path: root/cros_utils/buildbot_utils.py
diff options
authorCaroline Tice <cmtice@google.com>2016-07-20 12:52:59 -0700
committerchrome-bot <chrome-bot@chromium.org>2016-07-25 11:00:38 -0700
commita8af9a7a2462b00e72deff99327bdb452a715277 (patch)
tree92573f258457cc6a737c10df0dd250265b9efb8d /cros_utils/buildbot_utils.py
parent19b6f5fc11dcf97144e9723c8f78534cce27423a (diff)
[toolchain-utils] Finish switching utils/ to cros_utils/.
This CL finishes switching the subdirectory from 'utils' to 'cros_utils'. It changes all the remaining import statements to use 'cros_utils'; it removes the 'cros_utils' symlink, and it renames the 'utils' subdirectory to 'cros_utils'. BUG=chromium:568195 TEST=ran crosperf & binary search tool unittests. Change-Id: I7427f8bfb2ddac3a4b6108e46782039059684382 Reviewed-on: https://chrome-internal-review.googlesource.com/270396 Commit-Ready: Caroline Tice <cmtice@google.com> Tested-by: Caroline Tice <cmtice@google.com> Reviewed-by: Cassidy Burden <cburden@google.com> Reviewed-by: Luis Lozano <llozano@chromium.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'cros_utils/buildbot_utils.py')
1 files changed, 328 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cros_utils/buildbot_utils.py b/cros_utils/buildbot_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a80b7ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cros_utils/buildbot_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Utilities for launching and accessing ChromeOS buildbots."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import time
+import urllib2
+from cros_utils import command_executer
+from cros_utils import logger
+from cros_utils import buildbot_json
+SLEEP_TIME = 600 # 10 minutes; time between polling of buildbot.
+TIME_OUT = 18000 # Decide the build is dead or will never finish
+# after this time (5 hours).
+OK_STATUS = [ # List of result status values that are 'ok'.
+ # This was obtained from:
+ # https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/build/+/
+ # master/third_party/buildbot_8_4p1/buildbot/status/results.py
+ 0, # "success"
+ 1, # "warnings"
+ 6, # "retry"
+class BuildbotTimeout(Exception):
+ """Exception to throw when a buildbot operation timesout."""
+ pass
+def ParseReportLog(url, build):
+ """Scrape the trybot image name off the Reports log page.
+ This takes the URL for a trybot Reports Stage web page,
+ and a trybot build type, such as 'daisy-release'. It
+ opens the web page and parses it looking for the trybot
+ artifact name (e.g. something like
+ 'trybot-daisy-release/R40-6394.0.0-b1389'). It returns the
+ artifact name, if found.
+ """
+ trybot_image = ''
+ url += '/text'
+ newurl = url.replace('uberchromegw', 'chromegw')
+ webpage = urllib2.urlopen(newurl)
+ data = webpage.read()
+ lines = data.split('\n')
+ for l in lines:
+ if l.find('Artifacts') > 0 and l.find('trybot') > 0:
+ trybot_name = 'trybot-%s' % build
+ start_pos = l.find(trybot_name)
+ end_pos = l.find('@https://storage')
+ trybot_image = l[start_pos:end_pos]
+ return trybot_image
+def GetBuildData(buildbot_queue, build_id):
+ """Find the Reports stage web page for a trybot build.
+ This takes the name of a buildbot_queue, such as 'daisy-release'
+ and a build id (the build number), and uses the json buildbot api to
+ find the Reports stage web page for that build, if it exists.
+ """
+ builder = buildbot_json.Buildbot(
+ 'http://chromegw/p/tryserver.chromiumos/').builders[buildbot_queue]
+ build_data = builder.builds[build_id].data
+ logs = build_data['logs']
+ for l in logs:
+ fname = l[1]
+ if 'steps/Report/' in fname:
+ return fname
+ return ''
+def FindBuildRecordFromLog(description, log_info):
+ """Find the right build record in the build logs.
+ Get the first build record from build log with a reason field
+ that matches 'description'. ('description' is a special tag we
+ created when we launched the buildbot, so we could find it at this
+ point.)
