path: root/automation/clients
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'automation/clients')
22 files changed, 2349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/automation/clients/__init__.py b/automation/clients/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/__init__.py
diff --git a/automation/clients/android.py b/automation/clients/android.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..069fcafb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/android.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+"""Client for Android nightly jobs.
+Does the following jobs:
+ 1. Checkout android toolchain sources
+ 2. Build Android toolchain
+ 3. Build Android tree
+ 4. Checkout/build/run Android benchmarks (TODO)
+ 5. Generate size/performance dashboard ? (TODO)
+__author__ = 'jingyu@google.com (Jing Yu)'
+import optparse
+import pickle
+import sys
+import xmlrpclib
+from automation.clients.helper import android
+from automation.common import job_group
+from automation.common import logger
+class AndroidToolchainNightlyClient(object):
+ VALID_GCC_VERSIONS = ['4.4.3', '4.6', 'google_main', 'fsf_trunk']
+ def __init__(self, gcc_version, is_release):
+ assert gcc_version in self.VALID_GCC_VERSIONS
+ self.gcc_version = gcc_version
+ if is_release:
+ self.build_type = 'RELEASE'
+ else:
+ self.build_type = 'DEVELOPMENT'
+ def Run(self):
+ server = xmlrpclib.Server('http://localhost:8000')
+ server.ExecuteJobGroup(pickle.dumps(self.CreateJobGroup()))
+ def CreateJobGroup(self):
+ factory = android.JobsFactory(self.gcc_version, self.build_type)
+ p4_androidtc_job, checkout_dir_dep = factory.CheckoutAndroidToolchain()
+ tc_build_job, tc_prefix_dep = factory.BuildAndroidToolchain(
+ checkout_dir_dep)
+ tree_build_job = factory.BuildAndroidImage(tc_prefix_dep)
+ benchmark_job = factory.Benchmark(tc_prefix_dep)
+ all_jobs = [p4_androidtc_job, tc_build_job, tree_build_job, benchmark_job]
+ return job_group.JobGroup('androidtoolchain_nightly', all_jobs, True, False)
+def Main(argv):
+ valid_gcc_versions_string = ', '.join(
+ AndroidToolchainNightlyClient.VALID_GCC_VERSIONS)
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option('--with-gcc-version',
+ dest='gcc_version',
+ default='4.6',
+ action='store',
+ choices=AndroidToolchainNightlyClient.VALID_GCC_VERSIONS,
+ help='gcc version: %s.' % valid_gcc_versions_string)
+ parser.add_option('-r',
+ '--release',
+ dest='is_release',
+ default=False,
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Build a release toolchain?')
+ options, _ = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ option_list = [opt.dest for opt in parser.option_list if opt.dest]
+ kwargs = dict((option, getattr(options, option)) for option in option_list)
+ client = AndroidToolchainNightlyClient(**kwargs)
+ client.Run()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ Main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/automation/clients/chromeos.py b/automation/clients/chromeos.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ec80a0eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/chromeos.py
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+"""chromeos.py: Build & Test ChromeOS using custom compilers."""
+__author__ = 'asharif@google.com (Ahmad Sharif)'
+import logging
+import optparse
+import os
+import pickle
+import sys
+import xmlrpclib
+from automation.clients.helper import jobs
+from automation.clients.helper import perforce
+from automation.common import command as cmd
+from automation.common import job_group
+from automation.common import logger
+class ChromeOSNightlyClient(object):
+ DEPOT2_DIR = '//depot2/'
+ P4_CHECKOUT_DIR = 'perforce2/'
+ P4_VERSION_DIR = os.path.join(P4_CHECKOUT_DIR, 'gcctools/chromeos/v14')
+ def __init__(self, board, remote, gcc_githash, p4_snapshot=''):
+ self._board = board
+ self._remote = remote
+ self._gcc_githash = gcc_githash
+ self._p4_snapshot = p4_snapshot
+ def Run(self):
+ server = xmlrpclib.Server('http://localhost:8000')
+ server.ExecuteJobGroup(pickle.dumps(self.CreateJobGroup()))
+ def CheckoutV14Dir(self):
+ p4view = perforce.View(self.DEPOT2_DIR, [
+ perforce.PathMapping('gcctools/chromeos/v14/...')])
+ return self.GetP4Snapshot(p4view)
+ def GetP4Snapshot(self, p4view):
+ p4client = perforce.CommandsFactory(self.P4_CHECKOUT_DIR, p4view)
+ if self._p4_snapshot:
+ return p4client.CheckoutFromSnapshot(self._p4_snapshot)
+ else:
+ return p4client.SetupAndDo(p4client.Sync(), p4client.Remove())
+ def CreateJobGroup(self):
+ chain = cmd.Chain(
+ self.CheckoutV14Dir(),
+ cmd.Shell('python',
+ os.path.join(self.P4_VERSION_DIR, 'test_toolchains.py'),
+ '--force-mismatch',
+ '--clean',
+ '--public', # crbug.com/145822
+ '--board=%s' % self._board,
+ '--remote=%s' % self._remote,
+ '--githashes=%s' % self._gcc_githash))
+ label = 'testlabel'
+ job = jobs.CreateLinuxJob(label, chain, timeout=24*60*60)
+ return job_group.JobGroup(label, [job], True, False)
+def Main(argv):
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option('-b',
+ '--board',
+ dest='board',
+ help='Run performance tests on these boards')
+ parser.add_option('-r',
+ '--remote',
+ dest='remote',
+ help='Run performance tests on these remotes')
+ parser.add_option('-g',
+ '--gcc_githash',
+ dest='gcc_githash',
+ help='Use this gcc_githash.')
+ parser.add_option('-p',
+ '--p4_snapshot',
+ dest='p4_snapshot',
+ default='',
+ help='Use this p4_snapshot.')
+ options, _ = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ if not all([options.board, options.remote, options.gcc_githash]):
+ logging.error('Specify a board, remote and gcc_githash')
+ return 1
+ client = ChromeOSNightlyClient(options.board, options.remote,
+ options.gcc_githash,
+ p4_snapshot=options.p4_snapshot)
+ client.Run()
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ logger.SetUpRootLogger(level=logging.DEBUG, display_flags={'name': False})
+ sys.exit(Main(sys.argv))
diff --git a/automation/clients/crosstool.py b/automation/clients/crosstool.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..9844174b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/crosstool.py
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+__author__ = 'kbaclawski@google.com (Krystian Baclawski)'
+import logging
+import optparse
+import pickle
+import sys
+import xmlrpclib
+from automation.clients.helper import crosstool
+from automation.common import job_group
+from automation.common import logger
+class CrosstoolNightlyClient(object):
+ VALID_TARGETS = ['gcc-4.6.x-ubuntu_lucid-arm',
+ 'gcc-4.6.x-ubuntu_lucid-x86_64',
+ 'gcc-4.6.x-grtev2-armv7a-vfpv3.d16-hard',
+ 'gcc-4.6.x-glibc-2.11.1-grte',
+ 'gcc-4.6.x-glibc-2.11.1-powerpc']
+ VALID_BOARDS = ['qemu', 'pandaboard', 'unix']
+ def __init__(self, target, boards):
+ assert target in self.VALID_TARGETS
+ assert all(board in self.VALID_BOARDS for board in boards)
+ self._target = target
+ self._boards = boards
+ def Run(self):
+ server = xmlrpclib.Server('http://localhost:8000')
+ server.ExecuteJobGroup(pickle.dumps(self.CreateJobGroup()))
+ def CreateJobGroup(self):
+ factory = crosstool.JobsFactory()
+ checkout_crosstool_job, checkout_dir, manifests_dir = \
+ factory.CheckoutCrosstool(self._target)
+ all_jobs = [checkout_crosstool_job]
+ # Build crosstool target
+ build_release_job, build_tree_dir = factory.BuildRelease(
+ checkout_dir, self._target)
+ all_jobs.append(build_release_job)
+ testruns = []
+ # Perform crosstool tests
+ for board in self._boards:
+ for component in ('gcc', 'binutils'):
+ test_job, testrun_dir = factory.RunTests(
+ checkout_dir, build_tree_dir, self._target, board, component)
+ all_jobs.append(test_job)
+ testruns.append(testrun_dir)
+ if testruns:
+ all_jobs.append(factory.GenerateReport(testruns, manifests_dir,
+ self._target, self._boards))
+ return job_group.JobGroup(
+ 'Crosstool Nightly Build (%s)' % self._target, all_jobs, True, False)
+def Main(argv):
+ valid_boards_string = ', '.join(CrosstoolNightlyClient.VALID_BOARDS)
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option('-b',
+ '--board',
+ dest='boards',
+ action='append',
+ choices=CrosstoolNightlyClient.VALID_BOARDS,
+ default=[],
+ help=('Run DejaGNU tests on selected boards: %s.' %
+ valid_boards_string))
+ options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ if len(args) == 2:
+ target = args[1]
+ else:
+ logging.error('Exactly one target required as a command line argument!')
+ logging.info('List of valid targets:')
+ for pair in enumerate(CrosstoolNightlyClient.VALID_TARGETS, start=1):
+ logging.info('%d) %s' % pair)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ option_list = [opt.dest for opt in parser.option_list if opt.dest]
+ kwargs = dict((option, getattr(options, option)) for option in option_list)
+ client = CrosstoolNightlyClient(target, **kwargs)
+ client.Run()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ logger.SetUpRootLogger(level=logging.DEBUG, display_flags={'name': False})
+ Main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/automation/clients/dejagnu_compiler.py b/automation/clients/dejagnu_compiler.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..4bc881e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/dejagnu_compiler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+"""dejagnu_compiler.py: Run dejagnu test."""
