#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """The binary search wrapper.""" from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import argparse import contextlib import errno import math import os import pickle import re import shutil import sys import tempfile import time # Adds cros_utils to PYTHONPATH from binary_search_tool import binary_search_perforce from binary_search_tool import common from binary_search_tool import pass_mapping # Now we do import from cros_utils from cros_utils import command_executer from cros_utils import logger GOOD_SET_VAR = "BISECT_GOOD_SET" BAD_SET_VAR = "BISECT_BAD_SET" STATE_FILE = "%s.state" % sys.argv[0] HIDDEN_STATE_FILE = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(STATE_FILE), ".%s" % os.path.basename(STATE_FILE) ) @contextlib.contextmanager def SetFile(env_var, items): """Generate set files that can be used by switch/test scripts. Generate temporary set file (good/bad) holding contents of good/bad items for the current binary search iteration. Store the name of each file as an environment variable so all child processes can access it. This function is a contextmanager, meaning it's meant to be used with the "with" statement in Python. This is so cleanup and setup happens automatically and cleanly. Execution of the outer "with" statement happens at the "yield" statement. Args: env_var: What environment variable to store the file name in. items: What items are in this set. """ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", encoding="utf-8") as f: os.environ[env_var] = f.name f.write("\n".join(items)) f.flush() yield class BinarySearchState(object): """The binary search state class.""" def __init__( self, get_initial_items, switch_to_good, switch_to_bad, test_setup_script, test_script, incremental, prune, pass_bisect, ir_diff, iterations, prune_iterations, verify, file_args, verbose, ): """BinarySearchState constructor, see Run for full args documentation.""" self.get_initial_items = get_initial_items self.switch_to_good = switch_to_good self.switch_to_bad = switch_to_bad self.test_setup_script = test_setup_script self.test_script = test_script self.incremental = incremental self.prune = prune self.pass_bisect = pass_bisect self.ir_diff = ir_diff self.iterations = iterations self.prune_iterations = prune_iterations self.verify = verify self.file_args = file_args self.verbose = verbose self.l = logger.GetLogger() self.ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter() self.resumed = False self.prune_cycles = 0 self.search_cycles = 0 self.binary_search = None self.all_items = None self.cmd_script = None self.mode = None self.PopulateItemsUsingCommand(self.get_initial_items) self.currently_good_items = set() self.currently_bad_items = set() self.found_items = set() self.known_good = set() self.start_time = time.time() def SwitchToGood(self, item_list): """Switch given items to "good" set.""" if self.incremental: self.l.LogOutput( "Incremental set. Wanted to switch %s to good" % str(item_list), print_to_console=self.verbose, ) incremental_items = [ item for item in item_list if item not in self.currently_good_items ] item_list = incremental_items self.l.LogOutput( "Incremental set. Actually switching %s to good" % str(item_list), print_to_console=self.verbose, ) if not item_list: return self.l.LogOutput( "Switching %s to good" % str(item_list), print_to_console=self.verbose, ) self.RunSwitchScript(self.switch_to_good, item_list) self.currently_good_items = self.currently_good_items.union( set(item_list) ) self.currently_bad_items.difference_update(set(item_list)) def SwitchToBad(self, item_list): """Switch given items to "bad" set.""" if self.incremental: self.l.LogOutput( "Incremental set. Wanted to switch %s to bad" % str(item_list), print_to_console=self.verbose, ) incremental_items = [ item for item in item_list if item not in self.currently_bad_items ] item_list = incremental_items self.l.LogOutput( "Incremental set. Actually switching %s to bad" % str(item_list), print_to_console=self.verbose, ) if not item_list: