path: root/v14/cros_run_benchmarks.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'v14/cros_run_benchmarks.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 786 deletions
diff --git a/v14/cros_run_benchmarks.py b/v14/cros_run_benchmarks.py
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-*** How to run benchmarks using two ChromeOS images and compare them ***
-The relevant script here is cros_run_benchmarks.py.
-=== Pre-requisites ===
-1. A chromeos_root where you have a ChromeOS checkout as well a chroot that has
-autotests emerged for the particular board you are testing.
-A chromeos_root will have a src/ and a chroot/ dir.
-2. Multiple ChromeOS images that you want to compare. Make sure these images
-have been modded for test (mod_image_for_test.sh). These images should be of the
-same board as the one that has the autotests (though you can give a board
-override on the command line).
-3. A remote ChromeOS machine on which the tests will be done.
-=== How to run ===
-Specify the chromeos_root, the images and the remote machine. Optionally you can
-also specify tests to run, iterations to run, etc. Here is an example:
-python cros_scripts/cros_run_benchmarks.py --iterations=1 --tests=AesThroughput --remote=chromeos-test2 --images=/home/asharif/a/chromeos.latest.fdo/src/build/images/x86-generic/,/home/asharif/a/chromeos.latest.fdo/src/build/images/x86-generic/ --chromeos_root=/home/asharif/a/chromeos.latest.fdo/ --board=x86-generic
-=== Example explanation ===
-I checked out chromeos sources in my --chromeos_root option. In there I did
-make_chroot, setup_board, build_packages, build_image and mod_image_for_test
-twice to obtain two images. The images were given to cros_run_benchmarks
-separated by commas. The test I chose to run on both images is AesThroughput.
-You would typically run BootPerfServer and PageCycler.
-=== Example Output & Explanation ===
-For my command line, it produced an output like:
-OUTPUT: Benchmark: AesThroughput
-Run labels:
-0: /usr/local/google/home/asharif/chromeos.latest.fdo/src/build/images/x86-generic/ (Test Build 166caf1e - Tue Jan 18 14:55:39 PST 2011 - asharif) developer x86-generic
-1: /usr/local/google/home/asharif/chromeos.latest.fdo/src/build/images/x86-generic/ (Test Build 166caf1e - Wed Jan 19 11:25:33 PST 2011 - asharif) developer x86-generic
-Group labels:
-0: /usr/local/google/home/asharif/chromeos.latest.fdo/src/build/images/x86-generic/ (Test Build 166caf1e - Tue Jan 18 14:55:39 PST 2011 - asharif) developer x86-generic
-1: /usr/local/google/home/asharif/chromeos.latest.fdo/src/build/images/x86-generic/ (Test Build 166caf1e - Wed Jan 19 11:25:33 PST 2011 - asharif) developer x86-generic latest
- Benchmark 0 (0) 1 (1)
-6_blocksz_1024_bytes 49592320 (+0%) 49684138 (+0%)
-256_blocksz_16_bytes 28907317 (+0%) 29669280 (+3%)
-56_blocksz_256_bytes 48225450 (+0%) 48199168 (-0%)
-256_blocksz_64_bytes 42501482 (+0%) 43009450 (+1%)
-6_blocksz_8192_bytes 50610176 (+0%) 50484565 (-0%)
-es_per_sec_ideal_min 20971520 (+0%) 20971520 (+0%)
-atform_AesThroughput PASS (x) PASS (x)
-atform_AesThroughput PASS (x) PASS (x)
-Benchmark Summary Table: AesThroughput
- Benchmark Summary 0 (0) 1 (1)
-6_blocksz_1024_bytes 49592320 (+0%) 49684138 (+0%)
-256_blocksz_16_bytes 28907317 (+0%) 29669280 (+3%)
-56_blocksz_256_bytes 48225450 (+0%) 48199168 (-0%)
-256_blocksz_64_bytes 42501482 (+0%) 43009450 (+1%)
-6_blocksz_8192_bytes 50610176 (+0%) 50484565 (-0%)
-es_per_sec_ideal_min 20971520 (+0%) 20971520 (+0%)
-atform_AesThroughput ALL_PASS (x) ALL_PASS (x)
-atform_AesThroughput ALL_PASS (x) ALL_PASS (x)
-You get two tables in the output. The first table shows all the runs and the
-second table averages the runs per image across iterations. In this case, since
-the iteration count was 1, you get identical tables for "Benchmark" and
-"Benchmark Summary". Above the tables is information about the images that were
-used for the runs. The image information contains the image path as well as the
-build time and the board.
