path: root/dejagnu/run_dejagnu.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dejagnu/run_dejagnu.py')
1 files changed, 418 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dejagnu/run_dejagnu.py b/dejagnu/run_dejagnu.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b4cbc8f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dejagnu/run_dejagnu.py
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+# Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+"""Tool script for auto dejagnu."""
+__author__ = 'shenhan@google.com (Han Shen)'
+import getpass
+import optparse
+import os
+from os import path
+import re
+import shutil
+import stat
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import time
+import lock_machine
+import tc_enter_chroot
+from cros_utils import command_executer
+from cros_utils import constants
+from cros_utils import logger
+from cros_utils import misc
+def ProcessArguments(argv):
+ """Processing/validating script arguments."""
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=(
+ 'Launches gcc dejagnu test in chroot for chromeos toolchain, compares '
+ 'the test result with a repository baseline and prints out the result.'),
+ usage='run_dejagnu options')
+ parser.add_option('-c',
+ '--chromeos_root',
+ dest='chromeos_root',
+ help='Required. Specify chromeos root')
+ parser.add_option('-m',
+ '--mount',
+ dest='mount',
+ help=('Specify gcc source to mount instead of "auto". '
+ 'Under "auto" mode, which is the default - gcc is '
+ 'checked out and built automatically at default '
+ 'directories. Under "mount" mode '
+ '- the gcc_source is set to "$chromeos_'
+ 'root/chroot/usr/local/toolchain_root/gcc", which is '
+ 'the mount point for this option value, the '
+ 'gcc-build-dir then is computed as '
+ '"${gcc_source_dir}-build-${ctarget}". In this mode, '
+ 'a complete gcc build must be performed in the '
+ 'computed gcc-build-dir beforehand.'))
+ parser.add_option('-b',
+ '--board',
+ dest='board',
+ help=('Required. Specify board.'))
+ parser.add_option('-r',
+ '--remote',
+ dest='remote',
+ help=('Required. Specify addresses/names of the board, '
+ 'seperate each address/name using comma(\',\').'))
+ parser.add_option('-f',
+ '--flags',
+ dest='flags',
+ help='Optional. Extra run test flags to pass to dejagnu.')
+ parser.add_option('-k',
+ '--keep',
+ dest='keep_intermediate_files',
+ action='store_true',
+ default=False,
+ help=('Optional. Default to false. Do not remove dejagnu '
+ 'intermediate files after test run.'))
+ parser.add_option('--cleanup',
+ dest='cleanup',
+ default=None,
+ help=('Optional. Values to this option could be '
+ '\'mount\' (unmount gcc source and '
+ 'directory directory, '
+ 'only valid when --mount is given), '
+ '\'chroot\' (delete chroot) and '
+ '\'chromeos\' (delete the whole chromeos tree).'))
+ parser.add_option('-t',
+ '--tools',
+ dest='tools',
+ default='gcc,g++',
+ help=('Optional. Specify which tools to check, using '
+ '","(comma) as separator. A typical value would be '
+ '"g++" so that only g++ tests are performed. '
+ 'Defaults to "gcc,g++".'))
+ options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ if not options.chromeos_root:
+ raise SyntaxError('Missing argument for --chromeos_root.')
+ if not options.remote:
+ raise SyntaxError('Missing argument for --remote.')
+ if not options.board:
+ raise SyntaxError('Missing argument for --board.')
+ if options.cleanup == 'mount' and not options.mount:
+ raise SyntaxError('--cleanup=\'mount\' not valid unless --mount is given.')
+ if options.cleanup and not (
+ options.cleanup == 'mount' or \
+ options.cleanup == 'chroot' or options.cleanup == 'chromeos'):
+ raise ValueError('Invalid option value for --cleanup')
+ if options.cleanup and options.keep_intermediate_files:
+ raise SyntaxError('Only one of --keep and --cleanup could be given.')
+ return options
+class DejagnuExecuter(object):
+ """The class wrapper for dejagnu test executer."""
