path: root/bestflags
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bestflags')
25 files changed, 3565 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bestflags/README b/bestflags/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9fc5ba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bestflags/README
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+There is a vast set of compiler flags that can be used to build Chrome for
+ChromeOS. This option space has not been explored before. This directory
+provides an infrastructure to build Chrome with certain flag combinations, test
+it, gather results and prepare a fresh batch of flags to repeat the process. The
+infrastructure supports plug-in modules that implement algorithms for searching
+in the N-Dimensional space of compiler flag combinations.
+Currently, three different algorithms are built, namely genetic algorithm, hill
+climbing and negative flag iterative elimination. The module 'testing_batch.py'
+contains the testing of these algorithms.
+To run the script, type in python testing_batch.py.
+For further information about the project, please refer to the design document
+There is also a presentation slide available at:
diff --git a/bestflags/example_algorithms.py b/bestflags/example_algorithms.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9775d491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bestflags/example_algorithms.py
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""An example main file running the algorithms.
+Part of the Chrome build flags optimization.
+An example use of the framework. It parses the input json configuration file.
+Then it initiates the variables of the generation. Finally, it sets up the
+processes for different modules and runs the experiment.
+__author__ = 'yuhenglong@google.com (Yuheng Long)'
+import json
+import multiprocessing
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import sys
+import flags
+from genetic_algorithm import GAGeneration
+from pipeline_process import PipelineProcess
+import pipeline_worker
+from steering import Steering
+from task import BUILD_STAGE
+from task import Task
+from task import TEST_STAGE
+import testing_batch
+parser = OptionParser()
+ '--file',
+ dest='filename',
+ help='configuration file FILE input',
+ metavar='FILE')
+# The meta data for the genetic algorithm.
+DEFAULT_OUTPUT = 'output'
+DEFAULT_CONF = 'conf'
+def _ProcessGA(meta_data):
+ """Set up the meta data for the genetic algorithm.
+ Args:
+ meta_data: the meta data for the genetic algorithm.
+ """
+ assert BUILD_CMD in meta_data
+ build_cmd = meta_data[BUILD_CMD]
+ assert TEST_CMD in meta_data
+ test_cmd = meta_data[TEST_CMD]
+ if OUTPUT not in meta_data:
+ output_file = DEFAULT_OUTPUT
+ else:
+ output_file = meta_data[OUTPUT]
+ if CONF not in meta_data:
+ conf_file = DEFAULT_CONF
+ else:
+ conf_file = meta_data[CONF]
+ if NUM_BUILDER not in meta_data:
+ num_builders = DEFAULT_NUM_BUILDER
+ else:
+ num_builders = meta_data[NUM_BUILDER]
+ if NUM_TESTER not in meta_data:
+ num_testers = DEFAULT_NUM_TESTER
+ else:
+ num_testers = meta_data[NUM_TESTER]
+ if STOP_THRESHOLD not in meta_data:
+ stop_threshold = DEFAULT_STOP_THRESHOLD
+ else:
+ stop_threshold = meta_data[STOP_THRESHOLD]
+ if NUM_CHROMOSOMES not in meta_data:
+ num_chromosomes = DEFAULT_NUM_CHROMOSOMES
+ else:
+ num_chromosomes = meta_data[NUM_CHROMOSOMES]
+ if NUM_TRIALS not in meta_data:
+ num_trials = DEFAULT_NUM_TRIALS
+ else:
+ num_trials = meta_data[NUM_TRIALS]
+ if MUTATION_RATE not in meta_data:
+ mutation_rate = DEFAULT_MUTATION_RATE
+ else:
+ mutation_rate = meta_data[MUTATION_RATE]
+ specs = flags.ReadConf(conf_file)
+ # Initiate the build/test command and the log directory.
+ Task.InitLogCommand(build_cmd, test_cmd, output_file)
+ # Initiate the build/test command and the log directory.
+ GAGeneration.InitMetaData(stop_threshold, num_chromosomes, num_trials, specs,
+ mutation_rate)
+ # Generate the initial generations.
+ generation_tasks = testing_batch.GenerateRandomGATasks(specs, num_chromosomes,
+ num_trials)
+ generations = [GAGeneration(generation_tasks, set([]), 0)]
+ # Execute the experiment.
+ _StartExperiment(num_builders, num_testers, generations)
+def _ParseJson(file_name):
+ """Parse the input json file.
+ Parse the input json file and call the proper function to perform the
+ algorithms.
+ Args:
+ file_name: the input json file name.
+ """
+ experiments = json.load(open(file_name))
+ for experiment in experiments:
+ if experiment == 'GA':
+ # An GA experiment
+ _ProcessGA(experiments[experiment])
+def _StartExperiment(num_builders, num_testers, generations):
+ """Set up the experiment environment and execute the framework.
+ Args:
+ num_builders: number of concurrent builders.
+ num_testers: number of concurrent testers.
+ generations: the initial generation for the framework.
+ """
+ manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
+ # The queue between the steering algorithm and the builder.
+ steering_build = manager.Queue()
+ # The queue between the builder and the tester.
+ build_test = manager.Queue()
+ # The queue between the tester and the steering algorithm.
+ test_steering = manager.Queue()
+ # Set up the processes for the builder, tester and steering algorithm module.
+ build_process = PipelineProcess(num_builders, 'builder', {}, BUILD_STAGE,
+ steering_build, pipeline_worker.Helper,
+ pipeline_worker.Worker, build_test)
+ test_process = PipelineProcess(num_testers, 'tester', {}, TEST_STAGE,
+ build_test, pipeline_worker.Helper,
+ pipeline_worker.Worker, test_steering)
+ steer_process = multiprocessing.Process(
+ target=Steering,
+ args=(set([]), generations, test_steering, steering_build))
+ # Start the processes.
+ build_process.start()
+ test_process.start()
+ steer_process.start()
+ # Wait for the processes to finish.
+ build_process.join()
+ test_process.join()
+ steer_process.join()
+def main(argv):
+ (options, _) = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ assert options.filename
+ _ParseJson(options.filename)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/bestflags/examples/omnetpp/README b/bestflags/examples/omnetpp/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eba522fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bestflags/examples/omnetpp/README
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+This directory contains the omnetpp example in SPEC2006 benchmark.
+It also contains the json configuration file which includes the meta data
+information to run the experiment.
+This directory contains a build file build_omnetpp which is used by the build
+module of the framework to compile the application.
+This directory contains a test file test_omnetpp which is used by the test
+module of the framework to benchmark the optimization compilation.
+This directory contains a conf file which includes the set of optimization flags
+the experiment will try.
+To use this direction, first gives the file the executable permission.
+ chmod a+x build_bikjmp
+ chmod a+x test_bikjmp
+Copy the SPEC2006 benchmark into this directory.
+To run, invoke the example_algorithm.py in the parent directory.
+ python example_algorithms.py --file=examples/omnetpp/example.json
+For help,
+ python example_algorithms.py --help \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bestflags/examples/omnetpp/build_omnetpp b/bestflags/examples/omnetpp/build_omnetpp
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..35e9ec13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bestflags/examples/omnetpp/build_omnetpp
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#!/bin/bash -x
+cd examples/omnetpp/cpu2006-redhat-ia32
+# Contains the optimization flags.
+# The index of the parameter.
+# Indicate whether it is parsing the gcc param.
+for parameter in "$@"
+ do
+ # The last parameter is the file name.
+ if [ "$i" == "$#" ]; then
+ file=$parameter
+ break
+ fi
+ # The param is not a flag, it combines with the flag that comes right after.
+ # For example, --param max-inline-insns-single
+ if [ "$parameter" == "-param" ]; then
+ in_gcc_param=true
+ flags+=-$parameter' '
+ let i++
+ continue
+ fi
+ # In in_gcc_param section, this flag follows the key word '--param'.
+ if [ $in_gcc_param == true ]; then
+ flags+=$parameter' '
+ let i++
+ in_gcc_param=false
+ continue
+ fi
+ # Normal flags.
+ flags+=-$parameter' '
+ let i++
+ done
+# Change the configuration file.
+content=$(sed s/amd64-m64-gcc41-kk/test$file/ config/linux64-amd64-pgi.cfg)
+echo "$content" | sed s/-O2/-O1\ "$flags"/ >config/linux64-amd64-pgi$file.cfg
+. ./shrc
+/usr/bin/time -o temp$file runspec --config linux64-amd64-pgi$file -D --action=build 471.omnetpp
+if [ $state -eq 0 ];then
+ user_time=$(cat build_timer$file | grep "user" | cut -d "u" -f 1)
+ output_file="$file"
+ checksum=$(readelf -x .text $outfile | md5sum | cut -d " " -f 1)
+ file_size=$(ls -l $outfile | cut -d " " -f 5)
+ text_section=$(readelf -SW $outfile | grep ".text")
+ size_hex=$(echo $text_section | sed "s/\s\{1,\}/\ /g" | cut -d ' ' -f 6)
+ size=$(echo $size_hex | ( echo "ibase=16" ; tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') | bc)
+ echo $checksum $user_time $output_file $file_size $size
+ echo "error" "error" "error" "error" "error"
+return $state \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bestflags/examples/omnetpp/conf b/bestflags/examples/omnetpp/conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c7059e12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bestflags/examples/omnetpp/conf
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/bestflags/examples/omnetpp/example.json b/bestflags/examples/omnetpp/example.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dda6dd11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bestflags/examples/omnetpp/example.json
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+"BUILD_CMD": "./examples/omnetpp/build_omnetpp",
+"TEST_CMD": "./examples/omnetpp/test_omnetpp",
+"OUTPUT": "output",
+"CONF": "examples/omnetpp/conf",
+"NUM_TRIALS": 20,
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bestflags/examples/omnetpp/test_omnetpp b/bestflags/examples/omnetpp/test_omnetpp
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..aeedb634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bestflags/examples/omnetpp/test_omnetpp
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#!/bin/bash -ux
+cd /usr/local/google/home/yuhenglong/Desktop/spec2006/cpu2006-redhat-ia32/
+cd benchspec/CPU2006/471.omnetpp/run/build_base_test$1.0000
+(time ./omnetpp$1 ../../data/train/input/omnetpp.ini) 1>log-file 2>time.txt
+if [ $state -eq 0 ];then
+ diff ../../data/train/output/omnetpp.sca.result omnetpp.sca
+ state=$?
+ if [ $state -eq 0 ];then
+ time=$(cat time.txt | grep real | cut -f2 -s | cut -d 's' -f 1)
+ time=$(echo $time | awk -Fm '{ print ($1 * 60) + $2 }')
+ echo $time
+ else
+ echo "error"
+ fi
+ echo "error"
+return $state \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bestflags/flags.py b/bestflags/flags.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b316421e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bestflags/flags.py
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Manage bundles of flags used for the optimizing of ChromeOS.
+Part of the Chrome build flags optimization.
+The content of this module is adapted from the Trakhelp JVM project. This module
+contains the basic Class Flag and the Class FlagSet. The core abstractions are:
+The class Flag, which takes a domain specific language describing how to fill
+the flags with values.
+The class FlagSet, which contains a number of flags and can create new FlagSets
+by mixing with other FlagSets.
+The Flag DSL works by replacing value ranges in [x-y] with numbers in the range
+x through y.
+ "foo[0-9]bar" will expand to e.g. "foo5bar".
+__author__ = 'yuhenglong@google.com (Yuheng Long)'
+import random
+import re
+# This matches a [...] group in the internal representation for a flag
+# specification, and is used in "filling out" flags - placing values inside
+# the flag_spec. The internal flag_spec format is like "foo[0]", with
+# values filled out like 5; this would be transformed by
+# FormattedForUse() into "foo5".
+_FLAG_FILLOUT_VALUE_RE = re.compile(r'\[([^\]]*)\]')
+# This matches a numeric flag flag=[start-end].
+rx = re.compile(r'\[(?P<start>\d+)-(?P<end>\d+)\]')
+# Search the numeric flag pattern.
+def Search(spec):
+ return rx.search(spec)
+class NoSuchFileError(Exception):
+ """Define an Exception class for user providing invalid input file."""
+ pass
+def ReadConf(file_name):
+ """Parse the configuration file.
+ The configuration contains one flag specification in each line.
+ Args:
+ file_name: The name of the configuration file.
+ Returns:
+ A list of specs in the configuration file.
+ Raises:
+ NoSuchFileError: The caller should provide a valid configuration file.
+ """
+ with open(file_name, 'r') as input_file:
+ lines = input_file.readlines()
+ return sorted([line.strip() for line in lines if line.strip()])
+ raise NoSuchFileError()
+class Flag(object):
+ """A class representing a particular command line flag argument.
+ The Flag consists of two parts: The spec and the value.
+ The spec is a definition of the following form: a string with escaped
+ sequences of the form [<start>-<end>] where start and end is an positive
+ integer for a fillable value.
+ An example of a spec is "foo[0-9]".
+ There are two kinds of flags, boolean flag and numeric flags. Boolean flags
+ can either be turned on or off, which numeric flags can have different
+ positive integer values. For example, -finline-limit=[1-1000] is a numeric
+ flag and -ftree-vectorize is a boolean flag.
