path: root/afdo_tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'afdo_tools')
6 files changed, 541 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/afdo_tools/bisection/afdo_parse.py b/afdo_tools/bisection/afdo_parse.py
index b9da2174..876c2c8f 100755
--- a/afdo_tools/bisection/afdo_parse.py
+++ b/afdo_tools/bisection/afdo_parse.py
@@ -37,7 +37,9 @@ def parse_afdo(f):
if curr_func:
results[curr_func] = ''.join(curr_data)
curr_data = []
- curr_func = line.split(':')[0].strip()
+ curr_func, rest = line.split(':', 1)
+ curr_func = curr_func.strip()
+ curr_data.append(':' + rest)
diff --git a/afdo_tools/bisection/afdo_parse_test.py b/afdo_tools/bisection/afdo_parse_test.py
index 3e17b8f9..3c9288a0 100755
--- a/afdo_tools/bisection/afdo_parse_test.py
+++ b/afdo_tools/bisection/afdo_parse_test.py
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ class SimpleAfdoParseTest(unittest.TestCase):
' 46: 13942\n'
' 46.1: 14003\n')
expected = {
- 'deflate_slow': ' 3: 24\n'
+ 'deflate_slow': ':87460059:3\n'
+ ' 3: 24\n'
' 14: 54767\n'
' 15: 664 fill_window:22\n'
' 16: 661\n'
diff --git a/afdo_tools/bisection/afdo_prof_analysis.py b/afdo_tools/bisection/afdo_prof_analysis.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b713425b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afdo_tools/bisection/afdo_prof_analysis.py
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""AFDO Profile analysis tool.
+This script takes a good AFDO profile, a bad AFDO profile, and an external
+script which deems particular AFDO profiles as GOOD/BAD/SKIP, and an output
+file as arguments. Given these pieces of information, it analyzes the profiles
+to try and determine what exactly is bad about the bad profile. It does this
+with three main techniques: bisecting search, non-bisecting search, and rough
+from __future__ import print_function
+from absl import app
+from absl import flags
+from tempfile import mkstemp
+from afdo_parse import parse_afdo
+import json
+import os
+import random
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+flags.DEFINE_string('good_prof', None, 'Text-based "Good" profile for'
+ 'analysis')
+flags.DEFINE_string('bad_prof', None, 'Text-based "Bad" profile for' 'analysis')
+ 'external_decider', None, 'External script that, given an'
+ 'AFDO profile, returns GOOD/BAD/SKIP')
+flags.DEFINE_string('analysis_output_file', None,
+ 'File to output JSON results to')
+flags.DEFINE_integer('seed', None, 'Integer specifying seed for randomness')
+FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
+# Variables for non_bisecting search
+# for how many times non-bisecting search should run its algo
+_NUM_RUNS = 20
+# for how many new functions it should add at once
+# note that this will be unnecessary once non_bisecting_search TODO addressed
+def json_to_text(json_prof):
+ text_profile = []
+ for func in json_prof:
+ text_profile.append(func)
+ text_profile.append(json_prof[func])
+ return ''.join(text_profile)
+def prof_to_tmp(prof):
+ """Creates (and returns) temp filename for given JSON-based AFDO profile."""
+ fd, temp_path = mkstemp()
+ text_profile = json_to_text(prof)
+ with open(temp_path, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(text_profile)
+ os.close(fd)
+ return temp_path
+def run_external(prof):
+ """Run the external deciding script on the given profile."""
+ filename = prof_to_tmp(prof)
+ try:
+ child = subprocess.Popen([FLAGS.external_decider, filename])
+ child.communicate()
+ except:
+ raise # the error of try block
+ finally:
+ os.remove(filename)
+ return_code = child.returncode
+ return return_code
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Provided external script had unexpected return code %d' % return_code)
+def bisect_profiles(good, bad, common_funcs, lo, hi):
+ """Recursive function which bisects good and bad profiles.
+ Args:
+ good: JSON-based good AFDO profile
+ bad: JSON-based bad AFDO profile
+ common_funcs: the list of functions which have top-level profiles in both
+ 'good' and 'bad'
+ lo: lower bound of range being bisected on
+ hi: upper bound of range being bisected on
+ Returns a dictionary with two keys: 'individuals' and 'ranges'.
