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1 files changed, 281 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crosperf/crosperf_autolock.py b/crosperf/crosperf_autolock.py
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/crosperf/crosperf_autolock.py
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+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Wrapper script to automatically lock devices for crosperf."""
+import os
+import sys
+import argparse
+import subprocess
+import contextlib
+import json
+from typing import Optional, Any
+import dataclasses
+# Have to do sys.path hackery because crosperf relies on PYTHONPATH
+# modifications.
+PARENT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
+def main(sys_args: list[str]) -> Optional[str]:
+ """Run crosperf_autolock. Returns error msg or None"""
+ args, leftover_args = parse_args(sys_args)
+ fleet_params = [
+ CrosfleetParams(board=args.board,
+ pool=args.pool,
+ lease_time=args.lease_time)
+ for _ in range(args.num_leases)
+ ]
+ if not fleet_params:
+ return ('No board names identified. If you want to use'
+ ' a known host, just use crosperf directly.')
+ try:
+ _run_crosperf(fleet_params, args.dut_lock_timeout, leftover_args)
+ except BoardLockError as e:
+ _eprint('ERROR:', e)
+ _eprint('May need to login to crosfleet? Run "crosfleet login"')
+ _eprint('The leases may also be successful later on. '
+ 'Check with "crosfleet dut leases"')
+ return 'crosperf_autolock failed'
+ except BoardReleaseError as e:
+ _eprint('ERROR:', e)
+ _eprint('May need to re-run "crosfleet dut abandon"')
+ return 'crosperf_autolock failed'
+ return None
+def parse_args(args: list[str]) -> tuple[Any, list]:
+ """Parse the CLI arguments."""
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ 'crosperf_autolock',
+ description='Wrapper around crosperf'
+ ' to autolock DUTs from crosfleet.',
+ formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+ parser.add_argument('--board',
+ type=str,
+ help='Space or comma separated list of boards to lock',
+ required=True,
+ default=argparse.SUPPRESS)
+ parser.add_argument('--num-leases',
+ type=int,
+ help='Number of boards to lock.',
+ metavar='NUM',
+ default=1)
+ parser.add_argument('--pool',
+ type=str,
+ help='Pool to pull from.',
+ default='DUT_POOL_QUOTA')
+ parser.add_argument('--dut-lock-timeout',
+ type=float,
+ metavar='SEC',
+ help='Number of seconds we want to try to lease a board'
+ ' from crosfleet. This option does NOT change the'
+ ' lease length.',
+ default=600)
+ parser.add_argument('--lease-time',
+ type=int,
+ metavar='MIN',
+ help='Number of minutes to lock the board. Max is 1440.',
+ default=1440)
+ parser.epilog = (
+ 'For more detailed flags, you have to read the args taken by the'
+ ' crosperf executable. Args are passed transparently to crosperf.')
+ return parser.parse_known_args(args)
+class BoardLockError(Exception):
+ """Error to indicate failure to lock a board."""
+ def __init__(self, msg: str):
+ self.msg = 'BoardLockError: ' + msg
+ super().__init__(self.msg)
+class BoardReleaseError(Exception):
+ """Error to indicate failure to release a board."""
+ def __init__(self, msg: str):
+ self.msg = 'BoardReleaseError: ' + msg
+ super().__init__(self.msg)
+class CrosfleetParams:
+ """Dataclass to hold all crosfleet parameterizations."""
+ board: str
+ pool: str
+ lease_time: int
+def _eprint(*msg, **kwargs):
+ print(*msg, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
+def _run_crosperf(crosfleet_params: list[CrosfleetParams], lock_timeout: float,
+ leftover_args: list[str]):
+ """Autolock devices and run crosperf with leftover arguments.
+ Raises:
+ BoardLockError: When board was unable to be locked.
+ BoardReleaseError: When board was unable to be released.
+ """
+ if not crosfleet_params:
+ raise ValueError('No crosfleet params given; cannot call crosfleet.')
+ # We'll assume all the boards are the same type, which seems to be the case
+ # in experiments that actually get used.
+ passed_board_arg = crosfleet_params[0].board
+ with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
+ dut_hostnames = []
+ for param in crosfleet_params:
+ print(
+ f'Sent lock request for {param.board} for {param.lease_time} minutes'
+ '\nIf this fails, you may need to run "crosfleet dut abandon <...>"')
+ # May raise BoardLockError, abandoning previous DUTs.
+ dut_hostname = stack.enter_context(
+ crosfleet_machine_ctx(
+ param.board,
+ param.lease_time,
+ lock_timeout,
+ {'label-pool': param.pool},
+ ))
+ if dut_hostname:
+ print(f'Locked {param.board} machine: {dut_hostname}')
+ dut_hostnames.append(dut_hostname)
+ # We import crosperf late, because this import is extremely slow.