+ A (boolean/numeric) flag is not turned on if it is not selected in the
+ FlagSet.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, spec, value=-1):
+ self._spec = spec
+ # If the value is not specified, generate a random value to use.
+ if value == -1:
+ # If creating a boolean flag, the value will be 0.
+ value = 0
+ # Parse the spec's expression for the flag value's numeric range.
+ numeric_flag_match = Search(spec)
+ # If this is a numeric flag, a value is chosen within start and end, start
+ # inclusive and end exclusive.
+ if numeric_flag_match:
+ start = int(numeric_flag_match.group('start'))
+ end = int(numeric_flag_match.group('end'))
+ assert start < end
+ value = random.randint(start, end)
+ self._value = value
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, Flag):
+ return self._spec == other.GetSpec() and self._value == other.GetValue()
+ return False
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self._spec) + self._value
+ def GetValue(self):
+ """Get the value for this flag.
+ Returns:
+ The value.
+ """
+ return self._value
+ def GetSpec(self):
+ """Get the spec for this flag.
+ Returns:
+ The spec.
+ """
+ return self._spec
+ def FormattedForUse(self):
+ """Calculate the combination of flag_spec and values.
+ For e.g. the flag_spec 'foo[0-9]' and the value equals to 5, this will
+ return 'foo5'. The filled out version of the flag is the text string you use
+ when you actually want to pass the flag to some binary.
+ Returns:
+ A string that represent the filled out flag, e.g. the flag with the
+ FlagSpec '-X[0-9]Y' and value equals to 5 would return '-X5Y'.
+ """
+ return _FLAG_FILLOUT_VALUE_RE.sub(str(self._value), self._spec)
+class FlagSet(object):
+ """A dictionary of Flag objects.
+ The flags dictionary stores the spec and flag pair.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, flag_array):
+ # Store the flags as a dictionary mapping of spec -> flag object
+ self._flags = dict([(flag.GetSpec(), flag) for flag in flag_array])
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return isinstance(other, FlagSet) and self._flags == other.GetFlags()
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return sum([hash(flag) for flag in self._flags.values()])
+ def __getitem__(self, flag_spec):
+ """Get flag with a particular flag_spec.
+ Args:
+ flag_spec: The flag_spec to find.
+ Returns:
+ A flag.
+ """
+ return self._flags[flag_spec]
+ def __contains__(self, flag_spec):
+ return self._flags.has_key(flag_spec)
+ def GetFlags(self):
+ return self._flags
+ def FormattedForUse(self):
+ """Format this for use in an application.
+ Returns:
+ A list of flags, sorted alphabetically and filled in with the values
+ for each flag.
+ """
+ return sorted([f.FormattedForUse() for f in self._flags.values()])
diff --git a/bestflags/flags_test.py b/bestflags/flags_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbbea77c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bestflags/flags_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Unit tests for the classes in module 'flags'.
+Part of the Chrome build flags optimization.
+__author__ = 'yuhenglong@google.com (Yuheng Long)'
+import random
+import sys
+import unittest
+from flags import Flag
+from flags import FlagSet
+# The number of tests to test.
+class FlagTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """This class tests the Flag class."""
+ def testInit(self):
+ """The value generated should fall within start and end of the spec.
+ If the value is not specified, the value generated should fall within start
+ and end of the spec.
+ """
+ for _ in range(NUM_TESTS):
+ start = random.randint(1, sys.maxint - 1)
+ end = random.randint(start + 1, sys.maxint)
+ spec = 'flag=[%s-%s]' % (start, end)
+ test_flag = Flag(spec)
+ value = test_flag.GetValue()
+ # If the value is not specified when the flag is constructed, a random
+ # value is chosen. This value should fall within start and end of the
+ # spec.
+ assert start <= value and value < end
+ def testEqual(self):
+ """Test the equal operator (==) of the flag.
+ Two flags are equal if and only if their spec and value are equal.
+ """
+ tests = range(NUM_TESTS)
+ # Two tasks having the same spec and value should be equivalent.
+ for test in tests:
+ assert Flag(str(test), test) == Flag(str(test), test)
+ # Two tasks having different flag set should be different.
+ for test in tests:
+ flag = Flag(str(test), test)
+ other_flag_sets = [other for other in tests if test != other]
+ for other_test in other_flag_sets:
+ assert flag != Flag(str(other_test), other_test)
+ def testFormattedForUse(self):
+ """Test the FormattedForUse method of the flag.
+ The FormattedForUse replaces the string within the [] with the actual value.
+ """
+ for _ in range(NUM_TESTS):
+ start = random.randint(1, sys.maxint - 1)
+ end = random.randint(start + 1, sys.maxint)
+ value = random.randint(start, end - 1)
+ spec = 'flag=[%s-%s]' % (start, end)
+ test_flag = Flag(spec, value)
+ # For numeric flag, the FormattedForUse replaces the string within the []
+ # with the actual value.
+ test_value = test_flag.FormattedForUse()
+ actual_value = 'flag=%s' % value
+ assert test_value == actual_value
+ for _ in range(NUM_TESTS):
+ value = random.randint(1, sys.maxint - 1)
+ test_flag = Flag('flag', value)
+ # For boolean flag, the FormattedForUse returns the spec.
+ test_value = test_flag.FormattedForUse()
+ actual_value = 'flag'
+ assert test_value == actual_value
+class FlagSetTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """This class test the FlagSet class."""
+ def testEqual(self):
+ """Test the equal method of the Class FlagSet.
+ Two FlagSet instances are equal if all their flags are equal.
+ """
+ flag_names = range(NUM_TESTS)
+ # Two flag sets having the same flags should be equivalent.
+ for flag_name in flag_names:
+ spec = '%s' % flag_name
+ assert FlagSet([Flag(spec)]) == FlagSet([Flag(spec)])
+ # Two flag sets having different flags should be different.
+ for flag_name in flag_names:
+ spec = '%s' % flag_name
+ flag_set = FlagSet([Flag(spec)])
+ other_flag_sets = [other for other in flag_names if flag_name != other]
+ for other_name in other_flag_sets:
+ other_spec = '%s' % other_name
+ assert flag_set != FlagSet([Flag(other_spec)])
+ def testGetItem(self):
+ """Test the get item method of the Class FlagSet.
+ The flag set is also indexed by the specs. The flag set should return the
+ appropriate flag given the spec.
+ """
+ tests = range(NUM_TESTS)
+ specs = [str(spec) for spec in tests]
+ flag_array = [Flag(spec) for spec in specs]
+ flag_set = FlagSet(flag_array)
+ # Created a dictionary of spec and flag, the flag set should return the flag
+ # the same as this dictionary.
+ spec_flag = dict(zip(specs, flag_array))
+ for spec in spec_flag:
+ assert flag_set[spec] == spec_flag[spec]
+ def testContain(self):
+ """Test the contain method of the Class FlagSet.
+ The flag set is also indexed by the specs. The flag set should return true
+ for spec if it contains a flag containing spec.
+ """
+ true_tests = range(NUM_TESTS)
+ false_tests = range(NUM_TESTS, NUM_TESTS * 2)
+ specs = [str(spec) for spec in true_tests]
+ flag_set = FlagSet([Flag(spec) for spec in specs])
+ for spec in specs:
+ assert spec in flag_set
+ for spec in false_tests:
+ assert spec not in flag_set
+ def testFormattedForUse(self):
+ """Test the FormattedForUse method of the Class FlagSet.
+ The output should be a sorted list of strings.
+ """
+ flag_names = range(NUM_TESTS)
+ flag_names.reverse()
+ flags = []
+ result = []
+ # Construct the flag set.
+ for flag_name in flag_names:
+ spec = '%s' % flag_name
+ flags.append(Flag(spec))
+ result.append(spec)
+ flag_set = FlagSet(flags)
+ # The results string should be sorted.
+ assert sorted(result) == flag_set.FormattedForUse()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/bestflags/flags_util.py b/bestflags/flags_util.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..20be57fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bestflags/flags_util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Utility functions to explore the neighbor flags.
+Part of the Chrome build flags optimization.
+__author__ = 'yuhenglong@google.com (Yuheng Long)'
+import flags
+from flags import Flag
+def ClimbNext(flags_dict, climb_spec):
+ """Get the flags that are different from |flags_dict| by |climb_spec|.
+ Given a set of flags, |flags_dict|, return a new set of flags that are
+ adjacent along the flag spec |climb_spec|.
+ An example flags_dict is {foo=[1-9]:foo=5, bar=[1-5]:bar=2} and climb_spec is
+ bar=[1-5]. This method changes the flag that contains the spec bar=[1-5]. The
+ results are its neighbors dictionaries, i.e., {foo=[1-9]:foo=5,
+ bar=[1-5]:bar=1} and {foo=[1-9]:foo=5, bar=[1-5]:bar=3}.
+ Args:
+ flags_dict: The dictionary containing the original flags whose neighbors are
+ to be explored.
+ climb_spec: The spec in the flags_dict is to be changed. The spec is a
+ definition in the little language, a string with escaped sequences of the
+ form [<start>-<end>] where start and end is an positive integer for a
+ fillable value. An example of a spec is "foo[0-9]".
+ Returns:
+ List of dictionaries of neighbor flags.
+ """
+ # This method searches for a pattern [start-end] in the spec. If the spec
+ # contains this pattern, it is a numeric flag. Otherwise it is a boolean flag.
+ # For example, -finline-limit=[1-1000] is a numeric flag and -falign-jumps is
+ # a boolean flag.
+ numeric_flag_match = flags.Search(climb_spec)
+ # If the flags do not contain the spec.
+ if climb_spec not in flags_dict:
+ results = flags_dict.copy()
+ if numeric_flag_match:
+ # Numeric flags.
+ results[climb_spec] = Flag(climb_spec,
+ int(numeric_flag_match.group('start')))
+ else:
+ # Boolean flags.
+ results[climb_spec] = Flag(climb_spec)
+ return [results]
+ # The flags contain the spec.
+ if not numeric_flag_match:
+ # Boolean flags.
+ results = flags_dict.copy()
+ # Turn off the flag. A flag is turned off if it is not presented in the
+ # flags_dict.
+ del results[climb_spec]
+ return [results]
+ # Numeric flags.
+ flag = flags_dict[climb_spec]
+ # The value of the flag having spec.
+ value = flag.GetValue()
+ results = []
+ if value + 1 < int(numeric_flag_match.group('end')):
+ # If the value is not the end value, explore the value that is 1 larger than
+ # the current value.
+ neighbor = flags_dict.copy()
+ neighbor[climb_spec] = Flag(climb_spec, value + 1)
+ results.append(neighbor)
+ if value > int(numeric_flag_match.group('start')):
+ # If the value is not the start value, explore the value that is 1 lesser
+ # than the current value.
+ neighbor = flags_dict.copy()
+ neighbor[climb_spec] = Flag(climb_spec, value - 1)
+ results.append(neighbor)
+ else:
+ # Delete the value, i.e., turn off the flag. A flag is turned off if it is
+ # not presented in the flags_dict.
+ neighbor = flags_dict.copy()
+ del neighbor[climb_spec]
+ results.append(neighbor)
+ return results
diff --git a/bestflags/generation.py b/bestflags/generation.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67c379f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bestflags/generation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""A generation of a set of tasks.
+Part of the Chrome build flags optimization.
+This module contains the base generation class. This class contains the tasks of
+this current generation. The generation will not evolve to the next generation
+until all the tasks in this generation are done executing. It also contains a
+set of tasks that could potentially be used to generate the next generation,
+e.g., in the genetic algorithm, a set of good species will be kept to evolve to
+the successive generations. For the hill climbing algorithm example, the
+candidate_pool will contain a current task t being evaluated and the exe_set
+will contains all the task t's neighbor.
+__author__ = 'yuhenglong@google.com (Yuheng Long)'
+class NoneOverridingError(Exception):
+ """Define an Exception class for subclasses not overriding certain methods."""
+ pass
+class Generation(object):
+ """A generation of a framework run.
+ The base class of generation. Concrete subclasses, e.g., GAGeneration should
+ override the Next and IsImproved method to implement algorithm specific
+ applications.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, exe_set, candidate_pool):
+ """Set up the tasks set of this generation.
+ Args:
+ exe_set: A set of tasks to be run.
+ candidate_pool: A set of tasks to be considered to be used to generate the
+ next generation.
+ """
+ self._exe_set = exe_set
+ self._candidate_pool = candidate_pool
+ # Keeping the record of how many tasks are pending. Pending tasks are the
+ # ones that have been sent out to the next stage for execution but have not
+ # finished. A generation is not ready for the reproduction of the new
+ # generations until all its pending tasks have been executed.
+ self._pending = len(exe_set)
+ def CandidatePool(self):
+ """Return the candidate tasks of this generation."""
+ return self._candidate_pool
+ def Pool(self):
+ """Return the task set of this generation."""
+ return self._exe_set
+ def Done(self):
+ """All the tasks in this generation are done.
+ Returns:
+ True if all the tasks have been executed. That is the number of pending
+ task is 0.
+ """
+ return self._pending == 0
+ def UpdateTask(self, task):
+ """Match a task t in this generation that is equal to the input task.