+ 'individuals': a list of individual functions found to make the profile BAD
+ 'ranges': a list of lists of function names. Each list of functions is a list
+ such that including all of those from the bad profile makes the good
+ profile BAD. It may not be the smallest problematic combination, but
+ definitely contains a problematic combination of profiles.
+ """
+ results = {'individuals': [], 'ranges': []}
+ if hi - lo <= 1:
+ results['individuals'].append(common_funcs[lo])
+ return results
+ mid = (lo + hi) / 2
+ lo_mid_prof = good.copy() # covers bad from lo:mid
+ mid_hi_prof = good.copy() # covers bad from mid:hi
+ for func in common_funcs[lo:mid]:
+ lo_mid_prof[func] = bad[func]
+ for func in common_funcs[mid:hi]:
+ mid_hi_prof[func] = bad[func]
+ lo_mid_verdict = run_external(lo_mid_prof)
+ mid_hi_verdict = run_external(mid_hi_prof)
+ if lo_mid_verdict == BAD_STATUS:
+ result = bisect_profiles(good, bad, common_funcs, lo, mid)
+ results['individuals'].extend(result['individuals'])
+ results['ranges'].extend(result['ranges'])
+ if mid_hi_verdict == BAD_STATUS:
+ result = bisect_profiles(good, bad, common_funcs, mid, hi)
+ results['individuals'].extend(result['individuals'])
+ results['ranges'].extend(result['ranges'])
+ # neither half is bad -> the issue is caused by several things occuring
+ # in conjunction, and this combination crosses 'mid'
+ if lo_mid_verdict == mid_hi_verdict == GOOD_STATUS:
+ problem_range = non_bisecting_search(good, bad, common_funcs, lo, hi)
+ if problem_range:
+ results['ranges'].append(problem_range)
+ return results
+def bisect_profiles_wrapper(good, bad, perform_check=True):
+ """Wrapper for recursive profile bisection."""
+ # Validate good and bad profiles are such, otherwise bisection reports noise
+ # Note that while run_external is a random mock, these assertions may fail.
+ if perform_check:
+ if run_external(good) != GOOD_STATUS:
+ raise ValueError("Supplied good profile is not actually GOOD")
+ if run_external(bad) != BAD_STATUS:
+ raise ValueError("Supplied bad profile is not actually BAD")
+ common_funcs = sorted(func for func in good if func in bad)
+ if not common_funcs:
+ return {'ranges': [], 'individuals': []}
+ # shuffle because the results of our analysis can be quite order-dependent
+ # but this list has no inherent ordering. By shuffling each time, the chances
+ # of finding new, potentially interesting results are increased each time
+ # the program is run
+ random.shuffle(common_funcs)
+ results = bisect_profiles(good, bad, common_funcs, 0, len(common_funcs))
+ results['ranges'].sort()
+ results['individuals'].sort()
+ return results
+# TODO(emmavukelj): make this O(logn) instead of O(n) by halving the searched
+# range instead of linearly incrementing. And also search from middle of range
+def non_bisecting_search(good, bad, common_funcs, lo, hi):
+ """Searches for problematic range without bisecting.
+ The main inner algorithm is the following, which looks for the smallest
+ possible ranges with problematic combinations. It starts the upper bound at
+ the midpoint, and increments this until it gets a BAD profile.
+ Then, it increments the lower bound until the resultant profile is GOOD, and
+ then we have a range that causes 'BAD'ness.
+ It does this _NUM_NONBISECT_RUNS times, and shuffles the functions being
+ looked at uniquely each time to try and get the smallest possible range
+ of functions but in a reasonable timeframe.
