path: root/dejagnu
diff options
authorLuis Lozano <llozano@chromium.org>2013-03-15 14:44:13 -0700
committerChromeBot <chrome-bot@google.com>2013-03-15 15:51:37 -0700
commitf81680c018729fd4499e1e200d04b48c4b90127c (patch)
tree940608da8374604b82edfdb2d7df55d065f05d4c /dejagnu
parent2296ee0b914aba5bba07becab4ff68884ce9b8a5 (diff)
Cleaned up directory after copy of tools from perforce directory
Got rid of stale copies of some tools like "crosperf" and moved all files under v14 directory (that came from perforce) into the top directory. BUG=None TEST=None Change-Id: I408d17a36ceb00e74db71403d2351fd466a14f8e Reviewed-on: https://gerrit-int.chromium.org/33887 Tested-by: Luis Lozano <llozano@chromium.org> Reviewed-by: Yunlian Jiang <yunlian@google.com> Commit-Queue: Luis Lozano <llozano@chromium.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'dejagnu')
5 files changed, 589 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dejagnu/__init__.py b/dejagnu/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dejagnu/__init__.py
diff --git a/dejagnu/boards/chromeos-machine.exp b/dejagnu/boards/chromeos-machine.exp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b168b677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dejagnu/boards/chromeos-machine.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Base description of a unix machine. This includes remote execution logic
+# through SSH
+load_base_board_description "unix"
+# Set hostname and username. # Make sure SSH keys are set up prior to run.
+set_board_info hostname $env(DEJAGNU_HOSTNAME)
+set_board_info username root
+set_board_info shell_prompt "dejagnu>"
+set chromeos_ssh_opts "-t -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/tmp/chromeos-toolchain/known_hosts -o ControlPath=/tmp/chromeos-toolchain/%r@%h:%p -i /tmp/chromeos-toolchain/private_key"
+set_board_info rsh_prog "alarm 40 /usr/bin/ssh ${chromeos_ssh_opts}"
+set_board_info rcp_prog "alarm 40 /usr/bin/scp ${chromeos_ssh_opts}"
diff --git a/dejagnu/chromeos.exp.in b/dejagnu/chromeos.exp.in
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..889653aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dejagnu/chromeos.exp.in
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+# Initialize the board. The function is executed before any test.
+proc __boardname___init { board } {
+ set hostname [board_info $board hostname]
+ set timeout [board_info $board timeout]
+ set ssh_options [board_info $board ssh,options]
+ set runtimes [board_info $board runtimes]
+ set tmpdir [board_info $board tmpdir]
+ verbose -log "Opening persistent connection ..." 1
+ eval "exec ssh -N -f $ssh_options root@$hostname &"
+ local_exec "ssh -n $ssh_options root@$hostname sh -c 'mkdir -p $tmpdir'" \
+ {} {} $timeout
+# Remove test run by-products. The function is executed at DejaGNU exit.
+proc __boardname___exit {} {
+ set board "__boardname__"
+ set hostname [board_info $board hostname]
+ set ssh_options [board_info $board ssh,options]
+ set tmpdir [board_info $board tmpdir]
+ verbose -log "Closing persistent connection ..." 1
+ local_exec "ssh $ssh_options -O exit root@$hostname" {} {} 10
+ verbose -log "Cleaning up - executing on board 'rm -fr $tmpdir' ..." 1
+ local_exec "ssh -n $ssh_options root@$hostname sh -c 'rm -fr $tmpdir'" \
+ {} {} 10
+# Upload a file to the board. Uses scp over persistent SSH connection.