+ This method is called when the input task has just finished execution. This
+ method finds out whether there is a pending task t in the current generation
+ that is the same as the input task. Two tasks are the same if their flag
+ options are the same. A task is pending if it has not been performed.
+ If there is a pending task t that matches the input task, task t will be
+ substituted with the input task in this generation. In that case, the input
+ task, as well as its build and test results encapsulated in the task, will
+ be stored in the current generation. These results could be used to produce
+ the next generation.
+ If there is a match, the current generation will have one less pending task.
+ When there is no pending task, the generation can be used to produce the
+ next generation.
+ The caller of this function is responsible for not calling this method on
+ the same task more than once.
+ Args:
+ task: A task that has its results ready.
+ Returns:
+ Whether the input task belongs to this generation.
+ """
+ # If there is a match, the input task belongs to this generation.
+ if task not in self._exe_set:
+ return False
+ # Remove the place holder task in this generation and store the new input
+ # task and its result.
+ self._exe_set.remove(task)
+ self._exe_set.add(task)
+ # The current generation will have one less task to wait on.
+ self._pending -= 1
+ assert self._pending >= 0
+ return True
+ def IsImproved(self):
+ """True if this generation has improvement upon its parent generation.
+ Raises:
+ NoneOverridingError: The subclass should override this method.
+ """
+ raise NoneOverridingError('Must be implemented by child class')
+ def Next(self, _):
+ """Calculate the next generation.
+ This is the core of the framework implementation. It must be overridden by
+ the concrete subclass to implement algorithm specific generations.
+ Args:
+ _: A set of tasks that have been generated before. The overridden method
+ in the subclasses can use this so as not to generate task that has been
+ generated before.
+ Returns:
+ A set of new generations.
+ Raises:
+ NoneOverridingError: The subclass should override this method.
+ """
+ raise NoneOverridingError('Must be implemented by child class')
diff --git a/bestflags/generation_test.py b/bestflags/generation_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e042d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bestflags/generation_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Generation unittest.
+Part of the Chrome build flags optimization.
+__author__ = 'yuhenglong@google.com (Yuheng Long)'
+import random
+import unittest
+from generation import Generation
+from mock_task import IdentifierMockTask
+# Pick an integer at random.
+TEST_STAGE = -125
+# The number of tasks to be put in a generation to be tested.
+# The stride of permutation used to shuffle the input list of tasks. Should be
+# relatively prime with NUM_TASKS.
+class GenerationTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """This class test the Generation class.
+ Given a set of tasks in the generation, if there is any task that is pending,
+ then the Done method will return false, and true otherwise.
+ """
+ def testDone(self):
+ """"Test the Done method.
+ Produce a generation with a set of tasks. Set the cost of the task one by
+ one and verify that the Done method returns false before setting the cost
+ for all the tasks. After the costs of all the tasks are set, the Done method
+ should return true.
+ """
+ random.seed(0)
+ testing_tasks = range(NUM_TASKS)
+ # The tasks for the generation to be tested.
+ tasks = [IdentifierMockTask(TEST_STAGE, t) for t in testing_tasks]
+ gen = Generation(set(tasks), None)
+ # Permute the list.
+ permutation = [(t * STRIDE) % NUM_TASKS for t in range(NUM_TASKS)]
+ permuted_tasks = [testing_tasks[index] for index in permutation]
+ # The Done method of the Generation should return false before all the tasks
+ # in the permuted list are set.
+ for testing_task in permuted_tasks:
+ assert not gen.Done()
+ # Mark a task as done by calling the UpdateTask method of the generation.
+ # Send the generation the task as well as its results.
+ gen.UpdateTask(IdentifierMockTask(TEST_STAGE, testing_task))
+ # The Done method should return true after all the tasks in the permuted
+ # list is set.
+ assert gen.Done()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/bestflags/genetic_algorithm.py b/bestflags/genetic_algorithm.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..deb83f12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bestflags/genetic_algorithm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""The hill genetic algorithm.
+Part of the Chrome build flags optimization.
+__author__ = 'yuhenglong@google.com (Yuheng Long)'
+import random
+import flags
+from flags import Flag
+from flags import FlagSet
+from generation import Generation
+from task import Task
+def CrossoverWith(first_flag, second_flag):
+ """Get a crossed over gene.
+ At present, this just picks either/or of these values. However, it could be
+ implemented as an integer maskover effort, if required.
+ Args:
+ first_flag: The first gene (Flag) to cross over with.
+ second_flag: The second gene (Flag) to cross over with.
+ Returns:
+ A Flag that can be considered appropriately randomly blended between the
+ first and second input flag.
+ """
+ return first_flag if random.randint(0, 1) else second_flag
+def RandomMutate(specs, flag_set, mutation_rate):
+ """Randomly mutate the content of a task.
+ Args:
+ specs: A list of spec from which the flag set is created.
+ flag_set: The current flag set being mutated
+ mutation_rate: What fraction of genes to mutate.
+ Returns:
+ A Genetic Task constructed by randomly mutating the input flag set.
+ """
+ results_flags = []
+ for spec in specs:
+ # Randomly choose whether this flag should be mutated.
+ if random.randint(0, int(1 / mutation_rate)):
+ continue
+ # If the flag is not already in the flag set, it is added.
+ if spec not in flag_set:
+ results_flags.append(Flag(spec))
+ continue
+ # If the flag is already in the flag set, it is mutated.
+ numeric_flag_match = flags.Search(spec)
+ # The value of a numeric flag will be changed, and a boolean flag will be
+ # dropped.
+ if not numeric_flag_match:
+ continue
+ value = flag_set[spec].GetValue()
+ # Randomly select a nearby value of the current value of the flag.
+ rand_arr = [value]
+ if value + 1 < int(numeric_flag_match.group('end')):
+ rand_arr.append(value + 1)
+ rand_arr.append(value - 1)
+ value = random.sample(rand_arr, 1)[0]
+ # If the value is smaller than the start of the spec, this flag will be
+ # dropped.
+ if value != int(numeric_flag_match.group('start')) - 1:
+ results_flags.append(Flag(spec, value))
+ return GATask(FlagSet(results_flags))
+class GATask(Task):
+ def __init__(self, flag_set):
+ Task.__init__(self, flag_set)
+ def ReproduceWith(self, other, specs, mutation_rate):
+ """Reproduce with other FlagSet.
+ Args:
+ other: A FlagSet to reproduce with.
+ specs: A list of spec from which the flag set is created.
+ mutation_rate: one in mutation_rate flags will be mutated (replaced by a
+ random version of the same flag, instead of one from either of the
+ parents). Set to 0 to disable mutation.
+ Returns:
+ A GA task made by mixing self with other.
+ """
+ # Get the flag dictionary.
+ father_flags = self.GetFlags().GetFlags()
+ mother_flags = other.GetFlags().GetFlags()
+ # Flags that are common in both parents and flags that belong to only one
+ # parent.
+ self_flags = []
+ other_flags = []
+ common_flags = []
+ # Find out flags that are common to both parent and flags that belong soly
+ # to one parent.
+ for self_flag in father_flags:
+ if self_flag in mother_flags:
+ common_flags.append(self_flag)
+ else:
+ self_flags.append(self_flag)
+ for other_flag in mother_flags:
+ if other_flag not in father_flags:
+ other_flags.append(other_flag)
+ # Randomly select flags that belong to only one parent.
+ output_flags = [father_flags[f] for f in self_flags if random.randint(0, 1)]
+ others = [mother_flags[f] for f in other_flags if random.randint(0, 1)]
+ output_flags.extend(others)
+ # Turn on flags that belong to both parent. Randomly choose the value of the
+ # flag from either parent.
+ for flag in common_flags:
+ output_flags.append(CrossoverWith(father_flags[flag], mother_flags[flag]))
+ # Mutate flags
+ if mutation_rate:
+ return RandomMutate(specs, FlagSet(output_flags), mutation_rate)
+ return GATask(FlagSet(output_flags))
+class GAGeneration(Generation):
+ """The Genetic Algorithm."""
+ # The value checks whether the algorithm has converged and arrives at a fixed
+ # point. If STOP_THRESHOLD of generations have not seen any performance
+ # improvement, the Genetic Algorithm stops.
+ # Number of tasks in each generation.
+ # The value checks whether the algorithm has converged and arrives at a fixed
+ # point. If NUM_TRIALS of trials have been attempted to generate a new task
+ # without a success, the Genetic Algorithm stops.
+ # The flags that can be used to generate new tasks.
+ SPECS = None
+ # What fraction of genes to mutate.
+ @staticmethod
+ def InitMetaData(stop_threshold, num_chromosomes, num_trials, specs,
+ mutation_rate):
+ """Set up the meta data for the Genetic Algorithm.
+ Args:
+ stop_threshold: The number of generations, upon which no performance has
+ seen, the Genetic Algorithm stops.
+ num_chromosomes: Number of tasks in each generation.
+ num_trials: The number of trials, upon which new task has been tried to
+ generated without success, the Genetic Algorithm stops.
+ specs: The flags that can be used to generate new tasks.
+ mutation_rate: What fraction of genes to mutate.
+ """
+ GAGeneration.STOP_THRESHOLD = stop_threshold
+ GAGeneration.NUM_CHROMOSOMES = num_chromosomes
+ GAGeneration.NUM_TRIALS = num_trials
+ GAGeneration.SPECS = specs
+ GAGeneration.MUTATION_RATE = mutation_rate
+ def __init__(self, tasks, parents, total_stucks):
+ """Set up the meta data for the Genetic Algorithm.
+ Args:
+ tasks: A set of tasks to be run.
+ parents: A set of tasks from which this new generation is produced. This
+ set also contains the best tasks generated so far.
+ total_stucks: The number of generations that have not seen improvement.
+ The Genetic Algorithm will stop once the total_stucks equals to
+ NUM_TRIALS defined in the GAGeneration class.
+ """
+ Generation.__init__(self, tasks, parents)
+ self._total_stucks = total_stucks
+ def IsImproved(self):
+ """True if this generation has improvement upon its parent generation."""
+ tasks = self.Pool()
+ parents = self.CandidatePool()
+ # The first generate does not have parents.
+ if not parents:
+ return True
+ # Found out whether a task has improvement upon the best task in the
+ # parent generation.
+ best_parent = sorted(parents, key=lambda task: task.GetTestResult())[0]
+ best_current = sorted(tasks, key=lambda task: task.GetTestResult())[0]
+ # At least one task has improvement.
+ if best_current.IsImproved(best_parent):
+ self._total_stucks = 0
+ return True
+ # If STOP_THRESHOLD of generations have no improvement, the algorithm stops.
+ if self._total_stucks >= GAGeneration.STOP_THRESHOLD:
+ return False
+ self._total_stucks += 1
+ return True
+ def Next(self, cache):
+ """Calculate the next generation.
+ Generate a new generation from the a set of tasks. This set contains the
+ best set seen so far and the tasks executed in the parent generation.
+ Args:
+ cache: A set of tasks that have been generated before.
+ Returns:
+ A set of new generations.
+ """
+ target_len = GAGeneration.NUM_CHROMOSOMES
+ specs = GAGeneration.SPECS
+ mutation_rate = GAGeneration.MUTATION_RATE
+ # Collect a set of size target_len of tasks. This set will be used to
+ # produce a new generation of tasks.
+ gen_tasks = [task for task in self.Pool()]
+ parents = self.CandidatePool()
+ if parents:
+ gen_tasks.extend(parents)
+ # A set of tasks that are the best. This set will be used as the parent
+ # generation to produce the next generation.
+ sort_func = lambda task: task.GetTestResult()
+ retained_tasks = sorted(gen_tasks, key=sort_func)[:target_len]
+ child_pool = set()
+ for father in retained_tasks:
+ num_trials = 0
+ # Try num_trials times to produce a new child.
+ while num_trials < GAGeneration.NUM_TRIALS:
+ # Randomly select another parent.
+ mother = random.choice(retained_tasks)
+ # Cross over.
+ child = mother.ReproduceWith(father, specs, mutation_rate)
+ if child not in child_pool and child not in cache:
+ child_pool.add(child)
+ break
+ else:
+ num_trials += 1
+ num_trials = 0
+ while len(child_pool) < target_len and num_trials < GAGeneration.NUM_TRIALS:
+ for keep_task in retained_tasks:
+ # Mutation.
+ child = RandomMutate(specs, keep_task.GetFlags(), mutation_rate)
+ if child not in child_pool and child not in cache:
+ child_pool.add(child)
+ if len(child_pool) >= target_len:
+ break
+ else:
+ num_trials += 1
+ # If NUM_TRIALS of tries have been attempted without generating a set of new
+ # tasks, the algorithm stops.
+ if num_trials >= GAGeneration.NUM_TRIALS:
+ return []
+ assert len(child_pool) == target_len
+ return [GAGeneration(child_pool, set(retained_tasks), self._total_stucks)]
diff --git a/bestflags/hill_climb_best_neighbor.py b/bestflags/hill_climb_best_neighbor.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7bb5a7ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bestflags/hill_climb_best_neighbor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""A variation of the hill climbing algorithm.
+Part of the Chrome build flags optimization.