-For benchmarks with multiple fields within them that do not get averaged (example:
-BootPerfServer's seconds_kernel_to_login{0,1,...}, cros_run_benchmarks.py
-automatically averages them and displays them as <field_name>[c]. The average
-used is arithmetic mean.
-=== Scratch Cache ===
-By default cros_run_benchmarks will cache the output of runs so it doesn't run
-it again when you compare the same image with another one.
-For example, you can set --images=A,B and it will run benchmarks with image A
-and B. If you now set --images=A,C it will run benchmarks only on C and use the
-cached results for image A.
-To prevent it from using cached results rm the cros_scratch directory which
-is created inside cros_scripts when cros_run_benchmarks runs.
-The cache is also useful when you interrupt runs for some reason -- it will
-continue from the same spot again.
-=== How to get the script help message ===
-If you've forgotten the switches this script has a help message that can be
-obtained by invoking the script like this:
-python cros_scripts/cros_run_benchmarks.py --help
-Warning: Logs directory '/home/asharif/www/cros_scripts/logs/' already exists.
-OUTPUT: cros_scripts/cros_run_benchmarks.py --help
-Usage: cros_run_benchmarks.py [options]
- -h, --help show this help message and exit
- -t TESTS, --tests=TESTS
- Tests to compare.
- -c CHROMEOS_ROOT, --chromeos_root=CHROMEOS_ROOT
- A *single* chromeos_root where scripts can be found.
- -i IMAGES, --images=IMAGES
- Possibly multiple (comma-separated) chromeos images.
- -n ITERATIONS, --iterations=ITERATIONS
- Iterations to run per benchmark.
- -r REMOTE, --remote=REMOTE
- The remote chromeos machine.
- -b BOARD, --board=BOARD
- The remote board.
-# Script to test the compiler.
-import copy
-import getpass
-import optparse
-import os
-import sys
-from utils import command_executer
-from utils import utils
-from utils import logger
-import tempfile
-import re
-import subprocess
-import multiprocessing
-import math
-import numpy
-import hashlib
-import image_chromeos
-import pickle
-def IsFloat(text):
- if text is None:
- return False
- try:
- float(text)
- return True
- except ValueError:
- return False
-def RemoveTrailingZeros(x):
- ret = x
- ret = re.sub("\.0*$", "", ret)
- ret = re.sub("(\.[1-9]*)0+$", "\\1", ret)
- return ret
-def HumanizeFloat(x, n=2):
- if not IsFloat(x):
- return x
- digits = re.findall("[0-9.]", str(x))
- decimal_found = False
- ret = ""
- sig_figs = 0
- for digit in digits:
- if digit == ".":
- decimal_found = True
- elif sig_figs !=0 or digit != "0":
- sig_figs += 1
- if decimal_found and sig_figs >= n:
- break
- ret += digit
- return ret
-def GetNSigFigs(x, n=2):
- if not IsFloat(x):
- return x
- my_fmt = "%." + str(n-1) + "e"
- x_string = my_fmt % x
- f = float(x_string)
- return f
-def GetFormattedPercent(baseline, other, bad_result="--"):
- result = "%8s" % GetPercent(baseline, other, bad_result)
- return result
-def GetPercent(baseline, other, bad_result="--"):
- result = bad_result
- if IsFloat(baseline) and IsFloat(other):
- try:
- pct = (float(other)/float(baseline) - 1) * 100
- result = "%+1.1f" % pct
- except (ZeroDivisionError):
- pass
- return result
-def FitString(text, N):
- if len(text) == N:
- return text
- elif len(text) > N:
- return text[-N:]
- else:
- fmt = "%%%ds" % N
- return fmt % text
-class AutotestRun:
- def __init__(self, test, chromeos_root="", chromeos_image="",
- remote="", iteration=0, image_checksum=""):
- self.test = test
- self.chromeos_root = chromeos_root
- self.chromeos_image = chromeos_image
- self.remote = remote
- self.iteration = iteration
- self.output = ""
- self.results = {}
- l = logger.GetLogger()
- l.LogFatalIf(not image_checksum, "Checksum shouldn't be None")
- self.image_checksum = image_checksum
- def GetCacheHash(self):
- ret = "%s %s %s %d" % (self.image_checksum, self.test, self.remote, self.iteration)
- ret = re.sub("/", "__", ret)
- ret = re.sub(" ", "_", ret)
- return ret
- def GetLabel(self):
- ret = "%s %s %s" % (self.chromeos_image, self.test, self.remote)
- return ret
-class TableFormatter:
- def __init__(self):
- self.d = "\t"
- self.bad_result = "x"
- pass
- def GetTablePercents(self, table):
- # Assumes table is not transposed.
