path: root/crosperf/results_organizer.py
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authorStephen Hines <srhines@google.com>2017-02-08 10:42:04 +0000
committerandroid-build-merger <android-build-merger@google.com>2017-02-08 10:42:04 +0000
commitc5804ce784c39d6cf4f69139ab3197d989181cf9 (patch)
tree87b3a32b13c392939d66fa93105896f5df0736a6 /crosperf/results_organizer.py
parentbaba90fd78c18585d22430dc95c748f96ad0c772 (diff)
parent9c6fa5f9e514c743e62be0ee401c12e10c94d7f1 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/mirror-chromium-master' into initial_import am: 870a8df6fc
am: 9c6fa5f9e5 Change-Id: Ie306363c46445f59e341b69121c4b0e113ad79b2
Diffstat (limited to 'crosperf/results_organizer.py')
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crosperf/results_organizer.py b/crosperf/results_organizer.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..097c744d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crosperf/results_organizer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Parse data from benchmark_runs for tabulator."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+import errno
+import json
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+from cros_utils import misc
+_TELEMETRY_RESULT_DEFAULTS_FILE = 'default-telemetry-results.json'
+_DUP_KEY_REGEX = re.compile(r'(\w+)\{(\d+)\}')
+def _AdjustIteration(benchmarks, max_dup, bench):
+ """Adjust the interation numbers if they have keys like ABCD{i}."""
+ for benchmark in benchmarks:
+ if benchmark.name != bench or benchmark.iteration_adjusted:
+ continue
+ benchmark.iteration_adjusted = True
+ benchmark.iterations *= (max_dup + 1)
+def _GetMaxDup(data):
+ """Find the maximum i inside ABCD{i}.
+ data should be a [[[Key]]], where Key is a string that may look like
+ ABCD{i}.
+ """
+ max_dup = 0
+ for label in data:
+ for run in label:
+ for key in run:
+ match = _DUP_KEY_REGEX.match(key)
+ if match:
+ max_dup = max(max_dup, int(match.group(2)))
+ return max_dup
+def _Repeat(func, times):
+ """Returns the result of running func() n times."""
+ return [func() for _ in xrange(times)]
+def _GetNonDupLabel(max_dup, runs):
+ """Create new list for the runs of the same label.
+ Specifically, this will split out keys like foo{0}, foo{1} from one run into
+ their own runs. For example, given a run like:
+ {"foo": 1, "bar{0}": 2, "baz": 3, "qux{1}": 4, "pirate{0}": 5}
+ You'll get:
+ [{"foo": 1, "baz": 3}, {"bar": 2, "pirate": 5}, {"qux": 4}]
+ Hands back the lists of transformed runs, all concatenated together.
+ """
+ new_runs = []
+ for run in runs:
+ new_run = {}
+ added_runs = _Repeat(dict, max_dup)
+ for key, value in run.iteritems():
+ match = _DUP_KEY_REGEX.match(key)
+ if not match:
+ new_run[key] = value
+ else:
+ new_key, index_str = match.groups()
+ added_runs[int(index_str)-1][new_key] = str(value)
+ new_runs.append(new_run)
+ new_runs += added_runs
+ return new_runs
+def _DuplicatePass(result, benchmarks):
+ """Properly expands keys like `foo{1}` in `result`."""
+ for bench, data in result.iteritems():
+ max_dup = _GetMaxDup(data)
+ # If there's nothing to expand, there's nothing to do.
+ if not max_dup:
+ continue
+ for i, runs in enumerate(data):
+ data[i] = _GetNonDupLabel(max_dup, runs)
+ _AdjustIteration(benchmarks, max_dup, bench)
+def _ReadSummaryFile(filename):
+ """Reads the summary file at filename."""
+ dirname, _ = misc.GetRoot(filename)
+ fullname = os.path.join(dirname, _TELEMETRY_RESULT_DEFAULTS_FILE)
+ try:
+ # Slurp the summary file into a dictionary. The keys in the dictionary are
+ # the benchmark names. The value for a key is a list containing the names
+ # of all the result fields that should be returned in a 'default' report.
