path: root/llvm_tools/llvm_patch_management_unittest.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'llvm_tools/llvm_patch_management_unittest.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 311 deletions
diff --git a/llvm_tools/llvm_patch_management_unittest.py b/llvm_tools/llvm_patch_management_unittest.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 52117c93..00000000
--- a/llvm_tools/llvm_patch_management_unittest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# pylint: disable=protected-access
-"""Unit tests when creating the arguments for the patch manager."""
-from __future__ import print_function
-from collections import namedtuple
-import os
-import unittest
-import unittest.mock as mock
-from failure_modes import FailureModes
-import get_llvm_hash
-import llvm_patch_management
-import patch_manager
-import patch_utils
-import subprocess_helpers
-class LlvmPatchManagementTest(unittest.TestCase):
- """Test class when constructing the arguments for the patch manager."""
- # Simulate the behavior of `os.path.isdir()` when the chroot path does not
- # exist or is not a directory.
- @mock.patch.object(os.path, 'isdir', return_value=False)
- def testInvalidChrootPathWhenGetPathToFilesDir(self, mock_isdir):
- chroot_path = '/some/path/to/chroot'
- package = 'sys-devel/llvm'
- # Verify the exception is raised when an invalid absolute path to the chroot
- # is passed in.
- with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
- llvm_patch_management.GetPathToFilesDirectory(chroot_path, package)
- self.assertEqual(str(err.exception),
- 'Invalid chroot provided: %s' % chroot_path)
- mock_isdir.assert_called_once()
- # Simulate the behavior of 'os.path.isdir()' when a valid chroot path is
- # passed in.
- @mock.patch.object(os.path, 'isdir', return_value=True)
- @mock.patch.object(subprocess_helpers, 'ChrootRunCommand')
- @mock.patch.object(llvm_patch_management, '_GetRelativePathOfChrootPath')
- def testSuccessfullyGetPathToFilesDir(self,
- mock_get_relative_path_of_chroot_path,
- mock_chroot_cmd, mock_isdir):
- package_chroot_path = '/mnt/host/source/path/to/llvm/llvm.ebuild'
- # Simulate behavior of 'ChrootRunCommand()' when successfully
- # retrieved the absolute chroot path to the package's ebuild.
- mock_chroot_cmd.return_value = package_chroot_path
- # Simulate behavior of '_GetRelativePathOfChrootPath()' when successfully
- # removed '/mnt/host/source' of the absolute chroot path to the package's
- # ebuild.
- #
- # Returns relative path after '/mnt/host/source/'.
- mock_get_relative_path_of_chroot_path.return_value = 'path/to/llvm'
- chroot_path = '/some/path/to/chroot'
- package = 'sys-devel/llvm'
- self.assertEqual(
- llvm_patch_management.GetPathToFilesDirectory(chroot_path, package),
- '/some/path/to/chroot/path/to/llvm/files/')
- mock_isdir.assert_called_once()
- mock_chroot_cmd.assert_called_once()
- mock_get_relative_path_of_chroot_path.assert_called_once_with(
- '/mnt/host/source/path/to/llvm')
- def testInvalidPrefixForChrootPath(self):
- package_chroot_path = '/path/to/llvm'
- # Verify the exception is raised when the chroot path does not start with
- # '/mnt/host/source/'.
- with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
- llvm_patch_management._GetRelativePathOfChrootPath(package_chroot_path)
- self.assertEqual(
- str(err.exception),
- 'Invalid prefix for the chroot path: %s' % package_chroot_path)
- def testValidPrefixForChrootPath(self):
- package_chroot_path = '/mnt/host/source/path/to/llvm'
- package_rel_path = 'path/to/llvm'
- self.assertEqual(
- llvm_patch_management._GetRelativePathOfChrootPath(
- package_chroot_path), package_rel_path)
- # Simulate behavior of 'os.path.isfile()' when the patch metadata file does
- # not exist.
- @mock.patch.object(os.path, 'isfile', return_value=False)
- def testInvalidFileForPatchMetadataPath(self, mock_isfile):
- abs_path_to_patch_file = '/abs/path/to/files/test.json'
- # Verify the exception is raised when the absolute path to the patch
- # metadata file does not exist.