+This algorithm explores all the neighbors of the current task. If at least one
+neighbor gives better performance than the current task, it explores the best
+__author__ = 'yuhenglong@google.com (Yuheng Long)'
+from flags import FlagSet
+import flags_util
+from generation import Generation
+from task import Task
+class HillClimbingBestBranch(Generation):
+ """A variation of the hill climbing algorithm.
+ Given a task, it explores all its neighbors. Pick the best neighbor for the
+ next iteration.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, exe_set, parents, specs):
+ """Set up the tasks set of this generation.
+ Args:
+ exe_set: A set of tasks to be run.
+ parents: A set of tasks to be used to check whether their neighbors have
+ improved upon them.
+ specs: A list of specs to explore. The spec specifies the flags that can
+ be changed to find neighbors of a task.
+ """
+ Generation.__init__(self, exe_set, parents)
+ self._specs = specs
+ # This variable will be used, by the Next method, to generate the tasks for
+ # the next iteration. This self._next_task contains the best task in the
+ # current iteration and it will be set by the IsImproved method. The tasks
+ # of the next iteration are the neighbor of self._next_task.
+ self._next_task = None
+ def IsImproved(self):
+ """True if this generation has improvement over its parent generation.
+ If this generation improves upon the previous generation, this method finds
+ out the best task in this generation and sets it to _next_task for the
+ method Next to use.
+ Returns:
+ True if the best neighbor improves upon the parent task.
+ """
+ # Find the best neighbor.
+ best_task = None
+ for task in self._exe_set:
+ if not best_task or task.IsImproved(best_task):
+ best_task = task
+ if not best_task:
+ return False
+ # The first generation may not have parent generation.
+ parents = list(self._candidate_pool)
+ if parents:
+ assert len(parents) == 1
+ self._next_task = best_task
+ # If the best neighbor improves upon the parent task.
+ return best_task.IsImproved(parents[0])
+ self._next_task = best_task
+ return True
+ def Next(self, cache):
+ """Calculate the next generation.
+ The best neighbor b of the current task is the parent of the next
+ generation. The neighbors of b will be the set of tasks to be evaluated
+ next.
+ Args:
+ cache: A set of tasks that have been generated before.
+ Returns:
+ A set of new generations.
+ """
+ # The best neighbor.
+ current_task = self._next_task
+ flag_set = current_task.GetFlags()
+ # The neighbors of the best neighbor.
+ children_tasks = set([])
+ for spec in self._specs:
+ for next_flag in flags_util.ClimbNext(flag_set.GetFlags(), spec):
+ new_task = Task(FlagSet(next_flag.values()))
+ if new_task not in cache:
+ children_tasks.add(new_task)
+ return [HillClimbingBestBranch(children_tasks, set([current_task]),
+ self._specs)]
diff --git a/bestflags/iterative_elimination.py b/bestflags/iterative_elimination.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f4c41d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bestflags/iterative_elimination.py
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Iterative flags elimination.
+Part of the Chrome build flags optimization.
+This module implements the flag iterative elimination algorithm (IE) adopted
+from the paper
+Z. Pan et al. Fast and Effective Orchestration of Compiler Optimizations for
+Automatic Performance Tuning.
+IE begins with the base line that turns on all the optimizations flags and
+setting the numeric flags to their highest values. IE turns off the one boolean
+flag or lower the value of a numeric flag with the most negative effect from the
+baseline. This process repeats with all remaining flags, until none of them
+causes performance degradation. The complexity of IE is O(n^2).
+For example, -fstrict-aliasing and -ftree-vectorize. The base line is
+b=[-fstrict-aliasing, -ftree-vectorize]. The two tasks in the first iteration
+are t0=[-fstrict-aliasing] and t1=[-ftree-vectorize]. The algorithm compares b
+with t0 and t1, respectively, and see whether setting the numeric flag with a
+lower value or removing the boolean flag -fstrict-aliasing produce a better
+fitness value.
+__author__ = 'yuhenglong@google.com (Yuheng Long)'
+import flags
+from generation import Generation
+import task
+def _DecreaseFlag(flags_dict, spec):
+ """Decrease the value of the flag that has the specification spec.
+ If the flag that contains the spec is a boolean flag, it is eliminated.
+ Otherwise the flag is a numeric flag, its value will be reduced by one.
+ Args:
+ flags_dict: The dictionary containing the original flags whose neighbors are
+ to be explored.
+ spec: The spec in the flags_dict is to be changed.
+ Returns:
+ Dictionary of neighbor flag that is only different from the original
+ dictionary by the spec.
+ """
+ # The specification must be held by one of the flags.
+ assert spec in flags_dict
+ # The results this method returns.
+ results = flags_dict.copy()
+ # This method searches for a pattern [start-end] in the spec. If the spec
+ # contains this pattern, it is a numeric flag. Otherwise it is a boolean flag.
+ # For example, -finline-limit=[1-1000] is a numeric flag and -falign-jumps is
+ # a boolean flag.
+ numeric_flag_match = flags.Search(spec)
+ if numeric_flag_match:
+ # numeric flag
+ val = results[spec].GetValue()
+ # If the value of the flag is the lower boundary of the specification, this
+ # flag will be turned off. Because it already contains the lowest value and
+ # can not be decreased any more.
+ if val == int(numeric_flag_match.group('start')):
+ # Turn off the flag. A flag is turned off if it is not presented in the
+ # flags_dict.
+ del results[spec]
+ else:
+ results[spec] = flags.Flag(spec, val - 1)
+ else:
+ # Turn off the flag. A flag is turned off if it is not presented in the
+ # flags_dict.
+ del results[spec]
+ return results
+class IterativeEliminationGeneration(Generation):
+ """The negative flag iterative elimination algorithm."""
+ def __init__(self, exe_set, parent_task):
+ """Set up the base line parent task.
+ The parent task is the base line against which the new tasks are compared.
+ The new tasks are only different from the base line from one flag f by
+ either turning this flag f off, or lower the flag value by 1.
+ If a new task is better than the base line, one flag is identified that
+ gives degradation. The flag that give the worst degradation will be removed
+ or lower the value by 1 in the base in each iteration.
+ Args:
+ exe_set: A set of tasks to be run. Each one only differs from the
+ parent_task by one flag.
+ parent_task: The base line task, against which the new tasks in exe_set
+ are compared.
+ """
+ Generation.__init__(self, exe_set, None)
+ self._parent_task = parent_task
+ def IsImproved(self):
+ """Whether any new task has improvement upon the parent task."""
+ parent = self._parent_task
+ # Whether there is any new task that has improvement over the parent base
+ # line task.
+ for curr in [curr for curr in self.Pool() if curr != parent]:
+ if curr.IsImproved(parent):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def Next(self, cache):
+ """Find out the flag that gives the worst degradation.
+ Found out the flag that gives the worst degradation. Turn that flag off from
+ the base line and use the new base line for the new generation.
+ Args:
+ cache: A set of tasks that have been generated before.
+ Returns:
+ A set of new generations.
+ """
+ parent_task = self._parent_task
+ # Find out the task that gives the worst degradation.
+ worst_task = parent_task
+ for curr in [curr for curr in self.Pool() if curr != parent_task]:
+ # The method IsImproved, which is supposed to be called before, ensures
+ # that there is at least a task that improves upon the parent_task.
+ if curr.IsImproved(worst_task):
+ worst_task = curr
+ assert worst_task != parent_task
+ # The flags_set of the worst task.
+ work_flags_set = worst_task.GetFlags().GetFlags()
+ results = set([])
+ # If the flags_set contains no flag, i.e., all the flags have been
+ # eliminated, the algorithm stops.
+ if not work_flags_set:
+ return []
+ # Turn of the remaining flags one by one for the next generation.
+ for spec in work_flags_set:
+ flag_set = flags.FlagSet(_DecreaseFlag(work_flags_set, spec).values())
+ new_task = task.Task(flag_set)
+ if new_task not in cache:
+ results.add(new_task)
+ return [IterativeEliminationGeneration(results, worst_task)]
+class IterativeEliminationFirstGeneration(IterativeEliminationGeneration):
+ """The first iteration of the iterative elimination algorithm.
+ The first iteration also evaluates the base line task. The base line tasks in
+ the subsequent iterations have been evaluated. Therefore,
+ IterativeEliminationGeneration does not include the base line task in the
+ execution set.
+ """
+ def IsImproved(self):
+ # Find out the base line task in the execution set.
+ parent = next(task for task in self.Pool() if task == self._parent_task)
+ self._parent_task = parent
+ return IterativeEliminationGeneration.IsImproved(self)
diff --git a/bestflags/mock_task.py b/bestflags/mock_task.py
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+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""This module defines the common mock tasks used by various unit tests.
+Part of the Chrome build flags optimization.
+__author__ = 'yuhenglong@google.com (Yuheng Long)'
+# Pick an integer at random.
+class MockTask(object):
+ """This class emulates an actual task.
+ It does not do the actual work, but simply returns the result as given when
+ this task is constructed.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, stage, identifier, cost=0):
+ """Set up the results for this task.
+ Args:
+ stage: the stage of this test is in.
+ identifier: the identifier of this task.
+ cost: the mock cost of this task.
+ The _cost field stored the cost. Once this task is performed, i.e., by
+ calling the work method or by setting the result from other task, the
+ _cost field will have this cost. The stage field verifies that the module
+ being tested and the unitest are in the same stage. If the unitest does
+ not care about cost of this task, the cost parameter should be leaved
+ blank.
+ """
+ self._identifier = identifier
+ self._cost = cost
+ self._stage = stage
+ # Indicate that this method has not been performed yet.
+ self._performed = False
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, MockTask):
+ return (self._identifier == other.GetIdentifier(self._stage) and
+ self._cost == other.GetResult(self._stage))
+ return False
+ def GetIdentifier(self, stage):
+ assert stage == self._stage
+ return self._identifier
+ def SetResult(self, stage, cost):
+ assert stage == self._stage
+ self._cost = cost
+ self._performed = True
+ def Work(self, stage):
+ assert stage == self._stage
+ self._performed = True
+ def GetResult(self, stage):
+ assert stage == self._stage
+ return self._cost
+ def Done(self, stage):
+ """Indicates whether the task has been performed."""
+ assert stage == self._stage
+ return self._performed
+ def LogSteeringCost(self):
+ pass
+class IdentifierMockTask(MockTask):
+ """This class defines the mock task that does not consider the cost.
+ The task instances will be inserted into a set. Therefore the hash and the
+ equal methods are overridden. The unittests that compares identities of the
+ tasks for equality can use this mock task instead of the base mock tack.
+ """
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return self._identifier
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, MockTask):
+ return self._identifier == other.GetIdentifier(self._stage)
+ return False
diff --git a/bestflags/pipeline_process.py b/bestflags/pipeline_process.py
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+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Pipeline process that encapsulates the actual content.
+Part of the Chrome build flags optimization.
+The actual stages include the builder and the executor.
+__author__ = 'yuhenglong@google.com (Yuheng Long)'
+import multiprocessing
+# Pick an integer at random.
+class PipelineProcess(multiprocessing.Process):
+ """A process that encapsulates the actual content pipeline stage.
+ The actual pipeline stage can be the builder or the tester. This process
+ continuously pull tasks from the queue until a poison pill is received.
+ Once a job is received, it will hand it to the actual stage for processing.
+ Each pipeline stage contains three modules.
+ The first module continuously pulls task from the input queue. It searches the
+ cache to check whether the task has encountered before. If so, duplicate
+ computation can be avoided.
+ The second module consists of a pool of workers that do the actual work, e.g.,
+ the worker will compile the source code and get the image in the builder
+ pipeline stage.
+ The third module is a helper that put the result cost to the cost field of the
+ duplicate tasks. For example, if two tasks are equivalent, only one task, say
+ t1 will be executed and the other task, say t2 will not be executed. The third
+ mode gets the result from t1, when it is available and set the cost of t2 to
+ be the same as that of t1.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, num_processes, name, cache, stage, task_queue, helper,
+ worker, result_queue):
+ """Set up input/output queue and the actual method to be called.
+ Args:
+ num_processes: Number of helpers subprocessors this stage has.
+ name: The name of this stage.
+ cache: The computed tasks encountered before.
+ stage: An int value that specifies the stage for this pipeline stage, for
+ example, build stage or test stage. This value will be used to retrieve
+ the keys in different stage. I.e., the flags set is the key in build
+ stage and the checksum is the key in the test stage. The key is used to
+ detect duplicates.
+ task_queue: The input task queue for this pipeline stage.
+ helper: The method hosted by the helper module to fill up the cost of the
+ duplicate tasks.
+ worker: The method hosted by the worker pools to do the actual work, e.g.,
+ compile the image.
+ result_queue: The output task queue for this pipeline stage.
+ """
+ multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self)
+ self._name = name
+ self._task_queue = task_queue
+ self._result_queue = result_queue
+ self._helper = helper
+ self._worker = worker
+ self._cache = cache
+ self._stage = stage
+ self._num_processes = num_processes
+ # the queues used by the modules for communication
+ manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
+ self._helper_queue = manager.Queue()
+ self._work_queue = manager.Queue()
+ def run(self):
+ """Busy pulling the next task from the queue for execution.
+ Once a job is pulled, this stage invokes the actual stage method and submits
+ the result to the next pipeline stage.