+ """
+ lo_mid_funcs = []
+ mid_hi_funcs = []
+ min_range_funcs = []
+ for _ in range(_NUM_RUNS):
+ if min_range_funcs: # only examine range we've already narrowed to
+ lo_mid_funcs = lo_mid_funcs[lo_mid_funcs.index(min_range_funcs[0]):]
+ mid_hi_funcs = mid_hi_funcs[:mid_hi_funcs.index(min_range_funcs[-1]) + 1]
+ # shuffle to hopefully find smaller problem range
+ random.shuffle(lo_mid_funcs)
+ random.shuffle(mid_hi_funcs)
+ else: # consider lo-mid and mid-hi separately bc must cross border
+ mid = (lo + hi) / 2
+ lo_mid_funcs = common_funcs[lo:mid]
+ mid_hi_funcs = common_funcs[mid:hi]
+ funcs = lo_mid_funcs + mid_hi_funcs
+ hi = len(funcs)
+ mid = len(lo_mid_funcs)
+ lo = 0
+ # because we need the problematic pair to pop up before we can narrow it
+ good_copy = good.copy()
+ for func in lo_mid_funcs:
+ good_copy[func] = bad[func]
+ for upper in range(mid, hi): # find upper border of bad combination
+ upper_func = funcs[upper]
+ good_copy[upper_func] = bad[upper_func]
+ if ((upper % _FUNC_STEP == 0 or upper == hi - 1) and
+ run_external(good_copy) == BAD_STATUS):
+ # find lower border of bad combination
+ for lower in range(mid):
+ lower_func = funcs[lower]
+ good_copy[lower_func] = good[lower_func]
+ if ((lower % _FUNC_STEP == 0 or lower == mid - 1) and
+ run_external(good_copy) == GOOD_STATUS):
+ lower = max(0, lower - _FUNC_STEP + 1) # +1 b/c current included
+ if not min_range_funcs or (upper - lower) < len(min_range_funcs):
+ # b/c upper func included
+ min_range_funcs = funcs[lower:upper + 1]
+ if len(min_range_funcs) == 2:
+ min_range_funcs.sort()
+ return min_range_funcs # can't get any smaller
+ break
+ min_range_funcs.sort()
+ return min_range_funcs
+def check_good_not_bad(good, bad):
+ """Check if bad prof becomes GOOD by adding funcs it lacks from good prof"""
+ bad_copy = bad.copy()
+ for func in good:
+ if func not in bad:
+ bad_copy[func] = good[func]
+ return run_external(bad_copy) == GOOD_STATUS
+def check_bad_not_good(good, bad):
+ """Check if good prof BAD after adding funcs bad prof has that good doesnt"""
+ good_copy = good.copy()
+ for func in bad:
+ if func not in good:
+ good_copy[func] = bad[func]
+ return run_external(good_copy) == BAD_STATUS
+def main(_):
+ with open(FLAGS.good_prof) as good_f:
+ good_items = parse_afdo(good_f)
+ with open(FLAGS.bad_prof) as bad_f:
+ bad_items = parse_afdo(bad_f)
+ seed = FLAGS.seed
+ if not FLAGS.seed:
+ seed = time.time()
+ random.seed(seed)
+ bisect_results = bisect_profiles_wrapper(good_items, bad_items)
+ gnb_result = check_good_not_bad(good_items, bad_items)
+ bng_result = check_bad_not_good(good_items, bad_items)
+ results = {
+ 'seed': seed,
+ 'bisect_results': bisect_results,
+ 'good_only_functions': gnb_result,
+ 'bad_only_functions': bng_result
+ }
+ with open(FLAGS.analysis_output_file, 'wb') as f:
+ json.dump(results, f, indent=2)
+ return results
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ flags.mark_flag_as_required('good_prof')
+ flags.mark_flag_as_required('bad_prof')
+ flags.mark_flag_as_required('external_decider')
+ flags.mark_flag_as_required('analysis_output_file')
+ app.run(main)
+ FLAGS(sys.argv)
diff --git a/afdo_tools/bisection/afdo_prof_analysis_e2e_test.py b/afdo_tools/bisection/afdo_prof_analysis_e2e_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..6f04724a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afdo_tools/bisection/afdo_prof_analysis_e2e_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""End-to-end test for afdo_prof_analysis."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import afdo_prof_analysis as analysis
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+import os
+import unittest