+proc __boardname___download { board file args } {
+ set hostname [board_info $board hostname]
+ set tmpdir [board_info $board tmpdir]
+ set timeout [board_info $board timeout]
+ set ssh_options [board_info $board ssh,options]
+ set destfile [lindex [file split $file] end]
+ verbose -log "scp -q $ssh_options $file root@$hostname:$tmpdir/"
+ set result [local_exec "scp -q $ssh_options $file root@$hostname:$tmpdir/" \
+ {} {} $timeout]
+ if { [lindex $result 0] != 0 } {
+ verbose -log "failed to upload \'$file\' to \'$tmpdir/$destfile\'"
+ } else {
+ verbose -log "uploaded \"$file\' to remote board@\'$tmpdir/$destfile\'"
+ return "$tmpdir/$destfile"
+ }
+# Download a file to the host machine. Uses scp over persistent SSH connection.
+proc __boardname___upload { board file args } {
+ set hostname [board_info $board hostname]
+ set tmpdir [board_info $board tmpdir]
+ set timeout [board_info $board timeout]
+ set ssh_options [board_info $board ssh,options]
+ set filen [file tail $file]
+ verbose -log "scp -q $ssh_options \"root@$hostname:$tmpdir/$filen\" ."
+ set result [local_exec \
+ "scp -q $ssh_options \"root@$hostname:$tmpdir/$filen\" ." \
+ {} {} $timeout]
+ if { [lindex $result 0] != 0 } {
+ verbose -log \
+ "failed to transfer \"root@$hostname:$tmpdir/$filen\" to \".\""
+ } else {
+ verbose -log "transferred \"root@$hostname:$tmpdir/$filen\" to \".\""
+ # In case of success, always return the original file.
+ return "$file"
+ }
+# Cache program output within different invoking of __boardname___exec.
+# For example, the following command sequence will be executed
+# > cd /tmp/dejagnu_xxxx/ && ./xxx.x0
+# <output1 here>
+# return [0, <output1>] (a)
+# > rm /tmp/dejagnu_xxxx/xxxx.x0
+# <output2 here>
+# return [0, <output2>] (b)
+# We need <output1>, not <output2>. What we do here is to keep <output1> in
+# $program_output and in (b) we return [0, <output1>].
+set program_output ""
+# Execute a test on remote machine. Log into the target machine using
+# persistent SSH connection and run a command in modified environment.
+proc __boardname___exec { board program args } {
+ global program_output
+ if { [llength $args] > 0 } {
+ set pargs [lindex $args 0]
+ } else {
+ set pargs ""
+ }
+ if { [llength $args] > 1 } {
+ set inp "[lindex $args 1]"
+ } else {
+ set inp ""
+ }
+ if { [llength $args] > 2 } {
+ set outp "[lindex $args 2]"
+ } else {
+ set outp ""
+ }
+ if { [llength $args] > 3 } {
+ set timeout "[lindex $args 3]"
+ } else {
+ set timeout [board_info $board timeout]
+ }
+ set hostname [board_info $board hostname]
+ set tmpdir [board_info $board tmpdir]
+ set other_file ""
+ # Check if a file to be executed was copied from host machine. If so, we
+ # need to run it in copied runtimes.
+ set is_program "0"
+ if { [string match "$tmpdir/*" $program] } {
+ set path [file dirname $program]
+ # "$program" would usually be like "/x/y/z.out", set command to be "z.out".
+ set command [file tail $program]
+ set rootname [file rootname $command]
+ # TODO(shenhan): using rsync to copy all test case relatd stuff to host
+ # machine in case ".o" files are different from the exe files.
+ set other_file [file join $path "${rootname}.*"]
+ # Change directory to "/x/y", then execute "./z.out" - we want the working
+ # directory to be "/x/y". Setting GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP and GCOV_PREFIX is to
+ # force generating ".gcda" file under "/x/y" instead of some host path.