- with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
- llvm_patch_management._CheckPatchMetadataPath(abs_path_to_patch_file)
- self.assertEqual(str(err.exception),
- 'Invalid file provided: %s' % abs_path_to_patch_file)
- mock_isfile.assert_called_once()
- # Simulate behavior of 'os.path.isfile()' when the absolute path to the
- # patch metadata file exists.
- @mock.patch.object(os.path, 'isfile', return_value=True)
- def testPatchMetadataFileDoesNotEndInJson(self, mock_isfile):
- abs_path_to_patch_file = '/abs/path/to/files/PATCHES'
- # Verify the exception is raised when the patch metadata file does not end
- # in '.json'.
- with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
- llvm_patch_management._CheckPatchMetadataPath(abs_path_to_patch_file)
- self.assertEqual(
- str(err.exception),
- 'File does not end in ".json": %s' % abs_path_to_patch_file)
- mock_isfile.assert_called_once()
- @mock.patch.object(os.path, 'isfile')
- def testValidPatchMetadataFile(self, mock_isfile):
- abs_path_to_patch_file = '/abs/path/to/files/PATCHES.json'
- # Simulate behavior of 'os.path.isfile()' when the absolute path to the
- # patch metadata file exists.
- mock_isfile.return_value = True
- llvm_patch_management._CheckPatchMetadataPath(abs_path_to_patch_file)
- mock_isfile.assert_called_once()
- # Simulate `GetGitHashFrom()` when successfully retrieved the git hash
- # of the version passed in.
- @mock.patch.object(get_llvm_hash,
- 'GetGitHashFrom',
- return_value='a123testhash1')
- # Simulate `CreateTempLLVMRepo()` when successfully created a work tree from
- # the LLVM repo copy in `llvm_tools` directory.
- @mock.patch.object(get_llvm_hash, 'CreateTempLLVMRepo')
- # Simulate behavior of `_MoveSrcTreeHEADToGitHash()` when successfully moved
- # the head pointer to the git hash of the revision.
- @mock.patch.object(llvm_patch_management, '_MoveSrcTreeHEADToGitHash')
- @mock.patch.object(llvm_patch_management, 'GetPathToFilesDirectory')
- @mock.patch.object(llvm_patch_management, '_CheckPatchMetadataPath')
- def testExceptionIsRaisedWhenUpdatingAPackagesMetadataFile(
- self, mock_check_patch_metadata_path, mock_get_filesdir_path,
- mock_move_head_pointer, mock_create_temp_llvm_repo, mock_get_git_hash):
- abs_path_to_patch_file = (
- '/some/path/to/chroot/some/path/to/filesdir/PATCHES')
- # Simulate the behavior of '_CheckPatchMetadataPath()' when the patch
- # metadata file in $FILESDIR does not exist or does not end in '.json'.
- def InvalidPatchMetadataFile(patch_metadata_path):
- self.assertEqual(patch_metadata_path, abs_path_to_patch_file)
- raise ValueError('File does not end in ".json": %s' %
- abs_path_to_patch_file)
- # Use the test function to simulate behavior of '_CheckPatchMetadataPath()'.
- mock_check_patch_metadata_path.side_effect = InvalidPatchMetadataFile
- abs_path_to_filesdir = '/some/path/to/chroot/some/path/to/filesdir'
- # Simulate the behavior of 'GetPathToFilesDirectory()' when successfully
- # constructed the absolute path to $FILESDIR of a package.
- mock_get_filesdir_path.return_value = abs_path_to_filesdir
- temp_work_tree = '/abs/path/to/tmpWorkTree'
- # Simulate the behavior of returning the absolute path to a worktree via
- # `git worktree add`.
- mock_create_temp_llvm_repo.return_value.__enter__.return_value.name = (
- temp_work_tree)
- chroot_path = '/some/path/to/chroot'
- revision = 1000
- patch_file_name = 'PATCHES'
- package_name = 'test-package/package1'
- # Verify the exception is raised when a package is constructing the
- # arguments for the patch manager to update its patch metadata file and an
- # exception is raised in the process.
