripts from sys-devel/llvm into toolchain-utils. For reasons detailed on the bug, we believe that toolchain-utils is a better home for these scripts than sys-devel/llvm. Modulo formatting on files outside of clang-tidy-warn.py (please see the patch after this in the relation chain for formats/updates/etc of that :) ), this is a bit-for-bit copy of each of these files. Removal of the copies of these in sys-devel/llvm (and updating ebuilds, etc.) will be done once everything's in place in its new home, and once we have the clang-tidy builder working with files provided by toolchain-utils. BUG=chromium:960495 TEST=None Change-Id: I09a2fdb9db25059cf4fbf7e9516f7d4cacfd7bfa Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromiumos/third_party/toolchain-utils/+/1600575 Reviewed-by: Caroline Tice <cmtice@chromium.org> Tested-by: George Burgess <gbiv@chromium.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'clang_tidy')
3 files changed, 3393 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/clang_tidy/clang-tidy-parse-build-log.py b/clang_tidy/clang-tidy-parse-build-log.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..99234c4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang_tidy/clang-tidy-parse-build-log.py
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Parse log files containing clang-tidy warnings, and generate reports."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+import argparse
+import datetime
+import os
+import sys
+import clang_tidy_execute
+def Main(argv):
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--output_dir',
+ dest='out_dir',
+ default='',
+ help='Directory in which to write the resulting html & csv file.')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--log_file',
+ dest='log_file',
+ default=None,
+ required=True,
+ help='File containing the clang-tidy warnings to be parsed.')
+ options = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ output_dir = options.out_dir if options.out_dir else '/tmp/clang-tidy-output'
+ cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+ warn_script = os.path.join(cwd, 'clang-tidy-warn.py')
+ logfile = options.log_file
+ if not os.path.exists(logfile):
+ parser.error('Cannot find log file "%s"' % logfile)
+ if not os.path.exists(warn_script):
+ parser.error('Cannot find %s' % warn_script)
+ # Normally, ChromeOS build logs have a filename format like:
+ # 'pkg-part1:pkg-part2:date-time.log'. Below we parse this to find the
+ # package name(s). We use these to create the warnings file names:
+ # 'date.package.warnings.html' and 'date.package.warnings.csv'.
+ # If filename does not conform to ChromeOS build log format, use full
+ # filename rather than the package name.
+ dirname, filename = os.path.split(logfile)
+ filename_bits = filename.split(':')
+ timestamp = ''
+ if len(filename_bits) >= 3:
+ package = '%s-%s' % (filename_bits[0], filename_bits[1])
+ time_parts = filename_bits[2].split('-')
+ timestamp = time_parts[0]
+ else:
+ package = filename
+ if not timestamp:
+ # Get a string with the current date, in the format 'YYYYMMDD'.
+ timestamp = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now(), '%Y%m%d')
+ html_filename = '%s.%s.warnings.html' % (timestamp, package)
+ csv_filename = '%s.%s.warnings.csv' % (timestamp, package)
+ # If the user did not specify a particular output directory and the logs
+ # appear to be in the default input directory, which contains the board name,
+ # extract the board name from the input directory and add it to the default
+ # output directory name.
+ if not options.out_dir:
+ dirname_bits = dirname.split('/')
+ if dirname[0] == '/' and dirname_bits[0] == '':
+ dirname_bits = dirname_bits[1:]
+ if (len(dirname_bits) == 3 and dirname_bits[0] == 'tmp' and
+ dirname_bits[1] == 'clang-tidy-logs'):
+ board = dirname_bits[2]
+ output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, board)
+ # Create the output directory if it does not already exist.
+ if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
+ os.makedirs(output_dir)
+ warnfile = os.path.join(output_dir, html_filename)
+ warnfile_csv = os.path.join(output_dir, csv_filename)
+ result = clang_tidy_execute.Execute(
+ 'python %s %s ' % (warn_script, logfile) +
+ '--csvpath %s --url http://cs/android --separator "?l=" > %s' %
+ (warnfile_csv, warnfile))
+ # Handle if we are running on an older version of warn.py
+ # that does not have support for --csvpath added in
+ # aosp/369755
+ if result.returncode == 2:
+ result = clang_tidy_execute.Execute(
+ 'python %s %s ' % (warn_script, logfile) +
+ '--url http://cs/android --separator "?l=" > %s' % warnfile)
+ if result.returncode != 0:
+ print("Couldn't generate warnings.html")
+ try:
+ os.remove(warnfile)
+ except EnvironmentError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ os.remove(warnfile_csv)
+ except EnvironmentError:
+ pass
+ return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(Main(sys.argv[1:]))
diff --git a/clang_tidy/clang-tidy-warn.py b/clang_tidy/clang-tidy-warn.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3b52d6fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang_tidy/clang-tidy-warn.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2767 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Grep warnings messages and output HTML tables or warning counts in CSV.
+Default is to output warnings in HTML tables grouped by warning severity.
+Use option --byproject to output tables grouped by source file projects.
+Use option --gencsv to output warning counts in CSV format.
+from __future__ import print_function
+# <root>/build/make/tools/warn.py
+# List of important data structures and functions in this script.
+# To parse and keep warning message in the input file:
+# severity: classification of message severity
+# severity.range [0, 1, ... last_severity_level]
+# severity.colors for header background
+# severity.column_headers for the warning count table
+# severity.headers for warning message tables
+# warn_patterns:
+# warn_patterns[w]['category'] tool that issued the warning, not used now
+# warn_patterns[w]['description'] table heading
+# warn_patterns[w]['members'] matched warnings from input
+# warn_patterns[w]['option'] compiler flag to control the warning
+# warn_patterns[w]['patterns'] regular expressions to match warnings
+# warn_patterns[w]['projects'][p] number of warnings of pattern w in p
+# warn_patterns[w]['severity'] severity level
+# project_list[p][0] project name
+# project_list[p][1] regular expression to match a project path
+# project_patterns[p] re.compile(project_list[p][1])
+# project_names[p] project_list[p][0]
+# warning_messages array of each warning message, without source url
+# warning_records array of [idx to warn_patterns,
+# idx to project_names,
+# idx to warning_messages]
+# android_root
+# platform_version
+# target_product
+# target_variant
+# compile_patterns, parse_input_file
+# To emit html page of warning messages:
+# flags: --byproject, --url, --separator
+# Old stuff for static html components:
+# html_script_style: static html scripts and styles
+# htmlbig:
+# dump_stats, dump_html_prologue, dump_html_epilogue:
+# emit_buttons:
+# dump_fixed
+# sort_warnings:
+# emit_stats_by_project:
+# all_patterns,
+# findproject, classify_warning
+# dump_html
+# New dynamic HTML page's static JavaScript data:
+# Some data are copied from Python to JavaScript, to generate HTML elements.
+# FlagURL args.url
+# FlagSeparator args.separator
+# SeverityColors: severity.colors
+# SeverityHeaders: severity.headers
+# SeverityColumnHeaders: severity.column_headers
+# ProjectNames: project_names, or project_list[*][0]
+# WarnPatternsSeverity: warn_patterns[*]['severity']
+# WarnPatternsDescription: warn_patterns[*]['description']
+# WarnPatternsOption: warn_patterns[*]['option']
+# WarningMessages: warning_messages
+# Warnings: warning_records
+# StatsHeader: warning count table header row
+# StatsRows: array of warning count table rows
+# New dynamic HTML page's dynamic JavaScript data:
+# New dynamic HTML related function to emit data:
+# escape_string, strip_escape_string, emit_warning_arrays
+# emit_js_data():
+import argparse
+import csv
+import multiprocessing
+import os
+import re
+import signal
+import sys
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert a build log into HTML')
+ help='Save CSV warning file to the passed absolute path',
+ default=None)
+ help='Generate a CSV file with number of various warnings',
+ action='store_true',
+ default=False)
+ help='Separate warnings in HTML output by project names',
+ action='store_true',
+ default=False)
+ help='Root URL of an Android source code tree prefixed '
+ 'before files in warnings')
+ help='Separator between the end of a URL and the line '
+ 'number argument. e.g. #')
+ type=int,
+ default=multiprocessing.cpu_count(),
+ help='Number of parallel processes to process warnings')
+parser.add_argument(dest='buildlog', metavar='build.log',
+ help='Path to build.log file')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+class Severity(object):
+ """Severity levels and attributes."""
+ # numbered by dump order
+ HIGH = 1
+ MEDIUM = 2
+ LOW = 3
+ TIDY = 5
+ SKIP = 8
+ range = range(SKIP + 1)
+ attributes = [
+ # pylint:disable=bad-whitespace
+ ['fuchsia', 'FixNow', 'Critical warnings, fix me now'],
+ ['red', 'High', 'High severity warnings'],
+ ['orange', 'Medium', 'Medium severity warnings'],
+ ['yellow', 'Low', 'Low severity warnings'],
+ ['hotpink', 'Analyzer', 'Clang-Analyzer warnings'],
+ ['peachpuff', 'Tidy', 'Clang-Tidy warnings'],
+ ['limegreen', 'Harmless', 'Harmless warnings'],
+ ['lightblue', 'Unknown', 'Unknown warnings'],
+ ['grey', 'Unhandled', 'Unhandled warnings']
+ ]
+ colors = [a[0] for a in attributes]
+ column_headers = [a[1] for a in attributes]
+ headers = [a[2] for a in attributes]
+def tidy_warn_pattern(description, pattern):
+ return {
+ 'category': 'C/C++',
+ 'severity': Severity.TIDY,
+ 'description': 'clang-tidy ' + description,
+ 'patterns': [r'.*: .+\[' + pattern + r'\]$']
+ }
+def simple_tidy_warn_pattern(description):
+ return tidy_warn_pattern(description, description)
+def group_tidy_warn_pattern(description):
+ return tidy_warn_pattern(description, description + r'-.+')
+warn_patterns = [
+ # pylint:disable=line-too-long
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
+ 'description': 'clang-analyzer Security warning',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+\[clang-analyzer-security.*\]"]},
+ {'category': 'make', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'make: overriding commands/ignoring old commands',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: overriding commands for target .+",
+ r".*: warning: ignoring old commands for target .+"]},
+ {'category': 'make', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description': 'make: LOCAL_CLANG is false',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: LOCAL_CLANG is set to false"]},
+ {'category': 'make', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description': 'SDK App using platform shared library',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+ \(.*app:sdk.*\) should not link to .+ \(native:platform\)"]},
+ {'category': 'make', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description': 'System module linking to a vendor module',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+ \(.+\) should not link to .+ \(partition:.+\)"]},
+ {'category': 'make', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Invalid SDK/NDK linking',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+ \(.+\) should not link to .+ \(.+\)"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH, 'option': '-Wimplicit-function-declaration',
+ 'description': 'Implicit function declaration',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: implicit declaration of function .+",
+ r".*: warning: implicitly declaring library function"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
+ 'description': 'skip, conflicting types for ...',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: conflicting types for '.+'"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH, 'option': '-Wtype-limits',
+ 'description': 'Expression always evaluates to true or false',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: comparison is always .+ due to limited range of data type",
+ r".*: warning: comparison of unsigned .*expression .+ is always true",
+ r".*: warning: comparison of unsigned .*expression .+ is always false"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description': 'Potential leak of memory, bad free, use after free',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Potential leak of memory",
+ r".*: warning: Potential memory leak",
+ r".*: warning: Memory allocated by alloca\(\) should not be deallocated",
+ r".*: warning: Memory allocated by .+ should be deallocated by .+ not .+",
+ r".*: warning: 'delete' applied to a pointer that was allocated",
+ r".*: warning: Use of memory after it is freed",
+ r".*: warning: Argument to .+ is the address of .+ variable",
+ r".*: warning: Argument to free\(\) is offset by .+ of memory allocated by",
+ r".*: warning: Attempt to .+ released memory"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description': 'Use transient memory for control value',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+Using such transient memory for the control value is .*dangerous."]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description': 'Return address of stack memory',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Address of stack memory .+ returned to caller",
+ r".*: warning: Address of stack memory .+ will be a dangling reference"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description': 'Problem with vfork',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: This .+ is prohibited after a successful vfork",
+ r".*: warning: Call to function '.+' is insecure "]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH, 'option': 'infinite-recursion',
+ 'description': 'Infinite recursion',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: all paths through this function will call itself"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description': 'Potential buffer overflow',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Size argument is greater than .+ the destination buffer",
+ r".*: warning: Potential buffer overflow.",
+ r".*: warning: String copy function overflows destination buffer"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Incompatible pointer types',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type",
+ r".*: warning: return from incompatible pointer type",
+ r".*: warning: passing argument [0-9]+ of '.*' from incompatible pointer type",
+ r".*: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH, 'option': '-fno-builtin',
+ 'description': 'Incompatible declaration of built in function',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function .+"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH, 'option': '-Wincompatible-library-redeclaration',
+ 'description': 'Incompatible redeclaration of library function',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: incompatible redeclaration of library function .+"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description': 'Null passed as non-null argument',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Null passed to a callee that requires a non-null"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wunused-parameter',
+ 'description': 'Unused parameter',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: unused parameter '.*'"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wunused',
+ 'description': 'Unused function, variable or label',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' defined but not used",
+ r".*: warning: unused function '.+'",
+ r".*: warning: lambda capture .* is not used",
+ r".*: warning: private field '.+' is not used",
+ r".*: warning: unused variable '.+'"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wunused-value',
+ 'description': 'Statement with no effect or result unused',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: statement with no effect",
+ r".*: warning: expression result unused"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wunused-result',
+ 'description': 'Ignoreing return value of function',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: ignoring return value of function .+Wunused-result"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wmissing-field-initializers',
+ 'description': 'Missing initializer',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: missing initializer"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor',
+ 'description': 'Need virtual destructor',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: delete called .* has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor"]},
+ {'category': 'cont.', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
+ 'description': 'skip, near initialization for ...',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \(near initialization for '.+'\)"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wdate-time',
+ 'description': 'Expansion of data or time macro',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: expansion of date or time macro is not reproducible"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wformat',
+ 'description': 'Format string does not match arguments',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: format '.+' expects type '.+', but argument [0-9]+ has type '.+'",
+ r".*: warning: more '%' conversions than data arguments",
+ r".*: warning: data argument not used by format string",
+ r".*: warning: incomplete format specifier",
+ r".*: warning: unknown conversion type .* in format",
+ r".*: warning: format .+ expects .+ but argument .+Wformat=",
+ r".*: warning: field precision should have .+ but argument has .+Wformat",
+ r".*: warning: format specifies type .+ but the argument has .*type .+Wformat"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wformat-extra-args',
+ 'description': 'Too many arguments for format string',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: too many arguments for format"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Too many arguments in call',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: too many arguments in call to "]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wformat-invalid-specifier',
+ 'description': 'Invalid format specifier',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: invalid .+ specifier '.+'.+format-invalid-specifier"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wsign-compare',
+ 'description': 'Comparison between signed and unsigned',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned",
+ r".*: warning: comparison of promoted \~unsigned with unsigned",
+ r".*: warning: signed and unsigned type in conditional expression"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Comparison between enum and non-enum',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: enumeral and non-enumeral type in conditional expression"]},
+ {'category': 'libpng', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'libpng: zero area',
+ 'patterns': [r".*libpng warning: Ignoring attempt to set cHRM RGB triangle with zero area"]},
+ {'category': 'aapt', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'aapt: no comment for public symbol',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: No comment for public symbol .+"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wmissing-braces',
+ 'description': 'Missing braces around initializer',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: missing braces around initializer.*"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS,
+ 'description': 'No newline at end of file',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: no newline at end of file"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS,
+ 'description': 'Missing space after macro name',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: missing whitespace after the macro name"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '-Wcast-align',
+ 'description': 'Cast increases required alignment',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: cast from .* to .* increases required alignment .*"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wcast-qual',
+ 'description': 'Qualifier discarded',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: passing argument [0-9]+ of '.+' discards qualifiers from pointer target type",
+ r".*: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type",
+ r".*: warning: passing .+ to parameter of type .+ discards qualifiers",
+ r".*: warning: assigning to .+ from .+ discards qualifiers",
+ r".*: warning: initializing .+ discards qualifiers .+types-discards-qualifiers",
+ r".*: warning: return discards qualifiers from pointer target type"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wunknown-attributes',
+ 'description': 'Unknown attribute',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: unknown attribute '.+'"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wignored-attributes',
+ 'description': 'Attribute ignored',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: '_*packed_*' attribute ignored",
+ r".*: warning: attribute declaration must precede definition .+ignored-attributes"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wvisibility',
+ 'description': 'Visibility problem',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: declaration of '.+' will not be visible outside of this function"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wattributes',
+ 'description': 'Visibility mismatch',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' declared with greater visibility than the type of its field '.+'"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Shift count greater than width of type',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: (left|right) shift count >= width of type"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wextern-initializer',
+ 'description': 'extern &lt;foo&gt; is initialized',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' initialized and declared 'extern'",
+ r".*: warning: 'extern' variable has an initializer"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wold-style-declaration',
+ 'description': 'Old style declaration',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: 'static' is not at beginning of declaration"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wreturn-type',