+ """
+ current_line = 1
+ while current_line < len(log_info):
+ my_dict = {}
+ # Read all the lines from one "Build" to the next into my_dict
+ while True:
+ key = log_info[current_line].split(':')[0].strip()
+ value = log_info[current_line].split(':', 1)[1].strip()
+ my_dict[key] = value
+ current_line += 1
+ if 'Build' in key or current_line == len(log_info):
+ break
+ try:
+ # Check to see of the build record is the right one.
+ if str(description) in my_dict['reason']:
+ # We found a match; we're done.
+ return my_dict
+ except KeyError:
+ print("reason is not in dictionary: '%s'" % repr(my_dict))
+ else:
+ # Keep going.
+ continue
+ # We hit the bottom of the log without a match.
+ return {}
+def GetBuildInfo(file_dir, builder):
+ """Get all the build records for the trybot builds.
+ file_dir is the toolchain_utils directory.
+ """
+ ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
+ commands = ('{0}/cros_utils/buildbot_json.py builds '
+ 'http://chromegw/i/tryserver.chromiumos/'.format(file_dir))
+ if builder:
+ # For release builds, get logs from the 'release' builder.
+ if builder.endswith('-release'):
+ commands += ' -b release'
+ else:
+ commands += ' -b %s' % builder
+ _, buildinfo, _ = ce.RunCommandWOutput(commands, print_to_console=False)
+ build_log = buildinfo.splitlines()
+ return build_log
+def FindArchiveImage(chromeos_root, build, build_id):
+ """Returns name of the trybot artifact for board/build_id."""
+ ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
+ command = ('gsutil ls gs://chromeos-image-archive/trybot-%s/*b%s'
+ '/chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz' % (build, build_id))
+ _, out, _ = ce.ChrootRunCommandWOutput(chromeos_root,
+ command,
+ print_to_console=False)
+ #
+ # If build_id is not unique, there may be multiple archive images
+ # to choose from; sort them & pick the first (newest).
+ #
+ # If there are multiple archive images found, out will look something
+ # like this:
+ #
+ # 'gs://.../R35-5692.0.0-b105/chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz
+ # gs://.../R46-7339.0.0-b105/chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz'
+ #
+ out = out.rstrip('\n')
+ tmp_list = out.split('\n')
+ # After stripping the final '\n' and splitting on any other '\n', we get
+ # something like this:
+ # tmp_list = [ 'gs://.../R35-5692.0.0-b105/chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz' ,
+ # 'gs://.../R46-7339.0.0-b105/chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz' ]
+ #
+ # If we sort this in descending order, we should end up with the most
+ # recent test image first, so that's what we do here.
+ #
+ if len(tmp_list) > 1:
+ tmp_list = sorted(tmp_list, reverse=True)
+ out = tmp_list[0]
+ trybot_image = ''
+ trybot_name = 'trybot-%s' % build
+ if out and out.find(trybot_name) > 0:
+ start_pos = out.find(trybot_name)
+ end_pos = out.find('/chromiumos_test_image')
+ trybot_image = out[start_pos:end_pos]
+ return trybot_image
+def GetTrybotImage(chromeos_root,
+ buildbot_name,
+ patch_list,
+ build_tag,
+ build_toolchain=False):
+ """Launch buildbot and get resulting trybot artifact name.
+ This function launches a buildbot with the appropriate flags to
+ build the test ChromeOS image, with the current ToT mobile compiler. It
+ checks every 10 minutes to see if the trybot has finished. When the trybot
+ has finished, it parses the resulting report logs to find the trybot
+ artifact (if one was created), and returns that artifact name.
+ chromeos_root is the path to the ChromeOS root, needed for finding chromite
+ and launching the buildbot.
+ buildbot_name is the name of the buildbot queue, such as lumpy-release or
+ daisy-paladin.
+ patch_list a python list of the patches, if any, for the buildbot to use.
+ build_tag is a (unique) string to be used to look up the buildbot results
+ from among all the build records.
+ """
+ ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
+ cbuildbot_path = os.path.join(chromeos_root, 'chromite/cbuildbot')
+ base_dir = os.getcwd()
+ patch_arg = ''
+ if patch_list:
+ for p in patch_list:
+ patch_arg = patch_arg + ' -g ' + repr(p)
+ toolchain_flags = ''
+ if build_toolchain:
+ toolchain_flags += '--latest-toolchain'
+ os.chdir(cbuildbot_path)
+ # Launch buildbot with appropriate flags.
