#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Script for running nightly compiler tests on ChromeOS. This script launches a buildbot to build ChromeOS with the latest compiler on a particular board; then it finds and downloads the trybot image and the corresponding official image, and runs crosperf performance tests comparing the two. It then generates a report, emails it to the c-compiler-chrome, as well as copying the images into the seven-day reports directory. """ # Script to test different toolchains against ChromeOS benchmarks. from __future__ import print_function import argparse import datetime import os import re import sys import time from cros_utils import command_executer from cros_utils import logger from cros_utils import buildbot_utils # CL that uses LLVM-Next to build the images (includes chrome). USE_LLVM_NEXT_PATCH = '513590' CROSTC_ROOT = '/usr/local/google/crostc' NIGHTLY_TESTS_DIR = os.path.join(CROSTC_ROOT, 'nightly-tests') ROLE_ACCOUNT = 'mobiletc-prebuild' TOOLCHAIN_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) MAIL_PROGRAM = '~/var/bin/mail-sheriff' PENDING_ARCHIVES_DIR = os.path.join(CROSTC_ROOT, 'pending_archives') NIGHTLY_TESTS_RESULTS = os.path.join(CROSTC_ROOT, 'nightly_test_reports') IMAGE_DIR = '{board}-{image_type}' IMAGE_VERSION_STR = r'{chrome_version}-{tip}\.{branch}\.{branch_branch}' IMAGE_FS = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + IMAGE_VERSION_STR TRYBOT_IMAGE_FS = IMAGE_FS + '-{build_id}' PFQ_IMAGE_FS = IMAGE_FS + '-rc1' IMAGE_RE_GROUPS = { 'board': r'(?P\S+)', 'image_type': r'(?P\S+)', 'chrome_version': r'(?PR\d+)', 'tip': r'(?P\d+)', 'branch': r'(?P\d+)', 'branch_branch': r'(?P\d+)', 'build_id': r'(?Pb\d+)' } TRYBOT_IMAGE_RE = TRYBOT_IMAGE_FS.format(**IMAGE_RE_GROUPS) TELEMETRY_AQUARIUM_UNSUPPORTED = ['bob', 'elm', 'veyron_minnie'] class ToolchainComparator(object): """Class for doing the nightly tests work.""" def __init__(self, board, remotes, chromeos_root, weekday, patches, noschedv2=False): self._board = board self._remotes = remotes self._chromeos_root = chromeos_root self._base_dir = os.getcwd() self._ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter() self._l = logger.GetLogger() self._build = '%s-release-tryjob' % board self._patches = patches.split(',') if patches else [] self._patches_string = '_'.join(str(p) for p in self._patches) self._noschedv2 = noschedv2 if not weekday: self._weekday = time.strftime('%a') else: self._weekday = weekday self._date = datetime.date.today().strftime('%Y/%m/%d') timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S') self._reports_dir = os.path.join( NIGHTLY_TESTS_RESULTS, '%s.%s' % (timestamp, board), ) def _GetVanillaImageName(self, trybot_image): """Given a trybot artifact name, get latest vanilla image name. Args: trybot_image: artifact name such as 'daisy-release-tryjob/R40-6394.0.0-b1389' Returns: Latest official image name, e.g. 'daisy-release/R57-9089.0.0'. """ # We need to filter out -tryjob in the trybot_image. trybot = re.sub('-tryjob', '', trybot_image) mo = re.search(TRYBOT_IMAGE_RE, trybot) assert mo dirname = IMAGE_DIR.replace('\\', '').format(**mo.groupdict()) return buildbot_utils.GetLatestImage(self._chromeos_root, dirname) def _GetNonAFDOImageName(self, trybot_image): """Given a trybot artifact name, get corresponding non-AFDO image name. We get the non-AFDO image from the PFQ builders. This image is not generated for all the boards and, the closest PFQ image was the one build for the previous ChromeOS version (the chrome used in the current version is the one validated in the previous version). The previous ChromeOS does not always exist either. So, we try a couple of versions before. Args: trybot_image: artifact name such as 'daisy-release-tryjob/R40-6394.0.0-b1389' Returns: Corresponding chrome PFQ image name, e.g. 'daisy-chrome-pfq/R40-6393.0.0-rc1'. """ trybot = re.sub('-tryjob', '', trybot_image) mo = re.search(TRYBOT_IMAGE_RE, trybot) assert mo image_dict = mo.groupdict() image_dict['image_type'] = 'chrome-pfq' for _ in range(2): image_dict['tip'] = str(int(image_dict['tip']) - 1) nonafdo_image = PFQ_IMAGE_FS.replace('\\', '').format(**image_dict) if buildbot_utils.DoesImageExist(self._chromeos_root, nonafdo_image): return nonafdo_image return '' def _TestImages(self, trybot_image, vanilla_image, nonafdo_image): """Create crosperf experiment file. Given the names of the trybot, vanilla and non-AFDO images, create the appropriate crosperf experiment file and launch crosperf on it. """ experiment_file_dir = os.path.join(NIGHTLY_TESTS_DIR, self._weekday) experiment_file_name = '%s_toolchain_experiment.txt' % self._board compiler_string = 'llvm' if USE_LLVM_NEXT_PATCH in self._patches_string: experiment_file_name = '%s_llvm_next_experiment.txt' % self._board compiler_string = 'llvm_next' experiment_file = os.path.join(experiment_file_dir, experiment_file_name) experiment_header = """ board: %s remote: %s retries: 1 cooldown_temp: 40 cooldown_time: 10 cpu_freq_pct: 95 top_interval: 1 """ % (self._board, self._remotes) experiment_tests = """ benchmark: all_toolchain_perf { suite: telemetry_Crosperf iterations: 5 run_local: False } benchmark: loading.desktop { suite: telemetry_Crosperf test_args: --story-tag-filter=typical