path: root/crosperf/schedv2.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'crosperf/schedv2.py')
1 files changed, 439 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crosperf/schedv2.py b/crosperf/schedv2.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90fe83a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crosperf/schedv2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Module to optimize the scheduling of benchmark_run tasks."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import test_flag
+import traceback
+from collections import defaultdict
+from machine_image_manager import MachineImageManager
+from threading import Lock
+from threading import Thread
+from cros_utils import command_executer
+from cros_utils import logger
+class DutWorker(Thread):
+ """Working thread for a dut."""
+ def __init__(self, dut, sched):
+ super(DutWorker, self).__init__(name='DutWorker-{}'.format(dut.name))
+ self._dut = dut
+ self._sched = sched
+ self._stat_num_br_run = 0
+ self._stat_num_reimage = 0
+ self._stat_annotation = ''
+ self._logger = logger.GetLogger(self._sched.get_experiment().log_dir)
+ self.daemon = True
+ self._terminated = False
+ self._active_br = None
+ # Race condition accessing _active_br between _execute_benchmark_run and
+ # _terminate, so lock it up.
+ self._active_br_lock = Lock()
+ def terminate(self):
+ self._terminated = True
+ with self._active_br_lock:
+ if self._active_br is not None:
+ # BenchmarkRun.Terminate() terminates any running testcase via
+ # suite_runner.Terminate and updates timeline.
+ self._active_br.Terminate()
+ def run(self):
+ """Do the "run-test->(optionally reimage)->run-test" chore.
+ Note - 'br' below means 'benchmark_run'.
+ """
+ # Firstly, handle benchmarkruns that have cache hit.
+ br = self._sched.get_cached_benchmark_run()
+ while br:
+ try:
+ self._stat_annotation = 'finishing cached {}'.format(br)
+ br.run()
+ except RuntimeError:
+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
+ br = self._sched.get_cached_benchmark_run()
+ # Secondly, handle benchmarkruns that needs to be run on dut.
+ self._setup_dut_label()
+ try:
+ self._logger.LogOutput('{} started.'.format(self))
+ while not self._terminated:
+ br = self._sched.get_benchmark_run(self._dut)
+ if br is None:
+ # No br left for this label. Considering reimaging.
+ label = self._sched.allocate_label(self._dut)
+ if label is None:
+ # No br even for other labels. We are done.
+ self._logger.LogOutput('ImageManager found no label '
+ 'for dut, stopping working '
+ 'thread {}.'.format(self))
+ break
+ if self._reimage(label):
+ # Reimage to run other br fails, dut is doomed, stop
+ # this thread.
+ self._logger.LogWarning('Re-image failed, dut '
+ 'in an unstable state, stopping '
+ 'working thread {}.'.format(self))
+ break
+ else:
+ # Execute the br.
+ self._execute_benchmark_run(br)
+ finally:
+ self._stat_annotation = 'finished'
+ # Thread finishes. Notify scheduler that I'm done.
+ self._sched.dut_worker_finished(self)
+ def _reimage(self, label):
+ """Reimage image to label.
+ Args:
+ label: the label to remimage onto dut.
+ Returns:
+ 0 if successful, otherwise 1.
+ """
+ # Termination could happen anywhere, check it.
+ if self._terminated:
+ return 1
+ self._logger.LogOutput('Reimaging {} using {}'.format(self, label))
+ self._stat_num_reimage += 1
+ self._stat_annotation = 'reimaging using "{}"'.format(label.name)
+ try:
+ # Note, only 1 reimage at any given time, this is guaranteed in
+ # ImageMachine, so no sync needed below.
+ retval = self._sched.get_experiment().machine_manager.ImageMachine(
+ self._dut,
+ label)
+ if retval:
+ return 1
+ except RuntimeError:
+ return 1
+ self._dut.label = label
+ return 0
+ def _execute_benchmark_run(self, br):
+ """Execute a single benchmark_run.
+ Note - this function never throws exceptions.
+ """
+ # Termination could happen anywhere, check it.
+ if self._terminated:
+ return
+ self._logger.LogOutput('{} started working on {}'.format(self, br))
+ self._stat_num_br_run += 1
+ self._stat_annotation = 'executing {}'.format(br)
+ # benchmark_run.run does not throws, but just play it safe here.
+ try:
+ assert br.owner_thread is None
+ br.owner_thread = self
+ with self._active_br_lock:
+ self._active_br = br
+ br.run()
+ finally:
+ self._sched.get_experiment().BenchmarkRunFinished(br)
+ with self._active_br_lock:
+ self._active_br = None
+ def _setup_dut_label(self):
+ """Try to match dut image with a certain experiment label.