+ set program "cd $path && GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP=999 GCOV_PREFIX=$tmpdir/ \
+ [file join "." $command]"
+ set is_program "1"
+ }
+ verbose -log "Exec: $program"
+ set ssh_options [board_info $board ssh,options]
+ set retv [local_exec \
+ "ssh -n $ssh_options root@$hostname sh -c '$program $pargs'" \
+ $inp $outp $timeout]
+ set status [lindex $retv 0]
+ if { $is_program == "1" } {
+ set program_output [lindex $retv 1]
+ }
+ # Before returning the execution status, we try to transfer the ".gcda"
+ # (and/or other files that have the same base name as the program) file to
+ # host, though for every program that runs, there is no corresponding "other"
+ # file. We have no idea when such an other file will be generated for the
+ # program, so every time, we assume there is an "other" file and try to do the
+ # transfer.
+ if { $status == 0 && $other_file != "" } {
+ set upv [${board}_upload $board $other_file ""]
+ if { $upv == "" } {
+ verbose -log "Safely ignored - \"$other_file\" does not exist."
+ }
+ }
+ return [list $status $program_output]
+load_generic_config "unix"
+load_base_board_description "linux-libremote"
+set_board_info hostname "__board_hostname__"
+set_board_info tmpdir "__tmp_dir__"
+set_board_info isremote 1
+set_board_info timeout 60
+set_board_info ssh,options "-i __tmp_testing_rsa__ -o ControlMaster=auto \
+-o ControlPath=__tmp_dir__/%r@%h:%p -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
diff --git a/dejagnu/run_dejagnu.py b/dejagnu/run_dejagnu.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8943bb20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dejagnu/run_dejagnu.py
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+# Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+"""Tool script for auto dejagnu."""
+__author__ = 'shenhan@google.com (Han Shen)'
+import getpass
+import optparse
+import os
+from os import path
+import re
+import shutil
+import stat
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import time
+import lock_machine
+import tc_enter_chroot
+from utils import command_executer
+from utils import constants
+from utils import logger
+from utils import misc
+def ProcessArguments(argv):
+ """Processing/validating script arguments."""
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=(
+ 'Launches gcc dejagnu test in chroot for chromeos toolchain, compares '
+ 'the test result with a repository baseline and prints out the result.'),
+ usage='run_dejagnu options')
+ parser.add_option('-c', '--chromeos_root', dest='chromeos_root',
+ help='Required. Specify chromeos root')
+ parser.add_option('-m', '--mount', dest='mount',
+ help=('Specify gcc source to mount instead of "auto". '
+ 'Under "auto" mode, which is the default - gcc is '
+ 'checked out and built automatically at default '
+ 'directories. Under "mount" mode '
+ '- the gcc_source is set to "$chromeos_'
+ 'root/chroot/usr/local/toolchain_root/gcc", which is '
+ 'the mount point for this option value, the '
+ 'gcc-build-dir then is computed as '
+ '"${gcc_source_dir}-build-${ctarget}". In this mode, '
+ 'a complete gcc build must be performed in the '
+ 'computed gcc-build-dir beforehand.'))
+ parser.add_option('-b', '--board', dest='board',
+ help=('Required. Specify board.'))
+ parser.add_option('-r', '--remote', dest='remote',
+ help=('Required. Specify addresses/names of the board, '
+ 'seperate each address/name using comma(\',\').'))
+ parser.add_option('-f', '--flags', dest='flags',
+ help='Optional. Extra run test flags to pass to dejagnu.')
+ parser.add_option('-k', '--keep', dest='keep_intermediate_files',
+ action='store_true', default=False,
+ help=('Optional. Default to false. Do not remove dejagnu '
+ 'intermediate files after test run.'))
+ parser.add_option('--cleanup', dest='cleanup', default=None,
+ help=('Optional. Values to this option could be '
+ '\'mount\' (unmount gcc source and '
+ 'directory directory, '
+ 'only valid when --mount is given), '
+ '\'chroot\' (delete chroot) and '
+ '\'chromeos\' (delete the whole chromeos tree).'))
+ parser.add_option('-t', '--tools', dest='tools', default='gcc,g++',
+ help=('Optional. Specify which tools to check, using '
+ '","(comma) as separator. A typical value would be '
+ '"g++" so that only g++ tests are performed. '
+ 'Defaults to "gcc,g++".'))
