path: root/llvm_tools/modify_a_tryjob.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'llvm_tools/modify_a_tryjob.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 288 deletions
diff --git a/llvm_tools/modify_a_tryjob.py b/llvm_tools/modify_a_tryjob.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 20ba3541..00000000
--- a/llvm_tools/modify_a_tryjob.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Modifies a tryjob based off of arguments."""
-from __future__ import print_function
-import argparse
-import enum
-import json
-import os
-import sys
-from assert_not_in_chroot import VerifyOutsideChroot
-from failure_modes import FailureModes
-from get_llvm_hash import GetLLVMHashAndVersionFromSVNOption
-from update_packages_and_run_tryjobs import RunTryJobs
-from update_tryjob_status import FindTryjobIndex
-from update_tryjob_status import TryjobStatus
-import update_chromeos_llvm_next_hash
-class ModifyTryjob(enum.Enum):
- """Options to modify a tryjob."""
- REMOVE = 'remove'
- RELAUNCH = 'relaunch'
- ADD = 'add'
-def GetCommandLineArgs():
- """Parses the command line for the command line arguments."""
- # Default path to the chroot if a path is not specified.
- cros_root = os.path.expanduser('~')
- cros_root = os.path.join(cros_root, 'chromiumos')
- # Create parser and add optional command-line arguments.
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description='Removes, relaunches, or adds a tryjob.')
- # Add argument for the JSON file to use for the update of a tryjob.
- parser.add_argument(
- '--status_file',
- required=True,
- help='The absolute path to the JSON file that contains the tryjobs used '
- 'for bisecting LLVM.')
- # Add argument that determines what action to take on the revision specified.
- parser.add_argument(
- '--modify_tryjob',
- required=True,
- choices=[modify_tryjob.value for modify_tryjob in ModifyTryjob],
- help='What action to perform on the tryjob.')
- # Add argument that determines which revision to search for in the list of
- # tryjobs.
- parser.add_argument(
- '--revision',
- required=True,
- type=int,
- help='The revision to either remove or relaunch.')
- # Add argument for other change lists that want to run alongside the tryjob.
- parser.add_argument(
- '--extra_change_lists',
- type=int,
- nargs='+',
- help='change lists that would like to be run alongside the change list '
- 'of updating the packages')
- # Add argument for custom options for the tryjob.
- parser.add_argument(
- '--options',
- required=False,
- nargs='+',
- help='options to use for the tryjob testing')
- # Add argument for the builder to use for the tryjob.
- parser.add_argument('--builder', help='builder to use for the tryjob testing')
- # Add argument for a specific chroot path.
- parser.add_argument(
- '--chroot_path',
- default=cros_root,
- help='the path to the chroot (default: %(default)s)')
- # Add argument for whether to display command contents to `stdout`.
- parser.add_argument(
- '--verbose',
- action='store_true',
- help='display contents of a command to the terminal '
- '(default: %(default)s)')
- args_output = parser.parse_args()
- if not os.path.isfile(args_output.status_file) or \
- not args_output.status_file.endswith('.json'):
- raise ValueError('File does not exist or does not ending in ".json" '
- ': %s' % args_output.status_file)
- if args_output.modify_tryjob == ModifyTryjob.ADD.value and \
- not args_output.builder:
- raise ValueError('A builder is required for adding a tryjob.')
- elif args_output.modify_tryjob != ModifyTryjob.ADD.value and \
- args_output.builder:
- raise ValueError('Specifying a builder is only available when adding a '
- 'tryjob.')
- return args_output
-def GetCLAfterUpdatingPackages(packages, git_hash, svn_version, chroot_path,
- patch_metadata_file, svn_option):
- """Updates the packages' LLVM_NEXT."""
- change_list = update_chromeos_llvm_next_hash.UpdatePackages(
- packages, git_hash, svn_version, chroot_path, patch_metadata_file,
- FailureModes.DISABLE_PATCHES, svn_option)
- print('\nSuccessfully updated packages to %d' % svn_version)
- print('Gerrit URL: %s' % change_list.url)
- print('Change list number: %d' % change_list.cl_number)
- return change_list
-def CreateNewTryjobEntryForBisection(cl, extra_cls, options, builder,
- chroot_path, verbose, cl_url, revision):
- """Submits a tryjob and adds additional information."""
- # Get the tryjob results after submitting the tryjob.
- # Format of 'tryjob_results':
- # [
- # {
- # 'link' : [TRYJOB_LINK],
- # 'buildbucket_id' : [BUILDBUCKET_ID],
- # 'extra_cls' : [EXTRA_CLS_LIST],
- # 'options' : [EXTRA_OPTIONS_LIST],
- # 'builder' : [BUILDER_AS_A_LIST]
- # }
- # ]
- tryjob_results = RunTryJobs(cl, extra_cls, options, [builder], chroot_path,
- verbose)
- print('\nTryjob:')
- print(tryjob_results[0])
- # Add necessary information about the tryjob.