+__author__ = 'shenhan@google.com (Han Shen)'
+import logging
+import optparse
+import os
+import pickle
+import sys
+import xmlrpclib
+from automation.clients.helper import jobs
+from automation.clients.helper import perforce
+from automation.common import command as cmd
+from automation.common import job_group
+from automation.common import logger
+class DejagnuCompilerNightlyClient:
+ DEPOT2_DIR = '//depot2/'
+ P4_CHECKOUT_DIR = 'perforce2/'
+ P4_VERSION_DIR = os.path.join(P4_CHECKOUT_DIR, 'gcctools/chromeos/v14')
+ def __init__(self, board, remote, p4_snapshot, cleanup):
+ self._board = board
+ self._remote = remote
+ self._p4_snapshot = p4_snapshot
+ self._cleanup = cleanup
+ def Run(self):
+ server = xmlrpclib.Server('http://localhost:8000')
+ server.ExecuteJobGroup(pickle.dumps(self.CreateJobGroup()))
+ def CheckoutV14Dir(self):
+ p4view = perforce.View(self.DEPOT2_DIR, [
+ perforce.PathMapping('gcctools/chromeos/v14/...')])
+ return self.GetP4Snapshot(p4view)
+ def GetP4Snapshot(self, p4view):
+ p4client = perforce.CommandsFactory(self.P4_CHECKOUT_DIR, p4view)
+ if self._p4_snapshot:
+ return p4client.CheckoutFromSnapshot(self._p4_snapshot)
+ else:
+ return p4client.SetupAndDo(p4client.Sync(), p4client.Remove())
+ def CreateJobGroup(self):
+ chain = cmd.Chain(
+ self.CheckoutV14Dir(),
+ cmd.Shell('python',
+ os.path.join(self.P4_VERSION_DIR, 'test_gcc_dejagnu.py'),
+ '--board=%s' % self._board,
+ '--remote=%s' % self._remote,
+ '--cleanup=%s' % self._cleanup))
+ label = 'dejagnu'
+ job = jobs.CreateLinuxJob(label, chain, timeout=8*60*60)
+ return job_group.JobGroup(label, [job], cleanup_on_failure=True,
+ cleanup_on_completion=True)
+def Main(argv):
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option('-b', '--board', dest='board',
+ help='Run performance tests on these boards')
+ parser.add_option('-r', '--remote', dest='remote',
+ help='Run performance tests on these remotes')
+ parser.add_option('-p', '--p4_snapshot', dest='p4_snapshot',
+ help=('For development only. '
+ 'Use snapshot instead of checking out.'))
+ parser.add_option('--cleanup', dest='cleanup', default='mount',
+ help=('Cleanup test directory, values could be one of '
+ '"mount", "chroot" or "chromeos"'))
+ options, _ = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ if not all([options.board, options.remote]):
+ logging.error('Specify a board and remote.')
+ return 1
+ client = DejagnuCompilerNightlyClient(
+ options.board, options.remote, options.p4_snapshot, options.cleanup)
+ client.Run()
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(Main(sys.argv))
diff --git a/automation/clients/helper/__init__.py b/automation/clients/helper/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b137891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/helper/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/automation/clients/helper/android.py b/automation/clients/helper/android.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f49ccb86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/helper/android.py
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+# Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+"""Helper modules for Android toolchain test infrastructure.
+Provides following Android toolchain test jobs and commands.
+. Checkout Android toolchain source code
+. Build Android toolchain
+. Checkout and build Android tree
+. Checkout/build/run Android benchmarks, generate size dashboard
+. Transform size dashboard to report, send perflab jobid to
+ perflab dashboard server.(TODO)
+__author__ = 'jingyu@google.com (Jing Yu)'
+import os.path
+from automation.clients.helper import jobs
+from automation.clients.helper import perforce
+from automation.common import command as cmd
+from automation.common import job
+class JobsFactory(object):
+ def __init__(self, gcc_version='4.4.3', build_type='DEVELOPMENT'):
+ assert gcc_version in ['4.4.3', '4.6', 'google_main', 'fsf_trunk']
+ assert build_type in ['DEVELOPMENT', 'RELEASE']
+ self.gcc_version = gcc_version
+ self.commands = CommandsFactory(gcc_version, build_type)
+ self.tc_tag = 'gcc-%s-%s' % (gcc_version, build_type)
+ def CheckoutAndroidToolchain(self):
+ """Check out Android toolchain sources by release and gcc version."""
+ command = self.commands.CheckoutAndroidToolchain()
+ new_job = jobs.CreateLinuxJob('AndroidCheckoutToolchain(%s)' % self.tc_tag,
+ command)
+ checkout_dir_dep = job.FolderDependency(new_job, self.commands.CHECKOUT_DIR)
+ return new_job, checkout_dir_dep
+ def BuildAndroidToolchain(self, checkout_dir_dep):
+ """Build Android Toolchain."""
+ command = self.commands.BuildAndroidToolchain()
+ new_job = jobs.CreateLinuxJob('AndroidBuildToolchain(%s)' % self.tc_tag,
+ command)
+ new_job.DependsOnFolder(checkout_dir_dep)
+ tc_prefix_dep = job.FolderDependency(
+ new_job, self.commands.toolchain_prefix_dir)
+ return new_job, tc_prefix_dep
+ def BuildAndroidImage(self, tc_prefix_dep, product='stingray',
+ branch='ics-release'):
+ assert product in ['stingray', 'passion', 'trygon', 'soju']
+ assert branch in ['honeycomb-release', 'ics-release']
+ command = self.commands.BuildAndroidImage(product, branch)
+ new_job = jobs.CreateLinuxJob('AndroidGetBuildTree(%s)' % self.tc_tag,
+ command)
+ new_job.DependsOnFolder(tc_prefix_dep)
+ return new_job
+ def Benchmark(self, tc_prefix_dep, arch='soju'):
+ assert arch in ['soju', 'stingray']
+ script_cmd = self.commands.CheckoutScripts()
+ experiment_tag = 'android/nightly/%s/%s/$JOB_ID' % (self.tc_tag, arch)
+ build_run_benchmark_cmd = self.commands.BuildRunBenchmark(arch,
+ experiment_tag)
+ command = cmd.Chain(script_cmd, build_run_benchmark_cmd)
+ new_job = jobs.CreateLinuxJob('AndroidBenchmarking(%s)' % self.tc_tag,
+ command)
+ new_job.DependsOnFolder(tc_prefix_dep)
+ return new_job
+class CommandsFactory(object):
+ CHECKOUT_DIR = 'androidtc-checkout-dir'
+ TOOLCHAIN_SRC_DIR = os.path.join(CHECKOUT_DIR, 'src')
+ ANDROID_TREES_DIR = 'android_trees'
+ TOOLS_DIR = 'android-tools'
+ BENCHMARK_OUT_DIR = 'results'
+ def __init__(self, gcc_version, build_type):
+ assert gcc_version in ['4.4.3', '4.6', 'google_main', 'fsf_trunk']
+ assert build_type in ['DEVELOPMENT', 'RELEASE']
+ self.build_type = build_type
+ self.gcc_version = gcc_version
+ self.binutils_version = '2.21'
+ self.gold_version = '2.21'
+ self.toolchain_prefix_dir = 'install-gcc-%s-%s' % (
+ gcc_version, build_type)
+ self.p4client = self._CreatePerforceClient()
+ self.scripts = ScriptsFactory(self.gcc_version, self.binutils_version,
+ self.gold_version)
+ def _CreatePerforceClient(self):
+ p4_dev_path = 'gcctools/google_vendor_src_branch'
+ mobile_rel_branch = ('branches/'
+ 'mobile_toolchain_v15_release_branch/gcctools/'
+ 'google_vendor_src_branch')
+ gcc_443_rel_branch = ('branches/'
+ 'android_compiler_v14_release_branch/gcctools/'
+ 'google_vendor_src_branch')
+ # Common views for tools
+ p4view = perforce.View('depot2',
+ perforce.PathMapping.ListFromPathTuples(
+ [('gcctools/android/build/...', 'src/build/...'),
+ ('gcctools/android/Tarballs/...',
+ 'src/tarballs/...')]))
+ for mapping in perforce.PathMapping.ListFromPathDict(
+ {'gcctools/android': ['tools/scripts/...', 'master/...']}):
+ p4view.add(mapping)
+ # Add views for gdb
+ p4view.add(perforce.PathMapping(p4_dev_path, 'src',
+ 'gdb/gdb-7.1.x-android/...'))
+ # Add view for binutils for ld and gold
+ if self.build_type is 'RELEASE':
+ binutils_branch = mobile_rel_branch
+ else:
+ binutils_branch = p4_dev_path
+ p4view.add(perforce.PathMapping(binutils_branch, 'src',
+ ('binutils/binutils-%s/...' %
+ self.binutils_version)))
+ if self.binutils_version != self.gold_version:
+ p4view.add(perforce.PathMapping(binutils_branch, 'src',
+ ('binutils/binutils-%s/...' %
+ self.gold_version)))
+ # Add view for gcc if gcc_version is '4.4.3'.
+ if self.gcc_version == '4.4.3':
+ gcc443_path = 'gcc/gcc-4.4.3/...'
+ if self.build_type is 'RELEASE':
+ p4view.add(perforce.PathMapping(gcc_443_rel_branch, 'src', gcc443_path))
+ else:
+ p4view.add(perforce.PathMapping(p4_dev_path, 'src', gcc443_path))
+ return perforce.CommandsFactory(self.CHECKOUT_DIR, p4view)
+ def _CheckoutGCCFromSVN(self):
+ """Check out gcc from fsf svn.
+ Return the command that check out gcc from svn
+ to gcc_required_dir (=TOOLCHAIN_SRC_DIR/src/gcc/gcc-xxx).
+ Create a svn class that does these jobs.
+ Parallelize p4 checkout and svn checkout.