- pct_table = []
- pct_table.append(table[0])
- for i in range(1, len(table)):
- row = []
- row.append(table[i][0])
- for j in range (1, len(table[0])):
- c = table[i][j]
- b = table[i][1]
- p = GetPercent(b, c, self.bad_result)
- row.append(p)
- pct_table.append(row)
- return pct_table
- def FormatFloat(self, c, max_length=8):
- if not IsFloat(c):
- return c
- f = float(c)
- ret = HumanizeFloat(f, 4)
- ret = RemoveTrailingZeros(ret)
- if len(ret) > max_length:
- ret = "%1.1ef" % f
- return ret
- def TransposeTable(self, table):
- transposed_table = []
- for i in range(len(table[0])):
- row = []
- for j in range(len(table)):
- row.append(table[j][i])
- transposed_table.append(row)
- return transposed_table
- def GetTableLabels(self, table):
- ret = ""
- header = table[0]
- for i in range(1, len(header)):
- ret += "%d: %s\n" % (i, header[i])
- return ret
- def GetFormattedTable(self, table, transposed=False,
- first_column_width=30, column_width=14,
- percents_only=True,
- fit_string=True):
- o = ""
- pct_table = self.GetTablePercents(table)
- if transposed == True:
- table = self.TransposeTable(table)
- pct_table = self.TransposeTable(table)
- for i in range(0, len(table)):
- for j in range(len(table[0])):
- if j == 0:
- width = first_column_width
- else:
- width = column_width
- c = table[i][j]
- p = pct_table[i][j]
- # Replace labels with numbers: 0... n
- if IsFloat(c):
- c = self.FormatFloat(c)
- if IsFloat(p) and not percents_only:
- p = "%s%%" % p
- # Print percent values side by side.
- if j != 0:
- if percents_only:
- c = "%s" % p
- else:
- c = "%s (%s)" % (c, p)
- if i == 0 and j != 0:
- c = str(j)
- if fit_string:
- o += FitString(c, width) + self.d
- else:
- o += c + self.d
- o += "\n"
- return o
- def GetGroups(self, table):
- labels = table[0]
- groups = []
- group_dict = {}
- for i in range(1, len(labels)):
- label = labels[i]
- stripped_label = self.GetStrippedLabel(label)
- if stripped_label not in group_dict:
- group_dict[stripped_label] = len(groups)
- groups.append([])
- groups[group_dict[stripped_label]].append(i)
- return groups
- def GetSummaryTableValues(self, table):
- # First get the groups
- groups = self.GetGroups(table)
- summary_table = []
- labels = table[0]
- summary_labels = ["Summary Table"]
- for group in groups:
- label = labels[group[0]]
- stripped_label = self.GetStrippedLabel(label)
- group_label = "%s (%d runs)" % (stripped_label, len(group))
- summary_labels.append(group_label)
- summary_table.append(summary_labels)
- for i in range(1, len(table)):
- row = table[i]
- summary_row = [row[0]]
- for group in groups:
- group_runs = []
- for index in group:
- group_runs.append(row[index])
- group_run = self.AggregateResults(group_runs)
- summary_row.append(group_run)
- summary_table.append(summary_row)
- return summary_table
- @staticmethod
- def AggregateResults(group_results):
- ret = ""
- if len(group_results) == 0:
- return ret
- all_floats = True
- all_passes = True
- all_fails = True
- for group_result in group_results:
- if not IsFloat(group_result):
- all_floats = False
- if group_result != "PASS":
- all_passes = False
- if group_result != "FAIL":
- all_fails = False
- if all_floats == True:
- float_results = [float(v) for v in group_results]
- ret = "%f" % numpy.average(float_results)
- # Add this line for standard deviation.