+ options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ if not options.chromeos_root:
+ raise Exception('Missing argument for --chromeos_root.')
+ if not options.remote:
+ raise Exception('Missing argument for --remote.')
+ if not options.board:
+ raise Exception('Missing argument for --board.')
+ if options.cleanup == 'mount' and not options.mount:
+ raise Exception('--cleanup=\'mount\' not valid unless --mount is given.')
+ if options.cleanup and not (
+ options.cleanup == 'mount' or \
+ options.cleanup == 'chroot' or options.cleanup == 'chromeos'):
+ raise Exception('Invalid option value for --cleanup')
+ if options.cleanup and options.keep_intermediate_files:
+ raise Exception('Only one of --keep and --cleanup could be given.')
+ return options
+class DejagnuExecuter(object):
+ """The class wrapper for dejagnu test executer."""
+ def __init__(self, base_dir, mount, chromeos_root, remote, board,
+ flags, keep_intermediate_files, tools, cleanup):
+ self._l = logger.GetLogger()
+ self._chromeos_root = chromeos_root
+ self._chromeos_chroot = path.join(chromeos_root, 'chroot')
+ if mount:
+ self._gcc_source_dir_to_mount = mount
+ self._gcc_source_dir = path.join(constants.mounted_toolchain_root, 'gcc')
+ else:
+ self._gcc_source_dir = None
+ self._remote = remote
+ self._board = board
+ ## Compute target from board
+ self._target = misc.GetCtargetFromBoard(board, chromeos_root)
+ if not self._target:
+ raise Exception('Unsupported board "%s"' % board)
+ self._executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
+ self._flags = flags or ''
+ self._base_dir = base_dir
+ self._tmp_abs = None
+ self._keep_intermediate_files = keep_intermediate_files
+ self._tools = tools.split(',')
+ self._cleanup = cleanup
+ def SetupTestingDir(self):
+ self._tmp_abs = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='dejagnu_', dir=path.join(
+ self._chromeos_chroot, 'tmp'))
+ self._tmp = self._tmp_abs[len(self._chromeos_chroot):]
+ self._tmp_testing_rsa = path.join(self._tmp, 'testing_rsa')
+ self._tmp_testing_rsa_abs = path.join(self._tmp_abs, 'testing_rsa')
+ def MakeCheckString(self):
+ return ' '.join(['check-{0}'.format(t) for t in self._tools if t])
+ def CleanupIntermediateFiles(self):
+ if self._tmp_abs and path.isdir(self._tmp_abs):
+ if self._keep_intermediate_files:
+ self._l.LogOutput(
+ 'Your intermediate dejagnu files are kept, you can re-run '
+ 'inside chroot the command:')
+ self._l.LogOutput(
+ ' DEJAGNU={0} make -C {1} {2} RUNTESTFLAGS="--target_board={3} {4}"' \
+ .format(path.join(self._tmp, 'site.exp'), self._gcc_build_dir,
+ self.MakeCheckString(), self._board, self._flags))
+ else:
+ self._l.LogOutput(
+ '[Cleanup] - Removing temp dir - {0}'.format(self._tmp_abs))
+ shutil.rmtree(self._tmp_abs)
+ def Cleanup(self):
+ if not self._cleanup:
+ return
+ # Optionally cleanup mounted diretory, chroot and chromeos tree.
+ if self._cleanup == 'mount' or self._cleanup == 'chroot' or \
+ self._cleanup == 'chromeos':
+ # No exceptions are allowed from this method.
+ try:
+ self._l.LogOutput('[Cleanup] - Unmounting directories ...')
+ self.MountGccSourceAndBuildDir(unmount=True)
+ except:
+ print 'Warning: failed to unmount gcc source/build directory.'