+ """
+ if self.gcc_version == '4.4.3':
+ return ''
+ assert self.gcc_version in ['4.6', 'google_main', 'fsf_trunk']
+ gcc_branches_dir = {'4.6': 'branches/google/gcc-4_6',
+ 'google_main': 'branches/google/main',
+ 'fsf_trunk': 'trunk'}
+ # Find GCC revision number, output it to TOOLCHAIN_SRC_DIR/CLNUM_GCC
+ svn_get_revision = cmd.Pipe(
+ cmd.Shell('svn', 'info'),
+ cmd.Shell('grep', '"Revision:"'),
+ cmd.Shell('sed', '-E', '"s,Revision: ([0-9]+).*,\\1,"'),
+ output='../../../CLNUM_GCC')
+ svn_co_command = 'svn co svn://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/%s .' % (
+ gcc_branches_dir[self.gcc_version])
+ gcc_required_dir = os.path.join(self.TOOLCHAIN_SRC_DIR, 'gcc',
+ 'gcc-%s' % self.gcc_version)
+ return cmd.Chain(cmd.MakeDir(gcc_required_dir),
+ cmd.Wrapper(cmd.Chain(svn_co_command, svn_get_revision),
+ cwd=gcc_required_dir))
+ def CheckoutAndroidToolchain(self):
+ p4client = self.p4client
+ command = p4client.SetupAndDo(p4client.Sync(),
+ p4client.SaveCurrentCLNumber('CLNUM'),
+ p4client.Remove())
+ if self.gcc_version != '4.4.3':
+ command.append(self._CheckoutGCCFromSVN())
+ return command
+ def BuildAndroidToolchain(self):
+ script_cmd = self.scripts.BuildAndroidToolchain(self.toolchain_prefix_dir,
+ # Record toolchain and gcc CL number
+ record_cl_cmd = cmd.Copy(os.path.join(self.CHECKOUT_DIR, 'CLNUM*'),
+ to_dir=self.toolchain_prefix_dir)
+ save_cmd = cmd.Tar(os.path.join('$JOB_TMP', 'results',
+ '%s.tar.bz2' % self.toolchain_prefix_dir),
+ self.toolchain_prefix_dir)
+ return cmd.Chain(script_cmd, record_cl_cmd, save_cmd)
+ def _BuildAndroidTree(self, local_android_branch_dir, product):
+ target_tools_prefix = os.path.join('$JOB_TMP', self.toolchain_prefix_dir,
+ 'bin', 'arm-linux-androideabi-')
+ java_path = '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin'
+ build_cmd = cmd.Shell('make', '-j8',
+ 'PRODUCT-%s-userdebug' % product,
+ 'TARGET_TOOLS_PREFIX=%s' % target_tools_prefix,
+ 'PATH=%s:$PATH' % java_path)
+ return cmd.Wrapper(build_cmd, cwd=local_android_branch_dir)
+ def BuildAndroidImage(self, product, branch):
+ assert product in ['stingray', 'passion', 'trygon', 'soju']
+ # Copy the tree from atree.mtv.corp to ANDROID_TREES_DIR/branch
+ androidtrees_host = 'atree.mtv.corp.google.com'
+ androidtrees_path = ('/usr/local/google2/home/mobiletc-prebuild/'
+ 'android_trees')
+ remote_android_branch_path = os.path.join(androidtrees_path, branch)
+ local_android_branch_dir = os.path.join(self.ANDROID_TREES_DIR, branch)
+ gettree_cmd = cmd.RemoteCopyFrom(androidtrees_host,
+ remote_android_branch_path,
+ local_android_branch_dir)
+ # Configure and build the tree
+ buildtree_cmd = self._BuildAndroidTree(local_android_branch_dir, product)
+ # Compress and copy system.img to result
+ result_system_img = os.path.join(local_android_branch_dir, 'out', 'target',
+ 'product', product, 'system.img')
+ copy_img = cmd.Copy(result_system_img, to_dir='results')
+ compress_img = cmd.Shell('bzip2', os.path.join('results', 'system.img'))
+ return cmd.Chain(gettree_cmd, buildtree_cmd, copy_img, compress_img)
+ def CheckoutScripts(self):
+ p4view = perforce.View('depot2', [perforce.PathMapping(
+ 'gcctools/android/tools/...', 'tools/...')])
+ p4client = perforce.CommandsFactory(self.TOOLS_DIR, p4view)
+ return p4client.SetupAndDo(p4client.Sync(), p4client.Remove())
+ def BuildRunBenchmark(self, arch, run_experiment):
+ # Copy base benchmark binaries from atree.mtv.corp
+ base_benchbin_host = 'atree.mtv.corp.google.com'
+ base_benchbin_path = ('/usr/local/google2/home/mobiletc-prebuild/'
+ 'archive/v3binaries/2011-10-18')
+ local_basebenchbin_dir = 'base_benchmark_bin'
+ getbase_cmd = cmd.RemoteCopyFrom(base_benchbin_host,
+ base_benchbin_path,
+ local_basebenchbin_dir)
+ # Build and run benchmark.
+ android_arch = 'android_%s' % arch
+ run_label = 'normal'
+ benchmark_cmd = self.scripts.RunBenchmark(self.toolchain_prefix_dir,
+ self.TOOLS_DIR,
+ run_label, run_experiment,
+ android_arch,
+ local_basebenchbin_dir)
+ # Extract jobid from BENCHMARK_OUT_DIR/log/jobid_normal.log file.
+ # Copy jobid to www server to generate performance dashboard.
+ # TODO(jingyu)
+ return cmd.Chain(getbase_cmd, benchmark_cmd)
+class ScriptsFactory(object):
+ def __init__(self, gcc_version, binutils_version, gold_version):
+ self._gcc_version = gcc_version
+ self._binutils_version = binutils_version
+ self._gold_version = gold_version
+ def BuildAndroidToolchain(self, toolchain_prefix_dir, checkout_dir,
+ toolchain_build_dir, androidtc_src_dir):
+ if self._gcc_version == '4.4.3':
+ gold_option = 'both/gold'
+ else:
+ gold_option = 'default'
+ return cmd.Shell(
+ 'build_androidtoolchain.sh',
+ '--toolchain-src=%s' % os.path.join('$JOB_TMP', androidtc_src_dir),
+ '--build-path=%s' % os.path.join('$JOB_TMP', toolchain_build_dir),
+ '--install-prefix=%s' % os.path.join('$JOB_TMP', toolchain_prefix_dir),
+ '--target=arm-linux-androideabi',
+ '--enable-gold=%s' % gold_option,
+ '--with-gcc-version=%s' % self._gcc_version,
+ '--with-binutils-version=%s' % self._binutils_version,
+ '--with-gold-version=%s' % self._gold_version,
+ '--with-gdb-version=7.1.x-android',
+ '--log-path=%s/logs' % '$JOB_HOME',
+ '--android-sysroot=%s' %
+ os.path.join('$JOB_TMP', checkout_dir, 'gcctools', 'android',
+ 'master', 'honeycomb_generic_sysroot'),
+ path=os.path.join(checkout_dir, 'gcctools', 'android', 'tools',
+ 'scripts'))
+ def RunBenchmark(self, toolchain_prefix_dir, checkout_dir, output_dir,
+ run_label, run_experiment, arch, base_bench_bin=None):
+ if base_bench_bin:
+ base_bench_opt = '--base_benchmark_bin=%s' % base_bench_bin
+ else:
+ base_bench_opt = ''
+ return cmd.Shell(
+ 'benchmark.sh',
+ '--android_toolchain=%s' % os.path.join('$JOB_TMP',
+ toolchain_prefix_dir),
+ '--bench_space=%s' % os.path.join('$JOB_TMP', 'bench'),
+ '--benchmark_bin=%s' % os.path.join('$JOB_TMP', output_dir,
+ 'bench_bin'),
+ base_bench_opt,
+ '--log_path=%s' % os.path.join('$JOB_TMP', output_dir, 'log'),
+ '--arch=%s' % arch,
+ '--run_label=%s' % run_label,
+ '--run_experiment=%s' % run_experiment,
+ path=os.path.join(checkout_dir, 'tools', 'scripts'))
diff --git a/automation/clients/helper/chromeos.py b/automation/clients/helper/chromeos.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4005390e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/helper/chromeos.py
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+# Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+__author__ = "asharif@google.com (Ahmad Sharif)"
+import os.path
+import re
+from automation.clients.helper import jobs
+from automation.clients.helper import perforce
+from automation.common import command as cmd
+from automation.common import machine
+class ScriptsFactory(object):
+ def __init__(self, chromeos_root, scripts_path):
+ self._chromeos_root = chromeos_root
+ self._scripts_path = scripts_path
+ def SummarizeResults(self, logs_path):
+ return cmd.Shell("summarize_results.py",
+ logs_path,
+ path=self._scripts_path)
+ def Buildbot(self, config_name):
+ buildbot = os.path.join(self._chromeos_root,
+ "chromite/buildbot/cbuildbot.py")
+ return cmd.Shell(buildbot,
+ "--buildroot=%s" % self._chromeos_root,
+ "--resume",
+ "--noarchive",
+ "--noprebuilts",
+ "--nosync",
+ "--nouprev",
+ "--notests",
+ "--noclean",
+ config_name)
+ def RunBenchmarks(self, board, tests):
+ image_path = os.path.join(self._chromeos_root,
+ "src/build/images",
+ board,
+ "latest/chromiumos_image.bin")
+ return cmd.Shell("cros_run_benchmarks.py",
+ "--remote=$SECONDARY_MACHINES[0]",
+ "--board=%s" % board,
+ "--tests=%s" % tests,
+ "--full_table",
+ image_path,
+ path="/home/mobiletc-prebuild")
+ def SetupChromeOS(self, version="latest", use_minilayout=False):
+ setup_chromeos = cmd.Shell("setup_chromeos.py",
+ "--public",
+ "--dir=%s" % self._chromeos_root,
+ "--version=%s" % version,
+ path=self._scripts_path)
+ if use_minilayout:
+ setup_chromeos.AddOption("--minilayout")
+ return setup_chromeos
+class CommandsFactory(object):
+ DEPOT2_DIR = "//depot2/"
+ P4_CHECKOUT_DIR = "perforce2/"
+ P4_VERSION_DIR = os.path.join(P4_CHECKOUT_DIR, "gcctools/chromeos/v14")
+ CHROMEOS_ROOT = "chromeos"
+ CHROMEOS_SCRIPTS_DIR = os.path.join(CHROMEOS_ROOT, "src/scripts")
+ CHROMEOS_BUILDS_DIR = "/home/mobiletc-prebuild/www/chromeos_builds"
+ def __init__(self, chromeos_version, board, toolchain, p4_snapshot):
+ self.chromeos_version = chromeos_version
+ self.board = board
+ self.toolchain = toolchain
+ self.p4_snapshot = p4_snapshot
+ self.scripts = ScriptsFactory(self.CHROMEOS_ROOT, self.P4_VERSION_DIR)
+ def AddBuildbotConfig(self, config_name, config_list):
+ config_header = "add_config(%r, [%s])" % (config_name,
+ ", ".join(config_list))
+ config_file = os.path.join(self.CHROMEOS_ROOT,
+ "chromite/buildbot/cbuildbot_config.py")
+ quoted_config_header = "%r" % config_header
+ quoted_config_header = re.sub("'", "\\\"", quoted_config_header)
+ return cmd.Pipe(cmd.Shell("echo", quoted_config_header),
+ cmd.Shell("tee", "--append", config_file))
+ def RunBuildbot(self):
+ config_dict = {"board": self.board,
+ "build_tests": True,
+ "chrome_tests": True,
+ "unittests": False,
+ "vm_tests": False,
+ "prebuilts": False,
+ "latest_toolchain": True,
+ "useflags": ["chrome_internal"],
+ "usepkg_chroot": True,
+ self.toolchain: True}
+ config_name = "%s-toolchain-test" % self.board
+ if "arm" in self.board:
+ config_list = ["arm"]
+ else:
+ config_list = []
+ config_list.extend(["internal", "full", "official", str(config_dict)])
+ add_config_shell = self.AddBuildbotConfig(config_name, config_list)
+ return cmd.Chain(add_config_shell, self.scripts.Buildbot(config_name))
+ def BuildAndBenchmark(self):
+ return cmd.Chain(
+ self.CheckoutV14Dir(),
+ self.SetupChromeOSCheckout(self.chromeos_version, True),
+ self.RunBuildbot(),
+ self.scripts.RunBenchmarks(self.board, "BootPerfServer,10:Page,3"))
+ def GetP4Snapshot(self, p4view):
+ p4client = perforce.CommandsFactory(self.P4_CHECKOUT_DIR, p4view)
+ if self.p4_snapshot:
+ return p4client.CheckoutFromSnapshot(self.p4_snapshot)
+ else:
+ return p4client.SetupAndDo(p4client.Sync(), p4client.Remove())
+ def CheckoutV14Dir(self):
+ p4view = perforce.View(self.DEPOT2_DIR, [
+ perforce.PathMapping("gcctools/chromeos/v14/...")])
