#!/usr/bin/env python2 # # Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # # pylint: disable=cros-logging-import """Script to build the benchmark locally with toolchain settings.""" from __future__ import print_function import argparse import config import logging import os import subprocess import sys # Turn the logging level to INFO before importing other code, to avoid having # failed import logging messages confuse the user. logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) def _parse_arguments_internal(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Build benchmarks with ' 'specified toolchain settings') parser.add_argument( '-b', '--bench', required=True, help='Select the benchmark to be built.') parser.add_argument( '-c', '--compiler_dir', metavar='DIR', help='Specify the path to the compiler bin ' 'directory.') parser.add_argument( '-o', '--build_os', help='Specify the host OS to build benchmark.') parser.add_argument( '-l', '--llvm_prebuilts_version', help='Specify the version of prebuilt LLVM.') parser.add_argument( '-f', '--cflags', help='Specify the optimization cflags for ' 'the toolchain.') parser.add_argument( '--ldflags', help='Specify linker flags for the toolchain.') return parser.parse_args(argv) # Set flags for compiling benchmarks, by changing the local # CFLAGS/LDFLAGS in the android makefile of each benchmark def set_flags(bench, cflags, ldflags): if not cflags: logging.info('No CFLAGS specified, using default settings.') cflags = '' else: logging.info('Cflags setting to "%s"...', cflags) if not ldflags: logging.info('No LDFLAGS specifed, using default settings.') ldflags = '' else: logging.info('Ldflags setting to "%s"...', ldflags) add_flags = config.bench_flags_dict[bench] add_flags(cflags, ldflags) logging.info('Flags set successfully!') def set_build_os(build_os): # Set $BUILD_OS variable for android makefile if build_os: os.environ['BUILD_OS'] = build_os logging.info('BUILD_OS set to "%s"...', build_os) else: logging.info('No BUILD_OS specified, using linux as default...') def set_llvm_prebuilts_version(llvm_prebuilts_version): # Set $LLVM_PREBUILTS_VERSION for android makefile if llvm_prebuilts_version: os.environ['LLVM_PREBUILTS_VERSION'] = llvm_prebuilts_version logging.info('LLVM_PREBUILTS_VERSION set to "%s"...', llvm_prebuilts_version) else: logging.info('No LLVM_PREBUILTS_VERSION specified, using default one...') def set_compiler(compiler): # If compiler_dir has been specified, copy the binaries to # a temporary location, set BUILD_OS and LLVM_PREBUILTS_VERSION # variables to the location if compiler: # Report error if path not exits if not os.path.isdir(compiler): logging.error('Error while setting compiler: ' 'Directory %s does not exist!', compiler) raise OSError('Directory %s not exist.' % compiler) # Specify temporary directory for compiler tmp_dir = os.path.join(config.android_home, 'prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86', 'clang-tmp') compiler_content = os.path.join(compiler, '.') # Copy compiler to new directory try: subprocess.check_call(['cp', '-rf', compiler_content, tmp_dir]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logging.error('Error while copying the compiler to ' 'temporary directory %s!', tmp_dir) raise # Set environment variable os.environ['LLVM_PREBUILTS_VERSION'] = 'clang-tmp' logging.info('Prebuilt Compiler set as %s.', os.path.abspath(compiler)) def set_compiler_env(bench, compiler, build_os, llvm_prebuilts_version, cflags, ldflags): logging.info('Setting compiler options for benchmark...') # If no specific prebuilt compiler directory, use BUILD_OS and # LLVM_PREBUILTS_VERSION to set the compiler version. # Otherwise, use the new prebuilt compiler. if not compiler: set_build_os(build_os) set_llvm_prebuilts_version(llvm_prebuilts_version) else: set_compiler(compiler) set_flags(bench, cflags, ldflags) return 0 def remove_tmp_dir(): tmp_dir = os.path.join(config.android_home, 'prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86', 'clang-tmp') try: subprocess.check_call(['rm', '-r', tmp_dir]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logging.error('Error while removing the temporary ' 'compiler directory %s!', tmp_dir) raise # Recover the makefile/blueprint from our patch after building def restore_makefile(bench): pwd = os.path.join(config.android_home, config.bench_dict[bench]) mk_file = os.path.join(pwd, 'Android.mk') if not os.path.exists(mk_file): mk_file = os.path.join(pwd, 'Android.bp') subprocess.check_call(['mv', os.path.join(pwd, 'tmp_makefile'), mk_file]) # Run script to build benchmark def build_bench(bench, source_dir): logging.info('Start building benchmark...') raw_cmd = ('cd {android_home} ' '&& source build/envsetup.sh ' '&& lunch {product_combo} ' '&& mmma {source_dir} -j48'.format( android_home=config.android_home, product_combo=config.product_combo, source_dir=source_dir)) log_file = os.path.join(config.bench_suite_dir, 'build_log') with open(log_file, 'a') as logfile: log_head = 'Log for building benchmark: %s\n' % (bench) logfile.write(log_head) try: subprocess.check_call( ['bash', '-c', raw_cmd], stdout=logfile, stderr=logfile) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logging.error('Error while running %s, please check ' '%s for more info.', raw_cmd, log_file) restore_makefile(bench) raise logging.info('Logs for building benchmark %s are written to %s.', bench, log_file) logging.info('Benchmark built successfully!') def main(argv): arguments = _parse_arguments_internal(argv) bench = arguments.bench compiler = arguments.compiler_dir build_os = arguments.build_os llvm_version = arguments.llvm_prebuilts_version cflags = arguments.cflags ldflags = arguments.ldflags try: source_dir = config.bench_dict[bench] except KeyError: logging.error('Please select one benchmark from the list below:\n\t' + '\n\t'.join(config.bench_list)) raise set_compiler_env(bench, compiler, build_os, llvm_version, cflags, ldflags) build_bench(bench, source_dir) # If flags has been set, remember to restore the makefile/blueprint to # original ones. restore_makefile(bench) # If a tmp directory is used for compiler path, remove it after building. if compiler: remove_tmp_dir() if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])