+class AfdoProfAnalysisE2ETest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Class for end-to-end testing of AFDO Profile Analysis"""
+ def test_afdo_prof_analysis(self):
+ # nothing significant about the values, just easier to remember even vs odd
+ good_prof = {
+ 'func_a': ':1\n 1: 3\n 3: 5\n 5: 7\n',
+ 'func_b': ':3\n 3: 5\n 5: 7\n 7: 9\n',
+ 'func_c': ':5\n 5: 7\n 7: 9\n 9: 11\n',
+ 'func_d': ':7\n 7: 9\n 9: 11\n 11: 13\n',
+ 'good_func_a': ':11\n',
+ 'good_func_b': ':13\n'
+ }
+ bad_prof = {
+ 'func_a': ':2\n 2: 4\n 4: 6\n 6: 8\n',
+ 'func_b': ':4\n 4: 6\n 6: 8\n 8: 10\n',
+ 'func_c': ':6\n 6: 8\n 8: 10\n 10: 12\n',
+ 'func_d': ':8\n 8: 10\n 10: 12\n 12: 14\n',
+ 'bad_func_a': ':12\n',
+ 'bad_func_b': ':14\n'
+ }
+ # Individual issues take precedence by nature of our algos
+ # so first, that should be caught
+ expected = {
+ 'good_only_functions': False,
+ 'bad_only_functions': True,
+ 'bisect_results': {
+ 'ranges': [],
+ 'individuals': ['func_a']
+ }
+ }
+ self.run_check(good_prof, bad_prof, expected)
+ # Now remove individuals and exclusively BAD, and check that range is caught
+ bad_prof['func_a'] = good_prof['func_a']
+ bad_prof.pop('bad_func_a')
+ bad_prof.pop('bad_func_b')
+ expected['bad_only_functions'] = False
+ expected['bisect_results'] = {
+ 'individuals': [],
+ 'ranges': [['func_b', 'func_c', 'func_d']]
+ }
+ # Since the range is so small, we want to finetune func interval
+ # to confirm algo runs as expected
+ # pylint:disable=protected-access
+ analysis._FUNC_STEP = 1
+ self.run_check(good_prof, bad_prof, expected)
+ def run_check(self, good_prof, bad_prof, expected):
+ temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ def cleanup():
+ shutil.rmtree(temp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
+ self.addCleanup(cleanup)
+ good_prof_file = '%s/%s' % (temp_dir, 'good_prof.txt')
+ bad_prof_file = '%s/%s' % (temp_dir, 'bad_prof.txt')
+ good_prof_text = analysis.json_to_text(good_prof)
+ bad_prof_text = analysis.json_to_text(bad_prof)
+ with open(good_prof_file, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(good_prof_text)
+ with open(bad_prof_file, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(bad_prof_text)
+ analysis.FLAGS.good_prof = good_prof_file
+ analysis.FLAGS.bad_prof = bad_prof_file
+ dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # dir of this file
+ external_script = '%s/e2e_external.sh' % (dir_path)
+ analysis.FLAGS.external_decider = external_script
+ analysis.FLAGS.analysis_output_file = '/dev/null'
+ actual = analysis.main(None)
+ actual.pop('seed') # nothing to check
+ self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/afdo_tools/bisection/afdo_prof_analysis_test.py b/afdo_tools/bisection/afdo_prof_analysis_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..bbad85b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afdo_tools/bisection/afdo_prof_analysis_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Tests for afdo_prof_analysis."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+import afdo_prof_analysis as analysis
+import mock
+import random
+import unittest
+class AfdoProfAnalysisTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Class for testing AFDO Profile Analysis"""
+ bad_items = {'func_a': '1', 'func_b': '3', 'func_c': '5'}
+ good_items = {'func_a': '2', 'func_b': '4', 'func_d': '5'}
+ random.seed(13) # 13 is an arbitrary choice. just for consistency
+ # add some extra info to make tests more reflective of real scenario
+ for num in range(128):
+ func_name = 'func_extra_%d' % num
+ # 1/3 to both, 1/3 only to good, 1/3 only to bad
+ rand_val = random.randint(1, 101)
+ if rand_val < 67:
+ bad_items[func_name] = 'test_data'