+ 'description': 'Missing return value',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: control reaches end of non-void function"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wimplicit-int',
+ 'description': 'Implicit int type',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int'",
+ r".*: warning: type defaults to 'int' in declaration of '.+'"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wmain-return-type',
+ 'description': 'Main function should return int',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: return type of 'main' is not 'int'"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wuninitialized',
+ 'description': 'Variable may be used uninitialized',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' may be used uninitialized in this function"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH, 'option': '-Wuninitialized',
+ 'description': 'Variable is used uninitialized',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' is used uninitialized in this function",
+ r".*: warning: variable '.+' is uninitialized when used here"]},
+ {'category': 'ld', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-fshort-enums',
+ 'description': 'ld: possible enum size mismatch',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .* uses variable-size enums yet the output is to use 32-bit enums; use of enum values across objects may fail"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wpointer-sign',
+ 'description': 'Pointer targets differ in signedness',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: pointer targets in initialization differ in signedness",
+ r".*: warning: pointer targets in assignment differ in signedness",
+ r".*: warning: pointer targets in return differ in signedness",
+ r".*: warning: pointer targets in passing argument [0-9]+ of '.+' differ in signedness"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wstrict-overflow',
+ 'description': 'Assuming overflow does not occur',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: assuming signed overflow does not occur when assuming that .* is always (true|false)"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wempty-body',
+ 'description': 'Suggest adding braces around empty body',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: suggest braces around empty body in an 'if' statement",
+ r".*: warning: empty body in an if-statement",
+ r".*: warning: suggest braces around empty body in an 'else' statement",
+ r".*: warning: empty body in an else-statement"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wparentheses',
+ 'description': 'Suggest adding parentheses',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: suggest explicit braces to avoid ambiguous 'else'",
+ r".*: warning: suggest parentheses around arithmetic in operand of '.+'",
+ r".*: warning: suggest parentheses around comparison in operand of '.+'",
+ r".*: warning: logical not is only applied to the left hand side of this comparison",
+ r".*: warning: using the result of an assignment as a condition without parentheses",
+ r".*: warning: .+ has lower precedence than .+ be evaluated first .+Wparentheses",
+ r".*: warning: suggest parentheses around '.+?' .+ '.+?'",
+ r".*: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Static variable used in non-static inline function',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' is static but used in inline function '.+' which is not static"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wimplicit int',
+ 'description': 'No type or storage class (will default to int)',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: data definition has no type or storage class"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Null pointer',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Dereference of null pointer",
+ r".*: warning: Called .+ pointer is null",
+ r".*: warning: Forming reference to null pointer",
+ r".*: warning: Returning null reference",
+ r".*: warning: Null pointer passed as an argument to a 'nonnull' parameter",
+ r".*: warning: .+ results in a null pointer dereference",
+ r".*: warning: Access to .+ results in a dereference of a null pointer",
+ r".*: warning: Null pointer argument in"]},
+ {'category': 'cont.', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
+ 'description': 'skip, parameter name (without types) in function declaration',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: parameter names \(without types\) in function declaration"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wstrict-aliasing',
+ 'description': 'Dereferencing &lt;foo&gt; breaks strict aliasing rules',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: dereferencing .* break strict-aliasing rules"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wpointer-to-int-cast',
+ 'description': 'Cast from pointer to integer of different size',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size",
+ r".*: warning: initialization makes pointer from integer without a cast"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wint-to-pointer-cast',
+ 'description': 'Cast to pointer from integer of different size',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Symbol redefined',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: "".+"" redefined"]},
+ {'category': 'cont.', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
+ 'description': 'skip, ... location of the previous definition',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: this is the location of the previous definition"]},
+ {'category': 'ld', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'ld: type and size of dynamic symbol are not defined',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: type and size of dynamic symbol `.+' are not defined"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Pointer from integer without cast',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Pointer from integer without cast',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: passing argument [0-9]+ of '.+' makes pointer from integer without a cast"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Integer from pointer without cast',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Integer from pointer without cast',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: passing argument [0-9]+ of '.+' makes integer from pointer without a cast"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Integer from pointer without cast',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: return makes integer from pointer without a cast"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wunknown-pragmas',
+ 'description': 'Ignoring pragma',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: ignoring #pragma .+"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-W#pragma-messages',
+ 'description': 'Pragma warning messages',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+W#pragma-messages"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wclobbered',
+ 'description': 'Variable might be clobbered by longjmp or vfork',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: variable '.+' might be clobbered by 'longjmp' or 'vfork'"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wclobbered',
+ 'description': 'Argument might be clobbered by longjmp or vfork',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: argument '.+' might be clobbered by 'longjmp' or 'vfork'"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wredundant-decls',
+ 'description': 'Redundant declaration',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: redundant redeclaration of '.+'"]},
+ {'category': 'cont.', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
+ 'description': 'skip, previous declaration ... was here',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: previous declaration of '.+' was here"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wswitch-enum',
+ 'description': 'Enum value not handled in switch',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .*enumeration value.* not handled in switch.+Wswitch"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wuser-defined-warnings',
+ 'description': 'User defined warnings',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .* \[-Wuser-defined-warnings\]$"]},
+ {'category': 'java', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-encoding',
+ 'description': 'Java: Non-ascii characters used, but ascii encoding specified',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: unmappable character for encoding ascii"]},
+ {'category': 'java', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Java: Non-varargs call of varargs method with inexact argument type for last parameter',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: non-varargs call of varargs method with inexact argument type for last parameter"]},
+ {'category': 'java', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Java: Unchecked method invocation',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[unchecked\] unchecked method invocation: .+ in class .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Java: Unchecked conversion',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[unchecked\] unchecked conversion"]},
+ {'category': 'java', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': '_ used as an identifier',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: '_' used as an identifier"]},
+ {'category': 'java', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description': 'Use of internal proprietary API',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .* is internal proprietary API and may be removed"]},
+ # Warnings from Javac
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Java: Use of deprecated member',
+ 'patterns': [r'.*: warning: \[deprecation\] .+']},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Java: Unchecked conversion',
+ 'patterns': [r'.*: warning: \[unchecked\] .+']},
+ # Begin warnings generated by Error Prone
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.LOW,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: @Multibinds is a more efficient and declarative mechanism for ensuring that a set multibinding is present in the graph.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[EmptySetMultibindingContributions\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.LOW,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Add a private constructor to modules that will not be instantiated by Dagger.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PrivateConstructorForNoninstantiableModuleTest\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.LOW,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: @Binds is a more efficient and declarative mechanism for delegating a binding.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[UseBinds\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.LOW,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Field name is CONSTANT CASE, but field is not static and final',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ConstantField\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.LOW,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Deprecated item is not annotated with @Deprecated',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[DepAnn\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.LOW,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Prefer \'L\' to \'l\' for the suffix to long literals',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[LongLiteralLowerCaseSuffix\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.LOW,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: C-style array declarations should not be used',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MixedArrayDimensions\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.LOW,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Variable declarations should declare only one variable',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MultiVariableDeclaration\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.LOW,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Source files should not contain multiple top-level class declarations',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MultipleTopLevelClasses\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.LOW,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Package names should match the directory they are declared in',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PackageLocation\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.LOW,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Utility classes (only static members) are not designed to be instantiated and should be made noninstantiable with a default constructor.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PrivateConstructorForUtilityClass\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.LOW,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Unused imports',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[RemoveUnusedImports\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.LOW,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Unchecked exceptions do not need to be declared in the method signature.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ThrowsUncheckedException\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.LOW,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Using static imports for types is unnecessary',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[UnnecessaryStaticImport\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.LOW,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Wildcard imports, static or otherwise, should not be used',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[WildcardImport\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Subclasses of Fragment must be instantiable via Class#newInstance(): the class must be public, static and have a public nullary constructor',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FragmentNotInstantiable\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Hardcoded reference to /sdcard',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[HardCodedSdCardPath\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: @AssistedInject and @Inject should not be used on different constructors in the same class.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[AssistedInjectAndInjectOnConstructors\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Constructors on abstract classes are never directly @Injected, only the constructors of their subclasses can be @Inject\'ed.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[InjectOnConstructorOfAbstractClass\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Injection frameworks currently don\'t understand Qualifiers in TYPE PARAMETER or TYPE USE contexts.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[QualifierWithTypeUse\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: This code declares a binding for a common value type without a Qualifier annotation.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[BindingToUnqualifiedCommonType\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: This method is not annotated with @Inject, but it overrides a method that is annotated with @com.google.inject.Inject. Guice will inject this method, and it is recommended to annotate it explicitly.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[OverridesGuiceInjectableMethod\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Double-checked locking on non-volatile fields is unsafe',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[DoubleCheckedLocking\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Enums should always be immutable',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ImmutableEnumChecker\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Writes to static fields should not be guarded by instance locks',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[StaticGuardedByInstance\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Synchronizing on non-final fields is not safe: if the field is ever updated, different threads may end up locking on different objects.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[SynchronizeOnNonFinalField\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Method reference is ambiguous',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[AmbiguousMethodReference\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: A different potential argument is more similar to the name of the parameter than the existing argument; this may be an error',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ArgumentParameterMismatch\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Assertions may be disabled at runtime and do not guarantee that execution will halt here; consider throwing an exception instead',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[AssertFalse\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Classes that implement Annotation must override equals and hashCode. Consider using AutoAnnotation instead of implementing Annotation by hand.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[BadAnnotationImplementation\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Possible sign flip from narrowing conversion',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[BadComparable\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: BigDecimal(double) and BigDecimal.valueOf(double) may lose precision, prefer BigDecimal(String) or BigDecimal(long)',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[BigDecimalLiteralDouble\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: valueOf or autoboxing provides better time and space performance',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[BoxedPrimitiveConstructor\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Mockito cannot mock final classes',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[CannotMockFinalClass\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Inner class is non-static but does not reference enclosing class',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ClassCanBeStatic\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Class.newInstance() bypasses exception checking; prefer getConstructor().newInstance()',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ClassNewInstance\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Implicit use of the platform default charset, which can result in e.g. non-ASCII characters being silently replaced with \'?\' in many environments',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[DefaultCharset\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: This code, which counts elements using a loop, can be replaced by a simpler library method',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ElementsCountedInLoop\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Empty top-level type declaration',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[EmptyTopLevelDeclaration\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Classes that override equals should also override hashCode.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[EqualsHashCode\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: An equality test between objects with incompatible types always returns false',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[EqualsIncompatibleType\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: If you return or throw from a finally, then values returned or thrown from the try-catch block will be ignored. Consider using try-with-resources instead.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[Finally\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Overloads will be ambiguous when passing lambda arguments',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FunctionalInterfaceClash\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Calling getClass() on an enum may return a subclass of the enum type',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[GetClassOnEnum\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: This annotation has incompatible modifiers as specified by its @IncompatibleModifiers annotation',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[IncompatibleModifiers\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Please also override int read(byte[], int, int), otherwise multi-byte reads from this input stream are likely to be slow.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[InputStreamSlowMultibyteRead\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Class should not implement both `Iterable` and `Iterator`',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[IterableAndIterator\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Floating-point comparison without error tolerance',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JUnit3FloatingPointComparisonWithoutDelta\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Test class inherits from JUnit 3\'s TestCase but has JUnit 4 @Test annotations.