-### ret += " %f" % numpy.std(float_results)
- elif all_passes == True:
- ret = "ALL_PASS"
- elif all_fails == True:
- ret = "ALL_FAILS"
- return ret
- @staticmethod
- def GetStrippedLabel(label):
- return re.sub("\s*i:\d+$", "", label)
- @staticmethod
- def GetLabelWithIteration(label, iteration):
- return "%s i:%d" % (label, iteration)
-class AutotestGatherer(TableFormatter):
- def __init__(self):
- self.runs = []
- TableFormatter.__init__(self)
- pass
- @staticmethod
- def MeanExcludingSlowest(array):
- mean = sum(array) / len(array)
- array2 = []
- for v in array:
- if mean != 0 and abs(v - mean)/mean < 0.2:
- array2.append(v)
- if len(array2) != 0:
- return sum(array2) / len(array2)
- else:
- return mean
- @staticmethod
- def AddComposite(results_dict):
- composite_keys = []
- composite_dict = {}
- for key in results_dict:
- mo = re.match("(.*){\d+}", key)
- if mo:
- composite_keys.append(mo.group(1))
- for key in results_dict:
- for composite_key in composite_keys:
- if key.count(composite_key) != 0 and IsFloat(results_dict[key]):
- if composite_key not in composite_dict:
- composite_dict[composite_key] = []
- composite_dict[composite_key].append(float(results_dict[key]))
- break
- for composite_key in composite_dict:
- v = composite_dict[composite_key]
- results_dict["%s[c]" % composite_key] = sum(v) / len(v)
- mean_excluding_slowest = AutotestGatherer.MeanExcludingSlowest(v)
- results_dict["%s[ce]" % composite_key] = mean_excluding_slowest
- return results_dict
- def ParseOutput(self, test):
- p=re.compile("^-+.*?^-+", re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE)
- matches = p.findall(test.output)
- for i in range(len(matches)):
- results = matches[i]
- keyvals = results.split()[1:-1]
- results_dict = {}
- for j in range(len(keyvals)/2):
- # Eanble this to compare only numerical results.
-### if IsFloat(keyvals[j*2+1]):
- results_dict[keyvals[j*2]] = keyvals[j*2+1]
- # Add a composite keyval for tests like startup.
- results_dict = AutotestGatherer.AddComposite(results_dict)
- test.results = results_dict
- self.runs.append(test)
- # This causes it to not parse the table again
- # Autotest recently added a secondary table
- # That reports errors and screws up the final pretty output.
- break
- def GetFormattedMainTable(self, percents_only, fit_string):
- ret = ""
- table = self.GetTableValues()
- ret += self.GetTableLabels(table)
- ret += self.GetFormattedTable(table, percents_only=percents_only,
- fit_string=fit_string)
- return ret
- def GetFormattedSummaryTable(self, percents_only, fit_string):
- ret = ""
- table = self.GetTableValues()
- summary_table = self.GetSummaryTableValues(table)
- ret += self.GetTableLabels(summary_table)
- ret += self.GetFormattedTable(summary_table, percents_only=percents_only,
- fit_string=fit_string)
- return ret
- def GetBenchmarksString(self):
- ret = "Benchmarks (in order):"
- ret = "\n".join(self.GetAllBenchmarks())
- return ret
- def GetAllBenchmarks(self):
- all_benchmarks = []
- for run in self.runs:
- for key in run.results.keys():
- if key not in all_benchmarks:
- all_benchmarks.append(key)
- all_benchmarks.sort()
- return all_benchmarks
- def GetTableValues(self):
- table = []
- row = []
- row.append("Benchmark")
- for i in range(len(self.runs)):
- run = self.runs[i]
- label = run.GetLabel()
- label = self.GetLabelWithIteration(label, run.iteration)
- row.append(label)
- table.append(row)
- all_benchmarks = self.GetAllBenchmarks()
- for benchmark in all_benchmarks:
- row = []
- row.append(benchmark)
- for run in self.runs:
- results = run.results
- if benchmark in results:
- row.append(results[benchmark])
- else:
- row.append("")
- table.append(row)
- return table
-class AutotestRunner:
- def __init__(self, chromeos_root, test, board="x86-agz", image=None, ag=None):
- self.chromeos_root = os.path.expanduser(chromeos_root)
