path: root/cros_utils/pstat.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'cros_utils/pstat.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1077 deletions
diff --git a/cros_utils/pstat.py b/cros_utils/pstat.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 602fc0c7..00000000
--- a/cros_utils/pstat.py
+++ /dev/null
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-# We did not author this file nor mantain it. Skip linting it.
-#pylint: skip-file
-# Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Gary Strangman; All Rights Reserved.
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# Comments and/or additions are welcome (send e-mail to:
-# strang@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu).
-"""pstat.py module
-####### Written by: Gary Strangman ###########
-####### Last modified: Dec 18, 2007 ###########
-This module provides some useful list and array manipulation routines
-modeled after those found in the |Stat package by Gary Perlman, plus a
-number of other useful list/file manipulation functions. The list-based
-functions include:
- abut (source,*args)
- simpleabut (source, addon)
- colex (listoflists,cnums)
- collapse (listoflists,keepcols,collapsecols,fcn1=None,fcn2=None,cfcn=None)
- dm (listoflists,criterion)
- flat (l)
- linexand (listoflists,columnlist,valuelist)
- linexor (listoflists,columnlist,valuelist)
- linedelimited (inlist,delimiter)
- lineincols (inlist,colsize)
- lineincustcols (inlist,colsizes)
- list2string (inlist)
- makelol(inlist)
- makestr(x)
- printcc (lst,extra=2)
- printincols (listoflists,colsize)
- pl (listoflists)
- printl(listoflists)
- replace (lst,oldval,newval)
- recode (inlist,listmap,cols='all')
- remap (listoflists,criterion)
- roundlist (inlist,num_digits_to_round_floats_to)
- sortby(listoflists,sortcols)
- unique (inlist)
- duplicates(inlist)
- writedelimited (listoflists, delimiter, file, writetype='w')
-Some of these functions have alternate versions which are defined only if
-Numeric (NumPy) can be imported. These functions are generally named as
-above, with an 'a' prefix.
- aabut (source, *args)
- acolex (a,indices,axis=1)
- acollapse (a,keepcols,collapsecols,sterr=0,ns=0)
- adm (a,criterion)
- alinexand (a,columnlist,valuelist)
- alinexor (a,columnlist,valuelist)
- areplace (a,oldval,newval)
- arecode (a,listmap,col='all')
- arowcompare (row1, row2)
- arowsame (row1, row2)
- asortrows(a,axis=0)
- aunique(inarray)
- aduplicates(inarray)
-Currently, the code is all but completely un-optimized. In many cases, the
-array versions of functions amount simply to aliases to built-in array
-functions/methods. Their inclusion here is for function name consistency.
-## ==========
-## 07-11-26 ... edited to work with numpy
-## 01-11-15 ... changed list2string() to accept a delimiter
-## 01-06-29 ... converted exec()'s to eval()'s to make compatible with Py2.1
-## 01-05-31 ... added duplicates() and aduplicates() functions
-## 00-12-28 ... license made GPL, docstring and import requirements
-## 99-11-01 ... changed version to 0.3
-## 99-08-30 ... removed get, getstrings, put, aget, aput (into io.py)
-## 03/27/99 ... added areplace function, made replace fcn recursive
-## 12/31/98 ... added writefc function for ouput to fixed column sizes
-## 12/07/98 ... fixed import problem (failed on collapse() fcn)
-## added __version__ variable (now 0.2)
-## 12/05/98 ... updated doc-strings
-## added features to collapse() function
-## added flat() function for lists
-## fixed a broken asortrows()
-## 11/16/98 ... fixed minor bug in aput for 1D arrays
-## 11/08/98 ... fixed aput to output large arrays correctly
-import stats # required 3rd party module
-import string, copy
-from types import *
-__version__ = 0.4
-###=========================== LIST FUNCTIONS ==========================
-### Here are the list functions, DEFINED FOR ALL SYSTEMS.
-### Array functions (for NumPy-enabled computers) appear below.
-def abut(source, *args):
- """
-Like the |Stat abut command. It concatenates two lists side-by-side
-and returns the result. '2D' lists are also accomodated for either argument
-(source or addon). CAUTION: If one list is shorter, it will be repeated
-until it is as long as the longest list. If this behavior is not desired,
-use pstat.simpleabut().