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JUnitAmbiguousTestClass\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: The Google Java Style Guide requires switch statements to have an explicit default',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MissingCasesInEnumSwitch\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Not calling fail() when expecting an exception masks bugs',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MissingFail\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: method overrides method in supertype; expected @Override',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MissingOverride\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Compound assignments to bytes, shorts, chars, and floats hide dangerous casts',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NarrowingCompoundAssignment\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: This update of a volatile variable is non-atomic',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NonAtomicVolatileUpdate\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Static import of member uses non-canonical name',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NonCanonicalStaticMemberImport\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: equals method doesn\'t override Object.equals',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NonOverridingEquals\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Constructors should not be annotated with @Nullable since they cannot return null',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NullableConstructor\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: @Nullable should not be used for primitive types since they cannot be null',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NullablePrimitive\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: void-returning methods should not be annotated with @Nullable, since they cannot return null',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NullableVoid\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Use grouping parenthesis to make the operator precedence explicit',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[OperatorPrecedence\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Preconditions only accepts the %s placeholder in error message strings',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PreconditionsInvalidPlaceholder\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Passing a primitive array to a varargs method is usually wrong',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PrimitiveArrayPassedToVarargsMethod\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Protobuf fields cannot be null, so this check is redundant',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ProtoFieldPreconditionsCheckNotNull\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Thrown exception is a subtype of another',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[RedundantThrows\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Comparison using reference equality instead of value equality',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ReferenceEquality\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: This annotation is missing required modifiers as specified by its @RequiredModifiers annotation',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[RequiredModifiers\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: A static variable or method should not be accessed from an object instance',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[StaticAccessedFromInstance\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: String comparison using reference equality instead of value equality',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[StringEquality\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Truth Library assert is called on a constant.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[TruthConstantAsserts\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: An object is tested for equality to itself using Truth Libraries.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[TruthSelfEquals\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Declaring a type parameter that is only used in the return type is a misuse of generics: operations on the type parameter are unchecked, it hides unsafe casts at invocations of the method, and it interacts badly with method overload resolution.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[TypeParameterUnusedInFormals\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Unsynchronized method overrides a synchronized method.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[UnsynchronizedOverridesSynchronized\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Non-constant variable missing @Var annotation',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[Var\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Because of spurious wakeups, Object.wait() and Condition.await() must always be called in a loop',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[WaitNotInLoop\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Log tag too long, cannot exceed 23 characters.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[IsLoggableTagLength\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Certain resources in `android.R.string` have names that do not match their content',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MislabeledAndroidString\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Return value of android.graphics.Rect.intersect() must be checked',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[RectIntersectReturnValueIgnored\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Static and default methods in interfaces are not allowed in android builds.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[StaticOrDefaultInterfaceMethod\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Incompatible type as argument to Object-accepting Java collections method',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[CollectionIncompatibleType\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: @CompatibleWith\'s value is not a type argument.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[CompatibleWithAnnotationMisuse\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Passing argument to a generic method with an incompatible type.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[IncompatibleArgumentType\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Invalid printf-style format string',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FormatString\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Invalid format string passed to formatting method.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FormatStringAnnotation\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: @AssistedInject and @Inject cannot be used on the same constructor.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[AssistedInjectAndInjectOnSameConstructor\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: @AutoFactory and @Inject should not be used in the same type.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[AutoFactoryAtInject\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Injected constructors cannot be optional nor have binding annotations',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[InjectedConstructorAnnotations\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: A scoping annotation\'s Target should include TYPE and METHOD.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[InjectInvalidTargetingOnScopingAnnotation\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Abstract and default methods are not injectable with javax.inject.Inject',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JavaxInjectOnAbstractMethod\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: @javax.inject.Inject cannot be put on a final field.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JavaxInjectOnFinalField\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: This class has more than one @Inject-annotated constructor. Please remove the @Inject annotation from all but one of them.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MoreThanOneInjectableConstructor\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Using more than one qualifier annotation on the same element is not allowed.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[InjectMoreThanOneQualifier\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: A class can be annotated with at most one scope annotation.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[InjectMoreThanOneScopeAnnotationOnClass\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Annotations cannot be both Scope annotations and Qualifier annotations: this causes confusion when trying to use them.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[OverlappingQualifierAndScopeAnnotation\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Qualifier applied to a method that isn\'t a @Provides method. This method won\'t be used for dependency injection',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[QualifierOnMethodWithoutProvides\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Scope annotation on an interface or abstact class is not allowed',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[InjectScopeAnnotationOnInterfaceOrAbstractClass\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Scoping and qualifier annotations must have runtime retention.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[InjectScopeOrQualifierAnnotationRetention\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: `@Multibinds` is the new way to declare multibindings.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MultibindsInsteadOfMultibindings\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Dagger @Provides methods may not return null unless annotated with @Nullable',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[DaggerProvidesNull\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Scope annotation on implementation class of AssistedInject factory is not allowed',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[GuiceAssistedInjectScoping\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: A constructor cannot have two @Assisted parameters of the same type unless they are disambiguated with named @Assisted annotations.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[GuiceAssistedParameters\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Although Guice allows injecting final fields, doing so is disallowed because the injected value may not be visible to other threads.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[GuiceInjectOnFinalField\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: This method is not annotated with @Inject, but it overrides a method that is annotated with @javax.inject.Inject. The method will not be Injected.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[OverridesJavaxInjectableMethod\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: @Provides methods need to be declared in a Module to have any effect.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ProvidesMethodOutsideOfModule\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Checks for unguarded accesses to fields and methods with @GuardedBy annotations',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[GuardedByChecker\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Invalid @GuardedBy expression',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[GuardedByValidator\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Type declaration annotated with @Immutable is not immutable',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[Immutable\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: This method does not acquire the locks specified by its @LockMethod annotation',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[LockMethodChecker\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: This method does not acquire the locks specified by its @UnlockMethod annotation',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[UnlockMethod\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: An argument is more similar to a different parameter; the arguments may have been swapped.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ArgumentParameterSwap\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Reference equality used to compare arrays',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ArrayEquals\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: hashcode method on array does not hash array contents',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ArrayHashCode\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Calling toString on an array does not provide useful information',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ArrayToString\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Arrays.asList does not autobox primitive arrays, as one might expect.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ArraysAsListPrimitiveArray\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: AsyncCallable should not return a null Future, only a Future whose result is null.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[AsyncCallableReturnsNull\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: AsyncFunction should not return a null Future, only a Future whose result is null.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[AsyncFunctionReturnsNull\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Shift by an amount that is out of range',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[BadShiftAmount\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: The called constructor accepts a parameter with the same name and type as one of its caller\'s parameters, but its caller doesn\'t pass that parameter to it. It\'s likely that it was intended to.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ChainingConstructorIgnoresParameter\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Ignored return value of method that is annotated with @CheckReturnValue',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[CheckReturnValue\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: The source file name should match the name of the top-level class it contains',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ClassName\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: This comparison method violates the contract',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ComparisonContractViolated\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Comparison to value that is out of range for the compared type',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ComparisonOutOfRange\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Non-compile-time constant expression passed to parameter with @CompileTimeConstant type annotation.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[CompileTimeConstant\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Compile-time constant expression overflows',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ConstantOverflow\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Exception created but not thrown',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[DeadException\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Division by integer literal zero',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[DivZero\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Empty statement after if',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[EmptyIf\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: == NaN always returns false; use the isNaN methods instead',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[EqualsNaN\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Method annotated @ForOverride must be protected or package-private and only invoked from declaring class',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ForOverride\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Casting a lambda to this @FunctionalInterface can cause a behavior change from casting to a functional superinterface, which is surprising to users. Prefer decorator methods to this surprising behavior.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FunctionalInterfaceMethodChanged\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Futures.getChecked requires a checked exception type with a standard constructor.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[FuturesGetCheckedIllegalExceptionType\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Calling getClass() on an annotation may return a proxy class',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[GetClassOnAnnotation\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Calling getClass() on an object of type Class returns the Class object for java.lang.Class; you probably meant to operate on the object directly',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[GetClassOnClass\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: An object is tested for equality to itself using Guava Libraries',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[GuavaSelfEquals\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: contains() is a legacy method that is equivalent to containsValue()',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[HashtableContains\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Writing "a && a", "a || a", "a & a", or "a | a" is equivalent to "a".',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[IdentityBinaryExpression\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Modifying an immutable collection is guaranteed to throw an exception and leave the collection unmodified',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ImmutableModification\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: This method always recurses, and will cause a StackOverflowError',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[InfiniteRecursion\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: A standard cryptographic operation is used in a mode that is prone to vulnerabilities',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[InsecureCryptoUsage\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Invalid syntax used for a regular expression',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[InvalidPatternSyntax\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: The argument to Class#isInstance(Object) should not be a Class',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[IsInstanceOfClass\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: jMock tests must have a @RunWith(JMock.class) annotation, or the Mockery field must have a @Rule JUnit annotation',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JMockTestWithoutRunWithOrRuleAnnotation\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Test method will not be run; please prefix name with "test"',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JUnit3TestNotRun\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: setUp() method will not be run; Please add a @Before annotation',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JUnit4SetUpNotRun\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: tearDown() method will not be run; Please add an @After annotation',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JUnit4TearDownNotRun\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Test method will not be run; please add @Test annotation',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[JUnit4TestNotRun\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Use of "YYYY" (week year) in a date pattern without "ww" (week in year). You probably meant to use "yyyy" (year) instead.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MisusedWeekYear\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: A bug in Mockito will cause this test to fail at runtime with a ClassCastException',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MockitoCast\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Missing method call for verify(mock) here',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[MockitoUsage\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Using a collection function with itself as the argument.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ModifyingCollectionWithItself\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: @NoAllocation was specified on this method, but something was found that would trigger an allocation',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NoAllocation\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Static import of type uses non-canonical name',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NonCanonicalStaticImport\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: @CompileTimeConstant parameters should be final or effectively final',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NonFinalCompileTimeConstant\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Calling getAnnotation on an annotation that is not retained at runtime.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NonRuntimeAnnotation\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Numeric comparison using reference equality instead of value equality',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[NumericEquality\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Comparison using reference equality instead of value equality',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[OptionalEquality\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Varargs doesn\'t agree for overridden method',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[Overrides\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Declaring types inside package-info.java files is very bad form',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PackageInfo\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Literal passed as first argument to Preconditions.checkNotNull() can never be null',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PreconditionsCheckNotNull\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: First argument to `Preconditions.checkNotNull()` is a primitive rather than an object reference',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[PreconditionsCheckNotNullPrimitive\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Protobuf fields cannot be null',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ProtoFieldNullComparison\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Comparing protobuf fields of type String using reference equality',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ProtoStringFieldReferenceEquality\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Use Random.nextInt(int). Random.nextInt() % n can have negative results',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[RandomModInteger\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Check for non-whitelisted callers to RestrictedApiChecker.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[RestrictedApiChecker\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Return value of this method must be used',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ReturnValueIgnored\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Variable assigned to itself',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[SelfAssignment\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: An object is compared to itself',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[SelfComparison\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Variable compared to itself',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[SelfEquality\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: An object is tested for equality to itself',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[SelfEquals\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Comparison of a size >= 0 is always true, did you intend to check for non-emptiness?',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[SizeGreaterThanOrEqualsZero\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Calling toString on a Stream does not provide useful information',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[StreamToString\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: StringBuilder does not have a char constructor; this invokes the int constructor.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[StringBuilderInitWithChar\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Suppressing "deprecated" is probably a typo for "deprecation"',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[SuppressWarningsDeprecated\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: throwIfUnchecked(knownCheckedException) is a no-op.',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ThrowIfUncheckedKnownChecked\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Catching Throwable/Error masks failures from fail() or assert*() in the try block',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[TryFailThrowable\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Type parameter used as type qualifier',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[TypeParameterQualifier\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Non-generic methods should not be invoked with type arguments',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[UnnecessaryTypeArgument\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Instance created but never used',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[UnusedAnonymousClass\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Collection is modified in place, but the result is not used',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[UnusedCollectionModifiedInPlace\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