+ return self.GetP4Snapshot(p4view)
+ def SetupChromeOSCheckout(self, version, use_minilayout=False):
+ version_re = "^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$"
+ location = os.path.join(self.CHROMEOS_BUILDS_DIR, version)
+ if version in ["weekly", "quarterly"]:
+ assert os.path.islink(location), "Symlink %s does not exist." % location
+ location_expanded = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(location))
+ version = os.path.basename(location_expanded)
+ if version in ["top", "latest"] or re.match(version_re, version):
+ return self.scripts.SetupChromeOS(version, use_minilayout)
+ elif version.endswith("bz2") or version.endswith("gz"):
+ return cmd.UnTar(location_expanded, self.CHROMEOS_ROOT)
+ else:
+ signature_file_location = os.path.join(location,
+ "src/scripts/enter_chroot.sh")
+ assert os.path.exists(signature_file_location), (
+ "Signature file %s does not exist." % signature_file_location)
+ return cmd.Copy(location, to_dir=self.CHROMEOS_ROOT, recursive=True)
+class JobsFactory(object):
+ def __init__(self, chromeos_version="top", board="x86-mario",
+ toolchain="trunk", p4_snapshot=""):
+ self.chromeos_version = chromeos_version
+ self.board = board
+ self.toolchain = toolchain
+ self.commands = CommandsFactory(chromeos_version, board, toolchain,
+ p4_snapshot)
+ def BuildAndBenchmark(self):
+ command = self.commands.BuildAndBenchmark()
+ label = "BuildAndBenchmark(%s,%s,%s)" % (
+ self.toolchain, self.board, self.chromeos_version)
+ machine_label = "chromeos-%s" % self.board
+ job = jobs.CreateLinuxJob(label, command)
+ job.DependsOnMachine(
+ machine.MachineSpecification(label=machine_label, lock_required=True),
+ False)
+ return job
diff --git a/automation/clients/helper/crosstool.py b/automation/clients/helper/crosstool.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b78e2d86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/helper/crosstool.py
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+__author__ = 'kbaclawski@google.com (Krystian Baclawski)'
+import os.path
+import time
+from automation.clients.helper import jobs
+from automation.clients.helper import perforce
+from automation.common import command as cmd
+from automation.common import job
+class JobsFactory(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.commands = CommandsFactory()
+ def CheckoutCrosstool(self, target):
+ command = self.commands.CheckoutCrosstool()
+ new_job = jobs.CreateLinuxJob('CheckoutCrosstool(%s)' % target, command)
+ checkout_dir_dep = job.FolderDependency(
+ new_job, CommandsFactory.CHECKOUT_DIR)
+ manifests_dir_dep = job.FolderDependency(
+ new_job, os.path.join(self.commands.buildit_path, target), 'manifests')
+ return new_job, checkout_dir_dep, manifests_dir_dep
+ def BuildRelease(self, checkout_dir, target):
+ command = self.commands.BuildRelease(target)
+ new_job = jobs.CreateLinuxJob('BuildRelease(%s)' % target, command)
+ new_job.DependsOnFolder(checkout_dir)
+ build_tree_dep = job.FolderDependency(
+ new_job, self.commands.buildit_work_dir_path)
+ return new_job, build_tree_dep
+ def RunTests(self, checkout_dir, build_tree_dir, target, board, component):
+ command = self.commands.RunTests(target, board, component)
+ new_job = jobs.CreateLinuxJob(
+ 'RunTests(%s, %s, %s)' % (target, component, board), command)
+ new_job.DependsOnFolder(checkout_dir)
+ new_job.DependsOnFolder(build_tree_dir)
+ testrun_dir_dep = job.FolderDependency(
+ new_job, self.commands.dejagnu_output_path, board)
+ return new_job, testrun_dir_dep
+ def GenerateReport(self, testrun_dirs, manifests_dir, target, boards):
+ command = self.commands.GenerateReport(boards)
+ new_job = jobs.CreateLinuxJob('GenerateReport(%s)' % target, command)
+ new_job.DependsOnFolder(manifests_dir)
+ for testrun_dir in testrun_dirs:
+ new_job.DependsOnFolder(testrun_dir)
+ return new_job
+class CommandsFactory(object):
+ CHECKOUT_DIR = 'crosstool-checkout-dir'
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.buildit_path = os.path.join(
+ self.CHECKOUT_DIR, 'gcctools', 'crosstool', 'v15')
+ self.buildit_work_dir = 'buildit-tmp'
+ self.buildit_work_dir_path = os.path.join('$JOB_TMP', self.buildit_work_dir)
+ self.dejagnu_output_path = os.path.join(
+ self.buildit_work_dir_path, 'dejagnu-output')
+ paths = {
+ 'gcctools': [
+ 'crosstool/v15/...',
+ 'scripts/...'],
+ 'gcctools/google_vendor_src_branch': [
+ 'binutils/binutils-2.21/...',
+ 'gdb/gdb-7.2.x/...',
+ 'zlib/zlib-1.2.3/...'],
+ 'gcctools/vendor_src': [
+ 'gcc/google/gcc-4_6/...']}
+ p4view = perforce.View('depot2',
+ perforce.PathMapping.ListFromPathDict(paths))
+ self.p4client = perforce.CommandsFactory(self.CHECKOUT_DIR, p4view)
+ def CheckoutCrosstool(self):
+ p4client = self.p4client
+ return p4client.SetupAndDo(p4client.Sync(),
+ p4client.SaveCurrentCLNumber('CLNUM'),
+ p4client.Remove())
+ def BuildRelease(self, target):
+ clnum_path = os.path.join('$JOB_TMP', self.CHECKOUT_DIR, 'CLNUM')
+ toolchain_root = os.path.join(
+ '/google/data/rw/projects/toolchains', target, 'unstable')
+ toolchain_path = os.path.join(toolchain_root, '${CLNUM}')
+ build_toolchain = cmd.Wrapper(
+ cmd.Chain(
+ cmd.MakeDir(toolchain_path),
+ cmd.Shell(
+ 'buildit',
+ '--keep-work-dir',
+ '--build-type=release',
+ '--work-dir=%s' % self.buildit_work_dir_path,
+ '--results-dir=%s' % toolchain_path,
+ '--force-release=%s' % '${CLNUM}',
+ target,
+ path='.')),
+ cwd=self.buildit_path,
+ umask='0022',
+ env={'CLNUM': '$(< %s)' % clnum_path})
+ # remove all but 10 most recent directories
+ remove_old_toolchains_from_x20 = cmd.Wrapper(
+ cmd.Pipe(
+ cmd.Shell('ls', '-1', '-r'),
+ cmd.Shell('sed', '-e', '1,10d'),
+ cmd.Shell('xargs', 'rm', '-r', '-f')),
+ cwd=toolchain_root)
+ return cmd.Chain(build_toolchain, remove_old_toolchains_from_x20)
+ def RunTests(self, target, board, component='gcc'):
+ dejagnu_flags = ['--outdir=%s' % self.dejagnu_output_path,
+ '--target_board=%s' % board]
+ # Look for {pandaboard,qemu}.exp files in
+ # //depot/google3/experimental/users/kbaclawski/dejagnu/boards
+ site_exp_file = os.path.join('/google/src/head/depot/google3',
+ 'experimental/users/kbaclawski',
+ 'dejagnu/site.exp')
+ build_dir_path = os.path.join(
+ target, 'rpmbuild/BUILD/crosstool*-0.0', 'build-%s' % component)
+ run_dejagnu = cmd.Wrapper(
+ cmd.Chain(
+ cmd.MakeDir(self.dejagnu_output_path),
+ cmd.Shell('make', 'check', '-k',
+ '-j $(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo)',
+ 'RUNTESTFLAGS="%s"' % ' '.join(dejagnu_flags),
+ 'DEJAGNU="%s"' % site_exp_file,
+ ignore_error=True)),
+ cwd=os.path.join(self.buildit_work_dir_path, build_dir_path),
+ env={'REMOTE_TMPDIR': 'job-$JOB_ID'})
+ save_results = cmd.Copy(
+ self.dejagnu_output_path, to_dir='$JOB_TMP/results', recursive=True)
+ return cmd.Chain(run_dejagnu, save_results)
+ def GenerateReport(self, boards):
+ sumfiles = [os.path.join('$JOB_TMP', board, '*.sum') for board in boards]
+ return cmd.Wrapper(
+ cmd.Shell('dejagnu.sh', 'report',
+ '-m', '$JOB_TMP/manifests/*.xfail',
+ '-o', '$JOB_TMP/results/report.html',
+ *sumfiles,
+ path='.'),
+ cwd='$HOME/automation/clients/report')
diff --git a/automation/clients/helper/jobs.py b/automation/clients/helper/jobs.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1827015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/helper/jobs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+from automation.common import job
+from automation.common import machine
+def CreateLinuxJob(label, command, lock=False, timeout=4*60*60):
+ to_return = job.Job(label, command, timeout)
+ to_return.DependsOnMachine(
+ machine.MachineSpecification(os="linux", lock_required=lock))
+ return to_return
diff --git a/automation/clients/helper/perforce.py b/automation/clients/helper/perforce.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e9c261c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/helper/perforce.py
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+# Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+__author__ = 'kbaclawski@google.com (Krystian Baclawski)'
+import collections
+import os.path
+from automation.common import command as cmd
+class PathMapping(object):
+ """Stores information about relative path mapping (remote to local)."""