-Usage: abut(source, args) where args=any # of lists
-Returns: a list of lists as long as the LONGEST list past, source on the
- 'left', lists in <args> attached consecutively on the 'right'
- if type(source) not in [ListType, TupleType]:
- source = [source]
- for addon in args:
- if type(addon) not in [ListType, TupleType]:
- addon = [addon]
- if len(addon) < len(source): # is source list longer?
- if len(source) % len(addon) == 0: # are they integer multiples?
- repeats = len(source) / len(addon) # repeat addon n times
- origadd = copy.deepcopy(addon)
- for i in range(repeats - 1):
- addon = addon + origadd
- else:
- repeats = len(source) / len(addon) + 1 # repeat addon x times,
- origadd = copy.deepcopy(addon) # x is NOT an integer
- for i in range(repeats - 1):
- addon = addon + origadd
- addon = addon[0:len(source)]
- elif len(source) < len(addon): # is addon list longer?
- if len(addon) % len(source) == 0: # are they integer multiples?
- repeats = len(addon) / len(source) # repeat source n times
- origsour = copy.deepcopy(source)
- for i in range(repeats - 1):
- source = source + origsour
- else:
- repeats = len(addon) / len(source) + 1 # repeat source x times,
- origsour = copy.deepcopy(source) # x is NOT an integer
- for i in range(repeats - 1):
- source = source + origsour
- source = source[0:len(addon)]
- source = simpleabut(source, addon)
- return source
-def simpleabut(source, addon):
- """
-Concatenates two lists as columns and returns the result. '2D' lists
-are also accomodated for either argument (source or addon). This DOES NOT
-repeat either list to make the 2 lists of equal length. Beware of list pairs
-with different lengths ... the resulting list will be the length of the
-FIRST list passed.
-Usage: simpleabut(source,addon) where source, addon=list (or list-of-lists)
-Returns: a list of lists as long as source, with source on the 'left' and
- addon on the 'right'
- if type(source) not in [ListType, TupleType]:
- source = [source]
- if type(addon) not in [ListType, TupleType]:
- addon = [addon]
- minlen = min(len(source), len(addon))
- list = copy.deepcopy(source) # start abut process
- if type(source[0]) not in [ListType, TupleType]:
- if type(addon[0]) not in [ListType, TupleType]:
- for i in range(minlen):
- list[i] = [source[i]] + [addon[i]] # source/addon = column
- else:
- for i in range(minlen):
- list[i] = [source[i]] + addon[i] # addon=list-of-lists
- else:
- if type(addon[0]) not in [ListType, TupleType]:
- for i in range(minlen):
- list[i] = source[i] + [addon[i]] # source=list-of-lists
- else:
- for i in range(minlen):
- list[i] = source[i] + addon[i] # source/addon = list-of-lists
- source = list
- return source
-def colex(listoflists, cnums):
- """
-Extracts from listoflists the columns specified in the list 'cnums'
-(cnums can be an integer, a sequence of integers, or a string-expression that
-corresponds to a slice operation on the variable x ... e.g., 'x[3:]' will colex
-columns 3 onward from the listoflists).
-Usage: colex (listoflists,cnums)
-Returns: a list-of-lists corresponding to the columns from listoflists
- specified by cnums, in the order the column numbers appear in cnums
- global index
- column = 0
- if type(cnums) in [ListType, TupleType]: # if multiple columns to get
- index = cnums[0]
- column = map(lambda x: x[index], listoflists)
- for col in cnums[1:]:
- index = col
- column = abut(column, map(lambda x: x[index], listoflists))
- elif type(cnums) == StringType: # if an 'x[3:]' type expr.
- evalstring = 'map(lambda x: x' + cnums + ', listoflists)'
- column = eval(evalstring)
- else: # else it's just 1 col to get
- index = cnums
- column = map(lambda x: x[index], listoflists)
- return column
-def collapse(listoflists,
- keepcols,
- collapsecols,
- fcn1=None,
- fcn2=None,
- cfcn=None):
- """
-Averages data in collapsecol, keeping all unique items in keepcols
-(using unique, which keeps unique LISTS of column numbers), retaining the
-unique sets of values in keepcols, the mean for each. Setting fcn1
-and/or fcn2 to point to a function rather than None (e.g., stats.sterr, len)
-will append those results (e.g., the sterr, N) after each calculated mean.
-cfcn is the collapse function to apply (defaults to mean, defined here in the
-pstat module to avoid circular imports with stats.py, but harmonicmean or
-others could be passed).
