#!/bin/bash -eu # Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # This script extracts command line options to build bad item. # The generated script will be used by pass level bisection. # source android/common.sh abs_path=$1 # The item will be `-o relative-path-to-object `, which will be used # for seeking command in populate log. # We care about the `-o` at the beginning and ` ` at the end are necessary, # so that we can get build command for exact this object file. # Example: prebuilt/../clang++ -O3 -MF obj1.o.d -o obj.o obj.cpp # We should count this command as one to build obj.o, not obj1.o.d. real_path=$(realpath --relative-to="${BISECT_WORK_BUILD}" "${abs_path}") item="-o $real_path " populate_log=${BISECT_BAD_BUILD}/_POPULATE_LOG output='#!/bin/bash -u\n' output+='source android/common.sh\n' result=$(egrep -m 1 -- "${item}" ${populate_log}) # Re-generate bad item to tmp directory location tmp_ir='/tmp/bisection_bad_item.o' result=$(sed "s|$item|-o $tmp_ir |g" <<< ${result}) # Remove `:` after cd command result=$(sed 's|cd:|cd|g' <<< ${result}) # Add environment variable which helps pass level bisection result=$(sed 's| -o | $LIMIT_FLAGS -o |g' <<< ${result}) output+=${result} # Symbolic link generated bad item to original object output+="\nln -f $tmp_ir $abs_path" output+="\ntouch $abs_path" echo -e "${output}" > android/cmd_script.sh chmod u+x android/cmd_script.sh echo 'Script created as android/cmd_script.sh' # Check if compiler is LLVM. if grep -q "clang" android/cmd_script.sh then exit 0 else echo 'Pass/transformation level bisection only works for LLVM compiler.' exit 1 fi