# Pass bisection This document describes a feature for the bisection tool, which provides pass and transformation level bisection for a bad object file. Before reading this document, please refer to README.bisect for general usage of the bisection tool. The benefit of using pass level bisection is: When building a bad object file, it can tell you which pass and transformation in the compiler caused the error. *Notice:* This tool will only work for LLVM/clang, since it is using options `-opt-bisect-limit` and `print-debug-counter` that only exist in LLVM. ## Arguments All the required arguments in object-file-level bisection tool are still to be provided. In addition, you will need to add the following arguments: 1. `--pass_bisect`: enables pass level bisection 2. `--ir_diff`: enables output of IR differences Please refer to `--help` or the examples below for details about how to use them. ## HOW TO USE: ChromeOS *TODO* - Future work: Currently this only works for Android. ## HOW TO USE: Android 1. Prerequisites: A general setup is still needed for Android, which means that you need to populate good and bad set of objects with two versions of compilers. See the documentation in `README.bisect.md` for more detailed instructions. 1. Pass/Transformation Bisection: If you do not wish to override the other arguments, this command should be sufficient to do pass/transformation level bisection: ``` ./run_bisect.py android PATH_TO_ANDROID_HOME_DIR --pass_bisect=’android/generate_cmd.sh’ --prune=False --ir_diff --verbose ``` Where: ``` --pass_bisect: Enables pass/transformation level bisection and with default script to generate the command as ‘android/generate_cmd.sh’. --prune: For now, prune must be set to False to return only the first bad item. --ir_diff: Optional argument to print out IR differences. --verbose: To show IR diff, verbose needs to be on. ``` Other default arguments: ``` --get_initial_items='android/get_initial_items.sh' --switch_to_good='android/switch_to_good.sh' --switch_to_bad='android/switch_to_bad.sh' --test_setup_script='android/test_setup.sh' --test_script='android/interactive_test.sh' --incremental --prune --file_args ``` You can always override them if needed. See README.bisect for more details. 1. Other features: Features such as resuming, number of jobs, and device id remain the same as before. See README.bisect for more details.