-Usage: collapse
-Returns: a list of lists with all unique permutations of entries appearing in
- columns ("conditions") specified by keepcols, abutted with the result of
- cfcn (if cfcn=None, defaults to the mean) of each column specified by
- collapsecols.
- def collmean(inlist):
- s = 0
- for item in inlist:
- s = s + item
- return s / float(len(inlist))
- if type(keepcols) not in [ListType, TupleType]:
- keepcols = [keepcols]
- if type(collapsecols) not in [ListType, TupleType]:
- collapsecols = [collapsecols]
- if cfcn == None:
- cfcn = collmean
- if keepcols == []:
- means = [0] * len(collapsecols)
- for i in range(len(collapsecols)):
- avgcol = colex(listoflists, collapsecols[i])
- means[i] = cfcn(avgcol)
- if fcn1:
- try:
- test = fcn1(avgcol)
- except:
- test = 'N/A'
- means[i] = [means[i], test]
- if fcn2:
- try:
- test = fcn2(avgcol)
- except:
- test = 'N/A'
- try:
- means[i] = means[i] + [len(avgcol)]
- except TypeError:
- means[i] = [means[i], len(avgcol)]
- return means
- else:
- values = colex(listoflists, keepcols)
- uniques = unique(values)
- uniques.sort()
- newlist = []
- if type(keepcols) not in [ListType, TupleType]:
- keepcols = [keepcols]
- for item in uniques:
- if type(item) not in [ListType, TupleType]:
- item = [item]
- tmprows = linexand(listoflists, keepcols, item)
- for col in collapsecols:
- avgcol = colex(tmprows, col)
- item.append(cfcn(avgcol))
- if fcn1 <> None:
- try:
- test = fcn1(avgcol)
- except:
- test = 'N/A'
- item.append(test)
- if fcn2 <> None:
- try:
- test = fcn2(avgcol)
- except:
- test = 'N/A'
- item.append(test)
- newlist.append(item)
- return newlist
-def dm(listoflists, criterion):
- """
-Returns rows from the passed list of lists that meet the criteria in
-the passed criterion expression (a string as a function of x; e.g., 'x[3]>=9'
-will return all rows where the 4th column>=9 and "x[2]=='N'" will return rows
-with column 2 equal to the string 'N').
-Usage: dm (listoflists, criterion)
-Returns: rows from listoflists that meet the specified criterion.
- function = 'filter(lambda x: ' + criterion + ',listoflists)'
- lines = eval(function)
- return lines
-def flat(l):
- """
-Returns the flattened version of a '2D' list. List-correlate to the a.ravel()()
-method of NumPy arrays.
-Usage: flat(l)
- newl = []
- for i in range(len(l)):
- for j in range(len(l[i])):
- newl.append(l[i][j])
- return newl
-def linexand(listoflists, columnlist, valuelist):
- """
-Returns the rows of a list of lists where col (from columnlist) = val
-(from valuelist) for EVERY pair of values (columnlist[i],valuelists[i]).
-len(columnlist) must equal len(valuelist).
-Usage: linexand (listoflists,columnlist,valuelist)
-Returns: the rows of listoflists where columnlist[i]=valuelist[i] for ALL i
- if type(columnlist) not in [ListType, TupleType]:
- columnlist = [columnlist]
- if type(valuelist) not in [ListType, TupleType]:
- valuelist = [valuelist]
- criterion = ''
- for i in range(len(columnlist)):
- if type(valuelist[i]) == StringType:
- critval = '\'' + valuelist[i] + '\''
- else:
- critval = str(valuelist[i])
- criterion = criterion + ' x[' + str(columnlist[
- i]) + ']==' + critval + ' and'
- criterion = criterion[0:-3] # remove the "and" after the last crit
- function = 'filter(lambda x: ' + criterion + ',listoflists)'
- lines = eval(function)
- return lines
-def linexor(listoflists, columnlist, valuelist):
- """
-Returns the rows of a list of lists where col (from columnlist) = val
-(from valuelist) for ANY pair of values (colunmlist[i],valuelist[i[).
-One value is required for each column in columnlist. If only one value
-exists for columnlist but multiple values appear in valuelist, the
-valuelist values are all assumed to pertain to the same column.