+ 'description':
+ 'Java: Method parameter has wrong package',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[ParameterPackage\] .+"]},
+ # End warnings generated by Error Prone
+ {'category': 'java',
+ 'severity': Severity.UNKNOWN,
+ 'description': 'Java: Unclassified/unrecognized warnings',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \[.+\] .+"]},
+ {'category': 'aapt', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'aapt: No default translation',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: string '.+' has no default translation in .*"]},
+ {'category': 'aapt', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'aapt: Missing default or required localization',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: \*\*\*\* string '.+' has no default or required localization for '.+' in .+"]},
+ {'category': 'aapt', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'aapt: String marked untranslatable, but translation exists',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: string '.+' in .* marked untranslatable but exists in locale '??_??'"]},
+ {'category': 'aapt', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'aapt: empty span in string',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: empty '.+' span found in text '.+"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Taking address of temporary',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: taking address of temporary"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Taking address of packed member',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: taking address of packed member"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Possible broken line continuation',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: backslash and newline separated by space"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wundefined-var-template',
+ 'description': 'Undefined variable template',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: instantiation of variable .* no definition is available"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wundefined-inline',
+ 'description': 'Inline function is not defined',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: inline function '.*' is not defined"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Warray-bounds',
+ 'description': 'Array subscript out of bounds',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: array subscript is above array bounds",
+ r".*: warning: Array subscript is undefined",
+ r".*: warning: array subscript is below array bounds"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Excess elements in initializer',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: excess elements in .+ initializer"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wmain',
+ 'description': 'main is usually a function',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: 'main' is usually a function"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Typedef ignored',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: 'typedef' was ignored in this declaration"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH, 'option': '-Waddress',
+ 'description': 'Address always evaluates to true',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: the address of '.+' will always evaluate as 'true'"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.FIXMENOW,
+ 'description': 'Freeing a non-heap object',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: attempt to free a non-heap object '.+'"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wchar-subscripts',
+ 'description': 'Array subscript has type char',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: array subscript .+ type 'char'.+Wchar-subscripts"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Constant too large for type',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: integer constant is too large for '.+' type"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Woverflow',
+ 'description': 'Constant too large for type, truncated',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Winteger-overflow',
+ 'description': 'Overflow in expression',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: overflow in expression; .*Winteger-overflow"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Woverflow',
+ 'description': 'Overflow in implicit constant conversion',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: overflow in implicit constant conversion"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Declaration does not declare anything',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: declaration 'class .+' does not declare anything"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wreorder',
+ 'description': 'Initialization order will be different',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' will be initialized after",
+ r".*: warning: field .+ will be initialized after .+Wreorder"]},
+ {'category': 'cont.', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
+ 'description': 'skip, ....',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+'"]},
+ {'category': 'cont.', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
+ 'description': 'skip, base ...',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: base '.+'"]},
+ {'category': 'cont.', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
+ 'description': 'skip, when initialized here',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: when initialized here"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wmissing-parameter-type',
+ 'description': 'Parameter type not specified',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: type of '.+' defaults to 'int'"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wmissing-declarations',
+ 'description': 'Missing declarations',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: declaration does not declare anything"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wmissing-noreturn',
+ 'description': 'Missing noreturn',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: function '.*' could be declared with attribute 'noreturn'"]},
+ # pylint:disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string
+ # TODO(chh): fix the backslash pylint warning.
+ {'category': 'gcc', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Invalid option for C file',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: command line option "".+"" is valid for C\+\+\/ObjC\+\+ but not for C"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'User warning',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: #warning "".+"""]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wvexing-parse',
+ 'description': 'Vexing parsing problem',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: empty parentheses interpreted as a function declaration"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wextra',
+ 'description': 'Dereferencing void*',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: dereferencing 'void \*' pointer"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Comparison of pointer and integer',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: ordered comparison of pointer with integer zero",
+ r".*: warning: .*comparison between pointer and integer"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Use of error-prone unary operator',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: use of unary operator that may be intended as compound assignment"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wwrite-strings',
+ 'description': 'Conversion of string constant to non-const char*',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to '.+'"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wstrict-prototypes',
+ 'description': 'Function declaration isn''t a prototype',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wignored-qualifiers',
+ 'description': 'Type qualifiers ignored on function return value',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: type qualifiers ignored on function return type",
+ r".*: warning: .+ type qualifier .+ has no effect .+Wignored-qualifiers"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': '&lt;foo&gt; declared inside parameter list, scope limited to this definition',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' declared inside parameter list"]},
+ {'category': 'cont.', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
+ 'description': 'skip, its scope is only this ...',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: its scope is only this definition or declaration, which is probably not what you want"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '-Wcomment',
+ 'description': 'Line continuation inside comment',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: multi-line comment"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '-Wcomment',
+ 'description': 'Comment inside comment',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: "".+"" within comment"]},
+ # Warning "value stored is never read" could be from clang-tidy or clang static analyzer.
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
+ 'description': 'clang-analyzer Value stored is never read',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Value stored to .+ is never read.*clang-analyzer-deadcode.DeadStores"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW,
+ 'description': 'Value stored is never read',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Value stored to .+ is never read"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '-Wdeprecated-declarations',
+ 'description': 'Deprecated declarations',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+ is deprecated.+deprecated-declarations"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '-Wdeprecated-register',
+ 'description': 'Deprecated register',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: 'register' storage class specifier is deprecated"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '-Wpointer-sign',
+ 'description': 'Converts between pointers to integer types with different sign',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+ converts between pointers to integer types with different sign"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS,
+ 'description': 'Extra tokens after #endif',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: extra tokens at end of #endif directive"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wenum-compare',
+ 'description': 'Comparison between different enums',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: comparison between '.+' and '.+'.+Wenum-compare"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wconversion',
+ 'description': 'Conversion may change value',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: converting negative value '.+' to '.+'",
+ r".*: warning: conversion to '.+' .+ may (alter|change)"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wconversion-null',
+ 'description': 'Converting to non-pointer type from NULL',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: converting to non-pointer type '.+' from NULL"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wsign-conversion',
+ 'description': 'Implicit sign conversion',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: implicit conversion changes signedness"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wnull-conversion',
+ 'description': 'Converting NULL to non-pointer type',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: implicit conversion of NULL constant to '.+'"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wnon-literal-null-conversion',
+ 'description': 'Zero used as null pointer',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: expression .* zero treated as a null pointer constant"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Implicit conversion changes value',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: implicit conversion .* changes value from .* to .*-conversion"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Passing NULL as non-pointer argument',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: passing NULL to non-pointer argument [0-9]+ of '.+'"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wctor-dtor-privacy',
+ 'description': 'Class seems unusable because of private ctor/dtor',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: all member functions in class '.+' are private"]},
+ # skip this next one, because it only points out some RefBase-based classes where having a private destructor is perfectly fine
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.SKIP, 'option': '-Wctor-dtor-privacy',
+ 'description': 'Class seems unusable because of private ctor/dtor',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: 'class .+' only defines a private destructor and has no friends"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wctor-dtor-privacy',
+ 'description': 'Class seems unusable because of private ctor/dtor',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: 'class .+' only defines private constructors and has no friends"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wgnu-static-float-init',
+ 'description': 'In-class initializer for static const float/double',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: in-class initializer for static data member of .+const (float|double)"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wpointer-arith',
+ 'description': 'void* used in arithmetic',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: pointer of type 'void \*' used in (arithmetic|subtraction)",
+ r".*: warning: arithmetic on .+ to void is a GNU extension.*Wpointer-arith",
+ r".*: warning: wrong type argument to increment"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wsign-promo',
+ 'description': 'Overload resolution chose to promote from unsigned or enum to signed type',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: passing '.+' chooses '.+' over '.+'.*Wsign-promo"]},
+ {'category': 'cont.', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
+ 'description': 'skip, in call to ...',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: in call to '.+'"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HIGH, 'option': '-Wextra',
+ 'description': 'Base should be explicitly initialized in copy constructor',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: base class '.+' should be explicitly initialized in the copy constructor"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'VLA has zero or negative size',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Declared variable-length array \(VLA\) has .+ size"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Return value from void function',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: 'return' with a value, in function returning void"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': 'multichar',
+ 'description': 'Multi-character character constant',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: multi-character character constant"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': 'writable-strings',
+ 'description': 'Conversion from string literal to char*',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+ does not allow conversion from string literal to 'char \*'"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '-Wextra-semi',
+ 'description': 'Extra \';\'',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: extra ';' .+extra-semi"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW,
+ 'description': 'Useless specifier',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: useless storage class specifier in empty declaration"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '-Wduplicate-decl-specifier',
+ 'description': 'Duplicate declaration specifier',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: duplicate '.+' declaration specifier"]},
+ {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW,
+ 'description': 'Duplicate logtag',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: tag \".+\" \(.+\) duplicated in .+"]},
+ {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'typedef-redefinition',
+ 'description': 'Typedef redefinition',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: redefinition of typedef '.+' is a C11 feature"]},
+ {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'gnu-designator',
+ 'description': 'GNU old-style field designator',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: use of GNU old-style field designator extension"]},
+ {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'missing-field-initializers',
+ 'description': 'Missing field initializers',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: missing field '.+' initializer"]},
+ {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'missing-braces',
+ 'description': 'Missing braces',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: suggest braces around initialization of",
+ r".*: warning: too many braces around scalar initializer .+Wmany-braces-around-scalar-init",
+ r".*: warning: braces around scalar initializer"]},
+ {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'sign-compare',
+ 'description': 'Comparison of integers of different signs',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: comparison of integers of different signs.+sign-compare"]},
+ {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'dangling-else',
+ 'description': 'Add braces to avoid dangling else',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: add explicit braces to avoid dangling else"]},
+ {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'initializer-overrides',
+ 'description': 'Initializer overrides prior initialization',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: initializer overrides prior initialization of this subobject"]},
+ {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'self-assign',
+ 'description': 'Assigning value to self',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: explicitly assigning value of .+ to itself"]},
+ {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'gnu-variable-sized-type-not-at-end',
+ 'description': 'GNU extension, variable sized type not at end',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: field '.+' with variable sized type '.+' not at the end of a struct or class"]},
+ {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'tautological-constant-out-of-range-compare',
+ 'description': 'Comparison of constant is always false/true',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: comparison of .+ is always .+Wtautological-constant-out-of-range-compare"]},
+ {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'overloaded-virtual',
+ 'description': 'Hides overloaded virtual function',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: '.+' hides overloaded virtual function"]},
+ {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'incompatible-pointer-types',
+ 'description': 'Incompatible pointer types',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: incompatible pointer types .+Wincompatible-pointer-types"]},
+ {'category': 'logtags', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'asm-operand-widths',
+ 'description': 'ASM value size does not match register size',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: value size does not match register size specified by the constraint and modifier"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'tautological-compare',
+ 'description': 'Comparison of self is always false',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: self-comparison always evaluates to false"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'constant-logical-operand',
+ 'description': 'Logical op with constant operand',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: use of logical '.+' with constant operand"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'literal-suffix',
+ 'description': 'Needs a space between literal and string macro',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: invalid suffix on literal.+ requires a space .+Wliteral-suffix"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '#warnings',
+ 'description': 'Warnings from #warning',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+-W#warnings"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': 'absolute-value',
+ 'description': 'Using float/int absolute value function with int/float argument',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: using .+ absolute value function .+ when argument is .+ type .+Wabsolute-value",
+ r".*: warning: absolute value function '.+' given .+ which may cause truncation .+Wabsolute-value"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '-Wc++11-extensions',
+ 'description': 'Using C++11 extensions',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: 'auto' type specifier is a C\+\+11 extension"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW,