+ # We don't want the user to wait several seconds just to get
+ # help info.
+ import crosperf
+ for dut_hostname in dut_hostnames:
+ crosperf.Main([
+ sys.argv[0],
+ '--no_lock',
+ 'True',
+ '--remote',
+ dut_hostname,
+ '--board',
+ passed_board_arg,
+ ] + leftover_args)
+def crosfleet_machine_ctx(board: str,
+ lease_minutes: int,
+ lock_timeout: float,
+ dims: dict[str, Any],
+ abandon_timeout: float = 120.0) -> Any:
+ """Acquire dut from crosfleet, and release once it leaves the context.
+ Args:
+ board: Board type to lease.
+ lease_minutes: Length of lease, in minutes.
+ lock_timeout: How long to wait for a lock until quitting.
+ dims: Dictionary of dimension arguments to pass to crosfleet's '-dims'
+ abandon_timeout (optional): How long to wait for releasing until quitting.
+ Yields:
+ A string representing the crosfleet DUT hostname.
+ Raises:
+ BoardLockError: When board was unable to be locked.
+ BoardReleaseError: When board was unable to be released.
+ """
+ # This lock may raise an exception, but if it does, we can't release
+ # the DUT anyways as we won't have the dut_hostname.
+ dut_hostname = crosfleet_autolock(board, lease_minutes, dims, lock_timeout)
+ try:
+ yield dut_hostname
+ finally:
+ if dut_hostname:
+ crosfleet_release(dut_hostname, abandon_timeout)
+def crosfleet_autolock(board: str, lease_minutes: int, dims: dict[str, Any],
+ timeout_sec: float) -> str:
+ """Lock a device using crosfleet, paramaterized by the board type.
+ Args:
+ board: Board of the DUT we want to lock.
+ lease_minutes: Number of minutes we're trying to lease the DUT for.
+ dims: Dictionary of dimension arguments to pass to crosfleet's '-dims'
+ timeout_sec: Number of seconds to try to lease the DUT. Default 120s.
+ Returns:
+ The hostname of the board, or empty string if it couldn't be parsed.
+ Raises:
+ BoardLockError: When board was unable to be locked.
+ """
+ crosfleet_cmd_args = [
+ 'crosfleet',
+ 'dut',
+ 'lease',
+ '-json',
+ '-reason="crosperf autolock"',
+ f'-board={board}',
+ f'-minutes={lease_minutes}',
+ ]
+ if dims:
+ dims_arg = ','.join('{}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in dims.items())
+ crosfleet_cmd_args.extend(['-dims', f'{dims_arg}'])
+ try:
+ output = subprocess.check_output(crosfleet_cmd_args,
+ timeout=timeout_sec,
+ encoding='utf-8')
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ raise BoardLockError(
+ f'crosfleet dut lease failed with exit code: {e.returncode}')
+ except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e:
+ raise BoardLockError(f'crosfleet dut lease timed out after {timeout_sec}s;'
+ ' please abandon the dut manually.')
+ try:
+ json_obj = json.loads(output)
+ dut_hostname = json_obj['DUT']['Hostname']
+ if not isinstance(dut_hostname, str):
+ raise TypeError('dut_hostname was not a string')
+ except (json.JSONDecodeError, IndexError, KeyError, TypeError) as e:
+ raise BoardLockError(
+ f'crosfleet dut lease output was parsed incorrectly: {e!r};'
+ f' observed output was {output}')
+ return _maybe_append_suffix(dut_hostname)
+def crosfleet_release(dut_hostname: str, timeout_sec: float = 120.0):
+ """Release a crosfleet device.
+ Consider using the context managed crosfleet_machine_context
+ Args:
+ dut_hostname: Name of the device we want to release.
+ timeout_sec: Number of seconds to try to release the DUT. Default is 120s.
+ Raises:
+ BoardReleaseError: Potentially failed to abandon the lease.
+ """
+ crosfleet_cmd_args = [
+ 'crosfleet',
+ 'dut',
+ 'abandon',
+ dut_hostname,
+ ]
+ exit_code = subprocess.call(crosfleet_cmd_args, timeout=timeout_sec)
+ if exit_code != 0:
+ raise BoardReleaseError(
+ f'"crosfleet dut abandon" had exit code {exit_code}')
+def _maybe_append_suffix(hostname: str) -> str:
+ if hostname.endswith('.cros') or '.cros.' in hostname:
+ return hostname
+ return hostname + '.cros'
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))