-Usage: linexor (listoflists,columnlist,valuelist)
-Returns: the rows of listoflists where columnlist[i]=valuelist[i] for ANY i
- if type(columnlist) not in [ListType, TupleType]:
- columnlist = [columnlist]
- if type(valuelist) not in [ListType, TupleType]:
- valuelist = [valuelist]
- criterion = ''
- if len(columnlist) == 1 and len(valuelist) > 1:
- columnlist = columnlist * len(valuelist)
- for i in range(len(columnlist)): # build an exec string
- if type(valuelist[i]) == StringType:
- critval = '\'' + valuelist[i] + '\''
- else:
- critval = str(valuelist[i])
- criterion = criterion + ' x[' + str(columnlist[i]) + ']==' + critval + ' or'
- criterion = criterion[0:-2] # remove the "or" after the last crit
- function = 'filter(lambda x: ' + criterion + ',listoflists)'
- lines = eval(function)
- return lines
-def linedelimited(inlist, delimiter):
- """
-Returns a string composed of elements in inlist, with each element
-separated by 'delimiter.' Used by function writedelimited. Use '\t'
-for tab-delimiting.
-Usage: linedelimited (inlist,delimiter)
- outstr = ''
- for item in inlist:
- if type(item) <> StringType:
- item = str(item)
- outstr = outstr + item + delimiter
- outstr = outstr[0:-1]
- return outstr
-def lineincols(inlist, colsize):
- """
-Returns a string composed of elements in inlist, with each element
-right-aligned in columns of (fixed) colsize.
-Usage: lineincols (inlist,colsize) where colsize is an integer
- outstr = ''
- for item in inlist:
- if type(item) <> StringType:
- item = str(item)
- size = len(item)
- if size <= colsize:
- for i in range(colsize - size):
- outstr = outstr + ' '
- outstr = outstr + item
- else:
- outstr = outstr + item[0:colsize + 1]
- return outstr
-def lineincustcols(inlist, colsizes):
- """
-Returns a string composed of elements in inlist, with each element
-right-aligned in a column of width specified by a sequence colsizes. The
-length of colsizes must be greater than or equal to the number of columns
-in inlist.
-Usage: lineincustcols (inlist,colsizes)
-Returns: formatted string created from inlist
- outstr = ''
- for i in range(len(inlist)):
- if type(inlist[i]) <> StringType:
- item = str(inlist[i])
- else:
- item = inlist[i]
- size = len(item)
- if size <= colsizes[i]:
- for j in range(colsizes[i] - size):
- outstr = outstr + ' '
- outstr = outstr + item
- else:
- outstr = outstr + item[0:colsizes[i] + 1]
- return outstr
-def list2string(inlist, delimit=' '):
- """
-Converts a 1D list to a single long string for file output, using
-the string.join function.
-Usage: list2string (inlist,delimit=' ')
-Returns: the string created from inlist
- stringlist = map(makestr, inlist)
- return string.join(stringlist, delimit)
-def makelol(inlist):
- """
-Converts a 1D list to a 2D list (i.e., a list-of-lists). Useful when you
-want to use put() to write a 1D list one item per line in the file.
-Usage: makelol(inlist)
-Returns: if l = [1,2,'hi'] then returns [[1],[2],['hi']] etc.
- x = []
- for item in inlist:
- x.append([item])
- return x
-def makestr(x):
- if type(x) <> StringType:
- x = str(x)
- return x
-def printcc(lst, extra=2):
- """
-Prints a list of lists in columns, customized by the max size of items
-within the columns (max size of items in col, plus 'extra' number of spaces).
-Use 'dashes' or '\\n' in the list-of-lists to print dashes or blank lines,
-Usage: printcc (lst,extra=2)
-Returns: None
- if type(lst[0]) not in [ListType, TupleType]:
- lst = [lst]
- rowstokill = []
- list2print = copy.deepcopy(lst)
- for i in range(len(lst)):
- if lst[i] == [
- '\n'
- ] or lst[i] == '\n' or lst[i] == 'dashes' or lst[i] == '' or lst[i] == ['']:
- rowstokill = rowstokill + [i]
- rowstokill.reverse() # delete blank rows from the end
- for row in rowstokill:
- del list2print[row]
- maxsize = [0] * len(list2print[0])
- for col in range(len(list2print[0])):
- items = colex(list2print, col)
- items = map(makestr, items)
- maxsize[col] = max(map(len, items)) + extra
- for row in lst:
- if row == ['\n'] or row == '\n' or row == '' or row == ['']:
- print
- elif row == ['dashes'] or row == 'dashes':
- dashes = [0] * len(maxsize)
- for j in range(len(maxsize)):
- dashes[j] = '-' * (maxsize[j] - 2)
- print lineincustcols(dashes, maxsize)
- else:
- print lineincustcols(row, maxsize)
- return None
-def printincols(listoflists, colsize):
- """
-Prints a list of lists in columns of (fixed) colsize width, where
-colsize is an integer.
