path: root/llvm_tools
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Diffstat (limited to 'llvm_tools')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/llvm_tools/patch_sync/src/version_control.rs b/llvm_tools/patch_sync/src/version_control.rs
index e6d32a58..b45177f7 100644
--- a/llvm_tools/patch_sync/src/version_control.rs
+++ b/llvm_tools/patch_sync/src/version_control.rs
@@ -223,20 +223,44 @@ For questions about this job, contact chromeos-toolchain@google.com\n\n
/// Return the path of an ebuild located within the given directory.
fn find_ebuild(dir: &Path) -> Result<PathBuf> {
- // TODO(ajordanr): Maybe use OnceCell for this regex?
- let ebuild_matcher = Regex::new(r"(-r[0-9]+)?\.ebuild").unwrap();
- for entry in fs::read_dir(dir)? {
- let path = entry?.path();
- if let Some(name) = path.file_name() {
- if ebuild_matcher.is_match(
- name.to_str()
- .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("converting filepath to UTF-8"))?,
- ) {
- return Ok(path);
- }
+ // The logic here is that we create an iterator over all file paths to ebuilds
+ // with _pre in the name. Then we sort those ebuilds based on their revision numbers.
+ // Then we return the highest revisioned one.
+ let ebuild_rev_matcher = Regex::new(r"-r([0-9]+)\.ebuild").unwrap();
+ // For LLVM ebuilds, we only want to check for ebuilds that have this in their file name.
+ let per_heuristic = "_pre";
+ // Get an iterator over all ebuilds with a _per in the file name.
+ let ebuild_candidates = fs::read_dir(dir)?.filter_map(|entry| {
+ let entry = entry.ok()?;
+ let path = entry.path();
+ if path.extension()? != "ebuild" {
+ // Not an ebuild, ignore.
+ return None;
- }
- bail!("could not find ebuild")
+ let stem = path.file_stem()?.to_str()?;
+ if stem.contains(per_heuristic) {
+ return Some(path);
+ }
+ None
+ });
+ let try_parse_ebuild_rev = |path: PathBuf| -> Option<(u64, PathBuf)> {
+ let name = path.file_name()?;
+ if let Some(rev_match) = ebuild_rev_matcher.captures(name.to_str()?) {
+ let rev_str = rev_match.get(1)?;
+ let rev_num = rev_str.as_str().parse::<u64>().ok()?;
+ return Some((rev_num, path));
+ }
+ // If it doesn't have a revision, then it's revision 0.
+ Some((0, path))
+ };
+ let mut sorted_candidates: Vec<_> =
+ ebuild_candidates.filter_map(try_parse_ebuild_rev).collect();
+ sorted_candidates.sort_unstable_by_key(|x| x.0);
+ let highest_rev_ebuild = sorted_candidates
+ .pop()
+ .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("could not find ebuild"))?;
+ Ok(highest_rev_ebuild.1)
/// Run a given git command from inside a specified git dir.
@@ -294,7 +318,11 @@ mod test {
File::create(&ebuild_path).expect("creating test ebuild file");
let new_ebuild_path =
RepoSetupContext::rev_bump_llvm(&llvm_dir).expect("rev bumping the ebuild");
- assert!(new_ebuild_path.ends_with("llvm-13.0_pre433403_p20211019-r11.ebuild"));
+ assert!(
+ new_ebuild_path.ends_with("llvm-13.0_pre433403_p20211019-r11.ebuild"),
+ "{}",
+ new_ebuild_path.display()
+ );
fs::remove_file(new_ebuild_path).expect("removing renamed ebuild file");
@@ -304,9 +332,31 @@ mod test {
File::create(&ebuild_path).expect("creating test ebuild file");
let new_ebuild_path =
RepoSetupContext::rev_bump_llvm(&llvm_dir).expect("rev bumping the ebuild");
- assert!(new_ebuild_path.ends_with("llvm-13.0_pre433403_p20211019-r1.ebuild"));
+ assert!(
+ new_ebuild_path.ends_with("llvm-13.0_pre433403_p20211019-r1.ebuild"),
+ "{}",
+ new_ebuild_path.display()
+ );
fs::remove_file(new_ebuild_path).expect("removing renamed ebuild file");
+ {
+ // With both
+ let ebuild_name = "llvm-13.0_pre433403_p20211019.ebuild";
+ let ebuild_path = llvm_dir.join(ebuild_name);
+ File::create(&ebuild_path).expect("creating test ebuild file");
+ let ebuild_link_name = "llvm-13.0_pre433403_p20211019-r2.ebuild";
+ let ebuild_link_path = llvm_dir.join(ebuild_link_name);
+ File::create(&ebuild_link_path).expect("creating test ebuild link file");
+ let new_ebuild_path =
+ RepoSetupContext::rev_bump_llvm(&llvm_dir).expect("rev bumping the ebuild");
+ assert!(
+ new_ebuild_path.ends_with("llvm-13.0_pre433403_p20211019-r3.ebuild"),
+ "{}",
+ new_ebuild_path.display()
+ );
+ fs::remove_file(new_ebuild_path).expect("removing renamed ebuild link file");
+ fs::remove_file(ebuild_path).expect("removing renamed ebuild file");
+ }
fs::remove_dir(&llvm_dir).expect("removing temp test dir");