+ @classmethod
+ def ListFromPathDict(cls, prefix_path_dict):
+ """Takes {'prefix1': ['path1',...], ...} and returns a list of mappings."""
+ mappings = []
+ for prefix, paths in sorted(prefix_path_dict.items()):
+ for path in sorted(paths):
+ mappings.append(cls(os.path.join(prefix, path)))
+ return mappings
+ @classmethod
+ def ListFromPathTuples(cls, tuple_list):
+ """Takes a list of tuples and returns a list of mappings.
+ Args:
+ tuple_list: [('remote_path1', 'local_path1'), ...]
+ Returns:
+ a list of mapping objects
+ """
+ mappings = []
+ for remote_path, local_path in tuple_list:
+ mappings.append(cls(remote_path, local_path))
+ return mappings
+ def __init__(self, remote, local=None, common_suffix=None):
+ suffix = self._FixPath(common_suffix or '')
+ self.remote = os.path.join(remote, suffix)
+ self.local = os.path.join(local or remote, suffix)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _FixPath(path_s):
+ parts = [part for part in path_s.strip('/').split('/') if part]
+ if not parts:
+ return ''
+ return os.path.join(*parts)
+ def _GetRemote(self):
+ return self._remote
+ def _SetRemote(self, path_s):
+ self._remote = self._FixPath(path_s)
+ remote = property(_GetRemote, _SetRemote)
+ def _GetLocal(self):
+ return self._local
+ def _SetLocal(self, path_s):
+ self._local = self._FixPath(path_s)
+ local = property(_GetLocal, _SetLocal)
+ def GetAbsolute(self, depot, client):
+ return (os.path.join('//', depot, self.remote),
+ os.path.join('//', client, self.local))
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '%s(%s => %s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.remote, self.local)
+class View(collections.MutableSet):
+ """Keeps all information about local client required to work with perforce."""
+ def __init__(self, depot, mappings=None, client=None):
+ self.depot = depot
+ if client:
+ self.client = client
+ self._mappings = set(mappings or [])
+ @staticmethod
+ def _FixRoot(root_s):
+ parts = root_s.strip('/').split('/', 1)
+ if len(parts) != 1:
+ return None
+ return parts[0]
+ def _GetDepot(self):
+ return self._depot
+ def _SetDepot(self, depot_s):
+ depot = self._FixRoot(depot_s)
+ assert depot, 'Not a valid depot name: "%s".' % depot_s
+ self._depot = depot
+ depot = property(_GetDepot, _SetDepot)
+ def _GetClient(self):
+ return self._client
+ def _SetClient(self, client_s):
+ client = self._FixRoot(client_s)
+ assert client, 'Not a valid client name: "%s".' % client_s
+ self._client = client
+ client = property(_GetClient, _SetClient)
+ def add(self, mapping):
+ assert type(mapping) is PathMapping
+ self._mappings.add(mapping)
+ def discard(self, mapping):
+ assert type(mapping) is PathMapping
+ self._mappings.discard(mapping)
+ def __contains__(self, value):
+ return value in self._mappings
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self._mappings)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return iter(mapping for mapping in self._mappings)
+ def AbsoluteMappings(self):
+ return iter(mapping.GetAbsolute(self.depot, self.client)
+ for mapping in self._mappings)
+class CommandsFactory(object):
+ """Creates shell commands used for interaction with Perforce."""
+ def __init__(self, checkout_dir, p4view, name=None, port=None):
+ self.port = port or 'perforce2:2666'
+ self.view = p4view
+ self.view.client = name or 'p4-automation-$HOSTNAME-$JOB_ID'
+ self.checkout_dir = checkout_dir
+ self.p4config_path = os.path.join(self.checkout_dir, '.p4config')
+ def Initialize(self):
+ return cmd.Chain(
+ 'mkdir -p %s' % self.checkout_dir,
+ 'cp ~/.p4config %s' % self.checkout_dir,
+ 'chmod u+w %s' % self.p4config_path,
+ 'echo "P4PORT=%s" >> %s' % (self.port, self.p4config_path),
+ 'echo "P4CLIENT=%s" >> %s' % (self.view.client, self.p4config_path))
+ def Create(self):
+ # TODO(kbaclawski): Could we support value list for options consistently?
+ mappings = ['-a \"%s %s\"' % mapping for mapping in
+ self.view.AbsoluteMappings()]
+ # First command will create client with default mappings. Second one will
+ # replace default mapping with desired. Unfortunately, it seems that it
+ # cannot be done in one step. P4EDITOR is defined to /bin/true because we
+ # don't want "g4 client" to enter real editor and wait for user actions.
+ return cmd.Wrapper(
+ cmd.Chain(
+ cmd.Shell('g4', 'client'),
+ cmd.Shell('g4', 'client', '--replace', *mappings)),
+ env={'P4EDITOR': '/bin/true'})
+ def SaveSpecification(self, filename=None):
+ return cmd.Pipe(
+ cmd.Shell('g4', 'client', '-o'),
+ output=filename)
+ def Sync(self, revision=None):
+ sync_arg = '...'
+ if revision:
+ sync_arg = "%s@%s" % (sync_arg, revision)
+ return cmd.Shell('g4', 'sync', sync_arg)
+ def SaveCurrentCLNumber(self, filename=None):
+ return cmd.Pipe(
+ cmd.Shell('g4', 'changes', '-m1', '...#have'),
+ cmd.Shell('sed', '-E', '"s,Change ([0-9]+) .*,\\1,"'),
+ output=filename)
+ def Remove(self):
+ return cmd.Shell('g4', 'client', '-d', self.view.client)
+ def SetupAndDo(self, *commands):
+ return cmd.Chain(
+ self.Initialize(),
+ self.InCheckoutDir(self.Create(), *commands))
+ def InCheckoutDir(self, *commands):
+ return cmd.Wrapper(
+ cmd.Chain(*commands),
+ cwd=self.checkout_dir)
+ def CheckoutFromSnapshot(self, snapshot):
+ cmds = cmd.Chain()
+ for mapping in self.view:
+ local_path, file_part = mapping.local.rsplit('/', 1)
+ if file_part == '...':
+ remote_dir = os.path.join(snapshot, local_path)
+ local_dir = os.path.join(self.checkout_dir, os.path.dirname(local_path))
+ cmds.extend([
+ cmd.Shell('mkdir', '-p', local_dir),
+ cmd.Shell('rsync', '-lr', remote_dir, local_dir)])
+ return cmds
diff --git a/automation/clients/nightly.py b/automation/clients/nightly.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..bf1ef5a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/nightly.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+import optparse
+import pickle
+import sys
+import xmlrpclib
+from automation.clients.helper import chromeos
+from automation.common import job_group
+def Main(argv):
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option("-c",
+ "--chromeos_version",
+ dest="chromeos_version",
+ default="quarterly",
+ help="ChromeOS version to use.")
+ parser.add_option("-t",
+ "--toolchain",
+ dest="toolchain",
+ default="latest-toolchain",
+ help="Toolchain to use {latest-toolchain,gcc_46}.")
+ parser.add_option("-b",
+ "--board",
+ dest="board",
+ default="x86-generic",
+ help="Board to use for the nightly job.")