+ if rand_val < 34 or rand_val >= 67:
+ good_items[func_name] = 'test_data'
+ analysis.random.seed(5) # 5 is an arbitrary choice. For consistent testing
+ def test_json_to_text(self):
+ example_prof = {'func_a': ':1\ndata\n', 'func_b': ':2\nmore data\n'}
+ expected_text = 'func_a:1\ndata\nfunc_b:2\nmore data\n'
+ self.assertEqual(analysis.json_to_text(example_prof), expected_text)
+ @mock.patch.object(analysis, 'run_external')
+ def test_bisect_profiles(self, mock_run_external):
+ # mock run of external script with arbitrarily-chosen bad profile vals
+ def run_external(prof):
+ if '1' in prof['func_a'] or '3' in prof['func_b']:
+ return analysis.BAD_STATUS
+ return analysis.GOOD_STATUS
+ mock_run_external.side_effect = run_external
+ results = analysis.bisect_profiles_wrapper(self.good_items, self.bad_items)
+ self.assertEqual(results['individuals'], sorted(['func_a', 'func_b']))
+ self.assertEqual(results['ranges'], [])
+ @mock.patch.object(analysis, 'run_external')
+ def test_non_bisecting_search(self, mock_run_external):
+ # arbitrarily chosen functions whose values in the bad profile constitute
+ # a problematic pair
+ def run_external(prof):
+ if '1' in prof['func_a'] and '3' in prof['func_b']:
+ return analysis.BAD_STATUS
+ return analysis.GOOD_STATUS
+ mock_run_external.side_effect = run_external
+ # put the problematic combination in separate halves of the common funcs
+ # so that non-bisecting search is invoked for its actual use case
+ common_funcs = [func for func in self.good_items if func in self.bad_items]
+ common_funcs.remove('func_a')
+ common_funcs.insert(0, 'func_a')
+ common_funcs.remove('func_b')
+ common_funcs.append('func_b')
+ problem_range = analysis.non_bisecting_search(
+ self.good_items, self.bad_items, common_funcs, 0, len(common_funcs))
+ # we cannot test for the range being exactly these two functions because
+ # the output is slightly random and, if unlucky, the range could end up
+ # being bigger. But it is guaranteed that the output will at least
+ # *contain* the problematic pair created here
+ self.assertIn('func_a', problem_range)
+ self.assertIn('func_b', problem_range)
+ @mock.patch.object(analysis, 'run_external')
+ def test_check_good_not_bad(self, mock_run_external):
+ func_in_good = 'func_c'
+ def run_external(prof):
+ if func_in_good in prof:
+ return analysis.GOOD_STATUS
+ return analysis.BAD_STATUS
+ mock_run_external.side_effect = run_external
+ self.assertTrue(
+ analysis.check_good_not_bad(self.good_items, self.bad_items))
+ @mock.patch.object(analysis, 'run_external')
+ def test_check_bad_not_good(self, mock_run_external):
+ func_in_bad = 'func_d'
+ def run_external(prof):
+ if func_in_bad in prof:
+ return analysis.BAD_STATUS
+ return analysis.GOOD_STATUS
+ mock_run_external.side_effect = run_external
+ self.assertTrue(
+ analysis.check_bad_not_good(self.good_items, self.bad_items))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/afdo_tools/bisection/e2e_external.sh b/afdo_tools/bisection/e2e_external.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1358075f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afdo_tools/bisection/e2e_external.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#!/bin/bash -eu
+trap "rm -f '${tmp_file}'" EXIT
+grep -v '^ ' "$1" > "${tmp_file}"
+if grep -q bad "${tmp_file}"; then
+ exit $BAD_STATUS
+# func_a containing '2' in its top line is BAD
+if grep -q 'func_a.*2' "${tmp_file}"; then
+ exit $BAD_STATUS
+# func_b, func_c, and func_d with even values are bad in conjunction
+if grep -q 'func_b.*4' "${tmp_file}" && \
+ grep -q 'func_c.*6' "${tmp_file}" && \
+ grep -q 'func_d.*8' "${tmp_file}"; then
+ exit $BAD_STATUS
+# If none of the BADness conditions are met