-Usage: printincols (listoflists,colsize)
-Returns: None
- for row in listoflists:
- print lineincols(row, colsize)
- return None
-def pl(listoflists):
- """
-Prints a list of lists, 1 list (row) at a time.
-Usage: pl(listoflists)
-Returns: None
- for row in listoflists:
- if row[-1] == '\n':
- print row,
- else:
- print row
- return None
-def printl(listoflists):
- """Alias for pl."""
- pl(listoflists)
- return
-def replace(inlst, oldval, newval):
- """
-Replaces all occurrences of 'oldval' with 'newval', recursively.
-Usage: replace (inlst,oldval,newval)
- lst = inlst * 1
- for i in range(len(lst)):
- if type(lst[i]) not in [ListType, TupleType]:
- if lst[i] == oldval:
- lst[i] = newval
- else:
- lst[i] = replace(lst[i], oldval, newval)
- return lst
-def recode(inlist, listmap, cols=None):
- """
-Changes the values in a list to a new set of values (useful when
-you need to recode data from (e.g.) strings to numbers. cols defaults
-to None (meaning all columns are recoded).
-Usage: recode (inlist,listmap,cols=None) cols=recode cols, listmap=2D list
-Returns: inlist with the appropriate values replaced with new ones
- lst = copy.deepcopy(inlist)
- if cols != None:
- if type(cols) not in [ListType, TupleType]:
- cols = [cols]
- for col in cols:
- for row in range(len(lst)):
- try:
- idx = colex(listmap, 0).index(lst[row][col])
- lst[row][col] = listmap[idx][1]
- except ValueError:
- pass
- else:
- for row in range(len(lst)):
- for col in range(len(lst)):
- try:
- idx = colex(listmap, 0).index(lst[row][col])
- lst[row][col] = listmap[idx][1]
- except ValueError:
- pass
- return lst
-def remap(listoflists, criterion):
- """
-Remaps values in a given column of a 2D list (listoflists). This requires
-a criterion as a function of 'x' so that the result of the following is
-returned ... map(lambda x: 'criterion',listoflists).
-Usage: remap(listoflists,criterion) criterion=string
-Returns: remapped version of listoflists
- function = 'map(lambda x: ' + criterion + ',listoflists)'
- lines = eval(function)
- return lines
-def roundlist(inlist, digits):
- """
-Goes through each element in a 1D or 2D inlist, and applies the following
-function to all elements of FloatType ... round(element,digits).
-Usage: roundlist(inlist,digits)
-Returns: list with rounded floats
- if type(inlist[0]) in [IntType, FloatType]:
- inlist = [inlist]
- l = inlist * 1
- for i in range(len(l)):
- for j in range(len(l[i])):
- if type(l[i][j]) == FloatType:
- l[i][j] = round(l[i][j], digits)
- return l
-def sortby(listoflists, sortcols):
- """
-Sorts a list of lists on the column(s) specified in the sequence
-Usage: sortby(listoflists,sortcols)
-Returns: sorted list, unchanged column ordering
- newlist = abut(colex(listoflists, sortcols), listoflists)
- newlist.sort()
- try:
- numcols = len(sortcols)
- except TypeError:
- numcols = 1
- crit = '[' + str(numcols) + ':]'
- newlist = colex(newlist, crit)
- return newlist
-def unique(inlist):
- """
-Returns all unique items in the passed list. If the a list-of-lists
-is passed, unique LISTS are found (i.e., items in the first dimension are
-Usage: unique (inlist)
-Returns: the unique elements (or rows) in inlist
- uniques = []
- for item in inlist:
- if item not in uniques:
- uniques.append(item)
- return uniques
-def duplicates(inlist):
- """
-Returns duplicate items in the FIRST dimension of the passed list.
-Usage: duplicates (inlist)
- dups = []
- for i in range(len(inlist)):
- if inlist[i] in inlist[i + 1:]:
- dups.append(inlist[i])
- return dups
-def nonrepeats(inlist):
- """
-Returns items that are NOT duplicated in the first dim of the passed list.