+ if self._cleanup == 'chroot' or self._cleanup == 'chromeos':
+ self._l.LogOutput('[Cleanup]: Deleting chroot inside \'{0}\''.format(
+ self._chromeos_root))
+ command = "cd %s; cros_sdk --delete" % self._chromeos_root
+ rv = self._executer.RunCommand(command)
+ if rv:
+ self._l.LogWarning('Warning - failed to delete chroot.')
+ # Delete .cache - crosbug.com/34956
+ command = "sudo rm -fr %s" % os.path.join(self._chromeos_root, ".cache")
+ rv = self._executer.RunCommand(command)
+ if rv:
+ self._l.LogWarning('Warning - failed to delete \'.cache\'.')
+ if self._cleanup == 'chromeos':
+ self._l.LogOutput('[Cleanup]: Deleting chromeos tree \'{0}\' ...'.format(
+ self._chromeos_root))
+ command = 'rm -fr {0}'.format(self._chromeos_root)
+ rv = self._executer.RunCommand(command)
+ if rv:
+ self._l.LogWarning('Warning - failed to remove chromeos tree.')
+ def PrepareTestingRsaKeys(self):
+ if not path.isfile(self._tmp_testing_rsa_abs):
+ shutil.copy(path.join(
+ self._chromeos_root,
+ 'src/scripts/mod_for_test_scripts/ssh_keys/testing_rsa'),
+ self._tmp_testing_rsa_abs)
+ os.chmod(self._tmp_testing_rsa_abs, stat.S_IRUSR)
+ def PrepareTestFiles(self):
+ """Prepare site.exp and board exp files."""
+ # Create the boards directory.
+ os.mkdir('%s/boards' % self._tmp_abs)
+ # Generate the chromeos.exp file.
+ with open('%s/chromeos.exp.in' % self._base_dir, 'r') as template_file:
+ content = template_file.read()
+ substitutions = dict({
+ '__boardname__': self._board,
+ '__board_hostname__': self._remote,
+ '__tmp_testing_rsa__': self._tmp_testing_rsa,
+ '__tmp_dir__': self._tmp})
+ for pat, sub in substitutions.items():
+ content = content.replace(pat, sub)
+ board_file_name = '%s/boards/%s.exp' % (self._tmp_abs, self._board)
+ with open(board_file_name, 'w') as board_file:
+ board_file.write(content)
+ # Generate the site file
+ with open('%s/site.exp' % self._tmp_abs, 'w') as site_file:
+ site_file.write('set target_list "%s"\n' % self._board)
+ def PrepareGcc(self):
+ if self._gcc_source_dir:
+ self.PrepareGccFromCustomizedPath()
+ else:
+ self.PrepareGccDefault()
+ self._l.LogOutput('Gcc source dir - {0}'.format(self._gcc_source_dir))
+ self._l.LogOutput('Gcc build dir - {0}'.format(self._gcc_top_build_dir))
+ def PrepareGccFromCustomizedPath(self):
+ """Prepare gcc source, build directory from mounted source."""