+ options = parser.parse_args(argv)[0]
+ toolchain = options.toolchain
+ board = options.board
+ chromeos_version = options.chromeos_version
+ # Build toolchain
+ jobs_factory = chromeos.JobsFactory(chromeos_version=chromeos_version,
+ board=board, toolchain=toolchain)
+ benchmark_job = jobs_factory.BuildAndBenchmark()
+ group_label = "nightly_client_%s" % board
+ group = job_group.JobGroup(group_label, [benchmark_job], True, False)
+ server = xmlrpclib.Server("http://localhost:8000")
+ server.ExecuteJobGroup(pickle.dumps(group))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ Main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/automation/clients/output_test.py b/automation/clients/output_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7cff8eda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/output_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+import os.path
+import pickle
+import sys
+import xmlrpclib
+from automation.common import job
+from automation.common import job_group
+from automation.common import machine
+def Main():
+ server = xmlrpclib.Server("http://localhost:8000")
+ command = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]),
+ "../../produce_output.py")
+ pwd_job = job.Job("pwd_job", command)
+ pwd_job.DependsOnMachine(machine.MachineSpecification(os="linux"))
+ group = job_group.JobGroup("pwd_client", [pwd_job])
+ server.ExecuteJobGroup(pickle.dumps(group))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ Main()
diff --git a/automation/clients/pwd_test.py b/automation/clients/pwd_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..2c2118bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/pwd_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+import pickle
+import xmlrpclib
+from automation.common import job
+from automation.common import job_group
+from automation.common import machine
+def Main():
+ server = xmlrpclib.Server("http://localhost:8000")
+ command = ["echo These following 3 lines should be the same",
+ "pwd",
+ "$(pwd)",
+ "echo ${PWD}"]
+ pwd_job = job.Job("pwd_job", " && ".join(command))
+ pwd_job.DependsOnMachine(machine.MachineSpecification(os="linux"))
+ group = job_group.JobGroup("pwd_client", [pwd_job])
+ server.ExecuteJobGroup(pickle.dumps(group))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ Main()
diff --git a/automation/clients/report/dejagnu.sh b/automation/clients/report/dejagnu.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..fadd8a0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/report/dejagnu.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Author: kbaclawski@google.com (Krystian Baclawski)
+export PYTHONPATH="$(pwd)"
+python dejagnu/main.py $@
diff --git a/automation/clients/report/dejagnu/__init__.py b/automation/clients/report/dejagnu/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/report/dejagnu/__init__.py
diff --git a/automation/clients/report/dejagnu/main.py b/automation/clients/report/dejagnu/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c05e3e48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/report/dejagnu/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Author: kbaclawski@google.com (Krystian Baclawski)
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+import glob
+from itertools import chain
+import logging
+import optparse
+import os.path
+import sys
+from manifest import Manifest
+import report
+from summary import DejaGnuTestRun
+def ExpandGlobExprList(paths):
+ """Returns an iterator that goes over expanded glob paths."""
+ return chain.from_iterable(map(glob.glob, paths))
+def OptionChecker(parser):
+ """Provides scoped environment for command line option checking."""
+ try:
+ yield
+ except SystemExit as ex:
+ parser.print_help()
+ print ''
+ sys.exit('ERROR: %s' % str(ex))
+def ManifestCommand(argv):
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(
+ description=(
+ 'Read in one or more DejaGNU summary files (.sum), parse their '
+ 'content and generate manifest files. Manifest files store a list '
+ 'of failed tests that should be ignored. Generated files are '
+ 'stored in current directory under following name: '
+ '${tool}-${board}.xfail (e.g. "gcc-unix.xfail").'),
+ usage='Usage: %prog manifest [file.sum] (file2.sum ...)')
+ _, args = parser.parse_args(argv[2:])
+ with OptionChecker(parser):
+ if not args:
+ sys.exit('At least one *.sum file required.')
+ for filename in chain.from_iterable(map(glob.glob, args)):
+ test_run = DejaGnuTestRun.FromFile(filename)
+ manifest = Manifest.FromDejaGnuTestRun(test_run)
+ manifest_filename = '%s-%s.xfail' % (
+ test_run.tool, test_run.board)
+ with open(manifest_filename, 'w') as manifest_file:
+ manifest_file.write(manifest.Generate())
+ logging.info('Wrote manifest to "%s" file.', manifest_filename)
+def ReportCommand(argv):
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(
+ description=(
+ 'Read in one or more DejaGNU summary files (.sum), parse their '
+ 'content and generate a single report file in selected format '
+ '(currently only HTML).'),
+ usage=('Usage: %prog report (-m manifest.xfail) [-o report.html] '
+ '[file.sum (file2.sum ...)'))
+ parser.add_option(
+ '-o', dest='output', type='string', default=None,
+ help=('Suppress failures for test listed in provided manifest files. '
+ '(use -m for each manifest file you want to read)'))
+ parser.add_option(
+ '-m', dest='manifests', type='string', action='append', default=None,
+ help=('Suppress failures for test listed in provided manifest files. '
+ '(use -m for each manifest file you want to read)'))
+ opts, args = parser.parse_args(argv[2:])
+ with OptionChecker(parser):
+ if not args:
+ sys.exit('At least one *.sum file required.')
+ if not opts.output:
+ sys.exit('Please provide name for report file.')
+ manifests = []
+ for filename in ExpandGlobExprList(opts.manifests or []):
+ logging.info('Using "%s" manifest.', filename)
+ manifests.append(Manifest.FromFile(filename))
+ test_runs = [DejaGnuTestRun.FromFile(filename)
+ for filename in chain.from_iterable(map(glob.glob, args))]
+ html = report.Generate(test_runs, manifests)
+ if html:
+ with open(opts.output, 'w') as html_file:
+ html_file.write(html)
+ logging.info('Wrote report to "%s" file.', opts.output)
+ else:
+ sys.exit(1)
+def HelpCommand(argv):
+ sys.exit('\n'.join([
+ 'Usage: %s command [options]' % os.path.basename(argv[0]),
+ '',
+ 'Commands:',
+ ' manifest - manage files containing a list of suppressed test failures',
+ ' report - generate report file for selected test runs']))
+def Main(argv):
+ try:
+ cmd_name = argv[1]
+ except IndexError:
+ cmd_name = None
+ cmd_map = {
+ 'manifest': ManifestCommand,
+ 'report': ReportCommand}
+ cmd_map.get(cmd_name, HelpCommand)(argv)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ FORMAT = '%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)s %(message)s'
+ logging.basicConfig(format=FORMAT, level=logging.INFO)
+ Main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/automation/clients/report/dejagnu/manifest.py b/automation/clients/report/dejagnu/manifest.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..75d907cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/report/dejagnu/manifest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# /usr/bin/python2.6
+# Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Author: kbaclawski@google.com (Krystian Baclawski)
+__author__ = 'kbaclawski@google.com (Krystian Baclawski)'
+from collections import namedtuple
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+import logging
+from summary import DejaGnuTestResult
+class Manifest(namedtuple('Manifest', 'tool board results')):
+ """Stores a list of unsuccessful tests.
+ Any line that starts with '#@' marker carries auxiliary data in form of a
+ key-value pair, for example:
+ #@ tool: *
+ #@ board: unix
+ So far tool and board parameters are recognized. Their value can contain
+ arbitrary glob expression. Based on aforementioned parameters given manifest
+ will be applied for all test results, but only in selected test runs. Note
+ that all parameters are optional. Their default value is '*' (i.e. for all
+ tools/boards).
+ The meaning of lines above is as follows: corresponding test results to follow
+ should only be suppressed if test run was performed on "unix" board.
+ The summary line used to build the test result should have this format:
+ attrlist | UNRESOLVED: gcc.dg/unroll_1.c (test for excess errors)
+ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ optional result name variant
+ attributes
+ """
+ @classmethod
+ def FromDejaGnuTestRun(cls, test_run):
+ results = [result for result in test_run.results
+ if result.result in cls.SUPPRESSIBLE_RESULTS]
+ return cls(test_run.tool, test_run.board, results)
+ @classmethod
+ def FromFile(cls, filename):
+ """Creates manifest instance from a file in format described above."""
+ params = {}
+ results = []
+ with open(filename, 'r') as manifest_file:
+ for line in manifest_file:
+ if line.startswith('#@'):
+ # parse a line with a parameter
+ try:
+ key, value = line[2:].split(':', 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ logging.warning('Malformed parameter line: "%s".', line)
+ else:
+ params[key.strip()] = value.strip()
+ else:
+ # remove comment
+ try:
+ line, _ = line.split('#', 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line:
+ # parse a line with a test result
+ result = DejaGnuTestResult.FromLine(line)
+ if result:
+ results.append(result)
+ else:
+ logging.warning('Malformed test result line: "%s".', line)
+ tool = params.get('tool', '*')
+ board = params.get('board', '*')
+ return cls(tool, board, results)
+ def Generate(self):
+ """Dumps manifest to string."""