+ def __init__(self, base_dir, mount, chromeos_root, remote, board, flags,
+ keep_intermediate_files, tools, cleanup):
+ self._l = logger.GetLogger()
+ self._chromeos_root = chromeos_root
+ self._chromeos_chroot = path.join(chromeos_root, 'chroot')
+ if mount:
+ self._gcc_source_dir_to_mount = mount
+ self._gcc_source_dir = path.join(constants.MOUNTED_TOOLCHAIN_ROOT, 'gcc')
+ else:
+ self._gcc_source_dir = None
+ self._remote = remote
+ self._board = board
+ ## Compute target from board
+ self._target = misc.GetCtargetFromBoard(board, chromeos_root)
+ if not self._target:
+ raise ValueError('Unsupported board "%s"' % board)
+ self._executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
+ self._flags = flags or ''
+ self._base_dir = base_dir
+ self._tmp_abs = None
+ self._keep_intermediate_files = keep_intermediate_files
+ self._tools = tools.split(',')
+ self._cleanup = cleanup
+ def SetupTestingDir(self):
+ self._tmp_abs = tempfile.mkdtemp(
+ prefix='dejagnu_',
+ dir=path.join(self._chromeos_chroot, 'tmp'))
+ self._tmp = self._tmp_abs[len(self._chromeos_chroot):]
+ self._tmp_testing_rsa = path.join(self._tmp, 'testing_rsa')
+ self._tmp_testing_rsa_abs = path.join(self._tmp_abs, 'testing_rsa')
+ def MakeCheckString(self):
+ return ' '.join(['check-{0}'.format(t) for t in self._tools if t])
+ def CleanupIntermediateFiles(self):
+ if self._tmp_abs and path.isdir(self._tmp_abs):
+ if self._keep_intermediate_files:
+ self._l.LogOutput(
+ 'Your intermediate dejagnu files are kept, you can re-run '
+ 'inside chroot the command:')
+ self._l.LogOutput(
+ ' DEJAGNU={0} make -C {1} {2} RUNTESTFLAGS="--target_board={3} {4}"' \
+ .format(path.join(self._tmp, 'site.exp'), self._gcc_build_dir,
+ self.MakeCheckString(), self._board, self._flags))
+ else:
+ self._l.LogOutput('[Cleanup] - Removing temp dir - {0}'.format(
+ self._tmp_abs))
+ shutil.rmtree(self._tmp_abs)
+ def Cleanup(self):
+ if not self._cleanup:
+ return
+ # Optionally cleanup mounted diretory, chroot and chromeos tree.
+ if self._cleanup == 'mount' or self._cleanup == 'chroot' or \
+ self._cleanup == 'chromeos':
+ # No exceptions are allowed from this method.
+ try:
+ self._l.LogOutput('[Cleanup] - Unmounting directories ...')
+ self.MountGccSourceAndBuildDir(unmount=True)
+ except:
+ print 'Warning: failed to unmount gcc source/build directory.'
+ if self._cleanup == 'chroot' or self._cleanup == 'chromeos':
+ self._l.LogOutput('[Cleanup]: Deleting chroot inside \'{0}\''.format(
+ self._chromeos_root))
+ command = 'cd %s; cros_sdk --delete' % self._chromeos_root
+ rv = self._executer.RunCommand(command)
+ if rv:
+ self._l.LogWarning('Warning - failed to delete chroot.')
+ # Delete .cache - crosbug.com/34956
+ command = 'sudo rm -fr %s' % os.path.join(self._chromeos_root, '.cache')
+ rv = self._executer.RunCommand(command)
+ if rv:
+ self._l.LogWarning('Warning - failed to delete \'.cache\'.')
+ if self._cleanup == 'chromeos':
+ self._l.LogOutput('[Cleanup]: Deleting chromeos tree \'{0}\' ...'.format(
+ self._chromeos_root))
+ command = 'rm -fr {0}'.format(self._chromeos_root)
+ rv = self._executer.RunCommand(command)
+ if rv:
+ self._l.LogWarning('Warning - failed to remove chromeos tree.')
+ def PrepareTestingRsaKeys(self):
+ if not path.isfile(self._tmp_testing_rsa_abs):
+ shutil.copy(
+ path.join(self._chromeos_root,
+ 'src/scripts/mod_for_test_scripts/ssh_keys/testing_rsa'),
+ self._tmp_testing_rsa_abs)
+ os.chmod(self._tmp_testing_rsa_abs, stat.S_IRUSR)
+ def PrepareTestFiles(self):
+ """Prepare site.exp and board exp files."""
+ # Create the boards directory.
+ os.mkdir('%s/boards' % self._tmp_abs)
+ # Generate the chromeos.exp file.