+ 'description': 'Refers to implicitly defined namespace',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: using directive refers to implicitly-defined namespace .+"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.LOW, 'option': '-Winvalid-pp-token',
+ 'description': 'Invalid pp token',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: missing .+Winvalid-pp-token"]},
+ {'category': 'link', 'severity': Severity.LOW,
+ 'description': 'need glibc to link',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .* requires at runtime .* glibc .* for linking"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Operator new returns NULL',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: 'operator new' must not return NULL unless it is declared 'throw\(\)' .+"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wnull-arithmetic',
+ 'description': 'NULL used in arithmetic',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: NULL used in arithmetic",
+ r".*: warning: comparison between NULL and non-pointer"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': 'header-guard',
+ 'description': 'Misspelled header guard',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' is used as a header guard .+ followed by .+ different macro"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': 'empty-body',
+ 'description': 'Empty loop body',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+ loop has empty body"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': 'enum-conversion',
+ 'description': 'Implicit conversion from enumeration type',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type '.+'"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': 'switch',
+ 'description': 'case value not in enumerated type',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: case value not in enumerated type '.+'"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Undefined result',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: The result of .+ is undefined",
+ r".*: warning: passing an object that .+ has undefined behavior \[-Wvarargs\]",
+ r".*: warning: 'this' pointer cannot be null in well-defined C\+\+ code;",
+ r".*: warning: shifting a negative signed value is undefined"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Division by zero',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Division by zero"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Use of deprecated method',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' is deprecated .+"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Use of garbage or uninitialized value',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+ is a garbage value",
+ r".*: warning: Function call argument is an uninitialized value",
+ r".*: warning: Undefined or garbage value returned to caller",
+ r".*: warning: Called .+ pointer is.+uninitialized",
+ r".*: warning: Called .+ pointer is.+uninitalized", # match a typo in compiler message
+ r".*: warning: Use of zero-allocated memory",
+ r".*: warning: Dereference of undefined pointer value",
+ r".*: warning: Passed-by-value .+ contains uninitialized data",
+ r".*: warning: Branch condition evaluates to a garbage value",
+ r".*: warning: The .+ of .+ is an uninitialized value.",
+ r".*: warning: .+ is used uninitialized whenever .+sometimes-uninitialized",
+ r".*: warning: Assigned value is garbage or undefined"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Result of malloc type incompatible with sizeof operand type',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Result of '.+' is converted to .+ incompatible with sizeof operand type"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wsizeof-array-argument',
+ 'description': 'Sizeof on array argument',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: sizeof on array function parameter will return"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wsizeof-pointer-memacces',
+ 'description': 'Bad argument size of memory access functions',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+\[-Wsizeof-pointer-memaccess\]"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Return value not checked',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: The return value from .+ is not checked"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Possible heap pollution',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .*Possible heap pollution from .+ type .+"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Allocation size of 0 byte',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Call to .+ has an allocation size of 0 byte"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Result of malloc type incompatible with sizeof operand type',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Result of '.+' is converted to .+ incompatible with sizeof operand type"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wfor-loop-analysis',
+ 'description': 'Variable used in loop condition not modified in loop body',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: variable '.+' used in loop condition.*Wfor-loop-analysis"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
+ 'description': 'Closing a previously closed file',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Closing a previously closed file"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM, 'option': '-Wunnamed-type-template-args',
+ 'description': 'Unnamed template type argument',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: template argument.+Wunnamed-type-template-args"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS,
+ 'description': 'Discarded qualifier from pointer target type',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+ discards '.+' qualifier from pointer target type"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS,
+ 'description': 'Use snprintf instead of sprintf',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .*sprintf is often misused; please use snprintf"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS,
+ 'description': 'Unsupported optimizaton flag',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: optimization flag '.+' is not supported"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS,
+ 'description': 'Extra or missing parentheses',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses",
+ r".*: warning: .+ within .+Wlogical-op-parentheses"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS, 'option': 'mismatched-tags',
+ 'description': 'Mismatched class vs struct tags',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: '.+' defined as a .+ here but previously declared as a .+mismatched-tags",
+ r".*: warning: .+ was previously declared as a .+mismatched-tags"]},
+ {'category': 'FindEmulator', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS,
+ 'description': 'FindEmulator: No such file or directory',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: FindEmulator: .* No such file or directory"]},
+ {'category': 'google_tests', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS,
+ 'description': 'google_tests: unknown installed file',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .*_tests: Unknown installed file for module"]},
+ {'category': 'make', 'severity': Severity.HARMLESS,
+ 'description': 'unusual tags debug eng',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .*: unusual tags debug eng"]},
+ # these next ones are to deal with formatting problems resulting from the log being mixed up by 'make -j'
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
+ 'description': 'skip, ,',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: ,$"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
+ 'description': 'skip,',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: $"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
+ 'description': 'skip, In file included from ...',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: In file included from .+,"]},
+ # warnings from clang-tidy
+ group_tidy_warn_pattern('cert'),
+ group_tidy_warn_pattern('clang-diagnostic'),
+ group_tidy_warn_pattern('cppcoreguidelines'),
+ group_tidy_warn_pattern('llvm'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('google-default-arguments'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('google-runtime-int'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('google-runtime-operator'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('google-runtime-references'),
+ group_tidy_warn_pattern('google-build'),
+ group_tidy_warn_pattern('google-explicit'),
+ group_tidy_warn_pattern('google-redability'),
+ group_tidy_warn_pattern('google-global'),
+ group_tidy_warn_pattern('google-redability'),
+ group_tidy_warn_pattern('google-redability'),
+ group_tidy_warn_pattern('google'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-explicit-conversions'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-function-size'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-invalid-access-moved'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-member-init'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-delete-operators'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-special-member-functions'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-use-equals-default'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-use-equals-delete'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-no-assembler'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-noexcept-move'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp-use-override'),
+ group_tidy_warn_pattern('hicpp'),
+ group_tidy_warn_pattern('modernize'),
+ group_tidy_warn_pattern('misc'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('performance-faster-string-find'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('performance-for-range-copy'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('performance-implicit-cast-in-loop'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('performance-inefficient-string-concatenation'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('performance-type-promotion-in-math-fn'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization'),
+ simple_tidy_warn_pattern('performance-unnecessary-value-param'),
+ group_tidy_warn_pattern('performance'),
+ group_tidy_warn_pattern('readability'),
+ # warnings from clang-tidy's clang-analyzer checks
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
+ 'description': 'clang-analyzer Unreachable code',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: This statement is never executed.*UnreachableCode"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
+ 'description': 'clang-analyzer Size of malloc may overflow',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .* size of .* may overflow .*MallocOverflow"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
+ 'description': 'clang-analyzer Stream pointer might be NULL',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Stream pointer might be NULL .*unix.Stream"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
+ 'description': 'clang-analyzer Opened file never closed',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Opened File never closed.*unix.Stream"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
+ 'description': 'clang-analyzer sozeof() on a pointer type',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .*calls sizeof.* on a pointer type.*SizeofPtr"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
+ 'description': 'clang-analyzer Pointer arithmetic on non-array variables',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Pointer arithmetic on non-array variables .*PointerArithm"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
+ 'description': 'clang-analyzer Subtraction of pointers of different memory chunks',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Subtraction of two pointers .*PointerSub"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
+ 'description': 'clang-analyzer Access out-of-bound array element',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Access out-of-bound array element .*ArrayBound"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
+ 'description': 'clang-analyzer Out of bound memory access',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Out of bound memory access .*ArrayBoundV2"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
+ 'description': 'clang-analyzer Possible lock order reversal',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .* Possible lock order reversal.*PthreadLock"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
+ 'description': 'clang-analyzer Argument is a pointer to uninitialized value',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .* argument is a pointer to uninitialized value .*CallAndMessage"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
+ 'description': 'clang-analyzer cast to struct',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Casting a non-structure type to a structure type .*CastToStruct"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
+ 'description': 'clang-analyzer call path problems',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Call Path : .+"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
+ 'description': 'clang-analyzer excessive padding',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: Excessive padding in '.*'"]},
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.ANALYZER,
+ 'description': 'clang-analyzer other',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: .+\[clang-analyzer-.+\]$",
+ r".*: Call Path : .+$"]},
+ # catch-all for warnings this script doesn't know about yet
+ {'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.UNKNOWN,
+ 'description': 'Unclassified/unrecognized warnings',
+ 'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+"]},
+def project_name_and_pattern(name, pattern):
+ return [name, '(^|.*/)' + pattern + '/.*: warning:']
+def simple_project_pattern(pattern):
+ return project_name_and_pattern(pattern, pattern)
+# A list of [project_name, file_path_pattern].
+# project_name should not contain comma, to be used in CSV output.
+project_list = [
+ simple_project_pattern('art'),
+ simple_project_pattern('bionic'),
+ simple_project_pattern('bootable'),
+ simple_project_pattern('build'),
+ simple_project_pattern('cts'),
+ simple_project_pattern('dalvik'),
+ simple_project_pattern('developers'),
+ simple_project_pattern('development'),
+ simple_project_pattern('device'),
+ simple_project_pattern('doc'),
+ # match external/google* before external/
+ project_name_and_pattern('external/google', 'external/google.*'),
+ project_name_and_pattern('external/non-google', 'external'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/camera'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/cmds'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/drm'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/include'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/media/common_time'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/media/img_utils'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/media/libcpustats'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/media/libeffects'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/media/libmediaplayerservice'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/media/libmedia'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/media/libstagefright'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/media/mtp'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/media/ndk'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/media/utils'),
+ project_name_and_pattern('frameworks/av/media/Other',
+ 'frameworks/av/media'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/radio'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/services'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/av/soundtrigger'),
+ project_name_and_pattern('frameworks/av/Other', 'frameworks/av'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/cmds'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/core'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/drm'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/media'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/libs'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/native'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/packages'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/rs'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/services'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/tests'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/base/tools'),
+ project_name_and_pattern('frameworks/base/Other', 'frameworks/base'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/compile/libbcc'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/compile/mclinker'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/compile/slang'),
+ project_name_and_pattern('frameworks/compile/Other', 'frameworks/compile'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/minikin'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/ml'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/native/cmds'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/native/include'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/native/libs'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/native/opengl'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/native/services'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/native/vulkan'),
+ project_name_and_pattern('frameworks/native/Other', 'frameworks/native'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/opt'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/rs'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/webview'),
+ simple_project_pattern('frameworks/wilhelm'),
+ project_name_and_pattern('frameworks/Other', 'frameworks'),
+ simple_project_pattern('hardware/akm'),
+ simple_project_pattern('hardware/broadcom'),
+ simple_project_pattern('hardware/google'),
+ simple_project_pattern('hardware/intel'),
+ simple_project_pattern('hardware/interfaces'),
+ simple_project_pattern('hardware/libhardware'),
+ simple_project_pattern('hardware/libhardware_legacy'),
+ simple_project_pattern('hardware/qcom'),
+ simple_project_pattern('hardware/ril'),
+ project_name_and_pattern('hardware/Other', 'hardware'),
+ simple_project_pattern('kernel'),
+ simple_project_pattern('libcore'),
+ simple_project_pattern('libnativehelper'),
+ simple_project_pattern('ndk'),
+ # match vendor/unbungled_google/packages before other packages
+ simple_project_pattern('unbundled_google'),
+ simple_project_pattern('packages'),
+ simple_project_pattern('pdk'),
+ simple_project_pattern('prebuilts'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/bt'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/connectivity'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/core/adb'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/core/base'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/core/debuggerd'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/core/fastboot'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/core/fingerprintd'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/core/fs_mgr'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/core/gatekeeperd'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/core/healthd'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/core/include'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/core/init'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/core/libbacktrace'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/core/liblog'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/core/libpixelflinger'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/core/libprocessgroup'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/core/libsysutils'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/core/logcat'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/core/logd'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/core/run-as'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/core/sdcard'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/core/toolbox'),
+ project_name_and_pattern('system/core/Other', 'system/core'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/extras/ANRdaemon'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/extras/cpustats'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/extras/crypto-perf'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/extras/ext4_utils'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/extras/f2fs_utils'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/extras/iotop'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/extras/libfec'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/extras/memory_replay'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/extras/micro_bench'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/extras/mmap-perf'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/extras/multinetwork'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/extras/perfprofd'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/extras/procrank'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/extras/runconuid'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/extras/showmap'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/extras/simpleperf'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/extras/su'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/extras/tests'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/extras/verity'),
+ project_name_and_pattern('system/extras/Other', 'system/extras'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/gatekeeper'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/keymaster'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/libhidl'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/libhwbinder'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/media'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/netd'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/nvram'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/security'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/sepolicy'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/tools'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/update_engine'),
+ simple_project_pattern('system/vold'),
+ project_name_and_pattern('system/Other', 'system'),
+ simple_project_pattern('toolchain'),
+ simple_project_pattern('test'),
+ simple_project_pattern('tools'),
+ # match vendor/google* before vendor/
+ project_name_and_pattern('vendor/google', 'vendor/google.*'),
+ project_name_and_pattern('vendor/non-google', 'vendor'),
+ # keep out/obj and other patterns at the end.