+ If such match is found, we just skip doing reimage and jump to execute
+ some benchmark_runs.
+ """
+ checksum_file = '/usr/local/osimage_checksum_file'
+ try:
+ rv, checksum, _ = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter().\
+ CrosRunCommandWOutput(
+ 'cat ' + checksum_file,
+ chromeos_root=self._sched.get_labels(0).chromeos_root,
+ machine=self._dut.name,
+ print_to_console=False)
+ if rv == 0:
+ checksum = checksum.strip()
+ for l in self._sched.get_labels():
+ if l.checksum == checksum:
+ self._logger.LogOutput("Dut '{}' is pre-installed with '{}'".format(
+ self._dut.name, l))
+ self._dut.label = l
+ return
+ except RuntimeError:
+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
+ self._dut.label = None
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'DutWorker[dut="{}", label="{}"]'.format(
+ self._dut.name, self._dut.label.name if self._dut.label else 'None')
+ def dut(self):
+ return self._dut
+ def status_str(self):
+ """Report thread status."""
+ return ('Worker thread "{}", label="{}", benchmark_run={}, '
+ 'reimage={}, now {}'.format(
+ self._dut.name, 'None' if self._dut.label is None else
+ self._dut.label.name, self._stat_num_br_run,
+ self._stat_num_reimage, self._stat_annotation))
+class BenchmarkRunCacheReader(Thread):
+ """The thread to read cache for a list of benchmark_runs.
+ On creation, each instance of this class is given a br_list, which is a
+ subset of experiment._benchmark_runs.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, schedv2, br_list):
+ super(BenchmarkRunCacheReader, self).__init__()
+ self._schedv2 = schedv2
+ self._br_list = br_list
+ self._logger = self._schedv2.get_logger()
+ def run(self):
+ for br in self._br_list:
+ try:
+ br.ReadCache()
+ if br.cache_hit:
+ self._logger.LogOutput('Cache hit - {}'.format(br))
+ with self._schedv2.lock_on('_cached_br_list'):
+ self._schedv2.get_cached_run_list().append(br)
+ else:
+ self._logger.LogOutput('Cache not hit - {}'.format(br))
+ except RuntimeError:
+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
+class Schedv2(object):
+ """New scheduler for crosperf."""
+ def __init__(self, experiment):
+ self._experiment = experiment
+ self._logger = logger.GetLogger(experiment.log_dir)
+ # Create shortcuts to nested data structure. "_duts" points to a list of
+ # locked machines. _labels points to a list of all labels.
+ self._duts = self._experiment.machine_manager.GetMachines()
+ self._labels = self._experiment.labels
+ # Bookkeeping for synchronization.
+ self._workers_lock = Lock()
+ # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
+ self._lock_map = defaultdict(lambda: Lock())
+ # Test mode flag
+ self._in_test_mode = test_flag.GetTestMode()
+ # Read benchmarkrun cache.
+ self._read_br_cache()
+ # Mapping from label to a list of benchmark_runs.
+ self._label_brl_map = dict((l, []) for l in self._labels)
+ for br in self._experiment.benchmark_runs:
+ assert br.label in self._label_brl_map
+ # Only put no-cache-hit br into the map.
+ if br not in self._cached_br_list:
+ self._label_brl_map[br.label].append(br)
+ # Use machine image manager to calculate initial label allocation.
+ self._mim = MachineImageManager(self._labels, self._duts)
+ self._mim.compute_initial_allocation()
+ # Create worker thread, 1 per dut.
+ self._active_workers = [DutWorker(dut, self) for dut in self._duts]
+ self._finished_workers = []
+ # Termination flag.
+ self._terminated = False
+ def run_sched(self):
+ """Start all dut worker threads and return immediately."""
+ for w in self._active_workers:
+ w.start()
+ def _read_br_cache(self):
+ """Use multi-threading to read cache for all benchmarkruns.
+ We do this by firstly creating a few threads, and then assign each
+ thread a segment of all brs. Each thread will check cache status for
+ each br and put those with cache into '_cached_br_list'.
+ """
+ self._cached_br_list = []
+ n_benchmarkruns = len(self._experiment.benchmark_runs)
+ if n_benchmarkruns <= 4:
+ # Use single thread to read cache.
+ self._logger.LogOutput(('Starting to read cache status for '
+ '{} benchmark runs ...').format(n_benchmarkruns))
+ BenchmarkRunCacheReader(self, self._experiment.benchmark_runs).run()
+ return
+ # Split benchmarkruns set into segments. Each segment will be handled by
+ # a thread. Note, we use (x+3)/4 to mimic math.ceil(x/4).