+ with open('%s/chromeos.exp.in' % self._base_dir, 'r') as template_file:
+ content = template_file.read()
+ substitutions = dict({
+ '__boardname__': self._board,
+ '__board_hostname__': self._remote,
+ '__tmp_testing_rsa__': self._tmp_testing_rsa,
+ '__tmp_dir__': self._tmp
+ })
+ for pat, sub in substitutions.items():
+ content = content.replace(pat, sub)
+ board_file_name = '%s/boards/%s.exp' % (self._tmp_abs, self._board)
+ with open(board_file_name, 'w') as board_file:
+ board_file.write(content)
+ # Generate the site file
+ with open('%s/site.exp' % self._tmp_abs, 'w') as site_file:
+ site_file.write('set target_list "%s"\n' % self._board)
+ def PrepareGcc(self):
+ if self._gcc_source_dir:
+ self.PrepareGccFromCustomizedPath()
+ else:
+ self.PrepareGccDefault()
+ self._l.LogOutput('Gcc source dir - {0}'.format(self._gcc_source_dir))
+ self._l.LogOutput('Gcc build dir - {0}'.format(self._gcc_top_build_dir))
+ def PrepareGccFromCustomizedPath(self):
+ """Prepare gcc source, build directory from mounted source."""
+ # We have these source directories -
+ # _gcc_source_dir
+ # e.g. '/usr/local/toolchain_root/gcc'
+ # _gcc_source_dir_abs
+ # e.g. '/somewhere/chromeos.live/chroot/usr/local/toolchain_root/gcc'
+ # _gcc_source_dir_to_mount
+ # e.g. '/somewhere/gcc'
+ self._gcc_source_dir_abs = path.join(self._chromeos_chroot,
+ self._gcc_source_dir.lstrip('/'))
+ if not path.isdir(self._gcc_source_dir_abs) and \
+ self._executer.RunCommand(
+ 'sudo mkdir -p {0}'.format(self._gcc_source_dir_abs)):
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to create \'{0}\' inside chroot.".format(
+ self._gcc_source_dir))
+ if not (path.isdir(self._gcc_source_dir_to_mount) and
+ path.isdir(path.join(self._gcc_source_dir_to_mount, 'gcc'))):
+ raise RuntimeError('{0} is not a valid gcc source tree.'.format(
+ self._gcc_source_dir_to_mount))
+ # We have these build directories -
+ # _gcc_top_build_dir
+ # e.g. '/usr/local/toolchain_root/gcc-build-x86_64-cros-linux-gnu'
+ # _gcc_top_build_dir_abs
+ # e.g. '/somewhere/chromeos.live/chroo/tusr/local/toolchain_root/
+ # gcc-build-x86_64-cros-linux-gnu'
+ # _gcc_build_dir
+ # e.g. '/usr/local/toolchain_root/gcc-build-x86_64-cros-linux-gnu/gcc'
+ # _gcc_build_dir_to_mount
+ # e.g. '/somewhere/gcc-build-x86_64-cros-linux-gnu'
+ self._gcc_top_build_dir = '{0}-build-{1}'.format(
+ self._gcc_source_dir.rstrip('/'), self._target)
+ self._gcc_build_dir = path.join(self._gcc_top_build_dir, 'gcc')
+ self._gcc_build_dir_to_mount = '{0}-build-{1}'.format(
+ self._gcc_source_dir_to_mount, self._target)
+ self._gcc_top_build_dir_abs = path.join(self._chromeos_chroot,
+ self._gcc_top_build_dir.lstrip('/'))
+ if not path.isdir(self._gcc_top_build_dir_abs) and \
+ self._executer.RunCommand(
+ 'sudo mkdir -p {0}'.format(self._gcc_top_build_dir_abs)):
+ raise RuntimeError('Failed to create \'{0}\' inside chroot.'.format(
+ self._gcc_top_build_dir))
+ if not (path.isdir(self._gcc_build_dir_to_mount) and path.join(
+ self._gcc_build_dir_to_mount, 'gcc')):
+ raise RuntimeError('{0} is not a valid gcc build tree.'.format(
+ self._gcc_build_dir_to_mount))
+ # All check passed. Now mount gcc source and build directories.
+ self.MountGccSourceAndBuildDir()
+ def PrepareGccDefault(self):
+ """Auto emerging gcc for building purpose only."""
+ ret = self._executer.ChrootRunCommandWOutput(
+ self._chromeos_root, 'equery w cross-%s/gcc' % self._target)[1]
+ ret = path.basename(ret.strip())
+ # ret is expected to be something like 'gcc-4.6.2-r11.ebuild' or
+ # 'gcc-9999.ebuild' parse it.
+ matcher = re.match('((.*)-r\d+).ebuild', ret)
+ if matcher:
+ gccrevision, gccversion = matcher.group(1, 2)
+ elif ret == 'gcc-9999.ebuild':
+ gccrevision = 'gcc-9999'
+ gccversion = 'gcc-9999'
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError('Failed to get gcc version.')