- self.board = board
- if image:
- self.image = image
- else:
- self.image = ("%s/src/build/images/%s/latest/chromiumos_image.bin"
- % (chromeos_root,
- board))
- self.image = os.path.realpath(self.image)
- if os.path.isdir(self.image):
- old_image = self.image
- self.image = "%s/chromiumos_image.bin" % self.image
- m = "%s is a dir. Trying to use %s instead..." % (old_image, self.image)
- logger.GetLogger().LogOutput(m)
- if not os.path.isfile(self.image):
- m = "Image: %s (%s) not found!" % (image, self.image)
- logger.GetLogger().LogError(m)
- sys.exit(1)
- self.test = test
- self.ag = ag
- self.ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
- self.scratch_dir = "%s/cros_scratch" % os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
- if not os.path.isdir(self.scratch_dir):
- os.mkdir(self.scratch_dir)
- def RunTest(self, remote, iterations):
- image_args = [os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +
- "/image_chromeos.py",
- "--chromeos_root=" + self.chromeos_root,
- "--image=" + self.image,
- "--remote=" + remote,
- ]
- if self.board:
- image_args.append("--board=" + self.board)
- image_checksum = utils.Md5File(self.image)
- reimaged = False
- for i in range(iterations):
- options = ""
- if self.board:
- options += "--board=%s" % self.board
- run = AutotestRun(self.test, self.chromeos_root,
- self.image, remote, i, image_checksum)
- cache_file = run.GetCacheHash()
- f = "%s/%s" % (self.scratch_dir, cache_file)
- if os.path.isfile(f):
- m = "Cache hit: %s. Not running test for image: %s.\n" % (f, self.image)
- logger.GetLogger().LogOutput(m)
- pickle_file = open(f, "rb")
- retval = pickle.load(pickle_file)
- out = pickle.load(pickle_file)
- err = pickle.load(pickle_file)
- pickle_file.close()
- logger.GetLogger().LogOutput(out)
- else:
- if reimaged == False:
- retval = image_chromeos.Main(image_args)
- logger.GetLogger().LogFatalIf(retval, "Could not re-image!")
- reimaged = True
- command = "cd %s/src/scripts" % self.chromeos_root
- command += ("&& ./enter_chroot.sh -- ./run_remote_tests.sh --remote=%s %s %s" %
- (remote,
- options,
- self.test))
- [retval, out, err] = self.ce.RunCommand(command, True)
- pickle_file = open(f, "wb")
- pickle.dump(retval, pickle_file)
- pickle.dump(out, pickle_file)
- pickle.dump(err, pickle_file)
- pickle_file.close()
- run.output = out
- self.ag.ParseOutput(run)
-class Benchmark:
- def __init__(self, name, iterations, args=None):
- self.name = name
- self.iterations = iterations
- self.args = args
-def Main(argv):
- """The main function."""
- # Common initializations
-### command_executer.InitCommandExecuter(True)
- ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
- parser = optparse.OptionParser()
- parser.add_option("-t", "--tests", dest="tests",
- help=("Tests to compare."
- "Optionally specify per-test iterations by <test>:<iter>"))
- parser.add_option("-c", "--chromeos_root", dest="chromeos_root",
- help="A *single* chromeos_root where scripts can be found.")
- parser.add_option("-i", "--images", dest="images",
- help="Possibly multiple (comma-separated) chromeos images.")
- parser.add_option("-n", "--iterations", dest="iterations",
- help="Iterations to run per benchmark.",
- default=1)
- parser.add_option("-r", "--remote", dest="remote",
- help="The remote chromeos machine.")
- parser.add_option("-b", "--board", dest="board",
- help="The remote board.",
- default="x86-mario")
- parser.add_option("--full_table", dest="full_table",
- help="Print full tables.",
- action="store_true",
- default=False)
- parser.add_option("--fit_string", dest="fit_string",
- help="Fit strings to fixed sizes.",
- action="store_true",
- default=False)
- logger.GetLogger().LogOutput(" ".join(argv))
- [options, args] = parser.parse_args(argv)
- if options.remote is None:
- logger.GetLogger().LogError("No remote machine specified.")