-Usage: nonrepeats (inlist)
- nonrepeats = []
- for i in range(len(inlist)):
- if inlist.count(inlist[i]) == 1:
- nonrepeats.append(inlist[i])
- return nonrepeats
-#=================== PSTAT ARRAY FUNCTIONS =====================
-#=================== PSTAT ARRAY FUNCTIONS =====================
-#=================== PSTAT ARRAY FUNCTIONS =====================
-#=================== PSTAT ARRAY FUNCTIONS =====================
-#=================== PSTAT ARRAY FUNCTIONS =====================
-#=================== PSTAT ARRAY FUNCTIONS =====================
-#=================== PSTAT ARRAY FUNCTIONS =====================
-#=================== PSTAT ARRAY FUNCTIONS =====================
-#=================== PSTAT ARRAY FUNCTIONS =====================
-#=================== PSTAT ARRAY FUNCTIONS =====================
-#=================== PSTAT ARRAY FUNCTIONS =====================
-#=================== PSTAT ARRAY FUNCTIONS =====================
-#=================== PSTAT ARRAY FUNCTIONS =====================
-#=================== PSTAT ARRAY FUNCTIONS =====================
-#=================== PSTAT ARRAY FUNCTIONS =====================
-#=================== PSTAT ARRAY FUNCTIONS =====================
- import numpy as N
- def aabut(source, *args):
- """
-Like the |Stat abut command. It concatenates two arrays column-wise
-and returns the result. CAUTION: If one array is shorter, it will be
-repeated until it is as long as the other.
-Usage: aabut (source, args) where args=any # of arrays
-Returns: an array as long as the LONGEST array past, source appearing on the
- 'left', arrays in <args> attached on the 'right'.
- if len(source.shape) == 1:
- width = 1
- source = N.resize(source, [source.shape[0], width])
- else:
- width = source.shape[1]
- for addon in args:
- if len(addon.shape) == 1:
- width = 1
- addon = N.resize(addon, [source.shape[0], width])
- else:
- width = source.shape[1]
- if len(addon) < len(source):
- addon = N.resize(addon, [source.shape[0], addon.shape[1]])
- elif len(source) < len(addon):
- source = N.resize(source, [addon.shape[0], source.shape[1]])
- source = N.concatenate((source, addon), 1)
- return source
- def acolex(a, indices, axis=1):
- """
-Extracts specified indices (a list) from passed array, along passed
-axis (column extraction is default). BEWARE: A 1D array is presumed to be a
-column-array (and that the whole array will be returned as a column).
-Usage: acolex (a,indices,axis=1)
-Returns: the columns of a specified by indices
- if type(indices) not in [ListType, TupleType, N.ndarray]:
- indices = [indices]
- if len(N.shape(a)) == 1:
- cols = N.resize(a, [a.shape[0], 1])
- else:
- # print a[:3]
- cols = N.take(a, indices, axis)
-# print cols[:3]
- return cols
- def acollapse(a, keepcols, collapsecols, fcn1=None, fcn2=None, cfcn=None):
- """
-Averages data in collapsecol, keeping all unique items in keepcols
-(using unique, which keeps unique LISTS of column numbers), retaining
-the unique sets of values in keepcols, the mean for each. If stderror or
-N of the mean are desired, set either or both parameters to 1.
-Usage: acollapse (a,keepcols,collapsecols,fcn1=None,fcn2=None,cfcn=None)
-Returns: unique 'conditions' specified by the contents of columns specified
- by keepcols, abutted with the mean(s) of column(s) specified by
- collapsecols
- def acollmean(inarray):
- return N.sum(N.ravel(inarray))
- if type(keepcols) not in [ListType, TupleType, N.ndarray]:
- keepcols = [keepcols]
- if type(collapsecols) not in [ListType, TupleType, N.ndarray]:
- collapsecols = [collapsecols]
- if cfcn == None:
- cfcn = acollmean
- if keepcols == []:
- avgcol = acolex(a, collapsecols)
- means = N.sum(avgcol) / float(len(avgcol))
- if fcn1 <> None:
- try:
- test = fcn1(avgcol)
- except:
- test = N.array(['N/A'] * len(means))
- means = aabut(means, test)
- if fcn2 <> None:
- try:
- test = fcn2(avgcol)
- except:
- test = N.array(['N/A'] * len(means))
- means = aabut(means, test)
- return means
- else:
- if type(keepcols) not in [ListType, TupleType, N.ndarray]:
- keepcols = [keepcols]
- values = colex(a, keepcols) # so that "item" can be appended (below)
- uniques = unique(values) # get a LIST, so .sort keeps rows intact
- uniques.sort()
- newlist = []
- for item in uniques:
- if type(item) not in [ListType, TupleType, N.ndarray]:
- item = [item]
- tmprows = alinexand(a, keepcols, item)
- for col in collapsecols:
- avgcol = acolex(tmprows, col)
- item.append(acollmean(avgcol))
- if fcn1 <> None:
- try:
- test = fcn1(avgcol)
- except:
- test = 'N/A'
- item.append(test)
- if fcn2 <> None:
- try:
- test = fcn2(avgcol)
- except:
- test = 'N/A'
- item.append(test)
- newlist.append(item)
- try:
- new_a = N.array(newlist)
- except TypeError:
- new_a = N.array(newlist, 'O')
- return new_a
- def adm(a, criterion):
- """
-Returns rows from the passed list of lists that meet the criteria in
-the passed criterion expression (a string as a function of x).