- tryjob_results[0]['url'] = cl_url
- tryjob_results[0]['rev'] = revision
- tryjob_results[0]['status'] = TryjobStatus.PENDING.value
- tryjob_results[0]['cl'] = cl
- return tryjob_results[0]
-def AddTryjob(packages, git_hash, revision, chroot_path, patch_metadata_file,
- extra_cls, options, builder, verbose, svn_option):
- """Submits a tryjob."""
- update_chromeos_llvm_next_hash.verbose = verbose
- change_list = GetCLAfterUpdatingPackages(packages, git_hash, revision,
- chroot_path, patch_metadata_file,
- svn_option)
- tryjob_dict = CreateNewTryjobEntryForBisection(
- change_list.cl_number, extra_cls, options, builder, chroot_path, verbose,
- change_list.url, revision)
- return tryjob_dict
-def PerformTryjobModification(revision, modify_tryjob, status_file, extra_cls,
- options, builder, chroot_path, verbose):
- """Removes, relaunches, or adds a tryjob.
- Args:
- revision: The revision associated with the tryjob.
- modify_tryjob: What action to take on the tryjob.
- Ex: ModifyTryjob.REMOVE, ModifyTryjob.RELAUNCH, ModifyTryjob.ADD
- status_file: The .JSON file that contains the tryjobs.
- extra_cls: Extra change lists to be run alongside tryjob
- options: Extra options to pass into 'cros tryjob'.
- builder: The builder to use for 'cros tryjob'.
- chroot_path: The absolute path to the chroot (used by 'cros tryjob' when
- relaunching a tryjob).
- verbose: Determines whether to print the contents of a command to `stdout`.
- """
- # Format of 'bisect_contents':
- # {
- # 'jobs' : [
- # ...,
- # ]
- # }
- with open(status_file) as tryjobs:
- bisect_contents = json.load(tryjobs)
- if not bisect_contents['jobs'] and modify_tryjob != ModifyTryjob.ADD:
- sys.exit('No tryjobs in %s' % status_file)
- tryjob_index = FindTryjobIndex(revision, bisect_contents['jobs'])
- # 'FindTryjobIndex()' returns None if the tryjob was not found.
- if tryjob_index is None and modify_tryjob != ModifyTryjob.ADD:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Unable to find tryjob for %d in %s' % (revision, status_file))
- # Determine the action to take based off of 'modify_tryjob'.
- if modify_tryjob == ModifyTryjob.REMOVE:
- del bisect_contents['jobs'][tryjob_index]
- print('Successfully deleted the tryjob of revision %d' % revision)
- elif modify_tryjob == ModifyTryjob.RELAUNCH:
- # Need to update the tryjob link and buildbucket ID.
- tryjob_results = RunTryJobs(
- bisect_contents['jobs'][tryjob_index]['cl'],
- bisect_contents['jobs'][tryjob_index]['extra_cls'],
- bisect_contents['jobs'][tryjob_index]['options'],
- bisect_contents['jobs'][tryjob_index]['builder'], chroot_path, verbose)
- bisect_contents['jobs'][tryjob_index]['status'] = TryjobStatus.PENDING.value
- bisect_contents['jobs'][tryjob_index]['link'] = tryjob_results[0]['link']
- bisect_contents['jobs'][tryjob_index]['buildbucket_id'] = tryjob_results[0][
- 'buildbucket_id']
- print('Successfully relaunched the tryjob for revision %d and updated '
- 'the tryjob link to %s' % (revision, tryjob_results[0]['link']))
- elif modify_tryjob == ModifyTryjob.ADD:
- # Tryjob exists already.
- if tryjob_index is not None:
- raise ValueError('Tryjob already exists (index is %d) in %s.' %
- (tryjob_index, status_file))
- # Make sure the revision is within the bounds of the start and end of the
- # bisection.
- elif bisect_contents['start'] < revision < bisect_contents['end']:
- update_packages = [
- 'sys-devel/llvm', 'sys-libs/compiler-rt', 'sys-libs/libcxx',
- 'sys-libs/libcxxabi', 'sys-libs/llvm-libunwind'
- ]
- patch_metadata_file = 'PATCHES.json'
- git_hash, revision = GetLLVMHashAndVersionFromSVNOption(revision)
- tryjob_dict = AddTryjob(update_packages, git_hash, revision, chroot_path,
- patch_metadata_file, extra_cls, options, builder,
- verbose, revision)
- bisect_contents['jobs'].append(tryjob_dict)
- print('Successfully added tryjob of revision %d' % revision)
- else:
- raise ValueError('Failed to add tryjob to %s' % status_file)
- else:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Invalid "modify_tryjob" option provided: %s' % modify_tryjob)
- with open(status_file, 'w') as update_tryjobs:
- json.dump(bisect_contents, update_tryjobs, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
-def main():
- """Removes, relaunches, or adds a tryjob."""
- VerifyOutsideChroot()
- args_output = GetCommandLineArgs()
- PerformTryjobModification(
- args_output.revision, ModifyTryjob(
- args_output.modify_tryjob), args_output.status_file,
- args_output.extra_change_lists, args_output.options, args_output.builder,
- args_output.chroot_path, args_output.verbose)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()