+ The process will terminate on receiving the poison pill from previous stage.
+ """
+ # the worker pool
+ work_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(self._num_processes)
+ # the helper process
+ helper_process = multiprocessing.Process(
+ target=self._helper,
+ args=(self._stage, self._cache, self._helper_queue, self._work_queue,
+ self._result_queue))
+ helper_process.start()
+ mycache = self._cache.keys()
+ while True:
+ task = self._task_queue.get()
+ if task == POISONPILL:
+ # Poison pill means shutdown
+ self._result_queue.put(POISONPILL)
+ break
+ task_key = task.GetIdentifier(self._stage)
+ if task_key in mycache:
+ # The task has been encountered before. It will be sent to the helper
+ # module for further processing.
+ self._helper_queue.put(task)
+ else:
+ # Let the workers do the actual work.
+ work_pool.apply_async(
+ self._worker,
+ args=(self._stage, task, self._work_queue, self._result_queue))
+ mycache.append(task_key)
+ # Shutdown the workers pool and the helper process.
+ work_pool.close()
+ work_pool.join()
+ self._helper_queue.put(POISONPILL)
+ helper_process.join()
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+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Pipeline Process unittest.
+Part of the Chrome build flags optimization.
+__author__ = 'yuhenglong@google.com (Yuheng Long)'
+import multiprocessing
+import unittest
+from mock_task import MockTask
+import pipeline_process
+# Pick an integer at random.
+ERROR = -334
+# Pick an integer at random.
+def MockHelper(stage, done_dict, helper_queue, _, result_queue):
+ """This method echos input to the output."""
+ assert stage == TEST_STAGE
+ while True:
+ if not helper_queue.empty():
+ task = helper_queue.get()
+ if task == pipeline_process.POISONPILL:
+ # Poison pill means shutdown
+ break
+ if task in done_dict:
+ # verify that it does not get duplicate "1"s in the test.
+ result_queue.put(ERROR)
+ else:
+ result_queue.put(('helper', task.GetIdentifier(TEST_STAGE)))
+def MockWorker(stage, task, _, result_queue):
+ assert stage == TEST_STAGE
+ result_queue.put(('worker', task.GetIdentifier(TEST_STAGE)))
+class PipelineProcessTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """This class test the PipelineProcess.
+ All the task inserted into the input queue should be taken out and hand to the
+ actual pipeline handler, except for the POISON_PILL. All these task should
+ also be passed to the next pipeline stage via the output queue.
+ """
+ def testRun(self):
+ """Test the run method.
+ Ensure that all the tasks inserted into the queue are properly handled.
+ """
+ manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
+ inp = manager.Queue()
+ output = manager.Queue()
+ process = pipeline_process.PipelineProcess(
+ 2, 'testing', {}, TEST_STAGE, inp, MockHelper, MockWorker, output)
+ process.start()
+ inp.put(MockTask(TEST_STAGE, 1))
+ inp.put(MockTask(TEST_STAGE, 1))
+ inp.put(MockTask(TEST_STAGE, 2))
+ inp.put(pipeline_process.POISONPILL)
+ process.join()
+ # All tasks are processed once and only once.
+ result = [('worker', 1), ('helper', 1), ('worker', 2),
+ pipeline_process.POISONPILL]
+ while result:
+ task = output.get()
+ # One "1"s is passed to the worker and one to the helper.
+ self.assertNotEqual(task, ERROR)
+ # The messages received should be exactly the same as the result.
+ self.assertTrue(task in result)
+ result.remove(task)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/bestflags/pipeline_worker.py b/bestflags/pipeline_worker.py
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index 00000000..e21ec2c8
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+++ b/bestflags/pipeline_worker.py
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""The pipeline_worker functions of the build and test stage of the framework.
+Part of the Chrome build flags optimization.
+This module defines the helper and the worker. If there are duplicate tasks, for
+example t1 and t2, needs to be built/tested, one of them, for example t1, will
+be built/tested and the helper waits for the result of t1 and set the results of
+the other task, t2 here, to be the same as that of t1. Setting the result of t2
+to be the same as t1 is referred to as resolving the result of t2.
+The worker invokes the work method of the tasks that are not duplicate.
+__author__ = 'yuhenglong@google.com (Yuheng Long)'
+import pipeline_process
+def Helper(stage, done_dict, helper_queue, completed_queue, result_queue):
+ """Helper that filters duplicate tasks.
+ This method Continuously pulls duplicate tasks from the helper_queue. The
+ duplicate tasks need not be compiled/tested. This method also pulls completed
+ tasks from the worker queue and let the results of the duplicate tasks be the
+ same as their corresponding finished task.
+ Args:
+ stage: The current stage of the pipeline, for example, build stage or test
+ stage.
+ done_dict: A dictionary of tasks that are done. The key of the dictionary is
+ the identifier of the task. The value of the dictionary is the results of
+ performing the corresponding task.
+ helper_queue: A queue of duplicate tasks whose results need to be resolved.
+ This is a communication channel between the pipeline_process and this
+ helper process.
+ completed_queue: A queue of tasks that have been built/tested. The results
+ of these tasks are needed to resolve the results of the duplicate tasks.
+ This is the communication channel between the workers and this helper
+ process.
+ result_queue: After the results of the duplicate tasks have been resolved,
+ the duplicate tasks will be sent to the next stage via this queue.
+ """
+ # The list of duplicate tasks, the results of which need to be resolved.
+ waiting_list = []
+ while True:
+ # Pull duplicate task from the helper queue.
+ if not helper_queue.empty():
+ task = helper_queue.get()
+ if task == pipeline_process.POISONPILL:
+ # Poison pill means no more duplicate task from the helper queue.
+ break
+ # The task has not been performed before.
+ assert not task.Done(stage)
+ # The identifier of this task.
+ identifier = task.GetIdentifier(stage)
+ # If a duplicate task comes before the corresponding resolved results from
+ # the completed_queue, it will be put in the waiting list. If the result
+ # arrives before the duplicate task, the duplicate task will be resolved
+ # right away.
+ if identifier in done_dict:
+ # This task has been encountered before and the result is available. The
+ # result can be resolved right away.
+ task.SetResult(stage, done_dict[identifier])
+ result_queue.put(task)
+ else:
+ waiting_list.append(task)
+ # Check and get completed tasks from completed_queue.
+ GetResultFromCompletedQueue(stage, completed_queue, done_dict, waiting_list,
+ result_queue)
+ # Wait to resolve the results of the remaining duplicate tasks.
+ while waiting_list:
+ GetResultFromCompletedQueue(stage, completed_queue, done_dict, waiting_list,
+ result_queue)
+def GetResultFromCompletedQueue(stage, completed_queue, done_dict, waiting_list,
+ result_queue):
+ """Pull results from the completed queue and resolves duplicate tasks.
+ Args:
+ stage: The current stage of the pipeline, for example, build stage or test
+ stage.
+ completed_queue: A queue of tasks that have been performed. The results of
+ these tasks are needed to resolve the results of the duplicate tasks. This
+ is the communication channel between the workers and this method.
+ done_dict: A dictionary of tasks that are done. The key of the dictionary is
+ the optimization flags of the task. The value of the dictionary is the
+ compilation results of the corresponding task.
+ waiting_list: The list of duplicate tasks, the results of which need to be
+ resolved.
+ result_queue: After the results of the duplicate tasks have been resolved,
+ the duplicate tasks will be sent to the next stage via this queue.
+ This helper method tries to pull a completed task from the completed queue.
+ If it gets a task from the queue, it resolves the results of all the relevant
+ duplicate tasks in the waiting list. Relevant tasks are the tasks that have
+ the same flags as the currently received results from the completed_queue.
+ """
+ # Pull completed task from the worker queue.
+ if not completed_queue.empty():
+ (identifier, result) = completed_queue.get()
+ done_dict[identifier] = result
+ tasks = [t for t in waiting_list if t.GetIdentifier(stage) == identifier]
+ for duplicate_task in tasks:
+ duplicate_task.SetResult(stage, result)
+ result_queue.put(duplicate_task)
+ waiting_list.remove(duplicate_task)
+def Worker(stage, task, helper_queue, result_queue):
+ """Worker that performs the task.
+ This method calls the work method of the input task and distribute the result
+ to the helper and the next stage.
+ Args:
+ stage: The current stage of the pipeline, for example, build stage or test
+ stage.
+ task: Input task that needs to be performed.
+ helper_queue: Queue that holds the completed tasks and the results. This is
+ the communication channel between the worker and the helper.
+ result_queue: Queue that holds the completed tasks and the results. This is
+ the communication channel between the worker and the next stage.
+ """
+ # The task has not been completed before.
+ assert not task.Done(stage)
+ task.Work(stage)
+ helper_queue.put((task.GetIdentifier(stage), task.GetResult(stage)))
+ result_queue.put(task)
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index 00000000..e3de5e12
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@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Unittest for the pipeline_worker functions in the build/test stage.
+Part of the Chrome build flags optimization.
+This module tests the helper method and the worker method.
+__author__ = 'yuhenglong@google.com (Yuheng Long)'
+import multiprocessing
+import random
+import sys
+import unittest
+from mock_task import MockTask
+import pipeline_process
+import pipeline_worker
+# Pick an integer at random.
+def MockTaskCostGenerator():
+ """Calls a random number generator and returns a negative number."""
+ return random.randint(-sys.maxint - 1, -1)
+class PipelineWorkerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """This class tests the pipeline_worker functions.
+ Given the same identifier, the cost should result the same from the
+ pipeline_worker functions.
+ """
+ def testHelper(self):
+ """"Test the helper.
+ Call the helper method twice, and test the results. The results should be
+ the same, i.e., the cost should be the same.
+ """
+ # Set up the input, helper and output queue for the helper method.
+ manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
+ helper_queue = manager.Queue()
+ result_queue = manager.Queue()
+ completed_queue = manager.Queue()
+ # Set up the helper process that holds the helper method.
+ helper_process = multiprocessing.Process(
+ target=pipeline_worker.Helper,
+ args=(TEST_STAGE, {}, helper_queue, completed_queue, result_queue))
+ helper_process.start()
+ # A dictionary defines the mock result to the helper.
+ mock_result = {1: 1995, 2: 59, 9: 1027}
+ # Test if there is a task that is done before, whether the duplicate task
+ # will have the same result. Here, two different scenarios are tested. That
+ # is the mock results are added to the completed_queue before and after the
+ # corresponding mock tasks being added to the input queue.
+ completed_queue.put((9, mock_result[9]))
+ # The output of the helper should contain all the following tasks.
+ results = [1, 1, 2, 9]
+ # Testing the correctness of having tasks having the same identifier, here
+ # 1.
+ for result in results:
+ helper_queue.put(MockTask(TEST_STAGE, result, MockTaskCostGenerator()))
+ completed_queue.put((2, mock_result[2]))
+ completed_queue.put((1, mock_result[1]))
+ # Signal there is no more duplicate task.
+ helper_queue.put(pipeline_process.POISONPILL)
+ helper_process.join()
+ while results:
+ task = result_queue.get()
+ identifier = task.GetIdentifier(TEST_STAGE)
+ self.assertTrue(identifier in results)
+ if identifier in mock_result:
+ self.assertTrue(task.GetResult(TEST_STAGE), mock_result[identifier])
+ results.remove(identifier)
+ def testWorker(self):
+ """"Test the worker method.
+ The worker should process all the input tasks and output the tasks to the
+ helper and result queue.
+ """
+ manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
+ result_queue = manager.Queue()
+ completed_queue = manager.Queue()
+ # A dictionary defines the mock tasks and their corresponding results.
+ mock_work_tasks = {1: 86, 2: 788}
+ mock_tasks = []
+ for flag, cost in mock_work_tasks.iteritems():
+ mock_tasks.append(MockTask(TEST_STAGE, flag, cost))
+ # Submit the mock tasks to the worker.
+ for mock_task in mock_tasks:
+ pipeline_worker.Worker(TEST_STAGE, mock_task, completed_queue,
+ result_queue)
+ # The tasks, from the output queue, should be the same as the input and
+ # should be performed.
+ for task in mock_tasks:
+ output = result_queue.get()
+ self.assertEqual(output, task)
+ self.assertTrue(output.Done(TEST_STAGE))
+ # The tasks, from the completed_queue, should be defined in the
+ # mock_work_tasks dictionary.
+ for flag, cost in mock_work_tasks.iteritems():
+ helper_input = completed_queue.get()
+ self.assertEqual(helper_input, (flag, cost))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/bestflags/steering.py b/bestflags/steering.py
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index 00000000..320f7c37
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+++ b/bestflags/steering.py
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""The framework stage that produces the next generation of tasks to run.
+Part of the Chrome build flags optimization.
+__author__ = 'yuhenglong@google.com (Yuheng Long)'
+import pipeline_process
+def Steering(cache, generations, input_queue, result_queue):
+ """The core method template that produces the next generation of tasks to run.
+ This method waits for the results of the tasks from the previous generation.
+ Upon the arrival of all these results, the method uses them to generate the
+ next generation of tasks.