iterations: 3 run_local: False retries: 0 } """ telemetry_aquarium_tests = """ benchmark: rendering.desktop { run_local: False suite: telemetry_Crosperf test_args: --story-filter=aquarium$ iterations: 5 } benchmark: rendering.desktop { run_local: False suite: telemetry_Crosperf test_args: --story-filter=aquarium_20k$ iterations: 3 } """ with open(experiment_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(experiment_header) f.write(experiment_tests) if self._board not in TELEMETRY_AQUARIUM_UNSUPPORTED: f.write(telemetry_aquarium_tests) # Now add vanilla to test file. official_image = """ vanilla_image { chromeos_root: %s build: %s compiler: llvm } """ % (self._chromeos_root, vanilla_image) f.write(official_image) # Now add non-AFDO image to test file. if nonafdo_image: official_nonafdo_image = """ nonafdo_image { chromeos_root: %s build: %s compiler: llvm } """ % (self._chromeos_root, nonafdo_image) f.write(official_nonafdo_image) label_string = '%s_trybot_image' % compiler_string # Reuse autotest files from vanilla image for trybot images autotest_files = os.path.join('/tmp', vanilla_image, 'autotest_files') experiment_image = """ %s { chromeos_root: %s build: %s autotest_path: %s compiler: %s } """ % (label_string, self._chromeos_root, trybot_image, autotest_files, compiler_string) f.write(experiment_image) crosperf = os.path.join(TOOLCHAIN_DIR, 'crosperf', 'crosperf') noschedv2_opts = '--noschedv2' if self._noschedv2 else '' command = ('{crosperf} --no_email=True --results_dir={r_dir} ' '--intel_pstate=no_hwp --logging_level=verbose ' '--json_report=True {noschedv2_opts} {exp_file}').format( crosperf=crosperf, r_dir=self._reports_dir, noschedv2_opts=noschedv2_opts, exp_file=experiment_file) return self._ce.RunCommand(command) def _SendEmail(self): """Find email message generated by crosperf and send it.""" filename = os.path.join(self._reports_dir, 'msg_body.html') if (os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser(MAIL_PROGRAM))): email_title = 'buildbot llvm test results' if USE_LLVM_NEXT_PATCH in self._patches_string: email_title = 'buildbot llvm_next test results' command = ('cat %s | %s -s "%s, %s %s" -team -html' % (filename, MAIL_PROGRAM, email_title, self._board, self._date)) self._ce.RunCommand(command) def _CopyJson(self): # Copy json report to pending archives directory. command = 'cp %s/*.json %s/.' % (self._reports_dir, PENDING_ARCHIVES_DIR) ret = self._ce.RunCommand(command) # Failing to access json report means that crosperf terminated or all tests # failed, raise an error. if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError( 'Crosperf failed to run tests, cannot copy json report!') def DoAll(self): """Main function inside ToolchainComparator class. Launch trybot, get image names, create crosperf experiment file, run crosperf, and copy images into seven-day report directories. """ buildbucket_id, trybot_image = buildbot_utils.GetTrybotImage( self._chromeos_root, self._build, self._patches, tryjob_flags=['--notests'], build_toolchain=True) print('trybot_url: \ http://cros-goldeneye/chromeos/healthmonitoring/buildDetails?buildbucketId=%s' % buildbucket_id) if not trybot_image: self._l.LogError('Unable to find trybot_image!') return 2 vanilla_image = self._GetVanillaImageName(trybot_image) nonafdo_image = self._GetNonAFDOImageName(trybot_image) print('trybot_image: %s' % trybot_image) print('vanilla_image: %s' % vanilla_image) print('nonafdo_image: %s' % nonafdo_image) ret = self._TestImages(trybot_image, vanilla_image, nonafdo_image) # Always try to send report email as crosperf will generate report when # tests partially succeeded. self._SendEmail() self._CopyJson() # Non-zero ret here means crosperf tests partially failed, raise error here # so that toolchain summary report can catch it. if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError('Crosperf tests partially failed!') return 0 def Main(argv): """The main function.""" # Common initializations command_executer.InitCommandExecuter() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--remote', dest='remote', help='Remote machines to run tests on.') parser.add_argument( '--board', dest='board', default='x86-zgb', help='The target board.') parser.add_argument( '--chromeos_root', dest='chromeos_root', help='The chromeos root from which to run tests.') parser.add_argument( '--weekday', default='', dest='weekday', help='The day of the week for which to run tests.') parser.add_argument( '--patch', dest='patches', help='The patches to use for the testing, ' "seprate the patch numbers with ',' " 'for more than one patches.') parser.add_argument( '--noschedv2', dest='noschedv2', action='store_true', default=False, help='Pass --noschedv2 to crosperf.') options = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) if not options.board: print('Please give a board.') return 1 if not options.remote: print('Please give at least one remote machine.') return 1 if not options.chromeos_root: print('Please specify the ChromeOS root directory.') return 1 fc = ToolchainComparator(options.board, options.remote, options.chromeos_root, options.weekday, options.patches, options.noschedv2) return fc.DoAll() if __name__ == '__main__': retval = Main(sys.argv) sys.exit(retval)