+ # We have these source directories -
+ # _gcc_source_dir
+ # e.g. '/usr/local/toolchain_root/gcc'
+ # _gcc_source_dir_abs
+ # e.g. '/somewhere/chromeos.live/chroot/usr/local/toolchain_root/gcc'
+ # _gcc_source_dir_to_mount
+ # e.g. '/somewhere/gcc'
+ self._gcc_source_dir_abs = path.join(self._chromeos_chroot,
+ self._gcc_source_dir.lstrip('/'))
+ if not path.isdir(self._gcc_source_dir_abs) and \
+ self._executer.RunCommand(
+ 'sudo mkdir -p {0}'.format(self._gcc_source_dir_abs)):
+ raise Exception("Failed to create \'{0}\' inside chroot.".format(
+ self._gcc_source_dir))
+ if not (path.isdir(self._gcc_source_dir_to_mount) and path.isdir(
+ path.join(self._gcc_source_dir_to_mount, 'gcc'))):
+ raise Exception("{0} is not a valid gcc source tree.".format(
+ self._gcc_source_dir_to_mount))
+ # We have these build directories -
+ # _gcc_top_build_dir
+ # e.g. '/usr/local/toolchain_root/gcc-build-x86_64-cros-linux-gnu'
+ # _gcc_top_build_dir_abs
+ # e.g. '/somewhere/chromeos.live/chroo/tusr/local/toolchain_root/
+ # gcc-build-x86_64-cros-linux-gnu'
+ # _gcc_build_dir
+ # e.g. '/usr/local/toolchain_root/gcc-build-x86_64-cros-linux-gnu/gcc'
+ # _gcc_build_dir_to_mount
+ # e.g. '/somewhere/gcc-build-x86_64-cros-linux-gnu'
+ self._gcc_top_build_dir = '{0}-build-{1}'.format(
+ self._gcc_source_dir.rstrip('/'), self._target)
+ self._gcc_build_dir = path.join(self._gcc_top_build_dir, 'gcc')
+ self._gcc_build_dir_to_mount = '{0}-build-{1}'.format(
+ self._gcc_source_dir_to_mount, self._target)
+ self._gcc_top_build_dir_abs = path.join(self._chromeos_chroot,
+ self._gcc_top_build_dir.lstrip('/'))
+ if not path.isdir(self._gcc_top_build_dir_abs) and \
+ self._executer.RunCommand(
+ 'sudo mkdir -p {0}'.format(self._gcc_top_build_dir_abs)):
+ raise Exception('Failed to create \'{0}\' inside chroot.'.format(
+ self._gcc_top_build_dir))
+ if not (path.isdir(self._gcc_build_dir_to_mount) and path.join(
+ self._gcc_build_dir_to_mount, 'gcc')):
+ raise Exception('{0} is not a valid gcc build tree.'.format(
+ self._gcc_build_dir_to_mount))
+ # All check passed. Now mount gcc source and build directories.
+ self.MountGccSourceAndBuildDir()
+ def PrepareGccDefault(self):
+ """Auto emerging gcc for building purpose only."""
+ ret = self._executer.ChrootRunCommand(
+ self._chromeos_root,
+ 'equery w cross-%s/gcc' % self._target, return_output=True)[1]
+ ret = path.basename(ret.strip())
+ # ret is expected to be something like 'gcc-4.6.2-r11.ebuild' or
+ # 'gcc-9999.ebuild' parse it.
+ matcher = re.match('((.*)-r\d+).ebuild', ret)
+ if matcher:
+ gccrevision, gccversion = matcher.group(1, 2)
+ elif ret == 'gcc-9999.ebuild':
+ gccrevision = 'gcc-9999'
+ gccversion = 'gcc-9999'
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Failed to get gcc version.')
+ gcc_portage_dir = '/var/tmp/portage/cross-%s/%s/work' % (
+ self._target, gccrevision)
+ self._gcc_source_dir = path.join(gcc_portage_dir, gccversion)
+ self._gcc_top_build_dir = (gcc_portage_dir + '/%s-build-%s') % (
+ gccversion, self._target)
+ self._gcc_build_dir = path.join(self._gcc_top_build_dir, 'gcc')
+ gcc_build_dir_abs = path.join(
+ self._chromeos_root, 'chroot', self._gcc_build_dir.lstrip('/'))
+ if not path.isdir(gcc_build_dir_abs):
+ ret = self._executer.ChrootRunCommand(
+ self._chromeos_root,
+ ('ebuild $(equery w cross-%s/gcc) clean prepare compile' % (
+ self._target)))
+ if ret:
+ raise Exception('ebuild gcc failed.')