+ The main logic of producing the next generation from previous generation is
+ application specific. For example, in the genetic algorithm, a task is
+ produced by combining two parents tasks, while in the hill climbing algorithm,
+ a task is generated by its immediate neighbor. The method 'Next' is overridden
+ in the concrete subclasses of the class Generation to produce the next
+ application-specific generation. The steering method invokes the 'Next'
+ method, produces the next generation and submits the tasks in this generation
+ to the next stage, e.g., the build/compilation stage.
+ Args:
+ cache: It stores the experiments that have been conducted before. Used to
+ avoid duplicate works.
+ generations: The initial generations of tasks to be run.
+ input_queue: The input results from the last stage of the framework. These
+ results will trigger new iteration of the algorithm.
+ result_queue: The output task queue for this pipeline stage. The new tasks
+ generated by the steering algorithm will be sent to the next stage via
+ this queue.
+ """
+ # Generations that have pending tasks to be executed. Pending tasks are those
+ # whose results are not ready. The tasks that have their results ready are
+ # referenced to as ready tasks. Once there is no pending generation, the
+ # algorithm terminates.
+ waiting = generations
+ # Record how many initial tasks there are. If there is no task at all, the
+ # algorithm can terminate right away.
+ num_tasks = 0
+ # Submit all the tasks in the initial generations to the next stage of the
+ # framework. The next stage can be the build/compilation stage.
+ for generation in generations:
+ # Only send the task that has not been performed before to the next stage.
+ for task in [task for task in generation.Pool() if task not in cache]:
+ result_queue.put(task)
+ cache.add(task)
+ num_tasks += 1
+ # If there is no task to be executed at all, the algorithm returns right away.
+ if not num_tasks:
+ # Inform the next stage that there will be no more task.
+ result_queue.put(pipeline_process.POISONPILL)
+ return
+ # The algorithm is done if there is no pending generation. A generation is
+ # pending if it has pending task.
+ while waiting:
+ # Busy-waiting for the next task.
+ if input_queue.empty():
+ continue
+ # If there is a task whose result is ready from the last stage of the
+ # feedback loop, there will be one less pending task.
+ task = input_queue.get()
+ # Store the result of this ready task. Intermediate results can be used to
+ # generate report for final result or be used to reboot from a crash from
+ # the failure of any module of the framework.
+ task.LogSteeringCost()
+ # Find out which pending generation this ready task belongs to. This pending
+ # generation will have one less pending task. The "next" expression iterates
+ # the generations in waiting until the first generation whose UpdateTask
+ # method returns true.
+ generation = next(gen for gen in waiting if gen.UpdateTask(task))
+ # If there is still any pending task, do nothing.
+ if not generation.Done():
+ continue
+ # All the tasks in the generation are finished. The generation is ready to
+ # produce the next generation.
+ waiting.remove(generation)
+ # Check whether a generation should generate the next generation.
+ # A generation may not generate the next generation, e.g., because a
+ # fixpoint has been reached, there has not been any improvement for a few
+ # generations or a local maxima is reached.
+ if not generation.IsImproved():
+ continue
+ for new_generation in generation.Next(cache):
+ # Make sure that each generation should contain at least one task.
+ assert new_generation.Pool()
+ waiting.append(new_generation)
+ # Send the tasks of the new generations to the next stage for execution.
+ for new_task in new_generation.Pool():
+ result_queue.put(new_task)
+ cache.add(new_task)
+ # Steering algorithm is finished and it informs the next stage that there will
+ # be no more task.
+ result_queue.put(pipeline_process.POISONPILL)
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index 00000000..c96e362f
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@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Steering stage unittest.
+Part of the Chrome build flags optimization.
+__author__ = 'yuhenglong@google.com (Yuheng Long)'
+import multiprocessing
+import unittest
+from generation import Generation
+from mock_task import IdentifierMockTask
+import pipeline_process
+import steering
+# Pick an integer at random.
+# The number of generations to be used to do the testing.
+# The number of tasks to be put in each generation to be tested.
+# The stride of permutation used to shuffle the input list of tasks. Should be
+# relatively prime with NUMBER_OF_TASKS.
+class MockGeneration(Generation):
+ """This class emulates an actual generation.
+ It will output the next_generations when the method Next is called. The
+ next_generations is initiated when the MockGeneration instance is constructed.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, tasks, next_generations):
+ """Set up the next generations for this task.
+ Args:
+ tasks: A set of tasks to be run.
+ next_generations: A list of generations as the next generation of the
+ current generation.
+ """
+ Generation.__init__(self, tasks, None)
+ self._next_generations = next_generations
+ def Next(self, _):
+ return self._next_generations
+ def IsImproved(self):
+ if self._next_generations:
+ return True
+ return False
+class SteeringTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """This class test the steering method.
+ The steering algorithm should return if there is no new task in the initial
+ generation. The steering algorithm should send all the tasks to the next stage
+ and should terminate once there is no pending generation. A generation is
+ pending if it contains pending task. A task is pending if its (test) result
+ is not ready.
+ """
+ def testSteering(self):
+ """Test that the steering algorithm processes all the tasks properly.
+ Test that the steering algorithm sends all the tasks to the next stage. Test
+ that the steering algorithm terminates once all the tasks have been
+ processed, i.e., the results for the tasks are all ready.
+ """
+ # A list of generations used to test the steering stage.
+ generations = []
+ task_index = 0
+ previous_generations = None
+ # Generate a sequence of generations to be tested. Each generation will
+ # output the next generation in reverse order of the list when the "Next"
+ # method is called.
+ for _ in range(NUMBER_OF_GENERATIONS):
+ # Use a consecutive sequence of numbers as identifiers for the set of
+ # tasks put into a generation.
+ test_ranges = range(task_index, task_index + NUMBER_OF_TASKS)
+ tasks = [IdentifierMockTask(STEERING_TEST_STAGE, t) for t in test_ranges]
+ steering_tasks = set(tasks)
+ # Let the previous generation as the offspring generation of the current
+ # generation.
+ current_generation = MockGeneration(steering_tasks, previous_generations)
+ generations.insert(0, current_generation)
+ previous_generations = [current_generation]
+ task_index += NUMBER_OF_TASKS
+ # If there is no generation at all, the unittest returns right away.
+ if not current_generation:
+ return
+ # Set up the input and result queue for the steering method.
+ manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
+ input_queue = manager.Queue()
+ result_queue = manager.Queue()
+ steering_process = multiprocessing.Process(
+ target=steering.Steering,
+ args=(set(), [current_generation], input_queue, result_queue))
+ steering_process.start()
+ # Test that each generation is processed properly. I.e., the generations are
+ # processed in order.
+ while generations:
+ generation = generations.pop(0)
+ tasks = [task for task in generation.Pool()]
+ # Test that all the tasks are processed once and only once.
+ while tasks:
+ task = result_queue.get()
+ assert task in tasks
+ tasks.remove(task)
+ input_queue.put(task)
+ task = result_queue.get()
+ # Test that the steering algorithm returns properly after processing all
+ # the generations.
+ assert task == pipeline_process.POISONPILL
+ steering_process.join()
+ def testCache(self):
+ """The steering algorithm returns immediately if there is no new tasks.
+ If all the new tasks have been cached before, the steering algorithm does
+ not have to execute these tasks again and thus can terminate right away.
+ """
+ # Put a set of tasks in the cache and add this set to initial generation.
+ test_ranges = range(NUMBER_OF_TASKS)
+ tasks = [IdentifierMockTask(STEERING_TEST_STAGE, t) for t in test_ranges]
+ steering_tasks = set(tasks)
+ current_generation = MockGeneration(steering_tasks, None)
+ # Set up the input and result queue for the steering method.
+ manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
+ input_queue = manager.Queue()
+ result_queue = manager.Queue()
+ steering_process = multiprocessing.Process(
+ target=steering.Steering,
+ args=(steering_tasks, [current_generation], input_queue, result_queue))
+ steering_process.start()
+ # Test that the steering method returns right away.
+ assert result_queue.get() == pipeline_process.POISONPILL
+ steering_process.join()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/bestflags/task.py b/bestflags/task.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f055fc75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bestflags/task.py
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""A reproducing entity.
+Part of the Chrome build flags optimization.
+The Task class is used by different modules. Each module fills in the
+corresponding information into a Task instance. Class Task contains the bit set
+representing the flags selection. The builder module is responsible for filling
+the image and the checksum field of a Task. The executor module will put the
+execution output to the execution field.
+__author__ = 'yuhenglong@google.com (Yuheng Long)'
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from uuid import uuid4
+# Message indicating that the build or test failed.
+ERROR_STRING = 'error'
+# The maximum number of tries a build can have. Some compilations may fail due
+# to unexpected environment circumstance. This variable defines how many tries
+# the build should attempt before giving up.
+# The maximum number of tries a test can have. Some tests may fail due to
+# unexpected environment circumstance. This variable defines how many tries the
+# test should attempt before giving up.
+# Create the file/directory if it does not already exist.
+def _CreateDirectory(file_name):
+ directory = os.path.dirname(file_name)
+ if not os.path.exists(directory):
+ os.makedirs(directory)
+class Task(object):
+ """A single reproducing entity.
+ A single test of performance with a particular set of flags. It records the
+ flag set, the image, the check sum of the image and the cost.
+ """
+ # The command that will be used in the build stage to compile the tasks.
+ # The command that will be used in the test stage to test the tasks.
+ # The directory to log the compilation and test results.
+ @staticmethod
+ def InitLogCommand(build_command, test_command, log_directory):
+ """Set up the build and test command for the task and the log directory.
+ This framework is generic. It lets the client specify application specific
+ compile and test methods by passing different build_command and
+ test_command.
+ Args:
+ build_command: The command that will be used in the build stage to compile
+ this task.
+ test_command: The command that will be used in the test stage to test this
+ task.
+ log_directory: The directory to log the compilation and test results.
+ """
+ Task.BUILD_COMMAND = build_command
+ Task.TEST_COMMAND = test_command
+ Task.LOG_DIRECTORY = log_directory
+ def __init__(self, flag_set):
+ """Set up the optimization flag selection for this task.
+ Args:
+ flag_set: The optimization flag set that is encapsulated by this task.
+ """
+ self._flag_set = flag_set
+ # A unique identifier that distinguishes this task from other tasks.
+ self._task_identifier = uuid4()
+ self._log_path = (Task.LOG_DIRECTORY, self._task_identifier)
+ # Initiate the hash value. The hash value is used so as not to recompute it
+ # every time the hash method is called.
+ self._hash_value = None
+ # Indicate that the task has not been compiled/tested.
+ self._build_cost = None
+ self._exe_cost = None
+ self._checksum = None
+ self._image = None
+ self._file_length = None
+ self._text_length = None
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ """Test whether two tasks are equal.
+ Two tasks are equal if their flag_set are equal.
+ Args:
+ other: The other task with which this task is tested equality.
+ Returns:
+ True if the encapsulated flag sets are equal.
+ """
+ if isinstance(other, Task):
+ return self.GetFlags() == other.GetFlags()
+ return False
+ def __hash__(self):
+ if self._hash_value is None:
+ # Cache the hash value of the flags, so as not to recompute them.
+ self._hash_value = hash(self._flag_set)
+ return self._hash_value
+ def GetIdentifier(self, stage):
+ """Get the identifier of the task in the stage.
+ The flag set uniquely identifies a task in the build stage. The checksum of
+ the image of the task uniquely identifies the task in the test stage.
+ Args:
+ stage: The stage (build/test) in which this method is called.
+ Returns:
+ Return the flag set in build stage and return the checksum in test stage.
+ """
+ # Define the dictionary for different stage function lookup.
+ get_identifier_functions = {BUILD_STAGE: self.FormattedFlags,
+ TEST_STAGE: self.__GetCheckSum}
+ assert stage in get_identifier_functions
+ return get_identifier_functions[stage]()
+ def GetResult(self, stage):
+ """Get the performance results of the task in the stage.
+ Args:
+ stage: The stage (build/test) in which this method is called.
+ Returns:
+ Performance results.
+ """
+ # Define the dictionary for different stage function lookup.
+ get_result_functions = {BUILD_STAGE: self.__GetBuildResult,
+ TEST_STAGE: self.GetTestResult}
+ assert stage in get_result_functions
+ return get_result_functions[stage]()
+ def SetResult(self, stage, result):
+ """Set the performance results of the task in the stage.
+ This method is called by the pipeling_worker to set the results for
+ duplicated tasks.
+ Args:
+ stage: The stage (build/test) in which this method is called.
+ result: The performance results of the stage.
+ """
+ # Define the dictionary for different stage function lookup.
+ set_result_functions = {BUILD_STAGE: self.__SetBuildResult,
+ TEST_STAGE: self.__SetTestResult}
+ assert stage in set_result_functions
+ set_result_functions[stage](result)
+ def Done(self, stage):
+ """Check whether the stage is done.
+ Args:
+ stage: The stage to be checked, build or test.
+ Returns:
+ True if the stage is done.
+ """
+ # Define the dictionary for different result string lookup.
+ done_string = {BUILD_STAGE: self._build_cost, TEST_STAGE: self._exe_cost}
+ assert stage in done_string
+ return done_string[stage] is not None
+ def Work(self, stage):
+ """Perform the task.