+ ['out/obj',
+ '.*/(gen|obj[^/]*)/(include|EXECUTABLES|SHARED_LIBRARIES|'
+ ['other', '.*'] # all other unrecognized patterns
+project_patterns = []
+project_names = []
+warning_messages = []
+warning_records = []
+def initialize_arrays():
+ """Complete global arrays before they are used."""
+ #pylint:disable=global-statement
+ global project_names, project_patterns
+ project_names = [p[0] for p in project_list]
+ project_patterns = [re.compile(p[1]) for p in project_list]
+ for w in warn_patterns:
+ w['members'] = []
+ if 'option' not in w:
+ w['option'] = ''
+ # Each warning pattern has a 'projects' dictionary, that
+ # maps a project name to number of warnings in that project.
+ w['projects'] = {}
+android_root = ''
+platform_version = 'unknown'
+target_product = 'unknown'
+target_variant = 'unknown'
+##### Data and functions to dump html file. ##################################
+html_head_scripts = """\
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ function expand(id) {
+ var e = document.getElementById(id);
+ var f = document.getElementById(id + "_mark");
+ if (e.style.display == 'block') {
+ e.style.display = 'none';
+ f.innerHTML = '&#x2295';
+ }
+ else {
+ e.style.display = 'block';
+ f.innerHTML = '&#x2296';
+ }
+ };
+ function expandCollapse(show) {
+ for (var id = 1; ; id++) {
+ var e = document.getElementById(id + "");
+ var f = document.getElementById(id + "_mark");
+ if (!e || !f) break;
+ e.style.display = (show ? 'block' : 'none');
+ f.innerHTML = (show ? '&#x2296' : '&#x2295');
+ }
+ };
+ </script>
+ <style type="text/css">
+ th,td{border-collapse:collapse; border:1px solid black;}
+ .button{color:blue;font-size:110%;font-weight:bolder;}
+ .bt{color:black;background-color:transparent;border:none;outline:none;
+ font-size:140%;font-weight:bolder;}
+ .c0{background-color:#e0e0e0;}
+ .c1{background-color:#d0d0d0;}
+ .t1{border-collapse:collapse; width:100%; border:1px solid black;}
+ </style>
+ <script src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>
+def html_big(param):
+ return '<font size="+2">' + param + '</font>'
+def dump_html_prologue(title):
+ print ('<html>\n<head>')
+ print ('<title>' + title + '</title>')
+ print (html_head_scripts)
+ emit_stats_by_project()
+ print ('</head>\n<body>')
+ print (html_big(title))
+ print ('<p>')
+def dump_html_epilogue():
+ print ('</body>\n</head>\n</html>')
+def sort_warnings():
+ for i in warn_patterns:
+ i['members'] = sorted(set(i['members']))
+def emit_stats_by_project():
+ """Dump a google chart table of warnings per project and severity."""
+ # warnings[p][s] is number of warnings in project p of severity s.
+ warnings = {p: {s: 0 for s in Severity.range} for p in project_names}
+ for i in warn_patterns:
+ s = i['severity']
+ for p in i['projects']:
+ warnings[p][s] += i['projects'][p]
+ # total_by_project[p] is number of warnings in project p.
+ total_by_project = {p: sum(warnings[p][s] for s in Severity.range)
+ for p in project_names}
+ # total_by_severity[s] is number of warnings of severity s.
+ total_by_severity = {s: sum(warnings[p][s] for p in project_names)
+ for s in Severity.range}
+ # emit table header
+ stats_header = ['Project']
+ for s in Severity.range:
+ if total_by_severity[s]:
+ stats_header.append("<span style='background-color:{}'>{}</span>".
+ format(Severity.colors[s],
+ Severity.column_headers[s]))
+ stats_header.append('TOTAL')
+ # emit a row of warning counts per project, skip no-warning projects
+ total_all_projects = 0
+ stats_rows = []
+ for p in project_names:
+ if total_by_project[p]:
+ one_row = [p]
+ for s in Severity.range:
+ if total_by_severity[s]:
+ one_row.append(warnings[p][s])
+ one_row.append(total_by_project[p])
+ stats_rows.append(one_row)
+ total_all_projects += total_by_project[p]
+ # emit a row of warning counts per severity
+ # pylint:disable=unused-variable
+ total_all_severities = 0
+ one_row = ['<b>TOTAL</b>']
+ for s in Severity.range:
+ if total_by_severity[s]:
+ one_row.append(total_by_severity[s])
+ total_all_severities += total_by_severity[s]
+ one_row.append(total_all_projects)
+ stats_rows.append(one_row)
+ print ('<script>')
+ emit_const_string_array('StatsHeader', stats_header)
+ emit_const_object_array('StatsRows', stats_rows)
+ print (draw_table_javascript)
+ print ('</script>')
+def dump_stats():
+ """Dump some stats about total number of warnings and such."""
+ known = 0
+ skipped = 0
+ unknown = 0
+ sort_warnings()
+ for i in warn_patterns:
+ if i['severity'] == Severity.UNKNOWN:
+ unknown += len(i['members'])
+ elif i['severity'] == Severity.SKIP:
+ skipped += len(i['members'])
+ else:
+ known += len(i['members'])
+ print ('Number of classified warnings: <b>' + str(known) + '</b><br>')
+ print ('Number of skipped warnings: <b>' + str(skipped) + '</b><br>')
+ print ('Number of unclassified warnings: <b>' + str(unknown) + '</b><br>')
+ total = unknown + known + skipped
+ extra_msg = ''
+ if total < 1000:
+ extra_msg = ' (low count may indicate incremental build)'
+ print ('Total number of warnings: <b>' + str(total) + '</b>' + extra_msg)
+# New base table of warnings, [severity, warn_id, project, warning_message]
+# Need buttons to show warnings in different grouping options.
+# (1) Current, group by severity, id for each warning pattern
+# sort by severity, warn_id, warning_message
+# (2) Current --byproject, group by severity,
+# id for each warning pattern + project name
+# sort by severity, warn_id, project, warning_message
+# (3) New, group by project + severity,
+# id for each warning pattern
+# sort by project, severity, warn_id, warning_message
+def emit_buttons():
+ print ('<button class="button" onclick="expandCollapse(1);">'
+ 'Expand all warnings</button>\n'
+ '<button class="button" onclick="expandCollapse(0);">'
+ 'Collapse all warnings</button>\n'
+ '<button class="button" onclick="groupBySeverity();">'
+ 'Group warnings by severity</button>\n'
+ '<button class="button" onclick="groupByProject();">'
+ 'Group warnings by project</button><br>')
+def all_patterns(category):
+ patterns = ''
+ for i in category['patterns']:
+ patterns += i
+ patterns += ' / '
+ return patterns
+def dump_fixed():
+ """Show which warnings no longer occur."""
+ anchor = 'fixed_warnings'
+ mark = anchor + '_mark'
+ print ('\n<br><p style="background-color:lightblue"><b>'
+ '<button id="' + mark + '" '
+ 'class="bt" onclick="expand(\'' + anchor + '\');">'
+ '&#x2295</button> Fixed warnings. '
+ 'No more occurrences. Please consider turning these into '
+ 'errors if possible, before they are reintroduced in to the build'
+ ':</b></p>')
+ print ('<blockquote>')
+ fixed_patterns = []
+ for i in warn_patterns:
+ if not i['members']:
+ fixed_patterns.append(i['description'] + ' (' +
+ all_patterns(i) + ')')
+ if i['option']:
+ fixed_patterns.append(' ' + i['option'])
+ fixed_patterns.sort()
+ print ('<div id="' + anchor + '" style="display:none;"><table>')
+ cur_row_class = 0
+ for text in fixed_patterns:
+ cur_row_class = 1 - cur_row_class
+ # remove last '\n'
+ t = text[:-1] if text[-1] == '\n' else text
+ print ('<tr><td class="c' + str(cur_row_class) + '">' + t + '</td></tr>')
+ print ('</table></div>')
+ print ('</blockquote>')
+def find_project_index(line):
+ for p in range(len(project_patterns)):
+ if project_patterns[p].match(line):
+ return p
+ return -1
+def classify_one_warning(line, results):
+ for i in range(len(warn_patterns)):
+ w = warn_patterns[i]
+ for cpat in w['compiled_patterns']:
+ if cpat.match(line):
+ p = find_project_index(line)
+ results.append([line, i, p])
+ return
+ else:
+ # If we end up here, there was a problem parsing the log
+ # probably caused by 'make -j' mixing the output from
+ # 2 or more concurrent compiles
+ pass
+def classify_warnings(lines):
+ results = []
+ for line in lines:
+ classify_one_warning(line, results)
+ # After the main work, ignore all other signals to a child process,
+ # to avoid bad warning/error messages from the exit clean-up process.
+ if args.processes > 1:
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda *args: sys.exit(-signal.SIGTERM))
+ return results
+def parallel_classify_warnings(warning_lines):
+ """Classify all warning lines with num_cpu parallel processes."""
+ compile_patterns()
+ num_cpu = args.processes
+ if num_cpu > 1:
+ groups = [[] for x in range(num_cpu)]
+ i = 0
+ for x in warning_lines:
+ groups[i].append(x)
+ i = (i + 1) % num_cpu
+ pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_cpu)
+ group_results = pool.map(classify_warnings, groups)
+ else:
+ group_results = [classify_warnings(warning_lines)]
+ for result in group_results:
+ for line, pattern_idx, project_idx in result:
+ pattern = warn_patterns[pattern_idx]
+ pattern['members'].append(line)
+ message_idx = len(warning_messages)
+ warning_messages.append(line)
+ warning_records.append([pattern_idx, project_idx, message_idx])
+ pname = '???' if project_idx < 0 else project_names[project_idx]
+ # Count warnings by project.
+ if pname in pattern['projects']:
+ pattern['projects'][pname] += 1
+ else:
+ pattern['projects'][pname] = 1
+def compile_patterns():
+ """Precompiling every pattern speeds up parsing by about 30x."""
+ for i in warn_patterns:
+ i['compiled_patterns'] = []
+ for pat in i['patterns']:
+ i['compiled_patterns'].append(re.compile(pat))
+def find_android_root(path):
+ """Set and return android_root path if it is found."""
+ # pylint:disable=global-statement
+ global android_root
+ parts = path.split('/')
+ for idx in reversed(range(2, len(parts))):
+ root_path = '/'.join(parts[:idx])
+ # Android root directory should contain this script.
+ if os.path.exists(root_path + '/build/tools/warn.py'):
+ android_root = root_path
+ return root_path
+ return ''
+def remove_android_root_prefix(path):
+ """Remove android_root prefix from path if it is found."""
+ if path.startswith(android_root):
+ return path[1 + len(android_root):]
+ else:
+ return path
+def normalize_path(path):
+ """Normalize file path relative to android_root."""
+ # If path is not an absolute path, just normalize it.
+ path = os.path.normpath(path)
+ if path[0] != '/':
+ return path
+ # Remove known prefix of root path and normalize the suffix.
+ if android_root or find_android_root(path):
+ return remove_android_root_prefix(path)
+ else:
+ return path
+def normalize_warning_line(line):
+ """Normalize file path relative to android_root in a warning line."""
+ # replace fancy quotes with plain ol' quotes
+ line = line.replace('‘', "'")
+ line = line.replace('’', "'")
+ line = line.strip()
+ first_column = line.find(':')
+ if first_column > 0:
+ return normalize_path(line[:first_column]) + line[first_column:]
+ else:
+ return line
+def parse_input_file(infile):
+ """Parse input file, collect parameters and warning lines."""
+ # pylint:disable=global-statement
+ global android_root
+ # pylint:disable=global-statement
+ global platform_version
+ # pylint:disable=global-statement
+ global target_product
+ # pylint:disable=global-statement
+ global target_variant
+ line_counter = 0
+ # handle only warning messages with a file path
+ warning_pattern = re.compile('^[^ ]*/[^ ]*: warning: .*')
+ # Collect all warnings into the warning_lines set.
+ warning_lines = set()
+ for line in infile:
+ if warning_pattern.match(line):
+ line = normalize_warning_line(line)
+ warning_lines.add(line)
+ elif line_counter < 100:
+ # save a little bit of time by only doing this for the first few lines
+ line_counter += 1
+ m = re.search('(?<=^PLATFORM_VERSION=).*', line)
+ if m is not None:
+ platform_version = m.group(0)
+ m = re.search('(?<=^TARGET_PRODUCT=).*', line)
+ if m is not None:
+ target_product = m.group(0)
+ m = re.search('(?<=^TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=).*', line)
+ if m is not None:
+ target_variant = m.group(0)
+ m = re.search('.* TOP=([^ ]*) .*', line)
+ if m is not None:
+ android_root = m.group(1)
+ return warning_lines
+# Return s with escaped backslash and quotation characters.
+def escape_string(s):
+ return s.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')
+# Return s without trailing '\n' and escape the quotation characters.