+ text = StringIO()
+ for name in ['tool', 'board']:
+ text.write('#@ {0}: {1}\n'.format(name, getattr(self, name)))
+ text.write('\n')
+ for result in sorted(self.results, key=lambda r: r.result):
+ text.write('{0}\n'.format(result))
+ return text.getvalue()
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return iter(self.results)
diff --git a/automation/clients/report/dejagnu/report.html b/automation/clients/report/dejagnu/report.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39b39e09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/report/dejagnu/report.html
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+<link type="text/css" rel="Stylesheet"
+<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+ google.load("visualization", "1.1", {packages: ["corechart", "table"]});
+ google.load("jquery", "1.6.2");
+ google.load("jqueryui", "1.8.16");
+ function drawChart(name, label, table) {
+ var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(table);
+ var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(
+ document.getElementById(name));
+ chart.draw(data,
+ {title: label, pieSliceText: "value", width: 800, height: 400});
+ }
+ function drawTable(name, table) {
+ var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(table);
+ var table = new google.visualization.Table(
+ document.getElementById(name));
+ table.draw(data, {
+ showRowNumber: false, allowHtml: true, sortColumn: 0});
+ }
+ google.setOnLoadCallback(function () {
+ $( "#testruns" ).tabs();
+ {% for test_run in test_runs %}
+ $( "#testrun{{ test_run.id }}" ).tabs();
+ {% for result_type, group in test_run.groups.items %}
+ $( "#testrun{{ test_run.id }}-{{ result_type }}-tables" ).accordion({
+ autoHeight: false, collapsible: true, active: false });
+ drawChart(
+ "testrun{{ test_run.id }}-{{ result_type }}-chart",
+ "DejaGNU test {{ result_type }} summary for {{ test_run.name }}",
+ [
+ ["Result", "Count"],
+ {% for result, count in group.summary %}
+ ["{{ result }}", {{ count }}],{% endfor %}
+ ]);
+ {% for description, test_list in group.tests %}
+ {% if test_list %}
+ drawTable(
+ "testrun{{ test_run.id }}-{{ result_type }}-table-{{ forloop.counter }}",
+ [
+ ["Test", "Variant"],
+ {% for test, variant in test_list %}
+ ["{{ test }}", "{{ variant }}"],{% endfor %}
+ ]);
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ });
+<div id="testruns">
+ <ul>
+ {% for test_run in test_runs %}
+ <li><a href="#testrun{{ test_run.id }}">{{ test_run.name }}</a></li>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </ul>
+ {% for test_run in test_runs %}
+ <div id="testrun{{ test_run.id }}" style="padding: 0px">
+ <ul>
+ {% for result_type, group in test_run.groups.items %}
+ <li>
+ <a href="#testrun{{ test_run.id }}-{{ forloop.counter }}">{{ result_type }}</a>
+ </li>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </ul>
+ {% for result_type, group in test_run.groups.items %}
+ <div id="testrun{{ test_run.id }}-{{ forloop.counter }}">
+ <div id="testrun{{ test_run.id }}-{{ result_type }}-chart" style="text-align: center"></div>
+ <div id="testrun{{ test_run.id }}-{{ result_type }}-tables">
+ {% for description, test_list in group.tests %}
+ {% if test_list %}
+ <h3><a href="#">{{ description }}</a></h3>
+ <div id="testrun{{ test_run.id }}-{{ result_type }}-table-{{ forloop.counter }}"></div>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </div>
+{% endfor %}
diff --git a/automation/clients/report/dejagnu/report.py b/automation/clients/report/dejagnu/report.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f2375de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/report/dejagnu/report.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# /usr/bin/python2.6
+# Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Author: kbaclawski@google.com (Krystian Baclawski)
+import logging
+import os.path
+ 'ERROR': 'DejaGNU errors',
+ 'FAIL': 'Failed tests',
+ 'NOTE': 'DejaGNU notices',
+ 'PASS': 'Passed tests',
+ 'UNRESOLVED': 'Unresolved tests',
+ 'UNSUPPORTED': 'Unsupported tests',
+ 'UNTESTED': 'Not executed tests',
+ 'WARNING': 'DejaGNU warnings',
+ 'XFAIL': 'Expected test failures',
+ 'XPASS': 'Unexpectedly passed tests'}
+ 'Successes': ['PASS', 'XFAIL'],
+ 'Failures': ['FAIL', 'XPASS', 'UNRESOLVED'],
+ 'Suppressed': ['!FAIL', '!XPASS', '!UNRESOLVED', '!ERROR'],
+ROOT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+def _GetResultDescription(name):
+ if name.startswith('!'):
+ name = name[1:]
+ try:
+ except KeyError:
+ raise ValueError('Unknown result: "%s"' % name)
+def _PrepareSummary(res_types, summary):
+ def GetResultCount(res_type):
+ return summary.get(res_type, 0)
+ return [(_GetResultDescription(rt), GetResultCount(rt))
+ for rt in res_types]
+def _PrepareTestList(res_types, tests):
+ def GetTestsByResult(res_type):
+ return [(test.name, test.variant or '')
+ for test in sorted(tests)
+ if test.result == res_type]
+ return [(_GetResultDescription(rt), GetTestsByResult(rt))
+ for rt in res_types if rt != 'PASS']
+def Generate(test_runs, manifests):
+ """Generate HTML report from provided test runs.
+ Args:
+ test_runs: DejaGnuTestRun objects list.
+ manifests: Manifest object list that will drive test result suppression.
+ Returns:
+ String to which the HTML report was rendered.
+ """
+ tmpl_args = []
+ for test_run_id, test_run in enumerate(test_runs):
+ logging.info('Generating report for: %s.', test_run)
+ test_run.CleanUpTestResults()
+ test_run.SuppressTestResults(manifests)
+ # Generate summary and test list for each result group
+ groups = {}
+ for res_group, res_types in RESULT_GROUPS.items():
+ summary_all = _PrepareSummary(res_types, test_run.summary)
+ tests_all = _PrepareTestList(res_types, test_run.results)
+ has_2nd = lambda tuple2: bool(tuple2[1])
+ summary = filter(has_2nd, summary_all)
+ tests = filter(has_2nd, tests_all)
+ if summary or tests:
+ groups[res_group] = {'summary': summary, 'tests': tests}
+ tmpl_args.append({
+ 'id': test_run_id,
+ 'name': '%s @%s' % (test_run.tool, test_run.board),
+ 'groups': groups})
+ logging.info('Rendering report in HTML format.')
+ try:
+ from django import template
+ from django.template import loader
+ from django.conf import settings
+ except ImportError:
+ logging.error('Django framework not installed!')
+ logging.error('Failed to generate report in HTML format!')
+ return ''
+ settings.configure(DEBUG=True, TEMPLATE_DEBUG=True,
+ tmpl = loader.get_template('report.html')
+ ctx = template.Context({'test_runs': tmpl_args})
+ return tmpl.render(ctx)
diff --git a/automation/clients/report/dejagnu/summary.py b/automation/clients/report/dejagnu/summary.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c45fed44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/report/dejagnu/summary.py
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python2.6
+# Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Author: kbaclawski@google.com (Krystian Baclawski)
+from collections import defaultdict
+from collections import namedtuple
+from datetime import datetime
+from fnmatch import fnmatch
+from itertools import groupby
+import logging
+import os.path
+import re
+class DejaGnuTestResult(namedtuple('Result', 'name variant result flaky')):
+ """Stores the result of a single test case."""
+ # avoid adding __dict__ to the class
+ __slots__ = ()
+ LINE_RE = re.compile(r'([A-Z]+):\s+([\w/+.-]+)(.*)')
+ @classmethod
+ def FromLine(cls, line):
+ """Alternate constructor which takes a string and parses it."""
+ try:
+ attrs, line = line.split('|', 1)
+ if attrs.strip() != 'flaky':
+ return None
+ line = line.strip()
+ flaky = True
+ except ValueError:
+ flaky = False
+ fields = cls.LINE_RE.match(line.strip())
+ if fields:
+ result, path, variant = fields.groups()
+ # some of the tests are generated in build dir and are issued from there,
+ # because every test run is performed in randomly named tmp directory we
+ # need to remove random part
+ try:
+ # assume that 2nd field is a test path
+ path_parts = path.split('/')
+ index = path_parts.index('testsuite')
+ path = '/'.join(path_parts[index + 1:])
+ except ValueError:
+ path = '/'.join(path_parts)
+ # Remove junk from test description.
+ variant = variant.strip(', ')
+ substitutions = [
+ # remove include paths - they contain name of tmp directory
+ ('-I\S+', ''),
+ # compress white spaces
+ ('\s+', ' ')]
+ for pattern, replacement in substitutions:
+ variant = re.sub(pattern, replacement, variant)
+ # Some tests separate last component of path by space, so actual filename
+ # ends up in description instead of path part. Correct that.
+ try:
+ first, rest = variant.split(' ', 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if first.endswith('.o'):
+ path = os.path.join(path, first)
+ variant = rest
+ # DejaGNU framework errors don't contain path part at all, so description
+ # part has to be reconstructed.
+ if not any(os.path.basename(path).endswith('.%s' % suffix)
+ for suffix in ['h', 'c', 'C', 'S', 'H', 'cc', 'i', 'o']):
+ variant = '%s %s' % (path, variant)
+ path = ''
+ # Some tests are picked up from current directory (presumably DejaGNU
+ # generates some test files). Remove the prefix for these files.
+ if path.startswith('./'):
+ path = path[2:]
+ return cls(path, variant or '', result, flaky=flaky)
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Returns string representation of a test result."""
+ if self.flaky:
+ fmt = 'flaky | '
+ else:
+ fmt = ''
+ fmt += '{2}: {0}'
+ if self.variant:
+ fmt += ' {1}'
+ return fmt.format(*self)
+class DejaGnuTestRun(object):
+ """Container for test results that were a part of single test run.
+ The class stores also metadata related to the test run.
+ Attributes:
+ board: Name of DejaGNU board, which was used to run the tests.
+ date: The date when the test run was started.
+ target: Target triple.
+ host: Host triple.
+ tool: The tool that was tested (e.g. gcc, binutils, g++, etc.)
+ results: a list of DejaGnuTestResult objects.
+ """
+ __slots__ = ('board', 'date', 'target', 'host', 'tool', 'results')
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ assert all(name in self.__slots__ for name in kwargs)
+ self.results = set()
+ self.date = kwargs.get('date', datetime.now())
+ for name in ('board', 'target', 'tool', 'host'):
+ setattr(self, name, kwargs.get(name, 'unknown'))
+ @classmethod
+ def FromFile(cls, filename):
+ """Alternate constructor - reads a DejaGNU output file."""
+ test_run = cls()
+ test_run.FromDejaGnuOutput(filename)
+ test_run.CleanUpTestResults()
+ return test_run
+ @property
+ def summary(self):
+ """Returns a summary as {ResultType -> Count} dictionary."""
+ summary = defaultdict(int)
+ for r in self.results:
+ summary[r.result] += 1
+ return summary
+ def _ParseBoard(self, fields):
+ self.board = fields.group(1).strip()
+ def _ParseDate(self, fields):
+ self.date = datetime.strptime(fields.group(2).strip(), '%a %b %d %X %Y')
+ def _ParseTarget(self, fields):
+ self.target = fields.group(2).strip()
+ def _ParseHost(self, fields):
+ self.host = fields.group(2).strip()
+ def _ParseTool(self, fields):
+ self.tool = fields.group(1).strip()
+ def FromDejaGnuOutput(self, filename):
+ """Read in and parse DejaGNU output file."""