return self.l.LogOutput( "Switching %s to bad" % str(item_list), print_to_console=self.verbose, ) self.RunSwitchScript(self.switch_to_bad, item_list) self.currently_bad_items = self.currently_bad_items.union( set(item_list) ) self.currently_good_items.difference_update(set(item_list)) def RunSwitchScript(self, switch_script, item_list): """Pass given items to switch script. Args: switch_script: path to switch script item_list: list of all items to be switched """ if self.file_args: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write("\n".join(item_list)) f.flush() command = "%s %s" % (switch_script, f.name) ret, _, _ = self.ce.RunCommandWExceptionCleanup( command, print_to_console=self.verbose ) else: command = "%s %s" % (switch_script, " ".join(item_list)) try: ret, _, _ = self.ce.RunCommandWExceptionCleanup( command, print_to_console=self.verbose ) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.E2BIG: raise RuntimeError( "Too many arguments for switch script! Use " "--file_args" ) assert ret == 0, "Switch script %s returned %d" % (switch_script, ret) def TestScript(self): """Run test script and return exit code from script.""" command = self.test_script ret, _, _ = self.ce.RunCommandWExceptionCleanup(command) return ret def TestSetupScript(self): """Run test setup script and return exit code from script.""" if not self.test_setup_script: return 0 command = self.test_setup_script ret, _, _ = self.ce.RunCommandWExceptionCleanup(command) return ret def GenerateBadCommandScript(self, bad_items): """Generate command line script for building bad item.""" assert not self.prune, "Prune must be false if pass_bisect is set." assert len(bad_items) == 1, ( "Pruning is off, but number of bad " "items found was not 1." ) item = list(bad_items)[0] command = "%s %s" % (self.pass_bisect, item) ret, _, _ = self.ce.RunCommandWExceptionCleanup( command, print_to_console=self.verbose ) return ret def DoVerify(self): """Verify correctness of test environment. Verify that a "good" set of items produces a "good" result and that a "bad" set of items produces a "bad" result. To be run directly before running DoSearch. If verify is False this step is skipped. """ if not self.verify: return self.l.LogOutput("VERIFICATION") self.l.LogOutput("Beginning tests to verify good/bad sets\n") self._OutputProgress("Verifying items from GOOD set\n") with SetFile(GOOD_SET_VAR, self.all_items), SetFile(BAD_SET_VAR, []): self.l.LogOutput("Resetting all items to good to verify.") self.SwitchToGood(self.all_items) status = self.TestSetupScript() assert status == 0, "When reset_to_good, test setup should succeed." status = self.TestScript() assert status == 0, "When reset_to_good, status should be 0." self._OutputProgress("Verifying items from BAD set\n") with SetFile(GOOD_SET_VAR, []), SetFile(BAD_SET_VAR, self.all_items): self.l.LogOutput("Resetting all items to bad to verify.") self.SwitchToBad(self.all_items) status = self.TestSetupScript() # The following assumption is not true; a bad image might not # successfully push onto a device. # assert status == 0, 'When reset_to_bad, test setup should succeed.' if status == 0: status = self.TestScript() assert status == 1, "When reset_to_bad, status should be 1." def DoSearchBadItems(self): """Perform full search for bad items. Perform full search until prune_iterations number of bad items are found. """ while ( True and len(self.all_items) > 1 and self.prune_cycles < self.prune_iterations ): terminated = self.DoBinarySearchBadItems() self.prune_cycles += 1 if not terminated: break # Prune is set. prune_index = self.binary_search.current # If found item is last item, no new items can be found if prune_index == len(self.all_items) - 1: self.l.LogOutput("First bad item is the last item. Breaking.") self.l.LogOutput("Bad items are: %s" % self.all_items[-1]) self.found_items.add(self.all_items[-1]) break # If already seen item we have no new bad items to find, finish up if self.all_items[prune_index] in self.found_items: self.l.LogOutput( "Found item already found before: %s." % self.all_items[prune_index], print_to_console=self.verbose, ) self.l.LogOutput("No more bad items remaining. Done searching.") self.l.LogOutput( "Bad items are: %s" % " ".join(self.found_items) ) break new_all_items = list(self.all_items) # Move prune item to the end of the list. new_all_items.append(new_all_items.pop(prune_index)) self.found_items.add(new_all_items[-1]) # Everything below newly found bad item is now known to be a good item. # Take these good items out of the equation to save time on the next # search. We save these known good items so they are still sent to the # switch_to_good script. if prune_index: self.known_good.update(new_all_items[:prune_index]) new_all_items = new_all_items[prune_index:] self.l.LogOutput( "Old list: %s. New list: %s" % (str(self.all_items), str(new_all_items)), print_to_console=self.verbose, ) if not self.prune: self.l.LogOutput("Not continuning further, --prune is not set") break # FIXME: Do we need to Convert the currently good items to bad self.PopulateItemsUsingList(new_all_items) # If pass level bisecting is set, generate a script which contains command # line options to rebuild bad item. if self.pass_bisect: status = self.GenerateBadCommandScript(self.found_items) if status == 0: self.cmd_script = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(self.pass_bisect), "cmd_script.sh" ) self.l.LogOutput( "Command script generated at %s." % self.cmd_script ) else: raise RuntimeError("Error while generating command script.") def DoBinarySearchBadItems(self): """Perform single iteration of binary search.""" # If in resume mode don't reset search_cycles if not self.resumed: self.search_cycles = 0 else: self.resumed = False terminated = False while self.search_cycles < self.iterations and not terminated: self.SaveState() self.OutputIterationProgressBadItem() self.search_cycles += 1 [bad_items, good_items] = self.GetNextItems() with SetFile(GOOD_SET_VAR, good_items), SetFile( BAD_SET_VAR, bad_items ): # TODO: bad_items should come first. self.SwitchToGood(good_items) self.SwitchToBad(bad_items) status = self.TestSetupScript() if status == 0: status = self.TestScript() terminated = self.binary_search.SetStatus(status) if terminated: self.l.LogOutput("Terminated!", print_to_console=self.verbose) if not terminated: self.l.LogOutput("Ran out of iterations searching...") self.l.LogOutput(str(self), print_to_console=self.verbose) return terminated def CollectPassName(self, pass_info): """Mapping opt-bisect output of pass info to debugcounter name.""" self.l.LogOutput( "Pass info: %s" % pass_info, print_to_console=self.verbose ) for desc in pass_mapping.pass_name: if desc in pass_info: return pass_mapping.pass_name[desc] # If pass not found, return None return None def BuildWithPassLimit(self, limit, generate_ir=False): """Rebuild bad item with pass level bisect limit Run command line script generated by GenerateBadCommandScript(), with pass level limit flags. Returns: pass_num: current number of the pass, or total number of passes if limit set to -1. pass_name: The debugcounter name of current limit pass. """ os.environ["LIMIT_FLAGS"] = "-mllvm -opt-bisect-limit=" + str(limit) if generate_ir: os.environ["LIMIT_FLAGS"] += " -S -emit-llvm" self.l.LogOutput( "Limit flags: %s" % os.environ["LIMIT_FLAGS"], print_to_console=self.verbose, ) command = self.cmd_script _, _, msg = self.ce.RunCommandWOutput(command, print_to_console=False) # Massages we get will be like this: # BISECT: running pass (9) on () # BISECT: running pass (10) on () # BISECT: NOT running pass (11) on () # BISECT: NOT running pass (12) on () # We want to get the pass description of last running pass, to have # transformation level bisect on it. if "BISECT: " not in msg: raise RuntimeError( "No bisect info printed, OptBisect may not be " "supported by the compiler." ) lines = msg.split("\n") pass_num = 0 last_pass = "" for l in lines: if "running pass" in l: # For situation of limit==-1, we want the total number of passes if limit != -1 and "BISECT: NOT " in l: break pass_num += 1 last_pass = l