- parser.print_help()
- sys.exit(1)
- remote = options.remote
- benchmarks = []
- if options.tests:
- benchmark_strings = options.tests.split(",")
- for benchmark_string in benchmark_strings:
- iterations = int(options.iterations)
- fields = benchmark_string.split(":")
- l = logger.GetLogger()
- l.LogFatalIf(len(fields)>2,
- "Benchmark string: %s flawed" % benchmark_string)
- name = fields[0]
- if len(fields) == 2:
- iterations = int(fields[1])
- benchmarks.append(Benchmark(name, iterations))
- else:
-### benchmarks.append(Benchmark("BootPerfServer/control", iterations))
-### benchmarks.append(Benchmark("Page --args=\"--page-cycler-gtest-filters=PageCyclerTest.BloatFile\"", iterations))
- benchmarks.append(Benchmark("Page", iterations))
-### benchmarks.append(Benchmark("bvt", iterations))
-### benchmarks.append(Benchmark("suite_Smoke", iterations))
-### benchmarks.append(Benchmark("SunSpider", iterations))
-### benchmarks.append(Benchmark("V8Bench", iterations))
-### benchmarks.append(Benchmark("graphics_GLBench", iterations))
-### benchmarks.append(Benchmark("unixbench", iterations))
-### benchmarks.append(Benchmark("compilebench", iterations))
-### benchmarks.append(Benchmark("audiovideo_FFMPEG", iterations))
-### benchmarks.append(Benchmark("audiovideo_V4L2", iterations))
-### benchmarks.append(Benchmark("hackbench", iterations))
-### benchmarks.append(Benchmark("dbench", iterations))
- if not options.chromeos_root:
- logger.GetLogger().LogError("No chromeos root specified.")
- parser.print_help()
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- chromeos_root = options.chromeos_root
- chromeos_root = os.path.expanduser(chromeos_root)
- sig_file = "%s/src/scripts/enter_chroot.sh" % chromeos_root
- if (not os.path.isdir(chromeos_root)) or (not os.path.isfile(sig_file)):
- message = "chromeos_root: %s not valid." % chromeos_root
- logger.GetLogger().LogError(message)
- sys.exit(1)
- if not options.images:
- logger.GetLogger().LogError("No images specified.")
- parser.print_help()
- sys.exit(1)
- ags = {}
- try:
- # Lock the machine if it is of this style: chromeos-test\d+
- match = re.search("chromeos-test(\d+)$", remote)
- if match:
- index = match.group(1)
- perflab_machine = "chromeos_%s_%s" % (options.board, index)
- lock_reason = ("Automatically locked by %s@%s for testing new toolchain using %s" %
- (getpass.getuser(),
- os.uname()[1],
- sys.argv[0]))
- lock_reason = "Automatically locked by %s" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
- command = ("perflab --machines=%s --lock_reason=%r --lock_duration=1d lock" %
- (perflab_machine, lock_reason))
- retval = ce.RunCommand(command)
- logger.GetLogger().LogFatalIf(retval, "Could not lock machine %s through perflab" % perflab_machine)
- for image in options.images.split(","):
- if image == "":
- logger.GetLogger().LogWarning("Empty image specified!")
- continue
- image = os.path.expanduser(image)
- for b in benchmarks:
- if b in ags:
- ag = ags[b]
- else:
- ag = AutotestGatherer()
- ags[b] = ag
- ar = AutotestRunner(chromeos_root, b.name, options.board, image=image, ag=ag)
- ar.RunTest(remote, b.iterations)
- output = ""
- for b, ag in ags.items():
- output += "Benchmark: %s\n" % b.name
- output += ag.GetFormattedMainTable(percents_only=not options.full_table,
- fit_string=options.fit_string)
- output += "\n"
- output += "Benchmark Summary Table: %s\n" % b.name
- output += ag.GetFormattedSummaryTable(percents_only=not options.full_table,
- fit_string=options.fit_string)
- output += "\n"
- logger.GetLogger().LogOutput(output)
- except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
- print "C-c pressed"
- if match:
- command = ("perflab --machines=%s --lock_reason=%r unlock" %
- (perflab_machine, lock_reason))
- retval = ce.RunCommand(command)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- Main(sys.argv)