+ build = buildbot_name
+ description = build_tag
+ command = ('./cbuildbot --remote --nochromesdk --notests'
+ ' --remote-description=%s %s %s %s' %
+ (description, toolchain_flags, patch_arg, build))
+ _, out, _ = ce.RunCommandWOutput(command)
+ if 'Tryjob submitted!' not in out:
+ logger.GetLogger().LogFatal('Error occurred while launching trybot job: '
+ '%s' % command)
+ os.chdir(base_dir)
+ build_id = 0
+ build_status = None
+ # Wait for buildbot to finish running (check every 10 minutes). Wait
+ # 10 minutes before the first check to give the buildbot time to launch
+ # (so we don't start looking for build data before it's out there).
+ time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME)
+ done = False
+ pending = True
+ # pending_time is the time between when we submit the job and when the
+ # buildbot actually launches the build. running_time is the time between
+ # when the buildbot job launches and when it finishes. The job is
+ # considered 'pending' until we can find an entry for it in the buildbot
+ # logs.
+ pending_time = SLEEP_TIME
+ running_time = 0
+ while not done:
+ done = True
+ build_info = GetBuildInfo(base_dir, build)
+ if not build_info:
+ if pending_time > TIME_OUT:
+ logger.GetLogger().LogFatal('Unable to get build logs for target %s.' %
+ build)
+ else:
+ pending_message = 'Unable to find build log; job may be pending.'
+ done = False
+ if done:
+ data_dict = FindBuildRecordFromLog(description, build_info)
+ if not data_dict:
+ # Trybot job may be pending (not actually launched yet).
+ if pending_time > TIME_OUT:
+ logger.GetLogger().LogFatal('Unable to find build record for trybot'
+ ' %s.' % description)
+ else:
+ pending_message = 'Unable to find build record; job may be pending.'
+ done = False
+ else:
+ # Now that we have actually found the entry for the build
+ # job in the build log, we know the job is actually
+ # runnning, not pending, so we flip the 'pending' flag. We
+ # still have to wait for the buildbot job to finish running
+ # however.
+ pending = False
+ if 'True' in data_dict['completed']:
+ build_id = data_dict['number']
+ build_status = int(data_dict['result'])
+ else:
+ done = False
+ if not done:
+ if pending:
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput(pending_message)
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('Current pending time: %d minutes.' %
+ (pending_time / 60))
+ pending_time += SLEEP_TIME
+ else:
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('{0} minutes passed.'.format(running_time /
+ 60))
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('Sleeping {0} seconds.'.format(SLEEP_TIME))
+ running_time += SLEEP_TIME
+ time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME)
+ if running_time > TIME_OUT:
+ done = True
+ trybot_image = ''
+ if build_status in OK_STATUS:
+ trybot_image = FindArchiveImage(chromeos_root, build, build_id)
+ if not trybot_image:
+ logger.GetLogger().LogError('Trybot job %s failed with status %d;'
+ ' no trybot image generated.' %
+ (description, build_status))
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput("trybot_image is '%s'" % trybot_image)
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('build_status is %d' % build_status)
+ return trybot_image
+def DoesImageExist(chromeos_root, build):
+ """Check if the image for the given build exists."""
+ ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
+ command = ('gsutil ls gs://chromeos-image-archive/%s'
+ '/chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz' % (build))
+ ret = ce.ChrootRunCommand(chromeos_root, command, print_to_console=False)
+ return not ret
+def WaitForImage(chromeos_root, build):
+ """Wait for an image to be ready."""
+ elapsed_time = 0
+ while elapsed_time < TIME_OUT:
+ if DoesImageExist(chromeos_root, build):
+ return
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('Image %s not ready, waiting for 10 minutes' %
+ build)
+ time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME)
+ elapsed_time += SLEEP_TIME
+ logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('Image %s not found, waited for %d hours' %
+ (build, (TIME_OUT / 3600)))
+ raise BuildbotTimeout('Timeout while waiting for image %s' % build)