if limit not in (-1, pass_num): raise ValueError( "[Error] While building, limit number does not match." ) return pass_num, self.CollectPassName(last_pass) def BuildWithTransformLimit( self, limit, pass_name=None, pass_limit=-1, generate_ir=False ): """Rebuild bad item with transformation level bisect limit Run command line script generated by GenerateBadCommandScript(), with pass level limit flags and transformation level limit flags. Args: limit: transformation level limit for bad item. pass_name: name of bad pass debugcounter from pass level bisect result. pass_limit: pass level limit from pass level bisect result. generate_ir: Whether to generate IR comparison. Returns: Total number of transformations if limit set to -1, else return 0. """ counter_name = pass_name os.environ["LIMIT_FLAGS"] = ( "-mllvm -opt-bisect-limit=" + str(pass_limit) + " -mllvm -debug-counter=" + counter_name + "-count=" + str(limit) + " -mllvm -print-debug-counter" ) if generate_ir: os.environ["LIMIT_FLAGS"] += " -S -emit-llvm" self.l.LogOutput( "Limit flags: %s" % os.environ["LIMIT_FLAGS"], print_to_console=self.verbose, ) command = self.cmd_script _, _, msg = self.ce.RunCommandWOutput(command, print_to_console=False) if "Counters and values:" not in msg: # Print pass level IR diff only if transformation level bisection does # not work. if self.ir_diff: self.PrintIRDiff(pass_limit) raise RuntimeError( "No bisect info printed, DebugCounter may not be " "supported by the compiler." ) # With debugcounter enabled, there will be DebugCounter counting info in # the output. lines = msg.split("\n") for l in lines: if pass_name in l: # Output of debugcounter will be like: # instcombine-visit: {10, 0, 20} # dce-transform: {1, 0, -1} # which indicates {Count, Skip, StopAfter}. # The last number should be the limit we set. # We want the first number as the total transformation count. # Split each line by ,|{|} and we can get l_list as: # ['instcombine: ', '10', '0', '20', ''] # and we will need the second item in it. l_list = re.split(",|{|}", l) count = int(l_list[1]) if limit == -1: return count # The returned value is only useful when limit == -1, which shows total # transformation count. return 0 def PrintIRDiff(self, pass_index, pass_name=None, trans_index=-1): bad_item = list(self.found_items)[0] self.l.LogOutput( "IR difference before and after bad pass/transformation:", print_to_console=self.verbose, ) if trans_index == -1: # Pass level IR diff self.BuildWithPassLimit(pass_index, self.ir_diff) good_ir = os.path.join(tempfile.tempdir, "good.s") shutil.copyfile(bad_item, good_ir) pass_index += 1 self.BuildWithPassLimit(pass_index, self.ir_diff) else: # Transformation level IR diff self.BuildWithTransformLimit( trans_index, pass_name, pass_index, self.ir_diff ) good_ir = os.path.join(tempfile.tempdir, "good.s") shutil.copyfile(bad_item, good_ir) trans_index += 1 self.BuildWithTransformLimit( trans_index, pass_name, pass_index, self.ir_diff ) bad_ir = os.path.join(tempfile.tempdir, "bad.s") shutil.copyfile(bad_item, bad_ir) command = "diff %s %s" % (good_ir, bad_ir) _, _, _ = self.ce.RunCommandWOutput( command, print_to_console=self.verbose ) def DoSearchBadPass(self): """Perform full search for bad pass of bad item.""" logger.GetLogger().LogOutput( "Starting to bisect bad pass for bad item." ) # Pass level bisection self.mode = "pass" self.binary_search = binary_search_perforce.BinarySearcherForPass( logger_to_set=self.l ) self.binary_search.total, _ = self.BuildWithPassLimit(-1) logger.GetLogger().LogOutput( "Total %s number: %d" % (self.mode, self.binary_search.total) ) pass_index, pass_name = self.DoBinarySearchBadPass() if not pass_name and pass_index == 0: raise ValueError("Bisecting passes cannot reproduce good result.") logger.GetLogger().LogOutput("Bad pass found: %s." % pass_name) # Transformation level bisection. logger.GetLogger().LogOutput( "Starting to bisect at transformation level." ) self.mode = "transform" self.binary_search = binary_search_perforce.BinarySearcherForPass( logger_to_set=self.l ) self.binary_search.total = self.BuildWithTransformLimit( -1, pass_name, pass_index ) logger.GetLogger().LogOutput( "Total %s number: %d" % (self.mode, self.binary_search.total) ) trans_index, _ = self.DoBinarySearchBadPass(pass_index, pass_name) if trans_index == 0: raise ValueError( "Bisecting %s cannot reproduce good result." % pass_name ) if self.ir_diff: self.PrintIRDiff(pass_index, pass_name, trans_index) logger.GetLogger().LogOutput( "Bisection result for bad item %s:\n" "Bad pass: %s at number %d\n" "Bad transformation number: %d" % (self.found_items, pass_name, pass_index, trans_index) ) def DoBinarySearchBadPass(self, pass_index=-1, pass_name=None): """Perform single iteration of binary search at pass level Args: pass_index: Works for transformation level bisection, indicates the limit number of pass from pass level bisecting result. pass_name: Works for transformation level bisection, indicates DebugCounter name of the bad pass from pass level bisecting result. Returns: index: Index of problematic pass/transformation. pass_name: Works for pass level bisection, returns DebugCounter name for bad pass. """ # If in resume mode don't reset search_cycles if not self.resumed: self.search_cycles = 0 else: self.resumed = False terminated = False index = 0 while self.search_cycles < self.iterations and not terminated: self.SaveState() self.OutputIterationProgressBadPass() self.search_cycles += 1 current = self.binary_search.GetNext() if self.mode == "pass": index, pass_name = self.BuildWithPassLimit(current) else: self.BuildWithTransformLimit(current, pass_name, pass_index) index = current # TODO: Newly generated object should not directly replace original # one, need to put it somewhere and symbol link original one to it. # Will update cmd_script to do it. status = self.TestSetupScript() assert status == 0, "Test setup should succeed." status = self.TestScript() terminated = self.binary_search.SetStatus(status) if terminated: self.l.LogOutput("Terminated!", print_to_console=self.verbose) if not terminated: self.l.LogOutput("Ran out of iterations searching...") self.l.LogOutput(str(self), print_to_console=self.verbose) return index, pass_name def PopulateItemsUsingCommand(self, command): """Update all_items and binary search logic from executable. This method is mainly required for enumerating the initial list of items from the get_initial_items script. Args: command: path to executable that will enumerate items. """ ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter() _, out, _ = ce.RunCommandWExceptionCleanup( command, return_output=True, print_to_console=self.verbose ) all_items = out.split() self.PopulateItemsUsingList(all_items) def PopulateItemsUsingList(self, all_items): """Update all_items and binary searching logic from list. Args: all_items: new list of all_items """ self.all_items = all_items self.binary_search = binary_search_perforce.BinarySearcher( logger_to_set=self.l ) self.binary_search.SetSortedList(self.all_items) def SaveState(self): """Save state to STATE_FILE. SaveState will create a new unique, hidden state file to hold data from object. Then atomically overwrite the STATE_FILE symlink to point to the new data. Raises: OSError if STATE_FILE already exists but is not a symlink. """ ce, l = self.ce, self.l self.ce, self.l, self.binary_search.logger = None, None, None old_state = None _, path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=HIDDEN_STATE_FILE, dir=".") with open(path, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self, f) if os.path.exists(STATE_FILE): if os.path.islink(STATE_FILE): old_state = os.readlink(STATE_FILE) else: raise OSError( ( "%s already exists and is not a symlink!\n" "State file saved to %s" % (STATE_FILE, path) ) ) # Create new link and atomically overwrite old link temp_link = "%s.link" % HIDDEN_STATE_FILE os.symlink(path, temp_link) os.rename(temp_link, STATE_FILE) if old_state: os.remove(old_state) self.ce, self.l, self.binary_search.logger = ce, l, l @classmethod def LoadState(cls): """Create BinarySearchState object from STATE_FILE.""" if not os.path.isfile(STATE_FILE): return None try: with open(STATE_FILE, "rb") as f: bss = pickle.load(f) bss.l = logger.GetLogger() bss.ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter() bss.binary_search.logger = bss.l bss.start_time = time.time() # Set resumed to be True so we can enter DoBinarySearch without the # method resetting our current search_cycles to 0. bss.resumed = True # Set currently_good_items and currently_bad_items to empty so that the # first iteration after resuming will always be non-incremental. This # is just in case the environment changes, the user makes manual # changes, or a previous switch_script corrupted the environment. bss.currently_good_items = set() bss.currently_bad_items = set() binary_search_perforce.verbose = bss.verbose return bss except Exception: return None def RemoveState(self): """Remove STATE_FILE and its symlinked data from file system.""" if os.path.exists(STATE_FILE): if os.path.islink(STATE_FILE): real_file = os.readlink(STATE_FILE) os.remove(real_file) os.remove(STATE_FILE) def GetNextItems(self): """Get next items for binary search based on result of the last test run.""" border_item = self.binary_search.GetNext() index = self.all_items.index(border_item) next_bad_items = self.all_items[: index + 1] next_good_items = self.all_items[index + 1 :] + list(self.known_good) return [next_bad_items, next_good_items] def ElapsedTimeString(self): """Return h m s format of elapsed time since execution has started.""" diff = int(time.time() - self.start_time) seconds = diff % 60 minutes = (diff // 60) % 60 hours = diff // (60 * 60) seconds = str(seconds).rjust(2) minutes = str(minutes).rjust(2) hours = str(hours).rjust(2) return "%sh %sm %ss" % (hours, minutes, seconds) def _OutputProgress(self, progress_text): """Output current progress of binary search to console and logs. Args: progress_text: The progress to display to the user. """ progress = ( "\n***** PROGRESS (elapsed time: %s) *****\n" "%s" "************************************************" ) progress = progress % (self.ElapsedTimeString(), progress_text) self.l.LogOutput(progress) def OutputIterationProgressBadItem(self): out = ( "Search %d of estimated %d.\n" "Prune %d of max %d.\n" "Current bad items found:\n" "%s\n" ) out = out % ( self.search_cycles + 1, math.ceil(math.log(len(self.all_items), 2)), self.prune_cycles + 1, self.prune_iterations, ", ".join(self.found_items), ) self._OutputProgress(out) def OutputIterationProgressBadPass(self): out = "Search %d of estimated %d.\n" "Current limit: %s\n" out = out % ( self.search_cycles + 1, math.ceil(math.log(self.binary_search.total, 2)), self.binary_search.current, ) self._OutputProgress(out) def __str__(self): ret = "" ret += "all: %s\n" % str(self.all_items) ret += "currently_good: %s\n" % str(self.currently_good_items) ret += "currently_bad: %s\n" % str(self.currently_bad_items) ret += str(self.binary_search) return ret class MockBinarySearchState(BinarySearchState): """Mock class for BinarySearchState.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Initialize all arguments to None default_kwargs = { "get_initial_items": 'echo "1"', "switch_to_good": None, "switch_to_bad": None, "test_setup_script": None, "test_script": None, "incremental": True, "prune": False, "pass_bisect": None, "ir_diff": False, "iterations": 50, "prune_iterations": 100, "verify": True, "file_args": False, "verbose": False, } default_kwargs.update(kwargs) super(MockBinarySearchState, self).