+ with open(fullname) as in_file:
+ return json.load(in_file)
+ except IOError as e:
+ # ENOENT means "no such file or directory"
+ if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+ return {}
+ raise
+def _MakeOrganizeResultOutline(benchmark_runs, labels):
+ """Creates the "outline" of the OrganizeResults result for a set of runs.
+ Report generation returns lists of different sizes, depending on the input
+ data. Depending on the order in which we iterate through said input data, we
+ may populate the Nth index of a list, then the N-1st, then the N+Mth, ...
+ It's cleaner to figure out the "skeleton"/"outline" ahead of time, so we don't
+ have to worry about resizing while computing results.
+ """
+ # Count how many iterations exist for each benchmark run.
+ # We can't simply count up, since we may be given an incomplete set of
+ # iterations (e.g. [r.iteration for r in benchmark_runs] == [1, 3])
+ iteration_count = {}
+ for run in benchmark_runs:
+ name = run.benchmark.name
+ old_iterations = iteration_count.get(name, -1)
+ # N.B. run.iteration starts at 1, not 0.
+ iteration_count[name] = max(old_iterations, run.iteration)
+ # Result structure: {benchmark_name: [[{key: val}]]}
+ result = {}
+ for run in benchmark_runs:
+ name = run.benchmark.name
+ num_iterations = iteration_count[name]
+ # default param makes cros lint be quiet about defining num_iterations in a
+ # loop.
+ make_dicts = lambda n=num_iterations: _Repeat(dict, n)
+ result[name] = _Repeat(make_dicts, len(labels))
+ return result
+def OrganizeResults(benchmark_runs, labels, benchmarks=None, json_report=False):
+ """Create a dict from benchmark_runs.
+ The structure of the output dict is as follows:
+ {"benchmark_1":[
+ [{"key1":"v1", "key2":"v2"},{"key1":"v1", "key2","v2"}]
+ #one label
+ []
+ #the other label
+ ]
+ "benchmark_2":
+ [
+ ]}.
+ """
+ result = _MakeOrganizeResultOutline(benchmark_runs, labels)
+ label_names = [label.name for label in labels]
+ label_indices = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(label_names)}
+ summary_file = _ReadSummaryFile(sys.argv[0])
+ if benchmarks is None:
+ benchmarks = []
+ for benchmark_run in benchmark_runs:
+ if not benchmark_run.result:
+ continue
+ benchmark = benchmark_run.benchmark
+ label_index = label_indices[benchmark_run.label.name]
+ cur_label_list = result[benchmark.name][label_index]
+ cur_dict = cur_label_list[benchmark_run.iteration - 1]
+ show_all_results = json_report or benchmark.show_all_results
+ if not show_all_results:
+ summary_list = summary_file.get(benchmark.test_name)
+ if summary_list:
+ summary_list.append('retval')
+ else:
+ # Did not find test_name in json file; show everything.
+ show_all_results = True
+ for test_key in benchmark_run.result.keyvals:
+ if show_all_results or test_key in summary_list:
+ cur_dict[test_key] = benchmark_run.result.keyvals[test_key]
+ # Occasionally Telemetry tests will not fail but they will not return a
+ # result, either. Look for those cases, and force them to be a fail.
+ # (This can happen if, for example, the test has been disabled.)
+ if len(cur_dict) == 1 and cur_dict['retval'] == 0:
+ cur_dict['retval'] = 1
+ # TODO: This output should be sent via logger.
+ print("WARNING: Test '%s' appears to have succeeded but returned"
+ ' no results.' % benchmark.name,
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ if json_report and benchmark_run.machine:
+ cur_dict['machine'] = benchmark_run.machine.name
+ cur_dict['machine_checksum'] = benchmark_run.machine.checksum
+ cur_dict['machine_string'] = benchmark_run.machine.checksum_string
+ _DuplicatePass(result, benchmarks)
+ return result