// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package main import ( "fmt" "io" "path/filepath" ) func callCompiler(env env, cfg *config, inputCmd *command) int { exitCode := 0 var compilerErr error if cfg.oldWrapperPath != "" { exitCode, compilerErr = callCompilerWithRunAndCompareToOldWrapper(env, cfg, inputCmd) } else { exitCode, compilerErr = callCompilerInternal(env, cfg, inputCmd) } if compilerErr != nil { printCompilerError(env.stderr(), compilerErr) exitCode = 1 } return exitCode } func callCompilerWithRunAndCompareToOldWrapper(env env, cfg *config, inputCmd *command) (exitCode int, err error) { recordingEnv := &commandRecordingEnv{ env: env, } // Note: this won't do a real exec as recordingEnv redirects exec to run. if exitCode, err = callCompilerInternal(recordingEnv, cfg, inputCmd); err != nil { return 0, err } if err = compareToOldWrapper(env, cfg, inputCmd, recordingEnv.cmdResults, exitCode); err != nil { return exitCode, err } return exitCode, nil } func callCompilerInternal(env env, cfg *config, inputCmd *command) (exitCode int, err error) { if err := checkUnsupportedFlags(inputCmd); err != nil { return 0, err } mainBuilder, err := newCommandBuilder(env, cfg, inputCmd) if err != nil { return 0, err } processPrintConfigFlag(mainBuilder) processPrintCmdlineFlag(mainBuilder) env = mainBuilder.env var compilerCmd *command clangSyntax := processClangSyntaxFlag(mainBuilder) if mainBuilder.target.compilerType == clangType { cSrcFile, useClangTidy := processClangTidyFlags(mainBuilder) sysroot, err := prepareClangCommand(mainBuilder) if err != nil { return 0, err } allowCCache := true if useClangTidy { allowCCache = false clangCmdWithoutGomaAndCCache := mainBuilder.build() if err := runClangTidy(env, clangCmdWithoutGomaAndCCache, cSrcFile); err != nil { return 0, err } } processGomaCCacheFlags(sysroot, allowCCache, mainBuilder) compilerCmd = mainBuilder.build() } else { if clangSyntax { allowCCache := false clangCmd, err := calcClangCommand(allowCCache, mainBuilder.clone()) if err != nil { return 0, err } exitCode, err = checkClangSyntax(env, clangCmd) if err != nil || exitCode != 0 { return exitCode, err } } compilerCmd = calcGccCommand(mainBuilder) } rusageLogfileName := getRusageLogFilename(env) bisectStage := getBisectStage(env) if shouldForceDisableWError(env) { if rusageLogfileName != "" { return 0, newUserErrorf("GETRUSAGE is meaningless with FORCE_DISABLE_WERROR") } if bisectStage != "" { return 0, newUserErrorf("BISECT_STAGE is meaningless with FORCE_DISABLE_WERROR") } return doubleBuildWithWNoError(env, cfg, compilerCmd) } if rusageLogfileName != "" { if bisectStage != "" { return 0, newUserErrorf("BISECT_STAGE is meaningless with GETRUSAGE") } return logRusage(env, rusageLogfileName, compilerCmd) } if bisectStage != "" { compilerCmd = calcBisectCommand(env, bisectStage, compilerCmd) } // Note: We return an exit code only if the underlying env is not // really doing an exec, e.g. commandRecordingEnv. return wrapSubprocessErrorWithSourceLoc(compilerCmd, env.exec(compilerCmd)) } func prepareClangCommand(builder *commandBuilder) (sysroot string, err error) { sysroot = "" if !builder.cfg.isHostWrapper { sysroot = processSysrootFlag(builder) } builder.addPreUserArgs(builder.cfg.clangFlags...) calcCommonPreUserArgs(builder) if err := processClangFlags(builder); err != nil { return "", err } return sysroot, nil } func calcClangCommand(allowCCache bool, builder *commandBuilder) (*command, error) { sysroot, err := prepareClangCommand(builder) if err != nil { return nil, err } processGomaCCacheFlags(sysroot, allowCCache, builder) return builder.build(), nil } func calcGccCommand(builder *commandBuilder) *command { sysroot := "" if !builder.cfg.isHostWrapper { sysroot = processSysrootFlag(builder) } builder.addPreUserArgs(builder.cfg.gccFlags...) if !builder.cfg.isHostWrapper { calcCommonPreUserArgs(builder) } processGccFlags(builder) if !builder.cfg.isHostWrapper { allowCCache := true processGomaCCacheFlags(sysroot, allowCCache, builder) } return builder.build() } func calcCommonPreUserArgs(builder *commandBuilder) { builder.addPreUserArgs(builder.cfg.commonFlags...) if !builder.cfg.isHostWrapper { processPieFlags(builder) processStackProtectorFlags(builder) processThumbCodeFlags(builder) processX86Flags(builder) } processSanitizerFlags(builder) } func processGomaCCacheFlags(sysroot string, allowCCache bool, builder *commandBuilder) { gomaccUsed := false if !builder.cfg.isHostWrapper { gomaccUsed = processGomaCccFlags(builder) } if !gomaccUsed && allowCCache { processCCacheFlag(sysroot, builder) } } func getAbsWrapperPath(env env, wrapperCmd *command) (string, error) { wrapperPath := getAbsCmdPath(env, wrapperCmd) evaledCmdPath, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(wrapperPath) if err != nil { return "", wrapErrorwithSourceLocf(err, "failed to evaluate symlinks for %s", wrapperPath) } return evaledCmdPath, nil } func printCompilerError(writer io.Writer, compilerErr error) { if _, ok := compilerErr.(userError); ok { fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s\n", compilerErr) } else { fmt.Fprintf(writer, "Internal error. Please report to chromeos-toolchain@google.com.\n%s\n", compilerErr) } }