+ n_threads = max(2, min(20, (n_benchmarkruns + 3) / 4))
+ self._logger.LogOutput(('Starting {} threads to read cache status for '
+ '{} benchmark runs ...').format(n_threads,
+ n_benchmarkruns))
+ benchmarkruns_per_thread = (n_benchmarkruns + n_threads - 1) / n_threads
+ benchmarkrun_segments = []
+ for i in range(n_threads - 1):
+ start = i * benchmarkruns_per_thread
+ end = (i + 1) * benchmarkruns_per_thread
+ benchmarkrun_segments.append(self._experiment.benchmark_runs[start:end])
+ benchmarkrun_segments.append(self._experiment.benchmark_runs[
+ (n_threads - 1) * benchmarkruns_per_thread:])
+ # Assert: aggregation of benchmarkrun_segments equals to benchmark_runs.
+ assert sum(len(x) for x in benchmarkrun_segments) == n_benchmarkruns
+ # Create and start all readers.
+ cache_readers = [
+ BenchmarkRunCacheReader(self, x) for x in benchmarkrun_segments
+ ]
+ for x in cache_readers:
+ x.start()
+ # Wait till all readers finish.
+ for x in cache_readers:
+ x.join()
+ # Summarize.
+ self._logger.LogOutput(
+ 'Total {} cache hit out of {} benchmark_runs.'.format(
+ len(self._cached_br_list), n_benchmarkruns))
+ def get_cached_run_list(self):
+ return self._cached_br_list
+ def get_label_map(self):
+ return self._label_brl_map
+ def get_experiment(self):
+ return self._experiment
+ def get_labels(self, i=None):
+ if i == None:
+ return self._labels
+ return self._labels[i]
+ def get_logger(self):
+ return self._logger
+ def get_cached_benchmark_run(self):
+ """Get a benchmark_run with 'cache hit'.
+ Returns:
+ The benchmark that has cache hit, if any. Otherwise none.
+ """
+ with self.lock_on('_cached_br_list'):
+ if self._cached_br_list:
+ return self._cached_br_list.pop()
+ return None
+ def get_benchmark_run(self, dut):
+ """Get a benchmark_run (br) object for a certain dut.
+ Args:
+ dut: the dut for which a br is returned.
+ Returns:
+ A br with its label matching that of the dut. If no such br could be
+ found, return None (this usually means a reimage is required for the
+ dut).
+ """
+ # If terminated, stop providing any br.
+ if self._terminated:
+ return None
+ # If dut bears an unrecognized label, return None.
+ if dut.label is None:
+ return None
+ # If br list for the dut's label is empty (that means all brs for this
+ # label have been done), return None.
+ with self.lock_on(dut.label):
+ brl = self._label_brl_map[dut.label]
+ if not brl:
+ return None
+ # Return the first br.
+ return brl.pop(0)
+ def allocate_label(self, dut):
+ """Allocate a label to a dut.
+ The work is delegated to MachineImageManager.
+ The dut_worker calling this method is responsible for reimage the dut to
+ this label.
+ Args:
+ dut: the new label that is to be reimaged onto the dut.
+ Returns:
+ The label or None.
+ """
+ if self._terminated:
+ return None
+ return self._mim.allocate(dut, self)
+ def dut_worker_finished(self, dut_worker):
+ """Notify schedv2 that the dut_worker thread finished.
+ Args:
+ dut_worker: the thread that is about to end.
+ """
+ self._logger.LogOutput('{} finished.'.format(dut_worker))
+ with self._workers_lock:
+ self._active_workers.remove(dut_worker)
+ self._finished_workers.append(dut_worker)
+ def is_complete(self):
+ return len(self._active_workers) == 0
+ def lock_on(self, my_object):
+ return self._lock_map[my_object]
+ def terminate(self):
+ """Mark flag so we stop providing br/reimages.
+ Also terminate each DutWorker, so they refuse to execute br or reimage.
+ """
+ self._terminated = True
+ for dut_worker in self._active_workers:
+ dut_worker.terminate()
+ def threads_status_as_string(self):
+ """Report the dut worker threads status."""
+ status = '{} active threads, {} finished threads.\n'.format(
+ len(self._active_workers), len(self._finished_workers))
+ status += ' Active threads:'
+ for dw in self._active_workers:
+ status += '\n ' + dw.status_str()
+ if self._finished_workers:
+ status += '\n Finished threads:'
+ for dw in self._finished_workers:
+ status += '\n ' + dw.status_str()
+ return status