-Usage: adm (a,criterion) where criterion is like 'x[2]==37'
- function = 'filter(lambda x: ' + criterion + ',a)'
- lines = eval(function)
- try:
- lines = N.array(lines)
- except:
- lines = N.array(lines, dtype='O')
- return lines
- def isstring(x):
- if type(x) == StringType:
- return 1
- else:
- return 0
- def alinexand(a, columnlist, valuelist):
- """
-Returns the rows of an array where col (from columnlist) = val
-(from valuelist). One value is required for each column in columnlist.
-Usage: alinexand (a,columnlist,valuelist)
-Returns: the rows of a where columnlist[i]=valuelist[i] for ALL i
- if type(columnlist) not in [ListType, TupleType, N.ndarray]:
- columnlist = [columnlist]
- if type(valuelist) not in [ListType, TupleType, N.ndarray]:
- valuelist = [valuelist]
- criterion = ''
- for i in range(len(columnlist)):
- if type(valuelist[i]) == StringType:
- critval = '\'' + valuelist[i] + '\''
- else:
- critval = str(valuelist[i])
- criterion = criterion + ' x[' + str(columnlist[
- i]) + ']==' + critval + ' and'
- criterion = criterion[0:-3] # remove the "and" after the last crit
- return adm(a, criterion)
- def alinexor(a, columnlist, valuelist):
- """
-Returns the rows of an array where col (from columnlist) = val (from
-valuelist). One value is required for each column in columnlist.
-The exception is if either columnlist or valuelist has only 1 value,
-in which case that item will be expanded to match the length of the
-other list.
-Usage: alinexor (a,columnlist,valuelist)
-Returns: the rows of a where columnlist[i]=valuelist[i] for ANY i
- if type(columnlist) not in [ListType, TupleType, N.ndarray]:
- columnlist = [columnlist]
- if type(valuelist) not in [ListType, TupleType, N.ndarray]:
- valuelist = [valuelist]
- criterion = ''
- if len(columnlist) == 1 and len(valuelist) > 1:
- columnlist = columnlist * len(valuelist)
- elif len(valuelist) == 1 and len(columnlist) > 1:
- valuelist = valuelist * len(columnlist)
- for i in range(len(columnlist)):
- if type(valuelist[i]) == StringType:
- critval = '\'' + valuelist[i] + '\''
- else:
- critval = str(valuelist[i])
- criterion = criterion + ' x[' + str(columnlist[
- i]) + ']==' + critval + ' or'
- criterion = criterion[0:-2] # remove the "or" after the last crit
- return adm(a, criterion)
- def areplace(a, oldval, newval):
- """
-Replaces all occurrences of oldval with newval in array a.
-Usage: areplace(a,oldval,newval)
- return N.where(a == oldval, newval, a)
- def arecode(a, listmap, col='all'):
- """
-Remaps the values in an array to a new set of values (useful when
-you need to recode data from (e.g.) strings to numbers as most stats
-packages require. Can work on SINGLE columns, or 'all' columns at once.