+def strip_escape_string(s):
+ if not s:
+ return s
+ s = s[:-1] if s[-1] == '\n' else s
+ return escape_string(s)
+def emit_warning_array(name):
+ print ('var warning_{} = ['.format(name))
+ for i in range(len(warn_patterns)):
+ print ('{},'.format(warn_patterns[i][name]))
+ print ('];')
+def emit_warning_arrays():
+ emit_warning_array('severity')
+ print ('var warning_description = [')
+ for i in range(len(warn_patterns)):
+ if warn_patterns[i]['members']:
+ print ('"{}",'.format(escape_string(warn_patterns[i]['description'])))
+ else:
+ print ('"",') # no such warning
+ print ('];')
+scripts_for_warning_groups = """
+ function compareMessages(x1, x2) { // of the same warning type
+ return (WarningMessages[x1[2]] <= WarningMessages[x2[2]]) ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ function byMessageCount(x1, x2) {
+ return x2[2] - x1[2]; // reversed order
+ }
+ function bySeverityMessageCount(x1, x2) {
+ // orer by severity first
+ if (x1[1] != x2[1])
+ return x1[1] - x2[1];
+ return byMessageCount(x1, x2);
+ }
+ const ParseLinePattern = /^([^ :]+):(\\d+):(.+)/;
+ function addURL(line) {
+ if (FlagURL == "") return line;
+ if (FlagSeparator == "") {
+ return line.replace(ParseLinePattern,
+ "<a target='_blank' href='" + FlagURL + "/$1'>$1</a>:$2:$3");
+ }
+ return line.replace(ParseLinePattern,
+ "<a target='_blank' href='" + FlagURL + "/$1" + FlagSeparator +
+ "$2'>$1:$2</a>:$3");
+ }
+ function createArrayOfDictionaries(n) {
+ var result = [];
+ for (var i=0; i<n; i++) result.push({});
+ return result;
+ }
+ function groupWarningsBySeverity() {
+ // groups is an array of dictionaries,
+ // each dictionary maps from warning type to array of warning messages.
+ var groups = createArrayOfDictionaries(SeverityColors.length);
+ for (var i=0; i<Warnings.length; i++) {
+ var w = Warnings[i][0];
+ var s = WarnPatternsSeverity[w];
+ var k = w.toString();
+ if (!(k in groups[s]))
+ groups[s][k] = [];
+ groups[s][k].push(Warnings[i]);
+ }
+ return groups;
+ }
+ function groupWarningsByProject() {
+ var groups = createArrayOfDictionaries(ProjectNames.length);
+ for (var i=0; i<Warnings.length; i++) {
+ var w = Warnings[i][0];
+ var p = Warnings[i][1];
+ var k = w.toString();
+ if (!(k in groups[p]))
+ groups[p][k] = [];
+ groups[p][k].push(Warnings[i]);
+ }
+ return groups;
+ }
+ var GlobalAnchor = 0;
+ function createWarningSection(header, color, group) {
+ var result = "";
+ var groupKeys = [];
+ var totalMessages = 0;
+ for (var k in group) {
+ totalMessages += group[k].length;
+ groupKeys.push([k, WarnPatternsSeverity[parseInt(k)], group[k].length]);
+ }
+ groupKeys.sort(bySeverityMessageCount);
+ for (var idx=0; idx<groupKeys.length; idx++) {
+ var k = groupKeys[idx][0];
+ var messages = group[k];
+ var w = parseInt(k);
+ var wcolor = SeverityColors[WarnPatternsSeverity[w]];
+ var description = WarnPatternsDescription[w];
+ if (description.length == 0)
+ description = "???";
+ GlobalAnchor += 1;
+ result += "<table class='t1'><tr bgcolor='" + wcolor + "'><td>" +
+ "<button class='bt' id='" + GlobalAnchor + "_mark" +
+ "' onclick='expand(\\"" + GlobalAnchor + "\\");'>" +
+ "&#x2295</button> " +
+ description + " (" + messages.length + ")</td></tr></table>";
+ result += "<div id='" + GlobalAnchor +
+ "' style='display:none;'><table class='t1'>";
+ var c = 0;
+ messages.sort(compareMessages);
+ for (var i=0; i<messages.length; i++) {
+ result += "<tr><td class='c" + c + "'>" +
+ addURL(WarningMessages[messages[i][2]]) + "</td></tr>";
+ c = 1 - c;
+ }
+ result += "</table></div>";
+ }
+ if (result.length > 0) {
+ return "<br><span style='background-color:" + color + "'><b>" +
+ header + ": " + totalMessages +
+ "</b></span><blockquote><table class='t1'>" +
+ result + "</table></blockquote>";
+ }
+ return ""; // empty section
+ }
+ function generateSectionsBySeverity() {
+ var result = "";
+ var groups = groupWarningsBySeverity();
+ for (s=0; s<SeverityColors.length; s++) {
+ result += createWarningSection(SeverityHeaders[s], SeverityColors[s], groups[s]);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ function generateSectionsByProject() {
+ var result = "";
+ var groups = groupWarningsByProject();
+ for (i=0; i<groups.length; i++) {
+ result += createWarningSection(ProjectNames[i], 'lightgrey', groups[i]);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ function groupWarnings(generator) {
+ GlobalAnchor = 0;
+ var e = document.getElementById("warning_groups");
+ e.innerHTML = generator();
+ }
+ function groupBySeverity() {
+ groupWarnings(generateSectionsBySeverity);
+ }
+ function groupByProject() {
+ groupWarnings(generateSectionsByProject);
+ }
+# Emit a JavaScript const string
+def emit_const_string(name, value):
+ print ('const ' + name + ' = "' + escape_string(value) + '";')
+# Emit a JavaScript const integer array.
+def emit_const_int_array(name, array):
+ print ('const ' + name + ' = [')
+ for n in array:
+ print (str(n) + ',')
+ print ('];')
+# Emit a JavaScript const string array.
+def emit_const_string_array(name, array):
+ print ('const ' + name + ' = [')
+ for s in array:
+ print ('"' + strip_escape_string(s) + '",')
+ print ('];')
+# Emit a JavaScript const object array.
+def emit_const_object_array(name, array):
+ print ('const ' + name + ' = [')
+ for x in array:
+ print (str(x) + ',')
+ print ('];')
+def emit_js_data():
+ """Dump dynamic HTML page's static JavaScript data."""
+ emit_const_string('FlagURL', args.url if args.url else '')
+ emit_const_string('FlagSeparator', args.separator if args.separator else '')
+ emit_const_string_array('SeverityColors', Severity.colors)
+ emit_const_string_array('SeverityHeaders', Severity.headers)
+ emit_const_string_array('SeverityColumnHeaders', Severity.column_headers)
+ emit_const_string_array('ProjectNames', project_names)
+ emit_const_int_array('WarnPatternsSeverity',
+ [w['severity'] for w in warn_patterns])
+ emit_const_string_array('WarnPatternsDescription',
+ [w['description'] for w in warn_patterns])
+ emit_const_string_array('WarnPatternsOption',
+ [w['option'] for w in warn_patterns])
+ emit_const_string_array('WarningMessages', warning_messages)
+ emit_const_object_array('Warnings', warning_records)
+draw_table_javascript = """
+google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['table']});
+function drawTable() {
+ var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
+ data.addColumn('string', StatsHeader[0]);
+ for (var i=1; i<StatsHeader.length; i++) {
+ data.addColumn('number', StatsHeader[i]);
+ }
+ data.addRows(StatsRows);
+ for (var i=0; i<StatsRows.length; i++) {
+ for (var j=0; j<StatsHeader.length; j++) {
+ data.setProperty(i, j, 'style', 'border:1px solid black;');
+ }
+ }
+ var table = new google.visualization.Table(document.getElementById('stats_table'));
+ table.draw(data, {allowHtml: true, alternatingRowStyle: true});
+def dump_html():
+ """Dump the html output to stdout."""
+ dump_html_prologue('Warnings for ' + platform_version + ' - ' +
+ target_product + ' - ' + target_variant)
+ dump_stats()
+ print ('<br><div id="stats_table"></div><br>')
+ print ('\n<script>')
+ emit_js_data()
+ print (scripts_for_warning_groups)
+ print ('</script>')
+ emit_buttons()
+ # Warning messages are grouped by severities or project names.
+ print ('<br><div id="warning_groups"></div>')
+ if args.byproject:
+ print ('<script>groupByProject();</script>')
+ else:
+ print ('<script>groupBySeverity();</script>')
+ dump_fixed()
+ dump_html_epilogue()
+##### Functions to count warnings and dump csv file. #########################
+def description_for_csv(category):
+ if not category['description']:
+ return '?'
+ return category['description']
+def count_severity(writer, sev, kind):
+ """Count warnings of given severity."""
+ total = 0
+ for i in warn_patterns:
+ if i['severity'] == sev and i['members']:
+ n = len(i['members'])
+ total += n
+ warning = kind + ': ' + description_for_csv(i)
+ writer.writerow([n, '', warning])
+ # print number of warnings for each project, ordered by project name.
+ projects = i['projects'].keys()
+ projects.sort()
+ for p in projects:
+ writer.writerow([i['projects'][p], p, warning])
+ writer.writerow([total, '', kind + ' warnings'])
+ return total
+# dump number of warnings in csv format to stdout
+def dump_csv(writer):
+ """Dump number of warnings in csv format to stdout."""
+ sort_warnings()
+ total = 0
+ for s in Severity.range:
+ total += count_severity(writer, s, Severity.column_headers[s])
+ writer.writerow([total, '', 'All warnings'])
+def main():
+ warning_lines = parse_input_file(open(args.buildlog, 'r'))
+ parallel_classify_warnings(warning_lines)
+ # If a user pases a csv path, save the fileoutput to the path
+ # If the user also passed gencsv write the output to stdout
+ # If the user did not pass gencsv flag dump the html report to stdout.
+ if args.csvpath:
+ with open(args.csvpath, 'w') as f:
+ dump_csv(csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n'))
+ if args.gencsv:
+ dump_csv(csv.writer(sys.stdout, lineterminator='\n'))
+ else:
+ dump_html()
+# Run main function if warn.py is the main program.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/clang_tidy/clang_tidy_execute.py b/clang_tidy/clang_tidy_execute.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ec49b922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang_tidy/clang_tidy_execute.py
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""For executing subcommands."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import signal
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import threading
+class ExecOutput(object):
+ """The results of any Execute operation.
+ Attributes:
+ returncode: The return code for the process.
+ cmd: The actual command that was run. This may include extra
+ arguments that were not asked for but needed for proper
+ operation, like shell wrappers.
+ cwd: Current working directory.
+ rawcmd: The command that was asked to be run.
+ stdout: The stdout of the command.
+ sdterr: The stderr of the command.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ returncode,
+ cmd=None,
+ cwd=None,
+ stdout=None,
+ stderr=None,
+ rawcmd=None):
+ self.returncode = returncode
+ self.cmd = cmd
+ self.cwd = cwd
+ self.rawcmd = rawcmd
+ self.stdout = stdout
+ self.stderr = stderr
+class _Muxer(threading.Thread):
+ """A single thread that reads and collects both mixed and unmixed output."""
+ def __init__(self, unmixed, mixed, lock):
+ """Create a new _Muxer.
+ Args:
+ unmixed: The stream to write unmixed content to.
+ mixed: The stream to write mixed content to.
+ lock: The lock to use to protect access to the mixed content.
+ """
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self._unmixed = unmixed
+ self._mixed = mixed
+ self._lock = lock
+ self._buffer = ''
+ (self._reader, self.writer) = os.pipe()
+ self._complete_event = threading.Event()
+ def _ProcessData(self, data):
+ """Buffer the data and emit it when we reach a full line."""
+ # Append the data to the buffer
+ self._buffer += data
+ # If newline, flush the buffer.
+ if data == '\n':
+ self._FlushBuffer()
+ def run(self):
+ data = os.read(self._reader, _BUFFER_SIZE)
+ while data:
+ self._ProcessData(data)
+ data = os.read(self._reader, _BUFFER_SIZE)
+ # The underlying filehandle has been closed, so there is no more
+ # data to read. Flush any data we still have in the buffer to our
+ # files, and then have the os flush the data to disk. This will
+ # ensure anybody trying to read the data later has it all.
+ self._FlushBuffer()
+ self._unmixed.flush()
+ with self._lock:
+ self._mixed.flush()
+ def _FlushBuffer(self):
+ if self._buffer:
+ self._unmixed.write(self._buffer)
+ # The mixed buffer is shared between Muxers, so requires a lock.
+ with self._lock:
+ self._mixed.write(self._buffer)
+ self._buffer = ''
+ def Stop(self):
+ """Stop the muxer, and wait for the background thread to complete."""
+ # Closing the self.writer will cause the os.read() inside run to
+ # return EOF, which will cause the thread to exit.
+ os.close(self.writer)
+ self.join()
+ os.close(self._reader)
+class _CommandOutputMuxer(object):
+ """A context to use when collecting stdout/stderr logs.
