# /usr/bin/python2.6 # # Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # Author: kbaclawski@google.com (Krystian Baclawski) # import logging import os.path RESULT_DESCRIPTION = { 'ERROR': 'DejaGNU errors', 'FAIL': 'Failed tests', 'NOTE': 'DejaGNU notices', 'PASS': 'Passed tests', 'UNRESOLVED': 'Unresolved tests', 'UNSUPPORTED': 'Unsupported tests', 'UNTESTED': 'Not executed tests', 'WARNING': 'DejaGNU warnings', 'XFAIL': 'Expected test failures', 'XPASS': 'Unexpectedly passed tests'} RESULT_GROUPS = { 'Successes': ['PASS', 'XFAIL'], 'Failures': ['FAIL', 'XPASS', 'UNRESOLVED'], 'Suppressed': ['!FAIL', '!XPASS', '!UNRESOLVED', '!ERROR'], 'Framework': ['UNTESTED', 'UNSUPPORTED', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'NOTE']} ROOT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) def _GetResultDescription(name): if name.startswith('!'): name = name[1:] try: return RESULT_DESCRIPTION[name] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Unknown result: "%s"' % name) def _PrepareSummary(res_types, summary): def GetResultCount(res_type): return summary.get(res_type, 0) return [(_GetResultDescription(rt), GetResultCount(rt)) for rt in res_types] def _PrepareTestList(res_types, tests): def GetTestsByResult(res_type): return [(test.name, test.variant or '') for test in sorted(tests) if test.result == res_type] return [(_GetResultDescription(rt), GetTestsByResult(rt)) for rt in res_types if rt != 'PASS'] def Generate(test_runs, manifests): """Generate HTML report from provided test runs. Args: test_runs: DejaGnuTestRun objects list. manifests: Manifest object list that will drive test result suppression. Returns: String to which the HTML report was rendered. """ tmpl_args = [] for test_run_id, test_run in enumerate(test_runs): logging.info('Generating report for: %s.', test_run) test_run.CleanUpTestResults() test_run.SuppressTestResults(manifests) # Generate summary and test list for each result group groups = {} for res_group, res_types in RESULT_GROUPS.items(): summary_all = _PrepareSummary(res_types, test_run.summary) tests_all = _PrepareTestList(res_types, test_run.results) has_2nd = lambda tuple2: bool(tuple2[1]) summary = filter(has_2nd, summary_all) tests = filter(has_2nd, tests_all) if summary or tests: groups[res_group] = {'summary': summary, 'tests': tests} tmpl_args.append({ 'id': test_run_id, 'name': '%s @%s' % (test_run.tool, test_run.board), 'groups': groups}) logging.info('Rendering report in HTML format.') try: from django import template from django.template import loader from django.conf import settings except ImportError: logging.error('Django framework not installed!') logging.error('Failed to generate report in HTML format!') return '' settings.configure(DEBUG=True, TEMPLATE_DEBUG=True, TEMPLATE_DIRS=(ROOT_PATH,)) tmpl = loader.get_template('report.html') ctx = template.Context({'test_runs': tmpl_args}) return tmpl.render(ctx)