# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """An example main file running the algorithms. Part of the Chrome build flags optimization. An example use of the framework. It parses the input json configuration file. Then it initiates the variables of the generation. Finally, it sets up the processes for different modules and runs the experiment. """ __author__ = 'yuhenglong@google.com (Yuheng Long)' import json import multiprocessing from optparse import OptionParser import sys import flags from genetic_algorithm import GAGeneration from pipeline_process import PipelineProcess import pipeline_worker from steering import Steering from task import BUILD_STAGE from task import Task from task import TEST_STAGE import testing_batch parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-f', '--file', dest='filename', help='configuration file FILE input', metavar='FILE') # The meta data for the genetic algorithm. BUILD_CMD = 'BUILD_CMD' TEST_CMD = 'TEST_CMD' OUTPUT = 'OUTPUT' DEFAULT_OUTPUT = 'output' CONF = 'CONF' DEFAULT_CONF = 'conf' NUM_BUILDER = 'NUM_BUILDER' DEFAULT_NUM_BUILDER = 1 NUM_TESTER = 'NUM_TESTER' DEFAULT_NUM_TESTER = 1 STOP_THRESHOLD = 'STOP_THRESHOLD' DEFAULT_STOP_THRESHOLD = 1 NUM_CHROMOSOMES = 'NUM_CHROMOSOMES' DEFAULT_NUM_CHROMOSOMES = 20 NUM_TRIALS = 'NUM_TRIALS' DEFAULT_NUM_TRIALS = 20 MUTATION_RATE = 'MUTATION_RATE' DEFAULT_MUTATION_RATE = 0.01 def _ProcessGA(meta_data): """Set up the meta data for the genetic algorithm. Args: meta_data: the meta data for the genetic algorithm. """ assert BUILD_CMD in meta_data build_cmd = meta_data[BUILD_CMD] assert TEST_CMD in meta_data test_cmd = meta_data[TEST_CMD] if OUTPUT not in meta_data: output_file = DEFAULT_OUTPUT else: output_file = meta_data[OUTPUT] if CONF not in meta_data: conf_file = DEFAULT_CONF else: conf_file = meta_data[CONF] if NUM_BUILDER not in meta_data: num_builders = DEFAULT_NUM_BUILDER else: num_builders = meta_data[NUM_BUILDER] if NUM_TESTER not in meta_data: num_testers = DEFAULT_NUM_TESTER else: num_testers = meta_data[NUM_TESTER] if STOP_THRESHOLD not in meta_data: stop_threshold = DEFAULT_STOP_THRESHOLD else: stop_threshold = meta_data[STOP_THRESHOLD] if NUM_CHROMOSOMES not in meta_data: num_chromosomes = DEFAULT_NUM_CHROMOSOMES else: num_chromosomes = meta_data[NUM_CHROMOSOMES] if NUM_TRIALS not in meta_data: num_trials = DEFAULT_NUM_TRIALS else: num_trials = meta_data[NUM_TRIALS] if MUTATION_RATE not in meta_data: mutation_rate = DEFAULT_MUTATION_RATE else: mutation_rate = meta_data[MUTATION_RATE] specs = flags.ReadConf(conf_file) # Initiate the build/test command and the log directory. Task.InitLogCommand(build_cmd, test_cmd, output_file) # Initiate the build/test command and the log directory. GAGeneration.InitMetaData(stop_threshold, num_chromosomes, num_trials, specs, mutation_rate) # Generate the initial generations. generation_tasks = testing_batch.GenerateRandomGATasks(specs, num_chromosomes, num_trials) generations = [GAGeneration(generation_tasks, set([]), 0)] # Execute the experiment. _StartExperiment(num_builders, num_testers, generations) def _ParseJson(file_name): """Parse the input json file. Parse the input json file and call the proper function to perform the algorithms. Args: file_name: the input json file name. """ experiments = json.load(open(file_name)) for experiment in experiments: if experiment == 'GA': # An GA experiment _ProcessGA(experiments[experiment]) def _StartExperiment(num_builders, num_testers, generations): """Set up the experiment environment and execute the framework. Args: num_builders: number of concurrent builders. num_testers: number of concurrent testers. generations: the initial generation for the framework. """ manager = multiprocessing.Manager() # The queue between the steering algorithm and the builder. steering_build = manager.Queue() # The queue between the builder and the tester. build_test = manager.Queue() # The queue between the tester and the steering algorithm. test_steering = manager.Queue() # Set up the processes for the builder, tester and steering algorithm module. build_process = PipelineProcess(num_builders, 'builder', {}, BUILD_STAGE, steering_build, pipeline_worker.Helper, pipeline_worker.Worker, build_test) test_process = PipelineProcess(num_testers, 'tester', {}, TEST_STAGE, build_test, pipeline_worker.Helper, pipeline_worker.Worker, test_steering) steer_process = multiprocessing.Process( target=Steering, args=(set([]), generations, test_steering, steering_build)) # Start the processes. build_process.start() test_process.start() steer_process.start() # Wait for the processes to finish. build_process.join() test_process.join() steer_process.join() def main(argv): (options, _) = parser.parse_args(argv) assert options.filename _ParseJson(options.filename) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)