+ logging.info('Reading "%s" DejaGNU output file.', filename)
+ with open(filename, 'r') as report:
+ lines = [line.strip() for line in report.readlines() if line.strip()]
+ parsers = (
+ (re.compile(r'Running target (.*)'), self._ParseBoard),
+ (re.compile(r'Test Run By (.*) on (.*)'), self._ParseDate),
+ (re.compile(r'=== (.*) tests ==='), self._ParseTool),
+ (re.compile(r'Target(\s+)is (.*)'), self._ParseTarget),
+ (re.compile(r'Host(\s+)is (.*)'), self._ParseHost))
+ for line in lines:
+ result = DejaGnuTestResult.FromLine(line)
+ if result:
+ self.results.add(result)
+ else:
+ for regexp, parser in parsers:
+ fields = regexp.match(line)
+ if fields:
+ parser(fields)
+ break
+ logging.debug('DejaGNU output file parsed successfully.')
+ logging.debug(self)
+ def CleanUpTestResults(self):
+ """Remove certain test results considered to be spurious.
+ 1) Large number of test reported as UNSUPPORTED are also marked as
+ UNRESOLVED. If that's the case remove latter result.
+ 2) If a test is performed on compiler output and for some reason compiler
+ fails, we don't want to report all failures that depend on the former.
+ """
+ name_key = lambda v: v.name
+ results_by_name = sorted(self.results, key=name_key)
+ for name, res_iter in groupby(results_by_name, key=name_key):
+ results = set(res_iter)
+ # If DejaGnu was unable to compile a test it will create following result:
+ failed = DejaGnuTestResult(name, '(test for excess errors)', 'FAIL',
+ False)
+ # If a test compilation failed, remove all results that are dependent.
+ if failed in results:
+ dependants = set(filter(lambda r: r.result != 'FAIL', results))
+ self.results -= dependants
+ for res in dependants:
+ logging.info('Removed {%s} dependance.', res)
+ # Remove all UNRESOLVED results that were also marked as UNSUPPORTED.
+ unresolved = [res._replace(result='UNRESOLVED')
+ for res in results
+ if res.result == 'UNSUPPORTED']
+ for res in unresolved:
+ if res in self.results:
+ self.results.remove(res)
+ logging.info('Removed {%s} duplicate.', res)
+ def _IsApplicable(self, manifest):
+ """Checks if test results need to be reconsidered based on the manifest."""
+ check_list = [(self.tool, manifest.tool), (self.board, manifest.board)]
+ return all(fnmatch(text, pattern) for text, pattern in check_list)
+ def SuppressTestResults(self, manifests):
+ """Suppresses all test results listed in manifests."""
+ # Get a set of tests results that are going to be suppressed if they fail.
+ manifest_results = set()
+ for manifest in filter(self._IsApplicable, manifests):
+ manifest_results |= set(manifest.results)
+ suppressed_results = self.results & manifest_results
+ for result in sorted(suppressed_results):
+ logging.debug('Result suppressed for {%s}.', result)
+ new_result = '!' + result.result
+ # Mark result suppression as applied.
+ manifest_results.remove(result)
+ # Rewrite test result.
+ self.results.remove(result)
+ self.results.add(result._replace(result=new_result))
+ for result in sorted(manifest_results):
+ logging.warning(
+ 'Result {%s} listed in manifest but not suppressed.', result)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '{0}, {1} @{2} on {3}'.format(self.target, self.tool, self.board,
+ self.date)
diff --git a/automation/clients/report/validate_failures.py b/automation/clients/report/validate_failures.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..e99c9054
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/clients/report/validate_failures.py
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+# Script to compare testsuite failures against a list of known-to-fail
+# tests.
+# Contributed by Diego Novillo <dnovillo@google.com>
+# Overhaul by Krystian Baclawski <kbaclawski@google.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GCC.
+# GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+"""This script provides a coarser XFAILing mechanism that requires no
+detailed DejaGNU markings. This is useful in a variety of scenarios:
+- Development branches with many known failures waiting to be fixed.
+- Release branches with known failures that are not considered
+ important for the particular release criteria used in that branch.
+The script must be executed from the toplevel build directory. When
+executed it will:
+1) Determine the target built: TARGET
+2) Determine the source directory: SRCDIR
+3) Look for a failure manifest file in
+ <SRCDIR>/contrib/testsuite-management/<TARGET>.xfail
+4) Collect all the <tool>.sum files from the build tree.
+5) Produce a report stating:
+ a) Failures expected in the manifest but not present in the build.
+ b) Failures in the build not expected in the manifest.
+6) If all the build failures are expected in the manifest, it exits
+ with exit code 0. Otherwise, it exits with error code 1.
+import optparse
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+from dejagnu.manifest import Manifest
+from dejagnu.summary import DejaGnuTestResult
+from dejagnu.summary import DejaGnuTestRun
+# Pattern for naming manifest files. The first argument should be
+# the toplevel GCC source directory. The second argument is the
+# target triple used during the build.
+_MANIFEST_PATH_PATTERN = '%s/contrib/testsuite-management/%s.xfail'
+def GetMakefileVars(makefile_path):
+ assert os.path.exists(makefile_path)
+ with open(makefile_path) as lines:
+ kvs = [line.split('=', 1) for line in lines if '=' in line]
+ return dict((k.strip(), v.strip()) for k, v in kvs)
+def GetSumFiles(build_dir):
+ summaries = []
+ for root, _, filenames in os.walk(build_dir):
+ summaries.extend([os.path.join(root, filename)
+ for filename in filenames
+ if filename.endswith('.sum')])
+ return map(os.path.normpath, summaries)
+def ValidBuildDirectory(build_dir, target):
+ mandatory_paths = [build_dir,
+ os.path.join(build_dir, 'Makefile')]
+ extra_paths = [os.path.join(build_dir, target),
+ os.path.join(build_dir, 'build-%s' % target)]
+ return (all(map(os.path.exists, mandatory_paths)) and
+ any(map(os.path.exists, extra_paths)))
+def GetManifestPath(build_dir):
+ makefile = GetMakefileVars(os.path.join(build_dir, 'Makefile'))
+ srcdir = makefile['srcdir']
+ target = makefile['target']
+ if not ValidBuildDirectory(build_dir, target):
+ target = makefile['target_alias']
+ if not ValidBuildDirectory(build_dir, target):
+ logging.error(
+ '%s is not a valid GCC top level build directory.', build_dir)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ logging.info('Discovered source directory: "%s"', srcdir)
+ logging.info('Discovered build target: "%s"', target)
+ return _MANIFEST_PATH_PATTERN % (srcdir, target)
+def CompareResults(manifest, actual):
+ """Compare sets of results and return two lists:
+ - List of results present in MANIFEST but missing from ACTUAL.
+ - List of results present in ACTUAL but missing from MANIFEST.
+ """
+ # Report all the actual results not present in the manifest.
+ actual_vs_manifest = actual - manifest
+ # Filter out tests marked flaky.
+ manifest_without_flaky_tests = set(
+ filter(lambda result: not result.flaky, manifest))
+ # Simlarly for all the tests in the manifest.
+ manifest_vs_actual = manifest_without_flaky_tests - actual
+ return actual_vs_manifest, manifest_vs_actual
+def LogResults(level, results):
+ log_fun = getattr(logging, level)
+ for num, result in enumerate(sorted(results), start=1):
+ log_fun(" %d) %s", num, result)
+def CheckExpectedResults(manifest_path, build_dir):
+ logging.info('Reading manifest file: "%s"', manifest_path)
+ manifest = set(Manifest.FromFile(manifest_path))
+ logging.info('Getting actual results from build directory: "%s"',
+ os.path.realpath(build_dir))
+ summaries = GetSumFiles(build_dir)
+ actual = set()
+ for summary in summaries:
+ test_run = DejaGnuTestRun.FromFile(summary)
+ failures = set(Manifest.FromDejaGnuTestRun(test_run))
+ actual.update(failures)
+ if manifest:
+ logging.debug('Tests expected to fail:')
+ LogResults('debug', manifest)
+ if actual:
+ logging.debug('Actual test failures:')
+ LogResults('debug', actual)
+ actual_vs_manifest, manifest_vs_actual = CompareResults(manifest, actual)
+ if actual_vs_manifest:
+ logging.info('Build results not in the manifest:')
+ LogResults('info', actual_vs_manifest)
+ if manifest_vs_actual:
+ logging.info('Manifest results not present in the build:')
+ LogResults('info', manifest_vs_actual)
+ logging.info('NOTE: This is not a failure! ',
+ 'It just means that the manifest expected these tests to '
+ 'fail, but they worked in this configuration.')
+ if actual_vs_manifest or manifest_vs_actual:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ logging.info('No unexpected failures.')
+def ProduceManifest(manifest_path, build_dir, overwrite):
+ if os.path.exists(manifest_path) and not overwrite:
+ logging.error('Manifest file "%s" already exists.', manifest_path)
+ logging.error('Use --force to overwrite.')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ testruns = map(DejaGnuTestRun.FromFile, GetSumFiles(build_dir))
+ manifests = map(Manifest.FromDejaGnuTestRun, testruns)
+ with open(manifest_path, 'w') as manifest_file:
+ manifest_strings = [manifest.Generate() for manifest in manifests]
+ logging.info('Writing manifest to "%s".' % manifest_path)
+ manifest_file.write('\n'.join(manifest_strings))
+def Main(argv):
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=__doc__)
+ parser.add_option(
+ '-b', '--build_dir',
+ dest='build_dir', action='store',metavar='PATH', default=os.getcwd(),
+ help='Build directory to check. (default: current directory)')
+ parser.add_option(
+ '-m', '--manifest', dest='manifest', action='store_true',
+ help='Produce the manifest for the current build.')
+ parser.add_option(
+ '-f', '--force', dest='force', action='store_true',
+ help=('Overwrite an existing manifest file, if user requested creating '
+ 'new one. (default: False)'))
+ parser.add_option(
+ '-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true',
+ help='Increase verbosity.')
+ options, _ = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
+ if options.verbose:
+ logging.root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ manifest_path = GetManifestPath(options.build_dir)
+ if options.manifest:
+ ProduceManifest(manifest_path, options.build_dir, options.force)
+ else:
+ CheckExpectedResults(manifest_path, options.build_dir)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
+ Main(sys.argv)