- with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
- llvm_patch_management.UpdatePackagesPatchMetadataFile(
- chroot_path, revision, patch_file_name, [package_name],
- FailureModes.FAIL)
- self.assertEqual(
- str(err.exception),
- 'File does not end in ".json": %s' % abs_path_to_patch_file)
- mock_get_filesdir_path.assert_called_once_with(chroot_path, package_name)
- mock_get_git_hash.assert_called_once()
- mock_check_patch_metadata_path.assert_called_once()
- mock_move_head_pointer.assert_called_once()
- mock_create_temp_llvm_repo.assert_called_once()
- # Simulate `CleanSrcTree()` when successfully removed changes from the
- # worktree.
- @mock.patch.object(patch_utils, 'clean_src_tree')
- # Simulate `GetGitHashFrom()` when successfully retrieved the git hash
- # of the version passed in.
- @mock.patch.object(get_llvm_hash,
- 'GetGitHashFrom',
- return_value='a123testhash1')
- # Simulate `CreateTempLLVMRepo()` when successfully created a work tree from
- # the LLVM repo copy in `llvm_tools` directory.
- @mock.patch.object(get_llvm_hash, 'CreateTempLLVMRepo')
- # Simulate behavior of `_MoveSrcTreeHEADToGitHash()` when successfully moved
- # the head pointer to the git hash of the revision.
- @mock.patch.object(llvm_patch_management, '_MoveSrcTreeHEADToGitHash')
- @mock.patch.object(llvm_patch_management, 'GetPathToFilesDirectory')
- @mock.patch.object(llvm_patch_management, '_CheckPatchMetadataPath')
- @mock.patch.object(patch_manager, 'HandlePatches')
- def testSuccessfullyRetrievedPatchResults(
- self, mock_handle_patches, mock_check_patch_metadata_path,
- mock_get_filesdir_path, mock_move_head_pointer,
- mock_create_temp_llvm_repo, mock_get_git_hash, mock_clean_src_tree):
- abs_path_to_filesdir = '/some/path/to/chroot/some/path/to/filesdir'
- abs_path_to_patch_file = (
- '/some/path/to/chroot/some/path/to/filesdir/PATCHES.json')
- # Simulate the behavior of 'GetPathToFilesDirectory()' when successfully
- # constructed the absolute path to $FILESDIR of a package.
- mock_get_filesdir_path.return_value = abs_path_to_filesdir
- PatchInfo = namedtuple('PatchInfo', [
- 'applied_patches', 'failed_patches', 'non_applicable_patches',
- 'disabled_patches', 'removed_patches', 'modified_metadata'
- ])
- # Simulate the behavior of 'HandlePatches()' when successfully iterated
- # through every patch in the patch metadata file and a dictionary is
- # returned that contains information about the patches' status.
- mock_handle_patches.return_value = PatchInfo(
- applied_patches=['fixes_something.patch'],
- failed_patches=['disables_output.patch'],
- non_applicable_patches=[],
- disabled_patches=[],
- removed_patches=[],
- modified_metadata=None)
- temp_work_tree = '/abs/path/to/tmpWorkTree'
- # Simulate the behavior of returning the absolute path to a worktree via
- # `git worktree add`.
- mock_create_temp_llvm_repo.return_value.__enter__.return_value.name = (
- temp_work_tree)
- expected_patch_results = {
- 'applied_patches': ['fixes_something.patch'],
- 'failed_patches': ['disables_output.patch'],
- 'non_applicable_patches': [],
- 'disabled_patches': [],
- 'removed_patches': [],
- 'modified_metadata': None
- }
- chroot_path = '/some/path/to/chroot'
- revision = 1000
- patch_file_name = 'PATCHES.json'
- package_name = 'test-package/package2'
- patch_info = llvm_patch_management.UpdatePackagesPatchMetadataFile(
- chroot_path, revision, patch_file_name, [package_name],
- FailureModes.CONTINUE)
- self.assertDictEqual(patch_info, {package_name: expected_patch_results})
- mock_get_filesdir_path.assert_called_once_with(chroot_path, package_name)
- mock_check_patch_metadata_path.assert_called_once_with(
- abs_path_to_patch_file)
- mock_handle_patches.assert_called_once()
- mock_create_temp_llvm_repo.assert_called_once()
- mock_get_git_hash.assert_called_once()
- mock_move_head_pointer.assert_called_once()
- mock_clean_src_tree.assert_called_once()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()