+ def MakeCheck(self):
+ self.MountGccSourceAndBuildDir()
+ cmd = ('cd %s ; '
+ 'DEJAGNU=%s make %s RUNTESTFLAGS="--target_board=%s %s"' %
+ (self._gcc_build_dir, path.join(self._tmp, 'site.exp'),
+ self.MakeCheckString(), self._board, self._flags))
+ self._executer.ChrootRunCommand(self._chromeos_root, cmd)
+ def ValidateFailures(self):
+ validate_failures_py = path.join(
+ self._gcc_source_dir,
+ 'contrib/testsuite-management/validate_failures.py')
+ cmd = 'cd {0} ; {1} --build_dir={0}'.format(
+ self._gcc_top_build_dir, validate_failures_py)
+ self.MountGccSourceAndBuildDir()
+ ret = self._executer.ChrootRunCommand(
+ self._chromeos_root, cmd, return_output=True)
+ if ret[0] != 0:
+ self._l.LogWarning('*** validate_failures.py exited with non-zero code,'
+ 'please run it manually inside chroot - \n'
+ ' ' + cmd)
+ return ret
+ # This method ensures necessary mount points before executing chroot comamnd.
+ def MountGccSourceAndBuildDir(self, unmount=False):
+ mount_points = [tc_enter_chroot.MountPoint(
+ self._gcc_source_dir_to_mount, self._gcc_source_dir_abs,
+ getpass.getuser(), "ro"),
+ tc_enter_chroot.MountPoint(
+ self._gcc_build_dir_to_mount, self._gcc_top_build_dir_abs,
+ getpass.getuser(), "rw"),]
+ for mp in mount_points:
+ if unmount:
+ if mp.UnMount():
+ raise Exception('Failed to unmount {0}'.format(mp.mount_dir))
+ else:
+ self._l.LogOutput('{0} unmounted successfully.'.format(mp.mount_dir))
+ elif mp.DoMount():
+ raise Exception('Failed to mount {0} onto {1}'.format(
+ mp.external_dir, mp.mount_dir))
+ else:
+ self._l.LogOutput('{0} mounted successfully.'.format(mp.mount_dir))
+# The end of class DejagnuExecuter
+def TryAcquireMachine(remotes):
+ available_machine = None
+ for r in remotes.split(','):
+ machine = lock_machine.Machine(r)
+ if machine.TryLock(timeout=300, exclusive=True):
+ available_machine = machine
+ break
+ else:
+ logger.GetLogger().LogWarning(
+ '*** Failed to lock machine \'{0}\'.'.format(r))
+ if not available_machine:
+ raise Exception(
+ "Failed to acquire one machine from \'{0}\'.".format(remotes))
+ return available_machine
+def Main(argv):
+ opts = ProcessArguments(argv)
+ available_machine = TryAcquireMachine(opts.remote)
+ executer = DejagnuExecuter(misc.GetRoot(argv[0])[0],
+ opts.mount, opts.chromeos_root,
+ available_machine._name,
+ opts.board, opts.flags,
+ opts.keep_intermediate_files, opts.tools,
+ opts.cleanup)
+ # Return value is a 3- or 4-element tuple
+ # element#1 - exit code
+ # element#2 - stdout
+ # element#3 - stderr
+ # element#4 - exception infor
+ # Some other scripts need these detailed information.
+ ret = (1, '', '')
+ try:
+ executer.SetupTestingDir()
+ executer.PrepareTestingRsaKeys()
+ executer.PrepareTestFiles()
+ executer.PrepareGcc()
+ executer.MakeCheck()
+ ret = executer.ValidateFailures()
+ except Exception as e:
+ # At least log the exception on console.
+ print e
+ # The #4 element encodes the runtime exception.
+ ret = (1, '', '', 'Exception happened during execution: \n' + str(e))
+ finally:
+ available_machine.Unlock(exclusive=True)
+ executer.CleanupIntermediateFiles()
+ executer.Cleanup()
+ return ret
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ retval = Main(sys.argv)[0]
+ sys.exit(retval)
diff --git a/dejagnu/site.exp b/dejagnu/site.exp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..beaa958d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dejagnu/site.exp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+set target_list "chromeos-machine"