+ gcc_portage_dir = '/var/tmp/portage/cross-%s/%s/work' % (self._target,
+ gccrevision)
+ self._gcc_source_dir = path.join(gcc_portage_dir, gccversion)
+ self._gcc_top_build_dir = (gcc_portage_dir + '/%s-build-%s') % (
+ gccversion, self._target)
+ self._gcc_build_dir = path.join(self._gcc_top_build_dir, 'gcc')
+ gcc_build_dir_abs = path.join(self._chromeos_root, 'chroot',
+ self._gcc_build_dir.lstrip('/'))
+ if not path.isdir(gcc_build_dir_abs):
+ ret = self._executer.ChrootRunCommand(self._chromeos_root, (
+ 'ebuild $(equery w cross-%s/gcc) clean prepare compile' % (
+ self._target)))
+ if ret:
+ raise RuntimeError('ebuild gcc failed.')
+ def MakeCheck(self):
+ self.MountGccSourceAndBuildDir()
+ cmd = ('cd %s ; '
+ 'DEJAGNU=%s make %s RUNTESTFLAGS="--target_board=%s %s"' %
+ (self._gcc_build_dir, path.join(self._tmp, 'site.exp'),
+ self.MakeCheckString(), self._board, self._flags))
+ self._executer.ChrootRunCommand(self._chromeos_root, cmd)
+ def ValidateFailures(self):
+ validate_failures_py = path.join(
+ self._gcc_source_dir,
+ 'contrib/testsuite-management/validate_failures.py')
+ cmd = 'cd {0} ; {1} --build_dir={0}'.format(self._gcc_top_build_dir,
+ validate_failures_py)
+ self.MountGccSourceAndBuildDir()
+ ret = self._executer.ChrootRunCommandWOutput(self._chromeos_root, cmd)
+ if ret[0] != 0:
+ self._l.LogWarning('*** validate_failures.py exited with non-zero code,'
+ 'please run it manually inside chroot - \n'
+ ' ' + cmd)
+ return ret
+ # This method ensures necessary mount points before executing chroot comamnd.
+ def MountGccSourceAndBuildDir(self, unmount=False):
+ mount_points = [tc_enter_chroot.MountPoint(self._gcc_source_dir_to_mount,
+ self._gcc_source_dir_abs,
+ getpass.getuser(), 'ro'),
+ tc_enter_chroot.MountPoint(self._gcc_build_dir_to_mount,
+ self._gcc_top_build_dir_abs,
+ getpass.getuser(), 'rw')]
+ for mp in mount_points:
+ if unmount:
+ if mp.UnMount():
+ raise RuntimeError('Failed to unmount {0}'.format(mp.mount_dir))
+ else:
+ self._l.LogOutput('{0} unmounted successfully.'.format(mp.mount_dir))
+ elif mp.DoMount():
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'Failed to mount {0} onto {1}'.format(mp.external_dir,
+ mp.mount_dir))
+ else:
+ self._l.LogOutput('{0} mounted successfully.'.format(mp.mount_dir))
+# The end of class DejagnuExecuter
+def TryAcquireMachine(remotes):
+ available_machine = None
+ for r in remotes.split(','):
+ machine = lock_machine.Machine(r)
+ if machine.TryLock(timeout=300, exclusive=True):
+ available_machine = machine
+ break
+ else:
+ logger.GetLogger().LogWarning(
+ '*** Failed to lock machine \'{0}\'.'.format(r))
+ if not available_machine:
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to acquire one machine from \'{0}\'.".format(
+ remotes))
+ return available_machine
+def Main(argv):
+ opts = ProcessArguments(argv)
+ available_machine = TryAcquireMachine(opts.remote)
+ executer = DejagnuExecuter(
+ misc.GetRoot(argv[0])[0], opts.mount, opts.chromeos_root,
+ available_machine._name, opts.board, opts.flags,
+ opts.keep_intermediate_files, opts.tools, opts.cleanup)
+ # Return value is a 3- or 4-element tuple
+ # element#1 - exit code
+ # element#2 - stdout
+ # element#3 - stderr
+ # element#4 - exception infor
+ # Some other scripts need these detailed information.
+ ret = (1, '', '')
+ try:
+ executer.SetupTestingDir()
+ executer.PrepareTestingRsaKeys()
+ executer.PrepareTestFiles()
+ executer.PrepareGcc()
+ executer.MakeCheck()
+ ret = executer.ValidateFailures()
+ except Exception as e:
+ # At least log the exception on console.
+ print e
+ # The #4 element encodes the runtime exception.
+ ret = (1, '', '', 'Exception happened during execution: \n' + str(e))
+ finally:
+ available_machine.Unlock(exclusive=True)
+ executer.CleanupIntermediateFiles()
+ executer.Cleanup()
+ return ret
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ retval = Main(sys.argv)[0]
+ sys.exit(retval)