+ Args:
+ stage: The stage in which the task is performed, compile or test.
+ """
+ # Define the dictionary for different stage function lookup.
+ work_functions = {BUILD_STAGE: self.__Compile, TEST_STAGE: self.__Test}
+ assert stage in work_functions
+ work_functions[stage]()
+ def FormattedFlags(self):
+ """Format the optimization flag set of this task.
+ Returns:
+ The formatted optimization flag set that is encapsulated by this task.
+ """
+ return str(self._flag_set.FormattedForUse())
+ def GetFlags(self):
+ """Get the optimization flag set of this task.
+ Returns:
+ The optimization flag set that is encapsulated by this task.
+ """
+ return self._flag_set
+ def __GetCheckSum(self):
+ """Get the compilation image checksum of this task.
+ Returns:
+ The compilation image checksum of this task.
+ """
+ # The checksum should be computed before this method is called.
+ assert self._checksum is not None
+ return self._checksum
+ def __Compile(self):
+ """Run a compile.
+ This method compile an image using the present flags, get the image,
+ test the existent of the image and gathers monitoring information, and sets
+ the internal cost (fitness) for this set of flags.
+ """
+ # Format the flags as a string as input to compile command. The unique
+ # identifier is passed to the compile command. If concurrent processes are
+ # used to compile different tasks, these processes can use the identifier to
+ # write to different file.
+ flags = self._flag_set.FormattedForUse()
+ command = '%s %s %s' % (Task.BUILD_COMMAND, ' '.join(flags),
+ self._task_identifier)
+ # Try BUILD_TRIES number of times before confirming that the build fails.
+ for _ in range(BUILD_TRIES):
+ try:
+ # Execute the command and get the execution status/results.
+ p = subprocess.Popen(command.split(),
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ (out, err) = p.communicate()
+ if out:
+ out = out.strip()
+ if out != ERROR_STRING:
+ # Each build results contains the checksum of the result image, the
+ # performance cost of the build, the compilation image, the length
+ # of the build, and the length of the text section of the build.
+ (checksum, cost, image, file_length, text_length) = out.split()
+ # Build successfully.
+ break
+ # Build failed.
+ except _:
+ # If there is exception getting the cost information of the build, the
+ # build failed.
+ # Convert the build cost from String to integer. The build cost is used to
+ # compare a task with another task. Set the build cost of the failing task
+ # to the max integer. The for loop will keep trying until either there is a
+ # success or BUILD_TRIES number of tries have been conducted.
+ self._build_cost = sys.maxint if cost == ERROR_STRING else float(cost)
+ self._checksum = checksum
+ self._file_length = file_length
+ self._text_length = text_length
+ self._image = image
+ self.__LogBuildCost(err)
+ def __Test(self):
+ """__Test the task against benchmark(s) using the input test command."""
+ # Ensure that the task is compiled before being tested.
+ assert self._image is not None
+ # If the task does not compile, no need to test.
+ if self._image == ERROR_STRING:
+ self._exe_cost = ERROR_STRING
+ return
+ # The unique identifier is passed to the test command. If concurrent
+ # processes are used to compile different tasks, these processes can use the
+ # identifier to write to different file.
+ command = '%s %s %s' % (Task.TEST_COMMAND, self._image,
+ self._task_identifier)
+ # Try TEST_TRIES number of times before confirming that the build fails.
+ for _ in range(TEST_TRIES):
+ try:
+ p = subprocess.Popen(command.split(),
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ (out, err) = p.communicate()
+ if out:
+ out = out.strip()
+ if out != ERROR_STRING:
+ # The test results contains the performance cost of the test.
+ cost = out
+ # Test successfully.
+ break
+ # Test failed.
+ except _:
+ # If there is exception getting the cost information of the test, the
+ # test failed. The for loop will keep trying until either there is a
+ # success or TEST_TRIES number of tries have been conducted.
+ self._exe_cost = sys.maxint if (cost == ERROR_STRING) else float(cost)
+ self.__LogTestCost(err)
+ def __SetBuildResult(self, (checksum, build_cost, image, file_length,
+ text_length)):
+ self._checksum = checksum
+ self._build_cost = build_cost
+ self._image = image
+ self._file_length = file_length
+ self._text_length = text_length
+ def __GetBuildResult(self):
+ return (self._checksum, self._build_cost, self._image, self._file_length,
+ self._text_length)
+ def GetTestResult(self):
+ return self._exe_cost
+ def __SetTestResult(self, exe_cost):
+ self._exe_cost = exe_cost
+ def LogSteeringCost(self):
+ """Log the performance results for the task.
+ This method is called by the steering stage and this method writes the
+ results out to a file. The results include the build and the test results.
+ """
+ steering_log = '%s/%s/steering.txt' % self._log_path
+ _CreateDirectory(steering_log)
+ with open(steering_log, 'w') as out_file:
+ # Include the build and the test results.
+ steering_result = (self._flag_set, self._checksum, self._build_cost,
+ self._image, self._file_length, self._text_length,
+ self._exe_cost)
+ # Write out the result in the comma-separated format (CSV).
+ out_file.write('%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % steering_result)
+ def __LogBuildCost(self, log):
+ """Log the build results for the task.
+ The build results include the compilation time of the build, the result
+ image, the checksum, the file length and the text length of the image.
+ The file length of the image includes the length of the file of the image.
+ The text length only includes the length of the text section of the image.
+ Args:
+ log: The build log of this task.
+ """
+ build_result_log = '%s/%s/build.txt' % self._log_path
+ _CreateDirectory(build_result_log)
+ with open(build_result_log, 'w') as out_file:
+ build_result = (self._flag_set, self._build_cost, self._image,
+ self._checksum, self._file_length, self._text_length)
+ # Write out the result in the comma-separated format (CSV).
+ out_file.write('%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % build_result)
+ # The build information about running the build.
+ build_run_log = '%s/%s/build_log.txt' % self._log_path
+ _CreateDirectory(build_run_log)
+ with open(build_run_log, 'w') as out_log_file:
+ # Write out the execution information.
+ out_log_file.write('%s' % log)
+ def __LogTestCost(self, log):
+ """Log the test results for the task.
+ The test results include the runtime execution time of the test.
+ Args:
+ log: The test log of this task.
+ """
+ test_log = '%s/%s/test.txt' % self._log_path
+ _CreateDirectory(test_log)
+ with open(test_log, 'w') as out_file:
+ test_result = (self._flag_set, self._checksum, self._exe_cost)
+ # Write out the result in the comma-separated format (CSV).
+ out_file.write('%s,%s,%s\n' % test_result)
+ # The execution information about running the test.
+ test_run_log = '%s/%s/test_log.txt' % self._log_path
+ _CreateDirectory(test_run_log)
+ with open(test_run_log, 'w') as out_log_file:
+ # Append the test log information.
+ out_log_file.write('%s' % log)
+ def IsImproved(self, other):
+ """Compare the current task with another task.
+ Args:
+ other: The other task against which the current task is compared.
+ Returns:
+ True if this task has improvement upon the other task.
+ """
+ # The execution costs must have been initiated.
+ assert self._exe_cost is not None
+ assert other.GetTestResult() is not None
+ return self._exe_cost < other.GetTestResult()
diff --git a/bestflags/task_test.py b/bestflags/task_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68a7bf78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bestflags/task_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Task unittest.
+Part of the Chrome build flags optimization.
+__author__ = 'yuhenglong@google.com (Yuheng Long)'
+import random
+import sys
+import unittest
+import task
+from task import Task
+# The number of flags be tested.
+# The random build result values used to test get set result method.
+# The random test result values used to test get set result method.
+class MockFlagSet(object):
+ """This class emulates a set of flags.
+ It returns the flags and hash value, when the FormattedForUse method and the
+ __hash__ method is called, respectively. These values are initialized when the
+ MockFlagSet instance is constructed.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, flags=0, hash_value=-1):
+ self._flags = flags
+ self._hash_value = hash_value
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ assert isinstance(other, MockFlagSet)
+ return self._flags == other.FormattedForUse()
+ def FormattedForUse(self):
+ return self._flags
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return self._hash_value
+ def GetHash(self):
+ return self._hash_value
+class TaskTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """This class test the Task class."""
+ def testEqual(self):
+ """Test the equal method of the task.
+ Two tasks are equal if and only if their encapsulated flag_sets are equal.
+ """
+ flags = range(NUM_FLAGS)
+ # Two tasks having the same flag set should be equivalent.
+ flag_sets = [MockFlagSet(flag) for flag in flags]
+ for flag_set in flag_sets:
+ assert Task(flag_set) == Task(flag_set)
+ # Two tasks having different flag set should be different.
+ for flag_set in flag_sets:
+ test_task = Task(flag_set)
+ other_flag_sets = [flags for flags in flag_sets if flags != flag_set]
+ for flag_set1 in other_flag_sets:
+ assert test_task != Task(flag_set1)
+ def testHash(self):
+ """Test the hash method of the task.
+ Two tasks are equal if and only if their encapsulated flag_sets are equal.
+ """
+ # Random identifier that is not relevant in this test.
+ identifier = random.randint(-sys.maxint - 1, -1)
+ flag_sets = [MockFlagSet(identifier, value) for value in range(NUM_FLAGS)]
+ for flag_set in flag_sets:
+ # The hash of a task is the same as the hash of its flag set.
+ hash_task = Task(flag_set)
+ hash_value = hash(hash_task)
+ assert hash_value == flag_set.GetHash()
+ # The hash of a task does not change.
+ assert hash_value == hash(hash_task)
+ def testGetIdentifier(self):
+ """Test the get identifier method of the task.
+ The get identifier method should returns the flag set in the build stage.
+ """
+ flag_sets = [MockFlagSet(flag) for flag in range(NUM_FLAGS)]
+ for flag_set in flag_sets:
+ identifier_task = Task(flag_set)
+ identifier = identifier_task.GetIdentifier(task.BUILD_STAGE)
+ # The task formats the flag set into a string.
+ assert identifier == str(flag_set.FormattedForUse())
+ def testGetSetResult(self):
+ """Test the get and set result methods of the task.
+ The get result method should return the same results as were set.
+ """
+ flag_sets = [MockFlagSet(flag) for flag in range(NUM_FLAGS)]
+ for flag_set in flag_sets:
+ result_task = Task(flag_set)
+ # The get result method should return the same results as were set, in
+ # build stage. Currently, the build result is a 5-element tuple containing
+ # the checksum of the result image, the performance cost of the build, the
+ # compilation image, the length of the build, and the length of the text
+ # section of the build.
+ result = tuple([random.randint(0, RANDOM_BUILD_RESULT) for _ in range(5)])
+ result_task.SetResult(task.BUILD_STAGE, result)
+ assert result == result_task.GetResult(task.BUILD_STAGE)
+ # The checksum is the identifier of the test stage.
+ identifier = result_task.GetIdentifier(task.TEST_STAGE)
+ # The first element of the result tuple is the checksum.
+ assert identifier == result[0]
+ # The get result method should return the same results as were set, in
+ # test stage.
+ random_test_result = random.randint(0, RANDOM_TESTRESULT)
+ result_task.SetResult(task.TEST_STAGE, random_test_result)
+ test_result = result_task.GetResult(task.TEST_STAGE)
+ assert test_result == random_test_result
+ def testDone(self):
+ """Test the done methods of the task.
+ The done method should return false is the task has not perform and return
+ true after the task is finished.
+ """
+ flags = range(NUM_FLAGS)
+ flag_sets = [MockFlagSet(flag) for flag in flags]
+ for flag_set in flag_sets:
+ work_task = Task(flag_set)
+ # The task has not been compiled nor tested.
+ assert not work_task.Done(task.TEST_STAGE)
+ assert not work_task.Done(task.BUILD_STAGE)
+ # After the task has been compiled, it should indicate finished in BUILD
+ # stage.
+ result = tuple([random.randint(0, RANDOM_BUILD_RESULT) for _ in range(5)])
+ work_task.SetResult(task.BUILD_STAGE, result)
+ assert not work_task.Done(task.TEST_STAGE)
+ assert work_task.Done(task.BUILD_STAGE)
+ # After the task has been tested, it should indicate finished in TEST
+ # stage.
+ work_task.SetResult(task.TEST_STAGE, random.randint(0, RANDOM_TESTRESULT))
+ assert work_task.Done(task.TEST_STAGE)
+ assert work_task.Done(task.BUILD_STAGE)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/bestflags/testing_batch.py b/bestflags/testing_batch.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ffe19448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bestflags/testing_batch.py
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Hill climbing unitest.
+Part of the Chrome build flags optimization.
+Test the best branching hill climbing algorithms, genetic algorithm and
+iterative elimination algorithm.
+__author__ = 'yuhenglong@google.com (Yuheng Long)'
+import multiprocessing
+import random
+import sys
+import unittest
+import flags
+from flags import Flag
+from flags import FlagSet
+from genetic_algorithm import GAGeneration
+from genetic_algorithm import GATask
+from hill_climb_best_neighbor import HillClimbingBestBranch
+from iterative_elimination import IterativeEliminationFirstGeneration
+import pipeline_process
+from steering import Steering
+from task import BUILD_STAGE
+from task import Task
+from task import TEST_STAGE
+# The number of flags be tested.