-@@@BROKEN 2007-11-26
-Usage: arecode (a,listmap,col='all')
-Returns: a version of array a where listmap[i][0] = (instead) listmap[i][1]
- ashape = a.shape
- if col == 'all':
- work = a.ravel()
- else:
- work = acolex(a, col)
- work = work.ravel()
- for pair in listmap:
- if type(pair[
- 1]) == StringType or work.dtype.char == 'O' or a.dtype.char == 'O':
- work = N.array(work, dtype='O')
- a = N.array(a, dtype='O')
- for i in range(len(work)):
- if work[i] == pair[0]:
- work[i] = pair[1]
- if col == 'all':
- return N.reshape(work, ashape)
- else:
- return N.concatenate(
- [a[:, 0:col], work[:, N.newaxis], a[:, col + 1:]], 1)
- else: # must be a non-Object type array and replacement
- work = N.where(work == pair[0], pair[1], work)
- return N.concatenate(
- [a[:, 0:col], work[:, N.newaxis], a[:, col + 1:]], 1)
- def arowcompare(row1, row2):
- """
-Compares two rows from an array, regardless of whether it is an
-array of numbers or of python objects (which requires the cmp function).
-@@@PURPOSE? 2007-11-26
-Usage: arowcompare(row1,row2)
-Returns: an array of equal length containing 1s where the two rows had
- identical elements and 0 otherwise
- return
- if row1.dtype.char == 'O' or row2.dtype == 'O':
- cmpvect = N.logical_not(
- abs(N.array(map(cmp, row1, row2)))) # cmp fcn gives -1,0,1
- else:
- cmpvect = N.equal(row1, row2)
- return cmpvect
- def arowsame(row1, row2):
- """
-Compares two rows from an array, regardless of whether it is an
-array of numbers or of python objects (which requires the cmp function).
-Usage: arowsame(row1,row2)
-Returns: 1 if the two rows are identical, 0 otherwise.
- cmpval = N.alltrue(arowcompare(row1, row2))
- return cmpval
- def asortrows(a, axis=0):
- """
-Sorts an array "by rows". This differs from the Numeric.sort() function,
-which sorts elements WITHIN the given axis. Instead, this function keeps
-the elements along the given axis intact, but shifts them 'up or down'
-relative to one another.
-Usage: asortrows(a,axis=0)
-Returns: sorted version of a
- return N.sort(a, axis=axis, kind='mergesort')
- def aunique(inarray):
- """
-Returns unique items in the FIRST dimension of the passed array. Only
-works on arrays NOT including string items.
-Usage: aunique (inarray)
- uniques = N.array([inarray[0]])
- if len(uniques.shape) == 1: # IF IT'S A 1D ARRAY
- for item in inarray[1:]:
- if N.add.reduce(N.equal(uniques, item).ravel()) == 0:
- try:
- uniques = N.concatenate([uniques, N.array[N.newaxis, :]])
- except TypeError:
- uniques = N.concatenate([uniques, N.array([item])])
- else: # IT MUST BE A 2+D ARRAY
- if inarray.dtype.char != 'O': # not an Object array
- for item in inarray[1:]:
- if not N.sum(N.alltrue(N.equal(uniques, item), 1)):
- try:
- uniques = N.concatenate([uniques, item[N.newaxis, :]])
- except TypeError: # the item to add isn't a list
- uniques = N.concatenate([uniques, N.array([item])])
- else:
- pass # this item is already in the uniques array
- else: # must be an Object array, alltrue/equal functions don't work
- for item in inarray[1:]:
- newflag = 1
- for unq in uniques: # NOTE: cmp --> 0=same, -1=<, 1=>
- test = N.sum(abs(N.array(map(cmp, item, unq))))
- if test == 0: # if item identical to any 1 row in uniques
- newflag = 0 # then not a novel item to add
- break
- if newflag == 1:
- try:
- uniques = N.concatenate([uniques, item[N.newaxis, :]])
- except TypeError: # the item to add isn't a list
- uniques = N.concatenate([uniques, N.array([item])])
- return uniques
- def aduplicates(inarray):
- """
-Returns duplicate items in the FIRST dimension of the passed array. Only
-works on arrays NOT including string items.
-Usage: aunique (inarray)
- inarray = N.array(inarray)
- if len(inarray.shape) == 1: # IF IT'S A 1D ARRAY
- dups = []
- inarray = inarray.tolist()
- for i in range(len(inarray)):
- if inarray[i] in inarray[i + 1:]:
- dups.append(inarray[i])
- dups = aunique(dups)
- else: # IT MUST BE A 2+D ARRAY
- dups = []
- aslist = inarray.tolist()
- for i in range(len(aslist)):
- if aslist[i] in aslist[i + 1:]:
- dups.append(aslist[i])
- dups = unique(dups)
- dups = N.array(dups)
- return dups
-except ImportError: # IF NUMERIC ISN'T AVAILABLE, SKIP ALL arrayfuncs
- pass