__init__(**default_kwargs) def _CanonicalizeScript(script_name): """Return canonical path to script. Args: script_name: Relative or absolute path to script Returns: Canonicalized script path """ script_name = os.path.expanduser(script_name) if not script_name.startswith("/"): return os.path.join(".", script_name) def Run( get_initial_items, switch_to_good, switch_to_bad, test_script, test_setup_script=None, iterations=50, prune=False, pass_bisect=None, ir_diff=False, noincremental=False, file_args=False, verify=True, prune_iterations=100, verbose=False, resume=False, ): """Run binary search tool. Equivalent to running through terminal. Args: get_initial_items: Script to enumerate all items being binary searched switch_to_good: Script that will take items as input and switch them to good set switch_to_bad: Script that will take items as input and switch them to bad set test_script: Script that will determine if the current combination of good and bad items make a "good" or "bad" result. test_setup_script: Script to do necessary setup (building, compilation, etc.) for test_script. iterations: How many binary search iterations to run before exiting. prune: If False the binary search tool will stop when the first bad item is found. Otherwise then binary search tool will continue searching until all bad items are found (or prune_iterations is reached). pass_bisect: Script that takes single bad item from POPULATE_BAD and returns the compiler command used to generate the bad item. This will turn on pass/ transformation level bisection for the bad item. Requires that 'prune' be set to False, and needs support of `-opt-bisect-limit`(pass) and `-print-debug-counter`(transformation) from LLVM. ir_diff: Whether to print IR differences before and after bad pass/transformation to verbose output. Defaults to False, only works when pass_bisect is enabled. noincremental: Whether to send "diffs" of good/bad items to switch scripts. file_args: If True then arguments to switch scripts will be a file name containing a newline separated list of the items to switch. verify: If True, run tests to ensure initial good/bad sets actually produce a good/bad result. prune_iterations: Max number of bad items to search for. verbose: If True will print extra debug information to user. resume: If True will resume using STATE_FILE. Returns: 0 for success, error otherwise """ # Notice that all the argument checks are in the Run() function rather than # in the Main() function. It is not common to do so but some wrappers are # going to call Run() directly and bypass checks in Main() function. if resume: logger.GetLogger().LogOutput("Resuming from %s" % STATE_FILE) bss = BinarySearchState.LoadState() if not bss: logger.GetLogger().LogOutput( "%s is not a valid binary_search_tool state file, cannot resume!" % STATE_FILE ) return 1 logger.GetLogger().LogOutput( "Note: resuming from previous state, " "ignoring given options and loading saved " "options instead." ) else: if not ( get_initial_items and switch_to_good and switch_to_bad and test_script ): logger.GetLogger().LogOutput( "The following options are required: " "[-i, -g, -b, -t] | [-r]" ) return 1 if pass_bisect and prune: logger.GetLogger().LogOutput( '"--pass_bisect" only works when ' '"--prune" is set to be False.' ) return 1 if not pass_bisect and ir_diff: logger.GetLogger().LogOutput( '"--ir_diff" only works when ' '"--pass_bisect" is enabled.' ) switch_to_good = _CanonicalizeScript(switch_to_good) switch_to_bad = _CanonicalizeScript(switch_to_bad) if test_setup_script: test_setup_script = _CanonicalizeScript(test_setup_script) if pass_bisect: pass_bisect = _CanonicalizeScript(pass_bisect) test_script = _CanonicalizeScript(test_script) get_initial_items = _CanonicalizeScript(get_initial_items) incremental = not noincremental binary_search_perforce.verbose = verbose bss = BinarySearchState( get_initial_items, switch_to_good, switch_to_bad, test_setup_script, test_script, incremental, prune, pass_bisect, ir_diff, iterations, prune_iterations, verify, file_args, verbose, ) bss.DoVerify() bss.DoSearchBadItems() if pass_bisect: bss.DoSearchBadPass() bss.RemoveState() logger.GetLogger().LogOutput( "Total execution time: %s" % bss.ElapsedTimeString() ) return 0 def Main(argv): """The main function.""" # Common initializations parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() common.BuildArgParser(parser) logger.GetLogger().LogOutput(" ".join(argv)) options = parser.parse_args(argv) # Get dictionary of all options args = vars(options) return Run(**args) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(Main(sys.argv[1:]))