+# The value range of the flags.
+# The following variables are meta data for the Genetic Algorithm.
+def _GenerateRandomRasks(specs):
+ """Generate a task that has random values.
+ Args:
+ specs: A list of spec from which the flag set is created.
+ Returns:
+ A set containing a task that has random values.
+ """
+ flag_set = []
+ for spec in specs:
+ numeric_flag_match = flags.Search(spec)
+ if numeric_flag_match:
+ # Numeric flags.
+ start = int(numeric_flag_match.group('start'))
+ end = int(numeric_flag_match.group('end'))
+ value = random.randint(start - 1, end - 1)
+ if value != start - 1:
+ # If the value falls in the range, this flag is enabled.
+ flag_set.append(Flag(spec, value))
+ else:
+ # Boolean flags.
+ if random.randint(0, 1):
+ flag_set.append(Flag(spec))
+ return set([Task(FlagSet(flag_set))])
+def _GenerateAllFlagsTasks(specs):
+ """Generate a task that all the flags are enable.
+ All the boolean flags in the specs will be enabled and all the numeric flag
+ with have the largest legal value.
+ Args:
+ specs: A list of spec from which the flag set is created.
+ Returns:
+ A set containing a task that has all flags enabled.
+ """
+ flag_set = []
+ for spec in specs:
+ numeric_flag_match = flags.Search(spec)
+ if numeric_flag_match:
+ value = (int(numeric_flag_match.group('end')) - 1)
+ else:
+ value = -1
+ flag_set.append(Flag(spec, value))
+ return set([Task(FlagSet(flag_set))])
+def _GenerateNoFlagTask():
+ return set([Task(FlagSet([]))])
+def GenerateRandomGATasks(specs, num_tasks, num_trials):
+ """Generate a set of tasks for the Genetic Algorithm.
+ Args:
+ specs: A list of spec from which the flag set is created.
+ num_tasks: number of tasks that should be generated.
+ num_trials: the maximum number of tries should be attempted to generate the
+ set of tasks.
+ Returns:
+ A set of randomly generated tasks.
+ """
+ tasks = set([])
+ total_trials = 0
+ while len(tasks) < num_tasks and total_trials < num_trials:
+ new_flag = FlagSet([Flag(spec) for spec in specs if random.randint(0, 1)])
+ new_task = GATask(new_flag)
+ if new_task in tasks:
+ total_trials += 1
+ else:
+ tasks.add(new_task)
+ total_trials = 0
+ return tasks
+def _GenerateInitialFlags(specs, spec):
+ """Generate the flag_set of a task in the flag elimination algorithm.
+ Set the value of all the flags to the largest value, except for the flag that
+ contains spec.
+ For example, if the specs are [-finline-limit=[1-1000], -fstrict-aliasing] and
+ the spec is -finline-limit=[1-1000], then the result is
+ [-finline-limit=[1-1000]:-finline-limit=998,
+ -fstrict-aliasing:-fstrict-aliasing]
+ Args:
+ specs: an array of specifications from which the result flag_set is created.
+ The flag_set contains one and only one flag that contain the specification
+ spec.
+ spec: The flag containing this spec should have a value that is smaller than
+ the highest value the flag can have.
+ Returns:
+ An array of flags, each of which contains one spec in specs. All the values
+ of the flags are the largest values in specs, expect the one that contains
+ spec.
+ """
+ flag_set = []
+ for other_spec in specs:
+ numeric_flag_match = flags.Search(other_spec)
+ # Found the spec in the array specs.
+ if other_spec == spec:
+ # Numeric flag will have a value that is smaller than the largest value
+ # and Boolean flag will be deleted.
+ if numeric_flag_match:
+ end = int(numeric_flag_match.group('end'))
+ flag_set.append(flags.Flag(other_spec, end - 2))
+ continue
+ # other_spec != spec
+ if numeric_flag_match:
+ # numeric flag
+ end = int(numeric_flag_match.group('end'))
+ flag_set.append(flags.Flag(other_spec, end - 1))
+ continue
+ # boolean flag
+ flag_set.append(flags.Flag(other_spec))
+ return flag_set
+def _GenerateAllIterativeEliminationTasks(specs):
+ """Generate the initial tasks for the negative flag elimination algorithm.
+ Generate the base line task that turns on all the boolean flags and sets the
+ value to be the largest value for the numeric flag.
+ For example, if the specs are [-finline-limit=[1-1000], -fstrict-aliasing],
+ the base line is [-finline-limit=[1-1000]:-finline-limit=999,
+ -fstrict-aliasing:-fstrict-aliasing]
+ Generate a set of task, each turns off one of the flag or sets a value that is
+ smaller than the largest value for the flag.
+ Args:
+ specs: an array of specifications from which the result flag_set is created.
+ Returns:
+ An array containing one generation of the initial tasks for the negative
+ flag elimination algorithm.
+ """
+ # The set of tasks to be generated.
+ results = set([])
+ flag_set = []
+ for spec in specs:
+ numeric_flag_match = flags.Search(spec)
+ if numeric_flag_match:
+ # Numeric flag.
+ end_value = int(numeric_flag_match.group('end'))
+ flag_set.append(flags.Flag(spec, end_value - 1))
+ continue
+ # Boolean flag.
+ flag_set.append(flags.Flag(spec))
+ # The base line task that set all the flags to their largest values.
+ parent_task = Task(flags.FlagSet(flag_set))
+ results.add(parent_task)
+ for spec in specs:
+ results.add(Task(flags.FlagSet(_GenerateInitialFlags(specs, spec))))
+ return [IterativeEliminationFirstGeneration(results, parent_task)]
+def _ComputeCost(cost_func, specs, flag_set):
+ """Compute the mock cost of the flag_set using the input cost function.
+ All the boolean flags in the specs will be enabled and all the numeric flag
+ with have the largest legal value.
+ Args:
+ cost_func: The cost function which is used to compute the mock cost of a
+ dictionary of flags.
+ specs: All the specs that are used in the algorithm. This is used to check
+ whether certain flag is disabled in the flag_set dictionary.
+ flag_set: a dictionary of the spec and flag pairs.
+ Returns:
+ The mock cost of the input dictionary of the flags.
+ """
+ values = []
+ for spec in specs:
+ # If a flag is enabled, its value is added. Otherwise a padding 0 is added.
+ values.append(flag_set[spec].GetValue() if spec in flag_set else 0)
+ # The cost function string can use the values array.
+ return eval(cost_func)
+def _GenerateTestFlags(num_flags, upper_bound, file_name):
+ """Generate a set of mock flags and write it to a configuration file.
+ Generate a set of mock flags
+ Args:
+ num_flags: Number of numeric flags to be generated.
+ upper_bound: The value of the upper bound of the range.
+ file_name: The configuration file name into which the mock flags are put.
+ """
+ with open(file_name, 'w') as output_file:
+ num_flags = int(num_flags)
+ upper_bound = int(upper_bound)
+ for i in range(num_flags):
+ output_file.write('%s=[1-%d]\n' % (i, upper_bound))
+def _TestAlgorithm(cost_func, specs, generations, best_result):
+ """Test the best result the algorithm should return.
+ Set up the framework, run the input algorithm and verify the result.
+ Args:
+ cost_func: The cost function which is used to compute the mock cost of a
+ dictionary of flags.
+ specs: All the specs that are used in the algorithm. This is used to check
+ whether certain flag is disabled in the flag_set dictionary.
+ generations: The initial generations to be evaluated.
+ best_result: The expected best result of the algorithm. If best_result is
+ -1, the algorithm may or may not return the best value. Therefore, no
+ assertion will be inserted.
+ """
+ # Set up the utilities to test the framework.
+ manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
+ input_queue = manager.Queue()
+ output_queue = manager.Queue()
+ pp_steer = multiprocessing.Process(
+ target=Steering,
+ args=(set(), generations, output_queue, input_queue))
+ pp_steer.start()
+ # The best result of the algorithm so far.
+ result = sys.maxint
+ while True:
+ task = input_queue.get()
+ # POISONPILL signal the ends of the algorithm.
+ if task == pipeline_process.POISONPILL:
+ break
+ task.SetResult(BUILD_STAGE, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
+ # Compute the mock cost for the task.
+ task_result = _ComputeCost(cost_func, specs, task.GetFlags())
+ task.SetResult(TEST_STAGE, task_result)
+ # If the mock result of the current task is the best so far, set this
+ # result to be the best result.
+ if task_result < result:
+ result = task_result
+ output_queue.put(task)
+ pp_steer.join()
+ # Only do this test when best_result is not -1.
+ if best_result != -1:
+ assert best_result == result
+class MockAlgorithmsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """This class mock tests different steering algorithms.
+ The steering algorithms are responsible for generating the next set of tasks
+ to run in each iteration. This class does a functional testing on the
+ algorithms. It mocks out the computation of the fitness function from the
+ build and test phases by letting the user define the fitness function.
+ """
+ def _GenerateFlagSpecifications(self):
+ """Generate the testing specifications."""
+ mock_test_file = 'scale_mock_test'
+ _GenerateTestFlags(NUM_FLAGS, FLAG_RANGES, mock_test_file)
+ return flags.ReadConf(mock_test_file)
+ def testBestHillClimb(self):
+ """Test the best hill climb algorithm.
+ Test whether it finds the best results as expected.
+ """
+ # Initiate the build/test command and the log directory.
+ Task.InitLogCommand(None, None, 'output')
+ # Generate the testing specs.
+ specs = self._GenerateFlagSpecifications()
+ # Generate the initial generations for a test whose cost function is the
+ # summation of the values of all the flags.
+ generation_tasks = _GenerateAllFlagsTasks(specs)
+ generations = [HillClimbingBestBranch(generation_tasks, set([]), specs)]
+ # Test the algorithm. The cost function is the summation of all the values
+ # of all the flags. Therefore, the best value is supposed to be 0, i.e.,
+ # when all the flags are disabled.
+ _TestAlgorithm('sum(values[0:len(values)])', specs, generations, 0)
+ # This test uses a cost function that is the negative of the previous cost
+ # function. Therefore, the best result should be found in task with all the
+ # flags enabled.
+ cost_function = 'sys.maxint - sum(values[0:len(values)])'
+ all_flags = list(generation_tasks)[0].GetFlags()
+ cost = _ComputeCost(cost_function, specs, all_flags)
+ # Generate the initial generations.
+ generation_tasks = _GenerateNoFlagTask()
+ generations = [HillClimbingBestBranch(generation_tasks, set([]), specs)]
+ # Test the algorithm. The cost function is negative of the summation of all
+ # the values of all the flags. Therefore, the best value is supposed to be
+ # 0, i.e., when all the flags are disabled.
+ _TestAlgorithm(cost_function, specs, generations, cost)
+ def testGeneticAlgorithm(self):
+ """Test the Genetic Algorithm.
+ Do a functional testing here and see how well it scales.
+ """
+ # Initiate the build/test command and the log directory.
+ Task.InitLogCommand(None, None, 'output')
+ # Generate the testing specs.
+ specs = self._GenerateFlagSpecifications()
+ # Initiate the build/test command and the log directory.
+ # Generate the initial generations.
+ generation_tasks = GenerateRandomGATasks(specs, NUM_CHROMOSOMES, NUM_TRIALS)
+ generations = [GAGeneration(generation_tasks, set([]), 0)]
+ # Test the algorithm.
+ _TestAlgorithm('sum(values[0:len(values)])', specs, generations, -1)
+ cost_func = 'sys.maxint - sum(values[0:len(values)])'
+ _TestAlgorithm(cost_func, specs, generations, -1)
+ def testIterativeElimination(self):
+ """Test the iterative elimination algorithm.
+ Test whether it finds the best results as expected.
+ """
+ # Initiate the build/test command and the log directory.
+ Task.InitLogCommand(None, None, 'output')
+ # Generate the testing specs.
+ specs = self._GenerateFlagSpecifications()
+ # Generate the initial generations. The generation contains the base line
+ # task that turns on all the flags and tasks that each turn off one of the
+ # flags.
+ generations = _GenerateAllIterativeEliminationTasks(specs)
+ # Test the algorithm. The cost function is the summation of all the values
+ # of all the flags. Therefore, the best value is supposed to be 0, i.e.,
+ # when all the flags are disabled.
+ _TestAlgorithm('sum(values[0:len(values)])', specs, generations, 0)
+ # This test uses a cost function that is the negative of the previous cost
+ # function. Therefore, the best result should be found in task with all the
+ # flags enabled.
+ all_flags_tasks = _GenerateAllFlagsTasks(specs)
+ cost_function = 'sys.maxint - sum(values[0:len(values)])'
+ # Compute the cost of the task that turns on all the flags.
+ all_flags = list(all_flags_tasks)[0].GetFlags()
+ cost = _ComputeCost(cost_function, specs, all_flags)
+ # Test the algorithm. The cost function is negative of the summation of all
+ # the values of all the flags. Therefore, the best value is supposed to be
+ # 0, i.e., when all the flags are disabled.
+ # The concrete type of the generation decides how the next generation will
+ # be generated.
+ _TestAlgorithm(cost_function, specs, generations, cost)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()