+ This class provides an easy way to manage collecting logs from a
+ process. It provides ways to collect stdout, stderr, and a mixed
+ log which intermixes stdout and stderr.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, stdout=None, stderr=None, mixed=None):
+ """Create a new _CommandOutputMuxer.
+ Args:
+ stdout: The file stream used to collect stdout.
+ stderr: The file stream used to collect stderr.
+ mixed: The file stream used to collect the mixed stdout/stderr output.
+ """
+ self._stdout = stdout or tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+')
+ self._stdout_offset = self._stdout.tell()
+ self._stderr = stderr or tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+')
+ self._stderr_offset = self._stderr.tell()
+ self._mixed = mixed or tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+')
+ self._mixed_lock = threading.Lock()
+ self._stdout_muxer = _Muxer(
+ unmixed=self._stdout, mixed=self._mixed, lock=self._mixed_lock)
+ self._stderr_muxer = _Muxer(
+ unmixed=self._stderr, mixed=self._mixed, lock=self._mixed_lock)
+ def Run(self, command, timeout, **kwargs):
+ """Wrapper method for running the command.
+ This allows CommandOutputMuxer to better control the lifecycle of
+ the underlying command to make sure data is buffered correctly and
+ everything is cleaned up.
+ Args:
+ command: The command to run
+ timeout: How long (in seconds) to wait for the command to
+ finish, or 0 to wait forever
+ **kwargs: Arguments to pass to subprocess.Popen()
+ Returns:
+ Command return code.
+ Raises:
+ TimeoutException: If the command takes too long to execute.
+ """
+ # Specify some local args that are required for this class to work.
+ local_args = dict(
+ args=command,
+ close_fds=True,
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=self._stdout_muxer.writer,
+ stderr=self._stderr_muxer.writer)
+ local_args.update(**kwargs)
+ p = subprocess.Popen(**local_args)
+ p.stdin.close()
+ try:
+ return _PopenWaitWithTimeout(p, timeout)
+ finally:
+ # Now that we are done running, stop the background threads to
+ # ensure that all the data they are collecting is properly
+ # collected and buffered to disk before we return
+ self._stdout_muxer.Stop()
+ self._stderr_muxer.Stop()
+ def _Read(self, fh, offset):
+ fh.seek(offset)
+ data = fh.read()
+ return data
+ def ReadStdout(self):
+ return self._Read(self._stdout, self._stdout_offset)
+ def ReadStderr(self):
+ return self._Read(self._stderr, self._stderr_offset)
+ def __enter__(self):
+ self._stdout_muxer.start()
+ self._stderr_muxer.start()
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+ exc_type = exc_type # unused
+ exc_value = exc_value # unused
+ traceback = traceback # unused
+ self._stdout.close()
+ self._stderr.close()
+ self._mixed.close()
+class TimeoutException(Exception):
+ """Raised when an Execute call times out."""
+# This error code is the same code that alarm returns on linux for
+# timeout.
+def _PopenWaitWithTimeout(process, timeout):
+ """Do Popen.wait, but with a timeout.
+ Args:
+ process: the Popen object itself.
+ timeout: How long to wait.
+ Returns:
+ The error code from the child process
+ Raises:
+ TimeoutException: if the command takes too long.
+ """
+ def Kill():
+ print('Killing process %d after %s seconds', process.pid, timeout)
+ # process.termiante doesn't seem to always kill the process. This
+ # uses the same method the alarm command used.
+ pgid = os.getpgid(process.id)
+ os.killpg(pgid, signal.KILL)
+ timer = threading.Timer(timeout, Kill)
+ timer.start()
+ try:
+ returncode = process.wait()
+ finally:
+ if timer.is_alive():
+ timer.cancel()
+ else:
+ raise TimeoutException()
+ return returncode
+def ExecuteWithTimeout(cmd, timeout, cwd=None, env=None, ignore_output=False):
+ """Execute a command from shell.
+ Args:
+ cmd: A string command to be executed.
+ timeout: How many seconds to wait, or forever if not specified
+ cwd: The current working directory, or buildbot_root if not specified.
+ env: A dict for the envrionment to pass to the subprocess.
+ ignore_output: If specified, ExecOuput.stderr and
+ ExecOutput.stdout are not collected nor returned to
+ the caller. This is useful in cases where
+ stdout/stderr are known to be huge, or in cases
+ where the caller knows it doesn't need the output.
+ Returns:
+ ExecOutput object with results of command
+ """
+ return _Execute(
+ cmd=cmd, cwd=cwd, env=env, timeout=timeout, ignore_output=ignore_output)
+def Execute(cmd, cwd=None, env=None, ignore_output=False):
+ """Execute a command from shell.
+ Args:
+ cmd: A string command to be executed.
+ cwd: The current working directory, or buildbot_root if not specified.
+ env: A dict for the envrionment to pass to the subprocess.
+ ignore_output: If specified, ExecOuput.stderr and
+ ExecOutput.stdout are not collected nor returned to
+ the caller. This is useful in cases where
+ stdout/stderr are known to be huge, or in cases
+ where the caller knows it doesn't need the output.
+ Returns:
+ ExecOutput object with results of command
+ """
+ return _Execute(cmd=cmd, cwd=cwd, env=env, ignore_output=ignore_output)
+def ExecuteWithTimeoutAndLogfile(cmd,
+ timeout,
+ logfile,
+ cwd=None,
+ env=None,
+ ignore_output=False):
+ """Execute a command from shell with a timeout and logfile.
+ The logfile in this function is a mixture of stdout and stderr from
+ the command. Since the results are written out to a logfile, stdout
+ and stderr are NOT available from the ExecOutput returned from this
+ function.
+ Args:
+ cmd: A string command to be executed.
+ timeout: How many seconds to wait, or forever if not specified
+ logfile: Where to stdout and stderr from the command.
+ cwd: The current working directory, or buildbot_root if not specified.
+ env: A dict for the envrionment to pass to the subprocess.
+ ignore_output: If specified, ExecOuput.stderr and
+ ExecOutput.stdout are not collected nor returned to
+ the caller. This is useful in cases where
+ stdout/stderr are known to be huge, or in cases
+ where the caller knows it doesn't need the output.
+ Returns:
+ ExecOutput object with results of command
+ """
+ return _Execute(
+ cmd=cmd,
+ cwd=cwd,
+ env=env,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ logfile=logfile,
+ ignore_output=ignore_output)
+def ExecuteWithLogfile(cmd, logfile, cwd=None, env=None, ignore_output=False):
+ """Execute a command from shell with a logfile.
+ The logfile in this function is a mixture of stdout and stderr from
+ the command. Since the results are written out to a logfile, stdout
+ and stderr are NOT available from the ExecOutput returned from this
+ function.
+ Args:
+ cmd: A string command to be executed.
+ logfile: Where to stdout and stderr from the command. If
+ specified, the results of stdout and stderr are not provided
+ in the result of this call. Keep in mind that if you don't
+ specify a logfile, the results are read back into memory.
+ cwd: The current working directory, or buildbot_root if not specified.
+ env: A dict for the envrionment to pass to the subprocess.
+ ignore_output: If specified, ExecOuput.stderr and
+ ExecOutput.stdout are not collected nor returned to
+ the caller. This is useful in cases where
+ stdout/stderr are known to be huge, or in cases
+ where the caller knows it doesn't need the output.
+ Returns:
+ ExecOutput object with results of command
+ """
+ return _Execute(
+ cmd=cmd, cwd=cwd, env=env, logfile=logfile, ignore_output=ignore_output)
+def ExecuteWithTimeoutAndStderrLogfile(cmd,
+ timeout,
+ logfile,
+ stderr_logfile,
+ cwd=None,
+ env=None,
+ ignore_output=False):
+ """Execute a command from shell with logfiles and a timeout.
+ The logfile in this function is a mixture of stdout and stderr from
+ the command. The stderr_logfile just contains the stderr output.
+ Since the results are written out to logfiles, stdout and stderr are
+ NOT available from the ExecOutput returned from this function.
+ Args:
+ cmd: A string command to be executed.
+ timeout: How many seconds to wait, or forever if not specified
+ logfile: Where to stdout and stderr from the command.
+ stderr_logfile: Where to log stderr from the command.
+ cwd: The current working directory, or buildbot_root if not specified.
+ env: A dict for the envrionment to pass to the subprocess.
+ ignore_output: If specified, ExecOuput.stderr and
+ ExecOutput.stdout are not collected nor returned to
+ the caller. This is useful in cases where
+ stdout/stderr are known to be huge, or in cases
+ where the caller knows it doesn't need the output.
+ Returns:
+ ExecOutput object with results of command
+ """
+ return _Execute(
+ cmd=cmd,
+ cwd=cwd,
+ env=env,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ logfile=logfile,
+ stderr_logfile=stderr_logfile,
+ ignore_output=ignore_output)
+def ExecuteWithStderrLogfile(cmd, logfile, stderr_logfile, cwd=None, env=None):
+ """Execute a command from shell with logfiles and a timeout.
+ The logfile in this function is a mixture of stdout and stderr from
+ the command. The stderr_logfile just contains the stderr output.
+ Since the results are written out to logfiles, stdout and stderr are
+ NOT available from the ExecOutput returned from this function.
+ Args:
+ cmd: A string command to be executed.
+ logfile: Where to stdout and stderr from the command.
+ stderr_logfile: Where to log stderr from the command.
+ cwd: The current working directory, or buildbot_root if not specified.
+ env: A dict for the envrionment to pass to the subprocess.
+ Returns:
+ ExecOutput object with results of command
+ """
+ return _Execute(
+ cmd=cmd, cwd=cwd, env=env, logfile=logfile, stderr_logfile=stderr_logfile)
+# It's nice to have all the different ways of calling Exceute
+# implemented here inside this function. Except with all it's options
+# and flags and stuff, it exposes a pretty bad API interface. So
+# rather than inflict that on the rest of the buildbot, we'll wrap
+# this ugly API into nicer APIs above.
+def _Execute(cmd,
+ cwd=None,
+ env=None,
+ timeout=None,
+ logfile=None,
+ stderr_logfile=None,
+ raise_on_timeout=False,
+ ignore_output=False):
+ """Execute a command from shell and returns the result.
+ Args:
+ cmd: A string command to be executed.
+ cwd: The current working directory, or buildbot_root if not specified.
+ env: A dict for the envrionment to pass to the subprocess.
+ timeout: How many seconds to wait, or forever if not specified
+ logfile: Where to stdout and stderr from the command. If
+ specified, the results of stdout and stderr are not provided
+ in the result of this call. Keep in mind that if you don't
+ specify a logfile, the results are read back into memory.
+ stderr_logfile: Where to log stderr from the command. Requires
+ logfile to be set.
+ raise_on_timeout: controls if we raise TimeoutException on timeout
+ ignore_output: If specified, ExecOuput.stderr and
+ ExecOutput.stdout are not collected nor returned to
+ the caller. This is useful in cases where
+ stdout/stderr are known to be huge, or in cases
+ where the caller knows it doesn't need the output.
+ Returns:
+ ExecOutput object with results of command
+ Raises:
+ TimeoutException: if timeout specified and command did not
+ complete in time if raise_on_timeout is true.
+ """
+ cwd = cwd or os.getcwd()
+ # Python provides no way to override which shell is used for
+ # shell=True (it uses /bin/sh by default), so we'll override it here
+ # to ensure we use bash.
+ command = ['/bin/bash', '-c', cmd]
+ info_line = 'Executing: %s from %s\n' % (command, cwd)
+ print(info_line)
+ # Default values
+ stdout = None
+ stderr = None
+ if logfile:
+ # Open stdout and write header line
+ stdout = open(logfile, 'a+')
+ stdout.write(info_line)
+ stdout.flush()
+ # If also log stderr to it's own logfile, set that up here.
+ if stderr_logfile:
+ stderr = open(stderr_logfile, 'a+')
+ # Seek to end of file. _CommandOutputMuxer assumes the
+ # filehandle's offset is already at the end. It turns out that
+ # when opening a file in 'a', the offset isn't set until data is
+ # written.
+ stderr.seek(0, 2)
+ with _CommandOutputMuxer(mixed=stdout, stderr=stderr) as mux:
+ try:
+ returncode = mux.Run(command=command, timeout=timeout, env=env, cwd=cwd)
+ except TimeoutException as e:
+ if raise_on_timeout:
+ raise e
+ returncode = TIMEOUT_ERROR_CODE
+ info_line = 'Return Code: %d' % returncode
+ print(info_line)
+ if stdout:
+ stdout.write(info_line + '\n')
+ # Setup stdout and stderr for returning to the caller. Note that
+ # stdout is explicitly JUST stdout here and not the mixed output.
+ # This enables callers to easily be able to run a command and
+ # parse the results without having to worry about whatever the
+ # command put on stderr.
+ stdout_return = None if ignore_output else mux.ReadStdout()
+ stderr_return = None if ignore_output else mux.ReadStderr()
+ return ExecOutput(
+ cmd=command,
+ rawcmd=cmd,
+ cwd=cwd,
+ returncode=returncode,
+ stdout=stdout_return,
+ stderr=stderr_return)